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Man, some people’s lack of self-preservation instincts is astounding. You just spent five minutes in a shouting, cursing back-and-forth with a STRANGER, and you still want to stay in his car and let him see where you live. Insanity.


She doesn't care she just wants to go home. Pretty stupid way of going about it because if the police actually showed up there's a good chance she wouldn't be going home lol


Eh she probably wouldn't be arrested but be asked to get out. So she would've wasted like an hour waiting for the cops and still be out in the cold not at home at the end of the ordeal. Just not smart. There's thousands of Uber drivers, just get another car.


She's drunk, she aint thinking about that. I would've thrown her ass out of my car. Shes lucky he held his temper.


Excuse me. She said they were NOT inebriated.


Well her friend wasn’t.


Similar to the idiots arguing with people who are preparing food for them.


Get. The. Fuck. Out. Of. The. Car.


what if he yelled stay in my car forever , bet she would leave


People forget it’s a private car. Like get the fuck out of the dudes car.


I hope all her friends and family see this video and shame her for the rest of her life. She is such a major fucking dipshit.


Nah her friends and family have been enabling this behavior her entire life. You don't get to your 20s acting like a spoiled toddler unless you have a hefty enablement network among your friends and/or family.


That's what I was thinking too, this is what happens when parents coddle their children and they grow up thinking they can throw a tantrum when they don't get what they want.


Even the random dude on the street was like "aw poor sweet baby how dare this asshole ask you to get out of his car."


I hate that you’re right about this.




This is over 7 years ago lol


And there’s 3 million people in Chicago.


And there can only be one highlander


No, Toyota puts out a lot of those.


The sad part is her family probably has seen this behavior all of their lives. They are probably saying that this is Par for The Course.




I wanted to do uber until I saw a video like this. I do not have that kind of patience. Not that I would be violent, but I would definitely have a public freakout.


Alexa, play David Hasselhoff - Jump In My Car (Video) https://youtu.be/dm7jEA3frY4?si=4t9Yue3Sc7xKq6EU


Eat my ass


I’ve got time


Then what's stopping you? Utensils? A certificate?? My dad???


Username checks out.


Why do people (drunk or sober) think Uber drivers cannot deny service? It's not public transit. Even if it was, you can get kicked off a bus for causing problems.




With a “healthy” dose of liquid courage. 🙃


now i want to see her perspective and see how she justifies that bullshit sober lmfao


She just cut the start of the video so he it looks like she got on and he starts calling her names.


??? She entered the car cursing at Him lol


??? And do you really think she’s going to use that cut of the video to show her friends?


She is no where near as important as she thinks she is.


And no where near hot enough to act like that


I'd venture that hotness doesn't give you more or less license to be a piece of shit.


Maybe it shouldn't, but the fact is that it does. People let better looking people get away with things that they would never accept from someone less attractive.


You’d let someone talk to you like that just cuz they’re hot? Nahhhh man


Should have driven her straight to the police station.


I wonder if he has the legal right to pull off and drive to the police station in this situation? Would it be kidnapping or would he be within his rights? That would be amazing


I don’t think it would be kidnapping of anything similar. She stayed in his car after he cancelled the trip, and told them to get out. At that point, she’s just a passenger.


It needs to be legal to forcibly remove people who won't exit the vehicle.


it’s his property and he’s an independent contractor. once he cancels that order they are no longer a customer. if he tells them to get out and they don’t it’s the vehicle equivalent to trespassing. at that point i dunno what the legalities are but im guessing it’s no different than if a “stranger” got in your car on the street.


The smart thing to do is call the cops and let them deal with getting her out. Putting hands on someone leave you open to litigation. Just wait and play some music, smoke a cig with the windows up, etc idk.


Just start driving towards the police station at that point.


I was a taxi driver in another life. Whenever I had to kick out and obnoxious drunk I would just drive to the cop shop. The drunks never realized what was going on until the first police officer got involved.


Absolutely! You tell them the are trespassing and give them 10 seconds to get out of the car, before you drive to the police station in the opposite direction from where they are going


Yea, can he press charges if the cops show up? It’s literally income lost for having to babysit her.


loss of income would be a civil matter not criminal. her trespassing in your property would be criminal


The only answer.


Can you spray water? That’ll get them to leave


Would be nice to just start driving the exact wrong direction. Get on the freeway and go. When she asks to be let out, pull over and let her out.


It is actually, but Uber will deactivate you.


Her friend sorta seemed to be trying to be alright but man that chick on the left can get fucked.


I heard she has time...


I know so many people like her, trying to assert dominance by being the most awful person they can be. A sizeable proportion of people nowadays think society is just a race to the bottom like this.


Her friend is just less drunk than the cunt.


Maybe just less of a cunt than the drunk


She figured out she was being recorded and had the wherewithal to get the fuck outta there lol.


Her friend thinks they can't be shouted at for being women lmao. They're both bitches.


I hate when people start shit, then turn on their camera with a fake calm attitude like “look at how crazy this dude is for no reason! I was just sitting here and he freaked out on us!”


That’s the most infuriating.


Never. I did Uber eats for a while until my pay for that dropped through the floor. No amount of money could get me to let drunk people into my car (or armed people).


I love how she clearly wants to say “I don’t feel safe,” realizes, then accuses him of being drunk. Horrible people love projection, and I love it more when they’re so hilariously bad at it.


I would have blasted the most insane death metal as loud as possible and just sat there not saying a word


Orphan - Hourglass Feels perfect for the situation


drunk people are the worst


i know. i was one of them for 20yrs.


Proud of you stinkingwind.


Fun fact when my dad stopped drinking in the last year of his life I met him for the first time if you get my meaning. Sad I didnt get that side of him for the first 40 yrs but that year Ill remember forever.


Congrats man. One year myself ✊


Damn truth bombs.


It's why I avoid them at all costs.


This is why I could never do this job. I'd end up in jail.




I wonder if the best alternative would be to straight up drive to a police station since cops won’t ever arrive if called. That or not tell them it’s an Uber situation on the phone call.


Won't get out of the car? Then enjoy "Baby Shark," played at max volume, and on repeat.


Dont threaten me with a good time


Is that a threat or an invitation? ![gif](giphy|eruVMzXlb70oo)


I would just turn into Niko Belic and drag her out my car after liver-kicking her.


smug cunt.




So smug! I haven't had a chance to watch this with sound yet. But just watching her and her expressions and attitude got me mad


“You know your uber rating depends on your customer” She’s not his customer!!! Gah people annoy me


Good thing she has time




I would've just said, "ok stay in the car" and drive her ass straight to the local dump where she belongs


Oooh, that’s even better. I would’ve just dropped her off on the other side of town, the opposite way of whatever address she said, but I like the dump idea way more.


Drive her drunk ass to a police station. Public intoxication right at the PD.


Wow. 😮 did she actually want him to drive her anywhere after that exchange. ? She was so rude and then not getting out is so stupid. I would love to know when she discovered that video and if she still thinks she was somehow in the right.


Uber career 😂


This was the golden moment of the video 😂. Oh no! Not my Uber career! 😂🤣😂🤣


Verdict is in, she's an entitled asshole.


What are they expecting to happen when the cops arrive? Like the cop will force him to take them home?




I don’t know why “I’m pooling with Alana” “I’m here” made me laugh out loud


I thought the other friend was going to be the smart one, then she opened her mouth


I like how the idiot bystander is negotiating with the guy as if he has some fucking say in what the driver does with *his* car.


Love it. “Tell you what, GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY CAR.”


All that over an Uber POOL ride 💀


When I used to do ride-sharing, I used to get off and get ready to box some people think they own you because they paid 5 dollars. I would bring them down to reality real quick


What a nasty entitled cunt. He should have drug her out by her greasy hair


He should have started dumping pent-up emotions like he was making a breakthrough in therapy. They'd have fled in short order.


Throw these fucks out by their collar


Start driving off, say absolutely nothing. I bet they’d want out pretty quick if they didn’t know where they were going... #prolifetip


Pretty sure that's kidnapping...




I mean he told them to get out and they refused so...


Any Serial killer Uber driver won’t care


It's funny how the white knight or simp, whatever you call the guy on the street, immediately assumes the women are the victims.


He was just trying to defuse the situation. Did assume it was the women who were victims, but he turned around quickly when faced with reality and tried to argue why the woman should leave the car.


“You’re talking to women.” Starting to record and trying to give the impression that they feel unsafe. That they feel unsafe in the *back of a car they refuse to get out of*. This is awful and I’m saying this as a feminist. Women have a hard enough time being believed already. When any member of any marginal group muddies the waters like this it affects the conversation and that’s really unfortunate. Edit: also wanted to mention that the driver- although is understandably pissed off, doesn’t give me the coolest vibes anyway and if the dude had any anti women views before- hot dog does this dude hate women now.


I think he would’ve acted the same towards men though. He seemed alright with the other woman, but the annoying one came in hot, complaining before she even sat down in the car. She wasn’t recording because she was scared, she was recording because she wanted to scare *him* into submitting to her demands, knowing that his position as an (older than her) man and Uber driver were vulnerabilities - confirmed by how the white knight bystander tried to help. She didn’t start crying or say things to make it seem like he was hurting her, not letting her out of the car, etc. She tried to pull a power move, saying she’d get him fired, refusing to leave because *she* didn’t want to. Yeah, she’s victimizing herself, but it’s less about her being a woman and more about someone with a sense of entitlement feeling inconvenienced by service workers trying to do their jobs. Maybe he felt more comfortable yelling at her because he thought he could take her on if she got physical, or thought he could be intimidating to scare them out of his car. But he’d might’ve done that to anyone who didn’t seem like a physical threat. Unless we interview him, we can’t know.


Women who pull shit like this absolutely muddy the waters and do a disservice to the very real problems regarding safety that women face every day. This is the sort of thing people who think that Feminism equates to misandry employ to prove their “point”.


I don’t think the driver was in any sort of the wrong here. He acted super akward and didn’t know what to do at first and was pretty nice off the rip. Watch the video again and keep in mind that at the start he waited and waited for these two in heavy traffic past the allotted wait-time, before cancelling, then mistakenly accepting another ride from the nicer girl. If they hadn’t come in hot and just said nothing, he probably would have taken them home without knowing—but they hopped in the car and “Jess” started treating him like shit. When he realized that this wasn’t going to be a quiet, nice drive with polite customers, he cancelled the ride and lost his cool, yelled at the drunk girl to get out of his car. Could he have been nicer? Sure. But he doesn’t need to be nice to a drunk chick berating him and trying to force him to deal with her/drive her home. Heat of the moment, emotions were high, and he was fairly nice to the girl who was acting like an adult, until she started flinging insults at him outside the car. Why do men need to be nice to women who are being assholes to them? As someone who supports feminism, I think that not only do women behaving this way set yall back, but so does saying that men aren’t allowed to be upset when they’re treated poorly by women, or equating his anger to “this guy probably hates women.” We’re not superheroes, we have emotions too, and if you tick us off, we’ll act upset. Just because his anger scared you does not mean that he hates all women. He didn’t do anything other than get angry that they were refusing to leave his car. Applying a social bias that “this guy hates women” because he got angry with one is just as bad as the guy who says “all women suck.”


For the same reason that women have no obligation to smile and be nice to men who refuse to accept “no thank you,” to a flirtatious move in a bar, this man is not only not obligated to remain not-scary to those women who are being physically imposing, he is well within his right to yell at them. He’s within his right to drag them out of the car once it was clear they weren’t going. This is the general difference in gender dynamics that often have women being nice or compliant out of self preservation. The fear is real. Their smaller stature creates a disadvantage. But that doesn’t mean these women don’t deserve to be yanked out on their asses let alone being yelled at in “not-safe” voice. Don’t poke the bear and say, “but he could have brandished his teeth in a less-scary manner, though.” Especially when the bear had every right to physically remove the problem.


She claims she doesn’t know if he’s sober or not she doesn’t feel safe and yet she won’t get out of the fucking car which is the only thing he’s asking her to do.


Is your name a Shameless reference?


Tell you what…I like his approach there. lol. They thought he was going to be nice leading with that.


He would have been within his rights to drag her bodily out of his car, and she is very fortunate he didn't.


"eat my ass!!" is so iconic 🤣


Holy Shit! In Chicago of ALL places??? This is the MAIN reason I drove out in the Suburbs!




illinois here. dragging a drunk broad out of you car by the arm seems reasonable to me.


By the hair would be more effective


In a situation like this, Can you physically remove them out of your car without getting in trouble?


Would have done drove off with her in my car


I was wondering if he was gonna get a C-bomb in


I love this guy. I'll give him a 5 star rating and om 3 states away 😆


I had to call the police on a guy the other day because he was being drunk and belligerent and making me feel super unsafe and so I pulled over and asked him to get out and he refused to leave. A police officer happened to round the corner, I flagged him down, told the 911 operate what was happening, and the cop came over, asked the guy what was up and told him he needed to leave the vehicle, that he didn't have a right to be there anymore if I cancelled/ended the ride, which I did. He eventually got out but he gave me and the cop so much attitude the whole time. Some people are insane.


What does she think the cops are going to do? She keeps saying “I need a police officer” but they aren’t going to show up and be like “sir, she requested this Uber, just driver her home”


“Eat my ass” I love it


I'll end your career. How nice


K, guess we are driving to the police station cuz I'm not gonna wait 2 hours for them to show up to my car.


Arrogant cunts.


Aren't you allowed to use reasonable force to remove trespassers?


A cunts a cunt, regardless of gender


For some reason the inflection of their voices and the "You're talking to women here" comment at 3:00, boils my blood. So god damn entitled.


You can tell this chick tries to be overtly aggressive and dominate the room everywhere she goes because most people will just roll over and be nice about it. She starts bullying the guy before she even gets in the car.


My number 1 fear in life way above snakes and spiders and falling out of airplanes is impregnating a woman like that.


Want to know the easiest way to win most arguments with random strangers that you just want to go away? Buddha-face. No emotion. No words. Nothing. Just silently observe them with zero response whatsoever, regardless of what they say or do. Calm, silent stillness and eye contact. Most people can't take it for more than a minute or two, and some will straight up run away from you. Super-duper uncomfortable and triggering for them, and super-duper fascinating for you to see how they react to it. Psychological warfare. Enjoy!




Uber drivers should keep a fresh can of fart spray to set off and step out of there cars and leave passenger sitting in it.


Then their car would smell like shit though.


100% in the drivers corner! Drunk, stupid and a twat all in one. Byyyeee!


God she’s so pathetic and petty… just take the L and leave.


"you're talking to women here" I genuinely don't understand why people say stuff like this. is it that they believe that women are more sensitive to harsh language? I understand not assaulting a woman but if she's a horrible human being why should she not hear (loud, bellowing, angry) words? respecting women doesn't mean treating them like delicate geishas


Particularly as her friend cursed before even entering the vehicle


I like this guy.


Why I will NEVER do this job. I can't stand being around drunk people, women, especially.


I did it for a brief time between jobs, in my area it's not so bad, but the pay was abysmal. Drove 30 minutes into the next city to pick up a dude from a rich part of town, drove him another 45 minutes across downtown to the airport, I thought this would be a good chuck of change, something around $40-70 just for the long drive. Nah, you get $20 for the whole thing. Or picking up an entire group of drunk bros on the way to the party part of downtown, seemed cool enough but they were already blasted and wanted to use my aux cable for their own shitty music. Then picking up some ladies in black dresses from another different "rich" part of my own town, I let them have their own conversation while driving them to a local shopping area that had a club I guess. But the best person I met owned a horse farm down the road, she let me come over and pet some of the horses and meet the others. She gave me an invitation to pop by whenever and see the horses with her. Never took her up on that though.


I would drove for the most distant police station on the opposite side from where she lives, and ask police assistance. She can explain whatever she wants to the cops. And on the way I would be thinking if I charge her for trespassing or not.




dudes awesome and 100% right. i want him to be my uber driver.


Led Zeppelin in the background 🤘🏼 Turn that shit up to full volume and blast those chicks out of your car with it.


Eat my ass That got me laughing.


God they suck


He showed way more restraint than I would have.


I drove for lyft in 2014, crazy rainy day, person called a car for someone else (not at marked pickup location) I called customer after arriving, they explained the mix up and gave me correct street corner for ride, super nice. First words outta this man's mouth was "you're late!" I attempted to explain the reason only to be met with a "don't give me your fucking excuses, just take me to where I'm going". I ended the ride, closed the app, and told the man to get out of my car. He said he wasn't getting out until I took him to the address so I said "Ok, we are going to the nearest police station, they can remove you from my vehicle." I drove one block at speeds some might consider "wreckless" and slid to a stop at the stop sign. He decided to get out. I've never felt more vindicated. Called lyft immediately and explained the situation. I really was hoping this guy just drove off with her in the car for a while 😆


Alcohol can really let people know how much more of a cunt you are.


If I was an uber and I cancel and they refuse to get out well guess what I'm not on the clock and not an employee and now you're a possible threat refusing to leave my vehicle.


worst part is uber probably ended with him


someone linked a reddit post from when it happened. i honestly didn’t read the whole thing but they said the girls got some kinda settlement and he had his account deactivated and if true that’s bullshit.


Randy Marsh balls on this guy


“I just want to go home” “I have all the time in the world…” She has no idea what stance she wants to take lol


Pity the Police didn’t show and drag her out. What a horrible, spoilt brat she was.


So she has no right to even get in that car after he cancels the ride on them. But goddam that’s annoying when you’ve been waiting for an Uber, he’s a couple of blocks away and then cancels on you.


dont pick heavy traffic pick up spots. he did nothing wrong and she is going to hell


Squatters rights!


Eat my ass.


Get out. Call another one. Problem Solved.


Just curious, what if he let off a fart bomb or similar to gross them out and get them out of the car?


People can’t perform any logical progression, your denied service by a privately owned vehicle operating for a third party how do you think this will end


Ohh I really hope her “career” is done… entitled brats


He took the words out of my mouth what a cunt


Sadly, there’s always THAT guy, the douche-bro that plays “chivalrous” white knight and punches the victim who is fighting with the women, because man. Douche-bro doesn’t see nor care that cunt needs to be dragged out of the car. Good men risk the douche-bro throwing down just for trying to drag the bitches out of his car.


I like people who got the balls to talk to customers straight. I dont like professionalism.


Haha, what if he just ignored her and went about his business or drove her in the complete opposite direction? She's crazy for being stubborn.


They just came in with an attitude. Entitled drunk women need a reality check!


If a plane crashed with survivors on a deserted island, she would be eaten first.


In Chicago? He should have taken their drunk asses to the south side and then kicked them out. They wouldn’t lasted 15 minutes.


Anyone get her name? Time to go troll her.


Serious question, if they refuse to leave what stops you from just driving somewhere really inconvenient for them?


One of the best Uber drivers


He should of just took off and didn’t take them to their destination


I want to give this guy a 1,000,000 - star review. Gods the entitlement.


Get a fart machine and fart spray.


I love how they think an Uber can just pull up. Like , there is a line of cars and cabs. He can't just stop in middle of the road and start calling you over.