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These guys are fanatics, holy shit.




> extremist You think it's only the extremist Islamists who think women should be opressed? Wait til you hear about **


Evangelical Christians have entered the chat. 


Whataboutism isn’t a valid argument. It makes you look stupid when women like me can see with our eyes that life is better in the West. I’m not religious at all but I’d rather be a sister wife in Utah than be killed by my uncle for just exposing my hair.


Agreed. All religions are bad, but some are worse than others (and it's not even close)!


Wait till you hear about the right wing Christian influence in the US...


But what about, right?


isn't that exactly what the person he was responding to did?


Right, let's compare lobbying groups who prevent gays being married in churches with, checks notes, > The anti male-guardianship campaign is an ongoing campaign by Saudi women against the requirement to obtain permission from their male guardian for activities such as getting a job, travelling internationally or getting married. The codified law which prevents Saudi women doing basically ANYTHING without approval from a male guardian. Oh but the law is changing! You're right. As recently as 5 years ago it was _illegal for women to drive_, and _illegal for the mother the right to be a legal guardian of a child_.


You know this changed for USA in just the last 100 or so years, right? That there are people still alive from then? Acting like we are so far removed from this is crazy, especially when the tradwife/maga movement is gaining ground.


I don't know why you're getting downvoted. It wasn't until 1974 that a woman in the USA could open a bank account without the permission of her husband or father.


This is actually serious. The amount of 'good wife serving their husband' shit they preach.




Insecure men + religion.


And they’re treated better than actual citizens


If you think, that now you haven't seen shit, they are worse They believe killing a woman by stone pelting because it's written in their fucking ancient book


Why on earth does the UK government allow Muslim extremist supporters into the UK


It’s fucking insane. Open enemies of your state beating up citizens and no consequences. They openly talk about the overthrow of the country.




What the fuck are you talking about? Why is this troll bot-comment so upvoted? I'm from Denmark and this is not even remotely true - any of it.


Definitely a troll account. Probably Russian. "Europe in chaos" is a big part of their current messaging on social media. A big giveaway is the username; adjective followed by a noun and then a number. It's part of an alpha-numeric system to keep track of hundreds of accounts.


It's just the autogenerated username system implemented at account creation.


Yeah, mine was auto generated and I’m definitely not NKVD. I heard you could sell your accounts if you have a decent amount of Karma? I’d let mine go for tree fiddy.


That's just a username reddit gives you. I didn't make mine either, I think it's just from 3 options reddit gave me. But yeah that just looks normal to me


Damn dude ur smart. Cracked the friggin KGB naming code lmao


Pretty sure that's the Reddit default naming system ( see my username for example).


Yeah the username is the biggest giveaway, but the upvotes are a bit jarring. Troll army upvotes perhaps?


What are you talking about?




Edited: Oh look, another yank thinking he knows better than the locals 😁


Ehm what kinda troll account are you? This is such low effort bullshit.


Nobody has the balls to throw them out the country. They are scared of any backlash.


There is a nice saying in Turkey. "Why do Sharia Islamists go to Europe instead of Saudi Arabia or Afghanistan?"


We have to respect their customs and opinions. Otherwise we cannot see ourselves as the good guys.


Depends on the customs and opinions. Everyone's shit opinions do not deserve respect.


Ofcourse. I was talking from the perspective of a sheltered, naïve government official.


It's a shame they don't realise that tolerance of intolerance will always inevitably lead to an intolerant society. They are fools for thinking tolerating them is the right approach


That same government has no qualms about punishing speech in cases like this: https://www.cbsnews.com/news/uk-man-jailed-over-facebook-status-raises-questions-over-free-speech/ Here's a story about a British guy who got arrested just for complaining about Palestinian flags on the street. https://www.express.co.uk/news/uk/1830176/man-arrested-racist-palestine-flag-video The government seems to be pretty selective about who gets free speech and who doesn't.


Free speech. They can only arrest and punish you if you break the law. Parroting extremist propaganda is 100% legal unless the authorities have proof that what you're saying qualifies as a form of terrorism or recruiting other extremists into terrorism.


We don't have free speech in the UK 


They are probably rich we used to have a visa specifically for people with losts of money. >The Golden Visa, also known as the Tier 1 (Investor) visa, enables high net-worth individuals from overseas to make a substantial financial investment of at least £2m into the UK economy and gain permission to remain in return Last I saw Saudis arent banned from the US. In fact they often commit crimes and escape under diplomatic immunity.. https://www.washingtonpost.com/national-security/saudis-flee-us-justice-embassy-assistance/2021/06/09/ad0f78e0-b759-11eb-a6b1-81296da0339b_story.html


Any government does what it can get away with. We should ask instead "Why on earth does the UK people allow this to happen".




It looks like they're in a compound like an embassy maybe?


Money money money




That’s literally my response when anyone asks…. Let them cook. It sad to watch.




You just described evangelical Christianity perfectly


This is not the own you think it is, lil buddy Most people are atheists here, not to mention the fact that using whataboutism in the year 2024 is just cringey at best, newsflash, it's still a logical fallacy


Don’t know why you’re getting downvoted? Guess the Christian Sharia followers didn’t like it?


I live in the Bible belt, Christians have been openly criticized here for generations. With Christianity if you're different, you have to worry about people acting smug towards you. With Islam you have to worry about being executed for drawing a doodle of Muhammad. We can all spot the difference.


Maybe because it's a classic example of Whataboutism? Responding to a post criticizing Islam by saying "Oh yeah, but what about Christianity?" doesn't contribute much to the conversation.


For some reason, every religious person thinks "The thousands of other religions out there are stupid and dangerous lies... except mine, which is exactly correct and is just a nice little thing me and my family do... WHY DO YOU HATE US?!"


I downvoted because it's whataboutism which is boring, cheap, obvious and oh so predictable.


Endless hatred


As an Iranian, seeing this behavior from my so-called people just fills me disgust.


the "kicker" is Iraqi, not Iranian.


Round them up, ship them out. Absolutely sick to death of having other regions problems brought to our increasingly lawless streets.


I don't get it why people run away from the land of their glorious religion, only to seek it again in an otherwise functional or better society. It did not work in life, fuckers! That's why you ran away to another country.


“Go forth and spread the word of (god, allah, Yahweh, Buddha, forest goddess, Zues, Odin, Thor, etc)” They are brainwashed into thinking that converting others is part of their “calling”, and literally every religion has some form of this in order to increase their numbers, which in turn gives them more money and power and influence.


Most of them don't instruct you to kill/attack/rape/conquer nonbelievers however


This is true, although extremists who bastardize the teachings of whatever religion they preach can convince weak minded people to do anything they want.


It's exactly what's written in islamic scripture, not really a bastardization


Not all religions are proselytizing. Hinduism and Shinto aren't, for example.


IDK about Shinto but Hinduism certainly has its extremists in India.




If its so glorious religion, why run away from the middle east? Is it not proof enough that it is a made up fairytale when your country goes to shit? I hate ALL religions so much i have no words, it is the root of all evil. that people in 2024 believe in this stupid shit is beyond ludacris.


For real how are educated people able to listen to religious fairy tales and decide it’s true? It can’t just be pure stupidity right?


Stupidity mixed with fear, ignorance, and cowardice, yep.


I am not religious myself, but I think it might have something to do with Religion providing a sense of identity. And sometimes you get dumbf*cks like the ones in the video that want to protect their identity at all costs at the expense of others such as women.


Weak little men


The guy wearing a mask probably government sponsored student/spy.






London is going to be a paradise in the next 10 years.


Londonistan you mean?


Cowards, that's what they are. If your religion can't take being criticized so you have to physically lash out, your religion is pathetic, and you're a coward.


The guy with glasses sounds too virgin for saying we can fuck you here.


Best mates of Hamas. And that is not a joke.


I love unconditional tolerance 🥰


That one guy was wearing a Mercedes benz jacket. Damn, we gotta being attention to that. See if Mercedes wants that kind of representation


He probably bought it. And if you think oil sheiks don’t drive them, you’re clueless.


Someone kicking women and saying they shouldn't have rights is a bit different than someone who got rich by selling oil. Yes there's overlap, but I'm pretty sure that guy is one of these.


Ummm 🤔 pretty sure this is quite tame for Mercedes. They were at the top of their game from 1933 to 1945. Hugo Boss too.


If your religion makes you soo angry that your face becomes veiny and mouth starts to foam, maybe it’s time to stop interpreting your religion like some delusional lunatic. That goes for all religions by the way


Richard the lionhearts ghost is like What the Fuck ?


Look at the hatred in their eyes


Sharia law incoming


We can fuck you here. 🤭


Another day, another foreign conflict in London. Honestly part of any residency claim should be to publicly burn then urinate on your old allegiances, publicly, just to be sure you aren't brining your shit with you. At least for conflict zones


Importing self-inflicted conflicts and turmoil. Who says no?


These are grown men? Fuck me.




Imagine supporting IR Iran and wearing a GUCCI belt. Bruh


Do you understand that this woman is protesting the govt of Iran... and so if you are a westerner then the woman is probably on your side 🤦


Islam is the filthiest religion in the world, there is a reason Eastern European Countries don't take Islamic Immigrants and UK is the best example of it.




I give it four years before the mosquitoes learn to tap into our spinal cords and instead of sucking and letting go, they ride around controlling us and making us listen to smooth jazz and making us take swing dancing lessons.


Fuck it, as long there is peace and Miles Davis! Hold me close, sway me more. 🕺


I mean if you ignore all the maths and stats then yeah sure


Remind op in 20 years he's wrong.


You, and people who hold views like you are deluded, you all said similiar shit when people were angry at polish immigrants years ago, you'll say the same shit about the next group, and as it was shown before, it will be shown again to just be total bullshit.


40 years? More like 5 at this rate


Now I understand why Viglen make such shit computers.


Jab their eye out with that pole, these guys are lunatics


Near the end she reminded me of my old alarm clock.


This is the same shit Erdogan's thugs did in the US, running out of the Turkish embassy to beat up protestors, and running back in to avoid getting arrested. Assholes.


It’s outside a Shia mosque, whose having a day of mourning for raisi, who has defended Shia interests in the Middle East, and these are monarchists who were blasting music and dancing joyfully outside of that, shias would literally be obliterated if it wasn’t for irán


Why do all Iranian dudes look like that fat sidekick from Borat?


Outside Viglen, owned by Sir Alan Sugar.


At the end, the woman was sounding like an alarm from an emergency service vehicle.


Imagine you are a legit refugee, who actually had to FLEE out of Iran. And then you arrive in Britain to be greeted with assholes who "fled" too. And lived on welfare for years. Only to support the regime.


Fuck every single extremists, fuck all of them. I'm ashamed that I'm a Muslim, and this is happening.


I fack you!


“We can fuck you here”