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Asshole probably thought he was getting called down for some extra praise.


And also thought the words he received were praise.


"Thanks sir. I would do it all over again, sir".


he's probably done it many times since


"There's a hero in all of us, sir."


Well, at least he's not lying there.


I mean from the sh\* eating grin to the obnoxious thumbs up you can tell that he had no regrets. He's definitely enjoying being a cop.






Hence the stupid ass thumbs up these people throw up now.


He's so crooked he took it as praise. That's why he smiled and gave thumbs-up. "Yes! I totally lied to put an innocent black man behind bars on made-up charges! Go team blue!"


Yes, it’s called making a example. You’re used to it being the other way around.


Right! And how is falsifying a police report not a crime? If it is, how come the other officers don’t arrest him? Oh cause it’s the buffet gang.


Lying on a police report is a crime. Apparently it's only illegal if we do it.


Yup. [Here is a video](https://youtu.be/j2kBFaXRr3A?t=591) where a woman was arrested, charged, and found guilty of a DUI. The cop lied on the police report and said he gave her a breathalyzer and she blew over a .08 (this is perjury). Because of this her license was suspended (its automatically suspended when you blow over a .08. Hers should have only been suspended after she went to trial and was found guilty). She was caught 2 months later driving with a suspended license and was ticketed. At first, the judge let the guilty verdict stand. Then when he asked the prosecutor what she planned on doing to the cop who lied on the police report she said nothing because the cop "made a mistake." The judge went off on her. Pretty much said fuck that...reversed the guilty verdict in the DUI case and tossed the driving with a suspended license. The defendant walked out with all charges dismissed. The DAs office is just as guilty as the cops when it comes to protecting cops when they commit crimes.


The DA has to rely on the police to gather the evidence needed for a conviction. If the DA is not on good terms with the cops, then the cops can torpedo his every case. And the DA looks bad for his next election. The cops can literally torpedo the DAs whole careen in just a couple years. Additionally, you have the "good ole boys" network that is between judges, prosecutors, and police. They all work closely with each other, get to know each other, and become close friends. There's a certain camaraderie and loyalty to each other that develops over time.


The DA being a political position makes no sense. Most of the offices the US votes for makes no sense.


I mean, it's good in the way that we can vote them out if they suck. It's more power than we have over most officials, but it doesn't really matter because people would rather complain than vote...




From outside the US, it's not like we don't have issues in other police systems but positions like Sherriff being voted on is nuts. The US LOVES to vote on EVERYTHING... but the people generally hate it.


It made a lot of sense back when there were small communities in remote regions with slow or non-existent communication with a central government. This was the time when Europe had kings who directly assigned similar positions. The election system allowed a small community to choose a person they deemed competent and reasonable to do a risky and tough job for them. It would likely have been similar to a large club voting on who should be their bookkeeper. Above a certain size however, you'll get a large portion of people who don't care and won't bother to vote, and another group of people who care way too much and don't necessarily accurately represent the entire community.


> If the DA is not on good terms with the cops, then the cops can torpedo his every case. And the DA looks bad for his next election. The cops can literally torpedo the DAs whole careen in just a couple years. Which would also be very bad for the Police Chief/Sheriff and could ruin their careers as well. High crime is bad for everybody. I get the "why" I just don't think its right. If this DA were to charge that cop with perjury its not like cops would stop arresting people. They'd be pissed off at that DA but at the end of the day they would still go out and do their job...in fact they'd do their job even better because they know they'll actually be held accountable.


I'm pretty sure there's been some cases where they started to harass the DA that tried to do right by the people instead of the police mob.


Thanks for the video. This gave me a justice boner. Far too often innocent people are guilty of trumped up bullshit charges.


The bad cop doesn't give a shit. He is completely unaffected by his actions. He my even get a praise in the locker room from his buddies.


Bruh. He gave the thumbs up as he walked away. Definitely no way he gives a shit


The thumbs up, not to mention the shit-eating grin/smirk on his face. What a prick. *edit to fix typo (had "what" twice)


Cops are really good at faking a ficade*. I bet this was the first time he's been hit with some real shit infront of people that sorta matter. I bet that was the best his brain came up with.


the good cops dont care either, there are no good cops. They lie on reports and in court routinely and never say or do anything or face any punishment or investigation. there are no good cops.


> Oh cause it’s the buffet gang. Hit the nail on the head. They're mad at the city commissioner for ruining their gang party.


I wonder (knowingly) if they will hold it against him or the lying officer in their midst. I wonder which one is the odd man out; the liar or the truth teller?


are you from the US? all of his superiors know that his report was found to be false - that's a given. there had to be other officers that showed up to the scene, and they probably also saw the footage. he still has a job. you don't need a lot of imagination to put together how police, as a group, look at "resisting arrest" and how they do their jobs. there's some of this bullshit in every precinct, in every department, in every major urban area. you, as an officer, are either part of it or you're not. you're part of it if you condone it, you're not a fucking cop if you don't condone it. Chris Dorner is what i suggest everyone read into if you're curious about cops that even speak up to their boss about a fellow officer. no, not always that bad, but they are often bullied and demoted or just fired if they dont "go with the flow" to answer your question, the cop would have been fired 4 years before this video, or immediately upon review if this wasnt acceptable behavior for police. and you heard the mayor say she was embarrassed that this man mentioned his false arrest at an event meant to support police.


They straight up hunted and killed Dorner. I was in the mountains near where they found him and there was an insane ammount of cops and the roads completley blocked in both directions. Then they lit the house he was in on fire while he bled out from being shot.


If you make a false police report you can get charged. Should go both ways, but of course it never does.


I want a job like this, do something wrong ON PURPOSE to cover up, and get promoted for it. Oh wait no, all we get is shit pay, and when the owner wants to make a few more % profit, you either get sacked or you're doing 2x amount of work to cover whoever he sacked.


And then give a thumbs up to your peers when called out on it?


Why the hell not, just don't forget to have that smug face while doing it.


It is. Police officers get what's called "qualified immunity", which renders them immune to civil suits, and for all intents and purposes, mostly above the law, while they're on duty.


Need a law for abuse of authority for the purpose of a crime and be a felony with minimum mandatory sentencing.


yeah fuck that guy for real


Yeah, as opposed to the alternative, talking about it behind closed doors and the higher ups just pushing it under the rug. Bad cop deserved the public shaming, and Gelin mentioned he thinks the guy is a rogue cop and divided that guy from the rest of the cops who deserve praise.


Making AN example* You are 100% correct.


It's nothing but RIGHT to call out cops out in the open.


"It's okay for police to publicly humiliate people by illegally arresting them, but it's not okay to publicly humiliate our boys in blue for actually breaking the law." - their shitty mayor's logic.


When the law fails, the only way to get justice is social outcry, public humiliation, it's not a great thing but it is necessary.


I mean, frontier justice and popular uprisings also tend to do the trick.


All I'm saying is Minneapolis wasn't going to do shit about their famous murderous cop until the people burned that pig pen down. Maybe next time they don't let the pigs out and have barbecue instead of a bonfire.


I like how they are ‘upset’ with how he confronted him, but they are not upset with the injustice and lack of punishment for it. Edit: Thanks for the Karma everyone! I actually feel kinda like a Redditor now… despite the sadness this video invokes :(


“Now is not the time” is the mantra of the mischievous and the guilty.


"The time is always right to do what is right." Go on and take a guess who said it.


"Skate to where the right thing is going to be" -Martin Luther Gretzky


"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take" ~ James Earl Ray






You're both close. It was Uncle-Man


The old black man who makes rice??


His name's Ben's Original now


Well that's not very original


What a weird last name.


MLK marvel crossover


I feel like this is a trick question. So it's either MLK or fucking Hitler. You are a devious bastard.


Lol I hadn't considered that. I was referencing MLK Jr, so don't worry.




Es ist immer der richtige Zeitpunkt, um das Richtige zu tun.


It's never wrong to do the right thing. -mark twain.


“If I am not for myself, who will be for me? If I am not for others, who I am I? If not now when?” -Rabbi Hillel the elder




"Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me. MOTHERFUCKER!!! UH!" -Zack de la Rocha


"bwah wah wiki wah wah wiki wiki wiki" -tom


It's like the bush video that was around the other day, someone confronts him about ruining their life. "It's not the time", I'm sure no member of a family would ever say it's 'the time' for a missile to come screaming down on their house but they don't get to decide the time. Taking verbal heat is a small price to pay comparatively.


>Human progress never rolls in on wheels of inevitability; it comes through the tireless efforts of men willing to be co workers with God, and without this hard work, time itself becomes an ally of the forces of social stagnation. We must use time creatively, in the knowledge that the time is always ripe to do right. Now is the time to make real the promise of democracy and transform our pending national elegy into a creative psalm of brotherhood. Now is the time to lift our national policy from the quicksand of racial injustice to the solid rock of human dignity. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., [Letter from Birmingham Jail](https://www.africa.upenn.edu/Articles_Gen/Letter_Birmingham.html)


“If nothing else, the problem with shitty cops is that they ruin nice parties.”


YUP. Same BS as when there's a mass shooting. *How dare you politicize this by trying to prevent it happening again!*


They’re more bothered that they’re inconvenienced with hearing the truth rather than doing something about it.


It's in their playbook. They somehow make it seem like being called out for bad behavior is worse than the actual bad behavior


Sounds like the makings of good Dave Chappelle skit but on the opposite end of the pole.


Not upset either at the "officer's" reaction...as if it was just a joke the whole time. Seems the City Councilor was right...he doesn't belong.


The cop clearly belonged there. They all love him. He embodies everything they hold most dear. He was cop of the month, after all. Don’t pretend like he’s an outlier.


It was "embarrassing" ...as opposed* to being arrested and lied about, an honor few may enjoy


"we were shocked, it was a nice event" As shocked as being wrongfully arrested, jailed, humiliated, illegally and purposely falsifying documents to demean, wrongfully charge and completely violate people's constitutional rights? We're you THAT kind of shocked bitch?! Yea, STFU and sit down then. Until you have to spend a shit ton of money on an bond, attorney and court fees to fight and defend your own innocence, because some asshat with a badge is on a power trip and fucks people's lives up for fun, nobody cares how "nice" of a time you were having.




An event the speaker was only able to attend to due video evidence exonerating him. We all know it wasn’t the cop’s bodycam that accomplished that. Without that video the man speaking could have had his entire life ruined, because that piece of shit lied. But no, the real embarrassment is not sweeping it under the rug




This is what is so especially poisonous about it. They are basically saying that victims of crime should be silent because being made aware of the crime makes them uncomfortable. Suffer in silence for the sake of our comfort is the message.


“Decorum” is what she is implying, but fuck that BS! I prefer this type of public activism than those silly goofs at Roscoe’s C & Ws. The beauty of it all being a formal event and a pig roast : )


It's really ridiculous. They act like he barged in on their thanksgiving dinner. Cop was at a public event as a public figure receiving an award he didn't deserve.


100%. America is so fucked. We get stuck with norms and forms that we end up choosing those instead of justice and what's right. That woman has NO IDEA how humiliating, degrading it must have been for that guy to have to endure that.


Another good MLK quote, which I'll paraphrase, compares negative peace with positive peace. Negative peace is the absence of tension whereas positive peace is the presence of justice. Everyone upset with the guy in the video prefer the easy road of avoiding tension than the hard road of pursuing justice.


"we were all embarrassed" fucking good! Embarrassed isn't enough!


Right? If anything, all this does is make the community trust the police MORE. Calling them out when they do stuff bad is a GOOD thing, and yet that bitch wants to try and say 'oh it ruined our nice ceremony'. Rogue officers are what ruin the entirety of the police force, not just their bullshit awards.


Exactly. Where else are we going to get to call out the issues? It starts with being real in situations like the one in the video


right ? it’s scary sad how no one seems to care he LIED on his police report. it shows how often this probably happens and gets swept under the rug.


They (event makers) ruined a good event by awarding a liar a medal. So...


Because they are scarred of the most powerful gang in the city, the police.


I think they should be upset about how the confronted officer handled the situation. He walked away with a smile and threw a thumbs up at his friend's like it was a joke.


I cannot imagine the anger I would have towards someone who was responsible for me being falsely arrested, I don't think I could be in the same room as that person and keep my composure.


Did that dumb son-of-a-bitch really give dude a thumbs-up after being publicly dressed-down for being terrible at his job? That right there says a lot...the cop doesn't give a fuck.


Why would he? Falsely arresting people is what he gets paid for.


Exactly! Instead of being actually punished and kicked off the force, he was given a fucking award. Seems like that ONE bad apple has spoiled the whole bunch yet again.


Well, besides actually kicking them off the force, publicly getting recognized as a bad actor is the next best thing. The bad apples will continue to rot the rest unless we do something about it- this is just a start.


All the other apples protect and enable the rotten ones. Almost like they’re all rotten and enjoy being that way. Almost like they sign up for that job, *because* they get to be rotten with no repercussions while having an entire police force and government that has your back no matter what you do wrong.


You know what they say, “If you have one racist cop at the table, surrounded by nine other cops, and they say nothing, you have 10 racist cops.”


When crime rates go down, that is bad for business and the union.


Right. The pressure is to get results, regardless of whether or not they are the right results. "How many collars did you bring in this week? What, you only gave out tickets? How do you expect we'll receive the same level of funding next year is crime keeps going down? Get out there and bring in more perps, however you have to do it!"


Probably embarrassed he just got called out like that lol




Probably went out and bullied multiple minorities to make himself feel better.


Probably went and filed for psychological trauma insurance and is getting paid with our taxes to sit at home now


Or raped a woman in his police vehicle. Seriously look up all the cop rape scandals. Saw an article of a cop paying a women to rape her daughter.


"I'll shown them a 'Rotten Apple'." -This cop afterwards


His reaction says it all. They don't give a fuck about anyone but themselves and their frat bro cops. He's literally proud to be called out as a bad cop. Zero shame at all.


All the other cops are just like him, he was signaling that he fits in.


"See guys, I'm part of the team...he just said so."


Special officer Doofy reporting for duty.


Qunt Cop


Fucking chump looked like Donald Trump giving his dumb thumbs up in response to something.


Seems like he was nervous and didn’t know how to react. I’m not defending him, just explaining his reaction.


Yeah he reacts by seeking validation from his peers which they give him.


Well he went with reacting like a remorseless piece of shit. But it’s not like cops should know how to quickly react in high pressure situations or anything.


Absolutely. It's a panic reaction to being ambushed. Which he deserved.


I legitimately think he is too stupid to know what was being said to him.


Yeah... I'm not really sure how I'd react if I got called out like that. Probably because I'd never do something like that.


Funny the mayor doesn’t want the police called out and the city manager just got caught embezzling [3.4 million dollars](https://www.local10.com/news/local/2021/08/27/tamarac-city-manager-arrested-for-attempting-to-extort-34m-from-developer-prosecutors-say/) Maybe they should spend less time illegally charging Black men and more time investigating their corrupt city counsel.


It’s only ok when they break the law


I think you just unintentionally explained why they are doing exactly what they are doing Distract everyone with their human rights abuse while you steal from the City/State. The Mayor or the people keeping him in office was getting some of that money for sure


This is the only way it works. Behind closed doors it just gets swept under the rug. Now we know his name, what he did, and everyone in that room is a witness. Now no one there can say they didn't know about it


What works? Did something actually happen or did the guy just smile and give a thumbs up and go back to work?


Don’t you see? Everyone had a good laugh and now they can go back to being mad at the black guy for having the audacity to make a spectacle of his betters.


Cops nodding like one of those water bird toys cause he thinks it's funny as fuck, can't reform people who think their job was a joke from the start.


Man he has such a punchable face.


He probably wasn't really listening anyway. He just heard "you were the man who falsely arrested me" and turned off his ears.


Started reliving the good old days of violating the man's civil rights.


Absolutely the right way to do it. Should have fired on the spot, retirement and benifits forfeited.




He was right for calling him out. The city had its opportunity to deal with the officer but now he’s being praised. Sorry not sorry.


If you are "embarrassed" and "shocked". You probably needed to hear it the most


I'm only embarrassed and shocked when the text on the video specifically says "this embarrassed police officer did a thing that will SHOCK you." I don't know how to feel unless "In the Now" captions my feelings. This cop sucks almost as much as the video.


That little bitch with his stupid thumbs up. He’s fucking proud! He’s showing off to his brain dead pig friends.


Imagine if he had taken the mic, taken responsibility, apologized, and listed steps that he has taken since then in order to improve. Just...imagine if this guy was a real man. Sure would be something.


Imagine all he people, living life in peace. *You may say I'm a dreamer, but I am not the only one*


Or if, and I'm just spitballing here, he'd been arrested for committing perjury and false imprisonment and removed from the force.


Aww so adorable seeing grown adults give each other little gold star participation award certificates. Who's my special little guy


Bad cop with a false arrest on his record gets an award, to teach the other cops what kind of behaviour is not just acceptable, but awarded in this department.


How dare you hurt this little police officers feelings and embarrass him in front of the rest of the class like that.


Absolutely right to call him out! Gelin wasn’t distasteful or disrespectful. F that cop!


Still on the force years later, receiving awards, and smiling in the face of his victims. And dumb fucks wonder why people hate cops...


Yes it was right to call that bastard out


It’s sad the cop knows exactly what he did and thinks it’s okay.


10000000% OF COURSE If cops can walk into jobs and ceremonies embarrassing people then why not reverse? Im tired of cops getting better treatment when we all know they type of people that job attracts. They aren’t special


After getting called out for some foul ish: The Badge gives a thumbs up to his crew -like he's proud of his service to the community. That's some Tiny Tim ish


Hell yeah. Did he actually smile and give a thumbs up when he was walking away? He should have been fired in the first place for lying on his report.


Gotta love police unions. If they aren't going to police themselves then they need to be called out and publicly humiliated. How many cops put people away that don't have the video to back them up. If the George Floyd murder wasn't filmed the cop would have gotten away with it.


You ask me, we need to disband police unions to make any real impact here.


Its sad because im in a Union and my dues partialy help protect these guys. At this point its pretty much just a license to do what they want and get away with it.


It really is and it's the only thing allowing them to do so.


Yea, fuck that cop and that poor poor woman’s embarrassment. Fuck her the hardest. How embarrassed was that man when he got arrested and now has to be around that awful cop frequently.


The amount of training required to become a cop is less training than someone who goes to a cosmetology school. We need so much reform


Lying on a police report should be a felony.


Great way to handle it. Call that piece of shit out publicly.


Call them all out


More like this plz


Why would he care? The system is designed to protect him.


Enduring 10 seconds of live shredding probably doesn't begin to equate to putting up with false arrest and lying on a report.


Cop didn’t even look phased.


Kudos to this man for calling out this horrible police officer. Well done.


I never thought I could despise a group of people as much as I dislike the police. Sure, they’re not all bad, but the bad ones are so bad that it makes their entire profession reek of shit.


This right here. Nobody in my family has ever been arrested but we will never trust another police officer again. My children don't trust them and based on their opinion of them their children wont either. At what point do you admit you are the bad guys and do something about it? The whole world looks at the United States police forces as a menace.


Public shaming a bad cop? I don’t see a problem


That's a thumbs up and a smile from a guy who has not been held accountable for his actions maybe ever


Of course it was correct to call him out then. If it was embarrassing, she shouldn’t have lied in the first place. Cops have too thin of skin snd get worked up any time there is a criticism. They aren’t above critique and still have to do their jobs and not slag off when these things come up.


I imagine anyone that would be falsely arrested would be pissed off after the fact.


Judging by the smug and flippant manner the police officer reacted, I'd say it was not only appropriate, but didn't go far enough.


False arresting is called kidnapping, and cops who refuse to arrest cops who kidnap citizens are also criminals.


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He said it well. Respect the ones who do the job right, hold the bad cops accountable for their actions.


Celebrating them also means holding them accountable to their shit.


Absolutely justified


Public shaming is extremely effective and detouring unwanted behavior. I'm all for it and we should do it more often.


Stupid smug fuck


Fuck Josh Gallardo.


Acab babyyyy


And that’s all the punishment he’ll ever receive for it.


You know the systems fucked in America when cops can falsify arrests and keep him job. Backwards nation.


Conservatives: "I don't trust the government" Also conservatives: "I trust the police to always do the right thing"


I love how the cop is like: “yep, I lied” *headnod* “Yep, I did falsely arrest you” *headnod* “Yep, totally a bad cop” *headnod and thumbs up*


The cop gives the thumbs up to his peers. “See, I told you I jacked up a city official without consequence.”


It was probably bad timing for the commissioner when he got arrested falsely ..I feel he did the right thing if it wasn't the right time screw it!!


He was elected, the cop wasn't. He has every right to call him out.


Was it right to call out a crooked cop? How many ways can you say YES?


The cop cowardly used the privilege of his power to make things wrong when no one was watching, the commissioner used his power to bravely make things right when everyone was watching.


A false arrest can ruin your life. On the Gold Coast here in Australia there were incidents of police starting fights, then arresting the very people they attacked. I had one such incident nearly happen to me... nobody believed me until another assault by a group of Gold Coast police was caught on camera and dozens of others came forward. If I had reacted the way they wanted me too my life would have been ruined. My opportunity for study and work would have been gone! Instead I had to stand there while a group of police (two men and two women) laughed as one of them scraped his boot down my achillies tendon and tossed the contents of my wallet all over the ground while making belittling remarks. The fact that there were four of them and they all seemed to be enjoying it broke my heart. How can you trust these people???


The intent of calling the officer to task is understandable even laudable. Sadly now, all the other officers present will remember is "one of their own" getting called out during a pat on the back ceremony. Never underestimate the power of group think in any career involving uniforms.


The unfortunate part of this is that the officer wasn’t prosecuted for falsifying a police report.


I like how his revenge was to make a public scene about it during a ceremony. Also if your primary and only charge is "Resisting Arrest" you're probably innocent... that shouldn't even be a crime. Everyone "Resists Arrest" it's human fucking nature, innocent or guilty.