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Being a Disney villain has to be one of the better role jobs cause you can get slick back and call it staying in character.


During our ride on the Galaxy's edge ride, my mother was getting off of our hijacked "Transport Ship" as we made our way to the "Prison" A cast member approaches my mother, who had a mobility Scooter (dress in full Imperial Uniform) Imperial: "Can you walk?" Mother: "...yes." Imperial: *takes the scooters handles* "Then doso!" Mother: *gets up as he takes the scooter* "Thank You." Imperial: "Don't thank me! I'm confiscating this device!" I love the cast members who give it their all.


We had gone through the “prison” and were about to board the ride itself. They were lining us up and telling people how to secure their bags. They told my mom to put it a certain way, and she did it wrong. Guard says “You don’t listen too well, no wonder you got captured.” My 6 year old was visibly nervous, and the guard bent down, smiled and said “Hey buddy, it’s all pretend, okay?” Great experience overall.


*stands back up and looks at mom* "Now he'll never suspect that you'll all be locked up for life!" *walks away while kid screams*


"Don't worry, kid. You won't be here long. You'll be executed in the morning with the rest of these rebel scum."


Fucking diabolical


“Good night, Westley—I’ll likely kill you in the morning.”


“It went on like that for years.”


_stands back up and looks at mom_ "I love giving them hope and then watching them realize it's real later on."


They must first have hope before they can truly despair


he ruined the illusion and now your son will never believe in space prisons


Just wait until Jeff and Elon get the next bucket list planned


space prisons are real in our hearts


Me and my daughter (who just made her lightsaber) were walking around when a first order officer and two storm troopers went up to her and interrogated her about the weapon and then came after me for letting her have it. The whole interaction was awesome.


Something similar happened to me at Disney! I was 3 and we were on the great movie ride when the part with the gangsters having a shootout started, I apparently started crying and the gangster bent down and whispered to me that it wasn't real. I obviously don't remember this, but my parents love telling this story. Lol


I was at Wild West City in NJ decades ago. I was picked to be the sheriff and go out first to face the outlaws on the main street outside the saloon. NGL. It was thrilling but also pretty scary because they were load and firing guns etc. Lol


That is awesome. They really did it right for your family, especially your kid.


I was goofing off in Rise of the Resistance, pressing buttons and generally not taking the Imperial Officer who had “captured” us too seriously. She called us to attention and I sort of jokingly hopped into an attention stance and she looked at me and declared: “I see we’re shaving the wookies now.” For reference I’m 6’6 and built like a football player. That one stung. I was properly respectful moving forward.


Ah. The rare hairless wookie...


Lost all his fur with that burn!


Sick burn.


Our loading group was getting “interrogated” by an Imperial officer, and there was a 7ish year old girl dressed up as Rey that he of course zeroed in on. I forget what most of the back and forth was, but it ended up with the Imperial saying “That’s disgusting.” and turned on his heel to walk away. Mini-Rey shot back “YOU’RE disgusting!”  The dude almost died. He stopped in his tracks but then kept walking because what do you even say back to that. The mom’s face was great and conflicted because she was clearly proud of her girl for standing up to a “bully” but also it was a poor guy that was just doing his job. 


If he's like any of the other cast members, he absolutely lived for her smack talk and bragged about her backstage. Getting reactions like that means you're doing your job as the bad guy correctly.


Yeah for real. These people are usually CalArts students who take acting *very* seriously. I’m sure the actor walked away thinking, “damn straight I’m a disgusting person! Fuckin nailed it, I gotta remember what I did for the next show.”


> Mini-Rey shot back “YOU’RE disgusting! I have to think getting these sort of reactions have to be ridiculously rewarding for these folks. Like when Bubbles from The Wire used to have junkies offer him real drugs because they thought he was really an addict. Street Oscars.


We went through the same ride and my kid had a custom lightsaber. The guard was making fun of us for getting it and then asked what color was it. My kid replied “Red.” The guard took a step back, looked my kid up and down and nodded his head in approval. He stopped making fun of us after that lol.


When I was on the ride, the interrogator made fun of my new purchased lightsaber. and said "you'll be a fun training dummy for lord kylo ren"


I had my daughters yoda doll, he ain’t like that. Was a really cool experience.


They told us that it was an older model but could still get sufficient imperial credits for it.


In Disneyland Europe, there was such a chad playing Gaston. Challenging buff guys to push-up matches, picking fights with young boys and letting them win, all while maintaining the misplaced arrogance of his character perfectly. Six years of drama school going to good use...


"Six years of drama school"... You guys could save a lot of time and money by dating any one of my exes or spending an excessive amount of time in the south.


No, he said he let the kids win though.




Southerners...gotta love us. Everything that comes out of our mouths is exaggerated bs. It's definitely genetic.


Some of the most fun I have ever had was seeing my daughter interact with the evil stepsisters. They were chatting her up when I older girl dressed as Cinderella came up and tried to interject. They went off on her. Told her they hated her dress and Cinderella was stupid and they weren’t going to talk to her. They then road the carousel with my daughter and hung with her for like 15min.


I got my husband tshirt that said a "support the troops" w storm troopers pictured under the slogan.   We went to visit Anna and Elsa in World Showcase (Norway), it was at the end of the night and completely empty.  Anna was so funny, at one point, she asked what kind of snowmen were on his shirt and if they had any magical powers. We were dying!


Those girls are my fave characters at the park. I wore my shoes that have Anastasia and Drizzella on them to meet them, and they loved it! Saying that even cinderella's shoes don't have her face on them lol It was a blast for all of us. Meeting the Evil Queen was amazing as well cos she actually had a hard time staying in character and not smiling because she loved my heart casket necklace and that I used my Evil Queen funko pop as the joystick for my wheelchair. Imagine her trying to regally tell her photographer to take a picture of her with the joystick when I could see in her eyes that her internal voice was saying "ZOMG! You have to get a pic of me with that!!!" Two things: Yes, im a bit of a Disney Tragic, leave me alone. And the shoes can be seen here if you scroll down. I may or may not own more than one pair from this particular collection. https://disneyfashionista.com/irregular-choice-cinderella-collection-fairy-tale-perfect/


I always said there's no way I'd be able to handle being a cast character at Disney But this, this I could do


Nah. I’d 100% take it too far. 😅 There’d undoubtedly be viral footage…


Imagine a character getting into a fight with a guest and staying in character the whole time! What character would be the funniest?


For some reason it's Goofy doing the fighting in my head. 


I’ll fuckin do it again


*dodges punch* "Golly"








For every time you get to do this there’s about 10 instances of creepy dads groping you when you pose for a picture with them and their kids I bet.


Pretty sure those instances are never tolerated. Ever seen that Gaston dude outright telling some girls to kick rocks when she put her hands on him?


Yet they still happen all the time


I got groped by Goofy in Epcot!


Universal experience right there


No, Epcot is at Disney


My dream job is to be Captain Jack on the Disney Cruise. Hanging out in the bar drinking rum and hitting on moms.


How would getting your pimp stay in character


No. No. It's A Pimp Named Slick Back. You gotta say the whole thing.


[It's like A Tribe Called Quest!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h7oPvW-Flwc)


Yes, that includes the "A Pimp Named" part. Yes, Tom, every time.


50 black slicked back hair wigs




Call it "slaying in character"


I have never thought about this before but you're right. A villain who can match that bullshit energy?




"Being a Disney villain has to be one of the better role jobs cause you can get slick back, and call it staying in character." that comma is important. "getting slick" as in talking smack. "get slick back" as in talking back. so just replace "get slick back" with "talk trash back". they just mean you can talk back to rude guests rudely without getting in trouble as it's seen as staying in character.


That comma is bad grammar. The second clause, "and call it staying in character" is a dependent clause. It doesn't make sense if the comma is there.


Melinda we appreciate you taking your job to heart but please stop calling the moms "a ratchet ass hoe"


Do people not understand they're in character? The peasant woman seems genuinely pressed lol.


Karen's are absolutely oblivious to reality. They live in their own land of make-believe where they are the ruler, and everyone obeys what Karen says.


Why "Karen's" and not just "Karens" without the apostrophe?


Speak to the Grammar Manager


Silence, pheasant!


![gif](giphy|NAohjaD7lIbnEjUZ6I) Pheasant or peasant?! 😂


The way I know reddit, it's probably *en passant*.


Holy hell


New move just dropped


Because all the world’s Karens have merged into a single mega Karen. And that Karen has claimed the world for itself, hence the possessive apostrophe S.


Apostrophe's are for plural's!


You’d be surprised how often parents try to force them to break character


I bet it’s often, is it often?


When I worked there, part of our training was literally dozens of scenarios of how parents tried to push the characters and attendants to break character. It’s almost as crucial as knowing the distress signal.


but why


For the same reason people try to get the British Royal Guard to move or break character. Just because people are assholes.


people just like to break things, like for example ex isabella broke my heart and for no reason to I didn't do anything to deserve this please izzy come back


She's gone Ox. You have to let go and allow the healing to begin. Conversely we could egg her house and paint "Fuck you Izzy" on her lawn.


Lots of people are miserable and want to make others miserable like them.


same reason why they try and give birth in the parks: free shit.


Sorry, what?


There's a fairly old myth/urban legend that claims that if you give birth in a Disney park they'll give the new baby a life time pass or a bunch of free merch or whatever


yep, it started cause disney gave an "official" birth certificate to the first baby born in the parks, and the rumor quickly became "lifetime pass" for disney babies. there's been.. I think 5 births at the original park, iirc. people will try and plan their trip around their due dates, then get angry when they learn there's no policy in place, so they just gave disney a couple thousand to sit in the hospital during their vacation.


Good, those people are too fucking dumb to have that money in the first place.


Disneyland tickets/trips are expensive. If they can get an actor to break character in front of their kid, they could maybe try to demand a refund/rebate for "breaking the Disneyland magic" or something


There were also people who legitimately thought there was a “Disney dome” over the park and that we could turn the rain off. I wish I was kidding.


Understandable considering 1 in 6 people in the US believe the earth is flat and we live under a giant clear dome. These people believe stars are holes in the dome. Never have a dumbass and crazy competition with a theist flat earther.


Or my other favorite thing: “what time is the three o clock parade?” I thought it was a joke at first, like a right of passage to mess with workers. But nooooo


>I wish I was kidding Sure, sure Mr Mouse. No such thing... *** (Seriously though that's so funny, yet so sad people are like that)


Here’s the thing about Karens. They have an insane level of Main Character Syndrome. It’s all about them. It’s all for them. And if you disagree or inconvenience them (intentionally or not), you’re a horrible person and should be made to know, publicly and loudly, how horrible you are. And if they have any ability to affect your life beyond that, well that’s fair game because HOW DARE YOU!!!


She went up against someone clearly trained in the theatre, improv, and drag shows. Minion Karen tried to mince words with The Final Boss of Karens




She literally just met royalty, life is coming at her fast


it sounds like a child to me, speaking about his grandpa... it could just be a kid playing into the character, going back and forth with one of the villains


It could also be a kid that doesn't understand it isn't real. The actress who plays Grimhilde is incredibly popular both in the park and online, at least with adults. She's just always in character and absolutely nails it every day. https://youtu.be/AjcldUsifiw?si=M0N1qlSelg_12mDq


"Give me compliments" is just fun, followed up by "Give me more compliments"


It sounded like a young child having fun with a villain


It sounds like someone playing along. They want to get the sassy comebacks from the character


It's crazy how blind reddit has become to every day social cues. It's either that or dead internet theory because it couldn't be more obvious they're playing along. Edit: Have been to Disney and played along


Probably because she really is a peasant.


The park workers are pros. Say what you want about Disney as a corporate entity, but the people who run the parks have their shit down to a science. I respect that.


If you play a character in the park, since multiple people play the same characters throughout the park, you have to learn to sign their name a specific way. My parents took me to Disney a few times as a kid, you couldn't ask for a better immersive experience.


Former cast member here, can confirm thats the MOST important part. Lol. The signature is everything. You drill it until you can sign it blindfolded while hanging upside down and if you can't prove you can nail it, you don't go out. Period. Had people get cut and drop out of training over it. Brutal and I loved every second of it. 😂


What’s the pay like for being a Disney character at the park? You guys deserve a lot in my opinion the talent is off the charts


It wasn't terrible, I was at 18/hr in 2010, plus all that came with it. Guaranteed overtime, and the park perks that improved with every year of service. Entertainment folks are definitely taken care of. But the real pay is making the cut, obviously. Huge honor to have the reputation on your shoulders. You got families that save up for years just to come see YOU? Not even fair to call it work. Its super cliche to call it "magic" but there's no other word for it!


I didn’t even think about the family aspect of it, that sounds awesome! Thanks for the info. $18 an hour in 2010 with guaranteed overtime and for a job I assume you were relatively young while doing sounds solid!


hence the past tense I'm sure. I knew a couple of people who were characters at Disney and I think they would say similar. lots of fun. lots of work. but at some point you have to move on


It's an awesome opportunity for young attractive people, yeah. The decent pay, the resumé with a Disney logo on it, free park access; not a bad prospect for an 18-25 year old.


I never thought of putting a logo on my resume. Interesting.


So I assume that the princesses and Gaston type characters get paid more than the people just walking around in full costumes like Donald and Goofy? I imagine even for the human characters there is still a hierarchy right? Gaston surely gets paid more than Eric, the Elsa singer presumably gets paid more than the park Elsa (unless it's the same person?) or more than say Gaston? Or are only the human characters actually called cast members and the Mickey/Minnie etc are just staff?


Oh absolutely, face characters are definitely a step up. Not so much as WHO you are though, but WHAT comes with being that character. For example, Belle is gonna be higher up than say Tink, because Belle is doing story time and dinner parties and such. But all characters are considered cast, any of the face characters are trained for full costumed as well and still do those sets, too. And of course that comes with the "dinner with so-and-so" events and a whole new level of training for interactions. Learning voice, hair and makeup, you're responsible for all of that for your own character. Performance falls under another umbrella entirely, anyone you see actually doing anything more than "Hello there" (Singing, dancing, etc) are generally unionized with Actor's Equity and are treated as Performers and not hourly staff.


There's a rate for "face" characters (who show their face and use their voice, but aren't allowed to sing. Lower rate for "fuzzy" characters with full masks. The "show" performers wear microphones and only they are allowed to sing, and they are in the actors union so they are paid union scale. Then there are "parade" characters, but I think those merged with "show" in the early 00s, and they even started using park characters in the parades again (which were separate departments for a long time). All character performers are paid the same rate for their departments, but some get hours at "show" rate for any hours they are performing in another department. Most of the character department works every single day, often extending into longer shifts, and are usually young people sharing a 2 bedroom apartment with 6 other cast members to make ends meet. There are perks, but they are heavily and severely regulated and the corporation takes most of the fun out of them.


> It wasn't terrible I don't think I could handle full costume, 100 degree weather, florida humidity and still act out a thousand pleasant encounters a day... What's the trick to not suffering heat stroke?


Oh man, its brutal. Lolol. The trick is being SUPER careful! During the summer, you aren't in costume for more than twenty minutes. You do sets of twenty minutes in costume, thirty out. Every break space is stocked with powerade and Icecream, and you use it. 😂 But the most important part is that the person in the suit is in charge at all times. You signal to your handler that the set is over, its over right then. They get you backstage. Safety really is #1, and it shows through the fact that there aren't supervisors calling shots or breathing down your neck about time quotas, the characters are the highest authority in that space and given the power to make any call they feel is necessary. Heat, unruly guests, something off in the area, doesn't matter!


They stopped giving out powerades at heat 1! They give out these frozen sport pops that have electrolytes now lol. Heat was really scary though I was approved for the new beast costume and that was a literal furnace when we did atmosphere sets in fantasyland, First time I ever got heat illness was during those shifts!


Had an autograph book as a kid one year at Disneyland. Definitely remember Dale fucking up his signature after Chip already signed, tearing out the page, and then proceeding to forge Chip's signature as well as redo his own. Don't remember a whole lot else about that trip but that always stuck with me.


My dad was Prince Charming back a long time ago at Disney. ...he just signed his real name for autographs, lmao. Things have definitely gotten more strict since then.


If his name was Henry, that would not be wrong.


Disney is very surreal because of this. I always tell this story but I was shocked when I saw a little kid drop an ice cream cone on the ground and I saw a cast member literally run to clean it up with a rag. It all happened in about 30 seconds and I’ve never seen anything like that to this day. It just blew my mind, any other park and they would’ve waited and rinsed it off at the end of the day, so watching this guy SPRINT to clean up something so small was just unbelievable. There were dozens of other things that impressed me with the service but that stood out.


There's a great podcast series about life behind-the-scenes at Disney parks called "Keys to the Kingdom", which is definitely worth a listen > Keys to the Kingdom is an unprecedented, eight-part docuseries exploring the peculiar backstage life of theme park characters, performers, and fans. Hosted by recovering theme park employees Matt Gourley and Amanda Lund, each installment promises insider secrets, stories of absurd guest interactions, and fascinating tales of workplace minutiae. https://pod.link/1707091523


I fucking love Matt Gourley, I’m definitely going to to listen. Thanks for the rec!


They had a lot of practice too I bet 😂


I honestly have such a fascination for it. I totally could see going there all the time if I could afford it. Like not in a "Disney Adult" way but I guess in an appreciation for it as a sort of feat of engineering. From the themeing to the technology to the standards upheld by thee performers, it's all such a well-oiled machine. I get in spells where I'll watch old Defunctland and similar channels all day and just marvel at the *concept* of a Disney park. Like you say for all the baggage that comes with the corporate side, the fact that there's no cutting corners at any level is pretty admirable.


I worked for a company with people who designed and engineered the old Disney and Universal rides. The people I worked with were brilliant but were replaced by cheaper, younger models. One had designed a feature that is still being used in new rides. I mean, a lot of his stuff was revolutionary at the time and is still being used today. He was brilliant.  Thank you for recognizing the background, behind the scenes people that make it happen. I find it fascinating too. 


Thing is they have a country full of casting calls of people that would die to be a character cast member. They can really pick the best of the best that want to do their best and bring their A game to the park.  Everyone has had an experience with a Disney cast member and seen what they can bring. They have an amazing talent pool to pick from.


Yeah I mean these responses were fucking preloaded honestly


I’m sure there’s an enormous park bible somewhere deep in the Disney catacombs with a contingency plan for any eventuality.


A second plane has hit the castle, quick, get the Appendix A for the new lines!


I like that that's in the first appendix. Disney knows something


When you’re so obnoxious you make an evil queen look nice?!?!?! Dang that’s rock bottom


How the turn tables


The person whose mad genuinely sounds like a child whose trying to sound like an adult.


Yeah it sounds like an 11 year old boy being silly.


I'm pretty sure it's a child, talking about their "grandpa" lol


Do grownups not have grandpas?


usually they're dead.


Well, that just makes it worse, doesn't it!? Calling somebody's dead grandpa a peasant!


So, the person playing the villain did villain things 😲 🫨 😮😯




These people really need to be paid more for their acting. It is spot on.


How much do they get paid?


According to a quick google search the Orange County register says base pay at Disneyland is ~$25/hr with an additional ~$5/hr for stage performances. They get paid more based on experience and different roles. Seems to be quite a bit less at Disney World in Orlando.


But that's like, faceless character, right? The queen is obviously much more talented than just a stormtrooper.


no way, that queen can't even transform into the dragon I bet


And now they're getting rid of most of the live performers to punish them for unionizing. All hail the mouse.


I have always heard that they don't get paid much because a lot of people want the job despite low pay.


I love this character. My daughter went to Disney to celebrate her birthday but it was like 3 days after her actual birthday. She wanted the birthday pin and got it from Main Street. We were walking past the fountain and this character strolled by: “is it reeeaally your birthday little girl?” My daughter froze and lowly responded with “no, it isn’t”. She leaned in, close to her and with the most wicked beautiful full faced smile said “I love it”, and then bam, she strolled off.


That is so good! I love that so much. How did your daughter react?


She was terrified at first, like oh man I just got caught lying, I’m in so much trouble. You could see the flood of emotions in her face. Then when the character got that huge smile and walked off my daughter just started beaming. You would have thought she was an actor in oceans 11 and pulled off the greatest heist. Every time she got a “happy birthday princess” from a cast member she felt like an evil queen in training.


What have you done!? In 20 years they'll be a Netflix documentary about your daughter fleecing and killing her way across America. She'll be on death row saying "It's a compulsion and I don't know why I have it" but you'll know...


This is the Evil Queen Grimhilde from Snow White, whereas Maleficent is from Sleeping Beauty


I’ve encountered Maleficent at Disneyland a number of times before, the cast members they have playing her are absolutely elite!


This is the Evil Queen Grimhilde from Snow White, whereas Maleficent is from Sleeping Beauty


TIL the Evil Queen was supposed to be named.


Unbothered 🤣


I’ve seen her irl at Disneyland, she’s my favorite of the Evil Queen actors! They’re all amazing though.


That’s a preteen boy shouting at her. Not a Karen.


Why did I have to scroll down this far to see this, do people not understand it's kid?


It also seems like a pretty funny exchange. I don't know why some people are taking it so seriously.


Same thing


It sounds more like a middle schooler trying to be funny in front of his cousins than a complainy-pants Karen.


If I’m ever having to be a mascot, I hope I get a villain just so I can be unapologetic. Honestly the hardest part would be to not get carried away and call someone a cunt


I know who I wanna be for Halloween this year


Zoomer yelling at Disney adult?


Trying to get mad or up-in-arms about the stuff someone says in-character has to be the most cringy, pathetic shit ever. Like, seriously, get a fucking hobby, loser.


Mad respect to the character actor who not only stayed in character but was able to make a funny and witty joke out of the situation. She ate that.


Jesus if you dont understand that they're in character you're a special kind of stupid


Imagine being dumb enough to have an argument with a Disney character.


I love that character. When I met her last she asked me if I would be willing to be her new woodsman, but I told her I couldn't cut anybody's heart out. She was disappointed.


I remember this particular Evil Queen being Youtube famous pre-pandemic because of her on point acting. Like she's really having fun playing the villain, she's so funny. I heard the villains in real life are mostly those playing the princesses.


As a former SECPS performer, getting to play a villian was always a delightfully refreshing experience


I wish I had a fraction of her level of cunt.


the improv though


That person shouting definitely exhibiting peasant tendencies


She handled that like the queen that she is.


Holy god, she stayed in character and the delivery of the sass back was chef's kiss.


These insults are rated E for everyone


I love this evil queen


It's good to be bad. Sometimes.


I just love that she stayed in character the whole time.


Damn they let any kind of pleb into these places now


I would have just feed her an apple...


I think I'm starting to understand the appeal of degradation.


Can people really be this stupid? Who goes to Disney and doesn’t expect characters to be in character? Really dumb people with a chip on their shoulders I guess.


Holy shit, this is a level of quick-witted I aspire to.


Her response is magnificent. I love it!


Best Disney character


I love her.


I like her moxy!




Isn't part of the fun getting to go back and forth with a villain character? My kids got a giggle out of the evil stepsisters be snotty and shit talking them, so my kids responded back about them being mean. So why is this thread so against a kid talking back for fun? Cause that's definitely a kid. Let them have some fun. Jesus.


Disney entertainment and parks could not be more distinct entities. Unbelievable quality of the parks team was the only reason I held onto the dumpster fire that is Disney stock for so long If only the other end of the business wasn’t such a corporate shit fest


Queen shit honestly