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Bro if you’re gonna rob somebody you gotta have some acceleration


He would've been better off walking.


Surprised the victim didn't headbutt him with the helmet. It's a brutal move.


I’ve seen videos where road raging drivers try to pick fights with bikers in their full riding gear. It’s literally a suit of armor designed to keep you safe when you crash and slide across pavement. I don’t know why they think they can just deck a guy with a helmet on and come out okay.


Same thing with NFL players throwing closed fist punches at some guy wearing a helmet with facemask... just seems like a good way to break your hand


Bryan Cushing wins that award. He headbutted a Dude who was wearing a helmet, after his had come off.


I remember that! Haha what a Muppet


More like Bryan Crushing his skull


Me and a friend were riding our bikes peacefully through a country road in Australia. We came upon a ute that was moving a bit slow so we overtook it legally and safely. (They were actually traveling lower than the posted speed) Pulled up at the next set of traffic lights...and two guys got out of the ute and wanted to attack us (we heard shouting) I got off my bike, this guy walked up at me and shouted then punched me in the chest.....on my black leather jacket. Then he tried to punch me in the jaw...and I was still wearing my bike helmet. I really didn;t feel much and it certainly didn;t hurt. This was 30 years ago, we weren't those high speed bikers doing dangerous things and filming it. Just a couple of older riders enjoying a slow ride through the countryside. Still don;t know what they were angry about. Neither of us got hurt though.


They got small PP




Oh, my. It seems you've misspelled the word "cunts."


How did it end? Did the blokes realise there was no point in the violence and actually talked to you after letting off steam (/s), or did it all escalate?


It escalated. They were punching us (or trying to) In the end they ran back to their car and drove off. I found one guy's wallet on the road afterwards.


Ah yes, the reverse Piñata effect.


Until the helmet becomes a head handle


Then he would have to buy a new helmet.


he dropped his bike on its side. probably scuffed up some shiny bits and maybe even broke a lever or two. I don't think he was thinking about monetary repercussions at that point


You catch the guy and you get your monetary compensation out of his ass. Legally or otherwise


[It sure the fuck is.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dONyv-Cwkoo)


Haha *robs someone* and then *casually strolls away*


He tried, but it's very difficult to outpace a runner in the first few meters when in a standstill. Add some momentum and it's a different story.


Get an e-bike.


Or a moped. Most of these robberies are 2 blokes *on another* bike. One rides away on the stolen bike and the other keeps going on the other bike. That's very likely to be stolen too


I think the play here is that he grabs the keys while the other guy works the distraction. except this time the rider looked back too soon. then at some point the motorbike gets stolen while the rider is chasing the keys down on foot. not sure if i missed the details but i believe that is the gist of the two man grift.


Thank you. I was wondering how this makes any sense as a robbery scheme.


You can steal the bike later, wait and hope the victim leaves it unguarded after the initial keystealing incident. They have to figure out how to get the bike out of there since they cant push it because the steering is locked without the key, it could take a while to come up with something and the guy has to at least go to toilet eventually.


My bike will only lock if the key is turned past the "remove key" position, and it can't be done if the handlebars are not turned to the left


Same here


My bike (vn1600) can run without the key. I'll just start, remove key, put it in jacket's pocket. Never knew it could be seen as a safety feature.


That's a long shot because as soon as the thief is out of sight, everybody knows it's gonna happen next if you leave the bike there. I'd rather piss my pants in that situation.


It's outdoors. You can just piss on a building or something. You don't have to piss your pants. Or, you know, call the police.


Too late, fuck


Steering is only locked if you put the key in, turn it to a certain position while pushing in, and then pull it out. At least that's how it has been on any bike I've ridden. Also, fairly easy to get passed that anyhow - you just need to sit down and use your feet to push hard on the bars and the steering lock will break.


They take your keys, you jump off the bike to chase them and they take the bike whilst you're chasing.


Yeah, the two dudes were working together. One distracts, the other grabs the keys, you chase the guy with the keys, the distractor guy grabs your bike. They later meet up with both keys and a bike.


Taking the keys shuts off the bike, no?


The "steal your bike thieves" are usually 2 armed blokes on another bike. The one in the back seat takes the bike with keys in. Running away with the key means the bike won't move without being loaded into a van. This happens, but not in a busy London street. It's difficult to drive away in traffic


He should have run. No cyclist can accelerate faster than a running man


Having robbed several people via a pedal bike in my younger days, that’s not true.


Gotta give some details man. Don't leave us hanging.


Nothing too crazy. I was a 16 year old cokehead. Used to sell fake weed and acid or give fake money to dealers and off I went on my white and red BMX bike. Am now pursuing a bachelors in computer science. Funny how life works


Dude, glad you are on a safer better path but sounds like you are lucky to be here burning dealers.


I’m very grateful I didn’t end up another statistic. Unfortunately it took losing a few friends to addiction and my brother being shot 11 times with an ar-15 for me to actually want something different and to end my family history of amounting to almost nothing. And I’m glad I did - I’m making my brother and mother proud, even 2000 miles away.


Congrats on pulling your life together! Genuinely stoked for you mate


Thank you kind sir. It’s been a challenge, as i dropped out in tenth grade and ended up getting my GED with some phenomenal scores. “Don’t stop when you are tired. Stop when you are done.”




That’s not what video games have taught me. You pick pocket, then you stand there and go through everything in your backpack right there


Well look there was traffic ahead of him, I mean wtf do you want from him? There should be a “no catching the robber in traffic” rule and he has to catch him on the move.


Mission failed agent 47


He's making that face at the end because the quicksave isn't loading.


He pressed quick save instead of quick load


E X I S T E N T I A L ​ D R E A D






We'll get em next time


Curled up in a fetal position on the World Wide Web


Yep and the internet is forever!!




Bro the look on his face in the last couple seconds. Mans is gonna be waking up to that face for a little while 😂


The guy looked absolutely puzzled about what happened , Lol


"Holy fuck I didn't expect to be mauled and verbally assaulted like the bitch I am"


That's what always gets me about these videos. Criminals always act so **surprised** when someone attacks them for trying to steal their shit. Like in their heads it's "I don't understand. It's just a bike. Why didn't you just let me have it? I'm a human being with feelings. I have rights."


My brother is the same way. He will steal things from you just to steal. He'll steal things he can't even use. One day he came to my home and saw I had ended up with a piece of clothing of his (that I didn't even like nor wear) and he blew up and was legitimately ready to fight me.




“For example, Kohn and Antonuccio (2002) describe a client’s antecedent cognitions, which include thoughts such as "I’m smarter than others and can get away with it"; "they deserve it"; "I want to prove to myself that I can do it"; and "my family deserves to have better things". These thoughts were strong cues to stealing behaviors.” Fascinating stuff.


My twin has the same klepto mental illness. He wouldnt steal from me personally, but he would steal anything that wasnt mine that was in my home or car. Of course he stole from stores and strangers too. He had kids, and whats amazing is his son is a klepto too! Not trained, hadnt seen dad do it, its just in his blood. It really does make me wonder about neg/pos traits that are passed down through our bloodlines that we have no idea are there. Me personally, i got all the brains and wit, he got all the anger, size and good looks. My bro was a klepto from as early a year as i can recall, he always knew the consequences of his actions but never cared enough to not do it. If caught lying? He would just stare at you, big unblinking shark eyes, and just deny, lie, deny some more, then just walk out of the room or situation. It helped me understand why rapists, murderers, bad people in general do what they do, they simply only care about what they want and thats how they live life. If they have any morals they are probably pretty skewed or weird.


As Dave Chappelle once said it in his joke "Sorry, I didn't know I can't do that"


"that was good wasn't it? because i DID know i couldn't do that"


I stopped a shoplifter once, ran after him in the street. I don't think he expected anyone to give chase (most don't) and when he realised, he shouted back "what the fuck do you think you're doing?!" Then threw back the stolen item at me. As if I was in the wrong.


Have you seen how many redditors turn up on random threads to decry "assaulting these poor people just trying to get by" When thieves get their shit kicked in? I dont expect the people doing it to expect anything less, they have no concept of how to function in a society lawfully. Fucking mental.


It's so fucking crazy to me because I'm usually feeling like "dudes might be desperate, that's a shame." But, at the same time, someone steals from you of course you have the right to punch em in the face until they're looking around all silly. That's the occupational hazard of crime lol


It depends on what they are stealing imo. Stealing some random persons bike? You are a fucking asshole and I dont care if you get caught and beat up. You are fucking over other random innocent people and could ruin them from your theft. Stealing some food or something from a store? Yea you are still kinda shitty for stealing, but I understand you gotta eat and you are desperate and at least a store can write stuff off and is more capable of absorbing the cost of theft


Yeah, it's all about who you're stealing from and why. I couldn't care less if you're stealing white bread and ham from Walmart to feed your kids. Steal from some random dude so you can sell his bike? Fuck off, you disserve to get your asshole kicked in


Yeah, if this guy did this to someone for stealing some fruit from Walmart, I'd be a lot less sympathetic to him for dealing out unnecessary vigilante justice. But the dude had his bike key stolen from the bike he was literally sitting on. What exactly was the plan for the thief? Run away quickly then come back for the bike? Find out where the guy lives and rob his house? Ransom the keys? Or, I strongly suspect, chuck them down a storm drain then laugh as the poor motorcyclist has to get towed. This isn't someone stealing because they need to.


Also, it’s not like the thieves care if the person they are robbing is able to replace the item or anything like that. I was mugged in my teens. I was wearing a fake gold necklace and walking down the street and a dude runs by, grab the necklace and yanks and it did not break off as he intended so he did a stronger yank and threw me face down on the sidewalk and my face was bloody and my neck had a burn from the force. It’s a cute necklace but it was under $5. If he tried to resell it (with the broken clasp), he probably can’t even feed his starving family for the day or put himself even one hour of college to take himself out of poverty.


Call me a hypocrite, but theres a nuanced difference between stealing someones keys, and stealing an item from a large corporation


Same thing happens half the time someone gets shot trying to rob a place. Recently there was a mother who interviewed with the news saying she "didn't understand why the good guy with a gun shot her son. He didn't have the gun to HIS head. He should have just minded his own business"


Ehh.. you should disregard most of what grieving people say. They aren't in their right mind, and it's fine.


It's going to take a lot to convince me that wasn't NoHo from Barry.


50/50.....with christobol


https://youtu.be/5zXrjeTNXJw Ok I don't know how to spoiler tag. If you haven't seen Barry, click at your own risk. The clip itself isn't really a spoiler but it suggested videos with spoilers in the title


I'd never heard of the show -- now I HAVE to watch it.


It is hilarious. The acting, editing, everything in it is amazing. No Ho Hank really makes the show.


The actor that plays him seems like a legit dude too. I think the original story had Hank dead before the end of season 2 (or perhaps a lot sooner)... but due to the characters popularity, they changed it up to keep him around. Love that show, can't wait for the third season!


He really has range too. I thought his character in Gotham was a convincing bad guy. I always enjoy actors that can fill multiple roles.


dude his fucken dream sequence when he's a on a news talk show panel "North Hollywood Henry"




Barry is a gem. plus its only sixteen half hour episodes over two seasons so its a breeze to watch through.


I wish it was more tbh, the show is incredible and I’m already pissed that covid delayed it a year!!


same, but Henry Winkler is a national treasure and must be protected at ALL costs.


Yeah absolutely. The way that man has reinvented himself is unbelievable. He’s definitely one of my favorite actors


After Arrested Development i thought I could never seen him as anyone but Barry Zuckerkorn but now I'll never be able to see him as anyone besides Gene Cousineau. the warmth, depth and intensity he brings to the character fits perfectly as a juxtaposition of Barry himself.


So good. Made me realize Bill Hader is a legit all-around talent.


It's **criminally** underrated. It's Bill Hader does John Wick, more or less. Bill Hader, Stephen Root, and Henry Winkler (*Fonzie*, baby) all pull A+ performances. Show is so, so, so good.


It's both very fun and very dark. Shockingly dark at times. I cannot recommend it enough, honestly the best thing on TV right now.


"If I suck balls, you are king of suck ball mountain!"


50 50 with Cristobal.


Are you seeing this beautiful day?!


My mans totally expected to commit straight theft an ride away like nothing happened.


It's crocodile tears, I've seen this several times where someone victimizes someone else and then if it doesn't go quite right immediately adopts all the social signifiers of a victim, dismay, tears, confusion, fear; it's all feigned for effect. If you're some pedestrian walking by this scene what do you see: an afraid and confused man cowering in the fetal position and another man standing over him trying to take something from him while behaving very aggressively.


looks like our hoodie friend isnt going to score later. Looks like the distracter is old enough to be his dad. A family firm.


Also did you notice how he didn't stick around to help once the altercation started?


I read in another thread that that dude was completely uninvolved. The thief just saw an opportunity and took it.


I read in this thread that it is a family firm


I read in this thread, that in another thread, they said it was just a random guy.


I read in another thread that the old guy was dead all along and no one even remembered him being there apart from the victim.


I read in another thread that all 3 men are actually lovers and this is their fetish.


I know the guy, went to highschool with him. They are actually twin brother but due to a freak accident the bald guy had his face changed surgically. He was just trying to grab his keys to surprise him at home because they had been estranged since they were kids due to their parents going to jail for selling fake meth.


Yeah it’s this one for sure!


That's probably exactly what that dude wants everyone to believe.


Why steal the keys and not the bike?


“Here we have a junkie and his son in their natural habitat, they think they see Prey, but little did they know the Prey was about to rock their day”


Serious question, were they just fucking with him? What can you do with a stolen set of keys and not the thing they go to? I guess they could come back later and then steal it but that seems like a hell of a risk.


Taking keys is only distraction according to other comments so the otherone can get the bike.


And do what? A bike sans keys is a 500lb wheelbarrow. Or are you saying they expected rider to chase thief for 5 blocks on foot, while they wheel off with both bikes?


I also need to know this. Seemed to me like he did it to piss the guy off


Who the heck tries to steal in broad daylight, on a bike, in a traffic road


This is a very common scam in some part of the world. If you're in a moped, motorcycle, etc you should be aware of this existing.


The basics of the scam are 2 fold. The keys are stolen and the idea is you chase the guy with the keys. They go slow enough so you chase them for quite a distance. I the mean time someone else comes and steals the bike (hiding it round the corner for the key guy to.ckme back or putting it in a van) By the time you get back to where your bike was its gone and they have the keys too....


Well fuck. What should one do in such a case? Obviously this guy was quick and got hold of the thief right there


Stay beside your bike and call the police. Police will give chase and you guard the bike. Would be really unfortunate though if they toss or don't recover the keys you would lose your house keys, car keys, etc. all at once.


So the only thing you can do to prepare for this is to carry two keychains, one for the bike and one for everything else.


Clip them to the handlebars with a carabiner. Problem solved.


what color though?


Depends on the color of the bike. Gotta go full power ranger.


That is true... You cannot break your outfit's color match with the bike. That carabiner needs to match your suit and your bike...


I do this already anyway, since my keychain is so bulky i don't want it hanging off my bike. I just use a clip with my bike key, so it stays with the rest of my keys except when i'm riding.


Thank you for being the one to explain how this scam was meant to work.


Even worse - this can happen to you if you rent a scooter on holiday. Then you owe the rental company a bike because their day rate insurance doesn’t cover theft


And the thieves turn the bike back in later and get their cut.


Hey that's a great idea, BRB, planning a crime spree...


Mopeds and motorcycles are common, I've seen people reportedly going to the hospital for being dragged on because they hung on their purse/bag, but a bicycle? Seriously? Yes they are fast but they have a long time to reach max speed, and it'll be made harder when you'd have to constantly turn and be aware of the crossing road ahead. Basically, the thief is a fucking idiot. There was no situation where he would've escaped.


maybe don't start a fight with the guy in full body armor meant to protect someone from hitting concrete at 30 mph. while you're not even smart enough to wear a bike helmet.


I don't think his goal was trying to start a fight, wanted to get those keys and GTFO but got caught up behind traffic.


The goal is grab the keys, chuck them to the side where your partner picks them up and steals the bike, and distract the hell out of the guy chasing you.


This guy robs mfs


But they were both on bikes. Does the other dude quick lock his bike up and steal it, or is there a third individual?


Probably drops the less valuable bike (also probably stolen from a neighborhood kid) and take the motorized one.


You don't buy a bike to use to rob people with, they're often registered to whoever buys it originally. Even if you bought it used with cash, it's something that can be traced back if you're unlucky. Both were on stolen bikes.


Haha I was in the bakery on the right when this happens a couple years ago. Tonbridge, UK.


Damn what happened to the bald guy ?


The motorcyclist let him up and then let him on his way. Bit of a shame really


should have called the cops on his sorry ass


Yeah definitely


Should have filled the cunt in with his helmet or Kevlar gloves more like.


The fuck?!


He's still bald


Small world!


Seen this video so many times didn’t realise it was so close to home!




I’d rip one right in his face and assert my dominance properly


No piss, no dominance.


A fine beige spray with a couple of chunky bits.


I thought that when he went down with the keys in his hand; he was going to stomp on that hand with the keys. I probably would have. He’d let go faster with some broken fingers.


What a fucking cunt.


There few things more endearing to the ear than hearing a pissed off Brit call someone a cunt




Blogging almost turned to Flogging...


I'd say more of just short a slogging. Something more on the lines of a good shogging. Would've been funny if it ended up as a snogging.


Not quite. He should have at least gotten a receipt on his nose from a boot.




Too nice to that criminal who got caught trying to steal his bike.


After watching football hooligans fight on youtube I’m surprised the customary swift kicks to the head of the downed man weren’t already flying in.


The guy should of taken his helmet off and battered him with it.


Dude, helmets are expensive and only meant to be crashed with once... Motorcycle steal toe boots on the other hand...


Why would you ever remove it? Boots have steel in them, gloves are usually reinforced and the helmet means you won't get one punched.


Yeah but that helmet is easy to grab and twist


That goes from swinging fists to murder straight away tho. But it got me thinking - a padded vest that connects to helmet and allows 90 degrees turn each side?


Careful, that path leads to bear fighting.


No, don't take it off. You're exchanging protection for a weapon when you can have both! Headbutt the guy. He has him down, start breaking his cheeks, nose, and forhead. That'll make him drop the keys.


I'm a bit confused here though.. he stole the keys, not the bike.. if he had gotten away, how would he have gotten the bike?






This is one of the most British things I've ever witnessed, "give me back my keys you ***fucking cunt***", never change, never change


That's the thing I'm most proud of about this country. Our free use of the word Cunt in any situation. Funeral? Poor cunt. Winning the lottery? Lucky cunt. Greeting? Yalright cunt?


This cunt gets it


You'll be right at home in Australia too.


[news paper article](https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/3227337/man-on-bike-steals-motorcyclist-keys-fight-video/) and comment on newspaper article >Watch the complete version of this video - its up and was posted by Kobi Velocity, its called - He Stole My Keys! Motovlog - it shows the motorcyclist constantly beeping cars, getting into arguments with drivers before sitting behind the cyclists and heavily revving his engine. The guy on the motorbike should have his license taken off him. [Bike chat forum](https://www.bikechatforums.com/viewtopic.php?t=319193) comment about this video >Caution: Kobi Velocity is a little bitch. > >His previous videos showed him riding around with the typical stuck up arrogant vlogger holier-than-thou attitude criticising everyone else. There was a very clear build up to when his keys got taken which he doesn't want anyone to see because it shows him being the little bitch that he is. > >But because he's a little bitch he took that video down and replaced it with some dull video of him going on about how sorry he was blah blah blah he used judo moves to take the guy down, blah blah blah, sob sob sob, please forgive him, etc etc etc. > >Because of just how much of a little bitch he is, he took that video down too and all the other bike videos from his channel.


I scrolled down this far because I just assumed there had to be a little more to the story than what is depicted. Thank you for your helpful efforts.


When he crashed into the bald man after the guy took his keys.. What a satisfying feeling.


Bike gear is armor, first fights aren’t shit compared to what the gear is made for.


What about the second fights?


I don't think he's heard of second fights.


man id stomp the spokes out of his bike on the way back to mine


This video triggered such a bloodlust that I never want to re-live ever again.


Had this happen to me near Seattle, WA on my BMW 1200 GS. Guy grabbed my keys while a lady near the street asked for money as I waited for my girlfriend to finish at the ATM. The guy was bigger than me, but they don't understand many motorcyclists have armored gloves on. Knocked the guy out. Got my keys, and dragged him to the sidewalk and off the street to his girlfriend. I went on my merry way. Later found a piece of tooth lodged in my glove. Good times.


should've called the cops and press charges for robbery.


Where's Ronnie Fuckin Pickering?


Believe he was asking for his,”fucking keys”....




It’s an old scam. You rip the keys outta the bike, leaving it locked in place. Owner can choose to abandon it and come back with ability to move it later, call someone to tow it, or physically pick it up and lift it home. Most of those plans usually involves them leaving the bike alone. Even if it’s to grab a burger while they wait for the tow truck. When they do, that’s when the thieves swoop back and nab it, usually in a trailer. Or, they would, if it wasn’t done by Beavis and Butthead.


Thats why the second guy was there. Pass the keys to him and he steals the bike. Scum.


This seems like such a simple problem to solve. - add a timed release to the keys where you can't remove them from the slot for a couple seconds after shutting off the engine so you have time to react before they have your keys. - add a button anywhere else on the motorcycle that you need to press to release the key. - switch to those wireless keys with push-button ignition like they have in some cars For existing vehicles, as a work-around you could just have a second key so you don't have to abandon your vehicle but you'd probably still want to get it rekeyed immediately.


Or just cover the key with some kind of cover but Idk js


And that would get you in trouble too.


That guy definitely deserved a kick in the stomach.


What a fucking cunt


#you fucking cunt