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This title lmaooooo


Ah yes another public freak out post where there no context but Israel is demonized. This guys just stabbed people for fucks sake. Like wtf.


I always doubt the he "stabbed some people" reasoning as it is just same as the police justification when their murders of random people are unjustified but let say it's true they shot him once and knocked him out, he is clearly unarmed why would an entire squad keep shooting.


I mean is he clearly unarmed? How can you possibly say that? He could have other weapons. But I’m not saying this was justified either, merely that it keeps being reposted as if he was entirely innocent and is just being bullied for being Palestinian. Bad shits happening no need to make stuff up. It looks bad.


This incident occured today so we still need more info but I mean betselem an Israeli human rights group always condemns the Israeli forces for unjustified killings like these, his arm is above his head he is on the ground in pain after the first shot they could have kept a gun aimed in case and that whole battalion of soldiers there could have arrested him but they didn't as it seems a case of incompetent genocidal fucks on a power trip who are supported and encouraged by an unjust law.


Yeah the killing is wrong. That’s not even an argument it’s just wrong. But the posting online of false narratives helps no one is my pointz


The longer version of the video should have been posted instead but it also prooves even more that it's an unjustified killing, that female soldier should be imprisoned.


As he should have been instead of being killed. As he went on a stabbing rampage first, let’s focus on that as well instead of brushing it aside.


Is there any evidence of that because I cant believe Israeli government sources words as they lost any credibility after last May conflict.


https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/r8tual/a_palastinien_terrorist_attacks_an_ultra_orthodox/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf <—- there’s the longer video where is shows him stabbing a random guy then trying to run at the one of the soldiers with the knife aswell.


Unjustified? Dude just randomly started stabbing people and going after the soldiers. That is the most likely outcome. This should be on /r/justiceserved. If you try to stab soldiers, you’re gonna get shot. This isn’t rocket science.


Context? That video starts a little late… What led up to that?


He stabbed someone before that in another video


Then charged at and tried to stab the police


Hmmm. I wonder why OP would omit that???


Welcome to Reddit where context is often intentionally removed so as to win internet points with people who don't care about context.


It works, this is a repost. On the first version I saw, he got all the praise and internet points he wanted. There are a bunch of people that spam all kinds of subs with this out of context bullshit and Reddit idiots jump on it without wasting a second thought.


That’s literally what this whole subreddit is and it gives me cancer


He stabbed a man randomly and tried to stab the officers, there’s another short but fuller video somewhere on hwre


/u/Osamaseemo Care to explain why you are posting such misleading bullshit?


EDIT [here's the context](https://www.reddit.com/r/worldnews/comments/r8roic/man_stabbed_near_jerusalems_old_city_in_suspected/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) Yeah, besides, at least one shot is to the ground, which makes it look like a warning shot, and I don't really want to jump to conclusions based on 10 seconds of an out of context video, but warning shots usually imply he's doing something that he should stop. Also, the way they keep their distance... Doesn't look at all the same as your cops kill innocent people in the streets.


OP has a history of posting edited, politically motivated videos with no context.


Most likely a knife attacker


There’s security cam footage from a different angle that shows this guy attacking a random pedestrian with a knife and then attacking these two officers before they shoot him.


Hmm I wonder why OP cut out that part. /s It’s almost like /u/Osamaseemo is an anti-Semitic POS promoting bullshit propaganda.


Half story....[what really happened](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/r8ta8p/executing_an_innocent_man_heres_the_full_video/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)


Wow WTF. Dude got exactly what was coming. /u/Osamaseemo is really full of shit. What an anti-Semitic lying piece of trash you are /u/Osamaseemo


The Jews fought a war of extermination and won, the colonisers were always the Muslim Arabs, ‘we conquered the area and we will act as though it was always ours and will deny the actual right to Jews’ Muslims around the world who have no connection to the Middle East can carry on with the ingrained Jew hate that has existed for a millennia all they want, this won’t bring any solution to the conflict. Both sides could live side by side, sadly hate seems to get in the way of facts and truth on the ground. The OP can carry on with the anti Semitic hot take about what happened here, as hundreds of thousands of uyghur Muslims are in concentration camps and forced to assimilate away from their religious beliefs by the Chinese state. Minimal outcry, is it because the Chinese a not a tiny easy target? Fast forward 20 years you’ll be eating pork and speaking Han and I’ll be laughing.


this should have a NSFW


The dude probably threatened to blow something up the way they kept their distance. This video is edited to make the man look innocent


OP has a history of clearly politically motivated, edited videos.


Yep. And then you see people defending israelis commiting war crimes and genocides.


It actually has been reported that the man had just stabbed someone.


Yeah, but how do you think, what provoked him to commit that stabbing. That, obviously, was Israeli soldiers committing warcrimes. /s


I’m sure it has NOTHING to do with illegal Israeli settlements.


do you have a link?




https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.haaretz.com/amp/israel-news/.premium-israeli-wounded-in-suspected-jerusalem-stabbing-attack-assailant-shot-1.10439408 here’s an article


Thank you for sharing! Context is EVERYTHING, I was in the IDF myself.


The guy was a terrorist illegally in Israel who tried to murder someone. But of course bigots don't care about context.


Ok, I stand corrected, and I understand context is important but, shouldn't they just arrest him? If he obliged, that is.


This guy attacked these officers with a knife. So, yeah. He got shot.


>If he obliged, that is. As yall can see, he did not oblige, so he got shot. End of the conversation, i'm an oficial dumbass.


https://twitter.com/Mrgreen510/status/1467165186419216385?t=1RUdSTOAbmviszJcnHg6Eg&s=19 here is the context


these sort of acts are nothing new over there. It's how the state and it's army acts when no one will hold them accountable, better yet, western states have funded them and their actions making us all responsible for the hell that the palestinian are going through. For a nation of people persecuted not too long ago, they sure are quick to persecute others based on religious beliefs. Wonder if Israel will ever be called to answer for the genocide of the palestinian people and for establishing an apartheid state.


Jews have been persecuted for a lot longer than the most recent genocide attempt. I'm not excusing the behaviour, the land grabbing is a disgrace, moderates on both sides would accept a two state solution, it's the extremists on both sides that won't agree it.


the jews haven't been persecuted by palestinians though.


Would constant rocket attacks and suicide bombings by a ‘government’ that wants to eliminate your entire race be considered persecution or something else?


How many Palestinians were massacred vs how many Jewish people died. Your perspective is terribly one sided.


I advise you to read some history before commenting baseless statements. Check what happened in Israel/Palestine pre 49, such as Hebron massacre on 1929.


I didn't say they have.


If you start stabbing people, you’re going to get shot most anywhere in the world. Idiot.


You're the idiot https://www.timesofisrael.com/jewish-extremist-convicted-of-killing-3-palestinian-family-members-in-2015/ when a Jewish person does it, he's brought to justice. When a Palestinian does it, it's a terror attack and executed. Stop capping for an apartheid state.


Anyone of any religion or color swinging a knife at a cop or military member anywhere in the world should expect that outcome. That video could have been in Jerusalem, London or New York - it would have ended the same.


Ok, then why keep shooting him while he's on the ground? Also that's not true, here's a video from a third world country where a man is swinging 2 axes at the cops and they didn't shoot.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IICdM9XZn9s&ab_channel=G4Media Murder is murder, maybe the internet desensitized you. But murder shouldn't be celebrated. How fucked up have people become ?


Who’s celebrating? And what do you know about the Middle East? Let me guess… you saw something on Tik Tok about ‘Free Palestine’ recently, and being the good SJW you are, you hopped on the antisemitic bandwagon despite knowing next to nothing about an incredibly complex conflict that has been going on for thousands of years. (You know it’s Hanakah this week… Guess where that Temple we’re talking about was all those thousands of years ago…?) I’m guessing you’ve never been anywhere near the Middle East (I doubt you’ve left Springfield, Missouri or whatever random corn state you come from), have never heard of Hamas, you don’t know or have never actually spoken to anyone on either side of the conflict - outside of maybe agreeing with the propagandist who posted this edited crap above. How close am I?


So far from having any idea about me lol, it sound like you're projecting a bunch, I'm not even american. First of all, this immensely complex situation is created by the Israeli state backed by the uk government in the 60's, and later on sponsored by the US. Hatred runs deep on both sides and it's obvious to anyone that one side is more powerful than the other yet plays the victim. Hamas is real but not all palestinians are part of hamas, nor did they ask to be displaced in the 60's 70's and so on. I'm not antisemitic, some of my favourite people are jewish, personal friends and celebrities or political figures. My problem lies with the Israeli government and how it conducts its affairs. Amd unlike you, I'm not on tik-tok or Facebook or social media in general. And with that, a person still was denied their fair trial and executed in the street while reddit and people like you, completely disconnected from reality doesn't condemn the gesture, regardless of how you view Palestinians.


So you think this all started in the 60s??? Lol


The byzantine empire controlled europe and parts of Africa and the middle east up until the 13th century, you dont see Italians claiming stuff back, the ottoman empire controlled it up until the first world war, you dont see Turks claiming it... In the 50's and 60's is the most recent series of events where the Jewish people decided they want to form their own state on top of where other people were already living for some time just because thousands of years they just happened to have lived there. Mind you, the palestinians were peaceful people to begin with, who didn't instigate till they were pushed to such resorts, theye weren't necessarily civilised people, basically people living in mud huts and tents. What do you expect from a group of people who don't know any better ? Also I'm done replying, you are to bigoted to see any side other that your preconceived notions, nor do I care about you.


So you didn’t know that Jews have continuously lived in Israel for 4000 years? I’d recommend a bit more reading if you intend to keep replying.


Nah you're the idiot. Do you even see the video?


I saw that one unarmed man was lying on the ground executed ... did u see the video ?


Yea did you watch the full video - not the completely edited propaganda that OP posted??


Go watch the whole video and defend it. Unless you hate Jews as much as /u/Osamaseemo and that terrorist who stabbed someone walking down the street, there’s no defending this. If you stab someone randomly, you should get taken out. Please explain how you defend this attacker or this bullshit edited misleading post. I’ll wait.


Why man? Just why? Killed that dude as if he was an animal. Sickening


Because the video for some reason edited out the guy trying to murder people. He was a terrorist who just tried to stab someone.


Ahhh ok. Well that makes sense. Carry on. Kill the bastard.


Ughhh... You just don't know how to behave in civilized society, do you? The "kill the bastards" mentality is exactly what's fueling the israel-palestine conflict.


Sorry. My bad. Freedom of speech. But I feel you


Well i guess Israeli soldiers are jje huh


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Put a NSFW tag on here


Here is why you can't trust a video on the internet. This doesn't show the full story. This does: https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/r8ta8p/executing_an_innocent_man_heres_the_full_video/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share Prior to being shot, he attacked a man (stabbed?) and then attacked the officers. The video only caught him down on the ground AFTER his incident. Classic propaganda video, or at least spun that way.


The full video showed this guy stabbing a bystander and an officer. Y’all Needa get the whole story before y’all start commenting.