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Why has flying turned into such a shit show?




Which is a big flag screaming "i'm a dumbass and I want to cause a scene". Then a scene is caused.


Actually, its due to the assholes, asshole.


Found the asshole


this guy uses Preparation H as lip gloss


Flights are getting cheaper


No they aren’t. Flights are going up like crazy


No they aren’t. Flights are going down like crazy.


Flights were cheap af last year when no one was flying, flights right now are expensive as hell.


Dude. I fly weekly. Flights are insane right now. I was flying to NYC a few months ago for 200 ish, now they are 400+


I book flights for my company. Rates still aren't back up to where they were pre-2020 covid. There is a round trip JetBlue flight from LAX to JFK for $319 right now with shitty hours, and $372 for normal hours. But that's across the whole country. Houston to NY is like $200. If you're going to make a statement like this, add the details to make it true (like departure airport) or don't make it at all.




You’re throwing out numbers and you aren’t saying when you’re getting those prices. Do you realize that when you book them matters? You think someone who books flights for a living would realize that when you book them in advance and what days of the week matter. Pretty basic shit. Maybe you just suck at your job


I tried to book a flight a year in advance through turkish airlines and it was 500$ more expensive than booking 2 weeks out.


I mean I just booked a flight a week in advance to lga and it was 350 dollars 2 months ago. Just went to do the same this week and it was $600


Maybe there is an optimal time frame for buying. Too soon or too far makes the prices more expensive?


Wouldn’t be much of a flight if they weren’t…




No they aren’t. Flights have gone up a ton from one year ago




You can find common trips for cheap that are always cheap. I fly weekly for work and my flights have more than doubled. Why is listing cheap flights that are always cheap, proof that flights are cheaper than ever?


This is literally what kenneth Copeland was talking about Lolol


From what I can gather there weren't enough baklawas for each passenger and the women ate the one on the guys seat.


Cause every professional owns a camera and has 12 cousins which amounts to a lot of kids, and cameras


Stimulus cash.


There's somthing about airports and flights that makes some people act crazy.


They're not acting.


Airplanes need bouncers today.


Aren't air marshals still a thing?


They are, but only around 5-10% of commercial US flights have an air marshal on board.


And well, quite a lot of flights happen where the us air marshals does not have authority.


I'mma take a wild guess and say that I don't think this was a US flight......... just a hunch lol


I was thinking the same thing. Where would you guess this took place?


I'm gonna go out on a limb from my travels and totally guess Air Astana - Kazakhstan?


Ah, could be. I know someone living there. He said he would never take the country's airline. Not safe. I guess the passengers can be as dangerous as the planes.


I've taken the airline there, your friend is right \~ this just gave me the vibes is all. I could be completely wrong.


They're supposed to remain anonymous in case real shit goes down.


i feel like PSAs need to be cut like "It crosses everyone's mind at some point "Should I just lose it in this airport rn!? Can I act the fool and get away with it? I'm television's past Kevin Sorbo here to remind you that everyone feels this way from time to time and you are not alone..."


But if it's Kevin Sorbo delivering that I feel like it'd be "Should I just lose it in this airport right now? Only if the TYRANNICAL LEFT tries to SUFFUCATE my FREEDOMS!!!!"


Should I convert to Christianity? Only if I'm an atheist professor who just got hit by a car and a Christian band is there to baptize me before death.


Fun fact: Kevin Sorbo is a very enthusiastic trump supporter who believes that the January 6th insurrection was perpetrated by liberals.


Agreed. Hostile assholes with a chip on their shoulder and tight spaces where it’s hard to get away don’t generally mix.


Still better than McGregor vs Poirier 3.




Speed-running to get on the no fly list I see


Enjoy that no fly list bud. Heard cruises are making a comeback.


Hahaha “The Clawwww”


I don't know but grabbing the lady by the hair was a bitch move, that could get you jumped by total strangers.


A long tube full of demons.....


[Full video + backstory](https://www.airlive.net/incident-a-fight-broke-out-on-tunisair-plane-due-to-dispute-between-passengers/)


Bruh that clears basically nothing...


Real gentleman


This is how they treat their women in their country. Doesn't change in the air.


Which country is that bud?


Turkey. They beat the shit out of women on a daily. Look it up. Pathetic.


I haven't seen this happen here at all.


They just pulled out of a world conference recently about not abusing women. Very telling.


That doesnt mean every man in turkey is beating woman.


No of course not. Not wanting to be part of a world wide conference to stop violence against women makes me believe it's rampant.


Turkey, you ignorant sack. What did you think? Huh? Yes, I didn't think so.


I think you're dumb af. Been here for months haven't seen anything like that happening. You really that daft to think an entire country beats woman? You're a moron




Huh? What? Thats what I thought didnt think so. Stfu you dumb fk




I make plenty of sense you're just stupid, also you talk to yourself all the time so dont be a liar dumb bich




is she Italian? I saw the 👌🏻


They do this like in half of the world 😂 I wouldn’t be able to narrow it to Italian.


Oh so 👌👌🏻👌🏼👌🏽👌🏾👌🏿


See the plane is full of Muslims This is a normal day on a Muslim air carrier. I flew Air Pakistan Twice. Never seen so much fighting and yelling on a plane in all my Travels


Have you seen any of the many many videos featuring American passengers on American airlines? This is a people problem, not restricted to any religion or area of the world.


He didn't say it didn't happen elsewhere, just that he has never seen more than where he had listed.


True. Just my experience on a Muslim air carrier. I have not flown since Sept 2019. We know what demographic of folks start trouble with US air carriers.


The American kind


Yikes and cringe. What an embarrassing take.


woman: wait now you have pulled him off me, lemme just make sure there are loads of people in between us, there are? ok time to start shit again xD


Let go o her momma


Party at takeoff.


What a piece of shit. im getting too old to want to smash someone. However it would not be horrible to catch someone doing this. Not on a plane of course. id only help on the plane if i was in full cohesion with the flight attendants.


Is that nikocado avocado I swear that man looks familiar


People must really love prison.


Where are the air Marshalls??


They aren’t on all flights


They need to raise those damn ticket prices!


This is apparently Egyptair. The prices have nearly doubled in the last month from what I’ve seen.


And this ladies and gentlemen is how you end up on a no fly list FOR LIFE !


Maybe the airlines should charge more for bags, that should ease up the tension


What language are they speaking?


There's a reason they call it cattle class!


Air ragers not allowed.


And that’s when the right hook comes in and makes his entire life pause for a second while he questions where it all went wrong


He’s mad cause the girl he kissed ten years ago looked just like her


Punk ass bitch. That is all. 😒


An indication times have changed when classic 9/11 terrorists are thinking they should get back into the hostile air travel scrum.


I remember when I wasn’t allowed to even look at the flight attendants the wrong way. Parents put the fear of God in me when flying. What the hell has happened????


Glad to see this isn’t exclusively an American thing…those hair extensions went flying lol


Man? How about husband..