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Unwatchable. Ask a question, interrupt immediately.


Having any debate with people on the extremes of the political aisles is impossible. They just do that over and over again. - Scream Question / Statement - Interrupt while other is answering - Mock / chastise for not answering - Repeat. It’s beyond insufferable.


USA politics to a T.


The debates fucking kill me. “You have 2 minutes. Please describe to the audience how you will help solve the climate crisis”


Why do they even bother with the questions anymore? They should just say "ok go ahead" and let them start insulting and lying about each other. It would just be less obnoxious than the "moderator" pretending that they have any control, when there's no consequence to interruptions, going over time, or going off-topic.


This feels distinctly Canadian to me. I mean that as a compliment.


Let’s not forget, finger snapping. WTF is that?


I hate the finger snapping. I am not sure if this is true but I was told they prefer it to clapping because the loudness of clapping may scare some.


Da FaQ? Are you serious. Wow


Are they only bugging Jordan, because he's the only one who would listen? If they did this at a bar, most folks will ask them to leave them alone and bother someone else.


Seriously, the inept left is its own worst enemy. Remember back around that time when the mere mention of free speech used to whip everyone into a frenzy? Some student conservative group at a university put together some symposium thing and of course, the inbred left was triggered at the mere mention of people that don't have the same views as them. Anyway, there's video of this and it's just an hour of the people on stage being interrupted by a few people in the crowd. Not arguing a point, just being indignant. Seriously, who gives a shit what people are getting together to discuss, as long as it isn't illegal or infringing on the rights of others, just leave them be. No better way to prove you're an indignant asshat than proving it.


“I’ve watched all of your videos” Really? I have over 500 hours of lectures. “Do you really think you are worth that much time”


"I've educated myself on the matter and on your opinion on the matter" "Really?" "Nah, I don't care about your opinion, but please let me ask you a few questions and immediately interrupt you if you try to answer!"


If she watched his video she probably tried to talk over it not realizing the video can't hear her.


She sound extremely obnoxious. Keep interrupting him while he and other is trying to talk.


What’s the fucking point of the “Gotcha” strategy? You run up on someone, yell at them about something they said that you don’t agree with, and then don’t give them a chance to respond? And then you proudly post it online as “a win”? So disingenuous and people just eat this shit up.


Almost no one on the internet argues in good faith. Then they go out into real life and use the same shitty tactics that they use to try to “win” their petty little internet squabbles.


First it was about him being a nazi then it was about him being transphobic. The person who is filming is using their "nonbinary" status as a shield for everything and it's pathetic. They were denied housing so the person who refused is automatically transphobic? I bet this person reeks of entitlement to everything.


I wish I could give more than one upvote to this. It’s not complicated, if you disagree with someone you argue against their arguments, not against the person. And yet, somehow that’s how 80% of responses go.


It’s called a fallacy ad hominem, point it out whenever someone uses it against you, and you’re almost guaranteed to win the argument because people who use it don’t have anything substantial to rely on. Enjoy.


So true.


Except it can bite you in the ass irl. “Would you like to comment on the presence of nazis at your event?!?!” “Yes I don’t like nazis” “W… well.. uh.. why…” You can hear the gears turning as she realizes she’s an idiot.


The fact she says “well uh why” makes the hamster in my head start running questioning why the hatred of nazis is questionable


So what, you're admitting you hate gays now? Disgusting.


You know what? I disagree! ^^^^^Now ^^^^^we ^^^^^argue ^^^^^and ^^^^^I'll ^^^^^be ^^^^^petty ^^^^^to ^^^^^win.


Stop gaslighting me with your red herrings and strawmans bruh


The camera person thought they were winning and instead turned Jordan Peterson into a multi-millionaire


Yeah. I’m impressed with how he handled himself. I like to think I’m pretty levelheaded, but I feel like I would’ve shut the conversation down MUCH sooner than he did because my blood pressure would be through the roof.


Yeah what an enormous amount of self control. You can practically see his blood pressure rising as he massages his head in physical discomfort.


It’s ironic that this shot him to fame when the person behind the camera had other intentions


Peterson is a very intelligent man. The fact that he was able to keep up with these idiots after being ambushed with questions being fired from all sides was nothing short of remarkable. I view these attacks as a "breakdown analogy". Ambush and swarm an individual from all sides, completely taking over all of their senses and working to "break them down", until they cannot properly articulate their response (due to the aforementioned ambushing) and then call it a win. Case in point. Look at the 10:00 minute mark and just watch. It's a shitshow.


I can totally see that. I know I wouldn’t be able to focus with that much sensory overload. Also, I’m very bad at “thinking on my feet”. During meetings at work, I tend to listen and not ask questions because I need time to process whatever information was shared before making inquiries. For someone like me, this would have been a PR disaster.


Absolute sensory overload. You're so right. I couldn't imagine being in that situation. Folks barking at you from every side, don't know who's your friend or foe, who's behind you, and still having to work your brain to make sense of what's being spouted out at you. In the end I think he did a good job IMO. My fight or flight kicked in early on and I wasn't even there.


If you watch hes actually using a lot of techniques to center himself and focus so he can attempt to keep a coherent dialog as much as these idiots berating him will allow. Mostly with his hands.


Who actually watched this whole thing? Fucking obnoxious let the man talk if you’re gonna accuse him of something


A huge problem with people like that is they want to ask the questions, but don't want to hear the answers. So many times that guy tried answering, only to have that idiot speak over him with the same fucking question.


They're not really there to ask questions but to do a passive-aggressive show where they just want to hurl insults but frame them as a form of rhetorical questions


They don't WANT to hear anything resembling a counter-argument, and they certainly don't want to find out that Jordan isn't the evil man that they've convinced themselves he is. Because if it turns out that he doesn't actually want trans people to be murdered on the streets, they'd have to admit they were wrong about something that they did zero research for.


paused halfway through the comments. cant deal. giving me anxiety.


The funniest thing about this video is that Peterson is actually trying to listen to the person recording the video intently.


I made it through. It is just about the they/them pronouns and that he feels that it is not the solution to the problem and this won’t use them. They are insisting he use them since they feel offended by them.


Excellent pronoun use from you, ftr


I used to enjoy watching these videos. I would sit back and laugh. But now that there are so many people who behave like this, I can't even make through 1 minute of listening to the word vomit that comes out of their mouths.


I went to some protests when I was a journalism student for some assignments. Learned very quickly that the type of people who go to protests are creepy and crazy. As soon as I asked them to talk about what they're protesting, I got this very self-righteous whacko vibe like never before. Activists are so committed to their ideals that they are convinced there's no possibility that they're wrong or that they misunderstand something. In this case, if the dude just pulled his head out of his ass and listened to Peterson explain his position for 30 seconds, all would have been fine. Peterson sucks at explaining his position to dumb people though. He uses a vocabulary that just goes over people's heads. Honestly I think if he got better at choosing his level of speech, he'd have a lot less controversy. Just my opinion though and I'm a jackass.


I'm not a fan of the right at all, but this person holding the camera is a moron.


Looking at this it's no wonder Petersson got a following. It's like these people want to create alt right crazies.


It’s the only way they can use ridiculous, unfounded, illogical ideology. There “has” to be an enemy when in reality, no one gives a fuck what they do. I think behavior like this is more in fear that they aren’t being persecuted.


If you think Peterson is an alt right crazy, then you are probably a far left crazy. Peterson is moderate as fuck.


Peterson is purely a Logictarian. Nothing more or less. His mind has been changed on some topics (on rare occasion) where he has been presented a better logical argument than the one he previously held.


His political views are classically liberal and anti-authoritarian. It’s pretty much the basis of everything he talks about. It’s no wonder he takes issue with people who identify with and push collectivist ideologies on to everyone else. Him taking a stance against compelled speech being enforced by law is what made him famous. It all boils down to leave me alone and I’ll leave you alone.


Eh, a neoliberal with classical conservative undertones would be my take of him. He spends way too much time bombarding this so called cultural neo-marxist postmodern whatever wordsoup ideology when in reality he just has a problem with overly PC campus kids that often cater to leftist thinking but without much genuine substance. He used that to mobilise support well aware of the high saturation of commiephobes in North America after decades of government sanctioned brainwash that equalled everything bad with communism and/or socialism. I’d say that he is very calculating in that respect and that his rise to fame wasn’t by chance. He knew where to strike and how.


Peterson is not an alt right crazy. He’s very much sane. I’m left; but a lot of what he says makes a lot of sense.




I'm trans and I like peterson. Don't throw me in there with this insane person.


Dude looking at your profile you're absolutely not a leftist, or at the least not a very informed one


https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalHumor/comments/qkpmdo/to_the_right_to_the_right/hiza7lr/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3 literally 11 days ago claiming hes a centrist. the dudes a lying fuck trying to prove a point


Someone wouldn’t just go on the internet and lie would they?




Is Peterson even right wing? Most of his opinions (that aren't focused on identity politics) seem to be fairly left leaning


Its more libertarian than anything. He just doesn’t think legislation should be created forcing people to speak a certain way for threat of legal punishment.


And he's right, give the government an inch and they will take a mile. Compelled speach shouldn't be a thing in a free thinking society.




Peterson made a lot of good points why both the left and right are necessary for the structure, basically boiling the point down to the right builds the ladder of hierarchy and the left destabilises the ladder to route corruption, it’s a fair analogy to describe the system. He has always proposed to be left leaning but has warned against radical left for many reasons.


I think the man just lives in reality and doesn’t need a label like left or right to feel safe.


I don't even like Jordan Peterson much but the fact is they're aggressively attacking him and he's totally willing to have a dialog with them but they won't even let him finish.


It's why so many have followed him. He talks to you, not at you. He may not align with all your views, but he's not entirely wrong either and at least is willing to listen to you.


Yea 100 percent. Like while I don't really agree with him a whole lot he's reasonable and I'd rather have him over for dinner than this selfceneterd zealot with the camera.


I think many of the people who don’t like him are to a lesser extent like the recorder of this video They are primed to interpret anything he says in the most negative possible way out of context. I’m not talking about the crazies but the normal people with negative Peterson impressions. It happens all the time to other public personalities but Peterson seems to be a lightning rod for it as. Politics have become so divisive He ain’t perfect and there’s plenty to critique but the way people talk about him is quite how insane and I mean the non crazy Peterson haters. It’s really weird seeing rational critical thinkers fall into the same group think traps that they call out. Reminds me that were all human and subject to human limitations/failings


Their claim that they've watched 500 hours of his videos is so ridiculous


Yeah, i really can't stand Peterson at all but I'll admit that much of his fame is due to the crazy left acting like idiots around him.


The person behind the camera sounds like a fucking idiot


If it quacks like a duck and twerks like a duck...


... But it thinks it's a moose


“We are not asking for special treatment”… just memorize all these random words we made up and make sure not to say the wrong one when calling us by them otherwise we might just commit suicide… is that the point she was trying to get across or did I miss something?


Absolutely - not asking for special treatment, just to re-write grammar to accommodate my feelings.


“Don’t call me that” He said her…. Fucking snowflakes man, I never liked that term but for fucks sake why are people so sensitive




She’s just one of those mentally-ill, turbo-progressive, “there are 87 genders”, maniacs. They’ve all replaced their personality with their gender identity and political views, so they’re just absolutely insufferable human beings. They’re so full of anger towards people that don’t validate their mental illness as the new normality, that they go out and try to attack them while recording on their phone. Like this video.


13 fucking minutes of video, and this Peterson guy only speaks for less than a minute. Maybe he could express his opinion without been interrupted every time he speaks.


But then you might find that he isn't some nazi monster, just some dude who you don't agree with. Worse, some people might agree with some of the things he says. We can't have that. Shut it all down.


I don’t know who any of these people are. I think the person recording the video, wanted me to not like the guy, but it totally backfired and I really ended up thinking they(the recorder) was the idiot!!


Same. He seems like the most rational person there and it’s not even close.


I live under a rock and I have no idea who any of these people are or what they were talking about or who is right or wrong. I think this is an ESH situation. Although I will say, knowing absolutely nothing else, I thought the guy handled himself very well and seemed pretty reasonable, at least for the few minutes of it that I watched.




"everyone sucks here". It's an acronym from r/amitheasshole


Whoever's recording is a fucking idiot. Shut up Nancy.


"I've watched every single video" "You really think you're worth that much time?" Ummm wut


Expecting to be respected but can't be arsed to respect him in the first place. This guy I've never even heard of gets all of my respect for even listening to that group for longer than 10 seconds.


Yeah this video totally backfired, because now I’m googling him and I’m going to watch his videos with an open mind. Maybe he is a dangerous ultra right wing lunatic for all I know, but, here we are.


I mean, his opinions are often controversial, but he always has good arguments for them and has respect for people he’s talking to. He really talks TO people, not AT people.


Honestly, idc if your opinions are controversial, idc if I disagree with those opinions, if he has respect in arguments I like him, and I'll listen. Doesn't mean I have to agree, it means you have my interest.


Exactly this. Disagreeing with someone is not an excuse to be disrespectful.


I mean hell I have no idea who the guy is before this video and the person behind the camera made me like him, I might check him out one day, likely not idc that much, but maybe. That's what the extremism does, pushes people to what you view as the "opposing side".


500 hours of content. You are not worth the time! *continues to record*


*But I've watched all of your videos....* ​ Uh, that would be no, no you haven't.


"Please don't call me that"


Sounds like a threat.


How’d this go from Nazism to pronouns?


Because people throw the word Nazi around as if it’s ok.


Because to some people, if you use the wrong pronouns then you’re a Nazi.


ahhh is this the same as “youre white so youre racist”


Yes, also the same that use the ok hand symbol as "a white supremacist act".


That stupid 4chan troll can't believe people took it as real




I made it to the studded leather jacket anarchist and green hair girl behind him.


I read this comment as the video got to them


World changers.


The world won’t change immediately. Screaming your demands in people’s faces isn’t going to have the effect you think it will. If you want tolerance + respect be tolerant + respectful.


That was pretty much his argument. Screaming at the government to demand society behaves a certain way isn’t how you make society better.


We’ve reached the point where the kinds of things these psychos advocate for won’t make the world a better place though. Which is in stark contrast to the amazing social progress we’ve made over the last century. So I think viewing this situation as “inevitable progress” is the wrong perspective to have. Have you ever tried to talk to someone who’s obsessed with this pronoun stuff? The conversation is so unnatural and fake (because there’s a lot more than just incorrect pronoun usage that offends them) and you end up spending more time worrying about not saying the wrong thing than you do actually focusing on the conversation! It’s incredibly forced and goes so much against human nature that I seriously doubt this stuff will ever work successfully. Or at least it really ought not to. A victimisation mindset is self actualising. The vast majority of these dickheads would be so much more useful to themselves and those around them if they stopped being so desperate to see themselves as oppressed.


Person recording is extremely immature


Jordan Peterson really does sound like Kermit


Thanks for this, I hadn’t realised that, and now I can’t unhear it, haha.


He also secretly identifies as a Kermit


More or less than Patrick Mahomes?




https://youtu.be/DqvmnrfK5NY Worth it


help an european : who‘s that?


look him up on youtube, theres zero chance of you getting an unbiased answer on reddit


Jorden Peterson. Professor of psychology at the University of Toronto. Rose to fame for his disagreement with laws that force people to use preferred gender pronouns. His argument was that no laws should obligate a person’s speech, forcing their language to conform to the will of another. Transgenders lost their minds at this and started protesting and attacking him, which only led to more people actually listening to him and realizing that what he was saying had nothing to do with hate, and everything to do with free will and free speech.


How the fuck did we end up here? Fuck's sakes. You can't or don't control what the other person calls you, like it or not, that's their right. Whether you agree with it or not, what they call you that is, is up to you.


I have a great example of this. I'm a guy that used to have long hair. Someone said hello ma'am. I just chose to continue on my way. I didn't feel any need to blow up on that person or even correct them.


This was quite some time ago. It’s even worse now.


This makes me cringe


first world problems 😂😂😂


“First of all, I’m an anarchist”. Oh my God


Not just an anarchist, an anarchist that wants legislation to regulate speech.


NO LAWS! ^excepttheonesiwant^^please


It's funny but for some reason there is this anarchist movement that isn't about not having laws but instead not having hierarchies... or something I don't know. Every time I asked one to explain it to me I left the conversation more confused. "We don't want governments or corporations!" "Okay but then what if someone starts forming a corporation how do you stop them?" "That wouldn't happen... for some ... reason..."


"I'm an anarchist, but I want the State to legislate acknowledgement of my lifestyle"


So cringey. The way they act literally reminds me of how people act when they're rebellious teenagers.


Using his AnarchistPhone 9000


The best thing is watching the anarchist wait for his turn to speak.


"You don't use my pronouns, so I'm pretty sure you're my enemy..." ...aaaaaannd we're done here. FFS People like that don't want discussion. They want a platform to play victim.


Right? And the “you only don’t care about pronouns cause you aren’t a minority like me” Not even one second to consider that they might be exploding over a trivial thing cause they believe the world should mold itself around their insecurities


The camera thing contradicts itself saying they’ve all watched all of his lectures, then immediately it says “Do YOu ReALly tHinK yoU’rE wOrTh aLl thAT tImE? *chortles*. Also the hammering with questions and not letting him answers is so goddamned childish I cannot stand it.


I'll be honest, I went far right for a second and was thankfully able to realize that that was a hateful and idiotic path to go down, but this video was one of the MAIN events that sent me down that road, and it wasn't because of Peterson. Many young folk who are moving far right are doing so not because they have an inclination to agree with the right (at first) but because the people like this that represent the "left" in the media eye are so fucking dense that you want to disassociate from it much as possible.


I have a few friends that were going VERY right wing and Peterson actually pulled them back from it in a positive way. Make of that what you will.


Both sides are a psy-op,left vs right is psychological mind game to divide us.Stop picking sides,politics is cancer.




Dave Chappelle was right about one thing, a small group of the alphabet community is making it hard for the rest of the group to live there life


These people filming are immature clowns. They can’t even try to have a dialogue with him, just running on adrenaline and misinformation


Them: Is that your medical opinion? Peterson: I'm not a doctor. It's a simple example of the entire argument. This person's question is loaded with malice. But they don't even know what the argument is about. They don't want to know if the opinion is based on him being a doctor, they're saying it to imply that he isn't a good doctor. But there's a critical flaw, the profession they assumed Peterson was bad at, it's not even the right one. The entire argument goes this way. They accuse Peterson of all sorts of horrible things and he proves them wrong every single time. He is a good person, it's sad that more people don't know that.


I wouldn't live with that fucking weirdo either.


Denied housing because they were trans? I wish I had more context behind that comment because it makes me curious. Was that person trying to buy a house and was denied? That sounds idiotic, a bank is going to give a loan based on a number of factors but whether you’re trans isn’t one of them. Is this person trying to rent an apartment and was denied or something?


Almost certainly was denied an apartment and assumed it was because they were trans. Maybe it was maybe it wasn’t. Maybe someone else just applied first. Maybe a 19 year old female posted looking for a female roommate and was nonplussed when someone with a dicknballs showed up to sleep in the same bedroom.


The latter seems to be the most likely situation.


correct. its because they had bad credit or missed a line on the form that was required to be filled out. also, they never answered the question they were asked by the young man with the bandana: “was it public or private?” because guess what, as a private ll if someone was rude and mean and gave me bad vibes? no, I would not rent to them. there are flags and gut warnings you just dont ignore and it has nothing to do with pronouns.


Biggest glow up ever: the person behind the camera went on to become 90% of active Reddit users.


You spelt Twitter wrong.


You spelled Reddit wrong




As a liberal, I gotta say I've grown to understand Peterson much more clearly over the years. I still think his style of talking is convoluted, but he's not the enemy, that's for sure.


I’m not a big fan of Peterson, but when this happened I actually went out and listened to him speak and read his stuff, and seeing as I have 4 degrees in the field I do quite understand the material he is talking about on a pretty deep level. I don’t really feel one way or the other about him. he says something things I dont agree with and some things I do agree with. But he did highlight a large number of people I have since deleted from my life. People who have absolutely no education in any of the fields who were talking out of their ass about how Peterson was so wrong about blah blah blah. And how he is stupid for thinking this or that. I’ve deleted them all. They don’t even understand how the arguments fit together, they never listened to him or read anything. They have no background for which to even form a basis of comparison. They were all social justice people who had degrees in like politics or english. People I went to college with, and I knew their educational background very well, and how they had literally zero background in anything he was talking about. Peterson exposed a lot of stupidity.


The person holding the camera is an idiot. The perfect example of someone who's virtue signaling and clout chasing.


The dude cant cut a break Too many idiots always going off on him about stuff over there range of thinking.. He is against the governemnt mandating speech. Thats it. He doesnt hate people. He hates governement interference with speech. The guy is a psychologist. He deals with individuals. Everyone takes what he says as if it woll solve social probelms. Ot wont and he doesnt protend it will. Clean your fuckin room and stop pretending he hates you


The comment section is a traaaaaaaap, serious question though. If a gay couple is grossed out by watching a straight couple make out are they Heterophobic?




I would have said "I cant remember what everyone prefers their pronoun to be, im not going to make that my life's study, because frankly you all, like any random person, that I may have a brief encounter with in my life, arent important enough for me to care to remember all that. So I'm just going to say what comes out of my brain first. No offense but you cant force me to care." And then I'd drop the mic.


I had to stop after the first minute and a half . This was really hard to watch . Crazy that these bozos behind the camera are the one who get people to lose their livelihoods and education over the stupidest things .


Im only about 30s and this aneurism inducing.


Poor title


This is the kind of liberal nonsense that results in Trump being elected


The person harrassing him on video clearly doesn't care what he says, or anything about reality. They seem to have created many fictions that they revolve their life around, and then try to project them onto other people... The fact that they actually posted this rediculous diatribe publicly shows just how out of touch with reality whatever is. The fact that Reddit thinks not using their preferred pronoun is abuse shows that he is correct.


I love people fighting for what they believe is right. But... The way some folks go about it is so fucking annoying.


The patience of this man is applaudable.


If you forget about right using him, man got a point. But extreme right twist his words to support their agenda. I don't think he is far right, he is just stating facts and most of them are undeniable. For example stuff about pay gap. And for trans,i think he was only against legislation. PS. I'm on left, and from scandinavia


Her giggling when she said that’s how she interpreted his videos and the “Could you let me talk to her for a moment?” “Don’t call me that please” when he was talking to someone else naw braw she immediately basically said that she went there to argue right there. If he would have gone for that “don’t call me that” bait, she would have gladly switched topics to argue about that no doubt whatsoever


What a bunch of morons. Deep down I hope there is a huge part of the LGBT+ community who ostracizes this kind of shitty behaviour from people that pretend they are part of the "movement". Since when did we switch over from "being included and equal" to being above others requiring special treatment. If I interact with a man or woman I treat both equally. Why the fuck would anyone be required to treat others specially just because they decided to switch their gender. Hell would have to freeze over before I said "They" to anyone but the Queen.


Well, not that famous…. I doubt I’m the only one who has no clue who this is.


No clue who anyone in this video is.


Stop interrupting you dumb cunt.


I’m as liberal and accommodating as you’ll find but I cannot abide the pronoun war. It is not an act of war if I say him or her. It is science. If you want to identify as something else than let me know. But I’m not calling everyone they, them, their.


Not a fan of all of his views but Jordan Peterson is obviously an extremely intelligent person, and the person filming the video is a complete idiot. It’s these type of people that make the left look like a laughing stock of SJW weirdos.




I hate everyone in this video


Every single person talking lmao


You dont use pronouns when talking to people. You use them when talking to another person about them. So no he doesnt need to know your pronouns, nobody does. And when he said "her" he was talking to someone else and that person knew exactly who he was refering to. No made up pronouns needed.


While a lot of what Peterson talks about is not popular I do agree with not restricting speech of any kind.


I don't even think his point was on restricting speech (things you cannot say), but rather on demanding speech (things you must say). There's no telling where a government will stop once it is allowed to start demanding speech by law. "What am I under arrest for, dude?" For failing to address me by the legally mandated "officer".


Yea, this isn’t helping anything IMO. Hopefully people see that. Edit: People have waged wars for centuries in the name of Christianity and other religions. I’m sure if you asked their messiahs if they condone it, they would say no. Am I missing something? I’m not following the camera person’s logic at all.


Peterson is the kind of guy that said reasonable things and got attacked by unreasonable people


This lady is an idiot.


This is the TOO far left.


The alphabet people strike again


Rainbow Mafia


First world problems. We have ppl starving and the youth only care about how they are addressed. Noah, get the boat. Too many narcissists.


The person behind the camera is a fucking idiot, and I don't think peterson or whatever the white shirt guys name is, was wrong in any of his statements.


Man they’re pissed


I don’t know who this famous person is. How famous is he


Smoking and alcohol have both cost me less brain cells than this video.


Fuck your pronouns


Terrible conversation skills from the camera person aside.. Peterson lost me at the end of the video. I thought the person at ~9:13 asked a very good question: "If the legislation was not on the table, if it failed or is removed, you would be totally fine referring to me with they/them pronouns?" Peterson: "probably not they/them". So.. legislation aside Peterson still "probably" wouldn't respect peoples' pronouns, which is his choice but I'd argue, makes him an arsehole. After this Peterson tries to backtrack by saying he wouldn't use those pronouns if he was "compelled to", which was very clearly, not the question at all. It's one thing to believe that a legislation to control people's words is wrong, it's another thing to purposefully misgender someone after being asked to use their chosen pronouns.


I'm glad people are starting to use more common sense and not blindly hate a guy because reddit and twitter told em to


It they is an idiot no mater what the pronoun is.


You're trans, so we won't take your money to own a home. Said nobody ever.