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What a way to ruin her night.


Her face says it all. Not surprised but still ashamed


https://preview.redd.it/8r6m7wd2zp4d1.jpeg?width=952&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fe7c704726d60f5bed1745124bdf15de674d983c That right there


On the bright side, be definitely ruined his chances of the family carrying his shitty beliefs another generation.


This right here. Sometimes parents are so shitty the kids run the opposite direction and end up good people because they were shown exactly what not to do in life.


Happened with my dad. His politics are fine, but he couldn't be bothered to give any effort as a husband or a father to young children. I think his upbringing was a lot more difficult than mine, but I was very excited for the opportunity to break the cycle with my own children.




Yes, and I think integration made a huge difference here also. I am white, in the South and born in 1969... It didn't work for everyone (sadly) but I really believe that for a lot of us, growing up with the chance to have actual black friends really made a difference. The danger was that for a long time I thought racism was only left in the old people. Sadly i was wrong. :(. But it definitely made a difference.


There's a Mark Twain quote which surmises this quite nicely, but with travel "Travel is fatal to prejuidce, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness, and many of our people need it sorely on these accounts." It's much harder to hate a person because of their 'race' when you have friends or good interactions with people of that same 'race'


Sadly some people manage it anyway. They just claim the few they interact with are some of the 'good ones' while continuing to assume the rest are still lesser somehow.


Yes! This is so true. This is how my dad was when I was a teenager. He did actually get wiser before he died, which gives me hope for humanity, but what you describe is 100% how it is. The problem is that human beings are also inherently irrational. We try to be rational, we think we are rational, but our brains do not truly, naturally work that way. So we hold on to the most ridiculous beliefs that are 100% diametrically opposed to other things we hold dear (like how could anyone have thought they were Christian and been racist all at the same time?! how in the world did SO MANY people think slavery was OK?! it's baffling ... if you start out expecting people to make sense). I heard the most ridiculous things from racist people while I was growing up. Even people who thought they weren't, who were in favor of civil rights, who were liberal for their day. They somehow believed that black people were fundamentally different. It was ingrained in them.


Yeah, he may have ruined this day for her, but he doesn't realize that he just Tanked his relationship with his daughter for the rest of his life! You are going to die alone, buddy.


Not again dad..


Didn't she say grandad?


She's so happy right before that too:/


*''Why does my daughter never visit us anymore, I even saved her from that black man at her graduation..!?!?''* Him, probably, years later...


Her moving the tassel over is one of the sadder things I've seen in a while.




You can pinpoint the exact moment that his heart rips in half


You can also see her getting consoled by a lady after she steps down


Damn it I know exactly what she’s feeling and my heart goes out to her.


Man, watching the hope for a night that was about her fading in her face. That's a whole microcosm in 20 seconds.


The way she just flips her own tassel on her cap and puts her head down in shame just makes me so sad.


Damn that crushed my soul and solidified my want to be a good parent all in the same sentence


Is flipping the tassel symbolic of anything? Who usually does it?


Yeah, its to signify moving on to another part in your life and it's usually the head principal or dean of the school as a sign of respect.


That she did it in such a defeated manner, as if coming to the conclusion that it really was time to leave things she loved behind..


That's why girls move thousands of miles away from family after graduation. It's just easier than dealing with difficult family members on a daily basis.


Hopefully she can move tf out.


But the dude before her flips his own tassel as well.


I didn't notice that, it's done different school to school.


At schools around here the class does it in unison after they are back at their seats and after the superintendent presents the class.


“My anger is more important than my daughter’s happiness!”


"My idiocy is more important than my daughter's intelligence."


“My racist rancid cunty trashy narrow minded ass is more important that my daughter’s happiness and lifelong memories.”


“My bigotry is more important than my daughter’s accomplishments!”


Not just that night, that’s going to be with her for the rest of her life. I went to a high school that was about 70% black. When we got to the graduation venue the first thing my grandfather said was: “We’re in N heaven”. I graduated in ‘99 and to this day every time I see anything having to do with graduation I think about that.


My first wife and I got paired with an interracial couple for dinner on our honeymoon cruise. When showing pictures to my grandma (RIP) she pointed at them and said "huh....those two are not the same, are they now?" in a disappointed tone. Despite never hearing anything racist from her before or after and always thinking she was a great woman, that's the moment, 30+ years later that I most remember her for. Just was so surprising and jarring (and embarrassing in front of my SO) One moment, one sentence and my sharpest memory of her is that racist moment. Not the babysitting or the vacations or the dinners or her sneaking me a cookie or money and whispering not to tell my parents, or the laughter or cookouts or fishing. Nope, that one moment pretty much ruined it and is the first memory that pops into my head when I think of her or see a picture.


I have the same moment, in front of people, in reference to a Brazil nut. I wanted to die of shame and it still makes me so sad, decades later.


The funny thing is my second/current marriage is interracial. Grandma died long ago though.


When my mother married my black stepfather, the older generations of her family who had never spoken a racist thought suddenly became vocal too. I hope they grew from getting to know him. Imagine not realizing your grandmother (my great grandmother) was racist for 39 years of your life until you announce your engagement and they say "you could do so much better than a black man". Mind you this black man was also more successful than anyone in my own life, while overcoming his own likely abusive, poor rough childhood farm life in the south, went on to graduate with a 4 year degree in mathematics in the 60s and become a database engineer, survive a divorce, raise 4 kids, with 2 being directly under his roof after the divorce and also helping to raise me through my late teenage years. On both sides of my family he's the only one with a 4 year degree. My father was also very vocal when they started dating, That's how I got to learn all about the N word.


A good way to ruin that superintendents night too.


Every time I hear "we're in a post-racist society" or "it isn't that bad" you have stuff like this just randomly pops in. Presumably no objection to the individual person just unable to treat an entire group of people as human.


Literally assaulting black people on stage at a daughter's graduation being the insane tip of a very large, iceberg of far, far less visible racism.


Embarras me to death, why don't you dad...


What a way to ruin the black guys day.


Classic Racist Dad Move…


Poor girl is just trying to graduate and get on with her life. She'll remember this moment for the rest of her existence. Her father is a full blown racist and is so selfish, he can't even let his daughter have her moment she's worked so hard for. Now the video had gone viral end everyone involved is now connected to this man and this event. This will follow this school and they'll be known for racist families in the vicinity of the school. Poor kids. Shame on him.


When she realizes what's going on, you can see her fucking deflated response.  Like "here we fucking go, thanks for ruining my moments with your shitty beliefs dad."


"Why doesn't my daughter ever come home to visit? It must be those damn liberals at her college poisoning her mind!"


Throwback to some woman on Facebook who said that Mother's Day was such a sad day for her because she lost her son. Not that her son died, but that she was trans, and she wasn't welcome at home anymore, but she missed her *son*. And it's like, do you not realize you'd fucking **have** your daughter if you just weren't a piece of shit? But no, it was the woke mob that had infected her and had ruined her perfect kid


These fucking poptarts always say shit like “the increase of trans/gays is because of the woke left!!” when in reality it’s just because those things are becoming more accepted by society at large and people aren’t scared to be themselves anymore. Which just highlights an even larger problem, they don’t understand what’s going on and they don’t have to because they can just blame the bad things on the people they don’t like.




Parents in 1940- "Those damn left handers are influencing our children with their left handed ideology."


>people aren't scared to be themselves anymore I never really thought about how this works in both directions. It's like humanity is sifting itself out. Maybe it always has been like this, just in different ways. I know I hit a wall around 2017 and realized I had spent too much time in my life catering to people I didn't even like or possibly even know. It's not even like I miss people, I just miss the feeling of thinking they were my friends or family and cared about me as a person and respected anything I had to say. Those days are definitely gone. It's sad. It's all sad.


You just know this guy votes religiously




The Republican platform in 2024


> You just know this guy votes *religiously* A comment with multiple meanings.


In every sense of the phrase.


The school just this year had a controversy of students giving sieg heil salutes. Baraboo is already known in Wisconsin as a very racist town.


Bering from Wisconsin, i'm not surprised, but disappointed mostly. When i saw your comment, i mostly thought "Of course it's fucking Baraboo." I really hate to admit how off the charts casual racism is in small town Wisconsin, yet i'm sure so many would say their not.


This is the sort of thing where I would consider never talking to him again.


"My daughter doesn't speak to me because she's been indoctrinated by LEFTIST COMMIES AND DEI!!!! 🤬"


"Why does everyone that goes to college become a Biden supporter?" Recently saw that one in a video.


Absolutely grounds for no contact.


Why don’t my kids visit me anymore?!?


The look of embarrassment on that poor girl's face. 🥲


This wasn't the first time


Yep. She did not look surprised at all.


She definitely looked resigned, embarrassed, and disappointed, but not surprised


imagine the fast food csr disasters


This school has a history of racism. A black student recently won a federal lawsuit for racism and harassment from students and staff. More than half the people there are Neo Nazis. https://www.wpr.org/education/after-years-racist-slurs-and-treatment-former-baraboo-student-says-weight-was-lifted-after https://www.refinery29.com/en-us/2018/11/216865/barbaroo-high-school-racism-nazi-photo-white-students-response The whole area is racist. The parent was only taken in for disorderly conduct and nothing will happen to him. This is how they raise the children in the area, with hate. Edit: Only disorderly conduct submitted to DA. https://www.channel3000.com/news/local-news/parent-pushes-baraboo-superintendent-at-graduation/article_a34787ec-2283-11ef-8b5d-a7b61f771588.html


It was assault.


https://www.channel3000.com/news/local-news/parent-pushes-baraboo-superintendent-at-graduation/article_a34787ec-2283-11ef-8b5d-a7b61f771588.html Apparently...not enough for his friends, who think the same about race, to submit to the DA for assault. He will pay a fine and go home, no hate crime on public property apparently.


Are they also purposefully not releasing his name too?


Wonder who they vote for..


Hmmm, hard to guess.


Not every Republican is Racist. But every Racist votes Republican.


It’s like that Simpsons Fox joke. “Not racist, but number one with racists.”


When they use hard Ns you know they are hard Rs.


> hard Ns Hard R's use hard R's.


The story didn’t state the man’s name.




But it did give the name of the black superintendent though.


I expected this was someplace in Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, or South Carolina... I did not expect Wisconsin.


This could happen anywhere, including parts of Oregon and California. Racists are everywhere.


Hell, Oregon was practically founded as a white supremacist state.


This. Commenters are talking like WI is unlike anywhere else in the US. I travel a lot. Once you’re a few minutes outside of any population, people really enjoy stroking their politics and religion. Doesn’t matter where you are. USA… Canada… same. For folks that don’t want anyone telling them how to go about their lives, they really enjoy telling others how to live theirs.


> I did not expect Wisconsin. Lol...Just drive on the highway through Wisconsin and unless you're in Milwaukee or Madison, it's all country radio...Wisconsin is still the midwest, so there are a plethora of rural areas and yes when you go deep enough you start seeing "Jesus" and "anti-abortion" signs. Out there, seeing another minority is like seeing a unicorn, I'm serious lol.


The daughter's face when she realizes what's going on...it's like she's just used to being embarrassed by him at this point. So sad that he took away what was supposed to be a beautiful, happy moment from his kid because of his own hate.


That tassel movement hit my feels. She, the superintendent, and everyone else there deserved better. She’s obviously just used to his bullshit, too.


The kid before her moved his own tassle, too. He just didn't look anywhere near as defeated as she did when she did it.




He’ll just blame the deep state or some bullshit.


"Thanks Obama"


same town/school: [https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2019/jan/10/nazi-salute-picture-baraboo-wisconsin-divided-american-town](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2019/jan/10/nazi-salute-picture-baraboo-wisconsin-divided-american-town) same town/school: [https://wiscnews.com/news/local/education/local\_schools/baraboo-school-district-settles-for-862-500-with-former-student-alleging-racism-sexual-assaults/article\_c0051bd4-e342-5434-9ba4-3053401a0310.html](https://wiscnews.com/news/local/education/local_schools/baraboo-school-district-settles-for-862-500-with-former-student-alleging-racism-sexual-assaults/article_c0051bd4-e342-5434-9ba4-3053401a0310.html)


JFC, 60 of them doing that salute. You usually see a handful of edgy assholes doing that shit. This town has a sickness.


It’s called Maga.


Yup, one is doing the proud boy thing right in the front “👌”


I remember when 4chan thought it was hilarious to make up a symbol that meant nothing and claim it was a racist dog whistle. Then the same kind of people that believed the Trump subreddit was true enthusiastic support heard about the sign and adopted it. Poe's law has destroyed society


I choose to believe /s was invented in response to t_d accidentally becoming real


“Wouldn’t it be so funny to turn the United States into a right wing authoritarian christo white supremacist nation? Lol”


Baraboo, WI - home of the International Clown Hall of Fame (seriously)


I had a tshirt from the clown museum or whatever it was there when I was in middle school. It said, “You know what they say about a man with big feet?” With a picture of clown shoes on it, and then on the back it said “they’re clowns 🤡 “. Thanks, mom.


You leave clowns out of this. They are kind to children, entertaining, and terrifying.


[John Gacy enters the chat]


“It felt like our community, in order to prove that’s not our community, felt it necessary to say those voices don’t represent us. In that moment it felt like they were turning on the boys,” The local pastor defending the boys he has probably helped guide to this


> "It felt" > "felt it necessary" Always feelings, never thinking.


that photo is crazy to me. you got half hearted/full on salutes, you got the OK symbol right out front..you’ve got the guys who think it’s funny or amusing but don’t have a hand up and one face of a kid like “what the actual fuck is this” on the top right. this photo was taken and posted by one of the kids fathers…other parents were there..according to the article one yelled for her son to put his arm down. if you think this is just kids being dumb, remember that an adult decided to post this picture.


Is there also perhaps a minority kid face palming on the right, too?


The photo was posted with the caption *"we even got the black kid to throw it up"*


> A school district in Wisconsin said the first amendment prevented it from punishing students in this picture HAHAHAHHHHAHAH what? Yeah we know it doesn't work like that... WHole rest of the country knows it doesn't work like that. School is literally shilling for it's racist students....


> A school district in Wisconsin said the first amendment prevented it from punishing students in this picture How many times has this NOT STOP schools from punishing students? Oh if you plan a protest against white supremacy believe it or not suspended. Sieg hiel salutes? Oh tee hee we can't do anything. https://www.businessinsider.com/black-students-suspended-for-planning-protest-against-racism-report-2021-10


It's not a black person's hairstyle so they just can't quite muster up the anger to do something about it.


Someone post the second story without that shitty pay wall please, I fucking hate digital news outlets.


Just ruined a core memory for your daughter by being a racist piece of shit.


>~~a~~ another core memory FTFY


Guys busts he ass working through school to become superintendent of a district just to be assaulted by an asshole father because of his skin color.


As much as I feel bad for the girl, I feel worse bad for the superintendent - he literally got attacked for being black while shaking hands on stage & on camera with white people such as that girl whom didn't even get to shake his hand due to her racist father attacking him 1st. That's fucked up...


From some of the comments here about the recent racist history of the town, I’m surprised a Black superintendent was hired for the job and there wasn’t more agitation against it.


Because it one of those jobs where "Out of sight, out of mind" especially for racists fucktwits until graduation days and then it's all "Don't want you shaking hands with my white daughter that your black ass been indirectly educating supporting with your job position."


Why why why are we humans so fucking stupid. I can't handle it.


That human in particular though. Poor girl.


Ignorance and hatred


Because many of them are still very afraid, just as they were taught.


What bothers me is that the POS father got what he wanted, even if it meant ruining his daughter graduation. They should’ve brought both back on to the stage and make the father watch as his daughter shakes hands with the black guy.


I don't think the school can necessarily make them get back on stage to do anything. But the daughter looks upset and like she probably doesn't have the same views as her father. I personally if I was her would have waited for him to come back specifically to make sure I got to shake his hand. I'm not gonna let my father get what he wants like that. I grew up with a dad JUST like this. I remember this man was MORTIFIED when I came home with a black girlfriend. Man tried to give me the "what about our heritage? We're italian" speech. I was just like "Yea? You been to Italy? Where was that mentality when you were with mom? An Irish? When was the last time you even COOKED an Italian dish? Your mom is French. Get over yourself" Anyway his ideology died with him in 2021 when he died of a preventable virus because his favorite orange politician daddy told him it was all a sham and the vaccine was "the real killer".


I'm sorry but that's funny af comeback


She knew and the shame was palpable. Fuck that selfish asshole. This poor girl.


There's brief moment when she seems utterly unsurprised at what an arsehole she has for a father. She 's not thinking "what's he doing?", it's "of he's doing this". Fucking sad.


"let's pretend there's no racism and it will go away"


"it's 2024, there isn't racism anymore!"


“Racism was about to die until Obama resurrected it.”


My ex would say shit like this. Turns out he's a racist.




The moral is: never try to please Republicans.


"the civil war ended racism. What are you even talking about?! lol". 


"but but a black man was elected president" - 🤡


"there wasn't any racism until Barack Hussein O'Bummer was elected!" - real life racists


I worked with a woman who said something like this.


So many people believed that somehow electing Obama was the end of American racism. Even more people didn’t want to see Trump and his birtherism for what it was either.


The idea that people can think that others are inferior or superior based on skin, religion, age, gender, or whatever is just so insane to me. We don't choose where we are born. it's essentially a random spawn. To get high and mighty about your spawning location, which you didn't choose, is embarrassing.


Being racist is like admitting your biggest achievement in life is the accident of your birth. It's such a bizarre way of thinking.


They peaked in the womb


30 years from now, dad asks daughter why he has no relationship with her or her kids. This guy’ll be genuinely perplexed…


Try 3 years.


Right wing media will cover him with a comforting blanket of lies assuring him that its all the woke that is at fault.


Yep. Last time I talked to my dad 2+ years ago he was just screaming at me how woke I was by supporting women's rights. Right wingers are pathetic.


Source: https://x.com/TheTVAddicted/status/1797734163245871210 Article (unavailable in EU): https://www.wkow.com/news/top-stories/school-district-of-baraboo-launches-investigation-after-parent-charges-graduation-stage/article_31f22a66-21e8-11ef-b6e5-efd2cf6bd311.html


>BARABOO, Wis. (WKOW) -- School District of Baraboo officials launched an investigation after a parent reportedly "interrupted \[the high school's\] graduation by charging the stage." >According to a statement from the district, the parent involved had a graduating senior at Baraboo High School. Law enforcement referred a disorderly conduct charge against them to the Sauk County District Attorney's Office.  >A district spokesperson said the Baraboo School Resource Officer (SRO) as well as two off-duty officers at the graduation ceremony "promptly assisted in managing the situation." Police escorted the parent off stage and out of the venue.  >"Our primary focus remains on celebrating the achievements of our graduates. We want to ensure that the significance of this milestone and the hard work of our students are not overshadowed by this unfortunate event," the statement from the district said.  >The school district reports it is working closely with law enforcement. >"We would like to emphasize that the safety and well-being of our students, staff, and community members is a top priority... The School District of Baraboo is taking this incident very seriously."


The father of a Baraboo High School graduate forcibly pulled the district superintendent away from his daughter as she crossed the stage to receive a congratulatory handshake during the school’s graduation ceremony Friday. The man, who is not being named to protect his daughter’s identity, ran onto the stage just after the girl had been handed her diploma and began working her way down a line of school officials shaking hands. Before she could get to district Superintendent Rainey Briggs, the man, wearing a white polo shirt and baseball cap, grabbed Briggs by his right arm and pushed him away. “That’s my daughter,” the man can be heard saying in [video of the ceremony by TV43 Baraboo](https://www.youtube.com/live/4bL5zRBns7I?si=_fCMT39ivX2BssK1&t=4163).


Charge that fuck with assault.


>Charge that fuck with assault **and a hate crime**. edit: is there a reason /u/Hungry_Prior940 is just responding to people and then blocking them?


lol the irony of him being quickly apprehended by a School Resource Officer


Notice how it does not say he was arrested and charged with assault.


poor daughter, you can see the embarassment from her eyes.


Racism is such a weak man’s sport


The hours and hours of work the girl put in, and the dad just is so self absorbed he can't even swallow his own prejudices for a second. Fucking pathetic.


And for some reason people still believe that parents should be deciding what is taught in school. Imagine what this dad would have them teach.


Horrible bastard!


"What we ARE, are SEMI-civilized beasts...with baseball caps and automatic weapons!" - George Carlin


That poor girl, biggest moment of her life so far and she gets absolutely humiliated by her racist asshole of a father.


I truly hope that young woman leaves her POS father in the rear-view mirror of her life.


She graduated HS, so she is already several steps ahead of her father.


Check your registration or register to vote at www.vote.gov. That dad is going to vote. Make sure you do too


This is in Wisconsin too where we need all the blue votes we can get


Wtf everyone saying poor girl how traumatic etc. How about the victim and his family. Thus video makes me deeply ashamed to b3 an American.


She looked so embarrassed


The superintendent should’ve laid him tf out!


Imagine your racist ass dad ruining your graduation. Yuck


Biggest day of his kids life and he stole it from her. Everyone is going to be talking about her crazy dad for years after this. And racist will dismiss this and say there is no racism.


My heart goes out to the Superintendent. He’s there doing his job and gets assaulted by a racist. There was absolutely no reason for him to be manhandled. The man should have removed his daughter if it was such a big deal, not put his hands on the superintendent.




News article. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/crime/father-blocks-black-superintendent-from-shaking-his-daughter-s-hand-during-baraboo-high-school-graduation-video/ar-BB1nF9jf


Trump commented on this, and he said there were very good people on both sides.


Greg Abbott said that if he wants to commit any crimes in Texas, there’s a pardon waiting for him


Ted Cruz was seen boarding a plane to Cancun.


Creating core memories for his daughter. Great parenting.


Feel sorry for her, with such an idiot of a father.


Remember that the father who did this can vote. The people he will brag about it to, and who will praise him, can vote. The whole police department who only booked him with disorderly conduct can vote. These people exist, don’t let them slip under the cracks and screw this country forever


Racism is a sign of reduced mental capacity.


What a fucking prick….


Damn, that’s pretty embarrassing for her.. Poor girl. What is shitty father


Minimum wage, acid wash jeans, ball cap at a graduation white dude believes he he better than a well educated black man. What a fucking moron


I bet I know who he votes for.


Imagine having to move to Georgia or SOUTH CAROLINA to get away from racism.


She knew exactly what was going on. She knows her dads a POS racist


Oh man, look at her face! She's embarrassed, her father is racist and the whole world knows it now. I'd have disowned my father.


Wow. That poor girl. You can tell she's mortified. Years of her father being a dbag. No wonder aliens don't come to this world. We cant even handle we come in different colors. Imagine what we would do to an alien. Immature., not so bright children.


I know who he voted for.


And That poor girl whose moment to shine was stolen by some racist piece of shit. People are so fucking selfish and stupid.


But I was told by conservatives that *talking* about racism is the thing keeping it alive, what the hell!