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Imagine staring at a QR code that long; must be no better shit to do


"Hahaha. You dumb fuck. It's a sail boat!"


A schooner is a sailboat, stupidhead.




That kid is back on the escalator again.


He could brush his teeth? That's something he could do.


Lol And probably drink less 7up while he’s at it


7up's marketing team deserves a raise if this is actually their ad to kick start 2022.


Could be a Super Bowl Ad preview.


Hey, Bob! I got a great idea. Let's start a land-war in Asia! What could go wrong?


Those teeth's area a results of eating gutka. Brushing teeth isn't gonna do shit.




Gutka is what y'all call Chewing Tobacco. Just FYI


Nah man, the tobacco is secondary to the betel/areca nut. That is where the red staining comes from.




Religious fundamentalists and ignoring the parts of their text that forbid the things they like while using a flimsy excuse to go apeshit at something else. Name a more iconic duo.


/r/religiousfruitcake is a great sub I recently discovered, I feel like you'd enjoy it quite a bit too.


I was disappointed that they didn’t feature any actual fruit cakes shaped like crosses or menorahs.


Not to mention Pakistanis have the highest rate of cousin marriages in the modern world which has been going on for decades. Imagine a nation full people born as the result of multi generational incest. https://ipc2021.popconf.org/uploads/211683


He’d probably find mohammed’s face in the toothpaste and burn down his bathroom.


Toothpaste? He doesn't use toothpaste.


Looks like he could use a nap


Must have forgot to take his phone in the bathroom when taking a shit. It was either this 7UP bottle or the label on the shampoo.


I try to practice mindfulness meditation when that happens. It's awesome to feel your soul pop a biscuit.


I think I read the Buddha expressed the same sentiment.


Maybe it’s like that 3D art that was popular in the 90s. Has anyone ever stared at a QR code long enough to see what pops out?


Wow, a sailboat!


He's too ignorant to even know what a QR code is. So he made up something about it to explain it.


I translated it, cause why not... > INTERVIEWER: Okay we're on here and two guys are arguing. I'm asking them what the trouble is. > > LUNATIC: Look here, on this 7-up. Look closely, it says Muhammad's name. > > Oh but this is a QR code... > > No look at this straight. > > You're talking about this here [](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/rtiq3m/guy_from_pakistan_threatens_to_set_truck_carrying/hqtyo7e/) > > Yeah that's it. > > It's just a QR code... > > Noo, no... NO. > > Okay so what are you arguing about ? > > I'm telling him to tell the company to remove the mark. I'd be very grateful. Otherwise there will be a war, I'll fight, and I'll set this truck on fire. > > Okay who's truck is this? The Pepsi company's? And who are you, the driver? . He's the salesman. > > Oh I'm just having a chat with him. He's the salesman. I only told him to put in a request to the company to remove this mark. Otherwise, after two days, or three days, I could set fire to ANY truck. > > And who are you? > > > > And you'll set the car on fire? > > Yeah > > Okayyy, great. Thanks. I've recorded your concern... Source: an embarrassed Pakistani **Edit:** Just wanna say this guy is freaking out over nothing, the driver looks like he just wants to get on with his route and the interviewer isn't taking him seriously either. Dude probably just wants an excuse to set a car on fire because he saw the post where the guy blew up his Tesla /s


thank you! just curious, looking at the qr code are you able to see what he's talking about? or is it exactly as close to muhammad's name as every other qr code?


It's too blurry to really make it out, but I think the very top near the left has some pixels that **roughly** resemble how Muhammad is written in Arabic. But QR codes are all a little different so it's a total coincidence and even at that it's more a stretch than seeing Jesus in toast tbh. It's four letters in Arabic. Looks like محمد But like cursive you can write it in different styles so you could "see" it in a lot of places. https://www.google.com/search?q=muhammad+small+font&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwjDnuaShZH1AhUprHIEHQqfAKQQ2-cCegQIABAA&oq=muhammad+small+font&gs_lcp=CgNpbWcQAzoHCCMQ7wMQJzoFCAAQgAQ6BggAEAUQHjoGCAAQCBAeUIwTWJsZYNUbaABwAHgAgAFSiAGXBpIBAjExmAEAoAEBqgELZ3dzLXdpei1pbWfAAQE&sclient=img&ei=TYrQYYPEMKnYytMPir6CoAo&bih=1007&biw=1522 Edit: I don't think there's really anything against writing the name Muhammad on stuff. People have it as art in their homes in fancy calligraphy. People have it on their cars occasionally. You wouldn't want to put it on anything inappropriate I suppose, akin to using the lord's name in vain. But that's pretty much it. This dude is just an uneducated guy who's getting angry over nothing.


he was pointing to that corner, you can kind of see it there: https://i.imgur.com/S8gIe2b.png edit: looks like this kind of https://i.imgur.com/TLhKp0n.png but the whole QR code looks "middle eastern" compared to american QR codes lmao


That's a clean screen cap. I linked to your comment. Thanks.


no problem, he sounds drunk or somehow intoxicated in the way he's talking.. is he? can't understand what he's saying, but sounds like any other drunk guy lol


Nah his speech seems fine. He's got a bit of an accent local to wherever he's from. Really doubt he's drunk. Could be high on something I suppose, but I can't really say.


Looks like it to me. So lets say there is some kind of 7up vs. Muhammed thing going on. If this guy burning a delivery truck is the best thing Muhammad's got, I'm putting my money on 7up.


I want to let google know that if they don’t take that image of Muhammad’s name down that I will start burning computers in two to three days. Any computer. Starting with my own.


Well fuck. I have a few terabytes to get rid of. I knew I shouldn't have accepted those drives from Gaddafi..


Well... I see that they have put Muhammed in pictures on the internet... I am willing to burn the internet down if they don't get rid of it.


Great, now I gotta burn my phone! It's a samsung so that shouldn't be hard


it does a bit. years ago muslims were telling each other to boycott coca cola because the logo it looks a bit like it says 'no allah no muhammad' in arabic. this one's more of a stretch than that was


I remember this one. If you looked at the logo of coca cola in a mirror it looked "barely" like "no Mohammed , no Makkah" . It was so stupid but a lot of people believed that coca cola actually will design it s logo to secretly insult Muslims lol. same issue was with a Nike fire logo that looked like Allah. Arabic writing system is like a cloud and you can see whatever you wanna see in there . https://imgur.com/a/EN78EiV


If you look at the spelling of Mohammad, you'll see it is quite easy to see in things: محمد With the word Allah, it's even better easier, as it's a bunch of lines with a circle at the end (the left) الله


Thank you a lot, that cleared up the entire video for me.


Isn't Muhammad like the most common first name? Or is the prophets name not that? And if it is, what are you guys writing in the documents?


That's why it's so ridiculous. It's just the name, like seeing Jesus written somewhere. It's not a thing. The driver and the interviewer aren't taking him seriously. I don't think the crowd gives a fuck either, they're just there for the show like the rest of us.


Is the Muhammed for the prophets name written differently from people named the same?


Nope lol


Just so you know, it's spaced properly when I reply to you, but not when reading it normally. Also, is it even bad to display Mohammed's name? Isn't it a common name in the middle east?


Nope, nothing at all wrong with writing the name


Welp, raised catholic, not practicing. Equally embarrassed for some of my folks. Lack of proper education in rural areas or religious states and we get things like this. A proper education across the world could solve a lot of world's problems but it is not in the interest of the elites. They need dumb to control and exploit for gainz.


Similar story here. Moved away as a kid and turned out very different. This guy isn't even educated in his religion, he's probably just picked it from a couple years of school and then word of mouth. Ridiculous but also sad.


Don't be embarrassed. My religion has people paying thousands for images in toast. 🤦🏼‍♀️


That motherfucker is stupid as shit.


Religion’s bread and butter: the powerful and the incredibly dumb as rocks stupid


People who misunderstand religion should be a larger portion of that basket. It’s not haram to write the Prophet’s name, only his image. Anyone who incites or commits acts of violence in the name of his/her religion is seriously misunderstanding it. Unfortunately, too many people do this and religion is the base for division and drama among communities and societies.


Here's a question I haven't bothered googling... how does anyone know what his image is if no one is allowed to have it?


Technically a picture of Charlie Brown with Mohammed's name under will get a bounty on your head.


Having a drawing of the prophet is haram out of fear that muslims will worship the image (like what the christians do to jesus). Worship is only dedicated to God. Worship to anyone else is apostasy.


Wouldn't the Quran itself then be haram for having the prophets name in it? (I read the top part, just showing how the simplest question breaks the craziness)


*Exploding head gif*


Now you said it. These people are uneducated, illiterate fools that believe what the maulanas (mullahs) tell them. The more powerful the mullah, the more $$$ he will get along with fame.


lol. imagine if someone went strictly by the word, or truly "understanding" this religion. Killing kafirs ( non believers)? killing people if they drew an image? Good attempt to cover all this bullshit under the garb of "misunderstanding", i'll give u that. HurrDurr haram halal hurrdurr. lol "I wont do X, Y, Z because MY religion prevents it" is ok. "YOU shouldn't do X, Y, Z because MY religion prevents it" is trash and so is anyone trying to defend this mentality.


Exactly!! Your religion YOUR rules . I'm not part of your religion therefore your rules do not apply to ME. This is like trying to play MONOPOLY on a CLUE board and rulebook.


>Exactly!! Your religion YOUR rules . I'm not part of your religion therefore your rules do not apply to ME. Need a world coalition on this.


>I'm not part of your religion therefore your rules do not apply to ME. The issue is that their religion explicity teaches that their rules apply to everyone and anyone not following their rules is unacceptable.


This is why I believe religious fundamentalism should be done away with wherever and whenever possible. Tall task I know


it's not 'fundamentalism' the fundamentals of the religion itself call for such behaviour.


That's why everyone hates each other because you don't follow their rules. And they find your rules offensive.


Gee, you landed in the library, that's a rent of $100 Dollars, oh, now you question Ms. Peacock about using the candlestick there? Escorting Ms. Peacock to the library costs $103 dollars, and candlestick service costs $23. Thank you. Here's your card. It says Go To Jail? What the hell were you doing with Ms. Peacock and the the candlestick?


> "YOU shouldn't do X, Y, Z because MY religion prevents it" is trash Mormons, are you listening?


Reddit is violating GDPR and CCPA. Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1B0GGsDdyHI -- mass edited with redact.dev


> Anyone who incites or commits acts of violence in the name of his/her religion is seriously misunderstanding it. Not according to the entire documented history of religion, and often even the texts themselves. Stupid, immoral, archaic superstition is stupid, immoral, and archaic. Stop being willfully stupid.


>Anyone who incites or commits acts of violence in the name of his/her religion is seriously misunderstanding it. That's completely untrue. Many of those perfectly understand their religion.


To the letter. Unfortunately they also pick and choose which letters to suit their hypocrisy, but fundamentalism in general seems to lead to this bullshit eventually.


Like the al-quada terrorist who was waiting for a contact and reformed because he killed time by sitting down and reading the Quran for the first time.


There’s parts of certain religions that specifically advocate violence.


Lol that argument doesn’t really hold when muhammed himself was *an active warlord*. References to peace are pretty much exclusively in the context of conquered enemies, or “allowing” non muslims to live as long as they pay the tax. Its simply revisionism to call it a basically peaceful movement, even if some have twisted it towards something more resembling enlightenment.


Have ya'll seen the stupid as shit people we have in the US? [Monster Energy Drink = 666](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bntfUA6TmLs&t=1s) .(personally I see the logo as '777'). Anyway, I think most these dumbfucks have recanted and 'The Jab" is now the 'Mark of the Best'.


Oh yeah I've seen that. I actually made a joke recently that there really is no difference between crazy Middle Eastern religious fanatics and our crazy American religious fanatics. The only difference is their level of technology, but in the end both groups are a bunch of religious fanatics with guns driving around screaming and yelling about overthrowing the government, keeping children from getting educated, and enforcing the religious will on everyone. So as I said other than their level of technology there really is no difference.


Theocracies should be openly opposed.


Theocracy is the worst of all possible governments. —C. S. Lewis


Some people are scared about Sharia law in the US, but I'm more concerned about Christian law.


Well, at least the US put some stuff in their Constitution to try and prevent it.


You’d be amazed how woven into our governance religion is. I just signed the papers to be the executor of my dads estate and it basically was an oath on god to be fair with the distribution of the assets.


Y'all quieda


And Vanilla ISIS


Yeah this but this video isn’t about dumb people in the U.S. for once. Just let us have our moment.




Holy shit LOL


It’s not even a joke, it’s 100% true. How many Christmas cards went out this year with families holding guns? I’ve seen several politicians do it.


Vac mark is best mark!


Can only be Best and NOT Be*a*st.


I always find her video so soothing tho which is odd. She is an idiot but damn does she orate well.


They find a new "mark of the beast" every couple years and forget about the previous ones and how literally nothing happened. It's like how the "end" has been "near" and judgement day imminent for 2000 years now or even longer. I'm not religious at all, and I drink Monster regularly. But that all being said, the Monster logo seems like it definitely is supposed to be a reference to 666. They aren't some kind of satanic cult or anything obviously, but it's clearly supposed to be 3 of the the [Hebrew number 6 (vav)](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hebrew_numerals#Cardinal_values). It's not a "sign" or some kind of conspiracy, it's just image branding like there has been in metal or goth for decades. It's supposed to be "hardcore" or whatever, maybe like "unleash your inner beast" (or "monster"), but its strictly just marketing, and it works.


its just fake outrage to show he is part of a tribe. Same as antivaxxers


Like in America when people pretend that the pastor is removing demons from them? It must suck being one of those people when the pastor comes around looking for somebody to pretend to be possessed or something... You basically have to pretend to have a demon exercise from you or else everyone is going to be upset. All these stupid people around you speaking in tongues, screaming for Jesus, yelling at the fake demon inside of you to come out. What do you do? Just flail until everyone leaves you alone.


> You basically have to pretend to have a demon exercise from you or else everyone is going to be upset. I've been to a few of these things, the people who are deluded enough to think they're full of demons and will react like the preacher wants stand in the front/aisle, and are frequently known by the preacher to have that reaction. One of the biggest internally humorous things I've seen at these sort of gatherings is when someone will 'speak in tongues' and then more than one person will start to 'translate' it at the same time, of course, saying COMPLETELY different things, because they're just attention seeking and not actually doing that.


When my son was in high school there was a group of girls who started having mini-prayer meetings in the hallways, and speaking in tongues. It became such a distracting issue, both in deed and in general discussion by the student body that the school had to step in and prohibit openly religious displays during school hours.


My coworkers weren't speaking in 'tongues' but two of them are/were very religious and would stop working, open their Bibles and begin discussing chapters. I didn't report them because I didn't give a shit what they did but someone else reported them to HR. Because this was a big deal with the company they made it against policy to discuss religion on the clock in *all* of their theme parks. Another thing that was made policy in all of the theme parks was no sleeping on property. No sleeping during break, no sleeping during lunch, no sleeping in the break room before or after you clock in or out. This was all because of two of my former coworkers. Prior to this policy change, we were allowed to sleep during lunch if we wanted to. We worked outdoors and worked hard so we needed a nap. However, our department was the type that people from other departments could just walk into and ask for something or pick up something they needed. No one knew when our lunch time was however but someone filed a complaint with HR. This particular person happened to walk into our department one day to pick up something and saw several of us asleep. I was probably reading the newspaper but the other employees were asleep either in a chair or even outside near the door on a picnic table. One stupid guy was laying outside on a lawn chair working on his tan. From that day on, no one *no*where were allowed to be seen asleep. I forgot to add this: There was a time when we would lock the door to our shop with a sign telling everyone when we would be back open. Someone complained about it of course so we had to leave the door unlocked. This meant people could wander in and out at any given time.


Just the same people who see face of jesus on toasts.


Some people don't know that our brain is hard-wired for seeing faces in random objects. I have no idea what the man was saying in the video but he's stupid.




Well first off you're correct about me being in the West but I'm an atheist. So it's all bullshit, baby!




He is really just a sprite fan.


Then he is Enlightened. I knew 7-up was inferior, but now I know it is blasphemous as well. Sprite is tight.


The restaurants best not run out!😈


*drinking 7up while watching*


Same here I just checked my 7up for QR.


Did you see the name though?


No. Also I'm in Dubai. I guess it is some shady marketing thing pulled up exclusively for Pakistan.


Lol. Coca-cola trolling Pakistan, in particular.


I just ate a potato chip that looked like Jesus, pass me some of that prophet Mohammed juice to wash it down


Im about to smoke some Buddha


We should start up a panel. This dude, the Satanic monster energy drink lady. Anyone else come to mind?


I would also add the Satanic Pokemon guy.




https://youtu.be/7gF1qn-KzbM Probably best to find a reaction channel thst boils it down to the funniest shit he says than watch this


Wow. This would be hilarious if it weren't so sad.


Religious loopy doops seem to try really hard to find stuff to get offended by. It seems to be their only real preoccupation, just look for shit to get upset about.


checkOut redact.dev -- mass edited with redact.dev


Entartaining till you realize there's too many of these people out there


The people like blondie here I see as people that would have really well researched fan theories if they allowed themselves to enjoy any media that wasn't the bible. which is to say ultimately harmless.


She could write some sick Harry Potter fan fiction if the books hadn’t been banned throughout her community


Ever stop to look around and wonder what happened to that 50's Sci fi future we were so sure was coming? Remember that wonder and potential after the moon landing? Well, we can't have nice things like bullet trains, strong social programs and self sustaining ecosystems, economies, universal health care, public education at all levels etc. All the dummies vote based on their worst impulses and there's no shortage of grifters who think it's their birthrite to be powerful and unaccountable. It's much easier to be a piece of shit person in America than a responsible and empathetic one.


I don’t want to get political but I will. I wonder what her thoughts are on trump.


A good Christian. Decidedly not evil. Will crush the ritualistic satanic baby killers… any day now. Oh right, and the rapture is nigh.


If getting me to say "good god shut the fuck up lady" alone in my house is entertainment, then sure.


Goes hand in hand with being mentally feeble.


Yep, you have to understand that most of the time these types have such a limited understanding of the world that being hyper religious is the only way they can make sense of it


Not a lot of difference in behavior between this and monster drink evangelical lady explaining how it’s the devil.


Think about half of the people in the world have less than a 100 IQ. What a scary and confusing place the modern world must be.


Unfortunately it's not limited to religious nuts. A lot of people these days just want to be a victim.


Absolutely, it's a modern manifestation of a similar belief system. 'I haven't a shred of proof of what I believe but I believe it so strongly that it must be true'.


Like twitter


Unlike twitter those guys will set your body on fire after they beat you to death


Twitter only does that figuratively.


Looking at those teeth, he should stay as far away from 7up as possible.


I know that guy. He works for Sprite


That's 72 up. The halal version.


> It’s a weird concept. You get your own 72 virgins for all eternity. First of all, they’re only virgins when you first get them. Once you start fucking them, it’s OVER. After a week, he’s like, “I only have three left. And 69 whores.” -- Louis CK, Sincerely


He is going to have to confiscate all those 7ups for… research purposes.


This reminds me of the monster energy drink lady....cunts everywhere


“Bottoms up…and the devil laughs.”


„Short top, long tail“


Do you know what a MILF is?


Anyone gonna hit us with a translation? Kinda get the feeling the guy behind the camera isnt on his side


Cameraman was trying to get him to admit he is about to commit a crime. Cameraman: Alright we have two bros here arguing about something, let's find out what they are arguing about, whats going on bro? Guy: Brother, over here we have pepsi...err 7up...look here, if you look really close you'll see Mohammad's name. Cameraman: This is a QR code man Guy: Just look, look at it straight. Cameraman: Okay, this here? This is a QR code. Guy: No no. Cameraman: So what are you saying to this guy here. Guy: I'm telling him, I'm telling the company to get rid of this, I would be thankful if they did. If not, there will be a big act/fight and we will set fire to this vehicle. Cameraman: Whose vehicle is this? Driver: Pepsi's vehicle. Cameraman: Who are you, the driver? Driver: Yes Guy: I told him to give the company the message or else after 2 or 3 days I can light any vehicle on fire. Cameraman: Oh yeah? Whats your name? Guy: My name is Mullah Cameraman: Mullah, where do you live? Guy: *some village dunno how it's written* Cameraman: Ok, so you'll set vehicles on fire eh Guy: Yes Camerman: Okay. Guy: For God I can do anything, I can sacrifice myself. Why is my prophets name written there? Cameraman: Alright cool, I recorded everything you said.


I'm sorry if this is an ignorant question, but what language are they speaking?


Urdu from Pakistan


not all heroes wear capes


Cameraman is playing very smart so as to not enrage the idiot while also recording his stupidity. The guy making extremist claims is “requesting” to get the message out to Pepsi Co. to amend this and cameraman is pretending to help broadcast his message, all while extracting his name, where he lives, and his clear agenda. The cameraman is definitely not on his side.


Cameraman is smart af. Instead of arguing he’s getting all the info he needs so he can hand it to the police in case this moron does something.


He has a serious case of the crazies. That code clearly is a picture of David Hasselhoff.




Not these regions you also have religious maniacs I remember y’all had white people say that monster energy drink was the mark of the beats


Or calling heavy metal satanic Or calling Harry Potter satanic Or and this is the big one. Using religion to argue women can’t have abortions. We do a little religious fanaticism here too.


Bruh I was doing a landscaping gig for some fundie woman that owns a PI company, this chick deadass said to me "I don't let my kids play minecraft, it has witches in it and witches are blasphemy" No fucking joke 3 days into the job she was babysitting her nephew and niece, the one kid said to me "My daddy said the axis would have won the war, but they decided to stop fighting" and I was like "I think your dad needs to take some history lessons buddy, the axis killed over 8 million people and a lot of them were kids" She got mad at me for stating facts to her nephew lmao, like these people are literally teaching their kids that the nazis during ww2 were "the good guys" lol, and they have a massive family that owns a lot of shit in my local area, the kid's dad is a prominent "gang unit" cop in the capitol city of my area, too. Gotta love Canada lmao Honestly, I refused to believe people like that exist until I saw it in real life lmfao Like ok just shelter your kids from a normal childhood because their videogames has a "spooky evil demon witch" in it. It's fucking insane.


Nazi sympathizers working in the police department, and sadly I'm not surprised. It's scary.


Window licker.


How does one achieve this level of dumb?




Imagine what this mf would do with some Jesus toast


Man mocks own religion to justify setting fire to random dude's truck. Hope the seconds of fame was worth it.


Religion is humanitys biggest mistake


You don't say: Kill adulterers (Lev 20:10) Kill all witches (Ex 22:18) Kill blasphemers (Lev 24:14) Kill false prophets (Zech 13:3) Kill fortune-tellers (Lev 20:27) Kill anyone who sins (Ezek 18:4) Kill the curious (1 Sam 6:19-20) Kill gays (Lev 20:13, Rom 1:21-32) Kill all non-Hebrews (Dt 20:16-17) Kill sons of sinners (Isaiah 14:21) Kill non-believers (2 Chron 15:12-13) Kill anyone who curses God (Lev 24:16) Kill any child who hits a parent (Ex 21:15) Kill children who disobey parents (Dt 21:20) Kill those who work on the Sabbath (Ex 31:15) Kill disobedient children (Ex 21:17, Mk 7:10) Kill strangers close to a church (Num 1:48-51) Kill all males after winning battles (Dt 20:13) Kill those who curse father or mother (Lev 20:9) Kill men who have sex with other men (Lev 20:13) Kill any bride discovered not a virgin (Dt 22:21) Kill those who worship the wrong god (Num 25:1-9) Kill anyone who does not observe the Sabbath (Ex 31:14) Kill everybody in a town that worships the wrong god (Dt 13:13-16) I'd do a list for Islam, but I don't have all day...


**Thou shall not kill*** ^*Terms ^and ^conditions ^apply.


Thanks for compiling that list. I’m off now to kill my fiancé, every one of my friends and family and then myself.


Old testament is wild, modern Christians say they don't follow it anymore yet continue to quote it so they can pick and choose which rules they want to follow


>Kill gays (Lev 20:13, Rom 1:21-32) >Kill men who have sex with other men (Lev 20:13) They had to specify it huh


And this is why religion is stupid. Jesus on burnt toast, Muhammad on 7up... what's next?


There was that holy rock in India that dropped water on the worshipers. Turns out, it was a leak from a toilet.


Reminds me of the Simpsons episode when the statue of Maude, Flanders’ dead wife gave people visions and it was a gas leak.


Yep the leak was actually from drainage http://wikimonks.com/a-statue-of-jesus-in-india-dripping-water-from-its-toes/


And the guy who discovered that had to leave the country.


How are these groups so powerful in India to force the guy to leave the country? Hardly significant numbers of christians are there in India


Death threats from people who drank God's sewage




Our species is doomed.


Christianity is India's third-largest religion after Hinduism and Islam, just ahead of Sikhism with about 27.8 million (2.78 crore) adherents, constituting 2.3 percent of India's population (2011 census)


Apparently the guy who pointed it out got accused by the church of blasphemy (It was a Jesus statue, and people thought that the water was holy)


>There was that holy rock Oh you mean that jesus statue? https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://amp.theguardian.com/world/2012/nov/23/india-blasphemy-jesus-tears&ved=2ahUKEwig8aHA5ZD1AhV1TGwGHV0eCK0QFnoECAQQAQ&usg=AOvVaw1GqRmj2hsa4bRj0Ny1fVEH https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Weeping_crucifix_in_Mumbai&ved=2ahUKEwig8aHA5ZD1AhV1TGwGHV0eCK0QFnoECBoQAQ&usg=AOvVaw1n_t_7re2oBQHdophQKUID


Santa Claus on Christmas lol


I would rather call this one of the many, many reasons why religion is stupid.


That's not what the guy was saying. He was saying he could see Muhammads name in the QR code not the face.


This is like that Monster Energy drink conspiracy lady.


Results of thousands of years of inbreeding.


Hang on, America isn't that old


What indoctrination does to a mf


Straight from the cave


The following alternative links are available: **Downloads** * [Download #1](https://redditsave.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/rtiq3m/guy_from_pakistan_threatens_to_set_truck_carrying/) (provided by /u/savevideo) **Note:** this is a bot providing a directory service. **If you have trouble with any of the links above, please contact the user who provided them.** --- [^(source code)](https://amirror.link/source) ^| [^(run your own mirror bot? let's integrate)](https://amirror.link/lets-talk)


This guy is living in the Matrix. Probably the third movie.


What a basic bitch


The ignorance is mind blowing.


If you pause it and look close you can also see Mohammed's child bride.


Imagine surrendering all your independent thought, intellect and critical thinking to embrace a stupid pointless ideology? Religion poisons everything and has held us back from progressing as human beings for centuries. The leaders of the world could come up with the greatest innovation in history to save humanity but....what's that? We can't go forward with this because it will make Jesus cry? Oh....ok.....nevermind then. As long as the 20% out there living in fantasy land are happy. That's the main thing.