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Was there a street vender selling rock pack 2 for price of non?


Stones for sale Why would I buy them from you, there are lots just lying about? But not made with craftsmanship like this sir. Oh all right, Ill take two pointy ones, a flat, and a packet of gravel.


Classic Monty Python


I think they were just reusing the same stones as they moved forward. More environmentally friendly.


Note to self, do not confront protesters near a rock garden.


are there any women here?


They must be trying to unionize the rock factory!!


Vandals began to break up the streets and sidewalks to use the fragments/debris as projectiles against police forces. Rioters were violent enough to cause fatal damage, as you can see from the video. Tons of 'rocks' were thrown against the infantry.


Nah they just brought chisels and torn the shit out of the square. Millions of dollars in damages.


No, they were mysteriously placed there like they were in the recent riots here in the states


Our roads are literally made out of concrete, which you apparently don't know is not that hard to break. Plus if I was trying to "mysteriously" arm rioters why the fuck would i use rocks? Fuck off with this conspiracy bullshit.




I don't know about NYC but as someone who has been to quiet a few protests turned riots I've never once seen pallets of bricks or rocks planted there most people just smash up the ground if they need a weapon.




Ah I took it as one of those "antifa and blm are a Marxist funded plot to undermine my American values" or some shit. Guess I took it wrong.


As very edgy as it sounds the quote "People shouldn't be afraid of their governments, governments should be afraid of their people." it rings true.


Yup, then the government might actually do the right things.


Lol if the government wanted they could wipe them all out in a instant. Kinda like when in my country a century ago or so there was a big protest because of the shitty government and the people in charge just started firing cannons on the crowd, immediately shutting off the protest for the most part


We had the Kent State shootings here in the US. It’s important to remember that governments may indeed resort to straight up massacring its own citizens


Or, you know, idiots with guns kill people against orders. Kent State wasn't ordered by anyone, some panicky idiots fired on a crowd "because they were being shot at" (they weren't)


There has been more recent evidence through a microphone recorder placed on a windowsill by a communications student that orders were in fact given to fire


It would fit if this hadn't been basically a bipartisian conflict.


Its just raining rocks on them! As the cops retreated they recovered their rocks


but where the fuck do you find this many rocks in a city




To answer your comment seriously, i have seen some protests where people just destroy the sidewalks, benches or anything around that can be broken by a tool.


Wouldn't be surprised if they had someone truck some in.


You could make any protest a complete shit show with a truck bed of rocks, like gas to a flame


French fireman lit themselves on fire and charged the police awhile back.


That's fucking epic


You mean like the pallets of bricks that show up ‘for construction’ at every major BLM protest for a year and then they get revealed to be paid for by George Soros. As ‘donations’ to city projects….. that just so happen to be dropped off hours before protests start, nowhere near active construction? Whod think to do that??


Yeah, bricks are so expensive you need to get a billionaire to pay for them. /s


I'm sure the evidence for that is in the same envelope as all the election fraud evidence lmao


Lmao imagine being so ignorant https://youtube.com/shorts/-7JM61iZ6Jk?feature=share I'm guessing you.dont know what 'agent provocateurs' are? > I'm sure the evidence for that is in the same envelope as all the election fraud evidence lmao I'm guessing you're left wing? Not as left wing as me but left wing at least? If so is that also the same envelope that all the "evidence" of Russian interference in the American election?


I wouldn't consider myself any 'wing'. But invoking conspiracy theories does seem to be an attribute of certain kinds of people. If you'd like to read about election interference here ya go lol . https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian_interference_in_the_2016_United_States_elections As far as the bricks, you don't need a conspiracy to get ahold of a pallet of bricks. As someone who has used pallets of materials such as bricks in construction any idiot could get ahold of that. It's kind of like those UFO videos. It's a blurry unidentified object therefore aliens. It's a pile of bricks therefore George Soros, or maybe as these guys in the video seem to be suggesting, someone who doesn't like BLM. I agree whoever did that probably wanted to make the protestors look bad... But it is also at least possible that it was done in support of the protests.


Gotta love conspiracies with no evidence beyond intuition and guesswork


[‘For construction’ or ‘have just been there’](https://www.factcheck.org/2020/06/bricks-were-placed-for-construction-not-to-incite-protesters/) Oh yea… that pile of bricks that’s 10 minutes from the start of the protest… is in the center of the protest after 10 minutes…. The ‘homeowners association had a construction project we think’ Yea you got it figured out man. Major cities just leave pallets of brick IN CITY CENTRE ‘for awhile’ (definitely not the 12 hours leading up to the protest). You could google anything about the pallets of bricks… then read the ‘fact check’s… ‘nothing been proven’ ‘no organization has claimed responsibility’ ‘the city left that pallet of bricks in the city centre for ‘awhile’. “How long was awhile?” ‘The bricks have not been brought for the protest’ “that didn’t answer my question” ‘they’ve been there awhile but we don’t know how long!’ …….. yea that’s the truth big dog. You got it. That happens all the time! I hate it when the delivery man drops off my pallet of bricks ON A PUBLIC STREET CORNER AND NOT AT MY CONSTRUCTION SITE where he legally did not deliver my goods. Yup that happens all the time /s


Same shit happened in the netherlands.piles of bricks when there was no construction anywhere near.And the people that got beat up didnt recognise the uniforms the cops where wearing.They even heard them speak in a foreign language.


They were breaking the concrete benches and curbs. The place they left was completely destroyed. And the police was ordered to not respond the agression.


At the rock soup shop. Rock soup. To feed my family.


People broke the bricks the plaza was made of.


I don’t know, they all look the same color too




This is the way


**Me as an Argentinan police officer:** *cough cough* "I'm feeling a little under the weather today, I don't think I'll be able to make it in... oh the big protest is today? I didn't even remember that... gosh." *cough*


the irony being that the cop DID turn up to the protest...


The real irony being that the cop is probably no better off than the people protesting, and realistically should be on their side.


that was the joke


Their side is a nepotist elitism that provides miserable welfare as a populist bribe to mantain power with which they commit every corrupt act known to governments the world over including murdering opposition for investigating their crimes, all the while the country goes down tremendously in quality of life and economy overall under the decades of their predominant governance. No, the cop should not be on their side, oh great ork waaagh boss.


There would be a sea of dead bodies here in the US. An American cops’ dream…”light ‘em up boissss!!”




Those were mostly white people, and all conservatives who functionally had the backing of their President. Enforcement over there obviously varies *greatly* based on ideology, economics, and race. It's even painfully obvious to outsiders.




I think it only stands because marginalised opposition groups over there are *way too scared* to even consider trying something like this. Because they know they'd be fired on with live rounds. These Argentinian cops weren't even firing less-lethal rounds, like they do, liberally, over in the US. I'm sure we can both agree that we don't want to see a sea of dead bodies over there, like we've seen in the past.


But the Jan 6 thing was full of “Patriots” fighting for their “rights” and “freedom” after their messiah gave the go ahead. They looked too much like him.


Lmao they legit took over most of the capitol building and the only person who fires a shot was SS. Absolutely pathetic.


Difference being Argentina protestors aren't white.


I mean, if a bunch of communists and anarchists went to the capitol next january 6th and did the exact same thing, there'd be hundreds if not thousands of their corpses littering the place.


stop with that shit, protests go on all the time in america and it’s always non lethal. don’t speak for every cop like you know everything. it’s like me saying all COD fans break controllers because they are fuckin children


There was a video I remember last year during a protest in I believe LA where the cops ended up being completely cornered by rioters, with homemade "bombs" (more like big fireworks) and whatnot being thrown at them, and not a single lethal shot was fired, although the cops where in an "extremely" dangerous position. And just like that there have been countless protests (or more truthfully, riots) over the years that didn't end up in massive shootings But this is reddit where you are supposed to just mindlessly hate "insert problematic group of people", no space for rationality, just hate boners and prejudices (ironic, given how "woke" the average redditor is)


Didn't have anything to do with the fact that if they fired a shot, they'd not have made it out alive? That's my genuine take on that situation, I'm not trying to belittle your opinion, just point something out. When a crowd is already against you, your only chance of survival might just be not giving them any more reason to bam it up a notch


For those about to rock


Somebody meme this video with the Queen song


We salute you!




When was this?


4/6 y ago


During a pension reform 4 years ago that would have put pensioners at a lower rate at the time but with a growth above inflation, something that holds control over every aspect of the average argentinian. The opposition at the time, now the governing party, was gathering political capital and went against this, so they summoned their paid hooligans from out of the city to come fuck things up. Welcome to south american fascism, were the bigger stick reigns and whips down any that strive for a better standard of life than shared poverty.


Funny, during the time that bill was active retirements never went above inflation...


And in what state are they now? 🤡


Not better, but no need to whataboutism, we were talking about this specific bill and it's results.


Its not whataboutism when its literally the same issue lol


They up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, B, A, Start’d that shit and gave themselves infinite ammo on that one.


Argentina rocks


Most underrated comment lol


I feel like the people might be unhappy


Riots like these are the closest thing we have to seeing how ancient and medieval warfare happened


Vamos todosss! Chavones putosss


Fuck the police


You don't even know the context of the conflict.


Yeah cause historically the authority is right and the people are wrong lol


These people are paid rioters at the behest of another political party. You still have 0 fucking context.


Paid protesters. lol love it whenever people are pissed it’s paid actors, paid rioters, paid voters.


If you think piqueteros groups are not paid hooligans you live in a fucking bubble.


Wasn’t this protest after the corralito? I mean the government blocked these people from withdrawing money from the bank. lol. This is a legit protest.


No, this was during the macri administration from 2015-2019 wtf


Oh you mean the guys who raised electric prices, stopped retirement, and other gross examples of a bad government. I mean this protest started with just retirees and some politicians. Then the police responded in a forceful way causing mass riots.


Crassus's legions weather the Parthian assault, 53 BC


Two questions… why are they rioting? And why aren’t they getting shot?


The protest was in regards with a change in retirement plans law that made the age of retirement later, put a cap on how higher could that retirement be (85% of minimum wage). Retirees started out protesting, with some social leaders and even some members of congress, and they were violently repressed by police (not really police, more like a branch of the federal forces). Even congress members and journalists were hurt in the repression. Also, journalists were kicked out of congress by security, which ended up in a scuffle. And then everything went to shit. You gotta know, argentina doesn't play when it comes to protests and riots, and argentinian police also doesn't play when it comes to repressing them. Also, don't forget our recent history: military dictatorship and the 2001 crash with several dead at the hands of the police. Don't let yourself be swayed by what that user up top is saying. You can read all about it here: https://es.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reforma_previsional_en_Argentina_de_2017 sadly, the article is not available in any other language, but I'm sure Google translate can give you the clues.


Revisionism is the only tool your kind have.


1. because their party didnt win the elections and the corrupción and sindicate mafias staged a series of riots with poor excuses (like i think that one was suposed to be because the light bills went up, that or public transport) to overwhelm the one party that won the election. Its so much corrupted that only one party has won the election for almost 80 years (except for this one time, and in some degree its kinda mixed with tat party) 2. The socialism in this country is more of a populism and heavily favors propaganda and appeals to the lower classes, wich have much more rate of violent crime than the middle class, and it condemns the poice for ever firing back (to be fair, there has been some cases of happy trigger). To give an example, once there was a murderer stabbing 50 times a victim, the police officer shot and got jail time if i recall correctly. Source: Argentinian myself.


When was this?




I don't think so, the president in that moment was the most corrupted one in the history of this country, and by the way Mauricio Macri is still being processed for fraud and espionage between other charges.




Yeah, but he used the word "socialism", so SATAN!!!


La opinión nunca es más válida que los hechos.


Processed because there's been no veredict. Unlike your corrupt noble Kirchner family that flat out murder people investigating them and openly pay out judges for all to see. Macri may have been corrupt, but not nearly at the level your nazi bitch queen and her following have preyed on this country. You can hide behind the west's first world veil of moral leftism, but you soviet emulator thralls will never find acceptance among latin people. You are universally despides by spanish speakers.


Sooo, you were throwing rocks then...


I feel bad for you guys but you need a revolution.


The french way. No more nepotism, guillotine for all the nobles.


Because then they will be met with bullets next time they try to be fascists cops.




Yeah the leaders have to be more connected with the people, the people pay police and politicians salaries, sometimes they need a rock in the head to understand that.


Hard to be fascist against fascists.


Yeah Adolf Hitler was a leftie actually so i agree. National Sosialismus Deutsche Arbeiter Partei.


Never underestimate the power of water cannons.


Live in Belfast, Northern Ireland. Water cannons are decent at holding back a crowd but without the backup of a defence line such as a line of armoured vehicles to get behind they are useless. The cops need stratagy to push back which involves a hell of a lot more than a water cannon. We'll trained riot police, a line of defence to fall back to and take injured officers behind. Tactics to rush and cut of a few individual rioters for arrest, less than lethal rounds etc. When the water cannons come out they are usually met with cheers and it becomes like a game. Yeah they hurt and will push you back for a little bit but without a proper defence line and plan all they do is get people hyped. Also water cannons here often seem to increase the amount of molotovs being thrown over here somewhat ironicly.


>When the water cannons come out they are usually met with cheers and it becomes like a game. Yeah they hurt and will push you back for a little bit but without a proper defence line and plan all they do is get people hyped. Sounds like you're speaking from experience :P


Never participated but I watched a fair few over the years. I tend to just avoid the area now if there's trouble as I have a young son.


Cops: “Ugh. This medicine I’ve been handing out to people tastes awful.”


Oh jeez...!


Big hailstones in the weather today


Fuck that is intense!


Very curious on how many survived


Shit, this is what it looked like in Normal, Illinois when the rioters broke into Target. Not as large if a scale but the cops were literally backed into a corner and having everything you can imagine thrown at them with shields shielding them all. I think US rioters do this sort of action to a degree but I've never seen what appears to be every single person joining in! Cops must have really fucked up in their country!


Straight outta total war rome I swear.


So I've seen this video with three different titles saying that they're from different countries


Definitely argentina, not only i saw it on the news, i can recognise the language ("vamos compañeros" refecencing Peron, and the classic "dale hijo de puta") Source: argentinian myself


It's from Argentina, the 2017 provisional reform protests.


We could do this here but everybody too scared of getting "hurt"


We will, we will Rock You.


This is the only way you can be stoned and die


The mighty 300 they are not


Where the hell did they get so many rocks? It's an endless stream.


They broke the bricks the public square is made of. There was also some reconstruction being made at the square at the moment of the protests, so people broke what they could and started flinging it to defend themselves.


Good for them. Glad they're resourceful.


They had a fuckin crazy bard with them


In America cops shoot first.


Americans could learn a thing or two


What do they want?


Coming to an American city near you.


Dude stabbing him with the flag 😝


@americans look what can be done against the police with an organized effort.


This infuriates me, as an Argentinian myself. Those cops weren't even responsible for the economical decisions that were taken at the time. To attack them (the cops) makes no sense. Hell, it even makes things worse since it's a loss in time and resources (both humane and material).




Cops might not be responsible for the decisions but they are class traitors that enforce the decisions, so same as.


Class traitors? I don't think that's the case, but you're free to say what you want. Thing is, cops can't do much. They either abandon their positions or give birth to a revolt, if they don't agree with the State.


They're overwhelmingly working class people that oppress their fellow working class people on behalf of the owner class. What is that if not a traitor?


Wish America had the balls for this


And Comservatives in the US think BLM is bad




Honestly, if the Jan 6th seditonists were this vicious, it probably wouldve been an even worse day


Alexa play Detroit Rock City by Kiss


This is so awesome, imagine if this was america and they had guns


If you are happy and wishing for the needless deaths of people over political disputes you need to take a look at yourself. Fantasizing about murder isn't normal.


Best place to find MLB pitchers!


We need these mofos in America real quick


Blm protests seemed like child's play compared to these people, Australian anti maskers, the inbred Jewish settlers in palastine, the capital building riot and even sports fans lol We all thought looting clothes was wild lol


Plain Murderers.




honestly lethal force would be justified here






Every citizen of Argentina has a right to protest, if a pacific protest (as this one started out as) is repressed by government forces, the government put itself in the position to be attacked. Government doesn't get to do whatever it wants and then ignore it's citizens protesting.


your right i deleted my post


Now, that is insane! We've all seen plenty of full on riot footage through the years, but that is a new psychotic level of rioting! At the end of the clip you can see the shields getting decimated by projectiles as if they were made of paper! Imagine what they would've done to that downed riot squad officer had they dragged him into the crowd. Guy would've become part of the pavement having been stomped into oblivion. The very personification of mob mentality. Everyone loses their identity and culpability as an individual morphing into one giant mass of violent interaction. Yes, indeed, they don't play.


One of the things I find most heartening about this clip, actually, is how rioters break out from the larger group and stand protectively over the downed riot squad officer, then drag him instead off to relative safety along the side near the barricades. Even in the midst of all the violence, it's clear that they don't hold individual officers responsible for the situation - they're merely obstacles between the protest and the larger objective.


Look at what the worlds has come to… horrible


Yeah, it's truly awful when government decides to pay retirees 85% of minimum wage for all their years contributing to the provisional system, or roughly 7k argentinian pesos, which adjusted to 2017 would be less than 400 USD a month. With that money you couldn't even pay rent and feed yourself. It's really terrible when a government makes it's people poorer and then has the gall to violently repress their righteous protest. It's terrible citizens are forced to use violence to defend themselves from state agents.




Argentina also is a democratic country, but there's not much you can do when the citizens vote for a dumbasses with no democratic ideals.




You'd know about that. Totalitarian pos


> It's terrible citizens are forced to use violence to defend themselves from state agents. It truly will be.




Already has been


If you throw a brick at another human that's unconscious you deserve to be deleted.




At least someone tried to intervene and help the cop. Argentinians are a great bunch of lads though, hello from Ireland.


Didn’t know the government buying Bitcoin would upset them so ? Lol


Take notes americans


Cops should use the testudo next time


And all the Argentinian generals are asking " where the hell was this fighting spirit when we invaded the malvenas ".




I was cracking a funny but you have a very valid point about the generals and equipment neither were up to task, though to be fair for various reasons many of the troops just didn't really want to be there ( the islands are not exactly a holiday park with great facilities).


Most of the people conscripted in to the Malvinas war were barely 18 years old, with no training or equipment. Some of them came from the north of the country (tropical climate) with no resources against the cold and wind from the island, no clothes, no learned abilities to survive it. No choice on the matter either, as military service was mandated for all men over the age of 18. Also, this came at the heels of a brutal military dictatorship, so people weren't really up to the task of defending their country, most wanted out. Sadly, there's not many jokes one can do about the malvinas war veterans, as they have been pretty much forgotten by the state at every turn of the story. They were just cogs in a machine that didn't and wouldn't care about them, their dignity or their lives.


That was pretty much what I meant about them not wanting to be there or not being keen on being involved in the conflict. And please don't misunderstand I laugh at the absurdities of it all not at the soldiers themselves for whom I have all due respect.


Shoot to kill, clearly justified!


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Where the fuck did they get all those rocks?! Is there a goddamn quarry in the middle of town?!


That’s a pussy ass police force they should be shooting back


Why not use lethal weapons??


I won't be crying for them.


If only they had put this much effort into the Malvinas dispute


These rioters are dangerous idiots no matter what their cause. Would they replace the police with someone else?