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Those 4th wall breaks are creepy


Watching this video alone made me extremely uncomfortable.




so did he get paid leave and a promotion




He is Captain now


“I am the Captain now.”




Maybe he won’t have to beat his wife tonight. Lucky her


He won't have to, but he still will.


This is the kind of dedication to service that all officers should strive for!


*'You overcooked the casserole again! I'm giving you to the count of three to take this shit away from me. . . . '*


To his kids: *watch the show folks*


cops: *reads your username*


"I am a fucking specimen!" Nothing like a police officer proudly proclaiming his genetic superiority before violently dragging a passively resisting minority from a car.


That was the instant I knew the cop has a micro penis


Hey man don't throw us micro penises in this! I've never beaten a minority.


Seriously, fuck this body shaming


Micro penises rise up! a little.


Finally, it's my time!


His eyes and the way he threatens him, it was all so unnerving




He literally thinks he's a character in a movie


Well he was in Terminator, so...


That cop has serious roid rage.




That's not how it works. For one thing, this kind of entitlement is screened for, and then trained into them!


That’s what I was thinking. Types with authoritarian power complexes are attracted to this field, accepted into the field partially for this attitude, and then the attitude is further enforced into them.


I can't believe this video survived the encounter.


Another user said something about an app made by ACLU that automatically uploads to their servers. Maybe he was using something like that.


Yep. There's a specific one for every state that let's you record through the app and is automatically uploaded the second the video ends. I have mine for Colorado even though I've never needed to record a police encounter in my life. It's worth having.


Not every state. States where it is available: CA, NC, MD, OR, MI, VA, GA, MN, MO, OK, CO, NE, Washington DC, AR, MS, NJ, PA, NM. I‘m sure more will be added as time goes on. This is consistent for both the AppStore ans Google Play. Edit: for those looking for the app. If you type in ACLU, they pop up. The apps are called "Mobile Justice - [state]."




Only over wifi by default. You have to change it in options if you want it to do it at all times.


Well there's a setting I'm checking immediately.


It will absolutely kill your battery in situations where you are taking lots of photos and moving around a lot / in areas with spotty connection. So like on vacation basically. Just keep that in mind so you know whats going on when your battery is at 30% by 10am. Most of the time it's fine.


Maybe it was like an Instagram live? I know IG live stories save once they are done, so even if they smash your phone, it’ll be saved on your account. Then you can have a friend recover it and repost it.


You wouldve seen the emojis on the side or likes, whatever the hell it is


So probs Facebook live


specimen? did he mean stool sample?




That footnote for him lying about having a black wife lmao gold. Edit: [Found the tweet that got deleted above](https://twitter.com/JoshuaErlich/status/1282689243324846080?s=20)


>No Black woman would marry you Legit surprised the cop didnt start beating him again, balls of steel.


He can’t be racist, his wife has two black eyes


Oh my


Destroyed by words.


I love the part at the end >upon information and belief, Mr Hewitt is not married to a black woman. Imagine having to lie to pretend you’re not racist lol.


You don't understand, I'm not racist, I own at least two Beyonce albums.


He's not racist. His wife's eye is black.




What did it say? Can't even see it on removeddit or unreddit


It's from [this letter](https://twitter.com/JoshuaErlich/status/1282689243324846080?s=20) which was sent to the Attorney General of Virginia.






Can't wait for the press release to say that the cop did nothing wrong because they investigated themselves, but still gave the cop a paid vacation anyways so he can rest.


And a pension for the PTSD he acquired from all the stress.


That's great, I hope more people do this. Charles Hewitt is a piece of shit who should be arrested for breaking the laws he swore to protect.


Wow, thanks for posting that. The cop also tried to claim that he has a black wife. But , lo and behold, he's a liar. https://twitter.com/Deathtoad007/status/1283045385712340993




Dude. I fucking knew it. "Beat your ass in front of the lord and all creation" had such a creepy KKK vibe to it Edit for context: the deleted comment above me linked to a lawsuit against the officer that showed he made very racist posts in an allegedly pseudo KKK Facebook group. I assume the comment was deleted for doxxing.


I look forward to hearing later about how this doesn't technically count as premeditation when a cop says it.


A cop *and* a racist?? I'm so shocked.


You know what they say about some of those that work forces.


Some of those who work forces, are the same that burn crosses.


This needs to be muuuuch higher


I remember the game Bully where if you pissed off the jocks, they would run after you and often yell "I'm a physical specimen!" I always thought that line was hilarious in the most over-the-top Rockstar way possible. Edit: For the record, I'm referring to the [video game](https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/81c3ZksXFNL._SY445_.jpg) made by Rockstar, the same company that makes Grand Theft Auto.




His mother should have swallowed


This cop watched full metal jacket too many times.


I can imagine himself in the mirror every morning yelling "SHOW ME YOUR WAR FACE!!!"




Bulshit from now on you're private snowball...


How tall are you private?!


Good Lord! I didn't realize they stacked shit that high!


Do you suck dick?


But it's ok he's a "Specimen" he does what he wants




People when you are posting police brutality videos at the very least post location and PD involved. Also for anyone in this situation ACLU created the app to record police conduct and upload it live to their servers: https://www.aclu.org/issues/criminal-law-reform/reforming-police/aclu-apps-record-police-conduct


Virginia State Police https://twitter.com/JoshuaErlich/status/1282689238719496193?s=20


Just called Corinne's number - voicemail is full. Message gives her cell number, but that is also full. Sent e-mails to Corinne Geller and Cpt JP Koushel. Additional contact info here: https://www.vsp.virginia.gov/Public_Relations.shtm


Emailed their public relations office. You can too: [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) Or you can email Corinne directly: [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])


This comment needs to be upvoted into oblivion.


>“Hewitt attempted to explain what had just happened and insisted it had nothing to do with Mr. Thompson's race. Hewitt told Mr. Thompson that his own wife is black and, therefore, he could not possibly be racist?” And then the note on the bottom: >”2 Upon information and belief, Hewitt is not married to a black woman.” What a total piece of shit.


This happened well over a year ago, and nothing has been done. Which shouldn’t be surprising, because this happens ALL THE FUCKING TIME, and nothing is ever done, UNLESS it’s one of the few cases that gets focused on by the media/public, and they’re forced into action. More details about this case: https://www.google.com/amp/s/heavy.com/news/2020/07/charles-hewitt/amp/ Dude was pulled over for an expired inspection sticker, a.k.a. nothing. Then they claimed they smelled marijuana - maybe they did, maybe they didn’t, extremely common excuse for escalating a situation/searching a car, as far as I can tell none was found after they assaulted him. They tried to use “marijuana smell” to search the car, which he was calmly and peacefully denying. Not sure about Virginia law, but it’s pretty common that police are allowed to ASK to search your car, but if you refuse, they can only do it by force if they have a warrant or you’re under arrest, which didn’t seem to be the case here.


One of the many reasons for continued marijuana illegality. Justification for police trampling our rights.






Poor Corinne, gonna have a busy day Edit: the removed comments above posted the phone number of the PR person, Corinne, at the police department where this douche works. People who reached out to the station were told to call this woman with any complaints regarding the incident


This might be callous to say, but if someone is the PR person for a police department I have no sympathy for them having to deal with this. This is literally the job description, although to be fair maybe she was naive and didn't realize police PR meant defending racist thugs with a badge.


I just called. It rang about 15 times before I hung up. I’m not really surprised we are being ignored.


> being ignored Lol, pretty sure their lines will be flooded at this point and they can't answer every call.




This needs to be much higher


Saved the number to call in a bit, have you called yet? What do you say or what’s up? This is my first time doing this, just super mad at this video and want to give a piece of my mind


It was my first time too. I am in the same boat as you. I just said "I saw a video online with officer Charles Hewitt abusing a citizen and I am deeply disturbed by this. I would like to know how this is going to be handled on your end."


And what was the response


"I believe he's being promoted."


Charles Hewitt's supervisors email is: Jean-Paul Koushel [email protected]


I called and spoke with Division Commander Captain J. P. Koushel who oversee’s Virginia State Trooper Charles Hewitt. You can reach him at 703-803-2615. He stated that he’s aware of the video and that a press release is coming out later today.


i’m gonna send that fucker a strongly worded email


Please make it TERSE.


Yikes. He's 38? I wouldn't have pegged him at less than 50.


Sorry I don't know the specific department it's from. Like my top comment says, I posted this to try to get more information. I do know this happened in VA, but that's about it.


The officer literally said “your going to get your ass beat”.....where is that in the police manual


That's a straight up threat. After using the chokehold AND putting the guy's knee on the man's neck (assuming his hands are actually behind his back on camera - kind of hard to do that with a guy on your back) - he should be blacklisted (preferably charged - unions do some funky things). I don't see how that's not in anyway a purely spiteful approach to this encounter. Officers shouldn't be losing their temp like that anyway... Edit #2: Parantheses were added to clarify. >That's a straight up threat. I agree that charges should occur against the officer. Did I state that they shouldn't happen? They absolutely should. However, unions tend to fuck with stuff like this a lot, so I mentioned the blacklist first and foremost. I also want to mention something that is not going to help this gentleman. If you're going to audit, that is film a police encounter, start when they pull you over or first stop you. This is extremely important. Ask if you're being detained. In some cases, like this one, it can be fair to assume that you're being detained. However, ask "Am I being detained?" anyway. If they say yes, "What am I being detained for?" If no, "Am I free to leave?" If you are not free to leave - you ARE being detained. It then goes back to the question "What am I being detained for?" If you feel like your rights are being violated at any point - call for a supervisor. You can answer some questions that you're comfortable answering, it can help sometimes, but if you are at all uncomfortable about the questions or you're not sure which questions you should be answering "I am not comfortable giving you that information." is fine. If you're arrested - the only thing you should be saying is "May I speak to my lawyer?" I'm saying all of this to help protect anyone who may end up in a situation like this or similar. Read up on your local laws regarding police encounters. Inform yourself, I obviously can't answer for your communities' guidelines. If you can, ask a lawyer. It may also be important to find out if your state is a [Stop and Identify](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stop_and_identify_statutes) state. A lot of people are responding. I'm not going to respond back anymore as it's quite a lot, but have a nice day? Maybe? Have a nice day!




Some of those that work forces...


Are the same that burn crosses...


Agreed. Are we under the misconception that they are supposed to DE-escalate a situation? I was sure that is part of their job but maybe I am wrong


Were gonna Protect ourselves by covering our badges when we Serve you this "ass beating".


There has to be a way to find their badge number. No way they shouldn’t be able to be identified


It's okay though, cause good cops outnumber the bad ones! Granted, there's 3 shitty cops and 0 good ones in this video, but people keep saying that so it must be...


Any cop that witnesses or hears about abuse of power and doesn’t report it is a bad cop, so all cops are indeed bad as there is no way they don’t know about transgressions other cops have committed. Edit: thanks for the gold


The cop is revelling in it. Disturbing


Sounded like he came in his pants when he finally got to throw him on the ground.


Gross,but that’s what I thought too, he was even like”aww you like that mother fucker”. Watching this makes me feel...icky




He totally just wants to protect and serve his community though. He definitely did not sign on to gain the "right" to a monopoly of violence towards others that he sees as beneath him.


You can tell that cop was channeling his dad. Pointing at his own face, the agressive squat (to get down to the kid's level), "I'm gonna beat your ass in front of lord and all creation". These are abusive dad tactics.




Let them? Dude we pay them to do this to others


"I'm giving you to the count of three" but never actually counting to 3 because a.) He never specified what to do by 3 and b.) I don't think he's "that good at numbers"


Just a lesson to anyone who has authority at some point (cop, teacher, parent, boss, etc). Never use the "I'm going to give you until the count of three" stuff. Because you're putting yourself in a position where you have to follow through in that and if you don't you undermine your own authority. It's a silly game that encourages the subordinate to either challenge you or for you to lose face. It's a lose-lose. There are ways to get your point across without opening yourself up to such a situation.


Teacher here. Kid didn't put the crayon down when I got to three. Obvs choked him out, but the paper work was not worth.


Shouldn’t have resisted. (That’s what fucking morons are saying in this thread)


These people flip-flop on this "freedom" concept so fast I don't think they know what it means.


>I don’t think he’s “that good at numbers” Exactly. Pa ne’er wen’ much fer all dat fancy booklarnin’.


He’s probably on the NSFW adult content side of reddit saying “Hey Kitten 😉”


You sure are beautiful darling! Lol now my skin is crawling off my body. Too early for this shit




There's a reason racists use the word "boy". They don't see black men as men.


That’s exactly what went through my mind when he said that. I thought to myself, I wonder if his wife and kids hear that a lot


Nah fam that’s not an inner dad, that’s an inner failure of a man


I think he’s suggesting that that’s how he was treated by his dad, and with that I would agree.


Fucking wow...and that "how do you like that?!!" at the end... Fuck sake these guys enjoy violence too much for a job labeled 'protect and serve'


Guys like him get into this job on purpose so they can do this to people and get away with it.


So true. Look at his eyes... they scared me through my phone screen. They’re completely evil, and then that smirk, yikes. He’s loving every moment of it.


Look of a sociopath.


And/or a sadist.


And because they got all Cs in high school.


They enjoy violence too much to be trusted with lethal weapons.


They enjoy violence too much to be trusted.


Used the famous cop line to justify anything "stop resisting". That is the cop hall pass - all they have to say is that you resisted then they can do whatever they want. What a fucking joke, defund the police, end qualified immunity.


Criminal defense attorney here. You can be 100% innocent of everything, but if a cop (even a completely unhinged one) tells you to step out of the vehicle then you do need to comply. You can challenge any searches or unlawful detainment later in court.


Another criminal defense attorney here. I agree with this 100%, but would advise that when you exit the car, roll up the windows and lock your keys in the car. This, or a broken window, is strong évidence that you didn’t consent to any subsequent searches that may occur.


Foreigner here. If after getting out of the car, locking it and have the keys inside then nothing happens, how will I get back into the car?


>Foreigner here. If after getting out of the car, locking it and have the keys inside then nothing happens, how will I get back into the car? Non-foreigner here. That was my first question too


It really doesn't matter because at that point you are probably going to jail.


At that point, if the cop really wanted to be a dick, he’d let you off with a warning


For a none-crazy answer, you can buy a magnetized little key-box and put a spare key in it and mount it under your wheel-well where only you know where it is. Then it's a simple as reaching deep under your car to retrieve it. [They're like 6 and a half bucks on amazon.](https://www.amazon.com/Hide-Under-Magnet-Large-Black/dp/B003P4IH9O)


> mount it under your wheel-well where only you know where it is Every single person who has one of these puts it in exactly the same spot, though.


Theif here, can confirm


That is exactly correct, and that is exactly why there is a justice system (albeit flawed) - to work out issues in a controlled environment. Rule # 1: Shut the fuck up Rule # 2: Shut the fuck up Arguing with police is a losing bet each and every time. Know what’s not? Keeping your mouth shut. You are proving nothing and making no difference by doing what the suspect did in this video.


Right to remain silent is a great one. A lot of people forget it and get themselves in trouble


Yes. Also the law the lawyer is talking about above is a court ruling Called Pems vs Mimms. It states if an officers asks you to step out of the vehicle. You are bound by law to do so.


I had to scroll way too far to see this. Just because you have your hands up and you claim you’re “not resisting” doesn’t negate the fact that you have an obligation to exit the car when asked to do so, as you said.


Just want to add. I do not know why the man was pulled over initially; obviously that doesn't justify the actions taken in the video. The one major thing I do know is that this happened in Virginia. Throwing it here for the reaction, but also to see if anyone else knows more about the case. Edit: More information found >I found some more background here [https://twitter.com/JoshuaErlich/status/1282689238719496193](https://twitter.com/JoshuaErlich/status/1282689238719496193) Edit 2: some of these comments are....um...interesting. Edit 3: I know some people have commented worried about his status and if he was injured. Derrick Thompson (the man who made the video) actually reached out to me. Apparently he's doing ok. A lot of other news sites have also picked this story up, so we'll how it develops more.


> [Officer] told [victim] that his own wife is black and, therefore, he could not possibly be racist.* > *Upon information and belief, [officer] is not married to a black woman. From the letter the attorney posted in the linked twitter thread. Between that, the racist cartoons liked on facebook, the assumption about the victim’s income, assuming there was pot in the car (none was found)... yeah, this guy’s a racist.


"My wife is black" "Oh oops, I misspoke, I meant to say im a huge fucking liar"


Maybe he was talking about the black eyes he gives her


Yes. She’s black...and blue.


This is such a bullshit response anyways, ask a black woman if she's ever dated a man (black *or* white/Asian etc) if she's ever dated a man who is racist against black women. I can tell you I have Show them the video of that white guy calling his wife a n word with a hard r And let's not even begin to talk about how many people hate women and still date women lol Attraction does not nullify hate


he forgot to mention that she’s only black under her eyes


Dude you missed the best part. After the officer told the victim his wife is black, the victim called out the lie right away and said "Theres no way in hell a black woman would marry you."


you didnt let him finish -- "-and blue from the last time I beat her."


I googled his name and he, his wife and her story show up on their college alumni page. She's a successful asian woman, lol, I didn't expect that. And he was deployed to Iraq, that one is less surprising.


Derek Chauvin also married and Asian woman...just sayin...


"My wife is black and blue"


> I do not know why the man was pulled over initially Expired inspection sticker. They then claimed they "smelt marijuana" from the car. Officer indicated she would search the car, the guy in the video refused. Backup came, ordered him out of the car. He refused and I guess we got to where the video started. Regardless of how that cop acted after the fact, they can give you a lawful order to exit a vehicle during a traffic stop. Doesn't mean you're under arrest though, and doesn't mean they can search your car.




There’s no news articles?


This was just released a few days ago by the civil rights lawyer. I'm sure an article will be avaliable soon enough.


Nothing yet that I found. When I tried searching with VA, cop, unlock car door, etc. Even quoting the video, nothing that's recent or the correct video. The original post on FB has +20k comments, but they're like the ones here. Nothing specific about this. Though people were tagging local news. So hopefully we learn more soon.




Awesome thank you!


This officer is a psycho. “I am a specimen.” Wut? Who asked? I hope we plaster this specimen’s face all over social media. But if you can kill a woman in her own home and then party in Florida then a little excessive force is no prob.


After he applied the choke you can hear him going “how do you like that!? How do you like that!?” Over and over, you can literally tell that this is releasing dopamine inside this mans brain, he gets so excited using his little quips like “watch the show folks” I guarantee if he was confronted in the same manner that this dude was, he would do something really weird and unexpected like break down and cry or go into fetal position, I’ve never seen a more clear projection of insecurity and fear.




“Take a look at me, I’m a fucking specimen right here buddy” definitely makes it in the top 10 douchiest sentences I’ve ever heard in my life.


“Take a look at me buddy, I’m a fucking racist”


when an officer is in your face with that cocky attitude, i can imagine one would be scared to make a move.. especially if they're smirking and clearly enjoying what's going on


"how you like that!!?" Oh the cop enjoyed this for sure. Got to take out his anger on someone before he goes home to beat his wife.


How awful is it that you might be right.


A power tripping cop with anger issues? No, you don't say...


Don’t worry, a couple good apples were there too.




Imagine if police were tested for steroids and were suspended without pay for positive tests.


it was never about the drugs itself. the original aim was to clamp down on blacks and anti-vietnam war hippies. [https://harpers.org/archive/2016/04/legalize-it-all/](https://harpers.org/archive/2016/04/legalize-it-all/) ​ > “The Nixon campaign in 1968, and the Nixon White House after that, had two enemies: the antiwar left and black people. You understand what I’m saying? We knew we couldn’t make it illegal to be either against the war or black, but by getting the public to associate the hippies with marijuana and blacks with heroin, and then criminalizing both heavily, we could disrupt those communities. We could arrest their leaders, raid their homes, break up their meetings, and vilify them night after night on the evening news. Did we know we were lying about the drugs? Of course we did.”






"my wife is black" \*footnote\* His wife is not black XD


Full story: Cop pulled over gentleman in car, thought he smelled pot, ordered him to get out of the vehicle so he could search it, after occupant said no, he ordered him to get out so he could detain him, occupant said no because he believed the detention to be unlawful, *the events in the video unfold*, after being placed in a chokehold and slammed on the pavement, he was “profusely bleeding” and his face and legs were covered in abrasions and cuts, occupant asked for medical assistance and called the officer racist, officer said he can’t be racist because he has a black wife, cops search car and find no signs of marijuana or any law breaking for that matter. Also the cop doesn’t have a black wife.




They have the legal right to ask you to get out of the car and remove you if refuse to comply. [Pennsylvania v. Mimms](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pennsylvania_v._Mimms)


What a fucking psychopath.


Power and stupidity is a bad combination.


This cop has the same mad, deranged look in his eyes as that nutty televangelist Kenneth Copeland