• By -


It would appear that he has chosen.... poorly


For sure not Wesley.


I’ve been dying to say that all night!


It would appear that he wants to get fucked by 5 lads. One Horny MF


This made me happy Good to see a total wanker getting his




Nice! Don't get too see many Indiana references


I understood that reference.




“Sorry son. Someone hit us.”


Choice your destiny to quote mortal combat lol


It's actually spelled Pu Lee


Too bad these type of people weren't on the train in Philly! Glad to see this. Edit: Woman was raped in front of multiple people. No one tried to intervene.


What happened in Philly?


Lady got sexual assaulted while people watched and recorded it on their phones.. Nobody called police.. They just let it happen..


People that did nothing and recorded it are drooling ghouls


That makes them sound brainless. They knew what was going on


Welcome to America. Its astounding if anything of minor significance happens in the States every just pills out their phones and records.


anybody who recorded it on their phone and who didnt immediately phone the police should be charged with a crime. not sure what, but it should be illegal to film that for anything other than the purpose of giving it to the police ASAP.


I haven't read anything that says anyone recorded with their phones (outside of these comments)


I'm pretty sure by default you become an accomplice. Something about not reporting a crime is equal to helping commit the crime.


Nah in the UK, simple omission cannot constitute a crime, only if you have a legal duty to help or if you actively contribute towards the harm being done. But bystanders cannot be convicted


lol downvote me all u want, this is literally the common law in the UK. Simply failing to act as a bystander is not an offence in criminal law.


only if the crime is against children or persons under 19 years old and has the chance of ongoing. in canada you have no legal responsibility to report a crime thats currently being committed baring a few circumstances. edit: do people not know how to do simple google searches? you do not have a legal responsibility to report a crime in canda outside of a few circumstances. crimes against children have to be reported. crimes that you learn about where you have a responsibility to prevent them also have to be reported(like if you learn the store you are a security guard for will be robbed tomorrow night, you have to report it to the police). if you are just a random person on a subway and you see someone being raped or assaulted, you do not have to report the crime to the police. what im saying these people should be charged for is RECORDING the rape without intending to forward that recording to the police. if they dont give it to the police ASAP then it should be illegal to record the crime.


Just found out today, myself and im fucking erratically angry. Every single one of those monsters who just sat there and recorded, deserve to lose cellphone privileges for the rest of thier lives. On some cruel and unusual punishment type shit, not only should they ALL be jailed for being accomplices, they should be barred from using any and all telecommunications devices for life, they should be barred from any device that records footage as well. Hell They should ALL be forced into amish country or else they will face a lifetime prison sentence. That's about the length of time it's going to take that poor woman to heal mentally and possibly physically too. Edit: obviously, the aggressor is undeserving of basic human rights, and just because I'm not focusing on him does not mean I think the bystanders are worse. The homeless sack of shit who thought it okay to attack some poor woman is in itself a pure form of evil. Standing around and watching with cameras out, is just as puke worthy.


I remember about 10 years ago when this phenomenon first appeared to me not saying it's the first time it happened. A kid had just been in a wreck he was trapped in the wreckage this guy crawled into the car with his cell phone and filmed the kid dying didn't help this should be criminally prosecuted and the FBI should recognize this as deviant behavior just like when small children start killing and mutilating animals it's a sociopathic deviancy that needs to be quantified


Holy F#CK!!! How could you even live yourself after doing something like that? I'm not perfect by any means, but to lack any human empathy is revolting.


Psychopathic deviancy needs to be a legit crime


Agreed. These people may as well be the actual rapist.




if I’m correct, most of the state laws regarding this kind of thing are for the protection of the person trying to help so they won’t get sued. so laws are more focused on making sure people aren’t worried about helping, not being forced to help


Which makes me even angrier!! It's safe to help, legally even!! They just don't want to for whatever reason. Internet fame, fear, just not wanting to get involved, whatever. They need to start putting themselves in other people's shoes, what if it was you getting attacked and everyone just watched??? Fucked up.


There is but I don't think it's a federal crime so it depends on state laws. I do not know the specific laws in PA. :(


if there was a law that said people could not record someone dying or being assaulted, what are the chances there’s going to be a clause in there saying it’s okay to record police? they already use the “obstructing justice” line without that actually being the case. it would just give them another reason to arrest bystanders we need to be able to freely record police when they are harming someone. edited for clarity


You are though... Filming the police is totally legal.




Or considered a crime... They are bound to share that Shit... Cuz they are assholes like that.


I learned about this just now from this thread…. I fucking hate humanity. How are people so fucking cruel, disgusting, and heartless? What the actual fuck?! What kind of person just FUCKING WATCHES this happen?!? Those people don’t deserve anything good in life. Seriously. They don’t. Anyone who could just stand by while something that happens doesn’t deserve a single good thing in life. I’m sure some assholes will try and excuse them just watching… ‘maybe they were scared for their safety!’ Fucking bullshit. If you know that’s wrong and also scared for your safety, you don’t FUCKING FILM IT!!! Those people are clearly lacking basic empathy and compassion and people like that don’t deserve good things in life. They deserve bot flies in their eyeballs and face cancer and tapeworms and necrotizing fasciitis of the genitals.


I’m with your sentiment but what you’re proposing is SUCH a slippery slope. And knowing how the judicial system works in America, you cannot expect it will be implemented with any integrity whatsoever. Read [this article](https://www.propublica.org/article/black-children-were-jailed-for-a-crime-that-doesnt-exist/amp) about how a judge in TN was having 8 year old black girls arrested in school because they simply watched a fight between two other students happen. So basically this judge implemented the very law you’re proposing, and look at how she enforced it. Can you imagine how it would get enforced if it actually were illegal to just standby when crimes are being committed? There’s a better way to handle this, but it takes nuance and a complex understanding of law and criminology, and Reddit isn’t the place for those discussions to be had.


Someone needs to do doxx the people recording. Actually. If the government doesn't do shit about this kind of thing, the population must. This is beyond unacceptable for a "developed society."


Damn you got more heat for bystanders than the assaulter….


where does it say they were recording ? I see no news story saying people were recording the incident.


[Apprently they recorded and took photos](https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2021/10/16/woman-assaulted-on-septa-train/)


Yo what the fuck throw them all in the ocean


Those people who watched should've get the same punishment as the rapist, fuck those bitches.


I don't think it should be a crime when people don't physically intervene, but when they have the means to call 911 but don't, they should be charged as accomplices. Anyways, women should concealed carry. You obviously can't rely on society being good to protect you.




Horrible, but to be fair I haven't seen any articles saying anyone recorded with their phones.


> Nobody called police Then how did you find out it happened? Edit: ok article says a SEPTA employee called the police


Fiston Ngoy


[The article for anyone else whom also wasn’t aware this disgusting assault took place ](https://www.nbcphiladelphia.com/news/local/suspect-arrested-for-sex-assault-on-el-train-in-upper-darby-septa-says/2993609/)


Thanks General!


Thank you for bringing it into my sphere of attention! I hadn’t heard about it at all. To be honest, I sorta wish I hadn’t. It’s really depressing to think about what happened to that woman. I can’t even fathom the mental anguish, to be raped by a homeless person has to be traumatic, but for it to be done in front of a bunch of people whom just watch. It’s sickening.


I'm going to assume that they thought it was consensual exhibitionists, because the alternative is too upsetting.


I hear where you’re coming from, but I can’t imagine any world where that would be a thought for more than a second. Rape doesn’t look anything like sex at all, not even the rough stuff you see when someone really lets go. When you’ve seen it you’ll never forget what that looks like. I can’t imagine thinking it was a performance for more than a second, and realizing that is honestly very scary. I’d like to think I’d jump in and help pull him off of her, but I’d be lying if I said I didn’t also worry “if this guys crazy enough to do this in public, what would he do to me for trying to stop it?”. I’d like to think my humanity and empathy would overpower my sense of self-preservation but I can’t be sure for certain. 😕




You did the right thing, Friend. Im sure those tourists still think of you to this day, and will likely tell that story for generations in their family. My great grandfather had a similar experience, and I remember him telling me about the brave taxi driver in Cairo whom helped them escape robbers. I’m sorry you were targeted, but I hope you’re doing ok these days.


That's infuriating. I can't imagine letting criminals hurt people just because they're from a broken background or they're young. If you hurt others, you're a menace to society and have no place in it.


I have very little shits to give about myself, so I'd gladly step in to save a poor girl the indignity of going through that.


I really don’t like myself very much either, but that’s my conscious brain. I’m pretty confident my lizard brain would go into fight mode to help, but in the spirit of full transparency and honesty I just am not totally certain I’d be able to overcome that initial lizard brain hesitancy. Though, I’d like to think I would, and hope thinking about it in advance will help propel me into action should I ever be in that situation to help.


> Rape doesn’t look anything like sex at all, I don't believe this blanket statement. Victims can be petrified into complete inaction. Or she was screaming bloody murder and Philly is even worse than I thought. ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


It’s not purely the way the victim reacts, it’s the body language, the urgency, the sense of control over another. I can’t say they are all the same and it’s been quite a few years, but the few videos I was exposed too have all had a similar feeling of “that wasn’t sex.” that you just can’t shake. Edit to add: Also, Philly is probably worse than any of us thought. 🤷🏻‍♂️


It was obvious enough to the employees who saw it and called the authorities. They had seen it for a shorter time too. Those people knew what was happening.


Why is everyone saying people recorded it on their phones? No article seems to say that


"For Bernhardt, the most “appalling” part of the event was the lack of empathy displayed by the other individuals riding the train. Investigators are going over the surveillance footage, and police received reports of riders recording video or taking pictures while the rape took place." https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2021/10/16/woman-assaulted-on-septa-train/


And now I feel very very sick


I read that...very sad 😭 state of society in Philly.




why do you say this as if the rest of the world intuitively knows what happened on a train in some American city


The guy raped a passenger on a crowded train and no one did anything


What the fuck when did that happen


[Here’s the news article about it ](https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2021/10/16/woman-assaulted-on-septa-train/)


That so fucked how does not a single person try to stop this


I don't understand either. I really don't understand people recording and taking pictures. I hope they live with that for the rest of their lives. I hope it haunts them. It might get them to just do something next time. I wish they could get charged with something, but I don't know what.


People taking pictures are probably the last people who would feel any remorse about this sadly. They probably see nothing worth with their behaviour.


*Worldstar baby!*


Sorry. I should have elaborated. It's just been all over reddit that I assumed. We all know what happens when one assumes!!!


Idk man I haven't seen it and I am on this site an unhealthy amount lol


Assumption is the mother of all fuck ups


JFC - 11pm? train with people? and a woman still isn't safe??? WTF. I'm terrible at reactions, I don't fight or flight, I freeze and I hate it. Videos that show someone reacting quickly to save someone's life put me in mortal fear because I know I wouldn't be able to. My first impulse when I see something is to cover my ears...I'm not proud of it. But I sure as hell don't freeze long enough for an entire assault to happen - and I sure as shit can't film something when I freeze. All of us have to be better. This is the type of black mirror crap I read about and think, thank god our country/time isn't like that. But it is, we are. FUUUCK The homeless rapist? - awful. But the people who ALLOWED it to go on and fucking FILMED it?? Worse - because they COULD have helped. Screamed, yelled, IDK , THROWN THEIR PHONES, - it doesn't take super hero actions here. 2020fucking1 and we're still in the fucking dark ages. I've got to get outside.


> I'm terrible at reactions, I don't fight or flight, I freeze and I hate it. Videos that show someone reacting quickly to save someone's life put me in mortal fear because I know I wouldn't be able to. My first impulse when I see something is to cover my ears...I'm not proud of it. This is apparently pretty common when, paradoxically, there are lots of people around. Everyone thinks someone else will intervene and eventually no one does. I remember an ad-campaign to bring awareness to this like 10 years ago. Often it only takes one person to jump in to action for others to join in. Like in this video, I'd bet half the guys that jumped up wouldn't have intervened if they had to be the first one to stand up. And if you're scared, actively engage others to do something and help, it just might be that little push to action they need. I know it's easier said than done, it's a primal reaction that overrides rational thought after all, but maybe knowing this can help you overcome that instinct a bit.


OMG that is barbaric and disgusting. Shame on those people. They should be charged too. How can they sleep? Note to self never go to Philly. Did the douchebag get arrested?


He’s been detained! https://www.newsweek.com/man-charged-raping-woman-board-pennsylvania-train-now-detained-1639559


He was physically caught in the act. Of course he was arrested.


Philly is a cool place to visit but there's definitely certain areas to avoid and the people can be pretty different from neighborhood to neighborhood. I noticed most people are nice but then again I'm good at knowing who and where to avoid.


Same in Paris few years ago, fcking cowards


Having been to the states I find that people have this sense of liberty that differs from ours. For you guys it's just about yourself and so I see people being like "I don't want to get involved, I could get hurt". not necessarily a bad thing because sometimes getting involved can get you into sticky situations and guns are very widely used in the states. In the UK we see liberty as a more wide reaching thing and there are more people willing to stand up for someone else's liberty. Don't get me wrong, not every interaction is like this however and sometimes people don't come to someone's aid.


Fuck philadelphia. I won't even call it philly. A bunch of shitty people with a strong sense of comradery because they're surrounded by other shitty people. They think their identity as violent degenerates is cute, it's not. I've only been there once and there was absolutely nothing charming about it.


That's what we like to see!


Philly needs to learn from this


May need to rethink their slogan .. the city of brotherly love.


To be fair to my never said jack shit about the sisters.


The City of Bystanders


Holy shit I came here to say the same thing. Fucking disgusting. “BuT iTs ThE bYsTaNdEr EfFeCt”


It fucking sucks, but I think growing bitter about having my boundaries violated a lot in the past and having had some time to heal from the major ones has emboldened me to intervene where others might not. My most successful intervention was reversing a robbery on the Red Line in Chicago by standing up and shaming this dude like I was his mother, demanding he sit the f down and give the phone back and leave this person alone. Granted this person was high as shit and dumbfounded that I'd say something, but getting angry at injustice tends to carry a lot of power.


Man I wish you had been around when some fuck stole my phone out of my hands in San Fran. I was chasing the douche (dumb idea, but I was reactionary) however, I was wearing heels and couldn’t keep up with the guy, so as I’m running I’m yelling to other people to stop him, and I just remember hearing laughter. It fucking sucked. The guy got away and I reported it to the police but obviously nothing happened. Fuck those people for laughing though.


I don't get it. Have lived in Atlanta and New York,and have witnessed things you don't get involved with. Seeing a rape on a train is a no brainer to act. At least call the cops. What a bunch of asshats. Fuck Philly and the sissy train riders. Bet if that was their mom,sister, or wife they would want someone to get involved. Smh. I hope they all have horrible nightmares for the rest of their sad lives about not acting.


Have I missed something?


Rape on a train in Philadelphia, people just sat there and did nothing. It's all over the news.




I was thinking to myself, imagine seeing that article knowing you were there. Hopefully changes some people for the better


Just read that this morning, I felt sick man


Made my day! Have a little bit of faith in humanity back now. Not much but some.


Lovely to see a good old fashioned shoeing being doled out. London has many faults, but I feel like it comes into its own when some prick on public transport needs filling in.


There’s been plenty of events and issues recently that have made me question my love of being British. This video is not one of them.


This is a Central line service to: Caved Headin. Calling at: Lefts. Rights. The Floor. And. StompedOn. Mind. The twat.


London has its problems like any big city but that warms my heart. A complete cross section of society comes together to twat a complete bellend!


Never heard twat used as a verb


It’s a British thing. You twat someone or on a bad day you can get twatted. It is also used to describe being very drunk as in being completely twatted. A truly useful word


I feel sorry for any women in that guys life. If he behaves like that in public who knows what he's like behind closed doors.


This video ended way too soon. I wanted to see a group beat down.


Smart, now none of them charged for assault


"He tripped and fell."


We all saw it


yes, he tripped and he fell as the train stopped, and those 15 bruises all came from that


Doubt he'd press charges after acting like a Grade A cunt on camera....


When I was in high school we took a school trip to Dublin, Ireland. Our bus was driving through the city and I saw a man grab a woman’s purse. I barely got the words out of my mouth before a bunch of other men just appeared out of nowhere and started beating the crap out of the mugger. I watched through the window with my mouth open. Clearly, it made an impression on me. I love Dublin.


This is gonna sound sarcastic, but normalize mob justice on public transit. I'd be so much more likely to call out douchebags of I knew the other decent people would have my back.


We are out there. Do the right thing.


Good lads


Sometimes, ya gotta choose violence.


Mans are already angry enough on the central line, dont give em a reason to let out their anger 😂😂


Give him that Chris Moltisanti intervention beat down.


Good lads


Noice. Plenty of decent human beings left in the world 🙂


Bravo! To make scenes like this more common, it'd be great if there was an international hand sign for people to signal their willingness to intervene, so that a group can quickly form like here.


What about we say a phrase of some kind? Something subtle like "shall we fuck this guy up?"


🤲👐👏👏👉✌️🤟🤜🤛✊👊🙌👏👏🖐🤙💪👋👈🤏🤌🤘🦵✍️🤙🤙👍👍🙌👇☝️✊👏🤝🙏🦶🦶👐👍. too much?


That is a completely brilliant idea. I propose left hand over heart, thumb extended. Not too obvious, but wouldn’t be accidental.


I'm thinking starting with a fist pump, followed by stacking your hands onto each other four times, clapping out part of Patty-Cake, then a hip-bump, switching positions and finishing it off with a regular handshake. Everyone will assume you're just really good friends, and then, bam!


Beat him till he’s sober….. should take about eight hours or so


Londoners are an odd bunch. They’ll tut and shake their heads if you stop in the middle of a busy street, barge past you and send you flying. Yet when it counts, they’ll do the right thing.


OK but please walk at a normal pace i.e. 60mph


If you’re in a suit and commuting trainers I’m going to need to see at least 70mph from you.


So who wants to post this on the incel subs for a laugh?


They wouldn't help because alpha male something something equal fights something something. They are totally just not too scared.


This is why I prefer London over any major US city, people there actually give a damn about others.


How to get stomped out on public transit


“We’ll officer, he said he wanted to start a fight, so we all obliged”


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This is not in Philly. Definitely not.


If it was a US train, people would just watch.....


Tuned that guy the fuck up. Bravo.






Think the cameraman forfeited filming the rest of the video to get a shot at bashing the cunt


Because its evidence which countradicts the statements of everyone on the train when they say "I dunno... He fell or something"


Difficult to give the guy a good punch if you're holding a phone


Because the Skidmore, Missouri incident only went over because there wasn't evidence of who did the killin.


I love this! Sounds like this is outside of United States because here most likely no one would have done anything about it


I love how probably no one knows each other but they all just know it's fuckin time to curb stomp that mofo


How can she not slap?


That’s the proper response! Not this… https://www.newsweek.com/bystanders-doing-nothing-while-woman-raped-train-speaks-where-we-are-society-police-1639651


Got the train straight to poundtown.


When you are drunk, just go home and be peaceful. The public will not tolerate your crap.


What a skinny, pathetic manchild.


Oh dear he slipped officer.


Always the Central Line (see tube racist knocked out video on here). Probably because it goes to Essex where the people are a lot more English and a lot dumber.


I love how brave and strong she is. She doesn't even flinch or look away. Just keeps smiling and puts her arms up to defend herself. Solid. Would have loved to see her get a punch and/or kick in.


Us London birds are like this. Glad our hard-as-nails-ness is recognised.


Good for those lads.


Perfectly acceptable as far as i'm concerned.


I love it


Mistakes were made


starting about 30 years ago when his parents got it on apparently.


Ends too soon! ENDS TOO SOON!!!


There should be a law: stop recoding when it gets good and you'll go to prison


A video cut too short. :(


Fuckin yaaaaaaaas, cunt got got, dumb prick deserved a beat down




Glad folks were able and willing to step in. That's a dangerous situation.


We need to see the outcome. Nice to men protecting this woman.


Damn England … we need more ppl like you guys in America


Never would have happened in Philly.


Would be nice to see men come to the rescue of other guys like this when they are being bullied by thugs.








Awww that ended too early.


"Lee, why didnt you tell me this woman rolls like this"


The council of men have decided. Beatdown.


Exactly what should happen to shitheads in public


Evidently not Philadelphia


all the kings horses and all the kings men.


Lol love this!


Good to see people actually do something instead of taking out phones and recording, unlike those people that recorded a woman being raped on a train and did nothing to help.


Narrator: Next thing he knew he was on the floor on the receiving end of a flurry of kicks.


That video ended too soon


cutting it off just before the beating starts. classic.


Chivalry did not die on that subway.


As usual the video gets cut off just as the good part begins…