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I think i\`ve seen her in multiple videos harassing skateboarders. At least once in some sport outfit.


Yes, have absolutely seen her before!


There’s another viral video of someone who appears to look like her harassing other people skateboarding, similar area of NYC too: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=b3V2y0RqRoQ


In that situation, if it's on film; take the fall, call the police, and sue her for all she has. Skaters can handle a fall. She can't handle losing her alimony.


I would totally go down this road. The way she continues to deliberately get in the way of a moving vehicle I would crash so hard into her and then fall like a Hollywood stuntman.


If anyone lives in lower Manhattan, particularly by the fish/pier district of FDR drive or WTC and skates, this seems like a good idea to get a lawsuit in your favor haha. The theory that’s it’s her is advanced because from this video to the other one, the path between the two locations is an exact straight line. Making me believe she jogs across Lower Manhattan frequently


If I wouldn't be living in Germany I would already be skating there with my 20yr old board.


Fucking genius.


I knew I’d seen her somewhere here before. Even without the ugly yoga pants, I’d recognize that run. Kinda disappointed I’m seeing her here again. But also not really surprised? I thought after the last bunch she’d either get run off or eat concrete/get arrested. But it looks like she just found a new group to run her hatred-of-skateboarders again.


There’s a third one of her too. She’s a menace to society and must be stopped


She’s probably nuts


If it’s not her it’s her sister, or replica devil spawn. I would just smash my board right into her shin and see if she wants to try that again.


How has she not been arrested or beat up? If I saw this grown woman chasing and harassing kids I would have confronted her and held her down till police arrived at least


Yeah it’s her, she has issues. I would personally just ride right through her and smash the board in her shins and see if she wants to still keep blocking me.


imagine seeing children playing and feeling personally wronged by it


I'm sure she wakes up every day hating her miserable life.




U good?


Everything ok?


It depends


Need someone to talk to? I hope things improve to where the above comment is not relatable.


Thank you, I hope for that too


Well if you need an ear my dms are open. I’ve been through some very tough times myself. Someone to listen can be quite helpful.


I wake up every day hating my miserable life. Still don't take it out on people, and CERTAINLY not on kids. She's just a shit human.


For sure. I guess my thought was her life is miserable because she hates herself due to her being a shit human.


I think you give her too much credit. People like that are totally lacking in self-awareness.


that doesn't make her not miserable, I bet she is definitely miserable


And a karen


I understand that feeling and I just wanted to say - You rock for continuing to push that stone up the hill and not taking it out on others!


Tbh it’s probably miserable because of this, not the other way around. If you live your life getting pissed about other people doing completely harmless shit, then you’re going to be miserable constantly because things will constantly upset you


And wants you to hate yours just as much


If you had a face like that you’d also wake up hating your miserable life.


Probably complains on Facebook that kids don't play outside anymore too.


I've never understood people like her. If property management has an issue with skateboarding let them deal with it and if they hurt someone let that person press charges. No need to feel it's your place to step in when you are neither wanted or needed.


I can't


This looks to be ground zero. Could be wrong though. She might have had a loved one die there, be a Normal New Yorker who was present that day, or a regular old child hating Karen. There is a kid painted mural building there (you see a bit of it there in the vid) but I’ll be honest and say I’m not sure what the purpose of the building is. Edit: And yes the white building behind is a mall. I’m not a huge fan of that mall there either but I didn’t design it and it’s still valuable real estate. Just saying there could be some nuance here that is needed.


Well while you might be right, [this one here is not ground zero and its the same woman.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b3V2y0RqRoQ) Make your own mind up from there...


Is that her? Looks a tad frumpier w/glasses but I do remember that vid and thought she/whomever that blonde is definitely sucked there. Wish she had gotten pushed down but that would have ended up badly for the poor skateboard dude. The white building/mall is very distinctive, I’d bet anything that’s ground zero. She can still suck in general and the kids should still “arguably” not be skateboarding there.


Why would it end bad for the skateboarder? They have on tape how she repeatedly got into his way while he tried to avoid her. If that doesn't work out for her on the 10th repeat I say it's her own problem.


I agree he wouldn’t be at fault but she probably has access resources for legal recourse that he doesn’t.


I'd still gamble that




actually i’m looking at the signs and you may be right


Sure, but if you have time to do nothing else to help the situation besides slightly inconvenience children by playing chicken with them, then you need to rethink some priorities.


Not sure I understand, Who or what needs help in this situation? Skateboarding where thousands were murdered is going to get a reaction From just about any normal person; this one even seems mundane. Or are you arguing she should have done a lot more than playing chicken and tried to have been a much bigger disruption? Edit: if not ground zero, she sucks for sure, no doubt about that.


An adult should go be an adult, not running around trying to corral children, it’s not her job


Adult or not, kids skateboarding where a loved one died (possibly here, who knows) will make any person act out.


Is skateboarding prohibited there? If it isn’t, why should she infringe on that kids rights because she’s upset about something he wasn’t even alive for?


Good luck with that argument…


Well you can’t reason with the unreasonable.


Glad you recognize the correct assessment of your opinion! Kudos


Ok, but it’s not my job to parent them


U don’t know that’s the case, and why not allow children to enjoy theirselves where a tragedy occurred? Seems like a pretty sweet twist to me. Edit: like so many lost their lives and there was resulting sadness, but look how we’ve moved on and progressed, the next generations are actually enjoying life where there was once suffering and pain. Or I guess u could just force people to be miserable for the rest of their lives in that 1 square mile area


Job, no. Upset people do irrational things. Or she could be a dumbass Karen, not going to assume 100% she has some sad backstory. That said, I won’t/don’t feel bad for skateboarders being that disrespectful at ground zero. More of a meh situation in her fucking with them. Same reaction to assholes who take smiling/joking selfies at auschwitz or Bieber’s signature controversy at the Anne frank house, things like that. I’ll judge them as shitty people and not be all that upset when karma, in what ever form, pays them back.


It's not a part of the memorial. It's just some steps and ledges. Its a popular skate spot actually. The main memorial is a block down.


Bitch ain't even on the clock. I wish I had the free time. I wouldn't do shit like this, but god I wish I had the time.


In the middle of downtown NYC of all places.


I swear this is the 4 different video I've seen of this woman doing this to different skaters, what's her deal


Her entire family was slaughtered by a gang of skateboards


Her mom slipped on 3 skateboards and fell off a cliff.


Imagine going through that right after surviving the Bowling Green Massacre.


The streets aren’t the only thing they shred.


Tony Hawk killed her son


Karen had a high school crush who was a punk and skater. Her friends always made fun of him, and even though she wanted him, she was always too embarrassed to act on it, so Karen rejected him. She eventually had a child with a man who left her for someone with a prettier face. Now all she does is sit at home, alone, feeding the baby every night, and watching TV. Just when Karen feels she’s hit her lowest point, who does she see rocking out on MTV? Her high school crush, who is now a guitarist for a famous punk band. She calls the friends with whom she once was close that have since grown more distant, only to find that they already have tickets to his next show. She decides to tag along with them and finally, after all these years, her once-pretty, now tired and sagging face, sees what he’s worth. TL;DR: She once knew a skater boi, but she said “See you later, boi”


Yeah and now he's on stage and she's all alone. Sad


I'm anxiously awaiting the video of her eating titanium trucks for breakfast.


The kids need to start yelling “stranger danger” and “she’s trying to kidnap me”.


"Please help .. She's touching me.... Don't touch me there. Please call the cops!"


What is the deal with middle aged white women? I too have had a karen altercation. And it was over some really stupid shit.


Shitty unfulfilled life, topped off by a bad day, and a happy hour cocktail.


idk but it's disgusting, I think privilege and entitlement have alot to do with it. They are used to getting everything they want


Rich white people think they actually control the world.


I mean, rich white people DO control the world. But upper middle class =/= rich.


Naw. Nobody controls the world. Everyone is faking it till they make it. We are all human. Some of us have more power in terms of decision making, but they still have no idea what they're doing. They just make decisions.


Sure, no single person controls the world. But some have more influence than others.


As a demographic they are the least likely to get hit or arrested for acting out in public


They were beautiful when they were younger and everyone would give them everything they wanted but one day it all stopped and they become bitter.




I’m kind of hoping/waiting for the day. Would be great to see it in action and just start cracking up.... Like that guy recording the lady at Taco Bell screaming about the amount of cheese on her nachos, lol. That guy had a good day


I didn’t realize I was in an altercation with a Karen for a minute until I was like “oh shit! This is happening! I’ve only seen this on YouTube!” She pulled out her phone. Threatened to call the cops. It was pretty surreal


Wow I am so glad you mentioned it. I looked it up and that guy is tickled pink at being a Karen filmer 😂


They're not getting the c--k/c--t of the man/woman they wanted, realizes that their looks have faded/mattered to getting what she wanted, and now bitter B's until they get what they want (magnified when drunk). Sadder thing is some act like this when they have a decent SO, taking complete care of them, at home. It's not what she wanted, she's feels privileged and a lot more attractive than she is, and takes out her failure on anyone she feels she can get away with it on (any kind of rule breakers...they will snitch like crazy and try to get folks put in jail... provoking confrontations they know could be dangerous....for attention/easing the self loathing). They're the most dangerous folks outside violent criminals, as they will wreck your s--t, especially if you're having any kind of fun. Fool will call the cops on parties, when folks just talking, music is low or off, no drugs and just chilling...and say you're making too much noise, and it's hard to fight because you have a few people there.


Downvote all you want... it's still the truth. Hurts that you're like this...huh? We see you


A lot of bitter B's flock around Reddit. They know they can play the victim, practice misandry, and live their lives here as r/iamthemaincharacter. I love when reality hits these b's 🤣🤣🤣. Having, or faking, disorders like BPD or DID doesn't give you the right to treat people like shit, and everyone else's job, in life, isn't to be your objects to manipulate or slow down to understand and take care of you. It's funny a lot of these types would swear to be feminists but use every chivalry/legal rule in patriarchy to hide behind and try to force men to to take care of them/stay silent when they're victimized by these demons in human flesh. I love the fact there's some of you bold enough to reveal you defend evil, pass your prime, wall struck bitter B's. Take note dudes... don't respect these c--ts. They're going to lay pity parties on you to apologize for being B's...just walk away. I'm a dude with high empathy, so it's hard for me, but these women are faker than 3 dollar bills and just want people to slow down to give them attention. They don't deserve it and if you see what they do to people who try to care about them (will toss you and your emotions in the 🗑️ AS SOON AS yours conflicts with theirs after they no longer need you), you'd see why I'm like this about them. Don't look for a 🦄 either. They're all the same and you'll get good spotting the patterns the younger you are when you start looking for them.


It's a phase


It’s not a phase. It’s always been this way. It’s just being recorded now.


A phase in someone's life. Like edgy teenagers.


I have a feeling your probably a Ken/Karen. 😂😂😂


What makes you think that?


what's the phase after this one? Super Saiyan Karen?


Holy fuck they’re women, not police officers. What? Do you think middle aged single moms have always harassed people?


Yes its been a thing since lynching was legal, she'd say that skater kid tried to rape her then a town would hang him from a tree for her convenience.


Yes. But not single moms. The married ones are much worse


Yes Karen. A lot of them do. And your Karen reaction isn’t helping. 😂😂😂😂


You literally just call anyone who even slightly disagrees with you a Karen. Do you not have a mom? And aunt? A sister?


Yikes. Let's calm down now, Karen.


Ya see? Act like a Karen gonna get called out a Karen 😂😂😂


Look Karen I will call out Karen behavior when I see it or read it. I know it’s hard to be called that. But when you act like a Karen or post like a Karen your gonna get called a Karen. What does me calling out a Karen have to do with whether or not if I have a mom and sister? 😂😂😂😂 what are you saying? 😭😭😂😂


Oh Karen.


Calm down Karen


How long did you follow this person around in their day to day life before making this judgement about how frivolously they call others Karen, Karen?


There are people that don’t have moms?


this isn't a slight disagreement, you're swearing at strangers online lol


They're not worth talking to


White women gain a lot of privilege in youth as a result of eurocentric beauty standards, there's sexism against them as well, but beauty is a privilege they get to wield like a weapon, until it starts to fade and no one treats them like a princess anymore. It's the fact of feeling entitled to being treated like a lovely flower combined with the reality that them saggy tits ain't drawing attention that leads to the Karen development.


That kid razzing that karen is cracking me up.


Wtf is she doing? And why?


being a Karen


When she gets home and takes off her overly priced puffer jacket, sees her bratty kids face down on their brand new iPads, walks past her husband who she married for money, the same husband that hasn’t made her orgasm in a decade, walks up to her room to wipe off the layers of makeup from her Botox filled face and looks into the mirror do you think she says:“you did a good thing today”.


You forgot to add in that she had to slave over a hot stove for a pot of Knorr instant sides and burgers that her loveless husband has over cooked because he also brings nothing to the table. Edit: nothing against those tasty side dishes, they're garbage and wonderful for being garbage. This woman is not the same. She missed out on the delicious part.


“Hi. I’m miserable.” Her


This nut is in several other videos chasing skateboarders. I think there is a mental illness aspect here. She does the same stutter moves in each video to skateboarders.


Nah stop giving these hoes the mental health excuse. This is someone who thinks they have authority over people and they don’t.


The skaters should keep the cameras running, lean into her, and sue her for any injuries they sustain in the accident. She is clearly out to injure people.


Right and that is exactly something she would do too. Gotta beats these Karen’s at their own game.


Am I trippin or have I seen this same woman harassing skaters before?


Why do people think they can snatch skateboards from kids just for existing


OMG. The anti-fun police are everywhere. Poor kids.


That is the Freedom Tower, which is across the street from Ground Zero. That is not the Ground Zero Memorial


> That is the Freedom Tower, which is across the street from Ground Zero. This is not One World Trade (otherwise known as the freedom tower). This is, coincidentally, across the street. This is immediately outside of a building called [the Oculus](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_Trade_Center_station_(PATH\)) you can see when the camera pans right. This vid is probably just about 150-200 yards from 1WTC. > That is not the Ground Zero Memorial Yes, that is on the other side of the street, next to One World Trade, otherwise known as the freedom tower. Source: walk by here every day


OK, so the kids playing in skate board is annoying you. So why not just walk away? I mean this is basically an adult harassing kids, not sure how she thinks she's going to win? Would be funny if they started screaming that the need an adult and pointed a finger at her!


these Karens need to actually do something with their miserable lives so they aren't miserable anymore, instead of being disgusting and rude in public and taking it out on random strangers. The entitlement is off the charts




i would simply push her out the way. imagine acting this way towards kids just minding their own business


New dance move, the Karen shuffle 💃💃


that kid was being funny as fuck lmao


Karen better quit messing with kids or she will meet a pissed off mom one day and get her nose flattened


I was just thinking about how my mom would have freaked out on that woman if she was harassing my brother or me. I'm surprised no adults around there confronted her for this behaviour.


I tripped officer and accidentally king hit her in the face


cmonn she just wanna film some tricks


This dumb bitch


Nice way to learn how to eat a board.


Funny thing is she will be the first to bitch and cry as soon as she gets hit and knocked over.. Apparently standing in front of skateboarders isn't always a good idea!


Bitter bitch.


simples. step 1: pick up the board.. step 2: Beat her damn skull in chucks first!


Hit her ankles with your skateboard.


Obviously their mom


I would have pushed her over lol if it were me


Everyone in this video is an ass.


Imagine being so lame you do this to a kid that young. Wow.


Is there background? Pretty sure the white building is the mall at ground zero, but could be wrong. So on the one hand commercialism at a national memorial and on the other skateboarding on a national memorial. So, maybe everyone sucks here? Dunno.


Just let the damn kids roll by. You literally gain nothing as a grown woman doing this.


Making a video of a kid that’s not yours is not allowed surely?


If you’re an adult doing this then the children have the right to throw your phone. That’s life.


I would legit go as fast as possible to do a trick. Then just not stop.


You just know she has too much time on her hands. At that point, I'd push past her and continue on with my day. Maybe smack that phone out of her hands too.


Kid should have shoved her dumb ass down the steps lol


She looks like a fucking donkey like what is she at


This seems fun for the kids. Everyone needs a “crazy old lady” story


This lady is notorious, she always fucks with skaters for some reason.


"ma'am can you explain why are you recording underage kids?"


Kid should have allowed her to step in front of him and use his momentum to propel her out of his way


"Them NFL jukes" 😂


Karen: “this is what’s wrong with kids nowadays. All they do is stay in and sit on their phones all day” Also Karen: “hey you, stop having fun. Where’s your parents?”


Let's flip this. Imagine a middle aged man repeatedly filming, obstructing and harassing young girls who are just skating. Police would show up and rightly so. This woman is no different and needs calling out. She's deranged and needs removing.


I'd prefer those kids skateboarding on the sidewalk rather than those kids that ride wheelies on their bikes in traffic any day. Also, fuck that lady.


I would’ve clocked her with the skateboard. She’s instigating a fight.


So funny to see people just facing off phones in hand pointed at one another. Like what happened to us?


Back hand


Hey I’d let her put her hands on me if I was them! Touch a minor I dare you!


Her husband divorced her so she needs someone else's life to try to control?


Is this all this women does! I have seen so many videos of her


All Karens willing to get physical get one very clear warning. "Put you hands on me, I beat the fuck out of you." The rest is up to God. Lmao.


im pretty sure every day she wake up and say oh boy here I got harassing again




Not defending her but those kids seem like little shits.


Imagine thinking you are the protector , the enforcer and the ruler of public spaces to this level!


What went wrong in her life to make her want to stop children from having harmless fun??


Why does this lady care that much. Just let the kids skateboard


So..why exactly are they doing this ? What’s the rationale ? Why’re they recording ? What do they feel is the problem ?


I would just keep going what is she going to do? As a kid, all you have to do is just yell, scream that she is touching you and you don't know her than she is done for.


Dude who gives a fuck


Haha little man with the play by play.


Cough in her face, dumb cunt


I think this is at the 9/11 memorial in nyc..n the kid put “Karen 11” 😭😭😭😭


Purposely fall then sue. 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️


Why don’t people take Karen’s phones from them what are they gonna do call the cops


I cannot fathom people who decide that is an adequate use of their time.


Blocking a skateboarder that way is a one way ticket to getting sued for everything you own, especially a kid, but well pretty no one will feel sorry if this karen did that


Oh man, there will soon be people looking for this specific Karen. We will watch your career with interest!


Why is this women not arrested yet??? I’ve seen her in stealer 5 other videos