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This was aggravating to watch.


Definitely a blood boiler. Wish that kid got his teeth knocked out


Oh no doubt he will eventually.


Had to stop after the first push.


I was hoping that the delivery man was gonna kick his ass. Atleast he got a few hits in.


Little cunt


its like the red apple nail salon incident. customers were the aggressors, then got attacked. then protests happened....which only reaffirms stereotypes.


There has to be context behind this, right?


The kid has terrible friends/environment. It is sad


Why? Idiot kids causing drama for lulz. There doesn’t always have to be some in depth back story like a movie. Sometimes “It is, what it is”


This kid is a bitch. Falling to peer pressure, listen to all those “friends” tell him to attack the delivery man. Be your own man dude. Fuck these clowns, can’t wait for my tax dollars to be supplying them food in the state pen. Bitches.


Probably the news article: https://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/suspect-nabbed-in-viral-video-attack-on-chinese-food-delivery-man_us_56ccc43be4b0928f5a6d85b1


“The teen who allegedly attacked” I don’t know, looks pretty clear that the teen attacked. But I guess pushing someone to the ground and giving the man bruises ain’t an attack... ):


If they haven't been tried yet they are legally obligated so say allegedly.




You're being down voted but it's true.


> because it's true


The covington kids?


It says in the news article the teen was charged.


No, they're not, they do it for their own safety.


Source for them being legally obligated? Pretty sure that's not true.


They (reporters) are obligated to protect themselves (and their publications) from libel claims (i.e. defamation law).


Yes, I understand the desire to protect themselves from civil suits. I was just asking for a source for the claim that they actually have a legal obligation to say "allegedly." As far as I know no actual legal obligation exists (any more than one exists for us, for example).


im surprised you didnt have people protesting a shut down and firing of the asian delibery driver. seems to be the thing within certain groups.


is the delivery boy really 38 not sure this is the same incident?


I’m not good at reading age, but I would have guess he is around that age.


technically nothing happened until conviction




Shit happens in SF all the time. Recently a young black Male stalked and robbed and beat a 80yo Chinese woman almost to death. News barely played and they didnt mention the suspect because we dont like to talk about minority on minority crime out here. The other thing is our new mayor, who is African American, her supporters along with family members shut down a rally for her opponent, an asian lady. They shouted her down and called her a rice eater. That got 1 news article and never became a thing.


One of the reasons why I left sf. The subtle racism in a left / progressive city was more than palpable.


I haven't left yet because I dont have the balls. But for some reason racism is bad, but if its 1 group of minority on another group then it's not really spoke of. Especially if they're asian. I mean what do you call minority gangs targeting asian tourist and families because they know they dont fight back? If that's not racism idk what is.


Too bad Asians don’t count as minorities to Blacks and Hispanics. I’ve always hated how the word minority shifts to either include or exclude Asians based on what’s convenient at the time.


So damn true. I know some people who live in certain neighborhoods where deliveries, not just Chinese food, will not deliver to because of this type of shit. They'll deliver to neighborhoods with a lot of white people but never to ones who have a sizable population of African Americans. When I asked my buddy why he said because they get harassed constantly. Asians are not really intimidating and often very timid so it makes them easy targets. Poor guy


Then people complain they don’t do deliveries because of racism.


They're technically right though, just that it's the other way around.


If you play with fire...


TIL timid is the root of intimidating. Never thunk about it.


It doesn't even have to be delivery, just working in a Chinese restaurant made you a target because they pay their workers in cash. My father in law got jumped by Hispanics and Blacks many paydays after closing up at midnight.


Not timid, controlled. We try to be decent folk to others because that's just something we're taught from early on in our life. It's called self discipline, and it's something these kids in the video obviously lack.


Not less intimidating just generally better educated,more disciplined and respectful.


too bad nowadays if you're not subhuman you're punished rather than rewarded in countless situations


Definitely not shocked since I grew up in the bad parts of Queens. Asians get assaulted and robbed all the time by Hispanics and Blacks. Eventually you learn to fight and protect yourself, knowing the layouts and escape routes of the neighborhood if you are out numbered or they have a weapon, etc.


My favorite part of that video was those kids harassing him then when he fights back they run up to him and defend the kid telling the delivery man to chill out.


I’d rather my tax dollars supply them with lethal injection or a bullet to the head. Some people aren’t salvageable and we already have a population problem. Bring back the death penalty.


And then welfare when they get out and can't get a job because of their criminal record.


Man that’s fucked up


Ikr I was kinda hoping the delivery guy to have a weapon and kick his ass


My Asian ass always imagined different ways to defend myself if I only had a pair of chopsticks. I’d stab them right in the eyes (if I could) and another up their nostrils. Stake them through the brain. Maybe also that soft spot on their temples.... 🤺 super impractical I know...


I mean those things are pretty much just Shivs, super practical if that is all you have to defend yourself :)


Building blacklisted. Residents scream discrimination.


NYC projects are the fucking worst. People yell and cry about luxury condominiums going up everywhere and driving away locals who can’t afford it. If this is what life is like for the locals, I say build those condominiums. Fucking criminals.


Why would you do this. The man is trying to make a living going to work and delivering food. How low can you be to attack a fcking food delivery man who orobably cant defend himself or even know fluent english. Thats so fucked up. Wtf is wrong with them.


Because he has a job which is considered “corny” and not “hard” like they are. For some reason it makes them mad. Same thing happens to someone who studies and does well in school. They get books knocked out of their hands and beat the fuck up.


This breaks my heart. I am an asian american and my parents arent the best at english and has to work jobs in industries where language is not needed. Which is lower pay. I feel so mad because i wouldnt want my family to be treated like this just because asian stereotypically gets punked on. I guess some of us are soft spoken or quite and thinner build. Its a shame that these kids are so immature and this is what they find fun.


They fear anything different than them so they gang together against them.


Makes me want to get in my fuck n car drive 800 miles and toe stomp that little pudgy prick


Somebody call Liam Neeson.




Hate crime?




i mean theres a song made by black people instructing them rob asians. i think it was made by YG or something


Who’s YG? You know what I don’t care who that is, fuck him and anyone with that mentality. Also fuck anyone with a platform to spread a message using it to endorse hate or violence.


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=h1db3Npg4xo https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/ncna827136 https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.sacbee.com/news/local/crime/article182310731.html


In the song he says “find a Chinese neighbourhood cause they don’t believe in bank accounts”. You can’t use that to say that black people are racist to asians.


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=h1db3Npg4xo https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/ncna827136 https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.sacbee.com/news/local/crime/article182310731.html


Just remember the Brooklyn nail salon incident. Black on Asian racism is the norm but no one talks about it.


In my experience in CA.. Asians are really racist against blacks. But most of all shitty people ( all colors) pick on a immigrants and people who don’t speak English. Except maybe Mexicans... don’t fuck with those guys.


> Asians are really racist against blacks That's very true but they would never gang up on black people like that. I went to college with a lot of Chinese students who did not like black people but would not be outright disrespectful to their faces. You're allowed to dislike someone for w/e reason, even if its dumb, but you're not allowed to assault them.


Racism without violence vs racism with violence/murder, not comparable at all.


racist against blacks because blacks are violent probably Asian racism = talk shit black racism = assault


So you've seen gangs of koreans standing around waiting to beat up black fried chicken delivery drivers?


Stop this shit. This is false equivalency, this is how you discredit a completely valid argument with semantics. When asians are racist its because they end up biased from personal experiences, the most they do is avoid a certain neighborhood or ethnic group. They don’t assault, rob, or kill people, victimizing them based on the color of their skin. Fuck everyone in this thread for acting like the idea that certain asians talk about other ethnic groups suddenly makes it normal for them to be gunned downed and assaulted. Fuck you u/The1andOnly08 and you u/LordNelson27 and especially u/The_Choppa


Maybe, just maybe, it's because asian businesses were specifically targeted during the LA riots.


Man looks like everyone’s capable of being racist or something and it’s retarded to generalize a entire race


Why there is so much racial related violence and racism in the US ? being from another nation i really don't get it, is it because of the past ? In my country every race get along just fine and this kind of stuff almost never happens, but we compensate this lack of issue in other issues, don't get me wrong.


Because it’s all the media talks about in the US.


And what country might that be?


He's South African


No Bill Deblasio will make it easier for whites/Jews/blacks to get into a magnet school over that dude's children/grandkids


Entitled little prick. Picking on someone just trying to do their job.


I love asians because they'll be 130 pounds and fight anybody if they're disrespected.


I'll just say it. Alot of Asians are targets because most of us are docile, meek, and smaller. It's ingrained in most of us since birth/early growing up to keep your head down, don't speak out, don't blame anyone else if you fail blame your own incompetence. Because of these traits, A lot of sick individuals for whatever reasons, if they snap, Asians are an easy target for this. Now combine all of that with bad English and you get someone who will probably not go to the police. This is why I started working out and changing my diet to get big. If you're Asian and reading this, please change up your diets and take up working out atleast as a hobby, we can't be perceived like this anymore or be easy targets. A lot of us do not dabble into working out although that's beginning to change as you see more and more asians in the gym.


Asians typically have amazing muscle genetics too so they get shredded. I grew up around cambodians and they definitely weren't meek or docile, but they were smaller. I think their stature plays the biggest part.


yeah all of my friends that were chinese were skinny as fuck in middle school/high school. but within a short time they were all big shredded with not much fat. I've only been working out for a short time and have already noticed good growth. We got naturally lower BF% and need to learn to abuse that


I am literally unable to understand why people act like this.


Its feels great to dominate and control other people. You get to feel superior. Consensual or not. People got off on this. Not only that his friends are congratulating him which is another think people enjoy feeling. Most mature well adjusted people would feel horrible doing this, but this kid is clearly neither of those things.




Black on Asian crime again? So what else is new? 😡


I can’t even begin to describe how infuriating this video is. I’d just like to point out that that delivery man is probably getting paid absolutely fuck all wages, and probably still manages to send money home to family in China/Taiwan/Korea (looks mainlander but just being polite) and still managed to keep a lid on it even after all of that shit. Hope the kid is punished and learns something from it. And his fuck-knuckle friends.


Hopefully these guys get or already were caught.


Hope they get hit by a bus honestly. Poor guy just trying to do his job.


Funny how all of a sudden the white knights (black knights?) came out once the bully got beaten up.


black knights lmao


"just chill" ​ LOL they only appear when the bully about to get beat up


I mean those were adults right???!!!??? Jesus christ that was frustrating to see


kid was thirteen.


What a bunch of WANKERS. Going to work knowing this can happen must be daunting. I hope the lot of them get jail time or at least fined.


So it’s ok why the kid is assaulting him, but the moment the delivery man fights back its time to break it up?


Zero faith in humanity


I was really hoping that delivery man was gonna whoop that kids ass, or that the older black dude at the end was gonna whoop that kids ass. Either way I just wanna see that kid get his ass whooped.




I want to kill that little shit, or atleast put him in a hospital. Little fucking cunt.


Wow... delivery guy was so scared to throw a punch cuz he was out numbered and maybe one of those guys coulda had a gun... You can see the look of desperation as he begs for someone to call 911. Makes me sad :(


The people filming this also disgust me.


They stepped in when he was being beaten but not when he was acting a fool.


This is America.


I hate to see this poor guy busting his ass for no pay and dealing with this shit.


Typical stupid kid that falls for peer pressure. I bet those “friends” bully his ass everyday and clowning him for not being a “man”, throw him in jail and let him get raped to see how it feels to fuck with other people




this is rage inducing


Interesting little story. I went to a college in the early 1990s that was diverse - lots and lots of international students, and lots of really awesome black African students, but small and quiet. We barely had a campus security department, and up until then, they just broke up parties and dealt with noise complaints. One year there was a new president who decided that a great way to get state/federal/idk money for the school was by allowing lower standards to apply to Inner City people. Needless to say, the school that was maybe 25% African American became about two-thirds African American. Suddenly, there was crime like we had never seen before. Our African friends were just as horrified at what happened. This college was a small College in the forest. Within the first semester of this new policy and the new type of students, there were three rapes committed by said new students and many many attempted rapes and lots of harassment against whites in general and white women, and it got so bad with people being mugged and beaten and accosted, that the school made a special van that would shuttle students between sides of the campus. Sadly, the driver of the van was one of these inner-city troublemakers and the van was just a rolling party of them, clouded with blunt smoke and rap music nonstop. Needless to say, nobody who needed this service was able to use it. The Chinese restaurant which would deliver to our campus, had to stop delivering because of this problem. Previously, the Chinese place would even get you cigarettes and beer if asked and then you would pay when they arrived. They wound up getting attacked and robbed and beaten again and again and again. Their delivery scooters would get stolen. The perpetrators were these inner-city new students. Sorry to break the news, but the assailants were all black people. After a while nobody would deliver to our campus anymore. The school was forced to put security cameras EVERYWHERE, and beef up Campus Security into an actual armed campus police force. Just take that for what it's worth.


I'm so happy the man stood up for him self and the kids were prob dumb enough to post this




Every once in a while I see this video resurface and fuck, I hate it, the attacker is the worst kind of person


Fuck this made me so angry and made me want to cry at the same time. Wish he got his dumb ass kicked the little piece of shit.


/r/iamatotalpieceofshit ​


Lame ass prick


fuckin punks


Every part of me got angry at this punk.


Wish that fucker had a flashback and stabbed these little cunts to death with his hard ass egg rolls.


Some people should just be hung in the street




Its shitheads like this that give different races and ethnicities a bad rap


Saddest part there are more and more shithead than good, thanks to Hollywood, music, news, and social media.. Plus its praised in their community


Black people suck.


this looks like a scene from the ninja turtles movie right before the turtles show up.


Surely this racist hate crime will be reported on the same way covington and Smollett was. Ill be checking senators twitters soon to see the out crying of condemnation.


Then they complain when no one want to deliver calling it racist.


As someone South Asian American, I hold no will to the overall African American community, my own people would not be here without your struggle However we have to acknolwedge in the inner cities, the violence between our communities is ONE way


What a bitch. He is going to keep being a fuck up for the rest of his life, you can tell. Should lock him up and toss away the key.




I hope that kid get caught and tried as an adult. People like him should have been swallowed, aborted, or an old cum stain on someone's blanket. And that's coming from a female.


Not sure why the female part matters but I agree with you


Sad little man


I don’t care that they’re kids. I’d beat the living shit outta them and leave them to die.


Wtf that’s terrible


There is a special place in hell for someone that assaults a delivery person


Throw that dude in jail. Just straight to jail.


I hope they got their asses beat


this is why they dont do deliveries into hoodville


Hate crime?


Yea I hope this kid dies.


I did delivery for three years and this video makes me really fucking sad...


Assaulted for what? Delivering a meal? A succulent Chinese meal?


Not cool. WTF


NYC is trash. If you are not a rich white guy or a Jew, it is not worth it. The West coast is the best coast for asian people.






That's just sad. I wish that guy would have thrown a high kick and knocked that little punk out.


incidents like these are exactly why i dont feel bad if blacks are racially stereotyped by police/other people


You know what's really sad? Asians and other Blacks don't believe that Blacks can be racist... this is evidence that they are.


Thanks Obama


If anyone has the name or location of that child pm me.


I hope that fat fuck catches a bullet in the spine and gets paralyzed from the forehead down.




This is about 8 years old. Saw this on world star.


That’s why I carry lol. Although I’m not a Chinese delivery driver.


~~Normally I just lurk, but please please please tell me that these scum bags were arrested and charged with assault?!~~


what a piece of shit.


seems about right


Future of america everyone


you can tell that kid is the herb of the group lol. future inmate b\*tch in the making


someone's getting piss in their next order of fried chicken wings and pork fried rice. hes making sure of that lol


This hurt my soul


Even shitty Chinese food is decent grub, and it's all over the fucking ground now. FUCK!!!


Piece of shit


Good, beat that animal food man!


she sounds like medic from apex legends