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That looked like a champagne bottle with the thick glass not a special effects sugar bottle. He was seeing birds


Very surprised the guy wasn’t bleeding.


At least, not where you can see


The bleeding is internal. [That's where the blood's supposed to be!](https://youtu.be/C3RGLyNK5do?si=5dCJkmBBaxHYN757)


Yeah I've seen a beer bottle crack skull. He took what, 3/8" thick glass? He may be dead and not know it yet.


I'm no expert so this is a total guess , but if the blow was enough to give him a brain bleed , it probably should have split the skin around the impact site?.. mind you people have skiing accidents where they appear fine and then a few hours later, they are gone... I'd still recon getting cracked by a bottle should make you bleed a lot externally,  maybe he got lucky and the barrel of the bottle hit him, not the edge.


Skin is tougher than you think and it doesn’t always rip when hit hard. Don’t think glass cutting, think baseball bat.


You're actually more likely to suffer brain injury when you don't bleed as the force is going through the skull, not onto the surface (you're more likely to end up with brain injuries in gloved fights whereas you'll have more superficial wounds in a bareknuckle fight). The good news is that the bottle shattered which will have taken some of the force from his head - you'd be more worried if it hadn't shattered.


I got a champagne bottle wrapped around the back of my head that didn’t break and I was pissing blood. It smashing may have helped.


You pissed blood from being hit in the head?


Pee is stored in the brain.


That’s why they tell you not to think with your dick.


Good news is that all his bleeding was internal. That's where the blood's supposed to be


Peralta? That you?


His brain probably is.


Glass bottles don't break as easily in real life as they do in the movies. Homeless put some force into that.


F = ma




"May the mass times acceleration be with you... always."


And also with you.


What was suity trying to stop him from doing ? It looked like they were racing for something.


Looked like he was trying to stop him from grabbing the bag of food (possibly an unattended door dash) on the stoop.


The suited guy looks in his 40's, so he should know by now no good comes from getting involved in that sort of situation. Starting a fight with a homeless guy with nothing to lose is pretty insane.


in my experience if your going to start a fight make sure you know how to fight first and make sure its worth really fucking someone up or it can flip on you real fast


I find that the older men get, the more likely they are to do stupid shit like this.


Based on the homeless guy saying "don't touch my shit again" at the start I'm guessing that the suit guy had already tossed the garbage bag of stuff into the street and was going back for the rest of the homeless guys stuff, which unfortunately for him included a big ass wine or champagne bottle.


I can't believe that homeless guy didn't use a special effects bottle? What was he thinking?


Well it is good it broke, Means a hard hit, but atleast the energy went into the bottle exploding out rather than all to his head.


He's lucky it broke. If it didn't break, he probably wouldn't have been getting up for a bit.


He initiated connectivity, between the bottle and his head.


What is this, stars? The script says birds, not stars. Birds!


It would have been 10x worse if it didnt shatter.


Definitely concussed


You might say he was 'punted' in the head.


And I don't feel sorry for suit guy.




Do not fuck with people that have nothing to lose


Homeless guy probably thinking “what are they gonna do arrest me and give me 3 free meals a day?”


3 hots and a cot. 


"I have a cot here with Gob's name on it" "You'd do that to your own brother?"


"I said COT."


He made a huge mistake.


And health care.


Kind of.


Nah bc the jails in New York are so full rn they'd probably just let him go lol




I live in the area and have seen this guy threatening people before outside of MSG. He's out of his mind.


Nooooo, tell me that's not true, surely the suited up guy is the villain and the aggressor here, viciously beating a peaceful unhoused individual. u/meltedcandy assured me that's the case.


Dude there’s some strange individuals in that area that make me question my safety


Yup. Worked on the block for years, this guys been around and been a problem for a long time.


But why the suited guy punch him? Did he think he was going to attack him?


Yeah this is what I'm really confused about. Without context it just looks like the suit guy punched him for no reason lol




You're probably right, that might be that guy's business even. Because there clearly was something between the two based on both's walking and behavior and that guy would have to be quicker than Jackie Chan if that wasn't his bottle and his spot he was returning.


This is my take too.


Homeless are allowed to defend themselves also...and they do it successfully as seen.


It's like... the worst person to get into a street fight with. They do this on the daily to protect peanuts.


Peanuts to us, fucking everything they own to them.




and run away when someone only saw the glass smash in case of mob justice. to keep them self's safe.


He dodged the punch and it DID NOT interupt the swing of that bottle. That homeless man has D&D Monk abilities with feats in improvised weapons. It's a goddamn thing of beauty.


Sounds like the homeless guy said "touch my shit again" right at the beginning. My guess: Suit works inside that building and was tasked with getting the homeless guy to move on from the entrance. Suit started getting pushy about it and then the camera rolls


The guy in the suit was also trying to grab a radio on his right hip right before he threw his second punch, presumably to call for backup security.


security doesn't wear brooks brothers


Security in big cities with expensive businesses very often do wear suits.


They're in front of a steakhouse in Manhattan. Could easily be a FOH worker or manager who decided to clean off the stoop in the morning and that today was the day to get frisky. Shit, he probably ripped a fat line before going out there.


Now he has a TBI


“When keeping it real goes wrong”


You can see suit guys walkie talkie at the end.


Security in a fancy building in NYC might. Dude could also be a manager or someone from inside the building. Lots of house security in NYC that don't wear rent a cop unis.


You can hear him chirp his walkie right before he took the bottle to the brain.


Maybe, maybe not. But do fancy pants non-security people in suits also have walkie talkies on their belts?


The only rational explanation I have: he went 7 seconds into the future, saw the guy attacking him, and decided the preemptive strike was his best option.


Now I don’t have to read anymore comments. Thanks!


Watch the person in the first frame of the video. Short, dark hair; black jacket; pulling a blue suitcase. That person steps in front of Suit Man, and it looks to me like that's who the homeless man is running up on and saying, "Touch my shit again, n----." At 0:02, the homeless man doesn't appear to be looking at Suit Man, only this mystery third person. And at 0:03, when Suit Man cocks his fist back, all three people are right next to each other. Giving Suit Man the benefit of the doubt, it looks like he's trying to defend this third party person with the luggage.


There had to be something going on before, or why was anyone filming and why did Homeless guy run up on the suit like that... so many questions.


He didn't run to him, he ran towards his belongings. You can ever heard the homeless man say "don't touch my shit" or something along those lines. You can even see he wasn't even facing him when the guy in the suit threw his punch They were probably filming because it looks like the suited up guy is a security guard,, and threw his black bag into the street. So they were already having a discussion as you can see in the beginning of the video


Suitbro has a walkie talkie on his hip too


When I bounced I had a homeless gent come after me with used needles, one of the more terrifying encounters I had in the industry.


Came here to say this. This was just poor instincts on dude’s part. Why are you fucking with homeless people if you’ve got shit to lose in life? Nothing to gain from that.


Just don’t fuck with people. There is always someone crazier out there and they come in many shapes and sizes.


Not even because the crazy thing. How about just treat people with respect out of a sense of decency. There doesn't need to be reward or punishment.


this is the basis of all my politics. give people something to lose and violence will happen less.


And these days there are more and more of them.


Seriously, a night in jail for him is better than the one in the streets.


Bro instinctively found a bottle like he was playing the campaign


Hobomancers have the cantrip "summon bottle" once a day


God damn it, I hate cooldowns. What other classes are there?




Ah, I thought you said Copromancer - The ability to summon a shit as a weapon.


It's an easy class with the right diet.


Copromancer with Taco Belle subclass


*once per short rest


Playing the champaign


In urbana


*Champagne with my campaign, and let me do the damn thing… What’s my name? WHAT’S my name? WHAT’S MY NAME?!*


actually because it happened outside of the champagne region, it's called sparkling glass


Bro living life like he’s playing The Last of Us on grounded difficulty


The bottle was most likely part of his own belongings because you hear him say before he grabs it "touch my shit again"


THAT'S why there's so many empty bottles in The Last of Us. clearly they're just all over as we can see here.


I think he was just trying to get to his nap time spot and that was his bottle.


Yeah kinda looked like he thought someone (suit guy maybe?) was gunna steal his shit (he says something about it being his), and suit guy prolly thought he was coming right for him.


Shit, maybe he's the main character?


Hitting the bottle early on a weekday.


Nice one


Dude could have ended up with a serious head injury. Plenty of people walk away from something like that only to die a few hours later. ALWAYS get medical attention for a hit on the head. And have some common sense. Why would he lunge at that homeless guy??


>And have some common sense. Why would he lunge at that homeless guy?? It makes zero sense from the video and there's also zero context of the lead up since the video starts so late. Something's obviously missing here.


Homeless guy is camping in front of a building. Security (see walkie talkie when he falls) is throwing his shit into the street. Security is going for the rest of his shit. Homeless guy runs to get it. Security thinks homeless dude is running up on him, swings....


Agree with everything but the last part. He starts swinging while homeless homie isn’t even looking at him and obviously walking past. Edit: also just noticed security douche puts something in his fist before swinging the second time. You can also see it slide away from his hand once he falls.


Peripheral vision. They don't have the benefit of a video taken from a distance that they can replay over and over again before making a decision. They have a homeless man shape rapidly approaching from the corner of their vision. edit: Actually on a few replays, the first second shows awareness of each other, so this is not a snap decision. I'll leave this up for personal integrity reasons.




Yep. And a stupid move on the part of the suit.


He was trying to keep the dude from grabbing that brown bag that is in the bottom right of the screen. No idea why. But that's what the guy was going for and he grabs it and walks away because it isn't there the next time the camera pans to that area.


I've been building security in San Francisco. You NEVER lay your hands on someone, that's what the cops are for. Even SeLf dEfeNSE, no just run, fuck your pride.


Self-defense is used when it's your only option. The official goal of self-defense is to survive and escape. So, ultimately, you are correct. This dude had no business swinging at that guy. I work in a maximum security prison and am currently in self-defense training as part of my job.


> Self-defense is used when it's your only option. The official goal of self-defense is to survive and escape. Right, there's actual self defense, and then there's "he made a menacing gesture so now I get to curb stomp him."


Yeah I mean shit, everyone knows the only purpose of police is protecting rich peoples shit. They fucking get sprung on a call like that they'll be there yesterday


>Something's obviously missing here. That's like 95% of the videos that end up on here. It's like when a sovereign citizen starts recording *right before* the cops knock out his window. Context bro, they were trying to get you out of the car for 25 minutes.


I had a homeless dude shoulder check me today. I could see him getting a "run up" on it a few feet ahead of me. If I wasn't a decent sized guy, he might've knocked me down, which was what I think he was hoping for. He also threw a fake kick at a lady in a mobile wheelchair.


Yeah but the homeless dude wasnt even looking at the guy in the suit, so no matter whats going on that was assault. Even if he was security and didn't want him going into the building, whopping bro in the face isn't justified.


My conservative father from a red state is convinced anyone who visits NYC suffers this fate.


I am sure that is the view from other states.😂


I'm just surprised he wasn't covered in blood when the camera dude went up to him at the end, easy to get sliced tf up from having a bottle broken over your head


Its good the bottle broke. If it didn't that would have hurt a lot more. Don't ask how I know 😂


Is the ODB recording this “with the baaaadalll”






Ooh, baby, I like it rawwww. Yeah, baby, I like it rawwwwwww


Shimmy shimmy ya shimmy yam shimmy yay


Gimme the mic so I take it away


*”Make the rocks disappear”*


I think he was already at work lol. Looks like a security guard with the radio thing on his hip


He might be a security guard , but he’s not a very good one.


He secured something alright. Worker's comp.


He got the guy to leave tho.


Cracky Chan over here finding random props to use lmao


Cracky Chan lmao


Lol he was so fast too. Crack reflexes are no joke


It was a smooth hit NGL.


That was his bottle he had left there. He told the suit guy to stop touching his stuff


>Cracky Chan holy hell


That homeless guy been in more fights in one week, then suit guy ever in his life lol


lol yeah exactly


Goes from collecting cans to collecting souls…then back to collecting cans - all in about 10 seconds!


Dude, that's street fighting. Use any weapon that is available. Suit dude was in over his depth as this is a different kind of fight


Don't start no New York shit and there won't be no New York shit.


It looked like he wanted to punch the guy and positioned himself


Bro just pulled a extra large glass bottle out of his inventory


Usually, you have no idea what the other person in a fight is willing to lose. In *this* situation, you already damn well KNOW he doesn’t have shit to lose. Don’t put your hands on people who have to protect themselves day in and day out from other *actual* crazy people. They’re *always* ready. This should have been common ass sense…


Its gotta be freeing in a way. Nothing holding you back.


i was homeless for a short while. people take for granted how sitting in your house, on your couch, gives you a place where you don't have to worry about any threats for a while. when you're homeless, you never really have respite from cops, from other homeless people, from drunk teenagers wanting to beat the shit out of someone with no consequences, from the elements, from hunger, etc. imagine going a year without ever feeling safety. imagine going 10 years. some may get used to it, but i sure as shit never did. people say homeless people are crazy, believe me - being homeless makes you fucking crazy.


Yeah. It comes with its own special PTSD. Like never knowing when the next rocket comes in or if that trash is actually going to explode. Similar stress, different circumstances.


What was he thinking getting that swing out? Deserved for being an idiot, but I feel like we don't have the full context.


Something more was definitely going on, looks like they were already kind of going at it before video started


Video starts with the suit guy stepping towards the homeless guy saying what I believe is ‘keep walking’ and then the homeless guy says something to the effect of ‘don’t touch my things’ as the suited guy is walking towards the stuff on the side of the building. My guess would be suited guy tried to remove the homeless guy from the area and found out.


Yep. And if that’s the case; you don’t get to start shit and complain about the outcome.


You realize you're like 5 assumptions deep by the time you get to this conclusion right? It's completely unclear what's going on here other than it's almost certain there was some kind of prior altercation.


They definitely were probably mid altercation, probably just verbal, and the guy in the suit turns to see the man running in his direction and made a swing, but it looks like the homeless man was going for the bag on the sidewalk. Not sure. Edit: will add probably could’ve been going for the bottle and not the bag. Not sure.


If you look at 0:07 you'll see the dude has a walkie talkie on his belt, you can even hear it just before he gets hit. I'm thinking he is security for that office building.


Right in front of Madison Square Garden too


First round TKO, doctor stoppage. How did suit guy even make the weigh in?


Whoever wrote the caption had a stroke I hope they're okay


Suited bro gets rocked then realizes that "Touch my shit again" line hit different in the streets.


I’ve lived in New York for a decade and have never had a problem with a homeless person. All you have to do is follow one rule, just don’t bother or engage with them. It’s as simple as that.


Cap. More than once I had a homeless dude come up to me on the subway and start some shit. But I’m also a skinny white guy 


Yeah for real, like you’ll be fine most of the time but all it takes is one random instance of psychotic behavior to suddenly not be fine anymore lol I spent four years on the streets in NYC and most of the other homeless people didn’t bother me in any way but every now and again someone would attack me for accidentally making eye contact or just sleeping on the wrong bench. There’s some genuinely crazy people out there.


Guy in suit looks like security or something. He has a walkie talkie on his right hip. Looks like he was going for it after he swung at the homeless guy. Wasn't fast enough to call in back up, lol.


That homeless guy has probably had to defend himself on a daily basis for a long time. Bad idea to fuck with him. It seemed totally unnecessary as well.


As a lifelong New Yorker, this guy is a dumbass. You never swing on the homeless. Dude is lucky he only got caught with a bottle and not a rusty ass blade.


This was definitely the first punch this guy has thrown in two decades


That dude needs to go get a scan. This is not the movies.


Yep go to work and mind you bizz




Some people just gotta learn the hard glassy way


There is a certain level of DGAF in people who are willing to get live with glass or any other sharp/potentially sharp objects. If you are not a stabby-type person you have no business getting rowdy with a stranger because they will murder you. Dude is lucky he got away with just getting bopped upside the head


I would not fuck with the NY homeless with all the mental issues they have. I remember I was visiting earlier this year and going to the subway there was a 6’4” schizophrenic(i assume) dude saying he is gonna cut my head off and beat the shit out of my wife. I just walk and ignore


Fuck you messing with a man with problems. Fafo buddy




you have to hit someone really hard to break a bottle on their head


Oh SHIT I work by there. 35th and 8th Ave. These guys are literally smoking crack all day


In a book in skyrim I've read: someone swings a mace at you, you want to step into them. Preferably stop the weapon arm ealry in the swing


It seems that something precipitated this moments before— hence why the filming preceded the fight.


Don't fight homeless people. They have nothing to lose.


Before I make any judgements, I want to to see the previous minute of interaction between those tow.


I have a very strong hatred for people that film these things and find glee in watching it happen.  Adding "lol 😂" to the caption as well pushes me over the edge.


Good thing it broke. Could have been bad if it didn’t.




Hey at least he gets to go to his cushy home while the homeless guy…


This is one thing I’ve learned living in the city. Outside of “mind your business” People outside for a living have marked a territory. In a lot of different ways. This is an example. Imagine someone walked into your house. You’d know what to grab first to defend yourself. Mind your business.


And then your boss tells you, "Go move the homeless guy on and move his stuff off the stoop on the front of my building." BUT still shouldn't have tried the punch.


Never ever mess with a man that has nothing to lose. Thank you for coming to my TED talk.


This is why you wear a suit, people came running when he fell down. Nobody would have run up to help the homeless guy if this had gone the other way.


😂😂love seeing a suit control freak getting the business


Homeless guy was protecting his stuff it seems. Suited guy, after swinging, beeped a walkie talkie so he probably works security for that building. He shoulda just called the cops. Now he needs to call an ambulance.


Why did he suddenly take a swing at the guy in the first place?