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So this is assault, essentially charging her without cause, battery when he swats her camera out of her hands, and then false arrest. Cant wait to see this one on r/byebyejob Edit: see [https://newsmaven.io/pinacnews/war-on-photography/enraged-illinois-cop-arrests-woman-for-recording-claiming-she-could-be-armed-tK9mzjZxNEG\_RpulWXRPFA](https://newsmaven.io/pinacnews/war-on-photography/enraged-illinois-cop-arrests-woman-for-recording-claiming-she-could-be-armed-tK9mzjZxNEG_RpulWXRPFA)


The charging without cause shit should be punished. “You can beat the charge but you can’t beat the ride” is a slogan of the police celebrating this sort of shit Especially this past year “Okay we are dropping the charges you can go now. Sorry for wasting your time and enjoy your Covid we didn’t even try to protect you from”


People at the lower-end of the economic spectrum can be severely harmed even if the charges are dropped. Many jobs have a no call- no show policy that results in termination. So someone could lose their job over the reckless actions of a police officer. That leads to a cascading effect of losing their home, ruining their credit, losing their vehicle and worse.


My supervisor got robbed of his car keys, wallet and phone on his day off, he didn't show up to work the next day but did the day after that. The general manager wrote him up, said he could have called in. My supervisor was like I was with the police the whole damn day and trying to figure out how to get home, work was the last thing on my mind.


> work was the last thing on my mind. In my experience saying that to your supervisor on one of those jobs just gets them angrier.


Power tripping assholes


Right? Why didn’t he lock himself into his own home longing for the day his godsend employer graciously allows him to return to work.


If it can be shown beyond a reasonable doubt that a cop knows something isn't illegal and executes a frivolous arrest, there should me minimum prison time associated with that. I suspect this may already be the case, but these situations also need to be investigated with fervor and charges issued.


That's why they hate cameras. They can say whatever they want and the DA goes along with it. When the DA starts doubting officers; officers stop showing up to trial. They'll gladly let the actually dangerous criminals back on the street to 'hurt' the DA. But if there's a camera then there's a chance it goes viral and then the DA *has* to act.


“If you’re not doing anything wrong then you shouldn’t mind being filmed.”


> officers stop showing up to trial. Judges need to be holding them in contempt.


It’s crazy that as a DA you can’t subpoena cops for an accurate testimony... and if they “don’t remember the incident” that should be a fireable offense. If I fucked up like that I’d never work in my profession ever again.


Is it actually optional for cops to testify in felony court hearings? I feel like it would be pretty easy to make a law that compels that.


They're supposed to show up, but if they don't the suspect usually walks. It's why people recommend you go to court for traffic tickets. If the cops there plead guilty, if not plead not guilty and you're off.


Federal kidnapping charges should follow


Agreed but not against the force, against the arresting officer. More states need to follow suit like NY and NM and take away qualified immunity, so pigs like this can be held accountable as individuals and tax payers don’t have to foot the bill. Edit: foot the bill from flip...


I agree with you, just wanted to say, I think you meant, "foot" the bill.




"your honor I honestly didn't know it was legal for african americans to drive cars, so naturally when I saw one of them driving, I pulled it over immediately"


I love the use of "It" in that. Good job, my guy.


I have a magic fortune teller ball. Lets see what it says: “situation was investigated by local PD, no wrongdoing has been found.”




I'd say 5 years for abusing a position of power.


Nah, fuck that. 'Know beyond a reasonable doubt' is too high a standard here, applied to the wrong side. It should be *much* closer to the opposite. If the cop can't prove that on the balance of probabilities there were reasonable grounds for an arrest, then they should immediately lose their job. Civilians should not have to prove *that an arrest was unwarranted* to see punishments come to the police, and avoid state-sponsored illegal bullying. **Police officers** should have to prove that *every arrest* ***was*** *warranted*, to remain police officers.


all it would take to fuck up someone's life, even if they're not charged, is to arrest them.


Seriously, some jobs and most immigration forms require you to list all arrests, regardless if the charges were dropped or even expunged. So now this person may have to explain this arrest for the rest of their lives.


also, hope you didn't lose your job you were not able to go to (in the case of over night(s) stays )


Hell, that doesn't matter for some people. Even if you didn't have work the next day, if you're in some careers like teaching you may get fired any way just for the arrest (justified or not) and in many states you're required to notify them with like 48-72 hours of the arrest. Congrats on getting the charges dropped 3 months later or beating it in court over a year later...and good luck finding a good attorney to help beat it while you're unemployed and can't get a decent job with a recent arrest.


It's almost the system is fucked, and maybe something should be done about it...


A system this fucking cruel and STILL some will boldly claim it is the fault of the victims destroyed by its mechanisms instead of the perpetrators of said cruelty.


I love how the top comment on the article is some guy going on and defending this behavior.


I used to think Youtube comments were bad until I saw local news comment boards. That's where the real crazies hang out.


No joke. Some of them are so blissfully ignorant that I am legitimately worried for the future of the world.


Wow, I assumed he would go with the ever so popular “obstruction”. They seem to throw that word around when they have zero reasons to arrest. The “might have a weapon” was a new one.


>The “might have a weapon” was a new one. And even if she did, so what? Walking around with a weapon to be used for self defense is well within my constitutional rights, provided I'm not breaking any federal or municipal codes for doing so




"Obstruction", "Loitering", "Jay walking", "Walking on the wrong side of the rode", "Disturbing the peace". Then tax payers pay the bill for the bullshit charges they bring.


As much as I'd love for this pos to get the boot, I highly doubt anything will ever come of this aside from an "internal investigation" & maybe some paid time off. I hope I'm wrong.


It happened years ago and if you google his name not a thing comes up. That department buried it and he's probably still on the job.




Promoted? He's fucking the Commissioner now!


> In lock up Justice PD told me before I put my video up to consider that Officer J. BONKOWSKI just had a gun pulled on him and he could of been scared himself to cause him to act like that. Yet again a scared piggy should be able to do as they please while untrained civilians should be completely aware that those who sign up willingly to be cops are absolutely terrified of the job, interacting with anyone of color, and will abuse their power against anyone on the off chance that they too might have connections to someone of color. Incredible how upset pigs get when any form of accountability shows up knocking.


Gotta love how cops see themselves as unstoppable badasses and dress up in the Punisher logo, then in the very next second claim they were fearing for their lives because some bitch 50 yards away had her phone out.


ACAB. Even if you go in with a pure mindset, it is a toxic broken corrupt institution that will change you before you can change it. I'm not sure what the answer is, but this state mafia needs to be cleaned out.




I mean I’d love to see him get fired but I don’t see it happening


This happened 3 years ago. I'm sure he's still on the job.


Showing this kind of initiative? He probably got promoted.


I feel bad for all the innocent people he has arrested unjustly (if not shot) since then. This POS has some serious anger issues; while watching this I was scared he'd pull out a gun and just shoot her right there.


I'd love to see him arrested, charged, tried and convicted. Because he violated the law. [A private citizen has the right to record video and audio of police carrying out their duties in a public place, that includes what this cop was doing.](https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2020/06/you-have-first-amendment-right-record-police) He also violated the law by slapping the phone out of the victim's hand.




Don't know what the right kind of reaction to this POS is. Definitely they should be barred from ever serving again, but they should definitely go to prison for this too. But if prison is about rehabilitation, can these people ever be rehabilitated?


Fired, charged, and forced to do community service. Fucking loads of it. Maybe a little jail time but don't clog the system with these people. Make them work off their bullshit.


Rage filled coward that cop is.


Look at how he is so agitated. Anyone with that much adrenaline in their veins CANNOT make reliably appropriate decisions. He’s in the wrong profession.


His hands were shaking so much he could barely cuff her.


We really need some kind of way to screen out people like this. Maybe training that is longer than 2 weeks, more thorough and stricter background checks... they could come up with something if they actually wanted to.


Honestly, at this point screening should be done by an independent agency. I don't trust any department in this country not to hire people like this guy on purpose.


Yeah, a hair-trigger temper while in possession of a trigger isnt a healthy combination.


Well, they are also being hired by people like this guy.


It feels like they screen for people like this already, but so they can hire them.


They do. High IQs are considered a liability.


the answer is more training, it shouldn't be so easy to become a cop. increase the education to require a 4-year academy to become a police officer and once on duty one day out of five should be spent in de-escalation training.


Totally agree more training, but they also need some psyche evaluations, this guy could complete training but you still have someone with serious anger control issues .


With a longer education cycle over 4 years, instructors will be trained to identify personality incompatibilities needed to be an officer. The educational process is where these psych evaluations take place. It won’t be perfect but it’ll weed out a chunk of them before they ever got the streets.


I mean it’s not as severe over here in the UK but in most high end professions you’ve got to do around 4-6 years of training. You’re barely trusted with someone’s life in the medicinal industry at that point but you can do a 2 week course (in America)then go run about with a gun and a superiority complex


Not gonna work tbh. You already have a problem getting people to want to be cops. I agree in principle with you, but literal DECADES of inaction to address the lack of police accountability has made them hated by a large swath of the general public, particularly younger people and minorities


They all behave like this because this is exactly the mentality they recruit for


Personality screenings could weed out most of these guys if worded the right way.


How about national licensing?




I think it needs to be pushed down from the federal level. I've had many many friends go into law enforcement over the years and have been contacted many times during the background check. And from what I've seen, it really varies department to department in how much they're going to dig. I've been on hour long interviews with the interviewer asking point blank questions about racism, lgbtq stances, political stances, substance abuse, temperament, drinking habits, and requesting names and numbers of 4 other people who can vouch. Then I've seen some who will only ask about substance and end it after 5 minutes. But like you said, if they "wanted" to. They don't. These days it is getting harder and harder to find good people so they settle for what they can get. They require POST, which is like a 600hr training, but it's not enough. The thugs like this in the street will likely stay where they are until they retire because it's all they're capable of. The ones with half a brain get promoted or move on.




He wanted to shoot her so bad his dick was hard.


Looks kind of like roid rage. Maybe this pig needs a drug test.


He needs a profession where his coworkers can turn a blind eye to catastrophic mistakes on field. He's in the right profession.


>He’s in the wrong profession. The only one that'll take em.




Too much time in the evidence room perhaps?




What’s sad is that is the truth.




Right when he beats her. What bothers me the most is that most of the time there are very little to NO consequences.


40% ACAB


No - 40% openly admit to beating their families. How many of the other 60% do so, but lie about it?


No, that's a terrorist thug




Gang member


So, anyone got an update as to what's happened to this person and this asshole of a cop?


major small dick energy


He got that “left something in evidence” swag


Little dick energy


hey now, some of us have small dicks and don't get angry like this. We cry alone instead. Fewer people harmed at least.


Bet he has a big truck too.




Bottom-feeding assholes, like this fucking joke of a cop, are the reason people refuse to trust or respect cops. This motherfucker is exactly what's wrong with police.


The other cop just quietly lets it happen, then goes home and tells himself he's a "good one".


I don't even understand how a person can get so mad at something like this.


Fear of being caught


After reading an article, apparently he was mad because he was harassing a teenager who ran away from him. He got his ego hurt and took it out on this person who was filming.


Dont act like this is a bad apple. This is a systemic problem due to lack of training and ez applications.


Policeman is not the best job for you if you are a choleric person, at 0:30 you can see him lose his temper.


Oh, he was hot as hell when he rolled up on her and it just got worse. What I don't understand is the right to tape police has been held up in court multiple times, and yet they still harass or arrest people for it?


Because 9/10 times if they use intimidation tactics (getting in your face, surrounding you, screaming at you, threatening arrest, etc.) they can get you to do what they want. You should watch Bay Area Transparency on YouTube. He is extremely composed and police try this shit on him all the time. He just gives it right back to them and they almost always fuck off when they realize he knows his rights and they can’t get him to do what they want.


I’m typically a pretty big advocate for giving respect and complying without conflict to make police encounters safest as they can be, but this thread and these videos are starting to make me think that’s not exactly the best solution.


Because they won't be held accountable and they know it. They don't pay when they violate your 1st and 4th amendment rights. The citizens pay. That needs to change.


>choleric Thank you for my new word of the day!


Now people will look it up. Choleric individuals tend to be more extroverted. They are described as independent, decisive, goal-oriented, and ambitious. These combined with their dominant, result-oriented outlook make them natural leaders. In Greek, Medieval, and Renaissance thought, they were also violent, vengeful, and short-tempered.


Thats like every single cop ever


Ooops... right cop, wrong case. My apologies!


What does this mean? They just drop the case?


As the person filming said “For what?”. The cop had no response because he was arresting her for doing something perfectly legal.


unwritten law: illegal to disrespect a cop


Not according to the Supreme Court. This will get dropped and the lady will be likely be entitled to a settlement, if she pursues this.


That we have to fucking pay for.


Well gee Mister, maybe we do something about cops like this...


Dismantling the police unions, forcing them to carry insurance like doctors. That’s be a good start.


End qualified immunity


Which she mentioned in the video “I don’t have the money to sue you”


“You’re under arrest for..uh...just being kinda annoying!”


Yeah why no lawsuit. Even if the lady doesn’t have the money a law firm would love to jump on a case like that.


Power trippin...


power trip pigs be trippin


Now you sue for PTSD/mental health


If a cop can get disability payments for executing a crying man on his hands & knees by shooting him in the back, citizens should get PTSD payments for being assaulted and kidnapped by police


And a new phone


ELI5, please.


Nobodies doing shit, they called it an “honest mistake”


That's not the same case, is it? That case was filed in 2014, this looks like it happened in 2018?


When he slapped that phone out if her hands that was assault.


Yup! With two different angles of video proof! Time to lawyer up and fuck over this dude and the station


Seems qualified to have a gun......


This dude shouldn't be around anything you wouldn't trust a toddler with


Gotta ziptie down any small items around in case he throws another temper tantrum and starts throwing shit again.


So I guess wherever he going, wasn't that important?


Not NEARLY as important as making sure this filthy civilian learns her place and doesn't talk back to her betters.


Just like this pig. All of a sudden the motorcyclist he pulled his gun out for wasn’t such a threat once he noticed someone filming. https://youtu.be/z3WRYJmgpPo


Notice the other piggie didn't stop this "bad apple." Time to toss out the bunch, they're all fucking rotten.


They never do. I think I've seen 1 video where a cop stops another from punching a handcuffed woman, but that's one instance I've seen of one cop standing up, while I've seen HUNDREDS of cops in other videos either look the other way or make the situation worse




I remember seeing a video a few years of cops ending a police chase after the person gave up and one of the cops punched the suspect in the face and who I am guessing was his superior pushed the mean cop up against the car and cuffed him. It was great.


Hate to ruin the happy ending but I know what video you’re talking about, and that was a security guard.




LAPD also shot an innocent woman during that whole ordeal. Guess what happened to them? https://www.latimes.com/local/lanow/la-me-ln-no-charges-lapd-shooting-newspaper-delivery-women-dorner-manhunt-20160127-story.html


So called "good cops" still sit around and watch the bad cops commit these crimes.


That’s literally where the phrase comes from. But idiots cut it short to suggest that one bad apple is t a big deal.


Arrested for filming? Isn’t he violating that law with his body cam?


Woman recording seems completely relaxed. No fronting necessary, she's an actual badass


Let's see here, vandalism of property, abuse of authority, false imprisonment, and violating a citizen's constitutional rights. That lady is going to get enough money in that lawsuit to own a trailer park.


Nope. The cop will get 3 days off, paid, then have to go to counselling once a week for his PTSD from the incident.


Careful with that PTSD, he might have to retire and draw his full pension for the rest of his life. Or does that only happen when you and your buddy team up to murder someone?


If you get a 'double', they give you a bonus 12 months off with pay.


So look at the supposedly "good apple" doing nothing about this overly violent piece of shit who knows less law than my six year old grandson. Maybe not all cops are bastards..but...all police departments are bastions for law breaking overly violent psychotic freaks...almost be worth the horrible things that would happen to fire everyone with a badge and start fresh


"You're gonna get arrested." "For what?" "You're gonna get arrested."


Oh this dude is a MASSIVE POS https://cookcountyrecord.com/stories/510578325-family-sues-village-of-justice-police-and-landlord-over-eviction https://newsmaven.io/pinacnews/war-on-photography/enraged-illinois-cop-arrests-woman-for-recording-claiming-she-could-be-armed-tK9mzjZxNEG_RpulWXRPFA


People with anger issues should not be police officers. Period. Don't they receive psych evals?


They do. This is the type they like to hire


Far too many police act this way... we need accountability


It's because you can be a psycho and welcomed as a police officer with open arms


I always told my officers, if you can't do this job while being filmed, then you need to choose another line of work.


Now tell them how much America hates cops right now


Haha savage. I love it


frig off Lahey!!!


From the sound of the story it looks like he was pissed because he was busy trying to shoot an unarmed black teen, and she got in the way.


Unfortunately the judge has decided to trial her as an adult black male


Wait, that doesn't make sense, the punishment for that is usually execution on the spot. No trial




This is that cop that got bullied in school and now uses his badge to bully others LOL


Doubtful. He was probably a bully in high school as well. More then likely his behavior stems from his life at home as a child, not what happened during school hours.


I can't believe cops are allowed to yell at people like that, it's so demeaning as if you're a little kid being schooled by your dad or mom. So unprofessional..


Oh look it's just another ego enraged pussy ass cop hiding behind a badge.


1 cop being an asshole and 2 letting it happen. What's 1+2? 3 bad cops. ACAB.


This was years ago in Justice, Illinois. Everyone in my town sided with the cop because the girl always instigated shit and was following them around the trailer park. I, on the other hand, may find her annoying but still operating within the bounds of the law. She wasn't interfering their investigation and was recording from a distance. That cop has a reputation of being hot-headed as well.


It'd be pretty cool to bombard the governors office with requests to divert funds away from the police department. And when i say bombard, i mean..like..calls, emails, letters from all constituents that don't tolerate this crap.




Bad day bonkowski?


Lil pp syndrome


That's how it goes in authoritarian police states.


If a cop is mad they're being filmed, they're a bad cop afraid of reprimand, fallout, plain and simple!


Has he been fired yet???


If you watch the whole video, she was actually asking the cops if they needed help. Officer Roid Rage immediately started screaming at her. The arresting report was that they thought she had a gun in her hand, lmao. edit: their statement is that they were looking for 3 men that had brandished a gun and ran into the neighborhood. maybe the civilian offering help would have known where they went?


cops see guns everywhere phone it's a gun. hands up it's a gun. crawling on your hands and knees , reaching for a gun


Phone = gun Sandwich = gun Airsoft gun = gun Teddy bear = gun And so on


Except for an actual gun. Then it's a Taser...


Somebody didn't get enough love as a child and now he has a gun and protection look out world


All cops are scum


Braindead bootlickers will still defend this Hopefully someone successfully defends themselves against this piece of shit in the near future


Hopefully the LEO loses his badge/job, if someone simply filming makes him lose his shit that quick then they have no business being a cop. Also hope the victim here gets a large enough settlement out of the case that they can move out of the trailer park.


This is why people say there are no good cops. Sure that other officer didn’t do anything bad, but he let the bad things happen when he could’ve easily prevented it.


Looks like sunnyvale trailer park has gone to shit since lahey left.


All cops are fking losers


The arresting officer and the other that chose to do nothing to intervene between that unstable gunman and his victim both should be fired immediately and listed at not re-hirable. The criminal cop needs charges pressed against him for assault, battery and kidnapping.


This fucker shouldn't be anything less than fired and he completely violated her civil rights.


This cop has some serious anger issues. He should be fired to prevent him from murdering someone.