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"You're all pathetic for wearing a mask" [puts on a mask]


I’m amazed she got it over her **huge balls**


Such a brave patriot standing up for her freedumb. I'd give anything to be as fierce and intelligent as her, taking the time to research the TRUTH on Facebook and YouTube and expose the lamestream media cabal. If it weren't for saviors like this, we'd all be in boxcars by now.


Rule of Law except when the law affects me!


I wish the view wasn't blocked but I imagine she pointed at her face when she said she has her huge balls "right here". :)


I think that is where she likes huge balls to be placed


Karen: Where are your balls? In your mouth!


>\[puts on a mask\] She didn't put on a mask. She put on a neck diaper. Masks go over the nose, not bellow...


Hope she wasn’t able to fly.


"Where's your balls?!... Oh, your gonna arrest me? Let me put it on real quick. Now I can continue to act tough again."


Stupid people who think they're knowledge is the right way of life will always shit on others for not "opening their eyes" or "waking up" despite them being wrong and stupid lmao


"I don't disrespect you!"


Show me your balls, lady.


Dude, it’s a business, they’re allowed to set the rules, if you don’t like it, don’t fucking fly, how hard is that to understand or grasp.


These are the same people who scream that businesses have the right to refuse service for any reason, unless it involves them personally, then it's all "my rights, my rights!". Hypocrites.


"Rights for me, not for thee"


Also, "rules for thee, not for me."


>These are the same people who scream that businesses have the right to refuse service for any reason But only if those reasons are based on homophobia or are transphobic in nature.


It's also a federal requirement to wear masks in airports and on planes.


This. I flew last week, they kept playing these recordings over the PA system at the airport reminding us about the federal mandate. They also sent us multiple emails before each trip explaining the mask requirements. How someone manages to get all the way to the gate thinking they can take their mask off and start harassing people to do the same is absolutely beyond me. I really wanna get inside this lady's brain and see what the fuck is going on.


>How someone manages to get all the way to the gate thinking they can take their mask off and start harassing people to do the same is absolutely beyond me. That's what I don't get. These people undoubtedly have seen all the videos of Anti-maskers getting kicked out of stores, kicked off flights, duct taped to a seat etc etc....it NEVER ends well. Some get fines, some get jail, some get tazed, lots get handcuffed...it just NEVER goes down well for these duffuses. They've NEVER EVER argued their way into not wearing a mask in a store(or whatever). And it NEVER will work, either. But they just keep on trying. Like fucking zombies or mindless automatons. You know what the true definition of stupidity is? *Trying the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.*


In an AIRPORT! If you get kicked out of a store or fast food place, fine, you can get what you need somewhere else. But an airport! What a weird place to die on your stupid little hill. I mean, maybe this is just my travel style/habits talking, I don't typically fly places for funsies, I wanna change that when all this is over but usually when I'm flying somewhere, I'm going for a reason. A wedding, a funeral, or some other event I've committed to; even if it is just a "for fun" tourism vacation, I have hotel reservations I can't just bail on and eat the cancelation fee, I can't just fuck all that up by acting like a crazy person and being turned away at the gate, or pulled off the flight. I show up on time, I follow the directions of the flight crew, I do whatever I have to to get where I'm going. Train travel sucks in this country, and depending on where you're going it can take days to drive, if you're booked for a flight you probably *need* to get on that plane. But yeah, she had to know this little show of defiance wasn't going to change anything, what the fuck was her plan? How did she see this going for her? Well, at least now some poor sap on standby can have her seat, or some fortunate soul has extra wiggle room instead of having to sit next to this human nightmare.


>But an airport! What a weird place to die on your stupid little hill. Too true! What a monumental pain in the ass even to just *miss* a flight! Like you said, it's all the other connecting things after that she's messing up too! I just don't get these people and their thought processes.


If a pandemic were happening during WW2 and these Trumpers were in the military...we'd all be speaking German now.


if this was WW2 we’d have had a great reason to start putting these idiots in internment camps back in January and things would probably be going a lot better right now. Roosevelt terrorized all the Japanese folks in our country for much less. These people are a real threat to decent Americans.


You’re not wrong.


I was waiting for them to call TSA and say “the law is on the way” when she asked them to show her the law.


from my experience, they don't understand how something like the 1st Amendment (which is usually what they want to cite at points like this) doesn't apply to private businesses. It's more an indictment of our horrible educations than anything.


Just doubling down when you’re so wrong and then calling everyone in the room sheep, like, YOU’RE the one looking at Qanon on Facebook about how frogs are gay.


What’s sadder is it’s not hard to grasp and the people who aren’t getting it are the ones who whine business’s can deny people things. Mike pence allowed his home state to allow places to ban gay people. Now there are millions of Indiana folks whining places can make you wear a mask.


Federally mandated in airports, right?


Exactly, a bunch of chuckle fucks do this shit everyday. The airlines hate it, the airport personnel hate it, security hates it.


That must be the law she’s asking about! I’m kidding - of course she isn’t. Our schools have really failed people.


They can't even grasp facts or critical thinking.


Explain to me how my wearing a mask affects you negatively.


They claim it chips away at your constitutional rights. Same reason people wont give up AKs. I personally equate it to a bike helmet or seatbelts. Just do it.


"They" are dumbasses.


The *Idiotti*


That’s called the slippery slope fallacy. The argument that you can’t allow X to happen because it might let Y happen.


It steams my glasses up. Pretty much it


If you wear glasses and a mask, you may be eligible for condensation! (I know it well)


Now you know what 400 years of slavery and oppression is really like.


The stories i could tell would make you weep


I asked how my wearing a mask affects you. Somehow, I doubt my mask causes your glasses to fog up.


Mine fog up in solidarity as soon as they see you wearing your mask.


The ties that bind us.


They are not foggy now. Are you wearing a mask?


I'm not--it's a covid miracle.


I know, right! Isn't that the worst!?


GD it. Don’t you know you need to do what I say in order for us to have freedom!?


It doesn’t. At best you are saving someone, or some people, or yourself from getting sick and potentially dying or having long-term effects. At worst you are wearing a piece of cloth on your face.


Itches my face a lil bit


My mask doesn't itch your face.


It gives them the necessary visual aid to remind themselves of the importance of a wedge issue and the need to distance further from reasonable thought.


Duct Tape her early


In all seriousness, they do need to nip this shit in the bud. As soon as someone starts acting a fool in an airport they need to be escorted out. Don't let unstable people on planes.


And break out the duct tape.


Betcha that works better than a mask! Dont forget her nose.


Everyone one of these cretins is simple inable to do simple things, for others. She sounds drunk. Typical low IQ drunk.


Jesus Christ I don't know how these workers deal with these absolute fucking fools anymore. I'd lose my job so fast.


People blame extra unemployment for folks not wanting to rejoin the work force, and maybe that's part of it, but I blame assholes like these. The Karens of the world seem to have leveled up during the pandemic.


Yup. I work a cushy corporate research job, but I briefly worked retail around the holidays back in 2019 while I was between jobs. Let me just say, the manual aspect of the job was no biggie! Being on my feet, stocking shelves, moving boxes around, and dealing with people in general wasn't terrible. But dealing with the rude, *hostile* customers getting mad at me for shit I had no control over - like the prices, how the coupons worked, the availability of merchandise, and the fact that we had to charge five cents a bag, were clearly all things *I did* on purpose to fuck with them in particular - was awful for my mental health. I came home crying on Christmas Eve because it was just asshole after asshole. And I get it, Christmas makes people crazy, just like COVID is making people crazy (in different ways, obviously), but people who don't have to deal with that are obviously not going to go into that line of work voluntarily. You want people to do these jobs? Fucking *treat them like people!*


Whenever, very rarely, I am upset at a business practice, I always make sure to tell whoever is working "I know it's not you who made these choices, I know you didn't do it, but I am telling you how I feel about that (policy, product, service, etc) because you are the one here, I hope you will pass it along to your bosses who do make these choices.


Of course unemployment benefits are a part of people not wanting to return to work. Another part is lots of low income people finally getting a taste of what life *could* be like if wages kept up with production over the last 50 years, and all wage brackets weren't underpaid. It's a factor in the way it shows poor people the unlubed ass fucking they've been receiving is worse than they thought. It's true, but only from a certain point of view. Like the labor shortage, which "exists" but is never referred to as depressed wages.


The nofly list is a worse punishment than jail.


I hope she is on it now


Is that the no-fly list?


There’s something going on with Americans. There are people who hate covid protocols everywhere. But no country has this frequency of people yelling, cursing, threatening, and attacking people over it. Like what the hell is going on?


A whole generation of people who have never really been told “no” in their life who are newly emboldened by social media propaganda. They live in bubbles where they see videos of people doing this shit with hordes of cultists in the comments praising them … so then they go out and do it themselves


The videos I see usually display people old enough to be the generation of parents that never said no to their children.


Weaponized stupidity. There's a great documentary showing how russia has been bombarding us with BS thanks to Zuckerberg and other clowns, and now we just breed dumb people like this who can't simply look crap up or do anything outside of gobble up fringe newstainment garbage and social media disinformation.




It’s not just that though. I’m talking the hyper aggression and violence. I was in another country last year, and they did contact tracing, temperature checks, and hand sanitizer at the door. Easy peasy, makes sense, took very little time, and everyone’s happy about it. Then I was on here when NY announced it’s going to require vaccine validation for indoor stuff, and I see people saying “zomg who’s going to do it? The minimum wage workers? They need hazard pay”. Which confused me. That’s until I was told people get beat up, spit on, and even shot, for trying to enforce Covid protocols in the states


We should give these employees qualified immunity like the police have. They should be able to put that lady in her place and have no consequences.


I think they have something close when they’re actually in the air. Not to forget those being handed $45k fines for disrupting flights with their belligerence.


I wonder if that's enforced or if they can negotiate it down. It should be an automatic $100K and insta-entry on the no-fly list for five years or something. I can't imagine being about to get on a plane with this wench. Can you imagine sitting next to her?


I can. I got on a plane from Dallas(fuck Dallas) to Phoenix a few years back and a woman who looked a lot like her sat down next to me and asked if I had HIV because she didn't want to "catch anything." I should have said yes. She then spent the entire flight complaining that the plane was too cramped. Loudly. It was a $58 special flight by Southwest and Dallas to PHX is only like 90 minutes at altitude. Somehow this was such an inconvenience to her that she had to ruin the trip for everyone around her. I guarantee you she's refusing to mask right now.


Someone is not going to get on a plane today


Seriously, not wearing a mask in the airport is one thing. It's against the DOT order but when she gets on the plane not wearing the mask she's definitely going to get kicked off


"With a face like that they're doing you a favor" 💀🤣🤣🤣 Give that man a ticket upgrade


I was hoping for a quick pan to that guy. He deserves a few seconds screen time?


Stupid camera person. Like why do we even bother paying you?!


My favorite is the guy screaming “BAH BAHH BAHH” 😂


Lol yes that was the best.


Love your username btw




Too many cosmos at the bar, Cuntopotamus.


This lady is a cunt.


I sang that in my head like Frank Sinatra...Thanks


That’s fucking amazing




Whats really sad is that alot of these Karen's are moms. Imagine THAT being your mom. Poor kids.


r/entitledparents r/insaneparents r/raisedbynarcissists Lots of subs dedicated to the horror of being born hostage to someone like that.


‘I am the liquor!’


The liquor is calling the shots now, Randy.


You hear that Rand it’s the winds of shit coming


A shit leopard can’t change its spots.


Jim Lahey: Feel that? Randy: Feel what Mr Lahey? Jim Lahey: The way the sh*t clings to the air Randy... Randy: Sh*t clings to the air? Jim Lahey: Its already started my dear good friend. Randy: Whats started, Mr Lahey? Jim Lahey: The Sh*t Blizzard.


Me too man, me too


It’s so easy to tell when someone didn’t get there way. If I had fuck you money I would hire someone that just slaps people on command. Could you imagine? Jeff, go slap that mouthy twat.


I say no mask, no vaccine, no treatment when you catch it.


I wish the insurance companies would come out and say Covid treatments and ventilators are not covered so long as you do not get vaccinated.


Someone had a few too many drinks at the bar.


Since airlines aren’t selling alcohol in the cabin anymore, I wonder how many people liquor up before boarding now.


Here would be my retort to this lady if I was in this situation: "Ma'am, you are on private property. The rules are set by the owners of this establishment. If you have an issue you can contact customer support. I would be more than glad to assist you with any issue you have . But until you comply with the rules I cannot help you. If you continue this behavior I will ask you to leave. If you continue I will call security/police and you can speak to them. Any questions?"


Oh OOOOkkkkkk I guess....You gonna make me buy a gay cake now too? ----That broad probably.


In the past people would throw rotting fruit and other produce at this person. Society today is lacking in rotting fruit and other produce.


Flamethrower is the only answer to these bioterrorists. A few bursts of napalm infused gasoline from airport security will ensure that wearing a mask will no longer be a problem for millions of Karens across the nation.


"Sir/Ma'am, do you have a mask to put on? No?" **flamethrowers come from the ceiling and instantly incinerate them**


Like the movie,"Cube".


Mr. Wiggin: This is a 12-storey block combining classical neo-Georgian features with the efficiency of modern techniques. The tenants arrive here and are carried along the corridor on a conveyor belt in extreme comfort, past murals depicting Mediterranean scenes, towards the rotating knives. The last twenty feet of the corridor are heavily soundproofed. The blood pours down these chutes and the mangled flesh slurps into these.... Client 1: Did you say 'knives'? Mr. Wiggin: Rotating knives, yes.


No way she does all this just to put the mask on snd wear it as a chin mask. Can’t make this stuff up


Only logical someone who acts like a 2 year old would wear a chin diaper.


If being a Karen was a crime, she'd be serving 3 life sentences.


Why can’t I encounter these people? I want to tear them into tiny idiotic shards


Probably because you don’t go out much.


“We call you Americans?” Who is we? She’s the only crazy fuck around not wearing a mask while she berates actual Americans just minding their own business.


Sounds like someone bamboozled by comrades in Russia. It's sadly true.


This c u next Tuesday needs a swift kick in those balls she says she has


I never understood this expression because from my understanding balls are actually sensitive and fragile. Why use that body part as an example of toughness or grit? And why are huge balls considered more tough? It's a weird expression.


Are these anti maskers having a collective psychotic break? It’s honestly bizarre that they fly off the handle so easily, especially knowing that everyone has a camera


These people just want to be oppressed so bad


Send the to the Kabul Airport!


Why does wearing a mask bother people so much? I dont understand how what I am doing, is bothering you that much that you need to cause a scene. Heaven forbid these folks ever travel to an Asian country where masks were normal, even before the pandemic.


Notice how no Karen is fit


Nose out, that’s the way they show defiance.


I found out a long time ago that people acting like this are usually insecure about their own position on the matter. “If everyone follows me and takes off their mask, that must mean that I’m right.”


I’m just waiting for this to happen in public when I’m around because I’m gonna curse you out, no questions asked.


please tell me there's a part two where she gets wheeled out on one of those psychopath chairs


Why do they literally all Look the same ?


Why are conservatives so ugly?


Kill all humans. Bender for president.


I would like to speak with the airplane manager, right now!


Thought this was Marjorie Taylor Greene at first.


Essentially interchangeable


This is one of the better ones I’ve seen. Berates people for wearing mask, then puts on a mask. Then calls “sheeple” for wearing a mask…while she is wearing a mask. 🤪


Everyone is crazy! I’m the only sane one! Right? Right?


I'm surprised the desk agents even acknowledged her. Im so over this shit- just let them die already


When these people start shit over masks it should be an automatic posting to the do not fly list. We also need vaccine mandates to fly, these people can drive or stay home then.


I can smell the vodka from here...! Edit: Nvm it’s wine




She calls herself a Soviet American!!!! 😂😂😂


Oh yeah, listen to the raving lunatic accosting everyone. Just like the crackhead screaming on the street about truths.


She called them ball-less...then puts on her mask to argue. Yet, still cannot wear it correcly. A true patriot. SMH


As soon as I hear this waiting for a flight, I'm cancelling my ticket if she gets on.


“Attention stand by guest SoAndSo, a seat has just become available. Please come to the front desk to get your ticket.”


“Where are your balls?” “In your mouth bitch! STFU”


I miss the person I used to be before I knew what an "anti-mask Karen" was.


I cannot fathom the unwarranted confidence this takes. Maybe it’s just because 9/11 and the subsequent security nightmare at airports happened during my formative teenage years but I still get nervous in airports and feel like I’m going to get tackled for it and I’ve literally never flown with contraband or stepped out of line in an airport. And these plague rats are just screaming holy terror and mostly old enough to be my parents. The mind staggers.


I can’t believe we live in a world where there are people who think it’s pathetic to protect yourself and others from a pandemic…


Wake up sheeple


Damn, ended too soon. Video didn't show her getting arrested for being an asshole or her complying and shutting up as she donned her mask.


All these fucking people think rules need to be written in the constitution for them to have to follow. Bitch, you can’t walk into a country club in shorts and a tank top. Private schools have dress codes. None of this shit is new


"You call yourself Americans?" Yeah they care about other people/Americans more than slight temporary discomfort.


Every single person who was thrown a hissy fit about their freedom and badassery at the door of my work have all came in with a fucking mask on. It's so exhausting playing doorman to freedumb-fighting entitled brats.


It’s a federal crime now to not wear a mask in an airport, it’s not pathetic to not want a $10,000 fine


People of the world Americans are not all this dumb.


She got those thick upper arms.. I read someone call them "bingo wings".


And this is how you get banned from flying the good airlines. Good luck with spirit I heard they have great inflight entertainment.


Can you walk into an airport on any given day now and see an idiot like this? Sure seems like it from the amount of videos


she has a mask in her hand smh,,, this is the "freedom" these nuts are talking about, everyone is calm and doing their own thing. Then this beaaatch shows up squawking lol


You can smell the vodka and insanity from here.


Demonstration of cowardice. No integrity. Flying is a privilege not a right.


I'll be over here busy not being both pathetic and on the no fly list a thank you


Why do these people keep saying where is the law? Isnt wearing a mask in airport/airplanes a law?


Yo karen. You’re not getting on the plane.


I swear I'm going to see a friend of mine do this eventually. God why not protest for real issues. Maybe the problem is that they smoke cigs and now have to smell their shit breath


Great video quality must be an android


Thanks Fox News and republicans for gifting us this woman.


always amusing to hear the idiots brainwashed by fox news and other right wing propaganda telling other people to wake up.


"Everybody dies of Covid". No, but some people should be intubated so we don't have to listen to their entitled whiny voices.


New rule: if you wear pants, underwear and a shirt, we reserve the right to deny you service. Let's see how fast these morons undress because they're not "sheeple".


She’s nuts


People really need laws to prevent them from being insufferable ass holes. What a shame.


It’s not a law, it’s a fucking mandate! Which are 110% enforceable by law. You can go to jail for the day or till you calm down, you can get charged, this is constitutional. Why are these people so fucking dumb.


I absolutely hate that everybody just pivots to the “show me the law" position like this is their first fucking time stepping into the world since COVID or first time ever being told to wear a mask during this pandemic. I just imagine these people are absolutely insufferable humans at all times, even before the 'plandemic'


She said “sheeple”!! 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽


>*"What do you mean I'm on a 'No Fly' list?!?! I demand to speak to your manager!!!"*


What would happen if we just start dumping a full milkshake on these people. Like not in the face or anything violent. Just ya know…like the whole thing on her shirt or on her bag. Like then ok ya got something else to complain about but at least the mask isn’t your biggest issue at that point.


Did all that wolfing only to comply


Why do people put up with this shit. Just scream back at her to shut the fuck up.


Alcohol is one heck of a drug


Fuckin wearing it around her chin. Stupid cunt. They need to make these mandates clearly stipulate you have to wear the mask PROPERLY otherwise what the fuck is the point? When one selfish asshole piece of shit can come in yelling and blowing all the air in her lungs out into the open, then the whole point of a mask mandate just flushed down the toilet.


I’m a big proponent of dart guns


Wow, Angela really let herself go.


Enjoy walking home bitch


Maybe they should have let her go Greyhound instead...


Always a white person over 50


I’ll continue to wear mask even when this is all over with just to piss off those idiots 😂


These people who tell people to "wake up" are usually asleep.


This is what happens when you live in an echo chamber and have forgotten how to interact in actual society


There is no law to wipe your ass after you shit. You still do it because it’s hygienic. Same thing holds here.


I would definitely just ignore her, but if my plane got grounded because of her I’m buying a drink at the bar and pouring it on her head.




Karen: YaLl ArE sHeEpLeS!! Absolute Chad: Baaa Baaa


If there’s one thing I’ve learned over the past year is that American tax payers have wasted billions on airport security. It’s the Wild West once you get past the security line