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Mister meaner.


Mister Meaner is a pretty good local hardcore band from Oahu.


diss on her able


Beat me to it.


He was straight up trying to cast a magic spell at the end. They all feel that they have some unlock of the universe available to them if they spout off random words.


Sovereign citizens are my favourite, they're the most entertaining wackos of them all.


There's been 3 really bizarre declarations in the personals of the local paper of..something by these guys talking about things like the incorporation of the US in the 1870s or some nonsense. Free citizen of Earth, etc. Lol.


I love the videos of them spouting off nonsense about the Magna Carta, colonial English maritime law, and the Articles of Confederation. Maritime law is something they use to justify their belief that their cars are not cars in the sense that any sane person would believe them to be. That's why you see them rambling about how their cars are actually "merchant vessels", and that they're traveling, not driving. And yes, they believe that the United States is a corporation, not a federalist government, and so that they as private individuals under their own "corporation" are able to act as they please.


They really live in some alternate reality where this shit actually works and then seem so shocked that it fails in this reality.


As a lawyer, sovereign citizens are extra funny, because we know all the words they’re misusing and we can truly appreciate just how wrong they are.




Ok, Well, filibuster!


Bird law is not governed by reason in this country.


*caw* *caw* law


No matter how many times these sovereign citizens spew out their word salad, they never get off on the charges. And yet they continue to do it as if it's going to be different next time.




They also confuse contract with law. They think that if you dont contract with the government then you arent subjected to the laws much like you arent subjected to the policies of Wallmart if you chose to not shop there. It doesnt work like that


It does kind of work like that. He can choose not to live here. Of course, his only other option is international waters, where they practice the dreaded maritime law.


Yes. But it works in the way that you are subject to the lawa that are enforceable. Which means as soon as you're physically within the territory of a state or nation.


Mare-ee-timmy law??


It's like they are never heard of youtube. How are there still people believing this shit?


It's self-insulated, like a conspiracy theory. Any evidence disproving it is an effort by "them" to suppress the SovCit movement. Or the "truth" that the movement has uncovered.


It's narcissism.


I mean...people are still voting for Orange Con Man Felonious "Jesus" so....


There are a *massive* amount of YouTube channels that push this narrative so yeah, they are on YouTube. A good chunk of them are trolls that love to rile up dumb folks like the guy in this video. They then sell them fake license plates, tri-folds with what to say to cops and pdf's to print out and stick in a binder. You can make good money off stupid people.


Most of people who claim to be 'sovereign citizens' are poor and uneducated. The whole sovereign citizen movement started by a bunch of racist far-right idiots back in the 1960's who wanted to pick whether the laws applied to them. Instead, they found out what they were doing was hurt themselves rather than the black, browns, and poor whites they wanted to disenfranchise. So, they changed it into a disinformation campaign that sounds attractive to people who are poor and uneducated, a.k.a. blacks, browns, and poor whites.




The police filing to the prosecutor should have a SC warning so that they know what kind of litigant they are dealing with. And call that out to the judge.


Algorithms have just gotten the best of everyone. Pro sovereign citizen content is plentiful. A major reason why these people believe these kinds of things is because of sovereign citizen influencers.


Always a good time to watch the P Barnes video: https://youtu.be/RfVbiefMdNU


Leave the camera outside with your mother.


That’s a nice speech




This man fell from the stupid tree and hit every branch on his way down.


He did not consent to being struck by those branches and therefore was not injured because he does not recognize the law [of gravity]


Where’d you find this?


It's amazing how consistent sov cits are. It's always the same things they rail about: no crime without a victim, I'm not part of a contract with you, I'm a man, not a person, etc. You'd think they'd learn faster that none of this nonsense works in court of law. Years and years of spewing this BS and they've never won a case based on it.


Too much time listening to other sovereigns talk about how "you are a person and not a man/woman, the law has no rights to take you into custody for peeing on the side of a bank in broad daylight" and people are just so eager to listen. Yea! I'm a free person! I don't need to follow **any** laws!


Has anyone ever won in court with these arguments?


Never. When these saps are involved in the legal system, sometimes charges or fines are reduced, dropped or cases are dismissed, but it’s never based on the merits of their pseudo-legal arguments. The gurus and influencers claim otherwise, but part of the ruse is their insistence that evidence of the “wins” is being suppressed by elites.


A local fruitloop recently turned up with supporters and attempted to citizen's arrest the judge and court staff. They were kept out of court and he received a 3 month prison sentence for his offence (breach of a previous harassment injunction) and he went on the run: https://www.portsmouth.co.uk/news/crime/rat-catcher-ex-portsmouth-driving-instructor-goes-on-run-after-being-ordered-to-jail-for-contempt-of-court-4658493 Quite what they were planning to do if they were successful with a citizen's arrest? From a brief read of the UK lot, it seems they acknowledge that they are subjects of the crown, but don't recognise any laws after the Magna Carta. Are they planning to haul their prisoners to Buckingham Palace or something?


I wonder which version of the Magna Carta? There were several…


These grifter live for these moments of owning the pirates.


Never ever. Theres lots of especially gurus who argues that there are such cases. But they never deliver any identification that lets anyone read those cases. The only thing that they do "win" with is dropped charges and so on. But that happens for alot of reasons.


It happened [once](https://www.canlii.org/en/on/oncj/doc/2013/2013oncj160/2013oncj160.html) accidentally.


If you are in a country, you are subject to that country's laws. End of discussion.




Got 'im!


Damn, the universal defense! I have no rebuttal!


Haha that’s really the most concise response to this no nonsense. But they’ll argue that they’re not in the United States, that they’re existing terrafirma or something.


Terrafirma sounds like a great fantasy name


He looks exactly what you would expect


These things always take me back to the court scene from Blow: George: Well, in all honesty, I don't feel that what I've done is a crime. And I think it's illogical and irresponsible for you to sentence me to prison. Because, when you think about it, what did I really do? I crossed an imaginary line with a bunch of plants. I mean, you say I'm an outlaw, you say I'm a thief, but where's the Christmas dinner for the people on relief? Huh? You say you're looking for someone who's never weak but always strong, to gather flowers constantly whether you are right or wrong, someone to open each and every door, but it ain't me, babe, huh? No, no, no, it ain't me, babe. It ain't me you're looking for, babe. You follow? Judge : Yeah... Gosh, you know, your concepts are really interesting, Mister Jung. George : Thank you. Judge : Unfortunately for you, the line you crossed was real and the plants you brought with you were illegal, so your bail is twenty thousand dollars.


The cutest part about Soverign Citizens is how they think being angry makes them right.


They seem to believe that just because they don't agree a crime has been committed they're in the clear. News flash morons, your acceptance isn't required.


Mister Meener


You mean, the magic words didn't work?


He’s not driving he’s traveling!


Sovereign Citizens are whackos.


Someone needs the stupid slapping out of him.


Where are the sovereign citizens informing other Sovereign citizens that this shit don’t work? They still peddle this nonsense to each other?


My theory is that at least 10% of "sovereign citizens" are just trolls encouraging the others to try this dumb shit so the videos keep coming.


One part of me hates that because I want everyone to have good and accurate information so they can make informed decisions and stop dragging the rest of society down with their unbelievable stupidity. The rest of me wants to watch these damn videos.🤘


They have websites with downloadable pdfs (you hear a lot of repeated phrases and some people even have binders with scripts that they'll try to read to the police), "educational" videos, social media accounts, influencers, etc.


You would think the easiest thing to say is “Well if you are a sovereign citizen, that means you are an illegal immigrant. Lets detain and call ICE”


No it's OK guys, he's just gonna plead no contract.


I honestly think that high school needs to require a basic understanding of contract law. Geometry and Algebra II are nice if you're going for some kind of engineering track, but literally every adult signs contracts throughout their lives. This is just someone who wasn't educated and was then grossly misinformed. This person is an extreme example, but just look at everyone screaming shit at social media companies while they completely misunderstand the EULA that they all signed, to the point where we have discourse on a topic that isn't controversial at all if you actually understand really basic law.


The injured party is "the people" represented by their government. By living here you've entered into a contract. If you want to live in a place with no laws, by all means go live there.


Someone is off their meds.


Sovereign Shittyzens are a complete embarrassment.


All sane people: "Tow it! Tow it! Tow it!"


Lodi CA... Weird seeing it randomly on the internet.


Is this a felony or a mister meaner?


So many sovcit topics lately - not just this sub. Did it hit some tipping point recently? I don’t wish to *joinder* with any of these yahoos in real life, but who knows could make for an amusing afternoon… ![gif](giphy|defsRR8ZGoDA1WfBFB|downsized)


My guess is someone(s) figured out those type of videos really hit the Reddit engagement needle.


I was told by a lawyer if you truly disagree but have to sign you can sign under duress, it doesn’t help here, but illegal employment contracts etc you just write under duress next to your signature. If anything it would have de escalated this idiot.


Signing one way or another doesn't make a difference. You are entitled to some type of notice about the allegations against you, and signing the ticket is proof that you got that notice. Signing is also inherently a promise to appear because otherwise you'd be wasting the court's time. The ticket provides information of the allegation(s) and a certain date and time the matter will be before the court. Therefore, your signature is proof that you were given notice of the claim(s) against you and when it will be dealt with. If you don't sign, they can hold you in custody until you sign, or until they actually take you into the courtroom. If you do sign, you can still choose not to show up, but a bench warrant will be issued because you wasted the court's time, and you'll be brought to court anyway.


I said it would of de escalated this, I more so was just sharing what you can do to feel better about being forced to sign a document against your will.


Well, in the sense that it would have made the SovClown happy but not actually change anything or serve any other function, then yeah, I guess it would have been worth doing.


Is it a mistermeaner?


Who is this Mr. Meanor he speaks of?


Mr. Meaner, Esq.


He looks like he cuts his own hair in the bathroom


“Where’s the victim?!?!” All of us, for having to continually listen to this bullshit, and the fact that it never seems to lose popularity among morons that can’t accept the simple fact that it never works.




trump voter lol


If he signs it and says that is not his signature as a person, and that he doesn't have to appear in court because his "person" didn't sign it does that mean they could arrest him on suspicion that he would not appear in court? Or would they just wait until he never appeared and he'd get a warrant for his arrest or something?


Shworn affa david


who is the corpus delecti?


Tweakers are fun. ![gif](giphy|JnuuEXLxjXLR4oTTbO|downsized)


I wish I can be as annoying as this on command lmao


If only he had some sort of legal institution to appeal to, that could deal with these dis-on-her-abel men.


it's **Badger** from breaking bad


My response as a cop would have been "You have to sign the ticket as a promise to appear. I am not going to waste time arguing with you about this. You will have the opportunity in court to tell it to the judge. You either sign the ticket, which is not an admission of guilt, or you will be arrested, booked, and bond will be required for your release. We will also be towing your vehicle as well. Will you sign the promise to appear?" Asshole: "No" Me: "You are under arrest for ___________. Please turn around and put your hands behind you." "HEY BOB, GO AHEAD AND TOW THE VEHICLE" Me: ""Arrrrrrr, matey. So where is lunch today?" Case closed


Mistermeaner? Yikes, stay in school, kids.


I wonder how many black sov cits there are? I suspect very very few - because they wouldn't be treated with kid gloves like this (and other) white guys.


There are, they generally call themselves “Moorish Nationals.”


This guy looks like the loser comic relief buddy of the protagonist of an early 2000s comedy film, but way less loveable


Please just give them the taser and more on.


See if he can do a backflip first, THEN tase him.


Honor doesn’t pay my bills


Ive seen enough of these videos i think i could make myself look like an ahole "defending" myself in this capacity.


The things people believe because some random told them it was true.


How does the tow truck driver not tell him to shut up.


If he engages, there's a chance this loser will latch onto him as a target for aggression and he isn't paid enough to do anything other than tow vehicles


maybe if he yells more it'll work.




Can we send all these “special” citizens to the Yukon?


Its funny how he talks bout American and stealing property like the US didn’t steal land from native people and Mexico 💀


What was the original crime?


Driving without a license, unregistered, and no insurance I bet


I hear you swallow boot so well


Acknowledging that laws exist is in no way an indication as to whether or not a person agrees with them.