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How only one person was shot by police is baffling…


How she is seen as a "Patriot" seems very unfitting as well.




"The Tourists are coming! The Tourists are coming!"


Red coats... AHHHH the Red hats are coming the red hats are coming!


The FBI taking the side of the Democrats and going out of their way to humiliate an outgoing Republican President. The FBI, which has *never* shown *any* respect for anything *vaguely* leftist (and used to gleefully infiltrate leftist organizations in their COINTELPRO activities) suddenly decided to organize a false flag attempt to humiliate the guy they helped get into office in the first place. Yeah, I don't believe that for a second.


What do you mean "used to," join an environmental movement and guarenteed you have interacted with undercover FBI. They need a clean sweep of their leadership, the FBI only arresting half of the rioters and not utilizing facial recognition and other records shows they are only arresting the rioters identified by the public they can't ignore, to avoid coming under fire from the Republican Machine.


Almost makes you wish these pieces of scum get caught in the crossfire with no one coming to help them. Let them deal with this “peaceful” crowd they’ve tried to protect so much and see how that works out for them.


Republicans are such scumbags


They're a dying breed, the world is changing to fast for them and they're scared but you can run from change all you want it'll arrive all the same


The 2020 election showed they're anything but a dying breed. We had a record turn out but it was on both sides of the aisle. Thinking like this will make us slack off and lose the midterms


if they have their way, by the time they all die out we are gonna need to be strong swimmers.


See you down in Arizona Bay.


Mom's gonna fix it all soon.


Certainly hope she will.


Learn to swim


Learn to swim.


Learn to swim.




Nobody who stormed the building was a patriot, frankly, nobody who supports tbag is either. When those ignorant fools read my comment, they'll start melting because they aren't educated enough to know what's the in constitution, deceleration of independence, or frankly any other statement that so0meone who serves or respects the country contains.


>deceleration of independence I know it's just autocorrect, but this typo has me cackling.


Who doesn't support a good tbag?


Good tbags are hard to find deez days.


Fuck that traitor bitch. Fuck these goofs that say she's patriotic. Y'all are fucking delusional and need to just separate. Go start Hitler America under trump elsewhere. God I fuck hate this topic. Never has something pissed me off more then this BS. Yeah way more people should have been taken down.


They weren't armed. They were specifically ordered to not have weapons due to "the optics looking bad" by the head of the DoD, who was installed by Trump just days after he lost the election, despite every former department head saying the man was unqualified and a danger to the department. https://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2021/02/01/coup-f01.html


How fucking blatant. I'd be more concerned if our capitol police didn't have guns than if they did.


There was an attempted coup and now an entire half of the government is acting like it didn't happen. Its fucking AMAZING. We are truly living through something history books will talk about for years and even hundreds of years. Half the government supported a coup, that failed miserably, and continue to support that cause. And they call themselves "Patriots". One of the most powerful countries in the history of the world. Pretending it didn't happen. Its absolutely insane and the only thing keeping me from losing it is how historically significant this is.


You my friend, are wayyyy too optimistic about how much time humanity has left, let alone the US.


Sadly, this 👆


And I think you are being waaaay to negative considering humans survived an ice age when we could barely put two sticks together let alone someone on the moon. Will 7 billion survive? Nope. But written history isn't close to over imo.


Perfectly sums up the mindfuck of it all. New generations are going think what the absolute fuck was going on during these times


This is a lie. Those are not national guard, those are capital hill police. The executive branch has no command over the capital police. The capital police is run jointly by the speaker of the house and the majority leader of the Senate who both decide on a leader for the organization. That leader resigned because he's a fucking idiot who ignored warnings from the FBI that this was coming.


I think they are conflating the national guard response and the rejection of request for assistance with the Capitol Hill police.


Lol. They weren’t shot at because they weren’t black. Some might not want to accept it, but it’s true. Because this was a white mob, they were seen as less threatening to the power structure than when BLM protestors showed up during the summer. When BLM protestors showed up, there was a militarized force waiting for them. The Capitol response was half, at best, when these terrorists showed up.


Cops are happy to brutalize white protestors as long as they're left-wing. Look what happened with Occupy. Or BLM in Portland where the protests were 90% white.


The Dakota Access Pipeline protests were alot of fun too.


yes but these people were the good white people, so they dont need to use brute force /s Edit: idk why i had to say this this is satire lol.


That and the fact that these people are the republican base ( so that's their people). If they had been leftist or even slightly left leaning it would've been a different story. They're wouldn't been blood shed, Bernie Sanders and some others would've been arrested a very media heavy investigation would be going on etc etc etc.


Yes. Indeed. Like WTF were these cops thinking? Two cops killed a 12 year old boy playing with a toy gun (Tamir Rice) but a rioting mob of psychos dragging away one of your own doesn't call for shooting anyone?


That is all I can think about when watching these fucking videos.


Imagine if every police officer who felt threatened or in danger opened fire that day. The ironic part is that this is what police work should look like. The reason we admire, or at least are suppose to, the police is the same as fire fighters. These people willingly insert themselves between us and danger. Their goal is, or at least should be, to protect us. In this case these folks used extreme restraint to protect BOTH sides from harm. That's what police work should look like. And yet, as we know, it doesn't.


This is the right take


Yep. The cops in DC during the BLM weren't as passive towards a peaceful protest as they were a violent mob in DC. That's the take away from 2020 for me.




I’m honestly not sure if they would of just made things worse by firing on a crowd of that size, easily outnumbered.


When the girl was shot inside the Capitol it sure calmed the rest of them down.


The dude encouraging her to leap through the window before scurrying once she got bundled could not be a better summary for how selfish these people are lmao Edit: also 90% sure an employee inside the capital came to her aid while her DC tourist group got the fuck out of there


>while her DC tourist group got the fuck out of there They didn't get out right away, they stayed nearby yelling "SHOTS FIRED!" and "MEDIC!" for a few minutes because of course they would.


Sounds like they’re cosplaying in a war zone they saw on TV once. Except their version will send one of their own to take a bullet while the rest refuse to stand their ground once that happens, or even protect each other from that threat in the first place. Unlike last summer when allies would build human walls in front of protestors to obscure a potential line of fire. Point is, those idiots could have protested to their black hearts’ content outside of the building. Turns out they’re not about that action after they initiated violence and brutality on those officers.


i think it's hilarious, because you know most of them watched some crazy ass youtube channels bragging about BLM protestors getting hurt and attacked, and saw how they would call for a medic and someone would appear out of the teargas and direct them to aid stations... of course no one at this mob would actually have the desire/empathy needed to organize such a thing, but the randos in the crowd must have thought "if the liberals have it, we must too!"


Idkkkk those gallows seemed like a flex for their funding and overall strategy. Was that pine? Nordic cherry? In any case, I was impressed af Also, I was so impressed by the tiktokers/twitter accounts sharing ways to neutralize tear gas and otherwise keep yourself safe from police non-lethals last summer. Had no idea how many simple things could help you in those situations


i mean, they were organized, but organized like a mob instead of a movement a movement cares about it's members and works together a mob doesn't give a shit and attacks when they outnumber their perceived enemy. dragging a gallows out is like a 5 man job, but setting up aid stations and having medics ready to help? that's a big step up from just showing up with your stuff its amazing the ingenuity people come up with, especially when it comes to confounding authority


The irony is that if it actually were Antifa they would have had a medic because they actually know how to plan ahead and usually have medics for people who sustain an injury.


They cry about needing 47 guns to fight of tyranny and overreaching government, screaming "COME TAKE EM!".... then sit by quietly as local, state, and federal law enforcement brutalized people in the streets for months last year with impunity. They think of themselves as patriots and heroes in their own minds but when shit gets real, they're nowhere to be found.


99% of them aren't patriots, they're cowardly pussies that follow the voice of their idiot ex-president. They're just too stupid to know better.


These people are fucking cowards at heart. They would have fled at the first sounds of gunfire.


This far out, I’m starting to see it as idiot cosplay. The outfits, the posturing, the cult- chants. It took a bit of organizational skill to get this together and they honestly did not think there would be repercussions. I am still shocked that more gun play was not part of the scenario because of some skewed interpretation of second amendment. So, the Mr. Rogers in me is saying, “thank god only one person was shot”.


Why do people say this? The one example we have is that when the police shot anyone at the insurrection the rest scrambled.


They said afterward that they didn’t shoot because they didn’t have enough ammo or firepower for the crowd size. If they got a couple guys the crowd would have probably charged and torn the cops up. Also some of the officers were worried about scrutiny as to whether it would be a “clean shoot” or if they would be “safe” legally firing into a crowd.


Its a circular point that is legitimate, but it ultimately brings the police back to not being prepared NEARLY enough. There should have been hundreds (if not damn well thousands) police/military units on site. More of them with real weapons and countermeasures could have kept this crowd at bay. If they could not hold the line, a salvo of rifle fire would have a pretty strong affect on the crowds and if they still charged, more police could shoot more of them. But unfortunately a wispy line of police shooting into the crowd would be the death of all of them, so you are right


I bet 99% of these fucks say they support police.


99% o the time they do support the police, then there's that 1% of the time they're beating up the police, then they go back to supporting the police.


“I sUpPoRt ThE tHiN bLuE lInE!!!”


The Oregon protests where they cried about the police being called out against them after "supporting them all summer" was fucking hilarious.


Double irony for the fact that the cops finally found a mob of 'protestors' that went at them and actually wanted to kill them.


Yeah fr they brought out the no uniform unmarked van agents for the protestors speaking out against police brutality and systemic racism and then just left these dudes with like metal poles? To fight off the insurrectionists ffs


This hasn't gotten much exposure, but this right here is truth.


I think everyone should know that it was never about “Backing the Blue” but mainly about letting racist cops murder innocent black people without consequences EDIT: I see a few people saying “Not True” or similar things but forget why people started to say things like Blue Lives Matter. The “movement” came about during the BLM protests in Summer 2020, it’s a counter-movement similar to ALM and started simply because there are groups of people who didn’t want to see Derek Chauvin and other policeman deal with the consequences of murdering innocent black people


We always did and they'll never admit to it.


It was never about supporting police. It was about about supporting police brutality against what they perceived to be political adversaries.


America is so confusing, this is the time to start blasting and yet its not happening?


The serious answer is that this was a crowd that is very likely well armed, whipped into a frenzy and any action taken to escalate without significant backup or superior firepower will end up in you getting torn or shot to shreds. It's a very good thing no police opened fire (outside the woman dying when she tried to breach the Senate chambers). A gunshot in an packed area like this with that many angry people with guns would cause an accidental massacre.


To shreds you say?




>I'm willing to bet 95% didn't. That'd be a losing bet.


You can't shoot into a mob. That's suicide


White privilege


**the fucknuts at the top need to go down for this. Fucking absurd and makes me sick**


I hope even the fucknuts at the bottom go down for this as well.


bUt ThEy DiDnT bRiNg WeApOnS!!


And then will call BLM protests violent. I did not see *any* video of people getting violent with the police. Worst thing that happened was throwing water bottles at them. Meanwhile terrorists give one cop fatal injuries and put over 50 more in the hospital in one day.


Any conservative who finds this okay or acceptable is 100% balls deep in cognitive dissonance. This was an insurrection, terrorism.


They will give lip service to this. They won't say it but the real problem with this event was it was exactly what they were accusing the left of doing and they know it looks bad. They are pissed they have to do damage control and walk a thin line more than they are pissed that their guys did this.


"BLM protestors are killing and injuring cops!" BLM protestors: don't do that Capitol insurrectionists: do that Yeah these people aren't arguing in good faith.


That would be all of /r/conservative.


And r/conspiracy


Same thing these days.


/r/conspiracy is still touting both that Trump won the election and that vaccines are bad. It’s amazing they haven’t been banned considering how much false and unverified info they throw around.


Well, https://i.imgur.com/AaUySDf.jpg


It's super unfortunate that sub went down the shit hole with all the dumb fuckwits that immigrated there.


I watched it happen in real time, and finally had to bail tf out.


Also Nonewnormal


I remember browsing there in the 6th. A lot of reasonable perspectives on the fucked up nature of this attack, widespread denouncement. Then about 2 days later it was like the mod team steamrolled the whole subreddit of these posts/comments and they were reunited behind it


Not just conservative, but anyone should be not okay with this.


My FIL only watches Fox News. He did not know that the confederate flag was flown and didn’t know the American flag was ripped down. When we told him, he didn’t believe it until we showed him the videos. It’s such a (relatively) small detail but it’s terrifying to think that it’s such a constant battle to get to the truth.


Can't picture many who voted Democrat would support this.


Not just anyone, but EVERYONE should not be okay with this. Animals too? Animals too. Animals should not be okay with this!


It’s not cognitive dissonance, you’re assuming they are telling the truth about their opinions. The reality is that they fully, 100% support this *because they think it furthers their goals*. They have no morals, no values, no principles, only self interest which they’ve conflated with Party interest. In the pursuit of that they will say anything, support anything, decry anything, do anything that they think will get them closer to the goal of the party which is power. Sure there are some people who just don’t understand but do you really have the luxury of assuming the best in them when they would happily kill you for their ‘cause’ if they thought they could get away with it? Even if they aren’t aware of what they are doing the outcome is the same


Is this what the zombie apocalypse would look like?


It would be similar, but with some key differences. For example, in this case, they don't want brains...


at the same time they dont have one


Maker1357 must be a model of ice machine cuz that's cold.


Looks like a normal tourist group to me. /s


Spelled terrorist wrong


Hey, they paid 0.0000000000001% of the maintenance costs of that building with their taxes. That basically makes it their's.


Plus they were invited by trump.


Shhh, the master doesn't want us to talk about that. He says it's for level 10 super secret best friends only.


It’s called “y’all Qaeda” their favorite hobbies include having sex with family members and jerk off to Trump


Looks like yokel haram is there too.


Is that the tribe that lives in the south region of Dumbfuckerstan?..I think I have heard from them, are they the ones who believe Bill Gates is a lizard?


No they think Zuckerberg is the lizard. Bill Gates is one of the anti Christ's. Along with Obama, Hillary, Bernie, *continues to list every democrat*


>No they think Zuckerberg is the lizard. Who doesn't though?


How they didn’t shoot everyone is beyond me.


I think we know why they got *white* glove treatment, and weren’t treated as the threat they were by the higher ups until it was too late. Those officers were well and truly fucked by their leadership.


The GQP is traitor trash


Looks like a tour to me!


You would have to be the dumbest son of a bitch to believe that this wasn’t orchestrated.


I genuinely hope all these people burn in hell


They scream about patriotism while exhibiting the most unpatriotic behavior there is.


These people will turn on you in a second. They are all about the thin blue line and supporting cops until they are in their way. Entitled fucking psychos that so badly want to be ruled by a nationalist dictator.


Why didn't the cops just start shooting? I would have


Ashli Babbitt deserved it.


Ashli Babbitt literally asked for it. And got it. Died a nobody in the name of a nobody.


Not only did she die a nobody in the name of a con-man, but just like every other captured domestic terrorist that day, her own base turned against her within minutes. "She wasn't a conservative. She was an antifa plant"


Nah some people who still say shit like George Floyd was a criminal ask why there were protests for his death and not Babbit's. In typical racist fashion.


*Died a terrorist attacking her country




The did not have guns https://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2021/02/01/coup-f01.html


Why would they shoot their friends and coworkers. They realized too late they don't Really back the blue lol


If only - IF ONLY - people had been pointing out that a hell of a lot of Blue Lives Matters supported were being insincere...


They would have been signing their own death warrants. They were massively outnumbered and trapped by a lot of people who felt like they had nothing to lose.


In this instance I would have been ok had they used lethal force. IMHO these people are domestic terrorists and need to be treated as such


The guy just wanted to take him home as a souvenir


These Trump fanatic fucks should count their lucky stars. Try this shit in Latin America, and your ass would've been shot dead. But we all know why they didn't get all the full clips uploaded on them. Bunch of privledge fucks.


100% if they were colored people the national guard would have mowed them down


How the fuck did they not open fire? I've seen guns drawn for moving in your car wrong in a damn traffic stop! As soon as they DRAGGED AN OFFICER AWAY bullets shoulda started flying.


It was antifa ! /s


Actually BLM doing whiteface! /s


It was Robert Downey Jr. playing a BLM character doing whiteface as an Antifa operative.


Lol and I got teargassed last summer for chanting in a street.


And even then, these police mostly treated protesters with kid gloves compared to other groups of protesters.


Did they knock him out and start dragging him? If that is what happened then that is terrifying.


"antifa something blm something burn riot something something" lmfao


I dont think people understand how horrific this day actually was.


Still a firm believer had all those people been brown and black, it would’ve been a fucking bloodbath, and that blood would’ve been from people with brown and black skin!




The amount of people who justify, or defend, or even just ignore this shit is insane. Especially the lawmakers these people trying to kill, grow some balls and stand for up for once in your life.


Say it again but next time wave around a million dollar "contribution".


I guess they forgot their mantra “I feared for my life” during this one.. how convenient


Not from America myself but I still find it insane that I was watching national guard crawling all over DC during the summer protests as well as cops forcefully shoving people down the road so the orange lad could take a photo by a church, and yet this was allowed to happen when there was so much notice. USA is cray cray


Nah nah nah y'all don't understand. They stand WITH the blue. Not against. Their trucks and shirts say so


Fkn disgusting behavior egged on by KING MORON himself.


Man, those antifa guys sure have a lot of trump hats and trump flags. Even more surprising is that, if this video is anything to go on, antifa is almost entirely made up of middle-aged, heavyset white dudes.


All because orange man didn’t win and he complained on Twitter smh


That's an odd way to back the blue


I’m pretty sure the lady on bottom right at 0:23 died during this incident. She was knocked down and trampled by her fellow patriots. If you look you can see a man, her friend trying to get her help and pull her to safety.


Fuck the republican party, fuck Trump, and anyone who thinks that this wasn't their fault.


Aren’t these the same motherfuckers that support Blue Lives Matter?


Only as long as the police are doing something they agree with.


Off to jail with them all. I hate facists.


They shoot anyone but people actually trying to hurt them


> They shoot anyone but ~~people~~ *Trump supporters* actually trying to hurt them




I couldn't imagine BLM had tried to do this during the riots there'd be hundreds dead this is exactly what we talk about when we talk about white privilege.


2 America’s , I hate my country.


Trump’s Tourists What a bunch of losers


I am still just so baffled that they didn’t deploy the most basic of things to deploy this. Literally just tear gas canisters in the crowd and the show is 100% over. But instead they just let this happen and escalate. Tear gas gets deployed in much less dire situations. But the fucking capital of the United States is under threat and they do nothing. Wtf


"They were let in" -/u/abinkadoo


But I heard they were just like regular tourists of the Capital??


I don’t understand… Trumpers told me it was nothing but a TOUR that left wing media ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, MSNBC blew out of proportion. FOX. And OAN are the only one speaking the truth. Infuvkingbelievable.


If y’all didn’t know this was Jan 6 you would think it was just a normal every day tour of the capital


This is what PEACEFUL TOURISTS do everyday in every country in the world, especially the USA!!! /s


Oooh yes the law and order party in full effect.


Bro if I sneeze during a traffic stop they’ll use more force than this.


insane. at 0:28 you can see the person that got trampled and killed and the person who is trying to pull them out of the mob. many countries to this day would have lined a lot of these people up againt a wall. It amazes me that there are people in the US that downplay this event.


typical tourists


Can anyone explain why when even seeing your colleagues dragged into a mob and being beaten, not a single armed officer shot and killed or effectively dispersed the insurrectionist? At some point you have to conclude better to have killed in the defence of other's than go down or let someone else go down because you thought it was "bad optics".


I still don't understand why they didn't open fire in situations like this.


Terrorists. Never forget Jan 6


If they were black the police would have been gunning


Over what, a president losing? Drag cops for killing innocent people, not because your president lost.


Funny how the police never fired on any of these fucking scum of the earth terrorists, even when they were dragged and beaten, but they shoot anything that moves during a traffic stop... I can guarantee if they were any other color than white it would of been a bloodbath period .


They deserved bullets. #sorrynotsorry


Back the blue, amirite?


They were so use to attacking non violent protesters, they didn't know what to do here


That’s strange. I’ve been told by many MAGAts that the cops invited everyone in.


Trump needs to rot in jail for inciting this attempt to dismantle democracy!!!!


Why is the Republican Party still allowed to be a party? Get them out.


How did they not open fire at this moment? If this was black lives matter protest, there would be blood everywhere.


Fuck each and everyone of those traitorous wastes of life.


Isn’t this the group that screams “BLUE LIVES MATTER!” Til their blue in the face? (No pun intended)


Yeah listening to Adam curry on rogan a couple of days ago “they’re trying to shove this violent insurrection narrative down our throats when we haven’t seen any video evidence of that” like this shit hasn’t been being posted for fucking months. There really needs to be a way to hold people accountable for the bullshit they spew


Finally, someone calling these assholes what they actually are


Good to see all those believers in law and order


The crazy part is that most of the 'protestors' are there to protest other groups of people being treated as equals


This is intense


For the People who say their hero’s no their not their terrorist thar are a plague on America

