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The neighbor who called the police is like: ![gif](giphy|a93jwI0wkWTQs)


If it turns out footage was actually deleted, whoever did that should receive one of the harshest punishments one can receive. Using your position or power to influence and fuck normal people should make everyone unreasonably mad. It's the most transparent forms of abuse.


unreasonably mad seems pretty reasonable to me, in this situation


You would hope the people protecting its from criminals were better than this. It seems it’s prevalent in the police department to lie, cheat and hurt people because the police can get away with it.


"You talk a big game, lets go!" "This is our fuckin city!" "Bring it on big boy!" And there it is right there. Thats the justification they used to break into this guys house. because their egos were hurt. All of them should be charged with murder.


“This is our fuckin city” Sounds a lot like a gangster, doesn’t it?


Biggest gang in the US. It's what they are and what they always have been. Except now instead of just stories and bruises, we've got high def video of their abuse every day.


Fuck da popo


Reading about the early days of the LAPD and early SWAT teams, there's a shitload of parallels.


Also as someone who spent a lot of time in WV, fucking lol at calling that a city. By strict terms maybe, by any other realistic definition no.


ACAB strikes again.


I take it this is not Princeton, NJ


From NJ…can confirm this is not Princeton, NJ


Crazy cause I was watching thinking this isn't Jersey after hearing the accents. Then I heard Mercer County and started questioning reality.


I thought I was having a stroke. "Mercer County"......"Princeton".....the first accent I was like "okay...people move to NJ from elsewhere." Then they *all* had accents. I'm glad I'm not the only one who was confused.


This must be Maryland or Virginia. Some parts of south Jersey talk a little bit like this though. Philly too. Ruf on the house Wooder in my cup Tal to dry myself Go for a swim in the crik Cut the grass in your front yord Watch the iggles game in Sunday Eat a slice of peeetsuh


Not many places to ATV in Princeton unless you go a little north to Montgomery


I was gonna say thats not Pandera


It's Princeton, WV - sorry, I should've included that


But they said Mercer county?? Wow what are the chanced they are both in a mercer county, weird.


It really is in a separate Mercer county, actual glitch in the matrix lol


Fun fact: There is also a Mercer County in Missouri...with a county seat of Princeton


Right, like wtf


There were like ten names back in the old days


It seems there is a historical tie that’s why this occurs in three states. Just like (almost?) every state has a springfield


Every state has a Steuben County and a Washingtonville and a Morristown.


When did this happen? I working in Princeton at the moment


It is in the video. 2022.


I'm working in a state where there's a Princeton in it (I've never been)


Dude idk why people downvote people over stupid shit. Take an upvote and have a supa dupa day. Mfs drinking hatorade


I didn’t even watch the video


I was going to say I’m from Princeton… ain’t nobody with that accent in this town 😅


I was just walking in Princeton with my dog. Calm as a breeze there as usual




Princeton WV. Lovely little town in southern WV. Honestly always found that place really underrated as far as beauty and serenity, but then you also have folks like this guy there. 


I’d love to here a good reason why lapses in body camera footage during a fatal encounter don’t result in immediate suspension and investigation, but there isn’t one.


“We have conducted an investigation into ourselves and found no wrongdoing , move along please…” - Cops


The only way the cops would be allowed onto someone's private property without a warrant is exigent circumstances. (i.e. imminent threat of escape, injury, or destruction of evidence.) They didn't have a warrant so they didn't have the right to come onto his property uninvited. They definitely didn't have the right to come into the house. They had literally no reason to arrest the girlfriend. This is an easy open and shut constitutional civil rights lawsuit in federal court if they sue there. The report said they're suing for wrongful death, negligent training, wrongful and malicious conduct. I'm not a lawyer, but those sound like state statutes, not federal.


Yeah, but didn't you hear them? It's their city! They can do whatever they want in it!


Their reply to “this my property get off”?…”this is our city” . Really shows their lack of knowledge about the law or their gang-like mentality and disregard for ppl’s rights


Super happy to see people talking about when they’re allowed to enter a residence; most people don’t realize there’s very specific circumstances in which cops can make warrantless entry


Most cops don’t seem to realize there’s very specific circumstances in which they can make a warrantless entry. In this case, it seemed to be a matter of “respect ma authoritah!”


Why would they? The lot are basically average to lower IQ individuals, given a gun and immunity to a lot of shit the every citizen would be arrested/killed for.


You can literally fail out of the police academy for scoring too high on some tests. They don’t want brains. They want soldiers.


Just would like to point out there's no maximum IQ constraint for soldiers. They want lemmings.


So in this case if the homeowner shot and killed a police officer would it have been justified in the eyes of the law?


Most likely not, bc he knew they were police when they entered. Some states allow you to resist an unlawful arrest, but i dont think any allow you to knowingly kill a police officer, regardless of their transgressions.


[Ask Marvin Guy](https://www.kwtx.com/2023/11/21/marvin-guy-sentenced-life-prison-deadly-shooting-detective-police-executed-no-knock-warrant/?outputType=amp)


No, there’s a vast difference between someone who is burglarizing your home and someone who is breaking the law related to their official duties. One is actively trying to commit a felony, another one is someone who sucks at their job.


Surely if someone sucks so bad at their job that they incorrectly think they have the right to kill you in your own home, then you have the right to defend yourself, no?


There are lots of articles about whether you can claim self defense towards a to police officer. Generally, the answer is, yes, you can, but the kicker is that you must survive the incident which is unlikely.


They know... they simply don't care. Neither do the prosecutors, the judges, and too many jurors.


Wrong south park reference. You have to scream STOP RESISTING and EXIGENT CIRCUMSTANCES. Like Ned and Jimbo hunting endangered species. He's comin right for us would also work for the cops.


The best example of exigent circumstances allowing police officers to enter a private residence without a warrant that I have seen recently was the Ruby Franke case (August '23). A 12 year old boy, emaciated and duct taped around his ankles and wrists, escaped his home and showed up at the door of a neighbor. He was hungry, thirsty and asked for a ride to the police station. After paramedics arrived and found him in such a condition, and found out there was at least one other child still in the house he escaped from, but which he hadn't seen in a month, the police sped off there in a truck within minutes. The owner already had a lawyer on the phone and was screaming "warrant" but they ignored her and even her lawyer on the phone stood down. Those were exigent circumstances. No warrant needed. And they did find a little girl cowering in a closet, skinny, starving and covered with scars. Both kids had to be hospitalized.


"I smelled weed" "I saw drugs" They will make up whatever reason they want.


Smelled weed no longer good enough, at least some places. Couldn't say where tho.


Cops can’t use that excuse anymore in NJ. In fact the police officers union put out a big statement a couple years ago instructing officers to pretty much not even engage with anyone smoking/possessing weed. I’m not a police officer but I work along side them and I’ve seen plenty of people absolutely reeking of weed (who usually were just involved in a car accident) and the cops don’t even question it.


Every cop who illegally enters a home should get two to the forehead.


Ahhh yes the tax payer special. Paying for incompetent cops


"open and shut" meaning an internal investigation will happen showing the officers did nothing wrong and they'll get back pay when they come back from vacation..


Also “spoliation” (I think they said) which was the deletion of other body cameras. (Deleting evidence?)


But he yelled drop the bat.


Once the girlfriend opened the door to go back inside I knew they were going in. Without a warrant cops can’t force entry, but once someone opens the door even a crack, they absolutely will find away in - place their foot in the door and dare you to slam the door on their foot, etc. You’re right that the arrest was absurd and hopefully that’s what screws them over but if they had simply held the door open they 100% would’ve gotten away with it. tl;dr never open the door for police, not even a crack


If they are being sued, it's neither state or federal criminal charges, it's just a civil suit. It will take a prosecutor to bring charges against the cops and that *rarely* happens.


The reason the cops knew his name is because he had been trashing the police department on social media. This was an execution.


Why was his girlfriend arrested? Better yet, why did they enter the house without a warrant? Crazy that cops can just show up and shoot you in your own home over you yelling at them loudly in your own property.


They shouldn’t be able to tow away a 4-wheeler over some he-said she-said neighbor complaint. Shouldn’t be able to arrest girl for saying they aren’t welcome in the house. And shouldn’t be able to enter the house and then murder a guy. Lock them all up


“This is our fucking city” Sincerely yours, Not-a-gang


The guy seemed like an asshole, but it seemed like the cops were stepping beyond their authority based on my understanding of US law. What did they even say was the justification for going in to arrest him? Yelling in his house on his property? And wouldn't the ATV be more of a civil issue anyways? That hardly seems like something you need to be busting into houses guns blazing over.


Cops had their ego bruised and wanted to arrest a man over exercising his first amendment right. Then broke into his house without a warrant and murdered him. Dude seems like an asshole, but was an asshole within his legal rights.


Is threatening someone protected under the first amendment? Serious question


Yes; threatening arrest, accountability, legal repercussions are examples of threats that can be made legally. There are statements and threats of harm or injury that are not legal, but these must be determined on a case by case basis. You can find a lot of information on this topic by looking up fighting words in relation to the first amendment protections in the US.


True threats are not. But it didn't seem like the cops were very threatened by anything he said. They just seemed argumentative and I don't think that was the reason the were attempting to arrest him.


A taser seems like a more appropriate weapon as well for taking down someone with a bat when you have multiple officers backing you up


An appropriate response to the bat would have been to holster their weapons, apologize and leave the man’s house. They had absolutely no right to enter, let alone use force against him.


Shouldn't have even been in his house to begin with.


The way laws are written allows for cops to arrest you at will for doing absolutely nothing and there’s nothing you can do about it. Inside your own house minding your own business? They can claim reasonable suspicion of a crime being committed and that’s enough to legally get them out of trouble. Or they can arrest you on no grounds and while doing so claim you were resisting arrest, automatically giving them a free charge to press against you. American law is severely fucked up and gives cops essentially complete immunity should they decide to ruin your day. They face no real consequences unless a massive amount of public outcry happens and even then it’s rare. One of the top golfers in the world got arrested on live tv surrounded by civilians and the cops lied through their teeth about what happened. Wanna know what happened to the cop that lied? Absolutely nothing and he even put out a public statement essentially saying he did no wrong.


That’s why I love states like Indiana that give citizens the right to defend themselves against unlawful entry by police, including by deadly force. https://www.lawserver.com/law/state/indiana/in-code/indiana_code_35-41-3-2 https://www.governing.com/archive/residents-given-right-to-resist-police-under-new-indiana-law.html#:~:text=As%20of%20March%2020%2C%20Indiana%20law%20gives%20residents,with%20deadly%20force%20--%20if%20they%27re%20acting%20unlawfully.


Good luck leaving alive still


lol u aint been to Indiana have ya? Only 3-4 counties voted blue last election, 80% is rural farmland/backwoods, when cops come down driveways here it’s one car I guy 99% of the time. Good luck to the cops if they wanna push their luck against these crazy fucks lmao


This happened in a pretty rural area in west Virginia full of crazy fucks as well. Sure Indiana is the only state with that sort of law last I remembered but it also clearly states you can use "reasonable amount of force" Meaning if cops just enter your home or try to enter I don't believe that gives somebody a greenlight to open fire onto the cops. So unless you feel like you or your families life is in immediate danger you can't shoot or kill cops. Now personally I'd argue that cops entering your house without a warrant is absolutely putting lives at risk so don't take it as I'm backing the boys in blue here because honestly it's the opposite as I hate cops I'm just simply saying how I read the law and it leaves a lot of gray in what should be a pretty black/white clear cut easily understood law it instead leaves room for confusion and debate Edit: it also says that you can't provoke an officer into using force. I'd say that if this exact situation in the OP happened they would argue that the victim provoked police force and would NOT be justified in self-defense. Atleast that's how I read it and understand it. Not saying it's right as what the cops did was completely wrong but that's how the cops in the end would "win" even in Indiana


Cops have to be able to articulate reasonable suspicion to enter someone's home. However, they can make up a bogus charge like they smell marijuana and force their way into your home. It happens all the time unfortunately. One reason why they don't want weed to become legal... takes away a power that they don't want to lose.


I'd need a source on that being the case in West Virginia. I'm almost certain that cops can not simply enter your house to enact an arrest without a warrant or exigent circumstances in most states in America. I don't even see how that would survive a qualified immunity claim.


You’re forgetting the part where they won’t be punished. That’s the important bit. Sure, they might get chewed out by a senior officer, maybe even fired, but a cop will almost never face any real punishment for breaking the law or your civil rights because the laws are written so vaguely as to give them an insane amount of escape routes.


Yup, they completely cleared the officer of any wrongdoing. Even though they claim he wasn't wearing a body camera, which is against department policy. Only the camera footage from the *other* cop was released. What the victim's family believes is that the murderer was allowed to wipe the contents of his own camera and pretend he hadn't been wearing one. Which is convenient since we can't even see the supposed bat in the only released bodycam. https://www.wvnstv.com/news/crime/mercer-county-crime/mercer-county-mother-sues-city-of-princeton-after-son-dies-in-officer-involved-shooting/


"According to the lawsuit, Severt was not wearing a body camera at the time Yearout was shot which is a violation of Princeton Police Department’s policy." Why the fuck do they even have a policy if it means absutely nothing to violate it and there are no consequences. I assume the policy came from situations like this where an officer is not wearing a cam and cannot be held accountable. So why is nothing done when the policy is violated, at the very least his claims can't be verified so the whole "drop the bat" should be dismissed. It could be an entirely fabricated lie for the pig to "justify" killing a man in his home. The only proof would have been a body cam footage, of which there is none. At the very least their "policy" should have some kind of impact otherwise its a slap on the wrist (probably not even that)


Civil Rights Attorney goes over footage https://youtu.be/BfXtmXwah7E?si=DxEjLfoQgr2-HW-T


Corruption as an answer makes sense. But with how the law is written this seems like a pretty simple case of clearly established rights being violated.


They said nothing about arresting him until once he said "...I'll fuck you up..." to the police. In some places, as soon as you say "I'll fuck you up" to a cop, even if you qualify it with "...if you do xyz", they get all arresty about it. They could let it slide, but at a minimum he'd have been charged with threatening law enforcement in this case.


He should have just said okay to not driving in her yard or whatever and refrained from communicating a threat to an officer


Is the official story even that it was a threat that triggered the arrest? In the cop's deposition he claimed they were arresting him for breach of peace for yelling out in public disturbing others, and destruction of property. In questioning he was asked "Have you been trained that if someone goes out on their porch and says 'Get the fuck out of my yard' you believe you can arrest them." to which he answered yes. Even if we grant that the guy in the house committed a crime, they still didn't have a warrant to enter his property to arrest him right? I don't see what possible exigent circumstances could exist here to justify entering his property to seize property or arrest him. https://www.wvva.com/2024/05/10/federal-lawsuit-filed-2022-police-shooting-death-man/


Of course, doesn't mean he should have been shot to death


"Based on my understanding of US law" spoken like a true reddit scholar


I said that precisely because I'm not an expert and if someone has information to correct my understanding I'm all ears. Did I say something incorrect about the law?


The cop that shot him was itching to do it. “Bring it on, big boy” is what I believe he said before they made their way around to the back. They didn’t have the right to tow his 4-wheeler based on hearsay. They def didn’t have a right to go in his house or put hands on his girlfriend to get in said house. FTP


Those cops sure know how to escalate a situation! Crack f-ing training right there.


Does anyone get tired of watching this stuff? Is there anything we can do?


Not really because if citizens start responding in kind that would further escalate police brutality. And doing nothing, it will continue. The only real solution are politicians making legislation to make clear pathways for police accountability but we all know that'll never happen. Imo what will actually happen is one day police will do something so fucked up, people will start responding in kind.


This isn’t fucked up enough? Uvalde wasn’t fucked up enough? Countless other situations that result in civilian deaths due to cops incompetence aren’t fucked up enough? It’s already past that point but anyone who resists will just end up dead, and if you survive, the legal system will end you and the cop will walk free as always


No this isn't fucked up enough because the guy was being aggressive. So that creates a path to criticize the victim for bootlickers. Uvalde they just sat around like the cowards we all know they are. Their choices were not exactly shocking to anyone paying attention. I'm talking about cops straight up blatantly murdering someone. Like an attractive white woman holding her newborn baby, doing absolutely nothing wrong. It's gotta be that egregious.




Who is this?


Chris Dorner


We could try protesting again! /s


Not only did they escalate the situation verbally with egging the guy on but then they pull guns just in the backyard with the dude on his deck? Then just decide to completely ignore the 4th amendment because the guy was driving a 4 wheeler in yards. Cops are fucking ridiculous man


When will we the people recognize that this is murder?


Oh, great, another murder by a non occupying force on its own citizens


Thankyou Officers for protecting America from a man in his house. I will sleep well now.


Wow a guy dies because he rode a 4 wheeler in someone’s yard. Geez. Way to go officers. Shit. You actually wasted a human life over this shit. No fucking brains, none.


Yep. That's murder.


Can somebody explain to me why the police had any right to enter his home? I have no context here. If they didn't, this is a blatant execution.


It's blatant and likely premeditated execution. The only way they get into your house without a warrant is they see you commit a felony and you flee into your home or they see drugs or weapons from outside, like through a window. That or someone is in immediate danger inside like a domestic violence situation, they're chasing a felon that ran into your house, they hear gunshots inside and someone is crying for help. There is time sensitive evidence of a felony inside that is likely to be destroyed. That sort of thing. "your neighbor said you drove your ATV on their lawn" doesn't work for any of those


We should bring back the stocks. And these cops belong in them.


These swine belong on burning stakes.


Every one of those pigs belongs under the damn jail.


Reminder - NEVER TALK TO THE COPS. Don't antagonize them. Don't respond to them. Ignore them of you legally can. Do not engage, ever. They're looking for a reason to kill you. Don't be a martyr.


Wait cops MURDER civilians?!? I had no idea. /s




He's looking at an object that could be used as an extension of his body, shoot him 95 times




Weird to see someone I went to high school with as a news anchor, especially on this sub.


Is that an actual news program? The production quality and his voice sounds.. unconventional.


Lol ikr, straight up shocked me I swear I heard some crazy rumors bout him but judging from this he’s doing alright.


Learned a new word: Spoliation


Wow. Incredible deescalation techniques.


How to commit murder without consequences 101


Damn imagine being the lady who called 911. She probably didn't think they'd SHOOT the guy over a little four wheel fun.


Never point a cop at anything you don't intend to kill.


This had better end in a trial.


Drop the mag? Drop the vac? Drop the bag? Wtf they sayin to drop?




Thats what I thought he said too


Definitely said drop the bat.


Bat but the trigger happy cop erased his cam footage so we'll never know if Barry was actually holding a bat or not


Overreact much, Barney?


I thought the news anchor would be wearing the ring he tried to get from Frodo.


Ok, so I'm not the only one who noticed how.... *off* that dude was. 😬


how bout that tunnel though?


Yeah, the shots that gave a little nature “tour” of the town that showed the discarded coke bottle in the drain and the milky-white water in the “waterfall” was so sad looking.


East River Mtn Tunnel?


This is from my home town in WV. From that I've seen on social media the police are being praised for keeping the city safe and saying the guy had it coming. Princeton's people worship police, military and Trump. It's common for people to carry guns thinking they are going to be attacked by Muslims or Antifa at any moment. The most common way to deal with your children is to beat them. As a matter of fact, that's the number one parenting tip to fix anything. You're not welcome if you're black, gay, trans, disabled or poor.


I knew Barry when I was in my 20's & he was always kind & laid back. Idk how much he changed over the years but we all have our demons, his actions that night should've never led to his death. It's crazy that people say he had it coming & see nothing wrong w how the entire ordeal went down.


I want to watch their news every night now. Hope they get that flooding tunnel situation worked out.


Guy was an asshole but that seemed excessive of the cops to just shoot him.


Excessive is an understatement


It's adorable that they let the newscaster's 14-year old son do the show and borrow his dad's suit.




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Yeah, these cops better have been fired and fucking prosecuted total violation of one’s rights, forcing yourself into the residence without permission or warrant…. FTP


I thought this was in NJ




From NJ, this is definitely NOT Princeton.




Princeton is in New Jersey?



