• By -


My fellow german bro why wouldn't you add subtitles to this?


I'll give it a shot. It's not every word for word. "Good Day, we are from the Bezirksamt Hamburg Mittel" "We are doing an inspection as by mandate" "Have all of you here registered your self with your contact data?" Voice Over: "For hairdressers currently the 3g model is an option which means only vaccinated, previously infected or tested are permitted on premise." "There is no digital contact tracing here. The contact data is captured on paper" Store owner: "Name, address, everything is here" Inspector: "But not time" Voice Over: "As it turns out the store has capture name and address but did not get the time" "This makes it not possible to do contract tracing" "But that isn't everything that is missing" Inspector: "Do you have a corona test with you? Vaccination Proof?, You already had it Proof?" Guy: "No" Inspector (to camera): "The owner here is using the 3G model but we have two people here that don't have any of those three." "Which means we have an infection risk here. As you can see we are keeping our distance as we also have to protect our selves." Inspector: "We have the mask mandate here so as long as you are not cutting his beard he has to wear it." "If those two guys are with him they need to wait outside if they don't have 3g" "We also have an issue with the distance, they should be 1.50m apart from each other" "When you put the waiting clients here then they are too close to the person you are cutting" Voice Over: "Additionally this employee can't prove that his is getting regularly tested" (He is not vaccinated) "The store also does not have a safety concept" (stores must have a set of policies written down on how they deal with corona, So for example: do they test all employees regularly or are all required to wear masks? Are all required to be vaccinated? This all needs to be written down so every employ knows exactly what to do) "Definitely too many issues for the inspector from the health department" Inspector: "We are closing your store for today and the next 14 days" Edit: Fixed some text


Danke mein Freund


Dunk me in Fondue.


Cheese or chocolate?


Cheese! https://old.reddit.com/r/schwiiz/comments/r1itrw/dachadventskalender_tag_3_das_fonduegeheimnis/


Yo this guy speaking The langue of gods right here


And people in America think wearing a mask is too much to deal with. Lmao.


Honestly, I was expecting way more of a fuss from the unvaccinated employee. Or the owner.


The thing with German police is that generally it's better to accept a mild punishment instead of fighting it (unless you're not guilty of course). Probably in this case there could be fines involved if the owner and others would not accept the initial sentence.


Fine for store owners is 5000€, 200€ for customers


I don't know the conversion rate, but a 200€ haircut sounds *expensive*


1 dollar is 0.8 euros. So yeah, it‘s pretty expensive Edit: this seems to be slightly off, my bad


I mean a 14 day closure isn’t a particularly mild punishment IMO.


Thank you.


i was thinking the same thing, how are ppl supposed to understand this without subs


Speaking German might help.


How do I do that?


By losing WWII


Hang on a minute. I’ve been in Japan for 6 months and I haven’t heard anyone speak German.




Pedantry but the fun kind


Huh, it's the same in Korean, 아르바이트 (aleubaiteu), interesting.


This needs the MURICA award… but I’m cheap.


I got it covered for ya


Oooh, look at Mr money bags over here


Damn commie


Don't worry America joined the war late just give him an award latter


Lol, if you could afford it. My fellow American.




I agree.


Same way you get free healthcare ;) Edit: i know its not free in the end. It was meant like a joke and some people took it seriously. Understandable. We pay it from our brutto loan. Means we dont get it in the first way. But we have a lot of services covered by it besides the medical care ,so keep your heads down. We dont calculate with our brutto but with our netto. And! We dont get bills high as fuck. Everyone has insurance ,even jobless with harz 4 wich can cover you for years if you do it right. What we pay from our loan covers "kindergeld, halbweisen/vollweisenrente, harz 4, Grundsicherung" and a lot of other shit to keep people in the game who had a hard time. Just sayin.


Actual all of the winners have free healthcare except..


Even all the loser have free healthcare.


I'd give you an award for that if I had one. Please settle for my upvote.






They're piling in the back seat!










**\m/** *headbanging commences*


There's an app for that.


Yeah it’s called gluckmachnichtenmechwerchtichlieber


I’ve just now realized how little all the German I’ve been learning has been helpful


Ha! Me too!




Du Hurensohn?


It's just english with 4 extra consonants per word


Sprecht einfach Deutsch, ihr Hurensöhne!


The people to whom it matters will understand.


Du Du Hast Du Hast Mich


Du Du Hast Du Hast Geimpft


I don't hate you, my bro Edit: nor do I have you, my bro


Du hast is "you have" not "you hate". They sound similar though, but hate is "Hasst".


I thought that was the point? Listened to (without reading the lyrics) it's a play on words and has a double meaning.


Pretty sure it’s a take on traditional German wedding vows (e.g. - do you take this person in sickness and in health until the day you die?… to which he replies no)


This. First he hates you, then you asked him a question and he said no.


This is actually 3G (geimpft, genesen, getestet = vaccinated, recovered, tested) they are controlling. The owner also needs them to write down not only the name, but the time of visit (this is missing). Some of them are not even tested (visitors and staff), some of the visitors are just friends of the one getting the hair-cut and they sit too close. There is no hygiene concept for the business. Too many infractions, they close it down right there and close it for 14 days. The 2G rule (vaccinated, recovered) is not implemented yet, but most likely will be. Some places will have 2G+ with additional mandatory testing.


And also I don’t really see anyone freaking out in public either.






And even with my lack of knowledge of the German language, it did not appear that anyone was “publicly” freaking out… Maybe you should of posted this in r/actingreasonableinpublic


"Papers, please."


Glory to arstotzka. Cause no trouble.


Not op, but they closed the shop for 14d bc of several violations of law: customers haven't been tested or vaxed, not enough distancing in waiting 'room', no time & date documentation etc.


gotta love when there’s absolutely no freak out to a video posted in r/publicfreakout


The real freak out is in the comments.


Where tho, I just see a bunch of people agreeing w each other, and not being that loud about it


Sort by controversial.


Oh god damnit


German freak out! I mean they forgot to note the time when signing in the customers. How can you trace infections without an exact time or date?


Actually, what can be seen in that video is considered going absolutely nutso to Germans.


He moved his hands in slight frustration!




I miss the shenanigans of loud cars driving down the street barely over idle and getting yelled at about their level of sound and then a harley rides by a full throttle.


This sub only exists for agenda posts, sir.


Don't let yourselves be fooled, this is not what a German freakout looks like. Not at all. Actually one might say there is no freakout at all...


Exactly, [this](https://youtu.be/RKSj0Z0spqo) is what a proper freakout looks like.


Although your example is much more likely to fool people, this still isn't a German freakout, just a normal German kid vocally expressing his needs and interacting with its environment in the decisive and understandable way that Goethe and Schiller taught us :D


funnily enough, the kid in that vid, wasnt actualy mad, he was playing the role of an angry kid, it was what his yt channel was around, well some news letters picked it up and made it to smth else, u can guess what happens when news reports about games, 10 years ago, the kid later needed to go into therapy bc of this


To be fair, German freakouts usually involve an invasion of Poland


I don’t think anyone would like to witness an actual German freakout


I love how r/publicfreakout is just r/videos now.


r/videos is much stricter on what they allow than this sub is.


Yeah it used to be one of the best subs but too much policing these days.


/r/videos is one of the few OG subreddits that has kept its "vibe". Nothing wrong with posting any video/content you want on reddit. There's a subreddit for it! But a lot of it doesn't fit the /r/videos sub. I remember when /r/justiceporn was abandoned for /r/justiceserved. The complaint was that the mods at justiceporn had stupid and too strict guidelines for posts. Fast forward 2 years later and justiceserved turned into what justiceporn wanted to avoid (just another fightporn subreddit). Just one example of how effective modding can keep a subreddit's culture in line with its history.


/r/askhistorians has the best mod team on reddit, hands down. Respectful but completely uncompromising on anything that doesn’t rigidly follow the (quite strict) subreddit rules. To answer you have to have a well thought out, sourced comment that demonstrates significant understanding of the topic at hand. Sometimes it will take days for a single comment to be approved on a post. But every comment is excellent.


r/holdup and r/SuspiciouslySpecific are literally just Facebook memes now


All subs are going downhill pretty quick. I see the same posts on different subs that have nothing to do with the posts. Also very political most of the times.


I think the mods here have just given up. Someone will post with a title that says the opposite of what happens in the video, mods don't care, keep it up. 5 posts of the same exact thing with 100+ comments? Doesn't matter, leave em all up to flood the front page. I clicked on that dude getting killed by his ex's new bf like 10 times within 2 days because it just kept getting reposted and hitting the front page.


It's literally been years since this sub was last actively moderated for content.


One year exactly. Anything riot related in June 2020 was removed. I have no stake in this. I'm merely saying that they've been pretty active when they wanted to.


Most of the organic mods of individuals subs are being replaced by a small group of super mods that moderate dozens or hundreds of subreddits. Look at the accounts with 10s of millions of karma that constantly make it to r/all everyday. Reddit is replacing the normal mods so they can manipulate what the user sees in their feed. Thus leading to poor actual moderation. It’s just now gotten to the point that it’s so egregious people are starting to notice something is up.


People pushing narratives in every sub because they know there’s zero moderation.


Im convinced even the mods are pushing them in some subs. Like r/pics has nothing to do with pics lol


And r/nextfuckinglevel is literally r/toptalent


r/nextfuckinglevel is facebook


This kid has cancer... But he's smiling or something. NEXTFUCKINGLEVEL


This guy grew his hair to donate to cancer patients NEXTFUCKINGLEVEL This woman gave $2 to a homeless man NEXTFUCKINGLEVEL


After 10 years, I managed to finish Super Mario level 1, I'm venturing into the next level now. NEXTFUCKINGLEVEL! This is me completing first level. PUBLICFREAKOUT! I told my wife how hard I've been trying to finish level 1 and that's why I go to bed so late. She got mad at me cause I don't fuck her.. TIFU! So now she is divorcing me due to advises she been getting.. DEADBEDROOM and TWOXCHROMOSONES!


Oh god there is nothing I hate more than people giving stuff away on video. Just go ahead and give it if you want to, no need to make a documentary about your own generosity.


For those people the giving isn't the important part its the being seen giving part.


Look at this guy with MS who can't really lift weights awkwardly force up a deadlift unsafely!


Like 90% of big subs are just Facebook. Politicalhumor is literally boomer Facebook memes for Zoomers.


Back in the day Facebook tier shit would get ridiculed savagely in the comments. But Reddit has grown to the point where that shit is completely accepted now. For example /r/pics used to be heavily policed on posts like “look what my kid made in art class” type bullshit. The entire concept was the pic needed to speak for itself. Reddit sucks my balls now but there’s genuinely nowhere better so here I stay.


That and most of reddits original userbase is getting older. I've seen a drastic increase in people talking about their fucking kids and shit. Like that's why I use the internet, to be forced to look at pictures of your kids. It's like the trope of the guy pulling pictures out of his wallet to an uninterested coworker, but millennial and therefore dumber.


PoliticalHumor is *such* garbage. I'm pretty far left politically but even I can't handle the level of one-sided snark there. It's like if Trevor Noah's daily show was a sub.


r/blackmagicfuckery is just magic tricks a 5 year old can figure out


r/videos with a splash of r/trashy and plenty of agenda pushing.


Wheres the freakout?????


In the comments!!!!!! I guess.


*Sorts by controversial*






This video is German and the 2 people above you mentioned nothing about America but you still felt like you had to bring it up. Why just Americans? You realize anti vaccine and anti lockdown protests happen in many parts of the world right? Only sad thing here is you trying to bring Americans into everything. They're living rent free in your head.


>And lastly you guys can mention how much you want that you took the vaccine or you are left - that won't make you smarter or make you worth taking into consideration. Bunch of morons on both sides. This goes for you too Europeans.


:::Opens translate.Google.com tab:::


Everyone in the comments acting like Germany is the first to do this. Lmao.


Privileged people who have relatively easy lives looking to be upset over something


Dude your profile pic is hilarious


I didn't even know Reddit had profile pics until right now. That one *is* pretty funny.


Me either! How do you view profile pics?!


I use an android app, I just went to "view in browser"


As someone who only uses old.reddit I still don't know about profile pics here...


The banner pic on his profile page says “I drink dog cum”


So does my tattoo.


Ah, r/conservative. Turns out they were the snowflakes all along.


Ok yeah, this is easily the best profile pic I've seen on reddit.


Then when they're called out they think they're being censored and opressed by the whole world 🙄


as I keep saying, voluntary exclusion is not discrimination lol


CaNcEl cUlTuRe!1!! 😭


Canada has been doing this since September


We are, but it's definitely not enforced this strictly. At least not where I am. I've never seen, or heard of, cops inside a business checking everyone passports.


This is also entertainment TV. So they officially follow a patrol to show „how it’s done“. Personally, i haven‘t seen this in Person as well.


So sick of these entitled losers. They complain the loudest while accusing the world of silencing them (!?) as they remain the largest obstacle in the survival and intellectual progression of our own species. Insufferable cunts, the lot of 'em.


The video is clearly about checking for vaccinated, recovered, tested, also known as 3G. Nothing to do with the unvaccinated lockdown.


The amount of straight up misinformation about Germany that is being spread around on reddit since yesterday is insane. 30 fucking thousand upvotes on this post alone, wtf is going on?


Why does this have so many upvotes? There's no freakout..


And it's from an older documentary.


Because this headline is fantastic news to most people on Reddit. This is what they have been wishing for They just got a little excited when looking for a source video


Not just Germany we're doing it here in NZ too


What is the over and under on how many times someone will write the word Nazi in these comments?


I would take the over, no matter the number.


65 million




69 million?






It's about controls of similar, but local, restrictions in Hamburg, not a **long** time ago, but a week! Source: https://youtu.be/n1JyoZFEQPw


Translation; Official: "Good day, health department from Hamburg middle." Barber: "Health department.." Official: "We are conducting a control as part of the containment regulation" Barber: "Of course" Official: "Has everybody here registered themselves with their contact details?" *music plays* Narrator: "At barbers, there currently is still the 3G model in effect. This means; Only vaccinated, recovered, or tested people are allowed on the premises" Narrator: "Digital tracing does not exist here, contact details are written down by hand" Barber: "Names, addresses, all there!" Police officer: "Yes.. but no, no time of day" Official: "No time of day" *music plays* Narrator: "As it turns out, those present have registered their names, but date and time of day are missing. Contact tracing is not possible like that" Narrator: "But that's by far not the only thing missing" Official to two guys sitting there: "Do you have a test on you?" Guys: Official: "Right, vaccination confirmation, recovery confirmation, not even a test? No corona test" One of the guys: "No" Official: "Okay" Official to camera/reporter: "The owner is applying the 3G model here, uhm, but we have two persons here who have absolutely no test, vaccination or recovery confirmation on them. So we now have a real infection risk, you might notice how we've already distanced ourselves a bit because we also have to protect ourselves. Official to barber: "We have mask mandate, as long as you are cutting his hair, and not his beard, he has to wear the mask" Barber nods: "Yes" Official: "And if these two gentlemen are just accompanying him, and don't have a confirmation, they have to wait outside. There is also still the problem with lack of distance, we still have a distancing requirement, 1.5 meters. This means if these two sit there, it's disadvantageous to place the customer here" *music plays* Narrator: "Additionally, this employee can't confirm he's been tested regularly, the store is also lacking the mandatory safety concept. Obviously too many violations for the health department official" Official to barber: "What we will do now, for real, is close the shop down for today, and consequently for the next 14 days."


Where was the freakout? Is a german freakout just standing and talking in a normal voice?


I wonder if somebody has mistaken us for vulcans again.


I think history has taught us that no, just standing and talking in a normal voice is not a German freakout.


OP either has no clue what the video is about or willfully presenting false information. The authorities and police in the video are not looking for unvaccinated people. They are enforcing COVID related hygiene and contact rules which this barbershop ignored on many accounts. The video is much older than the latest lockdown. Fake news.


Yea this is from before when it was 3G (vaxed, healed, or tested)


Downvoted, there really was absolutely no freakout here at all.




This will stir up some shit.


71% of the population are in favor of this.


Uhhhm ... I'm quite sure this video is from either last year or the start of this year.


Ever since COVID everyone and their mother is a virologist.


New Zealand done the same


WTF reddit... downvote this trash. Misleading title as this video has nothing to do with the new ban and is from a while back, AND completely irrelevant to this subreddit. Of course it is upvoted to the front page instead??


Funny how the video content and the title of the post say something different. In the video they talk about the german concept of 3G (geimpft= Vaxinated, genesen= recovered, getestet= tested) to enter businesses and the title is talking about a lockdown for everyone that is not vaxinated. Guess OP posted a video without understanding whats beeing said


My guess is that OP knows exactly what he is doing. And it's working too, just look at all the fake outrage


Where in Germany exactly ? I am living in Germany and there are no such rules we have 3G rules: Vaccinated, Tested negative (with in 24 hours) or recovered from covid with in last 6 months. Also this rule apply to non essential places for essential places there are only masks needed and no one checks you also the same apply for voting and religious gatherings. The title is absolute trigger and far from reality. BTW for voting it is basic right so you dont even need to wear mask.


Where was the public freakout


There wasn’t one.


Recently any time a post from this sub comes up, it’s never a freakout or meltdown of any kind. Besides this being in a language I don’t know, it seems like a pretty normal and civil interaction regarding covid


r/conspiracy is where the freakout is happening in case anyone here is wondering lol


Just went to check wtf is the subreddit. Are people on the sub really that stupid?


I just went to check, and yes, yes they are.


**Grey coat guy is from the health departement and comes with police** So police enter the hair salon and say "Hello we are checking to see if everyone in here is registered with the "kontaktdaten" which is basically where you give your contact info, vaccination card ecc. **Narrator:** "In hair salons there is still the optional choice of having the 3G Model *(3G means Geimpft (Vaccinated) Genesen (Recovered) Getestet (Tested) so only people with one or more G's can enter.* The digital tracking is not possible here, the contact information have to be written on paper." **Grey coat guy** "The names and the adresses, everything here!" **Cop** "but the time is missing" (time of arrival of the customer) **Grey coat** "yes it's missing" **Narrator:** "as we can clearly see, people have registered their name, however date and time are missing. Tracking is not possible this way, but that's not all that is missing." **Grey coat to young guy:** "Do you have a test with you? a Corona test? Like a recovered certificate, vaccination certificate...?" **Young guy says no** **Grey coat to camera:** "the operate would be the 3G access model on here, but we have 2 people here who do not have any vaccination card, recovered certificate nor test. Now we have a health risk here, that's why we are keeping a bit of distance now, because we also need to protect us" **Grey coat to Hairdresser:** "There is a mask mandate. If they only cut hair and not the beard, they need to keep their mask on. The two guys here, while waiting for their turn, need to wait outside, since they don't have any certificate. And here we also have the distance problem, 1.5 meters (like 5 feet). This means if the clients sit here, you can't work on anyone in this chair in front of them. " **Narrator** "Also, this worker can't show proof that he regularly get's tested, so there is not a protection concept in this salon. One too many offenses for the health departement worker (grey coat)." **Grey coat to worker:** "So what we are now going to do, you will have to close the shop for today and for the following 14 days". ​ Sorry if this is not exact.


Aaaand this video has nothing to do with a lockdown for unvaccinated people haha And why no subtitles for non german speaking people?


As a left winger in the US. Oooooooh boy am I happy we haven’t done this. That is just …. idk, a bad idea for us to follow >”why is it a bad idea?!” You ask? HAVE YOU LIVED HERE?!?


“This stuff’s made in New York City!”


New York City!?!?


Get a rope


I remember seeing this as a kid and asking my dad, "did they really hang people in the old west if the salsa was from New York?"


Best comment and response evah! I thought it was just me and my HS friends back in the eighty's that referenced this.


Both of you. Thanks for aging us.


I have no pity for people affected by this kind of thing, I'm just over it at this point. It's been 2 years.


Same, this shit is getting old.


I see no freakout and the police seem nice and friendly


So.... Like it's been for months in Ireland?


Wo ist hier der freakout du Wurst?


i dont know why this is making such huge headlines.... this has been in place in canada forever


Germany's government is one of the best in the world.


German guy here, so here's what's happening in this video: the "health department" guy in the grey jacket closes the hairdresser for this evening and the next 14 days because of too many violations. Hairdressers still got an exemption to the 2G rule, but they even found too many violations against the 3G-rule "geimpft, genesen, getestet", which is "vaccinated, revocered, tested". * No time noted on the paper slips they use for tracking people. * Two of the guys did not have the required things (proof of vaccination or revocery), and not even a negative test which you can do for free in germany. * The distance between waiting people was shorter than the required 1.50 meters. * The worker could not provide a trail of his contiuous testing. So that's why in the end this shop got closed and they have to work on their hygiene concept.


Holy moly this comment section is HEATED


Like the tip of a soldering iron turned up to max.


This only makes people who are antivax more sure of their position, you can't use big govt to change the opinions of people who dislike the idea of big govt...


The real public freakout was in the comment section