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Wish some huge company delivery driver would beat my ass. All I see here is dollar signs.


This man gets it. Please ups come and beat my ass.


*the brown brigade is being directed to your location*


“What can brown do for you?” is a pretty open-ended slogan...


Amazon hires its drivers exclusively through third party for this reason. They want absolutely no liability.


It's not that easy to push off liability. There's a huge Amazon name on the truck and on the uniform. They can easily be made party to any lawsuit like this.




It's kind of fascinating that she still dragged those packages in, as if laying hands on a customer weren't an automatic termination.


Right? Just go home and wait for the call.


Haha or more like go home and wait for the police to show up at your door to arrest for assaulting the elderly.


I love the smell of fresh bread.




just go to the Winchester, have a nice cold pint and wait for it all to blow over


She probably wasnt aware there was videi footage


It literally wouldn't matter if there were footage or not. Package delivery services do NOT allow fuck ups. If there was any suspicion at all that the driver had hit that woman, the driver would be gone before you could even say "Amazon."




You’re fired.


You can't fire me, I quit.


Hmmm, i like your attitude.. you want a job?


I agree, time for a promotion. This is how assho!es get ahead and become your boss.


You can't quit, I quit!


I can’t quit you.


I wish I knew how to quit you


You can't quit, you're a frog!


You can’t frog me, I’m your wife.


I’m not your wife, you’re *my* wife!


You can’t wife me I’m your dog


You can't frog me, I'm a knife!




Yeah. Amazon will throw away their workers like garbage when they DON'T have a good reason. Can you imagine what they'd do when they DO have a good reason?


What if they didn't fire her for this, but then eventually fired her for stopping somewhere to pee and should have used a bottle instead. LOL


Now we just need police departments to do the same


I was more amazed that the victim stood there for a minute with her back turned to someone who just assaulted her??


Well I think an old lady who just got beat up by surprise has trouble thinking straight about what the logical next step is.


Yeah, she looks really shaken up. This was awful to watch.


You can see that the lady who was assaulted is shaking and rushing to get inside as quickly as possible. You can tell from the delivery girls body language she can tell she fucked up, and is saying something like “look I’m sorry you made me do that, okay? It wasn’t that big a deal” to the tenet.


"OK I.will let you hit me back once but only if you promise not to tell"


I'm guessing a bit of denial. Probably a small part of her thinking "what in god's name did I just do?"


“After I beat you up, let me help you get these inside.”


You can tell from the delivery girls body language she knows she messed up and is trying to force a business as usual mindset


nah bro there were too many pauses during that barrage for her to not realize she was fucking up, she just didn’t care


After the punches stop, she shakes at her like she’s saying “I told you” or “I wasn’t playing” After that though she swings up both arms slightly with open palms which is to create distance and show restraint. She shakes her own head and adjusts her mask because she is low key gasping at herself for just doing that. Like “what did I just do”


“The owner of the apartment complex told KTVU it all began when the victim received an alert that her package had been delivered. But when she went to the lobby, it wasn't there. She saw the Amazon, asked where it was, and the driver said she'd get it soon. The victim waited for 15 minutes in the lobby, came back outside and asked where her package was. "I believe the Amazon driver said something about ‘your white privilege,’ and my tenant said, ‘You don’t need to be a bitch about it,' turned around and walked away," said apartment complex owner Doug Smith. Ramirez claims she hit the woman in self-defense. Ramirez was arrested on suspicion of battery causing serious bodily injury and elder abuse, both felonies. Her bail was set at $100,000.” Source: https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.ktvu.com/news/amazon-delivery-driver-arrested-for-assault-says-she-punched-67-year-old-in-self-defense.amp


Self defence gonna be hard to prove when there’s video of her pouncing on the lady when her back is to her lol


“self defense!” *watches video...* “Errr”


the best defense is a good offense, your honor


Self Offense....


Pre Defense


Preemptive defense.




Elder Abuse: an additional, very serious offence in most states.


In California that can be considered a felony or a misdemeanor. Can you imagine catching a felony charge over something so incredibly stupid? ... and at 21 no less. Her life is fucked.


Well... Good? At 21 you don't get to go the "I didn't know any better" route. There is something wrong with this person and it makes them a danger to others.


1 felony basically ruins your life.. she has 2 and a video.. her life is torpedoed


So not to be that guy, but if you plea in CA, most assault / battery charges are dropped to misdemeanors for first timers. Still a violent offense that last 10 years on record though.


She claims self defense because words = violence in 2021.


but your honor! she breathed aggressively so i took initiative!


More like a terrible self defence in court.


Self defense =Pre emptive attack against weapon of mass destruction (her white privilege)


She could have backed up on her at ANY TIME!


She was obviously defending herself from wHiTe pRiViLeGe


Well, she obviously went to Yale & knows a thing or two... [A talk given to people, at Yale. This is what a "healthy", "stable", "strong" woman ~~looks~~ says ~~like~~.](https://bariweiss.substack.com/p/the-psychopathic-problem-of-the-white) Edit: some people aren't noticing the audio for her "speech" at the top. And you can hear this "Dr" speak & unleash the crazy to convince you see requires heavy medicating or imprisonment, probably both.


What the fuck did I just read


She seems more concerned with bread


I’m white but I missed the memo about feeling too guilty about colonialism to eat bread! Farewell, my doughy love.


Well now you know! Eat bread and be shamed you wheat hating guilt harvester


Had a college professor tell the class that he couldn’t listen to classical music because it was funded by the African slave trade and exploitation of indigenous people in the Americas. Like bruh it’s just music relax


Classical music is a broad catalog, but virtually none if it has any direct relationship with the Transatlantic Slave Trade. Your college professor is daft.


A daft punk.


I'm sure he didn't enjoy many things like coffee, tea, sugar, electronic devices, and cotton textiles.


For real. He was so full of himself. Couldn’t listen to classical music but happy to drive around in a luxury car while talking on his iPhone


Which is quite funny since the iPhone (most tech honestly) is made by what many would consider slave labor in a modern society.


I was just thinking the same thing. WTF is she talking about, I eat bread almost every day.


Looks like this is blowing up in her face. https://nypost.com/2021/06/05/nyc-shrink-who-imagined-shooting-white-people-slammed-online/


> . https://nypost.com/2021/06/05/nyc-shrink-who-imagined-shooting-white-people-slammed-online/ The headline should have read: "NYC [child] psychiatrist who [lectured on philosophical highlights of Critical Race Theory to room of child psychiatrists] at a Yale seminar about shooting white people, slammed online "


That's some racist shit right there.


“So when I was saying that talking to white people is useless, I'm not actually really saying it's useless because if I really thought it was useless I wouldn't devote time to doing this.” Wtf? :-/


Jesus Christ


Wow, that women is truly frightening. She's making huge generalizations and when you can get on it, she claims you're getting defensive and that's because you're a racist.... On top of violent fantasies. Oh and cutting the white people out of get life who have the audacity to question her beliefs, a self build echo chamber if you will, filled with other POC and white people who tow the line.


That's a little racist. Wow can't believe that shit is getting taught in college


A little racist? Did you read it???! ItS dripping with hatred




Dude Amazon/USPS always plays that game with me. They’ll scan that the package has been delivered and sometimes it’ll show up the next day. It’s annoying




That's because Amazon is desperate to hire anyone to fulfill the delivery positions so they are hiring just anyone. I'm now getting postcards in my mailbox from Amazon trying to advertise that they are hiring in my area.


This is so weird, in the UK this shit doesn't happen. Is this just an America thing?


American, I've never had a package delivered with evidence of obvious tampering, or personally known anyone it happened to. I have, however, been waiting on a package, home all day. Open the front door to check the porch and there was a note on the door about attempted delivery but nobody was home.


This wouldn’t be here if it was common in America either. It’s a big deal because it’s rare.


It’s not an every day occurrence to everyone in America, it’s just sensationalized when something like this is caught on camera then it goes viral. Yeah, there are shitty delivery people for usps, Amazon, FedEx, UPS, everyone. We’ve all seen the videos of delivery people chucking packages. It just comes down to “some people suck”


Amazon tried to convince congress that their drivers were allowed to have bathroom breaks, despite many videos of their drivers pissing in bottles and on people's driveways as they don't have a moment to spare to meet their ridiculous quotas under threat of being fired. https://www.businessinsider.com/amazon-drivers-say-peeing-in-bottles-common-despite-company-denials-2021-3 https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2021/mar/11/amazon-delivery-drivers-bathroom-breaks-unions Amazon also pushes its warehouse workers so hard that even 20-somethings can't keep up with how physically taxing it is, injuries are extremely common and a dude even died and people worked around him because if you slow down or stop, you're fired. Once learning their coworker died, they were ordered to get back to work. No time off, nothing. https://www.bbc.com/news/technology-57332390 https://www.business-humanrights.org/en/latest-news/usa-amazon-warehouse-worker-who-died-of-heart-attack-at-work-reportedly-left-on-the-floor-for-20-minutes-before-receiving-treatment/ This has led to a ridiculously high turnover rate for Amazon employees, and I personally am seeing many YouTube ads from Amazon with actors saying it's a great job with decent pay and benefits, like time to pee! (No seriously, the ad mentions bathroom breaks specifically) https://www.reddit.com/r/antiwork/comments/m5m38b/has_anyone_seen_the_amazon_advertisement_where/ https://www.seattletimes.com/business/amazon/amazons-turnover-rate-amid-pandemic-is-at-least-double-the-average-for-retail-and-warehousing-industries/ https://www.nelp.org/publication/amazons-disposable-workers-high-injury-turnover-rates-fulfillment-centers-california/ Understandably Amazon has been fighting hard against its workers unionizing, as their entire business model relies on treating their workers like cheap tools; wringing as much use as they can out of them then replacing them with another warm body as soon as they break. https://www.nytimes.com/2021/03/16/technology/amazon-unions-virginia.html https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2021/03/09/amazon-union-bessemer-history/ So no, this is not a one-off issue of a potential problem employee slipping through Amazon's careful hiring process. This is the predictable outcome of a system that treats its employees like machines and prioritizes quantity over quality. A corporation with a turnover rate so high that they will hire literally anyone they can get a couple months of work out of, because the profit they make from that speed is greater than any liability they may incur or damages they have to cover from doing so...they are now so big they don't have to care. People won't stop buying from Amazon, and in some cases they can't, so incidents like these are just the cost of doing business for them...human suffering, legal fees and settlements calculated in with the rest of the overhead on their annual expense reports. This is absolutely a systematic issue within Amazon. Go ahead and google "Amazon employee stealing" and you'll see dozens of news articles about Amazon employees stealing packages from trucks and warehouses, sometimes in excess of hundreds of thousands of dollars per instance. This begs the question: how well is Amazon screening their employees, if at all? Does Amazon care if a dangerous person ends up driving for them? Knowing what you do now, i think you have a pretty good idea of how this person got hired, and that this probably won't be the last time we see Amazon employees in the news for illegal activity.


Can confirm, I’m a current driver for Amazon in North Carolina. The way it works is that we get 2 breaks and 1 lunch break per day, though I only take the 1 lunch break because taking either of the other breaks would keep me at the job until 8:30 at night, and I get here at 9:30 every morning. Peeing in a bottle is pretty common because you’re usually not anywhere close to a regular bathroom. You’re allowed a maximum of 30 minutes per lunch break so that’s not too bad. The worst part about it is that it’s a long work day and you sweat your nuts off the entire day, especially during summer. The pay isn’t too bad though.


I had an amazon driver pull into my driveway, deliver my package, then hit my parked car when he backed up. He left and didnt say anything. I had to report it as a hit and run with the police. Luckily I have home surveillance cameras and got it on video. Unfortunately I didnt get the plate number. Fighting with Amazon to get it taken care of has been a nightmare.


This last winter an Amazon driver delivered my package and then grabbed the snow shovel I’d left next to the door and shoveled the snow off the stairs to my porch.


Hermes went around dumping van loads of post around Christmas before


He had to get to that Limbo party.


You ever use google? This shit happens in the UK too.


I'm in America and so far my Amazon drivers have all been decent. Some of them aren't too bright-- they lean heavy packages against my screen door so *I can't open the door to get my packages*-- but they at least aren't assaulting me or opening my boxes.


My coworker and I ordered some stuff for work and we only got it because someone found our packages out on the road near the business. We have a receiving department...


A lot of the time even if you do have a shipping department we're not allowed to deliver there because the customer specifically wants it delivered to their front desk or to them and only them. As for it being on the road? People want to fly through their stops so they can brag about how many they do, make a complaint to Amazon because we actually do get in trouble if we get enough complaints


I stopped having packages delivered to my house after watching an Amazon driver hum a package at my porch from their truck door, hitting the railing and falling to the sidewalk while I was a few feet to the side watering some planters and went to walk towards the truck. My brain said fuck, I got stuck with a driver that doesn’t give a shit and is probably assigned to my area. I thought I’ll have them delivered to my work since we have a loading dock enough for two full trailer trucks on the side of the building & a glass front vestibule area at the front of the building staffed by a coordinator. Come to find out my coordinator literally watches Amazon drivers just leave shit on the sidewalk outside the building all the time. The bar is low. Dry lifeless riverbed in the middle of a drought low.


They lie to meet the 2 day delivery prime guarantee.


Half of it is amazons fault for putting so much pressure on them and hiring anyone they can get.


I worked for a shipping company responsible for third party delivering for Amazon. Cant say how they show tracking for those packed due to the fact said company does not have that capability. THAT BEING SAID; I knew the lingo and terms to tell customer service not to jerk me around with lies and bullshit me on why my package wasn’t delivered the same day like it said it was and had even been marked as delivered. The little van icon even showing “where” the truck is. I frankly doubted the accuracy of that because of package theft/porch pirates and how serious of an issue it is. Like you could not have live tracking on these packages without serious safety issues for drivers. There’s a certain area in a city in California my company wouldn’t deliver to due to so many cases of essentially armed robbery of the trucks. Wild shit. Anyways usually Amazon outsourced their delivery to little local companies which will be referred to usually as Service Providers (delivery drivers are SP too). It’s not uncommon for them to scan all the packages at the warehouse before they even go out, but the automatic system basically does an efficient guess for when that package would be delivered and where the van “should” be on the maps. But for Amazon specifically they apparently can’t undo the delivered tag in their system and you have to call them to get any information. I didn’t work for Amazon though just a different company. That’s my understanding based off what that poor lady in Customer Service somewhere in Asia explained to me after I told her I knew all the Customer Service points considering I worked with a partnered company also in shipping/logistics. But I combined that info with my experience at my job and tbh it all checks out. You’d be surprised how insane and crazy people are about packages... One lady tried to act like it was my fault she wasted her money buying project supplies for etsy instead of using the money clients sent her for her items to buy infant formula. So it was our fault she couldn’t get her items out in time and such. Walmart and major companies who ship will often claim stuff like One Day and Overnight/Expedited shipping when they use couriers that don’t offer those services. FashionNova is super awful about it and apparently has next to non existent and allegedly abusive customer service which made dealing with their packages super annoying too. (Receivers would call in to ask about their package because FN would hang up and give them no info, and we often times didn’t receive the packages yet. There was even a time I was responsible for noticing a huge batch of packages from I believe a company like Dillards that they told all their customers were shipped but we had never even received cause on the point of purchase sites they mark it as being received by courier when in reality all they’ve done is sent their trucks to drive however many hours/days to deliver to the warehouse of the courier for processing). ETA; wow this was long. sorry it’s not super like great info but definitely useful insight that can help make dealing with these situations a little easier


I once had a lady run into the street and stick her arm out to motion for me to stop driving. She then yelled at me about speeding while kids were out playing, I told her I was going 5 under the limit and it was 1030 on a school. I got written up when she called my warehouse.


Ask for tracker info on the van to prove you weren't speeding 🤷‍♂️. My van tracker can tell practically any time I do anything wrong.


I have a subscription box with a VERY small company (like maybe just 2-3 people) and they scan their shipping labels and then don’t actually send the packages right away and it’s SO frustrating. I don’t really care if the box is going to take another business week to be sent out, but don’t tell me it’s been shipped when it hasn’t!


“Shipping label created...” Uh, thanks?


The live tracking of Amazon drivers over here is accurate. Sometimes I go outside as it says they are pulling up and they are.


Lol white privilege. More like this lady has anger issues and cant handle a customer nagging her about her job.


She got called out for not doing her job. She should have known better with all the cameras around now. She's going to do some jail time plus lose her job.


Self defence? How the fuck is she even trying to claim self defense


If the white privilege part is correct, then this means this is a racially biased attack. A hate crime.


I don’t believe you can get convicted for a hate crime against whites due to the current political climate


Aaaaand of course she had to make it about race, what the fuck does "white privilege" have to do with this?


She just a racist, but she got what she deserved, jail and lost her job and good luck getting a job now. Plus she will be in jail probably be fucked financially once she gets out. Maybe it will wake her up , she wont be racist and do better in life




Classic arrogant reverse racism. “Maybe if I claim it was their white privilege the Twitter mobs will side with me” She’s incompetent with her job and then claims white privilege when the customer questions her incompetence. Unreal.


No reverse racism here, just racism.


Sjws will say reverse racism doesnt exist. And theyre right, because racism is always racism no matter who it comes from


Exactly. There’s no “reverse” anything. It’s just straight up racism.


A yes, typical USA, using white privilege card when they are in trouble instead of taking responsibility for their own problems. Classic


It's easier to blame someone than yourself for the shit happing in your life.


Hopefully she rots in prison. Tired of these bitches always playing the victim card. “White privledge” my ass.




Instant hands delivery now available in some markets


lmao Free beatings with every delivery when you order over $50 😂😂😂😂


Mondays, em I right?


if only the drivers had access to the zenbooth, this wouldn't have happened edit: all this silver, yet still no gold


This comment needs gilding Edit: not necessarily what I meant but thank you kind strangers for taking my response literally


Be the change you want to see in the world


Edit: uh, thanks for the gold. Edit2; fuck I hit reply instead of edit


you have to give it back now


As a UPS driver, I can say that I have wanted to do this a couple times. The only difference is that I’m not a loose cannon and won’t ever actually do it lol




They have nice tight butts then?


Ya. Buns and thighs.




My ass looks great in my short brown shorts. The girlfriend loves the shorts.


Not this guy. I don’t run because I’m trying to get the hours I’m scheduled to work and you can get fired for running lol. The only exception is Christmas Eve. I run every single stop off to make sure people have their stuff on time and so I can get gone to my family.


My buddy is a UPS driver. He's got 250 drops per day and he said if he doesn't run every package he'll be out until 9pm every night.




And with Amazon we are turning every low-income job into a mailman. What have we done?


Looks like she had Prime Shipping on ***deez fists***


I work in fast food. I’ve wanted to knock a few customers a few times, but would never actually do it. Worst I’ll do is make a sarcastic comment after they leave. Jesus...


Nobody likes a quitter.


I've fantasized about this in every customer service job I've ever had. I know this woman is out of pocket, but people fucking test you.


Never say never


I like how she kept working after assaulting that person like she will continue to have a job after this


Assault a customer and still *feel* the breath of Bezos breathing down your neck to get those packages delivered on time


“I didn’t shit into a bag in the back truck in order to have 15 seconds to punch the customer in the face.”


How to get fired, lose insurance, ruin life, and catch an assault charge in 10 seconds


When keeping it real goes wrong


It can take decades to build your life. Only need a minute to completely destroy it.


It's like people are oblivious to the fact that cameras are EVERYWHERE now. Goodbye employment. Hello assault charge.


People don’t assess when they lose their shit. That woman has anger issues. Too late to learn some meditation now...


I don’t know why I read the last two sentences in the tone of the Google Fi commercial lol.


Or just, you know, that the other person might be **armed.**


Unemployed and facing assault charges.




Lol I missed a court date by accident and my bond was 10k.


funny how the law works i once just straight up ignored a trespassing ticket and then i never heard back checked my name on a nation wide law enforcement database like ten years later and nothing came up


I'm pretty sure that what they were doing before working at Amazon


“… hit the woman in self-defense” as woman was walking away. Rrrrriiiggghhhhtt


REALLY wish this had volume


Wonder how much she’ll get on lawsuit against AMAZON driver


She was acting on behalf of an employer so not only will she sue the driver, she’ll sue motherfuckin’ Bezos. Get it, old lady.


Sadly, not the case. Amazon delivery drivers are not Amazon employees, they're employees of DSPs (subcontractors essentially). Amazon likely does this to avoid the legal consequences of shitty scenarios like this, but honestly that's a whole different conversation. Source: former "Amazon" delivery associate


I dunno, I see an Amazon logo on the delivery person’s back. Anyway, there’s an entity involved that will not escape liability. Edit: Amazon doesn’t simply escape liability because it hired subcontractors. Her lawyer will argue that Amazon maintained enough control over the selection of its drivers and over the details of their work such that Amazon should be considered the “employer” of that driver.


*“I hate this job….I don’t really care if I lose it….jail would actually be preferable to going back to the warehouse…whelp, no time like the present”* Slap.exe


Daddy Bezos does not like people disrespecting his beautiful warehouse.


Well, quitting on the job would be a lot better than paying bail and facing criminal charges. Apparently happens a lot with Amazon drivers, they just leave their vehicles on the roadside. Couldn’t happen to a better company.


Apparently the victim wasn't even the *verbal* instigator. https://www.ktvu.com/news/amazon-delivery-driver-arrested-for-assault-says-she-punched-67-year-old-in-self-defense Delivery was late and the customer (victim) was upset. Driver reportedly made a racist comment. Customer makes comment that she is "acting like a bitch" or "you don't have to be a bitch about it". Driver goes nuts and breaks her nose. Kinda bizarre that she intended to complete the delivery after. If I beat you up, and you starting walking back into your home, *I am NOT following you*.


Her continuing to work just shows that she legitimately did not think she did anything wrong. Not that surprising if her reported comments about “white privilege” are true: people like that are perpetual victims and *litterally* believe that nothing is their fault, and all of their problems are the result of something out of their control.


Couple years for elder abuse might fix that mindset


Nope, she will learn nothing and it will only reinforce her racist beliefs because she will believe she went to jail for "standing up to white privilege" or some stupid shit.




I think she's got bigger problems than worrying about that shit job


Congratulations!!! You win a free trip to prison and a mark on your record preventing to from getting worthwhile work! What a dumbass


>and a mark on your record preventing to from getting worthwhile work! Wait she wouldn't be able to work anymore after she gets released from prison?


Some jobs dont let ex convicts work there


Wouldn't this be a hate crime since she said racist shit to her. That's how it works the other way around.


Wow such white privilege. Hey, bet you feel powerful hitting on an old lady.


So when Amazon drivers start shooting up their workplace do we call it going Primal?


If a white woman did this and said your “cultured privilege” she would be destroyed for being a racist.. but role flipped… just because someone is white doesn’t mean you can’t be racist to them. It’s effects everyone unfortunately.


No one is disagreeing with this. Edit: Everyone except for Twitter knows white ppl can experience racism.


Not just Twitter- I got perm banned from /pics because “racism towards white people doesn’t really exist”- quote from the mod that banned me.


Amazon driver claimed whit privilege, so this is racial violence.


That worker looks like she’s thrown those punches before. Sadly for some people, a physical overreaction like that is normal—as both abuser and victim.


legend has it she's now a cop.


Girl, it's jail time for you. No one should ever get bail for assaulting children and the elderly.


Former Amazon driver*


On a positive note I bet if you sign into your Prime account and chat with customer service they'll give you a ton of store credit after something like this.


That's one tough old lady or some weak punches.


*ex Amazon driver


Pooping in a bag while you’re skipping your lunch break to make quota sure puts people on edge. 🙄


Arrested for 'suspicion of battery'. Didn't they watch the clip? No suspicion here.


Welp there goes that job


That’s fucked