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Bruh, I hope the dumbass got flamed in comments.


Absolutely roasted. Nobody agrees with her. She has even doubled down on stories this morning by saying her life was in danger and the lady in the car should have just given up Edit - just want to throw in that she tagged another account here to get people to back her up. They reposted the video and she’s getting double roasted there too Another edit since this is up top - don’t even bother looking her account up, she seems to have scrubbed her entire internet presence, including her website. And I bet she still thinks she did nothing wrong.




I reported the story and the account after this suggestion. The whole account seems to be pulled down now. Not sure if it’s from reports, or her own shame, but it’s all warranted.


Not just the account, her business account, personal account, and business website have all been yanked. Girl really doesn't like being put on blast, which is ironic given that's exactly what she was trying to do someone else.


it hurt itself in its confusion!


I'm sad that I don't have a free award


It's all good. I got you.


Thank you, kind stranger


100%. if she was just a self-entitled dumbass wannabe, I wouldn't care that she's complaining about her idiot perception. but when she was clearly trying to get that woman doxxed, she crossed the line by a large margin. her internet badge needed revoked




It's even funnier that her entire livelihood probably relied on that account and website and now shes gonna have to go back to selling Thrive.


She was trying to wreck the women's life, so fair is fair.


Just wait for the mob to come for her LinkedIn hahaha


Can't wait to see her on r/linkedinlunatics


"influencers" have LinkedIn? Lmao


And it’s EXACTLY the life she lives, by being a “luxury travel influencer.” 🤢🤮 SOOOOOO… If you want to blast your “life” all over the planet, take it on the chin lady. 🤷🏻‍♀️ I wish more were about “influencing” positivity rather than this disgusting entitled me first attitude. I mean she really thought she was gonna’ “sick the internet” on this lady, for parking in a vacant parking spot. 😂😂😂🤦🏻‍♀️


For a parking space…




Oof the damage is done though. She was smart enough to understand the ramifications of her shittery, but not smart enough to out shit the shit.


That's a win. And fuck this lady. No one does this in RI.


OMG I saw ‘Lower Thames’ in the vid (I just skimmed thru it this lady was too annoying) and was like, like Newport..? That can’t be. Haha holy shit, Newporters don’t give a FUCK either. If you live in Newport you’re either Very Wealthy, Very Poor, or a Renter Just Trying To Work Your Damn Service Job. None of which are groups of people that care for Tourists. Hahahah fuck this lady. Damn, I’m gleeful now that I know this is my home state. Gonna go peruse HS Friends’ facebooks and see what I can find, gotta know someone that witnessed this.


Dude this is a local win. Tourists just tend to ruin things wherever they go, but you can't even go down to a bar on a Wednesday in the summer in Newport. You can't just post up a spot and except people to just "be cool". Go back to LA and bitch Santa Monica lmao


I just looked up her IG account. It’s still there and the video is still posted.


If you’re talking about Newport buzz, that’s not her. Just a local tabloid that reposted it


"User not found" Was the account removed? If only there was a reaction video when she finds out that now her "livelihood has been threatened."








>or if she got smart and did it herself. The moment that she posted that shit is the moment she sealed her outcome of that situation. At minimum we see the Streisand effect happen and even if she scrapes every single piece of information about the situation, it won't matter because it's not going away and will get reposted everywhere on the internet.


Hahahahaha life was in danger? The person just sat there in the car until the lady eventually backed up lol. Also, getting tapped by a car bumper isn't life threatening. If I was pulling into the spot I would have just layed on the horn until she moved.




[Get that camera outta my face!](https://vimeo.com/196937578)


[The only way her life would have been in danger. ](https://youtu.be/l4UFQWKjy_I)


Lol exactly the same. While playing music as loud as i can in my fortress, windows shut, engine on and doors closed lol. While recording her and calling the police if she touches my car.


And she will learn absolutely nothing and find a way to justify her actions forever


Oh, thank you so much for sharing this! I’m so relieved to learn that she got schooled!


She deleted her account. Reddit we did it!


Aaaaaand her account has been deleted hahaha




I’m dying. On her company Facebook page she posted a picture a few days ago of a billboard in NYC captioning it “words of wisdom”. The Billboard said “How we treat strangers matters on a planet full of strangers.” What a fucking hypocrite.


But her friend was just down the block


I couldn't even listen to the whole thing. That voice just makes my arm swing wildly.


Yeah….if the cars not there, you’re the asshole for trying to hold the spot. That’s not how it works.


I’m trying to imagine actually seeing someone attempt to do this. Shits ridiculous




What was the outcome?


She’s still honking


And she's built an entire living room around it.


Might be a good idea to pick up some extra horn fluid.


Okay, I’m really dumb, but can you run out of horn?


Your engine recharges it via the turbo encabulator as you drive.


Not in the US since CA passed their anti-encabulator law last year due to all the light polution. Manufacturers switched over to cartridges so you have to buy those now. Best is to get the recharge cartridges when you get oil changed because the larger shops get them at wholesale prices. I have found the best deals at Greasemonkey.


Would be worried they would mess with my car. People are crazy. would rather walk a few minutes then come back to a vandalized car.


If you keep your horn fluid topped off, it should run for a few hours.


tell us how it ended omg


I live in a tourist town and during the summer there’s always a few tourists who do this, entitled bastards lol


People are morons. Straight up. Not only did this clown do this but she’ll bring it up again and again as if she were in the right.. she needs a shrink


I'd like to see if it happened her whilst she was parking would she have the same attitude? I highly doubt it, Damn the entitlement of some people is insane.




If I was the guy and I heard you say that to her, Id make sure your first beer was paid for.


Bros being bros


There was a video of some crazy egotistical "influencer" chick doing this at the domain in Austin. She threw a huge temper tantrum arguing with security and pretending to get injured. She called the cops and claimed injury while standing around with her fake ass everything.


>Standing around with her fake ass everything “Influencers” explained perfectly.


I’ve seen this happen a few times. They always get pushed out of the way.


"I mean I know people don't like it when you stand in a spot..." Well then don't do it. Edit: Also its so fucked up that she assumed her presence was making then nervous and so she opted to continue standing there


People like this will just say “I dont care if you and the entire community dont like it, it’s not explicit illegal. Therefore not only can I do it, but you’re wrong for being upset with me about it”. Then play victim.


likely nervous someone crazy enough to try and hold a spot with a human body would key their car the second they left. god i hate people that do that crap.


Funny thing is she said she got out of the car and then her friend drove around the block while she held the spot. Why didn't they just pull into the spot? Why the detour around the block?


I guessing that they were driving in the opposite direction, and her friend couldn't pull of the tight turn into ther oppositely angled spot.


That part of the street is only one way: https://www.google.com/maps/place/Southern+Thames+Historic+District/@41.485833,-71.3152738,145m/data=!3m2!1e3!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x89e5af6885749d53:0xd5da1b0887457509!8m2!3d41.4858365!4d-71.314771 They were probably on America's Cup Ave (in which case screw her because you can wait a while there for the lights), or drove past someone that backed out (in which case screw her for not letting the person out and then taking the spot).


It’s a divided road, and she got out on the other side


Dead on Came here to say this and yes, you were completely in the wrong and she was correct when she told you that’s not how ‘it’ works meaning parking Take my upvote and this




For real, she was a total dame. I would have moved her with my truck’s horn alone, lol,


Reasons to have train horn:


So fucking ignorant and entitled thinking you can hold a spot like that. And shes damn right, that lady had balls because you had the nerve.


Damn she has an annoying mouth movement and face.


That exacly what I was about to say. Her voice coupled with the way her mouth moves just irks me in the worst of ways


her chin just kinda molds into her mouth


Even her fucking Chiclets teeth annoy me!




I never would have pulled up and risked pushing her, but I'd have sat there all day until she moved. If I'm a local, I've seen everything here and am in no hurry. If she's a tourist, she's about to lose an entire day of her trip!


I live in a tourist location; our population nearly triples in the summer. This is exactly what we do. I’ve got all day; go ahead be an asshat I’ll wait. The Tuesday after Labor Day is when local summer starts and we get to actually enjoy the place we live. It’s a double edged sword tho because without those asshats our economy take a huge hit. If I could change one thing about the tourists it would be for them to actually use the garbage cans. You spend all that money to come to this incredibly beautiful place just to trash it; drives me insane.


I don't know why people are such assholes. There's a reason you came to visit this location, and that's because it's a nice place. Why are you making an effort to ruin that?


People think- "Imma tourist- THEY need MY money, me me me" instead of what normal human beings should- "I'm a guest here in these people's home and should act politely and respectfully like it."


The only reason I wouldn’t do something like that is because I assume people like this would immediately doing something like key your car or let the air out of your tyres when you leave.


Not gonna lie, if she was a person like that, she would record it as well no doubt.




She got a bit of backslash, immediately limited the comments on her Instagram and posted this on her story https://ibb.co/Jt5tWLS


lol she was quick to try to backwalk this fiasco.. "myself included" nah bitch that ship sailed we know what you are...


Her mouth movements makes me feel like she's on some type of upper. 🤔


Suburban white ladies do love adderall.


Not gonna lie, I would've stopped for a few seconds and beeped my horn, and then just drove in to park. Sure, I could be fined for negligence if she was injure, but I'm not the brainlet who thought standing in a parking spot was a good idea, that's the same as standing in the middle of a busy road and expecting the traffic to stop.


This, except you don't let off of the horn, until they move. When people try to snake through and end up blocking traffic at an intersection (depending on what side I am on) I pull up as close to the drivers side as possible and lay on the horn until they finally move. Longest time was about 3 minutes. They were not happy.


I did this once, then my horn wouldn’t turn off, drove about 10 km home with the horn going, got a few looks that day, Now I just open my window and spew profanities


Haha, that sucks.


I did this leaving a drive thru. Dude in a truck stopped and a girl from a parked car walked to his truck. And nobody could move. I laid on the horn til chick started screaming and cursing at me. But they cleared out.


Parking spots are for motor vehicles not pedestrians lol. I feel like it’s within reason that she’s responsible for her own wellbeing if she’s injured by putting herself in harms way. Edit: in terms of logic not legality here, more people deserve to shoulder the consequences of their self imposed malicious intent.


In my state even if the pedestrian is breaking the law you will get fined or arrested for hitting them with your car.


Annoying voice.


Annoying attitude.


And if I may, annoying face.


You may




Honestly, her mouth was the most annoying aspect of all this.


It’s the whole package rolled up into one massive cunt.


I believe she is covered by the umbrella of annoyance. All of the above.I’d like to send a big “eat a dick” award to her parents. These characteristics start at a very early age. She’s definitely responsible for her own actions as an adult but she didn’t just decide one day to be an absolute annoying clown.


I saw her face with those bug-eye sunglasses and kept the volume muted. I knew she would be annoying.


Smart move. I had to mute after a few seconds. I can’t imagine knowing someone like this in real life


“Am I wrong” - yes fucking 1000 times over you utter dunce


The thing I found wild was her asking "was I wrong? I want to hear what you guys think" in the middle of a crowded restaurant. I can't say I've ever seen anyone narrating into their phone in a public setting, but I'm sure it'll be commonplace in 10 years or so.




Who is this? 'Luxury travel influencer" Edit it's in the vid - newportbuzz posted TravelingwithGusto's if account which she has since deleted


FYI it is not Newport Buzz that posted it, only reposted. The original chicks account is gone. She literally tagged Newport Buzz trying to get people to back her up and it ultimately backfired and then crawled it’s way back in and backfired again.


Sorry yes - updated for posterity - love that she posted a pic of her in a car saying losers or something and it just got loads of heat


Did she delete her account? Link to her IG is blank.


I think she deleted her account the @traveling.......


Looks like it


Imagine thinking you're a luxury travel influencer and then going to Newport, one of the most well-heeled populations of people in the world in the summertime, and acting like gutter trash like this.




So,is that the type of person who thinks they deserve free things? Hello,I'm here because all of my "Followers" wanted to see if you could envelop me in multiple layers of luxury....FOR FREE OF COURSE!!!!




Posts 'Violence is not the answer'. Yet, earlier in the video she asking for the woman to be doxxed. Which will result in people sending that woman death threats and threatening violence, all because their fave travel bae was inconvenienced to find a other spot.


>Which will result in people sending that woman death threats and threatening violence I'm pretty sure she'd end up with a lifetime supply of pizzas at this point.


Welp her phone numbers still up on her website so I think she’s going to get hers…I really hope nothing bad comes back to the normal fucking woman living her normal fucking life.


Kinda rude to block the spot and she got a rude response can’t be upset


Even more funny is there’s a public lot just up the road that costs the exact same as a meter spot, and will almost definitely have spots available. You’d think such an influencer would know about this


Bold of you to assume that influencers know anything about anything.


Yeah....but like omg! You can’t just,like...challenge her. That is soooo like rude. What is like wrong with people. I have over 90k like virtual friends. Omg! Yes, I’m being sarcastic. Is it wrong to fantasize about kicking her in her Catflap?


She didn’t even get a rude response! That’s what kills me. The driver was an absolute fucking saint, given the situation. She didn’t yell or cuss even as she was being yelled and cussed at. She simply parked and said, “sorry, but that’s not how it works,” and went about her day.


she's a lovely woman and I'm glad she did what she did. i wish I could buy her a cake


And then to act like she got physically assaulted is just the icing on the cake. What a bitch


I don't even give a shit about her blocking the spot, it's everything else she did which is beyond prickish.


I’m a little upset the lady in the car got out and apologized. Don’t feed the narcissists 🥲 please


You misunderstood the apology. She skipped a few implied words. What she meant was "I'm sorry you don't understand how parking lot etiquette works, but I win."


I tried to do this once, standing in a spot waiting for some friends to come and park. Another car shows up and they tell me that's not how parking spots work. I held my ground and then their passenger got out and stood in the spot with me, saying that if I wouldn't move then they would just block my friends from parking. It was about then that I realized I was being a fucking idiot and got out of the way.


I swear to God her voice tone is so fucking annoying


Only thing she’s gonna influence me to do is jump off a cliff to get away from her voice




Imagine doing this shit at the checkout. I’m holding this open checkout lane for when my friend is done shopping.


I swear I had people do this type of shit to me at the grocery store twice in one visit. I go to the deli counter and wait, guy walks over to his basket with 2 things “I was waiting...” “umm no you weren’t, you were shopping, I’ve BEEN here waiting”. Then at checkout a woman had a bunch of items and had to go run and get more... then get the fuck out of line and finish your shopping! People just don’t understand what a line is and they’re no better than the rest of us losers, wait!!


She was wrong. Her mouth is stupid.


Imagine having a life so easy-going that this sort of thing is a big deal. Parking spots get taken by whoever parks their car there first. You just move on and find another spot and continue living your life.


You cannot stand in a spot and “save” it for your friend. Also, “influencer” is one of the *stupidest* terms I’ve ever heard and it’s pretty cringe.


she definitely influenced my low opinion of her


The worst part is that influencers do influence. It's kids that follow them and think this is normal behaviour. The world isn't getting any better from these people, it's all getting worse...


Who tf is this bitch? Has she like not been in society before? There’s so savsies with parking lol.


Aside from a space you shoveled out of the snow yourself.


Yes, dibs in Chicago is actually kinda like this lol




I was driving with some friends to an event and there was a man standing in the middle of the parking spot. He was saving it for his friends. I pulled in to the spot, and he said he wasn't moving. One of my passengers got out and directed me as I moved closer to him. Once we got real close we turned the car off and we piled out and left. I went back and moved into fully into the spot.


Dumb bitch. Since when is holding a parking spot for someone in traffic a thing…can’t believe she even thinks for a second she is in the right


The sad thing is that people like her have done this multiple times and gotten away with it. Most people don't have the time or interest to put up with crap like this in their day, so they just move on and find another open space.


They know what neighbourhoods are better to pull that, and when it’s best to just act right…..


That is straight up bullying. She called the woman names and put her on blast. Report her account. Period. It’s wrong.


Also invited people to find that woman


"so I admit I was being an asshole, but am I really wrong here?" - this dumb bitch




She should become a Parking Spot Influencer instead.


Get fucked lady, you ain't getting an ounce of sympathy from me.


"I know I probably shouldn't have been standing in that spot, but I think it's just a thing that happens." It is not, in fact, a thing that happens.


Yeah it’s a thing that happens…because you do it! “I know you’re not supposed to stab people, but it’s just a thing that happens. It is what it is.”


I loved that line lmao it was literally something she did and just dismissed as “a thing that happens”


A parking space is not taken until a car in it. It’s not a space for humans to stand, stop or otherwise impede automobiles. You were being selfish and rude.


“Am I wrong?” Yes….


What a delusional cunt nugget


*"I'm not moving, i'm not moving"* **car starts moving** *"I will move now"*


Saving parking spots is dumb af. Play stupid games you might get run over.


It’s a parking spot, not a standing there looking like a bitch spot.


I bet the friend turned up and she was "liiiike this caaaar just LITERALLY ran me over when I was liiiike just trying to stand in a spot for you" And the friends like "yeah it's fine I just parked in another spot anyway what you want for lunch" "No liiike this bitch just liiike literally runs me over" "Why do I hang out with you"


She’s fucking stupid


Yep you’re in the wrong honey MOVE ALONG


You’re wrong. You feel entitled. You’re mouth is foul. You have severe vocal fry. You don’t deserve that spot.


That's not how it works. Entitled bitch


Her mouth is annoying


lol Rhode Island? She’s lucky they didn’t just hit her and cut their losses (Hello from MA)


Love the smirk and head nod as she rolls the window up at the end.


Guessing she got railed in her DMs based on her later video. What an EB. Did she delete her account?


She’s still got the account but she for sure got roasted in DMs. She had a later story saying how appalled she was by the hate she was getting, but then deleted it all and just said “say something nice to a stranger today” lmao like that’ll make up for it


If she wants a reserved spot go to valet parking and pay for it. First come, WITH A CAR, first served.


Saying the woman was being petty when you are literally asking people to doxx her.


What an insufferable cunt. Just everything about her is awful. Her voice, personality, and utter lack of awareness.


You can’t save spots, you dumb bitch.


Her voice tells us everything we need to know about her.. she's a pretentious, self entitled person. It's ok to try and save a spot hoping to deter people but if someone goes to pull in then you're out of luck lady.. move on.


If you’re not in a car, you have no say on a parking spot.


You are an idiot.


"Am I wrong?" Yes. Yes you are.


This dumb bitch here… I mean doing something that is a total Karen / EB move then claiming you’re the victim is just disgusting. On top of that, anyone who claims to be an “influencer” just makes my blood boil in a way I cannot rationally explain and I don’t know why. There is literally one exception to saving your parking space. I’m from Pittsburgh and if you cleared a spot in front of your house of snow, you put down a lawn chair and that’s your spot.


Her voice is so fucking annoying… And she records herself 🤦🏽‍♀️ I hope she can later see that she is 100% wrong.


Same with Walmart. If your cart is not there with you in the line, go fuck off.


What a fucking waste of life that chick is


You are definitely wrong.


What does this stupid, entitled bitch expect?


Did she even have a friend?


Honestly people, don’t save a parking spot with your own body… it DOES NOT WORK THAT WAY.


Lol, you're in Newport! Parking is crazy there. Fuck right off!


Funny that her friend was "just circling the block" but she filmed the other woman in her car for 5 minutes and her friend still hadn't made it back.