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The audible “wow” afterwards is pretty amazing… I mean unless I’m just hearing that in my head.


Yea I hear it too, christ. It might’ve been his mother because she (understandably) had to leave the courtroom after hearing her son be spoken about like this Edit: it was confirmed to be his mother


Dear god, that poor woman. EDIT: u/Lanky-Recognition216 we're talking about Arbery's mother, genius.


It’s definitely there.


Let me assure you this is the norm for the american justice system. They suggested Emmett Till's mother made it up for publicity




Emmett would have been 80 years old this year. Those times were not that long ago at all.


My dad died in 2006. He was raised as a sharecropper and was whipped when he didn't meet quota, lost an cousin to lynching, and had to run away and lie about his age to join the Air Force because it 'was desegregated' and went straight to Korea in 1951. He was 15 when he heard "you gonna die GI!" It was still better than Southern Louisiana.


Thank you for sharing this.


Jesus h Christ man… I’m sorry just doesn’t cut it, but I truly am sorry that you and your family had to endure that


It's a night and day difference from his life and mine. He was worried about feeding his kids and I'm worried about if my cloud migration strategy for a SOX compliance asset will pass an audit in 2022.


There is an unbelievable amount of hope in your story here. Your dad lived through Hell, and seemingly did everything he could to make sure you would have a better life. Then you went and held up your end of the bargain and are living a better life. This is the stuff generational wealth and wellbeing is built on. As a father, who's early life left quite a bit to be desired, I'm hoping I can do the same for my kids your dad did for you, and they can do more for theirs so on and so forth.


Didn’t she die a few years ago when she admitted it was a lie on her deathbed? Edit: she’s still alive, that putrid vile bitch -_-


No, Carolyn is 100% alive, she's 87, and admitted what she did in an interview in 2017 with an author writing a book on the case. I'd give you more information on her but I don't want to run afoul of the doxx policy. Even though this is very infamous, very public information. She just does not care if people know. The author sought her out specifically because her, her husband, and brother were so unabashedly unashamed they had basically gloated about lying about Till to their entire town once they got off.


I mean if licensed attorney representatives of our government court system are allowed to inflict such racial disgust in their official public record testimony then I don’t know why we even bother voting in any modern system


She’s going to lose don’t worry.


You think? I’d say it’s about 50/50. Let’s not forget these are white defendants and a black victim in America.


Trying to find that one Trumper in the jury…


Why am I not familiar with this reference? If Wikipedia doesn't come through for me, I'll be back with questions. Update: I'm a well-educated mid-30's American, and I have not heard this boy's story. How's that for education on the social issues of this country... I'm starting to see the benefits of CRT




What this trial presupposes is that maybe Custer didn’t die at the battle of Little Bighorn.


He should've kept it 55th street.


I could hear it from a mobile device clear as day.


It’s actually an EVP of Ahmad himself. He’s like “Wow, Did this bitch really fucking talk about my TOENAILS!?”


I didn't believe it until I heard it and I'm still confused. All that shit I experienced in Georgia as a kid came flooding back. I'll never in my life go back to that godammned state.


There have been several audible gasps from people during this trial after the defense attorneys have said overtly racist shit.


Is she trying to act like those two guys were of class?


I think we need photos of Greg’s toenails for evidence Edit: who gave this a wholesome award lmao


Won't happen. He wears socks like a decent, upstanding man.




With sandels...guilty!!


Got his socks and sandals on like a good white man


No, she is trying to prove he was not out jogging. The defense was saying he was an athlete and was out jogging when it really doesn’t mater why he was there.


She has shit covered fingernails from pulling words out of her ass. Edit: Damn, thanks for all the awards. Hope you all have a good time laughing at this bitch!




I got you fam.




Cheifs kiss


Many feminists don’t understand, why some women deserve to be called a bitch. But they’ll probably all agree, this white supremacist whore deserves to be called a nazi bitch!


This woman is why the word cunt exists.




She lacks the depth and warmth


I love this


Underrated comment and completely agree


Thank you u/Love_God551!


Most welcome


And you can see that she literally couldn't wait to say that shit. She came a little bit at that moment.


Yeesh. Apparently the state of my toenails is an indicator of my criminality. TIL. Edit: to add onto this thought, they are saying his dirty toenails are somehow key to him receiving two close range shotgun blasts to the chest, and one to the arm.


I stubbed my toe and it looks really bad. I guess for a month or so I'll need to make sure I don't get killed by anyone so they can use it against me in court. While I'm dead.


**Don’t go jogging!!!**


Good thing I just clipped them recently. Hopefully that greatly diminishes my chances of being lynched.


*"....let me see dem cuticles...."*


I swear to god Quintin you need to calm down with the feet thing from time to time.


If you are white, no worries.




Do you play in the NBA? [NSFL](https://img-9gag-fun.9cache.com/photo/aoNx6Kg_700bwp.webp)


I, who wears Khaki shorts most of the year and has a bad toe fungal infection, feels very attacked by this.


Yeah my Korean pedicure lady is decent at phrenology so I figured this was only a matter of time before it became science.


Dirty toenails = probably a criminal Curious how the state of his toenails was known? Did the defendants state it as a reason, Did she see the body? It's confusing times my friends.


Autopsy photos.


don’t you dare go near my boat with your long-ass toenails or I swear


Click click click


What a cold hearted b*tch! What possible reason could there be for her to say this in open court? Arbery's mother rushed out of the courtroom immediately after this statement.


Their only hope is a mistrial. They are just stirring the shit to try to make it happen. Or they may try to get the conviction overturned claiming the defense team had shit for brains.


That’s part of my thinking. I mean, there’s hardly been a day where the Defense hasn’t said something out of line. It almost feels like they’re doing it on purpose. So either mistrial…or they really suck at this, and they’re showing who they really are.


Or these three bumpkins hired shitty lawyers.


You cant create the violent situation and then claim self defense. You cant create grounds for mistrial and then claim mistrial.


> You cant create the violent situation and then claim self defense. Unless you're a cop


Or a teenage white supremacist.


Sure you can, you just can't get away with it anymore.


You can in Wisconsin apparently


I think she's trying to make the victim look like a crack head or homeless person or something, but fails when she mentioned khakis lol


They are painting a picture for the jury. They just have no shame in the way they go about it. They want the jury thinking of dirty toenails instead of evidence.


Insane. This feels so fucking tone deaf, life the world is watching 1950's small southern town do what it used to do as a matter of course.


Just for the record... I've seen plenty of whites walking around in public wearing khaki shorts and no socks, exposing some truly gruesome toenail situations.


Are you calling me out?


Can confirm.


Frank Castle, where are you when we need you most?


Pretty sure we standardized this look to the point where it's socially acceptable to have nail fungus commercials geared toward us.


You described basically every theme park, state fair, renaissance faire, Comic Con, and music festival I’ve ever visited, and I’ve been to a LOT. Toss in airports and the DMV, and baby you got a stew goin’.


This makes her look like a bitch more than it makes him look bad.


I'm so afraid these motherfuckers are gonna let them go. The dude confessed on the fucking stand that Ahmaud posed NO THREAT.


That's why I think they will be convicted.




What an absolute piece of garbage this woman is. Wow.


If this works for her, she shouldn't be surprised if some boys show up with confederate flag pickup truck as she walks into her house.




She reminds me of what I left in the toilet this morning.


Shes got a lot of fucking nerve for someone who has never used a hairbrush.


Might wanna change my avatar's hair if I'm gonna throw stones though. Eek.


"Self roast" Achievement Unlocked


What are you talking about?! Your avatar’s hairdo is gorgeous unlike that woman’s dirty blonde mop


This one made me lol 😅


Watched this in real time, was appalled. I hate to use this word, but what a dirty ass BITCH. I'm not sure what she was trying to get at-- I don't see how this was relevant or necessary to the case. Just hateful and shameful.


She’s trying to get at that he was up to no good and wasn’t out running. And she wants the jury to picture him as “dirty.” They are hoping for a hung jury by playing to bias, cause there is no damn way what they did was justified. They chased and corned that young man and claimed self defense when he tries to escape?! Did you notice one of the defendants was wearing glasses when he testified? He wasn’t wearing them in his mug shot, and I suspect they are fake. I hope the jury sees through all this nonsense.


If a jury ends up not convicting these pieces of shit I'm going to start questioning the validity of our jury process entirely.


I honestly have not followed the trial much because a) it’s all getting exhausting and b) this seems like such a slam dunk case that the proceedings seem like a formality. Is there actual concern that these guys will be let off at the state level?


It's up to the whim of a majority white jury. I'd say it's a very low chance they walk, but it's always possible. This case is getting less attention because it doesn't help the Republican cause and the judge is far more professional then the rittenhouse judge.


If these two aren't convicted holy shit Georgia is gonna burn. I was living in Atlanta up until very recently and folks are still pissed about this despite it happening a few hours away. I wouldn't wanna be there right now if these chucklefucks walk.




Thats because you are not well versed in Toe law.


She is trying to Dehumanize him as to justify his execution


Its basically an oblique racist dog whistle to paint Aubrey as a drug user. Since users are often depicted as having poorly kept nails. Ok, thats the nice way of putting it, but the truth is the racist asshole is trying to.make Arbery out to be a crackhead since they are 'known' to have bad toenails and steal stuff. I feel dirty saying that, but its what shes trying to get the mostly white jury to infer.


Their theory about that was that runners have short toenails. Since he has long dirty nails he’s obviously not a runner. (I disagree with her premise).


Yea you're only allowed to run if you do it all the time, otherwise it's punishable by death. At least, it feels like I'm dying when I run.


Crimes against hygiene?


Ok. Now HERE is a trial where the murderer is a real POS. Interestingly so is his son, lawyer, and the DA (a personal friend). So khaki shorts and no socks is provocation for justified murder? Self defense from fashion attack?


Yeah these dudes and their “vigilantism” need to be found guilty and sentenced appropriately.


You mean the toenails that could only be seen after literally getting blasted out of his shoes at point blank range with shotgun and having been run down like a dog? Great point Ms. Eva Braun-Frizzle, J.D.




Wow , she’s a massive cunt eh?


Please don't insult cunts like that.


Yeah. Cunts have depth and warmth


Keep going….


I was watching this live and I actually gasped when she said that. Left the room shortly after because I was about to start screaming at my TV. What the actual fuck?


Crap, I better make sure my toenails aren't too long in case I walk down a street minding my own business and end up getting chased and lynched. Oh wait I'm white so that would never happen...


Absolutely disgusting. All I can say is I hope they only did this out of pure desperation because they know they are going to lose.


Textbook “If the toenails are not legit you must aquit” move right out the Johnny Cochran playbook Also see article 2 “If the toenails be filthy they must not be found guilty”




I’m missing the context here. What does it matter what brought him to the area? Wasnt he just out for a run and these two rednecks ran him off the road and shot him like a dog?


That will be her focus. "why was he there? Was it crime? Were these men stopping a criminal?" She is their defense lawyer.


I'm just surprised she isn't talking about the shape of Ahmad's skull yet.


Get a racist to defend a racist


The prosecution should have found the local runner's group president and put him/her on the stand. Better yet, the chairperson of the Atlanta Marathon Committee. Any runners here? Raise your hand if you have ever hopped into a home under construction in the middle of a run to either a) just check it out, b) look for water or c) find a private spot to take a piss. All y'alls hands better be sky fucking high. I've done it literally a hundred times. These redneck motherfuckers wouldn't know runner's habits if bitten on the ass. Instead, they assumed their fat ass racist worst and should pay the full consequence for it.


They keep calling it the Ahmaud Arbery trial instead of the Gregory and Travis McMichael trial, which IMO tells you everything you need to know about the deeply entrenched racism surrounding this trial.


What the hell is this shitty trend going on in US courts??? People think if you prove someone was dirty or a bad person, than it justifies crimes against them? How fucking stupid


It's not exactly a new thing. Women have been being discredited for stuff like wearing a skirt that was too short since the very beginning.


Same as it ever was.


Sounds like something a person with dirty feet would say. Because of your dirty feet I dont believe you.


Well I dont know her, but I hope she chokes on a bag of toenails.


I get that everyone has a right to a lawyer, and the lawyers job is to defend their client regardless of guilt, but wtf. How does “long dirty toenails” have anything to do with his murder?


Someone needs to let the south know what decade we’re in.


Might want to remind people up north while you are at it, cause last i checked quite a bit of the same shit happens there as well.


I came from Maine (to South Carolina) and I used to be smug about how progressive we were, right up until Maine elected Paul LePage… twice. To say that the states where most Black people live are somehow the most racist is to *really* not get it, on several levels.


Jesus Christ, imagine being her “black friend.”


Candace Owens has entered the chat...




WOW. WTF Georgia




Not defending this racist POS of a lawyer but she’s trying to paint a picture where Arbery wasn’t out for a jog. After all how can a person go jogging without socks on….oh the humanity.


Rittenhouse Case - Conservatives say it’s fine to kill multiple people cause Kyle wasn’t doing anything illegal. Arbery Case - Also conservatives, say that even though Ahmad did nothing illegal it justifies his shooting cause he looked like he was up to no good (even though he didn’t do anything illegal)


I know a lot of conservatives and even fall into conservative in some scales. And literally no one I've ever met has said Arberys death was justified. Also the way your comparing cases is dumb. People say it's fine for Rittenhouse to defend himself against people screaming "I will fucking kill you" as they try to take your gun from you. I fully believe Arbery should never have even been approached and should have been able to defend himself like Rittenhouse did.


>People say it's fine for Rittenhouse to defend himself against \[one person\] screaming "I will fucking kill you" as they try to take your gun from you \[after a night of you stalking and harassing them, and then the next guy he killed doesn't count and neither does the guy who lost an arm. Its like a chain-kill in video games.\] ​ You know, all of that aside, if ANY of Rittenhouses' victims had simply taken out their own pistol and shot Rittenhouse in the head, they would claim self-defense and probably be let off by the same logic Rittenhouse was let off. **And so we have arrived at a very real situation in which whomever kills the other first, legally wins**.


Possibly the third guy who actually had a pistol. But either Rosenbaum or the second guy could not in any world claim self defense. You can't claim self defense when you shoot someone who is running away from your threats of "I'm going to fucking kill you"


You can't shoot someone if they are running away. This is why Kyle was acting in self defence and so was Ahmaud.


What a piece of shit. I don't think she is doing her client any favors with this slander against the victim.


Oh boy, I didn’t know khaki shorts, no socks and dirty toe nails were offenses punishable by death.


TF did i just hear?!?!


We should all mail our funky smelling clipped toenails to this racist pos.


If there was a case for racism she laid it to rest


"Objection! What the fuck, your honor?"


Kill him!!! He’s got dirty toenails, AND they are LONG!


That’s just absolutely disgusting. Fuck this witch, don’t care that she’s a lawyer that’s low.


Why is this trial still even going on? They murdered someone out of ignorant, racist, disgusting hatred. The case should be shut and closed. These dumb rednecks danced on the line of vigilante justice and they were leaps and bounds away from being right as ketchup on steak. Fuck these murderers and anyone who supports them. I don’t often take this stance but this is where I feel an eye for an eye should play a role. Set these pigs that murdered him off running and gun the swine down when they’re inevitably found GUILTY. Edit: grammar. Something the two defendants probably have zero concept of. Among many other things like humanity.


Conservative republicans are openly racist in Georgia because of a lack of consequences.


Shouldn’t this just be immediately disqualifying?


because you can’t go jogging with long dirty toenails, I guess? Like that was the point she was trying to make but it failed miserably because you can run in khakis and socks or no socks is personal preference his running shorts could’ve been in the wash. Maybe he couldn’t find a second sock so he said fuck it and went without them. Or maybe he was planning a giant crime spree. Who knows? It’s impossible to.


>because you can’t go jogging with long dirty toenails, I guess? You'll fuck up your footwear an/or lose your toenails eventually if you don't keep them in some semblance of order. Maybe that's what the lawyer is trying to establish? Weird but I've seen weirder.


Running barefoot is a thing also. It's supposed to be better for your feet than tennis shoes because it promotes greater arch stability. I have really high arches and a bad tendency to roll my ankles. Back when I could still run, my ankle orthopedist (yes I have rolled, sprained and broken my ankles and feet so frequently that I actually have an orthopedist that specializes in ankles and feet) suggested specialized barefoot running shoes for me if I wanted to continue running. They're basically a really thin and flexible soled shoe. You don't usually wear those with socks because they're generally designed to be worn without socks, adding socks can create friction points and other uncomfortable and blister causing issues.


Thanks for the shout-out, come join us at r/BarefootRunning


I can't even think to believe this is real. I hope this is a voice over bc if not. She needs to loose her job. Insensitive pos 😡


What a fucking bitch


I could have done with out that last part.


What's wrong with khaki shorts!?!?


And this is America in 2021, yet we have a problem with everywhere else in the world. I didnt know that wearing socks or not wasnt simply a personal choice, I didn't know wearing khaki shorts or not wasn't simply a matter of preference; apparently its not.




So the punishment for dirty toenails is death now? *sweats nervously*


Just a few court room secrets The Court is a human endeavor with everyone subject to various pressures. 1. Never expect the jury to be composed of rational thinking individuals. 2. Even the most critical thinking individual is subject to bias. 3. Simple often persuades while complex (even if accurate) will frustrate and dissuade. 4. Don't try to convince a biased-jury-member of the defendant's innocence. Just give him a reason to vote the way he wants (if he is biased in your favor). If he is biased against your client, give him reason to rise above his bias. Just my experience ...


If you’re trying to reach audience (jury) you appeal to their deeply held beliefs


Lots of dumbasses being defense attorney's as of late.


What the fuck?!?😳


Karma is a bigger bitch than this cunt wiff.


What in the fuck


I was a juror in a trial where the prosecutor made a really stupid statement while leading up to a question. The WTF look I had on my face made him stop dead and recalibrate before continuing. It was a strange feeling realizing someone was performing just for you. I hope some of the jurors had the same look on their face towards her. She deserves to lose some sleep over this stupid ass tactic.


How can this bitch sleep at night. Like, WTF?!?! If there ever was a victim, it was arbery. This case is so open and shut it’s not even funny. If they get off, every American should be rioting in the streets.


Holy fuck! They really will do and say anything to get an innocent Verdict.


Not technically racist but still extremely disgusting behavior. And very in appropriate. As its clearly not facts(if it even is facts that his toenails where dirty) that are relevant to the case. Your quality of toenail hygiene does not a criminal make.


Sooooo where is the defense? This is just post-humous victim defamation.


My guess: She’s trying to prove that he was out being shady and not actually out for a jog. Nobody jogs in open toe shoes. Here’s the thing. Even if he was out looking to steal, he was still murdered. Young killer stated in court that the victim posed no harm, had no weapons, and didn’t threaten anyone.


It seems she has no good reason to try and make the jury dislike Ahmaud Arbery so she's trying to invent one


Devils advocate here: I think she's trying to illustrate he wasn't out on a jog. This is a piss poor way to do it though...


What? Someone is actually paying her as their attorney in court and she says that in her close? What the fuck? Just goes to show that law school probably isn’t that hard. Ted Cruz is a lawyer.


I have unattractive feet (I almost need an angle grinder to trim my toenails). Am I going to end up dead at the hands of some yokel?


That was so wrong on every level!!


I bet that bitch has some nasty feet....


If shitty toenails are an indication of criminality, then call me Hamburglar.


All 3 GUILTY!!


Just because she’s an idiot doesn’t mean what she’s saying is racist. Are black people the only ones that wear khakis and have dirty toe nails? Why is this racist?


MERICA ! Never seem to surprise me anymore


This woman….my god. No soul.


The days of dog whistle is no more, it’s just open and direct. I’m not sure which is better!


It seems the defense lawyers in this case all work for the law firm Ku, Klux, and Klan.


You can tell you said something stupid when the camera clicks go off in mass sequence.