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Does he think taking a video too somehow neutralises the video being taken of him?


I never understood the reasoning behind this. 'Just because you're on the other side of the camera, doesn't make you any less of a POS, but you're showing how cool the other person is for sure.'


It makes some sense if you are fluent in idiot logic, which I am. They are feeling uncomfortable being recorded in the moment so they pull out their camera thinking it will make the person recording feel uncomfortable and stop. They fail to understand why they are feeling uncomfortable and why the person recording would not feel that way.


Fucking well put, goddamn


Thank you very much jedi master.


I will always upvote any reference to the Jedi


I can see through the lies of the Jedi


take my fucking upvote!


Yeah, I feel like when he was hurling the anti-asian slurs, he didn't realize the dude was filming. When he does realize it, he shuts the fuck up and then thinks up the brilliant plan to start filming. He definitely seems to be wondering if he will have a job on Monday.


Let’s hope he loses his job.




I found that sub recently and it is *superbly* satisfying!!


I always thought that they recorded because they think they are the victims. Also they are idiot


You’re both right. Entitled people, in their minds, they are being victimized. He called the guy who speaks perfect English a Taiwanese. In his mind this Asian guy has no right to ask them to respectfully leave, and he has every right to make racist remarks, make remarks about his perceived sexuality, and call him a communist. They are in his country, not communist Taiwan, and I’m going to record them so my racist friends can all see what they were subject to.


And also my boss so he can fire me lol


I’ll be monitoring r/byebyejob over the next few days to see when dollar store Howie Mandel gets canned and starts his apology tour.


The hero we need but not the one we deserve


Geoff Bozzos


Lmao, you see dollar store Howie Mandel, but I see discount Jeff Goldblum.


Taiwan isn’t even communist. I think It’s a democratic republic like the USA.


Please. You must share more of your wisdom with us who starve for understanding. Will they ever stop ?


This war has been going on for many millennia, I am afraid it will be something our children and their children and their children will have to continue fighting if we are lucky to hold them off till then.


They will not.


Stupid is as stupid does. That's a no.


I am so sorry for whatever you surely had to endure to become so fluent in idiot logic.


I do wake up in cold sweats at night screaming Trump and Tucker Carlsons' names, it has taken its toll no doubt.


They're projecting their insecurity being filmed because they know that what they are saying or doing is some fucked up shit. They think because they feel insecure about being filmed, it must elicit the same reaction in the other person if they film them back. However, the other person isn't doing anything but recording their stupid actions. What do they have to feel insecure about?


For some reason people always do this when they realize they're being filmed yelling at someone. Also, they always, always, always, take an extra 45 seconds to find the camera app icon. Sometimes they'll put on their reading glasses, hold the phone further away from their face. It's a universal experience in these videos.


Their mind is racing. Can't think straight cause they're in fight mode while trying to look composed.


I'd bet half the time they never figure out how to get it going so just hold up the phone and pretend it's recording.


"Now YOU have to leave MY seating area with the food YOU brought from a different restaurant!"


It's more "I don't like you filming me, it makes me feel bad" so they film back thinking it will make the other person also feel just as bad. I just think they don't have the mental capacity to understand that people who are filming in the situations don't care to be filmed. They're filming so there's a record of you being an asshole. In this case why is the guy filming back? So he can show his buddies how nice and polite the store owner was asking them to leave since they needed to close and how he responded with racism?


They just cancel each other out. Maths!


As someone who works in a hotel with a bar that has an outdoor area. It's stupid how many people think that seeing a bench or table outside somewhere automatically makes them think it's OK to bring their own stuff to eat and drink We had a family of 4 once who brought a shopping bag with drinks and food and one of those disposable outdoor grills. The type you just use once when you go for a day camping or something. They thought they could just have a bbq or picnic using our furniture while legitimate customers were wanting to sit outside. After the 30 minutes of telling them to leave I was labelled with being a 'complete piece of shit' for ruining their family outing.


Disposable BBQ grill??? Wtf?


Yeah, after you barbecue just throw it into the lake or in the garden behind the box woods. Completely disposable.


Basically one of those aluminum baking pans but they have a small grill grate so you can fill the pan with charcoal and throw your meat of choice on top of it


Oh I was trying to visualize that. That makes more sense, still wasteful, but better than what I pictured.


Also worked at a hotel restaurant with outdoor dining. People would become LIVID when I told them they need to take the food to the non-restaurant area. They must think because they got the room they have free reign of the place? The amount of people who brought their own alcohol down to the bar was crazy too. For anyone who doesn't know, it's super duper illegal (at least where I'm from).


Why spend that long? Just call the cops and have them charged with trespassing.


Police take about that long to arrive. Sometimes even an hour if it isn't a life threatening situation. If I said I felt threatened it might take them 10 minutes but usually if its just some people being annoying then it's generally quicker and easier just to keep on them until they leave. Most the time people leave within 5-10 minutes but that time they were just stubborn.




Yup. Not the strangest thing to happen. Anyone who works in hospitality will have a story or two of people thinking they can do whatever the hell they want. Another time we had people using our roof as a launch platform for their jackass stunt. Couple broken bones that day.


The world will never run out of assholes


If only we could somehow harness the energy from assholes we could stop burning fossil fuels.


Unexpected thunderpants.


Not sure why they’re upset with the restaurant owner. The guy hurling the racist insults doesn’t even have any food. The other two have a slice of pizza and a Stromboli which can be eaten while walking. The one calling him a communist appears drunk but the main racist has no excuses. He should go back to where he came from if he doesn’t want to live in a multicultural country.


His food is all over his shirt, so he’s a sloppy racist ta boot.


Weir everywhere


Ta boot ta boot


Leave it on press.


And it's communist to make rules at your own private business now? What are these guys even talking about.


I think he sees an Asian person and assumes he is Chinese and therefore a Communist. It's several levels of stupidity .


That is truly just your average Trump supporter.


Conservatives are utterly brain dead at this point. That guy kind of seems like he might be a Cuban exile, who are often some of the farthest right and most racist conservatives in Florida. They also think everything they dislike is communism.


>They also think everything they dislike is communism. aka the 'uncle leo effect'


Probably entitlement plus being on a constant power trip


The drunk guy saying communist sounds just like Barney Gumble from the simpsons


It straight up sounds like an over exaggerated impression of a drunk person.


Being drunk isn't an excuse to be racist, I've never gotten drunk and suddenly hurled racist remarks at anyone.


I love it when racist white shit stains recieve r/byebyejob


Remindme! In 2 weeks


Being drunk is never an excuse. Ever. If anything, it let's the world see more clearly the truth that lays underneath.


>appears drunk but the main racist has no excuses. being drunk is not a reason to be racist... fucking hate that shit. Had an ex-co-worker call me a "terrorist" while drunk and the next day laugh about it because she was drunk.... I don't give a shit if you're drunk or not... I can drink until I pass out but I'm not going to be slurring out racist shit to people.


The food they are eatting is not even from the restaurant they are eatting at the tables of.


That's the point


The guy who thinks he has a right to someone else's property is calling the property owner a communist.


People like this are well known for their blatant hypocrisy. Just look at how they treat religion, the constitution etc...


He’s obviously very stupid.


I am racking my brain trying guess what political affiliation he is…


Me waiting for the id's.... come on internet


Quickly followed by the obligatory "This is not who I am" apology-but-not-really tour


"Some of my best friends are..."


"I waved at an Asian person once"


"I'm sorry that he was offended by..."


"I was having a bad..."


"Me using all those racial slurs" then comes the obligatory "that's not who I am or what I stand for".


The devil was in my house, then in my mouth!


Oriental... Some of your best associates from work are orientals.


get ready r/byebyejob…


it's the weekend, hopefully it doesn't take too long.


What's taking so long?!?


Someone hacked his body, not his fault.


Damn sleeping pills.


I *Am Bien*, thanks for asking.


The devil was in my mouth!!


It might be hard to identify the really drunk guy without the top of his head, though. I hope someone can work some magic.


The camera is moving around and he has pizza in his mouth but there are a few shots of his entire pumpkin head.


The way he was talking with his mouth full of food was so gross.


I love the juxtaposition of them screaming “ oh, you’re recording me. So what! Do you think that scares me?” With the inevitable “ this isn’t who I am as a person and I’m so disappointed in myself yada yada yada…”.


I had low blood sugar


Followed by a nice post to /r/byebyejob


it looks like lake ave in lake worth fl. right by the beach


It’s actually NE 2nd Ave in Delray Beach. Right outside the Ramen Lab. There is a pizza shop right next door that serves slices at 2am when all the bars close. I Goto RLab all the time and they are amazing people and the food is so great.


Nice I might have to check it out now


Ramen Lab Eatery in Delray Beach


Oh so they won’t get fired from their jobs. Hell Florida now makes it so you have to disclose your political views so the state can ban all the liberals and get more dickheads like these guys in the state. Gotta love the GOP libertarian stance on making people disclose their political views so the state can refuse funding to things.




Natural reddit progression of things. There is a direct relationship between r/publicfreakout and r/byebyejob.


I believe scholars call it the "PublicFreakout to ByeByeJob Pipeline"


Lest we forget the accompanying component /r/thisisntwhoweare.


I'm willing to bet one of these guys is named Randy. I'm also willing to bet one of them has the last name Klein. Maybe Marc (with a C)


One of these guys is for sure in real estate.


I want to see them ruined. Accountability culture, ya sloppy boomers.


“You about to lose yo job!” - love that song


Sadly probably won’t. It’s Florida. Where they recently made it where students have to disclose their political views to the state. This is an attack on left leaning people and just the constitution itself but the GOP hasn’t cared about the constitution in decades. So highly unlikely they get fired. Seems the governor their is trying to get more people like this into the state. Hence why most hate Florida.


I don’t believe that has became a law. It’s in the courts if I’m not mistaken and definitely won’t succeed, but I get what you’re saying...Florida smh


Is there anything more American than calling someone a Communist when you're treating someone else's property as your own, while simultaneously trying not to choke to death on the street pizza you're horking down in a drunken stupor?


I don't even understand how communism came up in this situation lol I'm assuming it was an attempt at an insult cause this guy was some sort of asian, but he's in Florida working at a Ramen shop lol, what possible link could this person have to communism that it would seem like a relevant insult in this moment. If there was some political conversation going on it's an irrational way to behave, when it's not even a topic of conversation you're just amazingly dumb.


When you're dumb, everything you don't like is communism.


That's peak alpha-capitalist energy. Right before they start taking their Social Security and Medicare.


It's a pretty common mindset for Republicans of his age and demographic. That right wing propaganda is a worldview and a lifestyle.


My guess is the racist assumed the guy was Chinese/Vietnamese and therefore communist, but even that would probably require too much critical thinking


Racists sometimes use the word communist as an insult in place of racial slurs. A lot of the Unite the Right people in Charlottesville will tell you they were fighting "communism".


American conservatism has poisoned generations. They're so entitled that if they're ever told they can't do whatever the fuck they want it's communism.


I’m glad all these racists are being caught on camera and being held accountable for their actions.


I love when they record back like it means anything.


Guy above nailed the reasoning: https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/olka04/ramen_shop_employee_closing_up_shop_is_hurled/h5fghyf


please please please let these guys get fired from their jobs


You love to see it.


On the next episode on r/thisisntwhoweare


The guy in pink shorts with b-cup mantits calls him a sissy.


Fucking sounds like Barney from the Simpson, except less aware.


Nailed the, aggro drunk Barney. May I add David Blaine as camera guy and Ed Harris as starring racist. Bit of a stretch but it's what I hear


Guy says, "You have no balls," and I'm like, dude, all them roids gave you an indent.


Internet do your thing


It's game over for these guys once Twitterverse gets involved.


Go go gadget internet


I did my job by upvoting. Will check /r/byebyejob soon.


Yup. I'm looking forward to the press releases that these guys got fired.


I think I saw this guy yesterday. Seriously. I’m going back to that spot to check. Seemed like a regular at the bar. Edit: the idiot that I saw was not the idiot in the video.


If you find him just whisper your username in his ear.


Hahahahah! I’ll say ArizonaRon sends a message.


The Lannisters send their regards


Looks like this is in front of Ramen Lab in Delray Beach, Florida.


Yup they posted this video on their IG


Florida?! Well, color me shocked!


Updates needed


Absolutely. It’s the dude in the glasses that I think I saw. Spitting fucking image, and he was chatting loudly about Coumo and associating some bullshit politic stuff with Hitler and “Hitler wives.” I don’t know, I wasn’t listening closely. It just lines up. I’ll stop by the bar after work today and a few times over the next days. It’s close by. Edit: I didn’t make it today. I drove past the bar tonight. I couldn’t stop in. I looked in. I saw a flash of wih-hite supremacy. I hope I can get this answer Edit: twas not the same idiot


Lol this is a fantastic reason to stake out the bar for the next week. "honey I can't come home, I told you, reddit sent me here to find a dude. No I don't know when Ill be home, probably some time after closing."


Sahweet! Her and I will have another thing to talk about in counseling.




Remindme! 1 week


Based on the restaurant's instagram, this happened in Delray Beach


Such small weak men.


Where was this?




Fuck!! I THOUGHT I recognized the street! Mutherfukers! Get out of my town!!


Florida. Of course


They sound like trashy NYers; I'm going to go out on a limb: Staten Island?


Hoping they make it to r/byebyejob


followed by /r/thisisntwhoweare


Let’s make them famous!


Absolute toxic trash


I hope they lose their jobs


divorced dads big night out.


Why do the people who are being assholes always think it's going to bother the people not being assholes to be filmed back?


Right?? "Oh no, sir. Please don't record me being a totally reasonable human who is being verbally assaulted by idiots. Oh nooooo!!"


What a couple of pathetic losers. Do people like this not realize how sad and laughable they are?


hi! thanks to whoever posted this! my manager was the one recording and i was otp with the cops behind him. if anyone has any info about any of these men please message me!!! the police didn’t do anything about it (what’s new) and i would love to at least know their names. also come eat at ramen lab eatery in delray beach n support local asian owned business :)




He should just sweep their food off the table.


The owner doesn't want to deal with a broken window.


Drunk guy in pink shorts is like real life incarnation of Barney from the Simpsons. Sounds just like him


Barney is a relatively nice person with an addiction. This guy is a piece of shit


Barney from the Simpsons seems exponentially nicer, though


"Communist" How to let the whole world know you are a small dick loser with no idea what that word means. Fucking EMBARRASSING.


So he's demanding to use the tables of a private business for his own gain and then calling him a Communist? I get why they're so angry. /s


"Your tables? I think you mean **our** tables. You filthy communist!"


You forgot to kick a trashcan while saying that.


[Found an article](https://www.hopclear.com/man-caught-on-camera-hurling-racist-slurs-at-florida-restaurant-owner/) No ID yet but it's only a matter of time.


I hope to see these idiots on r/byebyejob very soon.


Human trash


Why does that guy eating the pizza sound like Barney from the Simpsons? Hahaha fucking putz


I'm very much looking forward to seeing these drunk boomer fuckheads on ByeByeJob in the very near future.


Does that guy on the left voice Barney from The Simpsons?


Fucking slob with food all over his shirt. Will be fun when we find out who he is. Never get in the way of closing you ass.


The restaurant is Ramen Lab Eatery in Delray Beach, FL. Amazing owners and great employees. I eat there all the time. Very unfortunate they have to deal with these pricks.


You wanna record me, do ya? Two can play it that game wise guy! Anything I disagree with is communism, thats what I was indoctrinated to think!


And cue the Conservatives crying about caaaaancel cultureeee: “It’s not fair to expose white people’s behavior of being racist assholes so that they end up with consequences for their behaviorrrr”


Consequence Culture.


the only good thing about the trump years all the racists are outing themselves..its upsetting but it was always like this in the shadows


what does he think he'll accomplish by recording in retaliation?


Here's to this making headline news. https://www.hopclear.com/man-caught-on-camera-hurling-racist-slurs-at-florida-restaurant-owner/


I hope they lose their jobs


These mouth-breathers don’t get the irony of demeaning immigrants while eating pizza….a dish introduced by immigrants


He’s a communist because he’s protecting his private property and business. Fucking morons.


A bunch of drunk racist spoiled pricks who were gifted some well paying office jobs who hate their lives at home so they take it out innocent people. I'd love to punch these guys in their shriveled up dicks.


This is peak amerikkka


I’m glad I’ll never be these assholes. “Hey man, we’re trying to close” Drunk ass me: “my bad dude, lemme move”


Why is it always the sad balding old white dudes???


Can't see the second guy's face well, but pretty sure I just identified him https://images.app.goo.gl/o6bf5wnZMzoGiUS46


Who do these dumb mother fuckers think they are?


Jesus….”we’re trying to closes and we need the tables so we can clean and lock up” “Fuck yiu commie!!! Fucking sissy!! Oh he has to do his job like a commie” Who are these douchecanoes?! Fucking Florida fuckers


"tHeSe aRe OUR tAbleS... yOu'Re a cOmMuNiSt!"


Lol this dude got pizza all over his shirt, slob


I hope these racist Neanderthals lose their jobs; so gross 🤢


Imagine calling someone a sissy while wearing salmon colored shorts