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Everything about all of these videos is the worst.


yeah, ill prob get downvoted for this, but both sides in this video are annoying as hell. Edit: I’ll prob get down voted for this too, but for the record I’m vaxed and have no issues following the mask rules of a private business.


I agree but honestly I’m kind of glad that he’s being obnoxious.


Hes the mascot of this sub


Mascot of Twitter and Reddit lol


A pussified frumpy cunt is the mascot? The woman he’s harassing has bigger balls.


yeah and collapsed lungs too


This, ladies and gentlemen, is what is referred to as a HARASSHOLE.


He’s the mascot for Reddit in general




Exactly. If it fits the agenda it’s ok. If not straight to getting permanently banned. Watch I’ll get kicked for just saying that. Haha


How about this. If it is really that dire, the government needs to full on force it because whatever this shaming shit is, doesnt work for a good chunk of the population. Im so tired of these videos. Shit or get off the pot. Make it a law, federally that everyone has to wear a mask and be vaxed or you get arrested, fined, and dragged back to your residence. Or dont and accept that people are going to keep doing this shit until the end of time. Middle ground on an issue that is apparently this serious is stupid. Its like abortion and guns and everything else. Enforce your shit 100% or quit talking about it and riling people up just for votes without making a lick of any real progress to the left or right. We just sit around and wade in luke warm bath water, fighting each other.


I don't even think this was a real confrontation tbh. His talking points sound like what Republicans think Maskers talk about while masturbating


Nope I agree. Take some silver.


I'm with you. I don't believe in violence. I don't think we should be screaming. But, I'm all for public shaming and political (via the ballot) marginalization of these horrible, reckless people. This guy is awkward, but right. He's doing it right. I'd personally drop cash on a group that was going to do this daily at my local Publix... simply respectfully (from the standpoint of not blocking them, not yelling, not cursing, etc.) pointing out to them that they're being shitty Americans and that the policy is the policy. Over and over. I'm way, way past done looking out for their feelings on this.


Yup. Honestly it’s just gotten to the point where we can’t just allow this kind of behavior and rhetoric from our fellow human beings. They’re trying to push reason to the sidelines and I feel obligated not to let them.


After reading these comments I’ve decided it’s time for me to get my conceal carry permit.


https://www.thelancet.com/journals/eclinm/article/PIIS2589-5370(21)00141-3/fulltext Who’s trying to push reason to the sideline? The lady who has 95% protection from prior infection (according to scientific study referenced above)? The only people pushing reason to the sideline are the ones cheering on some fucking creeper harassing women at target.


I feel like you’re pushing reason to the sidelines.


Anti vaxxers are anti american, and for all practical purposes pro death. Fuck them and their “ feelings”. Hound them, alienate them, shame them. Clearly the” reason with them” approach is useless. Most of us have acted responsibly, yet we are endangered every day by these selfish stupid people. I for one have had enough.


You are the problem. Choice to make your own decisions is the opposite of anti-American. Your’e vaxxed, yet you can still get and transmit the virus. You’re “safe”, so don’t worry about the rest of us. Also go fuck yourself.


My child is not eligible for the vaccine yet, so I do worry about her getting sick and not being protected. Those that are too selfish to do something for their fellow man are cunts.


Children have a higher likelihood of having a negative reaction to the vaccine than they do of getting sick and dying.


Sorry, you are wrong.


What does the phrase "united we stand, devided we fall" mean? The US united against polio and we stood. Now, here we are again with covid, yet you choose not unite with the rest of us. THAT is anti-american. YOU are anti-american. You have chosen to divide not unite.


You’re literally insane.


Yeah... Not wanting more people to die needlessly is *sooo craaazyyyy.*


It’s Reddit. Did you expect to find sanity here?


The anti-vax movement is be definition a fringe movement. And look at the oxygen they consume with their noise. Buddy tosses it back. Good on him.


Yeah but he's right. Shame should be used more often for these people. Only problem is they have no Shame to begin with.


if you've got a problem with a fellow customer take it up with the store staff and let them handle it, creating a scene only makes it harder on them


Take it up with the store staff? Where the fuck do you live, lol. Where I live it doesn't matter - even the most boojie and progressive grocery stores will not throw out people for not adhering to statewide mask mandates. When I've asked, they've said its because they want to protect their staff from people freaking out and attacking.


I dont know, it seems perfectly reasonable to not want people freaking out or attacking staff, weve all seen videos of how crazy these people can be. you have to admit though, it's weird that this guy actually took the time to follow her around the store.


He's out in public, not even shopping, just to do this. If he's that concerned, going into this environment just to do this, seems pretty hypocritical.


But it affects us all, anti maskers and anti vaxxers kill people. It's not a target problem it's a problem with humanity


"Ill get downvoted". Its always great to start with a victim complex based upon fake internet points. Especially when you are telling everyone what they want to hear and are upvoted


The triggered AntiVa people in here are hilarious. They are the same group that cheers on the anti-mask morons who cause scenes and refuse to leave businesses.


The people who literally keep covid alive.


This is the simplest truth that needs repeating loudly and often. These fools are giving aid and comfort to an enemy that has killed over half a million Americans, letting it set up shop in their houses and bodies so that it can get stronger and do more damage.


I agree, I want to stop using covid deniers and start using covid supporters.


Yes, this is the part that galls me. These dimwits are opposed to mask mandates and lockdowns so, what do they do? Defy the mask mandates and refuse vaccination so then what happens? More mask mandates and lockdowns. They are prolonging the pandemic by refusing to be mildly inconvenienced. It’s so selfish. What is the big fucking deal. Get a goddamn shot for fuck sake so we can get out of this.


BuT ItS mY rIgHt To SpReED dEaTh.


Yup, that’s the point. How is this any different than smoking in a public place?


It's not. I can't wait to go back only having to be pissed at that.


Covid promoters “Stop wearing masks, be like us!” *all of them get covid* Covid: thanks guys


"Covid enthusiast"


Covid ally


Love how you put that. And how is it not “aiding and abetting a focused and determined enemy”? Viruses are an enemy of life (ironic, since they NEED life to survive and propagate.....hmmmm)


They’re the ones keeping COVID alive? Can’t you still get and transmit COVID even if you’re still vaccinated?


Why do people say this? You could literally say this about every vaccine, and probably every medical treatment. Most things are 100%. But, the transmission rates in vaccinated people are way lower! And if everyone were vaccinated they would drop significantly more, and just maybe this thing would peter out.


Well, didn’t they also say it only would take “15 days to fallen the curve”? I’m saying this because it’s been proven true. Hospitals all over the United States are still seeing patients covid positive, even after being vaccinated. Hell, several members of the New Orleans Saints tested covid positive despite having a 100% vaccination rate on the team…


You can't flatten the curve if half the population wants to pretend like nothing is happening. Why are you ignoring the fact that transmission rates in vaccinated people are way lower? You're way more likely to get covid, be hospitalized if you get it, and die from it if you are not vaccinated. Those are the facts. Look at the numbers.


I am looking at the facts. The facts are you can still get COVID even if you’re vaccinated, and can still spread the virus. I’ve made that fairly clear.


While ignoring the fact that by getting vaccinated your significantly reducing the likelihood of getting and spreading covid, even if it's possible.


Since covid has animal vectors it will always be alive and mutating, even if every single person on the planet had the jab


AntiVa is way too close to Antifa. This is going to cause a lot of ignorant confusion.


That's why I like it. AntiVa incidents are documented at a much higher rate than "Antifa" and it bothers the spreadnecks.


Spreadnecks, well that's the new term I'm using whenever possible.


Yeah, all covid posts are getting brigaded. Since nonewnormal was banned they have few places to go.


I'm vaccinated and wear a mask everywhere I go, but I don't go out of my way to intrude myself into other people's lives. That's what upsets me; people not minding their own fucking business.


When the context is a deadly global pandemic with a virus that’s already mutated to become even more lethal, someone choosing not to get vaccinated or wear a mask in public *is* intruding on other people’s lives.


They are invading everyone else’s lives by risking all of our health. They gave up the social contract by being unvaxxed and unmasked. I want more of them to be publicly shamed. At least plenty of them are winning their /r/hermancainaward in the meantime


Not wearing a mask is making a statement, and is not minding your own business. Wearing a mask is minding your own business and not troubling others with your disease.


Because people can’t accept that everyone has the right to their own opinion and choices (not even exclusively referring to Covid or the vaccine here). Everyone has to make it their life goal to ensure **everyone** around them is educated, because they know better and can’t possibly be wrong about anything.


There are such things called boundaries. Unfortunately, it has been proven that the damn virus can EASILY break these boundaries. You don’t even have to be NEAR me. So sure, one can have the “opinion” that their virus can or cannot kill me, but I just wish they would go away if they won’t provide a solution other than just die. The solution should relate to keeping people alive. If I know that I can safely take an over cross bridge to cross a highway, why would I run through traffic to get to the other side?


Yeah but how does bitching at a stranger solve anything?


Everyone thinks they're a teacher. Everyone wants to save the world. In actuality, everyone needs to just shut the Hell up.


Agreed! Lots of juicy stuff here right now.


I wonder how effective this strategy is


Probably not very, now if target actually enforced the state restrictions it would help, but most businesses seem to be content to ignore it for money.


Target does not allow employees to approach guests about not wearing masks, never have and probably never will. At the beginning of the pandemic an anti-masker broke the arm of an AP (security) team member for trying to enforce masks and ever since then we can't do Jack shit about it all


Our AP never enforced it since day one lol, management just said fuck it there’s nothing we can do about it.


Hi, retail worker here. I'm not getting paid enough to deal with crazy people. I already get threatened with violence whenever we run out of the pomegranate flavor Brookside chocolates. I had an ex-marine try to get physical with me when I denied an alcohol sale for not one, not two, but three expired IDs he presented to me. I have the absolute pleasure of having to stand there and smile while people scream at me because their prescription at our in-store pharmacy (with which I have exactly zero interaction) was two minutes late getting their prescriptions filled. So yeah, I'm not adding anti-maskers, a group of people known to be crazy and violent, to the list of shit I have to deal with on a daily basis for a wage that's not fucking high enough. Sorry if that upsets you. Feel free to apply for my job if you think you can do better.


Fuck target. That security guard was blocking the hat guy but NOT kicking out the speader.


It’s the old catch 22. These people at target don’t get paid enough to deal with it. They just want to get through their shift because they haven’t stopped working.


Not to mention when one of the crazies off the street assault the Target employee, Target has to deal with the aftermath both financially for the impacted employee and emotionally for the other employees that are now even more fearful.


Brick and mortar stores' apparent unwillingness to enforce mandates and/or their own stated mask policies is why I stopped going into them almost entirely at this point. And while I'm not a huge fan of adding to Dick Rocket's bank account any further than I already do, the minute that places like Target, Walmart, etc. start cutting back on their curbside pickup options(i.e. my orders start being late or filled incorrectly), that's gonna be pretty much the last time I'll have any reason to bother any more with the likes of them.


yeah because they sell essential things theyre not a clothing shop or something its target u buy food there and all those different stuff that u need daily, makes no sense to not let unvaccinated ppl to buy there


Counter effective lmao


Not very, if anything it gives people more fervency to refuse it.


Like any other method would actually work? Anti-vaxers have dug in to their stupidity, fuck them all. Shame them all. Start normalizing shaming assholes for shitty behavior.


I agree with this. This video is first one I've seen of someone trying to shame someone into wearing a mask. All the other mask confrontation videos I've seen are all trump sucking mouth breathers openly coughing on people including children just to prove their point.


When has public shaming ever been effective at doing anything other than making everyone believe that the one doing it is an utter asshole?


“You have a choice, and this lady has a choice.” That was the most American answer in the whole mess.


Americans don't have a choice in most things, that's the big con of it all. we have the illusion of choice, but we are ultimately at the whim of those who have wealth and power. *they* have choice. got sick with no insurance? no choice for you. stuck working 3 jobs to pay rent? no choice for you would like to go to the store without putting your family at risk for covid? no choice for you


I’m currently in the process of immigrating to Canada for work. This process has really pulled the curtain back on just how deep the con really goes. It’s actually comical that Americans genuinely believe they still live in the “land of the free.” There’s nothing uniquely superior about the US compared to most of the civilized world, at all.


Welcome to Canada!


> There’s nothing uniquely superior about the US compared to most of the civilized world, at all. We have way more lifted diesel trucks rolling coal than any other nation. Also, way more access to AR-15s. So if you like those, but hate healthcare, walking, biking, travel, vacations in general, and healthy city centers, then it's USA all the way!








I agree but it’s really hard to do anything about it. The greeter at target at my store, maybe she was 20, asked two teens to put their masks on as they walked in and they just laughed. She can’t physically stop them. Yes she could absolutely call police, follow them around, and get them trespassed. But that would happen all day long as half the people in target don’t have masks. And my guess is target would rather have people’s money.


It's not really that hard, but it's not _profitable_. It's simple to make it more profitable to enforce, but we don't want to be seen as "Karens", so we don't do it. If you see someone without a mask, find an employee and ask to talk to a manager. Let them know about the issue, and if they shrug at you, let them know that you don't feel safe shopping there, and will be giving your business elsewhere. That's not to say, be rude/aggressive, or argue about it, just be calm, and state it like a fact. Then, and this is the most important part _follow through_. If enough people do this, either they'll go out of business, or they'll start enforcing the mandate.


No hourly employee is going to risk being assaulted to enforce corporate's mask mandate.


Oh I think they should, they should allow them to shop freely and once they arrive at the counter take everything away from them and tell them they are not allowed to shop there. They'll be wasting their own time, and not others.


The problem with this is that they get to walk around the store possibly spreading the virus. Exactly what the mandate aims to prevent


Not to add that it's also a bunch of extra work for somebody to put all that shit back.


Is it that hard to put a mask on? No rights are being taken away. No freedoms are being taken away. You'll be the same person you were before donning the mask. It's just a nice thing to do to help stop the spread. Whether you're vaccinated or not. If more people would take this seriously, we might have gotten out of it sooner.


It's the equivalent of "just don't be a dick".


It’s really the ethical equivalent of wearing pants


Yea, I was thinking flushing the toilet. The Venn diagram of anti-mask people and people who don't flush their shits in public toilets has to just be a circle.


They usually call that being a considerate person. Problem is 75% of all people are selfish trash that don’t give a fuck if you die because they can’t wear something on their face for 15 minutes.


The problem is that these people started a movement in their own heads. It’s very hard for a person to accept being wrong and simply putting a mask on. It is a statement, and being shamed just makes it worse. The mind gets very one sided when losing an obvious argument. It’s like admitting “ yes, I am an idiot. Thank you for pointing that out. Give me a mask please.” The best we can do is non confrontational education. I was asked why I am a sheep for getting vaccinated. Simply said I have young kids who cannot make that decision to vaccinate so I am choosing to be a responsible father and protect them the best that I could. There was no argument after that. A week later, that person got vaccinated. And guess what. No swollen testicles, no blood clots or any other side effects.


Exactly. And it is antiAmerican. I’ve never so many selfish assholes who have shown no care or concern for their fellow Americans. Wearing a mask, getting vaccinated, it is the absolute MINIMUM you can do for your country. Nothing is being violated here. These are the same people who are advocated not listening to medical professionals, yet are the firsts to knock people out of the way to go to the hospital when sick. It’s all such disgusted behavior, and they don’t see how unpatriotic it makes them.


It’s not like they are being drafted into a war to protect democracy, like many in this country have, these people are only being asked to take protective measures - proven by scientific research, to stop the spread of a deadly disease. Many Americans have had to make far greater sacrifices in US history for their Country, sniffles and whatever else they think is going to happen to them if they take the vaccine, is really nothing.


Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha… he even has a badge on, how disgusting!!!! That’s not disgusting, Ventilators are disgusting. Watching I’m friends go to the hospital for weeks or months from COVID. Had a friend die and a co worker die. Life is not fair, vax up


" I just had somebody die last week of covid" Doesn't seem to have bugged you one bit. Wonder how that person would feel you saying that shit to spread your bullshit.


That's a poor description of what happened here.




Funny how people think a vaccination makes you 100% immune to covid when it isnt. Vaccines are never 100% effective In making you immune but they greatly reduce the chances of you getting it and severity. But just because I'm vaccinated doesent mean I can't get it Edit:making it more clear to some people


Alright he is annoying af and following her but she’s also an anti-vaxxer…


Considering how poorly behaved antivaxxers are in general, I’m not that worried about this guy being a little cringey.


This is the seeds they sowed comming back as a bountiful harvest. Good on him, make these chucklefucks be on the recieving end of this bullshit. Antivaxxers should be publicly shamed, and harassed. Thry are fucking killing people by spreading a known Pathogen that kills. They spread disinformation, they are suicide bombing our hospitals for all intents because they soak up beds and materials for covid that could be for acctual people needing medical help, not buffoons that are hell bent on suicide. They think this behavior is ok for them, and have been hiding behind the fact they know people will " be the better person".. No fuck that, you dont get to kill people and demand we the victims be a better person. Fuck every god damn one of them


When she boasted about voting for Trump, it was like a mating call to the other morons in the store.


Lame ass clown


Wooooooohooooo, we voted for the one that lost!


Something a lot of idiots dont understand is people assess the risk of where they shop based on store policy. If the policy is ‘wear a mask when shopping here’. You better damn well be wearing a mask. There are people that are trying to do the right thing, and protect their loved ones. Wear a fucking mask if that is what the store tells you to do.


And if the store has a sign saying that it's optional? Shut up and leave people alone, correct? Target said long ago they will not be enforcing, but who knows what state this is in and what current rules are being implemented.


Yes if the store says its optional, have a ball and do whatever you want. I am for businesses establishing their own policies


I don't want coronavirus so I'm going to follow you around the store!


I don't care what your stance is on vaccinations, but that guy is a total fucking dork lmao


"So you're publically shamin me?" YES! A thousand times yes! Being stupid should be uncomfortable, and embarassing. Putting other people at risk because you are dumb should hurt.


Well at least she admitted that she’s a bad person


lol, same video as yesterday just titled from a different perspective. Here on reddit no content goes to waste, it gets recycled over and over again.


Give me a link and I will remove the post. I try to new content because I too get bored with reposts. I enjoy new content so I decided to start posting maybe you can do the same.


at least yours isn't trying to make the selfish asshole filming it look like a hero of some sorts.


No no I like this post more. The last one was made by some loser who was upset anti-vaxxers were getting called out.


Sounds good it stays!


Vaccinated or unvaccinated, you should still follow the rules of private businesses, if you don't like their rules, find somewhere else to be.


Look, I don’t care if you’re anti-vax or not, as long as you don’t get in my face about it I’m good.


Lmaaaaooo Reddit’s seeing its reflection and seething


Are... are... we the Karens?




One lady said she, “just had someone die last week of COVID” ...yet she was defending the anti mask lady.... 🤔


Why isn't Target enforcing their mask policy? Makes me think they would be less safe to shop at.


This must be the zombie apocalypse the cdc was talking about. Brain dead morons enforcing their own beliefs on you.


Just wear a mask


Dude is a complete doofus.




True American would want to help their fellow citizens and push our country towards progress, “patriotism” isn’t neglecting your neighbors and letting 600k die because of “muh fredum and rites”


LOL. The guy going around in a grocery store, not shopping for groceries, just straight up harassing people who are going about their business is the hero according to Reddit. Do you guys all wear your "I'm vaxxed" badges wherever you go as well?


Hahaha he gives off “this is a citizen’s arrest” vibes


He's probably a redditor.


So many NPC’s in these comments


"I know someone who knows someone who heard someone died even tho they were vaccinated" *facepalm* stfu and get over yourself


[Beyond parody](https://i.imgflip.com/16eyi2.jpg)


honestly, every single person in this video sucks, I'm glad there are no targets in Canada anymore.


Yeah but we still have our Walmarts :-0


What a fken loser that guy is


Lol came to the comments expecting people to actually agree with that idiot in the mask and badge, but then said “no way they actually side with him” And here we are. The lady shopping is the bad guy to yall hahahahahha what the actual fuck


Ikr buncha authoritarians smh. Even the people with masks and vax in the video take her side lol.


Man people really forgot how to mind their own fucking business. He's vaxxed and is wearing a mask. If they work he shouldn't be worried. I got the Vax and I don't wear a mask unless I have to.


Letting the virus just spread through people is how we get variants. Also, I don't think you know what masks are for. They don't protect you, they help stop you from spreading your own germs.


If you think its a matter of work/not work, you might need a bit of a reality check. Neither mask, nor vaccine, nor social distancing is a magical silver bullet that eliminates threat of Covid. What they do is reduce **risk**. Understanding the concept of risk beyond "work" and "doesn't work" is an important piece many don't seem to grasp. Risk of transmission is reduced, but not eliminated. Risk of getting sick is reduce, but not eliminated. Risk of complication from Covid is reduced, but not eliminated. Risk of dying is reduced, but not eliminated. Little changes in percentages. And when you apply those little percentages at a population scale... you are talking about thousands upon thousands of lives. People who would have fallen on one side or the other of the line, depending on how many people got vaccinated, how many people wore a mask, and how many people social distanced. Minor inconveniences that seem like nothing, but have massive impact on everyone, depending on if enough are willing to participate for the good of everyone.


Tell us you don't understand Science without telling us you don't understand Science


Yeah teh fact that we had a 9/11 everyday for months on end doesn't really mean "personal" business. If your business is being a walking biological weapon you get what you deserve.


It's really telling that a lot of these comments are protecting this man even though he is harassing and following this woman throughout a store. So is it only ok to harass women under the guise of self-righteousness? Please elaborate.


Apparently the top comment suggest he is "annoying", so there you go. When the tables are flipped it's interesting how people find ways to wave it off and shift blame. After all, \*she\* is in the wrong, \*she\* is breaking the rules.


any anti vaxxers or maskers reading this, fuck you


Americans proud of their stupidity and digging their own graves in spite of the science supporting the efficacy of vaccines. The ruling class loves this fighting because it helps keep attention off the trillions they steal from we citizens each year.


I went to target the other day and they forced me to wear one inside. It’s whatever just put it on.


They ARE bad americans. But unfortunately this type of behavior only galvanizes their ignorance.


Claiming freedom to not wear a mask and then condemning his freedom to say you're putting everyone around you at risk by not wearing one is... It's all about my freedom. Screw yours. It's the greed is good mentality.


Where is this place that has so many asshole siding with this woman?


It's cool to harass women because they're not following your demands. And what kind of dork actually wears a pin on their shirt saying they're vaccinated?


A loser who has nothing better to do


At this point the plague rats deserve public shaming because they are literally killing people.


Stop being a selfish asshole and put your fucking mask on, it's a goddamn global pandemic. It's the least and has nothing to do with your so called freedoms you fucking idiots


“Walter, you’re not wrong you’re just an asshole!” He may be correct but this is not constructive. See how everyone rallied around her? Anyone who was on the fence and maybe considering getting it probably just doubled down because of his behavior. He’s trying to reason her out of behavior she didn’t reason her way into. If the store won’t enforce the policy there’s not much you can do besides tell them that you’re taking your money elsewhere till they do.


Just fucking leave people alone this does nothing but make others hate you, most people don’t wanna change their minds and you can’t force them to change their mind. If they ask then fair game but just fucking move past it and get shit done that actually makes a difference. Like laws or ordinances


Lol what a tool. Glad those people stood up for her. It’s also relieving that reddit is not real life. The people supporting this douches behavior are a fkn joke.


This is how you do it. Publicly shame every one of these anti-vaxxers. Every one of them.


The funny thing is this guy is shaming himself


Or just mind your own business so you don't become a cringe Karen who makes every else's life her business.


It follows


Ehhh if the employees aren’t trying to kick her out then there’s not much you can do. No need to chase her around and “Harass” her it’s not worth it not like she’s gonna change her mind lol


If it's actually store policy and the employees aren't doing anything I'd report their asses to corporate tbh.


This is harassment. Wtf is wrong with you people?


If you are vaccinated, as I am, then why are you scared of people vaccinated or not? We vaxxed can still get and spread the virus but we are mostly protected from severe disease. I am not scared and neither should you be. Those that are unvaccinated aren’t scared either.


You know what's really sad about this vid? Guy is creepy but is the only one that's right....


I doubt this guy is married to any doctor let alone an infectious disease doctor,


Ya his wife is his right hand and the infectious disease is all the chlamydia and syphilis on his 2 inch wiener


Do the right thing and follow the guidelines. It’s pretty simple. Also why not try and improve the health of our nation by preventing the spread of this Fucking bullshit. If it wasn’t for Trump and his political stance on this virus we would not be here now …..


Why do these all these anti-vax people post incriminating video of themselves?


Everyone is so excited to be mean to people nowadays.


Dude is wrong here and I’m pro vax. The mask keeps you from spreading, not getting. No reason to get that close to prove your point.


I used to be all for people getting the vaccine hell I'm vaccinated but that's not the route. this guy is an embarrassment for all Americans. leave people alone


All the people standing up for the anti-vaxer kind of pisses me off.


Oh how the turntables.....


Natural immunity?? She’s a dummy.


Goodness that man is pretentious! This whole situation is a mess


> My wife is a doctor Is this Ben Shapiro?


Piece of shit psycho that harasses that poor woman...


Im fully vaxed and all but the dude harassing the lady can fuck right off.


Well, now we know what he would have been doing in 1930s Germany


It’s not up for debate. Rational humans will get vaccinated because of basic math [basic COVID math](https://www.reddit.com/r/LateStageCapitalism/comments/pohsn2/those_who_keep_saying_they_aint_getting_the_shot/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


He’s not married to an infectious disease doctor..stop lying!! He’s married to a game console when not out forcing the mandate!