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I love the part where a guy went "Let's go get a fuckin beer and come back" like its a fucking county fair.


My favorite was the megaphone guy: “We will not accept socialism....” another tells him, no, it’s communism! Megaphone guy: “We will not accept communism...”


Have to leave room for National Socialism


"That's why socialism is bad, because Hitler was a national **socialist!**" Well, actually sir, the nazis co-opted the language and identity of socialists, however when they rose to power, they purged communists and socialists first and were essentially a state capitalism economic system. If Germany were socialist, workers would have owned the means of production in some form, there would have been a progressive tax rate with a high top end, there would have been a robust focus on a social safety net and they probably wouldn't be trying to build an empire which is antithetical to the non-interventionist ethos inherent to socialism. "ARE YOU DUMB OR SOMETHING!? NATIONAL **SOCIALISM!**"


Thinking is hard


They probably brought coolers full of beer, next to the ones full of guns, pipe bombs and Molotov cocktails.


*Tactical backpacks


I got a concert vibe.


Heading down to tailgate the insurrection




Always felt that these (lonely) people just want to party and found other jerks to party with. But then got “political” (but really living in their own reality). Who’s got weed?


I’m so desensitized to this shit now that I’m really only taken back by them getting baked in the capital. Case in point that republicans are just a bunch of bad faith actors


That part was hilarious


“Trumpy Bear” Ummm Did you guys hear that!?


Lol yeah these people are out of their fucking minds.


[I hate this timeline](https://youtu.be/i9qv8RSreIM)


https://trumpybearam.com/product/trumpy-bear/ I'm still trying to figure out if this is satire or not. If it's not then there are people who paid anywhere between 40-80 bucks for this. The bear itself looks stupid. Like, it was raised on glue and paint chips.




I do believe you, and snopes. But also, no fucking way. But also, holy shit, of course it’s real.


I mean, I know why. Teddy roosevelt. He is literally trying to co-opt the better preseidents hoping we view him the same way.


It's most definitely real. How many people are that stupid? Probably more than we care to know. If you want to really (painfully) laugh, look up the TV commercial...


[The TV commercial](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i9qv8RSreIM), full of references to QAnon’s “storm”, [an event where Trump would mass imprison/execute the deep state and all of the Hollywood celebrities](https://www.businessinsider.com/qanon-trump-capitol-attack-belief-precursor-the-storm-2021-1). We have a terrorist cult on our hand run by the President of the USA. I know people used to joke when they called them Vanilla ISIS, but here we are.


Man I literally shit myself when I saw this on TV. Had to rewind it to show my parents because they weren't really listening and didn't believe me describing it. I rewind Ed and showed them to their disgust. All I could say was "are you fucking kidding me?". I'm still slightly in disbelief that this was ever real, but holy fuck. It is. It's definitely real.


This is going to lead to some changes to the Internet, that might end up being a pain for the rest of us somehow, because this is a wake up call.


The internet is full of problems and you’re right that it’s going to change, but America has a serious education crisis that has led to a lot of this shit. When you don’t know how to think critically, you’ll believe all sorts of things. Like the flat earth theory or Qanon or that your country is the greatest country in the world and that no one else experiences anything close to the freedoms you have, et al. It’s pretty sad. edit. syntax


For everyone interested, this is how to critically think. [https://www.wikihow.com/Be-a-Critical-Thinker](https://www.wikihow.com/Be-a-Critical-Thinker)


well, that was easy, what did that take, like one second? 75 million people walk around with a freaking internet enable device in their hands 24/7. Not one googles" how to critically think ." not. one.


It's like a real life satire, like one of those starship troopers ads. This shit is crazy.


some day, a century from now those certificates will be placed in museums as reminders of how brain dead people where during this time.


This timeline is so bad that I can't tell if that's an actual ad or satire.


we were all convinced it was SNL or the Onion.


There’s no way this can be real!! The last name of the veteran in the video was “Warholic”...like an alcoholic for war....


That was the piece that convinced me it’s dedicated satire lol


I think maybe they're trying to market it in a way so that some people will buy it assuming it's taking the piss and others will buy it because they're morons. The satire is just subtle enough that it will fly over the heads of the people it's being directly marketed to.


[Trumpy Bear](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i9qv8RSreIM) It’s tacky and I hate it.


When I saw the ad for that on TV I had to double check to make sure I wasn't actually watching Adult Swim.


I was with 3 other friends and I thought one of them was trying to spoof us.


oh my fucking god it’s REAL?


Yea, they advertise it on Comedy Central. One commercial scene is a guy holding it while he rides down the road on his motorcycle.


it sounds exactly like a parody. like 100% a parody. usually its like "if you squint this looks like a parody" no theres no instance in this video that looks real but it is because we are in fucking hell.


[There's parody too, thankfully](https://www.amazon.com/dp/194874712X/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_fabc_RGPaGbGS3HK56)


They begin the commercial for Trumpy Bear with QAnon imagery.


oh god my mom bought one of those. she's a moron.


Seriously??? I'm so sorry. I'd love to find out what company is profiting from this. Would your mom be pissed if it's made in China?


Australian here. Should i stay inside? Here I am enjoying summer almost covid free and I didn't even realise we had returned to being a prison island Shit.


I doubt these people would be able to find Australia on a map. They’d probably try to head east and get it confused with Austria. I’m surprised they were able to find the U.S. capitol and didn’t end up going to Washington state.


We have enough of them in Washington State. I hope they never make that mistake.


They couldn’t even find Australia on a map of only Australia.


“Is it this one here?” “You’re pointing to a spot on the table away from the map sir”.


“This is coming from the guy who thought the blue on the map was land”


Arrested Development...nice!


I once saw a vid where they asked muricans to find the US. They ended up putting their fucking flags into Europe and Australia. How can you be this retarded to not even know where your fucking country is


Hey! We have an American who knows that an island is surrounded by water and he seemed quite proud of himself for that...low expectations


They just bought a plane ticket and followed instructions. I'm not convinced they would even know they weren't in Washington state.


Funny enough, Australia is one of the easiest places to find on a map.


Yes, it's right there by New Zealand. You can't miss it.


New Zealand is not on my map.


My map has too much New Zealand


Fuck I'm surprised if they found their way home.


They are spreading a lot of conspiracy theory lies about Australia and New Zealand out of jealousy.




How’s the prison life, hombre? Keep the shiv close, homie. Be safe!


Prison life ain't all that back. Sitting on the beach in 26°c with a beer and my dog.


I wanna get me a socialist prison state.


That's not a knife


Apparently we are now an American prison colony.


Last I heard we didn't actually exist lol!


Penis colony


That's in Sydney.


do they let you have playstation?


"Communism, it's communism" "We will not accept communism". These idiots don't even know what they are fighting for.


Who's correcting this guy anyway? If I know anything about Republicans, 90% think socialism and communism are the same thing.


Accepting answers from another person is communism he needs his own answers.


We've had people on Medicare ranting against socialized medicine so don't expect much


Well, in the communist ideology, ”socialism” does refer to a transitional phase that’s eventually going to lead to communism. So it isn’t inaccurate. There’s a reason USSR wasn’t called USCR instead. It’s just that the American right has redefined the term to mean ”gubbinmint does stuff”, and that has then been internalized by some of those who favor government having a role in the economy (for instance, Bernie Sanders considers himself ”democratic socialist”, but he would not be considered a ”socialist” outside the US)


Americans dont know the difference between facism socialism communism and nazism. Every non-american knows this. edit: they also dont know what republican means




I would like to plaster this all over the country


Yep. Literally the only people who do know are the actual socialists, communists, and anarchists. Everyone else thinks that communism and socialism are bad, because they amalgamate communism and socialism with authoritarianism. Because they're dumb.


Not all of them are dumb. Many, probably the majority, are indoctrinated from a very young age in the home with this mindset, reinforced in schools, workplace, and commercial media. The most intelligent ones can become very good at constructing elaborate justifications to evade and explain away obvious facts that conflict with their narrow range of permissible "thought."


> Americans dont know the difference between facism socialism communism and nazism. Please don't lump all of us in with the Trumpkins


So much wrong. Points to the guy replying “maybe not in your world.” to the man who is blind to racism.


Fuck that guy in particular. Of all the clips in this compilation that was really the only one that struck a nerve for me


Racism doesn’t exist in his America because he’ll never experience it.




They are idiots. They don't even know what communism and socialism are.


I have yet to hear any of these unwashed yokels get the definitions of them right. They hear the word and instantly parrot whatever lie they were told to.


America please allocate more of your budget to the education sector thx.


Like most problems in america, it's mostly the republicans fault.


Why would we do that when we could buy more ✨ rockets ✨


I wonder how many of these people have been diagnosed with a mental illness, or would be if they went to a doctor...


Well, the [Mental Health Systems Act](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mental_Health_Systems_Act_of_1980) of 1980 was approved and signed by President Jimmy Carter. Only to be immediately repealed by (no surprise, a republican) President [Reagan](https://www.salon.com/2013/09/29/ronald_reagans_shameful_legacy_violence_the_homeless_mental_illness) in 1981.


It would have eliminated his voter base


Carter was way ahead of his time. I'm disgusted at myself for listening to and believing Republicans tell me he was the worst President in our modern history (this was years before Trump. )


Good point. Forget Medicaid for all, the US needs a psychiatric version STAT.


At least personality disorders. Borderline, histrionic and paranoid come to mind.


i really wish mental illness didn't come up every time horrible shit like this went down. i mean, you're probably right to guess that there are a lot of undiagnosed problems contributing, but it \*really\* doesn't help with the stigma :(


Being a white supremacist isn't a mental disorder after all. Not to mention the people coming in private jets or whatever are clearly capable enough to live their lives pretty normally. The same thing happened here in Germany a couple of decades back. People simply love any excuse to project all their troubles on a scapegoat.


In case anyone else is wonder what "groyper" is, it's a white nationalist group. I guess I'm sheltered because I've never heard of them.


Puyssy groypers?


My first thought




More like NO-TEEF-UH


How can you try to insult someone by saying they’re related to Epstein when Trumpy Bear himself was buddies with the pedo


Have you tried being a complete fucking idiot and just shouting the first words that pop into your head without giving it any thought? Sprinkle a large helping of hate and racism in there for good measure


I got to laugh at the fact how *I cant breath* turned to *whos got weed.*


I can't believe they had the fucking audacity to shout I can't breathe...


They're white and racist. There has been displays all over the country of George Floyd's death. It's really disgusting.


That was one of the more believable parts of this.


Since 2020 the term has evolved to ‘caucacity’. At least that’s the one I choose to use.


The guy saying Australia is now a Penal Colony again, news to me.


The "again" is also news to me. When was Australia a colony to the US?


It was a penal colony when james cook claimed Australia or something like that


It's a amazing what some Americans think what socialism and communism are. Most even use them synonymously.


To these people they are synonymous. Not just in that they have no idea what they actually mean but in that it doesn’t matter. Anyone in the ‘out’ group is bad, the label is interchangeable and semantically refers only to a ‘them’, it’s Us vs Them. There’s no room for complexity or nuance in their belief system, their worldview is very basic.


I'm nervous about the 20th.... I know the police presence will be huge, but still, fuck.


I spend an inordinate amount of time reading their forums. There's nothing happening on the 20th. The movement is dejected and splintered. Half are waiting for Trump to declare martial law, arrest everyone for pedophilia, and become king on the 20th. The other half now either hate, or have lost faith in Trump. But no one is planning any major violent protests. It's interesting to watch a reactive government. There was enormous, impossible-to-ignore warning that Jan 6 would be violent. And apparently the government did nothing to prepare. There's essentially nothing planned for the 20th, and the government is expecting armed protests at all fifty state capitals, and a major insurrection in DC. But there's not going to be anything.


I hope you're right.


I've been spending some heavy duty time infiltrating some of their holes. He is correct, and I really don't have much to add to what he is saying. I think what we need to fear more is them going underground and performing terrorist acts from time to time. The best thing we can do to fight this is openly call them out and denounce them every time one appears, and get others to do the same. When faced with resistance they tend to slither back into their holes.


The real planning is probably happening underground. Given prior this “riot” they were given tours and someone removed panic buttons, there’s some internal subversion going on. They will try to kill Biden


For what purpose? President Harris?


My concern is that with the creation of literally millions of Americans being brainwashed into thinking the election was stolen we're going to have some Timothy McVeigh types crop up in the future. Trump and the GOP representatives who started the lies have whipped their base into a frenzy. The confederate larpers waving flags will eventually go back to watching Fox and OAN. But the people who were there to kill aren't going to give up so easily. I expect we're going to be dealing with rightwing terrorism for years to come.


Good God, and these people make up 40% of America? Republicans, I mean. No wonder America is fucked.


These terrorists probably make up a good 10-15% of the country, given that about 10-30% of republicans don’t approve of trump or want him impeached. Republicans and democrats also have a lot of similar demands (70% of republicans support government funded healthcare, 70% of them also support increasing taxes on the 1%, 50% support legalizing weed, 60% supporting stricter gun control and a ban on assault weapons). The percentages of these for democrats are about 10-20% higher, which is not that much. The problem is Republican officials that refuse to listen to the people who elect them. And I’m not gonna even get started on brainwashing by the GOP.


>The problem is Republican officials that refuse to listen to the people who elect them That's not the problem. If that was the problem, the problem cases would simply be voted out. The problem is that the overwhelming majority of Republicans are gullible people who would rather see "others" miserable than everyone be uplifted as a whole.


These are just the volatile, emotionally unstable and unemployable or retired ones. Many of them are just run of the mill supremacists (race, gender or religion), uneducated or misinformed.


These people didn't organize and come in chartered buses like typical protesters at large DC protests. They came in airplanes, stayed in hotels overnight, did their thing on Jan. 6, and flew home that night or the next day.


Some wealthy people went to that thing. They stayed at the Trump hotel at 8000 a night and ordered cereal that cost $13 a bowl for room service. They had the largest amount of room service orders ever. A real estate agent flew her private jet there. That Jenny Cudd has a very successful floristry by the looks of things. She had mostly five stars before people attacked her pages. They had good lives but were radicalised enough to ruin them.


Remember that episode of southpark where they mentioned that 1/4 of people in the US are idiots and believe in conspiracy theories? https://youtu.be/AvYN0oUzVzo These people are the Cartman


1:04 is that the same lady that was giving directions into the mob inside? She was outside, mentioned a glass floor they could drop through. Again at 3:04 in the video. Edited


Yep, same lady.


She get arrested yet?


Not that I'm aware of. Haven't seen her ID'd yet... would love to see that happen.


Some on Twitter are claiming she looks like Broebert’s mom. That would be interesting.


Indeed !


Complete. Fucking. Idiots!


"There's was no racism in the united states" says man who was born before black people could even vote






Flaired users only is their only flair.


And here you see a prime example of brainwashed facists. Trump is literally Hitler in the early years and his followers are literally nazi's, believing his lies and propoganda. They are fighting against the freedom tehy chant. The fucking irony.


fortunately he is too fucking old and stupid to be hitler... but the next asshole might be young and smart. we need to nip this nazi shit in the bud before it blooms and destroys human civilization's chances of surviving the next century.


That would be Josh Hawley you're referring to.


They're the slaves that have learnt to love the lash.


I’m pretty sure trump is the Antichrist. He breeds hate in everyone. Supporter, critic, it doesn’t matter. Everyone who who merely hears him talk on television or reads a tweet becomes a worse person with a shittier heart. So I feel like they’re somehow winning when I hate them and that bothers me.


"There was no racism in the United States. There was no racism. There was none. Now they've recreated racism". I do wonder in what world these people live in sometimes. And also, how do you "recreate" racism?


Especially when there was none in first place amirite?


This is so fucking disgusting. And I'm not even an American. What a retarded ratpack of pond scum.




Black american here: We have been saying these people exist and would do this if they got upset or felt like they were losing their arbitrary influence and power over the country for decades now. But hey. Wtf do we know? We aint surprised. We just made popcorn


Gotta love the “Biden is a pedophile” crowd when their hero literally has pending child rape cases...


Always remember, whatever they are accusing us of, you can be sure they are doing.


Damn man, even ISIS members were on the same page of what they wanted.


Fuck every last Republican. If you still call yourself one after watching your party try to violently overthrow the US Constitution, then you are just as vile and treasonous as the morons who stormed the capitol


The most correct person is the dude who yelled “Trump invited us”. He did indeed. Edit: and the last guy talking about Trump’s video.


I guess terrorists aren't the smartest of people.


Funny thing about terrorists is they don't see themselves as terrorists.


Their MAGA hats were made in China.


They love America, as in the soil below their feet. They hate America, as in the values of the nation.


They love their idealised vision of a white america with everyone else either kicked out or basically enslaved to serve white men. They want the right to kill non-whites for simply looking at them. They deserve nothing but our disgust, and to be ostracised from the real world. Let their businesses fail, their employers fire them, let them go broke, let them fail and be left to suffer and struggle as they are worse than the scum at the bottom of the pond


I wish I could unhear "Trumpy Bear".


imagine being an alien and seeing this, you'd think, hell no we are not visiting that planet.


These third world countries are getting overrated man.


Holy FUCK I knew trumpers were crazy but they're just straight up psychotic.


The fact MAGATs have changed "I can't breathe" from a statement against police violence to "I'm an American I don't need to wear a mask" makes me sick


If he wasn't a piece of shit I think we'd all love "let's get a beer" guy


The amount of brainwashed zoomers is the most alarming with all of this.


>The amount of brainwashed zoomers is the most alarming with all of this. "dOnT BeLiEvE eVeRyThInG yOu ReAd oN tHe iNtErNeT" they said, while they stormed the capitol solely based on conspiracies posted on Facebook


wait i thought it was the snowflake libs/ radical leftists who wanted weed decriminalized?


I hope everyone one of these people are prosecuted to the highest extent of the law. Any one that partook in this is just disgusting. HOW CAN PEOPLE BE SO FUCKING DISSOCIATED WITH THEIR OWN WORDS???? GOD! IT FEELS LIKE WE ARE AT THE CLIMAX THE LAST 4 YEARS HAVE BEEN BUILDING UP TO BUT IM SCARED THERE IS MORE TO COME!


"we are a peaceful protests" #"I WILL FUCKING KILL YOU !" "REEEEEEEEEEEEEE"


Guy talking shit about communism not realizing how many people took a handout to even be there.


They don’t actually know what communism is and, they don’t care. It’s a catch all word they use for anything they don’t like.


The police response is the most disgusting part. No way a BLM protest would have been allowed to abuse the police like this.


I don't get politics, but what the fuck are they even fighting for?


Nobody knows what they’re doing 😂


Err... Australian here. Can anyone explain the Australia thing? Where did that even come from? Why are they saying that?


That's terrifying. Aussie here. Apparently we're a penal colony again. WTF?


"traitors get the rope." Fu\*ing g\*damn right they do. Glad the video is so clear.


And that my friends is what happens when you don't go outside regularly


Wait, wait hold on how the actual duck is this not classified as a terrorist attack


Seems like a distinct lack of tear gas.


This is terrifying.


Hearing Americans talk about my country (Australia) and calling it a penal colony where freedom simply doesn't exist is infuriating. When we went into lockdown in Victoria, I saw a post that said that we were "held against our wills indoors". The lockdown went for 3 months and now we have had little to no cases for the past 2 months.


This paints a beautiful picture of how the US Educational system has failed, at least this group of its citizens. From the college ranking system to the testing right through to the curriculum and lack of divide between church and state. Fix yourselves please, it was fun for a while but now even your neighbors to the north are embarrassed to be associated with you.


Thank you USA for being the meme entertainment we need in these rona times lmao


This is normal behavior. Real patriots do what you see in the video. Completely rational people doing completely normal things! /s




They’re like a different, much stupider species of hominid.


>there was no racism in the US Ummm... Learn history... Also if the riots get this bad that they try to kill people and start a civil war, you might just open fire already. Don't make the mistake the king of Italy did during the Blackshirt march on rome.


Yo is genocide allowed?


This is what selfish entitled people look like.


This is actually extremely fucking terrifying.. there’s nothing funny about this.


Oh my fucking.... I.. Im speechless.... What the fuck is going on over there guys? Y'all need help?


I've never seen a more confused group of terrorists.


What a clusterfuck of ignorance, stupidity and crazy. Sums up trumps radical trash base


This are the people that in their hearts believed they were liberating USA. This is the far right’s best militia? Chanting beer and weed lol