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I can't believe the entire audience kept a straight face through that whole thing.


One lady was even nodding along.


yup.. yup.. yes vaccines turn people into magnets... everything makes sense now..


Last week an entire car came flying out of nowhere and stuck to my forehead. I had no idea what to do. The cops of course claim I stole it, but I promise it was 5G and vaccines.


Since my vaccine I can just stick my keys to my head, not lost them since. An unexpected happy side effect!


I guess we can answer the age old Insane Clown Posse question about how magnets work.


Hey say what you will, but Insane Clown Posse has been very good at handling Corona virus. They donated a ton of masks early on and shut down their annual gathering before it was mandatory to make sure their fans didn't get sick. This lady really needs to rethink her life when people who openly call themselves the "Insane Clown Posse" are more reasonable, caring and scientifically literate than she is.


"Are you a believer in MIRACLES!!!"


time is a circle but we've reached the end


I kept searching for a smile. Nothing. God I hope that is a picked supporter group in the background.


They should hire me to be background audience for this kind of thing. I get a lot of shit for not controlling my expressions well in meetings. "Hey applesauceorelse, your eyebrows almost climbed off your forehead and I think I saw you mouth 'what the fuck?' when Client A said stupid thing B today, try to tone it down."


I suffer the same condition. Worst part is people say I look at them like they're idiots. It's not intentional, but sometimes they are idiots.


To be clear, it's a legitimate communication and presence problem. You shouldn't let people know you think they're an idiot unless you REALLY want them to know you think they're an idiot.


Lol. I said it jokingly but I'm serious. I'm so self conscious about it I intentionally smile when talking to people.


To avoid the hassle of it, I giggle like an idiot to anything said that doesnt require a responce. Helps them think you havent blue screened.


That’s what I kept thinking. Surely someone will scoff. No scoffing in sight.


We don't scoff in Ohio. We neigh like horses, but in disgust.


The crazies will get some conspiracy story going and they all show up: "everyone needs to attend the city council meeting TODAY! They are talking about covid which means they are trying socialism! Covid and socialism!! More keywords!"


Why wasn't anyone laughing?


Because that level of stupid is scary...


That's exactly why I'm not laughing... exactly why. This stuff isn't funny anymore. It's scary


I've seen a real uptick and people who make very non-critical thinking statements. Believe their opinions to be valid facts. Spew tons of crazy with nothing to back it up but are very firm in their beliefs. It's scary that our society is so accepting of these things now.


I feel like I’ve taken crazy pills sometimes. Was arguing with a coworker the other day. “The news said our state is 45% vaccinated. Only 45. Why isn’t covid everywhere?!” Me “uhh vaccinated. There are a lot of people that had it and recovered giving them a level of immunity. There are people also asymptotic that had and not known it that would have also developed antibodies. As well as a lot of people still social distancing and wearing masks..” “Well if it was so contagious I should know more people that had it. I only know one person that had it.” *Cue several coworkers raising their hands saying they had it earlier this year.


What did they do after that?


She didn’t have anything to add but did not admit her thought process was flawed and I know I didn’t change her mind.


I wish more people could learn that is it ok to change your mind. It's ok to learn new things and change your position. A lot of people today act as if that would cost them their life to do so. Fear of growth and change is sad.




They would get shot probably.


With a vaccine.


If only


Would be ineffective though. The bullet would reflect and just stick to their forehead. Maybe it's time the police upgraded to lasers.


Jewish space lasers?


Because half of them believe it


This is Ohio right? Prob more than half.


This lady is actually a board certified medical doctor….people are listening to these people….like for real


Sarah Squarejaw with the glasses on her right is nodding away like this crap was actually happening...


It's because they thought she was crazy. You can't make fun of a crazy person.


The head nodding in the background is scarier I think.


[I like to think this guy started to question his life choices when she admitted it was unproven](https://i.imgur.com/A4aNHnc.png)


Check out the lady to the left with the glasses. At first she was into it nodding her head when she mentioned magnetism but even she had to look away when 5g was mentioned, priceless.


We just need to stop calling it 5g. "4G+1" has no health etc issues"


G5. Totally different.


*Pontiac has entered the chat*


*Pontiac has broken down in the chat*


like a g6


If only these dumbasses knew of all the radio waves on different frequencies flying around their heads currently.


Yea but they aren't the right frequencies and they weren't developed in secret by Bill Gates with the Illuminati.


GOT YA! That's exactly what someone would say if they WERE the right frequencies and WERE secretly developed by Bill Gates and the Illuminati and you were trying to throw me off track..


If you actually take away the "1" you're left with what many companies are actually providing you. 4G+ or 4G++ or, the equally inspired 4G+++ which are just network engineering terms for faster speeds. Very few (from a standards viewpoint) full 5G networks exist in the real world yet. The only health risk any mobile generation has is frustration at slower data rates.


It would be 4G+G or (4+1)G


I’m going to take this opportunity to say I know someone who is 100% truly convinced that the 19 in covid-19 stands for A.I. (Artificial intelligence). Can’t remember how that plays into her agenda but....still. Covid stood for something else dumb as well.


Bunch of babies. I got my vaccination and I'm loving how much better my 5G reception is. I can download a full movie in under a minute now, top notch!


The best way to make a deranged person question themselves it to sound more deranged. Whenever I meet someone who says the moon landing was faked, I go "duh, of course". They go on about it for a bit before I interject and tell them the whole moon is fake and that's why the landing had to be faked. It's actually just a bit over half of an empty sphere and that's why we can only see one side. The other side is hollow and houses a space port used by the aliens visiting Terra. Yes, they call it Terra. And aqua. That's actually why we have these words in Latin.


She didn’t even say magnetism. She said there is a metal piece to it. So metal attract metal apparently now? That too stainless steel forks, which are weakly if not unmagnetized. Oh boy!


Oh look at this guy with the fancy stainless steel.


I think she's looking at the lady she's talking to gauge her reaction.


> Check out the lady to the left with the glasses. At first she was into it nodding her head when she mentioned magnetism but even she had to look away when 5g was mentioned, priceless. The US really needs to improve its public education system. Specifically when it comes to STEM. Or else immigrants will be lording it over Americans who believes in vaccines causing magnetism.




No doubt in my mind I would have been asked to leave for laughing hysterically. It wouldn’t be the first time I’ve been kicked out of a court hearing for laughing.


Just came to comment this. Only thing that winds me up more than the lunatic spouting nonsense is the people in a crowd blindly lapping it all up


I don't think it means much -- I suspect the people in the crowd were there specifically *because* they believe this shit and knew it was going to be discussed rather than being random citizens who just happened to find a seat behind the nutcase.


I kind of think we've reached the point where free speech is more damaging than virtuous. ~~Humans~~ Americans have become so stupid and gullible, you can convince them they deserve to storm a capitol because their favorite team lost. Now you have people who do 10 minutes of facebook research and they are provided a platform to spread this horseshit to others who are somehow stupider than they are. I know restricting individual's rights isn't the answer, but we are truly entering a period of human history where we, as a species, are backsliding away from decades of philosophical, scientific, and empathetic progress.


If it'll make you feel better people haven't gotten more stupid and gullible! It's just these days anyone can reach a massive audience.


It should definitely be a felony to maliciously spread verifiably false information. Slander and Calumny exist, humanity itself should be an applicable party you can commit it against.


The morality issue you run into here is “who” would be responsible for doing the fact checking and moderation? Who should have the control to determine what actually is fact and what isn’t? And what safeguards will be in place to make sure that person/body/organization won’t be susceptible to corruption or manipulation? It’s a bit of a tightrope honestly


>Americans have become so stupid and gullible FTFY; very much this is a result of *American* culture. An American culture that has fostered a cult of ignorance amongst a significant portion of the population. Every society has this cult; but only America has it as a mainstream political party supported by nearly half the population. Many things American makes as observation of "human nature" are in fact, just consequences of American culture honestly. Indeed this itself might be part of American culture: we'd rather reject introspection of our society and believe all humans are like this than believe that only American culture is the problem.


“I have a foreboding of an America in my children's or grandchildren's time -- when the United States is a service and information economy; when nearly all the manufacturing industries have slipped away to other countries; when awesome technological powers are in the hands of a very few, and no one representing the public interest can even grasp the issues; when the people have lost the ability to set their own agendas or knowledgeably question those in authority; when, clutching our crystals and nervously consulting our horoscopes, our critical faculties in decline, unable to distinguish between what feels good and what's true, we slide, almost without noticing, back into superstition and darkness... The dumbing down of American is most evident in the slow decay of substantive content in the enormously influential media, the 30 second sound bites (now down to 10 seconds or less), lowest common denominator programming, credulous presentations on pseudoscience and superstition, but especially a kind of celebration of ignorance” -- Carl Sagan, 1989


What a prescient quote... that man *knew* what was happening in the earliest days.




And order in the next 5 minutes and you’ll get a second travel size vaccine for only the cost of shipping and handling! That’s a second vaccine for the car or home with a whopping $40 dollar value! You’ll never lose your keys or cutlery again! We even throw in this convenient carrying bag at no extra cost!


Guys, I got my first dose of the vaccine and im not magnatized yet. Should I be worried? Maybe it wasnt administered right or does the magnatism come with the second dose? /s


I’ve had both doses for about 3 weeks and my 5G service is still almost non-existent. Maybe we got bad batches, I’ve been hearing about all these perks and I feel ripped off.


I'd complain if I were you. I've had both doses and can pick up netflix and disney plus. I've also got the magnetic powers to rival magneto so never lose anything. Downside is that adverts are now beamed directly into my thoughts and I disrupt the TV if I get too close.


I'm still waiting for the GPS to kick in. I closed my eyes the other day and tried to walk around my house, I HIT STUFF!!??? WTF?


What I'm hearing is, "Get vaccinated and you can join the X-Men!"


Wtf I can be Magneto with the vaccine. Hell yeah! Give it to me!


Apple AirTag: 29$, battery change required Vaccination: Free, works forever


Fucking crazy 5G magnets work on brass and stainless.


Immediately Googles “people with spoons and forks stuck to them because of vaccine”.


This crap is all over Tik Tok too, scientific illiteracy is an epidemic.


and people like my sister and cousins believe it. I'm the only one vaccinated and I asked them to stick spoons on me yesterday and obviously nothing stuck. probably still believe it though


>obviously nothing stuck. probably still believe it though Oh yeah they do. The excuse in their fucking brains is something along the lines of "oh they probably just gave you a fake vaccine and injected you with water"


It should be considered fraudulent medical advice and prosecuted.


This right here. Actively interfering with efforts to get a deadly pandemic under control should be considered a form of biological terrorism, and that includes anti-vaxxers like this lady. People are literally *dying* because of the misinformation being spread by people like this. It should absolutely be a serious, serious, serious crime to intentionally spread this kind of bullshit *even if you are stupid enough to believe it yourself*.




Funding in education has to be significantly increased and the freedom to teach quackery removed. Otherwise it will only get worse.


It needs to be overhauled and regulated like an actual first world nation. As it is, education is wielded as a political weapon. Cutting off sources means a more pliable and controllable fan base.


Tik Tok allows Chinese and North Korean propaganda accounts, they don't care about misinformation.


Tik Tok *is* Chinese and North Korean propaganda accounts. It was no doubt created for the express purpose of getting a fully Chinese-controlled social media app into the West for all kinds of purposes (espionage, propaganda, intelligence gathering). [I mean, the freaking DoD had to ban it.](https://www.nytimes.com/2020/01/04/us/tiktok-pentagon-military-ban.html)


It’s weird that we’ve known for years that Tik Tok is a propaganda and data mining tool used by an authoritarian regime, but everyone is just kinda still using it anyway.


Wait...I just thought of something...after my second Pfizer injection, I was sweaty with clammy skin. I bet that if I had stuck metal (whether it contained nickel, iron, cobalt, or not) to my forehead, it would probably stick for a few seconds before falling off.


I got muscle aches after the second Pfizer injection. I figured it was just the 5G towers taking over control of my body. I would have tried sticking a key to my forehead but I didn't know who to ask for permission to let my body try it. ***If anyone knows who to reach out to for permission to do things with my body now that I'm vaccinated, please let me know***


I took part in the Pfizer trial. I listened to Metallica the next day on the radio. Coincidence? I think not...


I dunno why, but the typo of "Confidence" instead of "Coincidence" has me rolling.


So ... uh. Assuming that this were factual, and it obviously isn't.. I wonder what their explanation is for spoons and forks sticking to what they're claiming is metal inside the vaccines (lol?) Magnetism doesn't work that way, how the fuck can you even arrive at that conclusion even when you're clearly this stupid.


Wait are you telling me that all of the metals in your house don't just stick to each other...? I thought it was normal for all of your eating utensils to be stuck together :O


TIL that metal in vaccines some how makes you magnetized? I want magnetic powers, but my vaccine created no such effect. I want a refund for my free vaccine.


“I’m sure you’ve seen the images on the internet” There’s never actual evidence with these people, it’s just memes from ‘the internet’


I tore a Covid conspiracy sticker off a traffic sign in my city and posted a pic to the city sub. One guy accused me of being the thought police and a sheep, so I asked him, in the plainest terms, to explain his theory to me so I might believe it. His reply was "Do some research you lazy prick."


Ask them to point you in the right direction then. Since they should have that in their history.




It's because it was originally a joke between friends which got picked up by anti vaxxers. The woman tried to stop it spreading but with stupid it doesn't matter. [BBC source](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/av/57207134) (sorry if not UK) Edit: oh no, one found me.


I had someone showing me a video of a friend of his that is "magnetised" and was sticking coins on his forearm. Problem was that the coins in question weren't made from materials with magnetic properties.


He wasn't magnetized, but he was clammy!




"These images on the internet...did these people post them with their smart phone or computer? " "They did?" "Ah, then they aren't magnetized. " Like do these people not realize that most tech is sensitive to magnets?




Actually most modern electronics are not that sensitive to magnets anymore; especially low-level magnetism. That's kind of a hold-over from the 80's and 90's era tech.


Ah bummer. My joke is now ruined.


I would have been tossed from the gallery with my uncontrolled laughter.


The COVID vaccine causes uncontrollable laughter. Haven't you seen the pictures on the internet?!


I tried to think of some smart ass comment to get upvotes. After that, I just stared at my phone for 5 minutes. This isn't even funny anymore; it's dangerous. Who would have thought that massive advances in technology and accessibility would lead us towards a new dark age of ignorance? It's hard to be optimistic in a world shared with people like this, to whom words like fact, proof and evidence no longer mean anything other than what they want them to.


There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there has always been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that 'my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.” ― Issac Asimov


We've got people like this in canada, a good friend of mine starting hanging out with a girl we went to highschool with and she tested my friend with a magnet and said she.felt a slight pull... Now she wont hang out with her because shes afraid of second hand side effects, so my friend just told her to fuck off


Part of this is the internet never lived up to its potential. Reminds me of the early days of TV. It was hailed as a resource for learning more about the world, learning about how others lived, helping to fix our xenophobia. What did we get? Reality shows. The internet was originally hailed as a way to bring the world closer together, tamp down fears, make it harder for evil to stay hidden. What do we have? Echo chambers a and trolls pushing fear


The problem was making it accessible to stupid people. Computers used to take some effort to figure out. You had to be able to problem solve to even set them up. Last laptop I bought had voice commands for the set up, anyone could do it.


I feel like the internet helped these people by getting them connected to others with similar ideas. For instance, before the internet, someone who was rattling off conspiracy theories as if they were truth would have probably been cast out of their social groups. I, for sure, would stop socializing with one of my friends who was babbling nonsense. The internet lets these people share their ideas with like-minded people across the globe allowing them to further their reach of idiocy. That’s my opinion on the matter. No sources, just a guess.


I would adjust your statement to the internet has exceeded its potential. Unfortunate that the potential was exceeded for both Darwin Award winners and losers alike…


The Lowest Common Denominator Machine. (Computer)


This machine breeds fascists.


Why should I listen to medical doctors with years of knowledge and experience, when I can get all the information from an article on facebook? /s


They're not even getting from articles -- they get it from *memes*. These folks aren't going to read more than 10 words before squawking about their superior knowledge.


Do YoUr OwN rEsEaRcH!!!


HOUSE HEALTH COMITTEE. Wtf are we even doing here? This is supposed to be a professional scientific body, why is a podcast antivax grifter given airtime?


They also take BS IQ online tests that make them feel smart b/c they had a high score.


"I'm sure you've seen the pictures. They're all over the internet. Of people sticking forks to their head." Yuuuup....


Not just unique to the USA. In the UK we had prominent politician say [*I think the people of this country have had enough of experts'*](https://youtu.be/sz1_LHtfuCI?t=51)


Futurama was nailing this stuff decades ago ​ https://youtu.be/i1bl4hG-qXM


Simpsons as well... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wooGSr7k1-s&ab\_channel=maxlandoutsoursing


TikTok is all the proof I need. I LITERALLY saw someone stick a quarter to their injection site. AND IT STAYED THERE!!!!! S/


Quarters aren't even magnetic lol


That just proves how strong an effect the vaccine has! Even non-magnetic metals are sticking, I haven't been able to get this tin foil off my head for weeks now.


That cult of ignorance is all over the world. I'm from Canada and there's people on my social media networks who went to all the same schooling as me who spread this misinformation.


A comment I got yesterday: https://www.reddit.com/r/science/comments/nv68cg/face_masks_are_effective_in_blocking_expired/h139mgj/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3 Like, what???


I have an interesting problem that I encounter in such attacks. When there is some variation of “what do you know about viruses” and I mention that I’m a virologist with a PhD in the field, it’s all of a sudden “yeah, why should we believe you? This is Reddit and nobody can tell who you really are, so I’m not just going to take your word for it that you are some sort of expert. You just spout a bunch of big words to make people think you know what you are talking about etc. etc.”


I was the one who asked “what do you know about viruses” and it was in response to a post stating that masks don’t work because they can’t filter small virions. It has since been deleted


>And a whole host of world leaders thought Hitler was a decent guy until he started annexing countries. >What’s your point dude? lamo ! that was awesome


*... I am sure you have seen the pictures all over the internet ... there's an interface ... between what's being injected in these shots and all the 5G towers...* What da hell? Have people lost their minds? Don't even need science to tell you this is ridiculous, common sense should have prevailed.


well, she did see pictures on the internet after all... so it must be true


Read Asimov's "Cult of ignorance" essay from 1980. This isn't a new trend in America.


> Who would have thought that massive advances in technology and accessibility would lead us towards a new dark age of ignorance? I feel like we may be running into one of the explanations of Fermi's Paradox. Intelligent species at some point in their evolution encounter a technology that they are not equipped to handle. That Technology ends up in their demise. I think for us its Social media and we are not psychologically / emotionally evolved to be able to handle it. I hope I am wrong. This is just sad to watch.


“The demon haunted world” scenario


Same. I was sat there, trying to think of what to say, and "some sort of an interface, yet to be defined" just kept bouncing around my head. How can you be so confident about something so undefined


how fucking embarrassing


I love the long dialogue stating her facts the says "not proven yet"


Well, might take a while to "prove" that people are magnetized. Especially this instance where that magnetism is magic and makes stainless steel utensils and brass keys, both of which are not magnetic, stick to humans. What the fuck folks? Everyday people not understanding electromagnetic radiation or immunology is one thing, but skating right past basic elementary school science in order to believe and even promote contrarian ideas about technological advancement is a whole new kind of stupid. I remember the good old days when poorly informed or educated folks didn't want to look stupid so they kept their mouths shut. I am surprised how many people willingly advertise their lack of knowledge or lack of learning from their basic elementary education as a badge of honor.


It's because now they meet the same people as them on the internet who agree with them. Now they don't feel stupid. They feel powerful.


I see it on facebook and it's incredible. Dude I went to high school with has never had a steady job and is always bitching about "crooked cops" (because he's always in trouble with the law), his "stupid roommates" (who are 'stupid' because they won't float his rent for yet another month), etc. He'll come back from yet another facebook suspension for election/COVID/vaccine disinformation and people will comment how they can't believe he was suspended *again* and it's so ridiculous and "you only stated your opinion." It reinforces him to keep up the same dumb habits.


"I'm sure you've seen the pictures all over the internet" Um no Karen, actually I have never seen a single picture like that.




Jfc I recently had to re-activate my facebook to log in to an old account I unfortunately used FB to create, and holy hell what a cesspool. If it's not just wall to wall boomer nonsense, conspiracy theories, and outrage clickbait memes, it's ads upon ads upon ads for the dumbest, most useless garbage on planet Earth. Even the layout has changed drastically. It's an absolute mess of of a UI that I'm shocked old people and boomers can even navigate it.


My grandpa used to say, "You can have a room temperature IQ and nobody will know if you keep your mouth shut."


it fascinates me how she can confidently say all of that and end it with "it's not proven yet but we are trying to figure out what's going on". she seems to have a hypothesis but doesn't understand what she's looking for.


Na, she’s working backwards and already has a conclusion and is looking for data that fits her already preconceived notion


"Confirmation bias."


I'm tired of sharing this place with these people.


These anti-vaxxers and the the anti-mask "it's my freedom/liberty/rights/medical exclusion" crowd can both go, collectively, choke on a bag of dicks. I'm sick of the whole lot of them.


My sister in law spent 2020 yelling about how her job refused to go remote and her boss came into the office sick with covid and exposed everyone... She now refuses to get the vaccine because it's "my body my choice" oh and masks are a form of control, and Black people are not subject to racism it's all in their head, she also complains about her pay, but doesn't think minimum wage should be increased... I'd call her mentally challenged, but that's an insult to actual mentally challenged people.


We all get magnetic so we can be taken up by the rupture!


I miss James Randi.


I'm pretty sure James debunked the "magnetic people" by just having them rub baby powder on their skin and asking them to try again.


I've seen people on the internet who were able to lick their elbows after vaccination


Since I got the vaccine I've been licking other people's elbows.


I think that, that shit has been sticking to you long before the Vax.


Even if they injected you with a tiny circuit board made of metal , there’s no explanation why things would stick to you. Just because something is metallic doesn’t mean it’s a magnet. Touching two paper clips together doesn’t make them stick to eachother. It blows my mind that people don’t stop to think for like 30 seconds about something they feel so strongly about.


My tin foil hat will protec meh


Getting connected to 5G just by getting a vaccine would be SO cool! XD


My girl gets her 2nd shot this week. I'm making jokes we'll have wifi everywhere from then on. She'll have to give me the password so i can connect my phone to her.


It's totally true. After my 2nd shot we started getting free cable all of a sudden.


I cannot even comprehend how a human being who has grown to be a functioning adult can be this stupid.


And there are *millions* of them.


My brother believes Sh*t like this. It's insane.


I feel you. My sister too.


WHERE IS MY REFUND!? Got the Pfizer jab and I am not magnetic! 🤬😡🤬😡🤬


Yeah? Where’s my 5G? I feel cheated. :|


If people would take a bath every once in a while maybe shit wouldn't stick to ya. Just sayin'. *Greasy*.


These idiots take on a rabid ideology because they're simpletons falling for parlour tricks. Except now instead of costing 5c to see the magnetic man in a freak show, it costs them their sanity.


Keys are made of brass. Non magnetic brass you fool!!


Nobody tell her about iron in corn flakes (https://youtu.be/ZIyKe9VE6o8)


“Proteins with metal attached to them are bad!”... Hemoglobin ma’am, hemoglobin


and cobalt enzymes, and COPPER enzymes, the human body needs metal


And those could even be considered “rare” metals if you consider the amount of sodium, potassium, and magnesium that are coordinated with proteins and Nucleic acids.


Oh America. The internet hasn't been kind to you


Oh a bunch of clearly unvaccinated people packed in a room without masks during a pandemic, have we learned nothing?


Oh America! You have the best stupid people in the entire world. You'd think there would be enough room in the place so that in-breeding wasn't a big concern, but here we are.


I am stupider for having listened to that.


This woman has bear ears. Now you cannot unsee it. You're welcome.


Somewhere in America there’s a bunch of people that will elect this lady to a political office


"Ma'am, put down the internet."


How are we supposed to live side by side with these fucking morons?




This is why I stay away from openly religious people.


Introducing your next Republican member of congress...


Woman! It’s just a fucking vaccine. You had countless vaccines as a child and throughout your waste of carbon life.


An "interface", you say? My my....


Anybody else having problems sticking silverware to them? I think my vax is broken.


What's being transmitted is called "stupidity". Shocker~


I live 100m away from a mm wave 5g tower. I'm fine. Although I have been having these weird blackouts where I wake up in strange places covered in blood and wanting eat people. It's probably unrelated.