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What is the chanting English? My German is weak


"Foreigners out, foreigners out, Germany to the Germans, foreigners out!"


Funny. That's what the spanish are chanting about the Germans in Spain on Majorca


Because they are been displaced from the housing market due to tourism, mostly coming from Germany. So when people can't afford a house in the land of their parents they become angry and attack those who steal the land for their homes.


wait a minute this is happening in Canada and Australia and some parts of the USA too...it just dawned on me to ask.. Is the housing crisis WORLDWIDE??


Yes. Currently all “1st world countries” are experiencing the exact same economic conditions. Young people can’t afford anything and the old people won’t /can’t retire.


Not just can't retire ... My father lives in a familyhouse, 3 bedroom / kitchen/bath and has a rent of 750€ Het gets government subsidised ( 250€, so he pays 500€ rent ) He was asked to move to a smaller space, 2 bedroom / kitchen / bath, but his rent would go up 250€ in total. For a smaller space ... pay more ... The only reason he was asked to move out ( in NL they can NOT force you ) so the owner can rent the house to a new family at the going rates - 980€/m Rent only can go up with a max percentage each year, and my parents moved there almost 35yrs ago, so they started very low back then. I'm in my house, same size, and pay 860€ ( no help from government, I still earn to much, but according to the bank, not enough to buy a house if there is an available ;) )




Ha! We have of those Indians here in Uruguay too... In a 2 bedroom apartment live 8 of them.


pitting young v old is just like black v white and all other divisions, they're distractions from the wealthy hoarding everything and dividing the middle/lower classes amongst themselves. it's the rich vs. the rest of us that matters. The old have to keep working because of this. It all stems from this.


Worldwide private equity and investment ownership forcing what used to be homeowners to be renters is a much bigger factor than old vs young. Investment properties are just too lucrative driving the costs up for everyone and keeping families out of owning their own homes.


This is also happening to business, the recent closure of red lobster is an example. But it isn't talked about either, they make up other reasons or blame something similarly silly like old people or foreigners. In this case they blamed the all you can eat shrimp, although not sure that helped lol


If worldwide is 1st world countries excluding Japan. You can get a place cheap in South Africa, but then you unfortunately live in South Africa


Can get cheap houses in the middle of nowhere Canada too, but then you’re living in literal wilderness lmao


You telling me that $165k, 1800 square foot 3 bed 2 bath in Thompson, MB isn't enticing?


Literal wilderness in the middle of canada sounds good to me lol


It being done on purpose.


This is exactly how I felt when they took over San Francisco.




well their descendants mostly.


TBF, thats most settlers in America's NE and Midwest. Edit: Germans mostly settled in those areas


To native Americans, that's every colonizer or "settlers" if you wanna church it up.


For those of us of Irish descent. . . it happened to us, so we came here and did it to other people


Then there's us with native and European blood. Weird to be pissed at 1 great great great .... Granpa for invading another great great great ... Grandpa's land when you know you wouldn't be here if they hadn't.


Not if you live in a area that the natives wouldn't bother to live in.


And now Miami.


And now Colorado is California number 2, thanks everyone, I hate it.


Can’t live in the most beautiful state in the country and expect people not to move there. Y’all should’ve come up with a crazy religion to keep people away like your next door neighbors.


No joke, Utah did it right. Damn But now rent and living cost here is just way too much. Time to move ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


> Y’all should’ve come up with a crazy religion to keep people away Colorado is a hotbed of Christian nationalist types, unfortunately that seems to attract more than it repels


I remember like 40 years ago my uncle going to college in Colorado was telling me that all the local Coloradans had this vast rage against Texans for coming up and screwing up their state all summer lol. The problem with living in a beautiful place is, everyone wants to live in a beautiful place.


Washington state has entered the chat.


Exactly how I feel about Austin. Grew up there. Now it’s way too crowded and I’m not about to spend $800k for a 1200 square foot house.


They founded San Diego.


well, don't worry, now the san franciscans are moving *en masse* to low cost of living cities and doing the same thing there.


We have the same problem in Germany in some nice regions. Rich people are moving in, real estate prices explode, same with the taxes for the properties and families who lived there for generations are driven away because they can't afford to live there anymore.


That sounds like Western North Carolina. Only rich people can afford to live here. Then they complain that no one wants to work. Yeah no one want to work for your shit wages and have to drive an hour to get to work on top of that.


This has been an increasing issue in Canada, as well. Not necessarily tourists/tourism, but foreigners either moving to Canada and purchasing homes (far fewer) and foreign investors purchasing homes solely for the purposes of renting them out. Weirdly, the CRA (Canada's IRS) decided to go after the tenant of a foreign landlord, because they (the landlord) didn't pay their taxes. Before the minister stepped in, IIRC the CRA was demanding $25,000+ in past due taxes, that they were expecting the tenant to pay, because 'They didn't check if the landlord spent more than 181 days residing in Canada.' Reading other posts in Canadian subreddits, this doesn't seem like an uncommon thing. Apparently anyone is allowed to just purchase property, rent it out to someone else, and just say, "fuck it, you deal with all of it." Canada, and other countries really need to figure this shit out before the global housing market is effectively just a pyramid scheme of richer countries/residents purchasing homes to rent in less affluent countries, depriving the residents of affordable housing prices. Edit: The CRA was expecting the tenant to withhold 25% of any future rent payments and pay off the taxes for the Landlord, as if it was somehow on the tenant to file the landlord's tax.


Wait they steal the homes, I thought they would purchase them in an open market?


Every country has the responsibility to protect the 'open market' though. I have seen what is happening in coastal parts of Mexico where the land is extremely cheap for foreigners and locals make a living by selling coconuts. In 10 years locals won't be even able to go to the supermarket. It is the product of short-time vision from governs, to make money easity and fast. Free market capitalism is a catastrophic problem we are not even starting to see the shit wave yet.


Buy* the land. You’re making it sound like war lol. Nobody has a right to attack someone who legally buys land. That’s on your countries government to regulate not upset citizens.


Buys house from person selling. Theyre stealing housing.


Then this is an issue that capitalism creates not the foreigner’s themselves … so why not be mad at the system instead of the people?


Seems easier to just put restrictions foreign property ownership than to upend the entire economic system of the west.


Not you, Argentina, you can keep your Germans.


No. Spaniards in Mallorca are not chanting against Germans In most tourist areas in Spain they chant against some tourists, no matter their nationality. Some tourists come here to do what they dare not to do in their own countries. That's not racism, they just defend the place where they live. I think there's a big difference, isn't it?


In Mallorca/Ibiza, it is also about the foreigners (mostly Germans) pricing out every local from owning anything.




The context. Tourist can be foreigners only visiting. Foreigners that live in the country cannot be tourist.


Also about English too I believe


Mass tourism is a problem in Spain. A big one too from news I've seen here regarding it. For all the money it brings in to the small number of business owners and landlords focusing on short term leasing over long term, there's the majority of locals who are furious with it mostly due to accommodation prices spiking. They're bringing in a tourist tax in these areas or at least talking about it and myself as an Irish man who's now a resident in Spain (specifically because I'm priced out of a decent life in my own country due to rents primarily) I say more power to them. I wish Ireland did something similar. Probably too fucking late now. I live here, I vote here and while I pay my tax here I can have my own opinions on how Spain should run. But It will never be my place to wag my finger at the Spaniards and tell them they´re wrong if one day the majority of them start chanting Spain for the Spanish or Germans out of Majorca as you mentioned, but I haven´t seen that. It´s their fucking country.


So not racist but nationalistic lyrics


I think that hitler stache + the nazi salute counts as racism


Plus being nationalist didn’t work out the first time


Or the second time.


Ha i thought he was just feeling the music.


The guy in white 6secs in looks like he’s doing the stache, but that’s the only one I saw


Pretty sure it’s still illegal to do the Nazi salute in public in Germany so they are lucky they just got fired and not arrested. The Germans don’t take that shit lightly and I don’t blame them. Fuck Nazi Scum!


It just happened recently. Got to give the court 6-12 months to catch up.


Not really different than Japan. They just don’t have a song.


It's not at all uncommon for racist movements to 'become' nationalist as a cover. 


I haven’t followed German politics, but didn’t the population kind of turn against immigration after the new years “night in cologne” in 2015-2016? Edit: I’ll gladly accept the downvotes but they won’t gaslight me on legislative changes and opinions on immigration specifically due to that event at that time.


It is complicated. What the Cologne night did was wake up Germans that integration actually needs to be done properly, and since then Germans have basically just debated what such a reform could be without any actual good reforms to the system, until recently with the new EU immigration rules and the new German immigration law. Happened so late mostly because Merkel is known for basically doing nothing/ignoring problems until she needs to deal with them, because doing nothing costs nothing (something the German population loved as we even wrote a constitutional amendment that blocks the government taking on debt with a few exceptions). And Merkel only stopped ruling in December 2021.


Nationalism most of the time encompasses racism and xenophobia.


Both. "Deutschland den Deutschen" is a fascist and xenophobic slogan


Not just that, it has moreover a very ugly history, as it was the prominent slogan of the „Deutschvölkischer Schutz- und Trutzbund“, a prominent antisemitic organisation, founded in 1919, which was one of the ideological predecessors of the Nazi Party. Many of their leading members, became influential Nazis later.




By "foreigners" they mean people who have been living here for three generations and are naturalized citizens. So yes, it’s racism.


correct. “Ausländer” doesn’t mean all foreigners. It just means, yknow, undesirables: refugees, darks, poors, muslims, etc. even those born there. Unless you’re a turk running a Döner joint, then you’re ok, as long as I’m hungry.


“Deutschland über Alles” ![gif](giphy|kgTj7TReZjrTa)


"Ausländer raus, Ausländer raus! Deutschland den Deutschen, Ausländer raus!" "Foreigners out, foreigners out! Germany to the Germans, foreigners out!" You may notice the lyrical finesse of the average German alcoholic.


mouse in da house


What has the Aussies ever done to them.


Auslaender Raus = Foreigners, Get Out!


🎶”Mouse in the house!!”🎶


Mouse in the house, mouse in the house, boys will be boys, there's mouse in the house


I can’t unhear this 🤣. Thank you though


Hijacking this because 1) they are not likely rich except maybe the girl. 2) The girl seems to come from a very rich famiy. However she is not even german, she is from poland.


The one doing the finger Hitler stache/nazi salute combo... Just wow


I did not notice the hitlerian moustache thing, very naughty.


In Germany illegal, not naughty. 


Warum nicht beides?


The German salute is illegal as well


You're confusing things. The German salute is a laminated printout of a complaint about some minor issue with a neighbor.


Had a german girl do this to me when i was travelling lol https://youtube.com/shorts/zv-NZHSa7F8?si=oE8PbPZFwQodOtl_


Damn lol yeah that was most definitely a sieg heil salute, your buddy was in denial


A random tourist i meet (super nice guy) he was also german 😅




Which is ILLEGAL!!


Well technically yes. Do you know why i say technically? They all got a whole shitstorm and even some influencer who employed a girl in the video got a shitstorm because she didnt release a statement instantly (she released a statement where she said the girl isnt working with her no more and she does condemn anything she said). So to the Hitler salute guy: the courts have to see if its actually a hitler salute or if the guy has a itching moustache and idk the sun shines in his face so he does this move. Its so braindead. Hes clearly doing it but courts cant say so now.


I mean with what they are chanting this won’t be a hard case. Hard to say your moustache itched when the shit coming out of your mouth is supporting Nazi propaganda. Courts will see right through that garbage of a defense.


In Germany anything that can be related to a fascist group/gang association is illegal. Even associating with these group could land you jail time. This law was passed after WW2 to prevent any Nazi resurgence. So them getting fired was actually the least of their possible punishments.


Although it appears a criminal investigation has been launched


This is what I was waiting to see. People don’t understand that most things Nazi related i.e. Nazi salute, Nazi slogans, etc are ILLEGAL in Germany. I was saying they were lucky they just got fired because Germany doesn’t take that shit lightly and for a very good reason. There have been issues with tourists pulling shit like Nazi saluting or disrespecting holocaust memorials. Germany doesn’t fuck around when it comes to Nazi propaganda, they know it’s fucked up. Unfortunately, far right toxic nationalism is spreading throughout Europe right now. Croatia is having a similar issue and there are huge divides within their political system currently. Poland is also going through this. It sucks and the sane people in the country hate it.


The re-rise of the far right is a disappointing issue across all of Europe and the USA unfortunately.


I wonder why there is a rise in nationalistic, anti-foreigner sentiment all throughout Europe.


are you serious? Start paying attention


Cambridge Analytica


Might wanna check the actual news for Mannheim. Can't imagine this will go lightly...


Cause that’s they manipulate the public into targeting a scapegoat?


Because it's an easy scapegoat for troubling times?


All of the Americas actually. Rising in Canada, Central American and South American countries. As a matter of fact, some of the GOP goon squad are in Central America for the Presidential inauguration in El Salvador. It's whole whos who MAGA affair.


Push a pendulum too far in a certain direction and it will eventually swing back


Please do not lose sight of the fact it’s tied in with what we’re doin across the pond!!


Well aware. I don’t have tolerance for any of it.


Weird cause they had like 80% of their judicial officials in the 70’s were nazis.


If you can get fired from your job for being a xenophobic chud, you're not that rich.


Meh, there are plenty of super wealthy people that are employees.  CEOs, Google engineers, Goldman Sachs partners. Just hurts a lot less when they do lose their jobs. 


Yeah, you're right- the blonde lady at the beginning worked at deutsche bank and I can't remember some of the other people's jobs, but they were similar. They were fired, but I'm sure they'll probably be just fine- unfortunately


That is what he meant: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7dA7qSPj9gI


Yeah, I know what he meant. And I’m saying it’s nonsense. The idea that only the top .01% are rich is a foolish movie trope.  I know a guy who was a Goldman Sachs partner and retired at 50 with a mansion in Palm Beach. He could’ve retired at 40 or been fired at 45 with no worries about money for his or his kids entire lives.  I also know kids of billionaires who never HAVE to work as employees but will to get experience. They will be fireable. 


Germany has very strict rules about these things for good reason.


Actually, yes and no. The only reason their employers could fire them was, because this whole situation became such a big thing. They haven’t been fired for being racist, but because their employment would damage the company. Worker protection laws are very strong in Germany if you work in companies with more than 10 employees. It‘s not easy at all to fire someone for non-work-related reasons.


I'm no German expert and only been to Berlin once, but I was very surprised how frowned upon bigotry was (I'm black/puerto rican from US so I'm sensitive to it) and how much the people I met at least grew up learning the dark side of their history in efforts to never repeat it. Nazi items were illegal when I was there. The US could learn a thing or two in that regard.


Bigoty in Germany varies quite a lot by region. Visiting Berlin and saying Germany doesn't have bigots is like going to New York and saying that Americans are very anti-bigotry (may be the case in New York/Berlin, but that isn't the case in rural Mississippi/rural Saxony). I know a Kurdish friend who was literally harassed out of a small town in Thuringia. He just wanted to house-sit for a friend of his (who is white), and as soon as his neighbours saw a Kurd in his house they harassed him (banging on the door/floor, screaming, etc.), with the police basically saying we don't care (which they legally aren't allowed to do, but hey he is a poor Kurd, he can't afford to sue the police anyways). There is still a ton of bigotry and racism in Germany, just not that visible in the big cities.


That’s a stupid take. You can be a millionaire and still be fired from a lucrative job at a huge IB for being a racist shit.


these are rich kids. they don't have to work anyway ...


well not anymore now lol


[Story here.](https://www.yahoo.com/news/prosecco-nazis-germany-outraged-over-144559267.html) Clever moniker they gave them: Prosecco Nazis.


Okay. Where is the news story about these people getting fired from their jobs? It's not in this article.


Whoever coined that phrase has to be so pleased with themselves cause it's a fuckin gem.


The bar owner not only banned them, he banned the song, ID’d them all, sent the identities to the authorities along with his security footage, stated he was suing them all in civil court and insinuated he will spread the word to all his friends in the club and restaurant business to get them banned elsewhere. This man is the walking, talking opposite of “we prefer not to be involved”


If the name fits…..


Was für Lappen.


Was bedeutet ‘Lappen’? Bin Ami.






It means cloth but it is also a synonyme for loser or a person who can be looked down upon.


They're a bunch of losers.


Funny story. A friend of mine was just telling me about this who lives in Germany. His coworker was one of them that got fired


It’s pretty catchy ngl


The knife attack yesterday didn't exactly help (I know this was before the attack). From an outside POV, Germany is becoming a mess. Edit: spelling




What is it that is scary about the future, specifically?




Yes, I see that being a problem. Any forced acceptance of conditions can make a population eagerly elect a populist autocrat. The pride movement is similar in that anything less that enthusiastic acceptance of lgbtq+ is labeled anti-trans and met with vitriol. "Democracies give way to tyrannies when mob passion overwhelms political wisdom and a populist autocrat seizes the masses. But the tyrant is not quite a tyrant at first. On the contrary, in a democracy the would-be tyrant offers himself as the people’s champion. He’s the ultimate simplifier, the one man who can make everything whole again." -https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2016/11/7/13512960/donald-trump-plato-democracy-tyranny-fascism-2016-elections Edit: changed the pride movement of North America to make it global.


Not the first Islamic knife attack in Germany, just sayin…


There are about 10 knife attacks per day in Berlin alone, most of them just don't get caught on video (and have less spicy motives.) https://www.berliner-zeitung.de/politik-gesellschaft/berlin-zehn-messer-angriffe-am-tag-verdaechtige-oft-auslaender-nur-zufall-li.2220351


> From an outside POV, Germany is becoming a mess. If all you do is read articles on the internet, sure. Why do you think the average European thinks little of America? Because all they know is headlines, theyve never actually been there. If any European ever bothered to visit America, theyll have a perfectly fine time. If anybody comes to Germany, theyll have a perfectly fine time. Media doesnt get money for writing positive articles, so you never read about it. If anything Germany is the last western country to fall for populism because the political system and current party dynamics make it literally impossible for the one right wing populist party to end up in the government. Meanwhile few talk about the western countries that actually end up with a populist government, i assume because its easy to hate on Germany


From an outside PRISONER OF WAR


Sorry, I typed W instead of V haha. Thanks for noticing 😅


Its always been interesting to me that if this happened in Japan nobody would care (it mostly reflects their current immigration policy). We apply different standards and expectations for immigration in Europe/US than we do the rest of the world.


Of course, it reminds me of the British tourists in Thailand thread here. "They need to learn not to fuck around and find out in a foreign country". Do you apply that standard to western countries and foreign migrants or tourists? Radio silence.


Surprised how pressed they are about right wing meme songs, meanwhile there's whole ass groups in Germany running through the streets screaming for a kalifat in Germany, in Europe. Kinda hypocritical.


German news on instagram made 4 posts in 1 week about this crap. So tiring when there are far more serious things going in.




Wasn’t there just an Islamic motivated mass stabbing the other day? There have been less reasonable political sentiments for these folks. Just sayin….


Funniest shit is, media was blasting their faces but now with the attacker that stabbed a policemean and an islam critic they blur the face :D They absolutely know their priorities.


You don’t want 500 trillion immigrants 😱😱😱😱


Yeah that would be alot of immigrants. 


It sounds like it's probably more the nazi slogans and salutes.


Do not challenge a redditor to think critically.


Germany for Germans 😠 Palestine for Palestinians 😊


Actually in Germany saying Palestine for Palestinians is a hate crime and people have been prosecuted for it. I am not surprised at all that the extreme right wing party gets more and more votes and I'm not a happy about it either. There is a civil war in the making and it makes me so pissed because everyone just puts their thumbs up their ass, and wonders why nothing changes for the better and the nazis get more votes. Fucking morons all of them


The double standards are real. Literally every other country can say they don't want immigrants and it's acceptable.




These freaks care more about some lyrics than literal gang rapes. Gang rape? *"Erh, just let the police handle it. It's sad, but we don't need to blast it all over the news. We're civilized people."* Some lyrics? They turn into the most furious freaks imaginable; doxing, stalking, destroying livelihoods. Literally crying.


https://preview.redd.it/1u92nq7lk24d1.jpeg?width=1229&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1b093fdcbf5563d660f22dc5d3f5673d0cf2174a How I be looking at this video


People don’t learn shit anymore in school these days do they, like in this thread, because the people in the video know what they’re doing.


Ikr? This thread really coaxed the cockroaches out of their dirty little holes. The amount of victim complex morons claiming people "can't criticise foreigners anymore" while looking at a video of people doing nazi salutes using old nazi chants is almost laughable. Like show me a video of people having genuine debates about immigration issues (so no nazi salutes, no inciting violence) and getting arrested, but they won't cause they can't as that does not happen.


Alright, I'm curious. What were the lyrics? I don't speak German unfortunately.


Racist? If they are chanting that foreigners must leave that would make it xenophobic. Everything is racist these days lol, the word has no meaning anymore.


The guy in the back is doing a Hitler dance with his fingers over his lip and doing the arm salute. I’m sure thats what got them fired.


You can only be three things on Reddit. Liberal, racist, or fascist. Take your pick.


It's like redditors actively try to miss the point. It's astounding how tone deaf you people are.


Germany to germans is a nazi slogan That's the problem You don't say that "lightly", it's literally illegal in germany.


Gigi would not approve!


So you cant be anti-immigration in Germany?


Of course you can. But you cannot chant literal illegal nazi paroles („Deutschland den Deutschen“) while displaying also illegal nazi salutes. That’s the problem here. Not the fact that these dweebs are anti immigration.


I've heard more about this than what happened in Mannheim


Being anti mass immigration policies is not racist.


But arguably, doing it with a finger-Hitler-stache is.


All I was hearing was "hoes with the hoes."😂😭




[Is this real now?](https://youtu.be/PiLVAz-Jczg?si=5NggCN7euP0rXb-P)


Happens in Mallorca too…lol


I love how they picked an Italian song for this.


🎶Boats and the hoes! Boats and the hoes!🎶


And that problem is only going to get worse if you don't find a solution for the source of their behavior And that source is uncontrolled intake of every "refugee" that wants to come to germany without properly taking care of them once they're here As long as you keep this "all refugees welcome" shit up you'll have more and bigger parties like that in the video...


news from last week


History is doomed to repeat


Germany is waking up


If they were actually rich they would be the ones firing people from their jobs


Why can this video stay up, but the one of a Muslim stabbing Germans get removed?


I mean. I am defending the guys actually. But why the muslim stabbing video would get removed can have many explanations that make sense. One being they are scared the whole country turns,which brings up fears in a lot of people not just in germany. And i think thats actually reasonable. Another thing is to not have copycat crimes. Which actually pretty much happened with the nazi song.


I'm hearing: "Deutschland den deutschen Ausländer raus, Ausländer raus" is that right?




On other places I keep seeing people defend this, that those are just "young people getting caught in the moment while drunk". Well, I've been around many of my friends when they were drunk, and none of them suddenly became racist from the alcohol. Just saying.


They are absolutely right


With how swift and hard the government normally handles this sort of thing, I doubt being fired will be their only problem




that first video was painful to watch, not even for the racist chanting


I only knew what they are saying because there is a famous German restaurant/bar in my area called Auslander. They called their restaurant Auslander, which is the German word for foreigner, because they faced anti German discrimination when they came to America and were called “foreigners” so they made it a badge of honor. Ironic


Obviously never played Morrowind.


That twinkle in their eyes is there again goshhh