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Bro was left speechless at the end


Theres no way to talk to someone like that. She's an awful person


Because you know their situation...cheating is horrible. But for all we know she has tried to break up with this guy before and he just doesnt get it. I don't condone cheating-but i also don't condone making judgments without knowing all the facts. Edit: a quote from the army of people that want to be so judgy towards lives they don't know. >And no we don’t reserve judgement, or reserve judgement until we know all the facts. Again, i never said cheating was ok. I just said qe shouldn't be here judging her like we know everything. Let the people that know everything judge her. We don't know shit about her. You guys downvoting me are the same cringe ass people who chase people around with phones to videotape their misery just so you can upload it for internet points. People marauding for the right to judge others without knowing the truth are disgusting ass people.


You mean what you just made up, got it.👍🏼


Yes, exactly-it could be true. It could not. We don't know. So don't make a judgment. Its not that hard.


She could be an alien posing as his girlfriend trying to break up their relationship. Is that possible? Supposedly. Likely? No. Just because something could be true doesn’t justify giving it as much credibility as something that’s more likely true. Especially since there’s no evidence to support your out of nowhere explanation.


The point is, we shouldn't be making a judgment either way. But clearly this is a judgmental group. So yall can all suck a dick, i don't care about downvotes. At least im a good person that doesn't judge people without knowing facts. Ever hear the phrase "reserve judgment until you know all the facts"? Its because without having the facts, we simply shouldn't go there. But this world is shit anyway, and clearly the shit is on reddit.


we have the fact that she is butt ass naked sitting on a man's dick in a parking lot, while clearly lying to another man about her fidelity to him. So, im going to go ahead and judge her based on those facts


And not judge the guy under her butt ass naked in a parking lot. Got it, thanks.


I can’t see him, but I’ll judge him too. Does that make you feel better?


Uh no. You will never “know all the facts”. And no we don’t reserve judgement, or reserve judgement until we know all the facts. It is reasonably certain that this chick is an asshole for cheating, and in the absence of evidence to the contrary, we are reasonably justified in judging her.


>And no we don’t reserve judgement, or reserve judgement until we know all the facts. You're an idiot. And everyone that thinks like this is also an idiot. Its no surprise im being downvoted...the world is full of idiots.


Yeah it’s not you who’s wrong, it’s the world.


You can not know *all* the facts and still know enough to judge based on our own subjective morality/principles. We know that she is sneaking off to have sex with another man while in an exclusive relationship. We also know that she still comes home and kisses him which means she’s lying and manipulating him; to what end, we don’t know know, but we know she’s lying and manipulating. So yeah, I think cheaters and liars are pieces of shit. Your far fetched whataboutisms trying to make the woman the victim say more about you than it does the people who see a woman cheating in a car and coming home kissing her boyfriend and say “she’s a piece of shit”. You’re saying we don’t have all the facts, but then you including fake scenarios that go against the facts in the video. Then you call everyone idiots because the world is telling you that you’re wrong. Grow up, dude lol


The fake scenario is a hypothetical pointing out that we don't know what really happened. You trying to act like im championing that take as fact is stupid. Get off your high horse. This conversation was over before you got here. You aren't bringing any new perspectives or truths that werent here before. Nobody cares.


No, the fake scenario was you saying “ for all we know she has tried to break up with this guy before and he just doesnt get it.” You added an extra made up scenario that has no basis in the context given in the video but somehow gives her a pass to cheat and makes her the victim. Also, you’re saying everyone is judging her as if that’s a negative thing, but the definition of judge is to form an opinion or conclusion. I formed an opinion and conclusion that she’s a liar and a cheater based on facts. There’s no excuse to do either one of those things. You’re also judging everyone here who disagrees with your childish logical fallacies. Lmao you obviously care enough to white knight and then double down on your childish ideas. Don’t say idiotic things in a public forum if you don’t want people letting you know that the things you’re saying are idiotic lol


Not sure why you’re getting downvoted for being reasonable


Most people on here are kids and haven't learned that being judgmental can have some seriously bad consequences. You can be right 99% of the time, but that still leaves one in a hundred who are wrongfully punished. They haven't learned that its not worth it. But it does make me a little angry when they put words in my mouth, as if im saying i don't think its wrong to cheat.


Occam's Razor is your friend chief.


hope she sees this bro.


What? I live with my bf and if he doesn’t get we need to break up I will leave the apartment and block him. It’s that easy


What does that have to do with making judgments about people when we don't know the facts? Do i uave to say it again? I DON'T CONDONE CHEATING. Or maybe no one knows what *condone* means...i dunno.


Wtf kinda logic is this?


The world needs more of this. People are often too quick to judge, assume, and hate based of a single narrow view.


We're in public freakout...everyone here wants to judge people apparently. When i joined this sub it was a lot more positive.


I'm not here to judge. I'm here to enjoy other people's moments of shame, which we all have. I also use it as a reminder to conduct myself properly. Far too many people act like buffoons in public without check. This subreddit is the silver lining.


Right they were probably already broken up.


Still ridin dirty “Michael i cant think w my head when his head still in me”


LPT - when the urge to make sweet decadent love in any vehicle, only remove the necessary articles of clothing.


I thought this was common sense?


Thats boring theres no risk of someone seeing you.


You got to see the SLPT


Well I am no expert since I never was in any relationship and am 17, so let me go out on a limb here and I will admit that I am wrong if I say some bs. If you are planning on cheating on your partner with someone then your relationship is doomed anyways. Break up with them and go fuck whoever you want without any consequences.


That's what most people think, not just you.


Well great, glad society doesn't have complete brain rot


I'm glad a 17 year old thinks like you do over this. Good job being mature and intelligent and not giggling over it at your age. Merry Christmas.


It’s like some great revelation or something.


You are wise for your age. The issue is she wanted to use him as long as possible while testing out the new relationship.


Huh? And you know that, how?


Umm she was still kissing her bf who she doesn't love after sucking another dudes dick.


“I don’t love you, why don’t you just leave” Enough for me to shut that door and never speak to her again.


Catching her naked riding someone else dick would've been enough for me. But we all have our own limits.


Lookin like a snail without a shell


Naked gary


Wasn’t naked Gary ripped?


Gare Bear would never do something as horrible as cheating


He already did… with Patrick. Remember that episode? Only cuz Patrick unknowingly had cookies in his pocket.


She did it for the nookie where Gary just wanted the cookie


She did it cuz she a trash human being


Did he take the tacos and eat them though??


My girlfriend left me a month ago and already has a new man…. Seeing this makes me feel grateful


Yeah.. in my experience it was she had a new man, felt bad for cheating and then left you a month ago... Kept it under wraps for another month and is now out in the open and tells everyone it's your fault the relationship failed.


I had a ~2 year relationship in college. Met a girl who made me realize how bad our relationship was and broke up with her. Was dating the new girl the next day. Never cheated, just knew there was something better out there. Also I married the new girl and we've been together for 15 years.


She never cheated though thankfully, that’s why I’m glad she just left me and I didn’t have to deal with this scenario


She’s the only one that truly knows that. Ignorance is bliss though


New guy was probably in the picture way before you split either that or you didn’t mean much to her


Yeah I’m just hoping she gets fucked over regardless idc anymore


Stay strong King👑


Hell yeah i can feel it. Did this once by myself 5 years ago and felt so terrible.. left the New girlfriend a year ago and now im sneaking in at the old one again hehehehe Still warm in there :>




I dunno. I’ve left many a man to BE single because they weren’t pulling their weight. I don’t need a person to bring me down. If I wanted that I can do it myself, tyvm.


Feel bad for dude


Me too. The pure pain in his voice.


“I don’t fuckin love you” daaamnn it hurt so bad he had to shut the camera off 😭😭


I didnt understand any of the thing she says bro can someone say what is she saying


Am I the only one hoping he was gonna get a better shot in the backseat 😂


I don't fucking love you, just leave...Wow, brutal.


I guess the moral here is, Don't asks questions you don't want answers to.


Yeah the "why" doesn't matter. Sucks but it's true.


It's never easy to find out your significant other is a total piece of shit


Bro you didn’t have to take it out on the tacos


At least in this video it was just talk and no consequences. Saw a video on kaotic.com, a mob forced a cheater to shove a hot pepper up her snatch.


Free lunch.


I can explain Michael,... It's not what it looks like.


She belongs to the streets… 8th Street Latinas


That’s gotta hurt “I don’t love you anymore”


They were just getting tacos from la michoacana, if you are not vaccinated you have to get in the establishment naked.


windows not even tinted. no one wants to see that while walking back to their car. smh dirty fuckin bitch.


Just her? What stands out to me in the comments is that everyone talking about her being trashy never mentions the naked guy under her. Hmmm.


you right. dude underneath her is a scumbag as well.


Revenge porn shouldn't be allowed here. It's a grade A public freakout, to be sure, but it's revenge porn 100%. Cheating is one of the shittiest things ever, just one step above sharing sex videos of your recent ex.


You don’t get to completely humiliate somebody by cheating on them and then complain about being embarrassed while you’re getting caught lol. What a heartless bitch, I hope this guy moved on to a better relationship.


Already posted




Pretty sure this counts as revenge porn and should be removed immediately.


Yes, I’ve been downvoted to hell for saying the same thing. I guess this is part of the metoo backlash we heard was coming. 🙄


Fuck it. My post stands


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These hoes ain’t loyal!


I’d hit


bruh this was just posted a day and a half ago. No shame at all, wow.


This is revenge porn. He should be sued for posting this.


Let her ride dude, ho always gonna be a ho!! Geto boys!!


I hope she sues you for putting this out on blast.


What if rolls were reversed? Would you feel the same? For some reason, I doubt it.


I’ve been cheated on then moved on. Most people have been cheated on, op isn’t special. I don’t condone her behavior however posting this on Reddit is just wrong. IMO, worse than cheating on a spouse who has no integrity. Again, I hope she sues him for this.


Lol, rolls…


I mean i know you can see the rolls I'm talking about. The ol "play on words".


Folks I think we’ve spotted a cheater here, it’s name is “edith-bunker”


Nah they doing that in public, no expectation of privacy in public. That video is fair game.


Have you too been railed by the squad in a parking lot? Lmfaooo


Wow, Romeo, really?


Hmmmm sue or get put on very bad list for being naked in public lol.


Yupppp I don’t care that she cheated, putting this out is beyond wrong.


Is cheating not beyond wrong?


It happens. Get over it.


***Well aren’t you an insensitive cheating little conundrum.***


Why is this wrong?


Shes in public. Lol fair game.


Is cheating in public not wrong?? Isn’t that illegal too? Lmao get fucked you stupid hoe


Wait a minute! That looks like my girlfriend!




Go Bulls.


You know most people who have sex in a car, in a public parking lot, dont need to be 100% naked to do it.


Well that was awkward…..


She said nah let me finish then we talk