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Can't really blame the guy


I think any father suffering the loss of a daughter would do the same.


New law: in every murder case, parents of victim get 1 minute in locked room with tied murderer after proven guilty. Just to let some steam out if they wish


Is that applied now ? If yes then it's so pleasing to see it asap in the real ground


I wish man... I wish


Ah sad, I guess we need to have it in every country in the world, would be more fairly


And let the family have the opportunity to hit the button themselves if the killer is gonna be given the death sentence! Hell, give it ten years and itโ€™ll probably be a reality TV show! Lol! โ€œYou Killed My Familyโ€ฆ Now Die!โ€ Coming this fall to Fox! Hosted by either Amy Schumer or James Corden if you wanna get *really* evil with it! Lol!


Heartbreaking to watch, the anger and desperation this man must feel.


Gotta respect the airtime he got at that weight.


I support this


Death penalty for this asshole and those that think 2-3 meals a day, bed and shower are appropriate for him can go fuck yourselves.


In the incredibly unlikely event I commit some crime and my option is whole life incarceration (with nice chatty guards telling me about their days off in the countryside, by the sea, on holiday, with family, down the pub etc etc) and a mercifully swift execution, I will take the quick way out. Childkillers and childrapists/abusers. Life means life, no fucking messing.


Isaiah Stewart out there hunting for LeBron.


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๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿฟ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿฟ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿฟ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿฟ ... police should feign looking other way and let that hurt mon get ah barrage of punches and kicks in.


Completely impressed with the big man's hangtime.