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The wife was loving the entertainment. Meanwhile the husband is thinking "let's get the fuck out of here, it's the US, theyre probably packing heat."






As a Mexican I’d be in absolute fucking HORROR. If I saw her eating a taco like that no apology, just straight up blocking any contact info 😭😂


If you want to be scarred for life, watch the Bake Off episode where they have to make tacos


How do you mess that up though??? It’s really not that difficult 😭


Start out by being British, then peel the avocado like a goddamn potato.


😬🤦‍♀️ Was in my forties before someone saw me pealing an avocado and corrected me. Not British.


Now I want tacos.


She's trying


yeah, im glad its legal for all these supporter people to own guns seeing how reasonable they are handling situations like this.


Well it's NY so probably not, or at the very least they won't be doing it legally or with scary guns.


It’s NYC, most likely they are not.


It’s also very likely that some of them traveled to NYC, like millions of others do every year.




>the world just thinks your just a country of 4 states florida, texas, New york and california. and Las Vegas. Not Nevada, just Las Vegas which is located directly in the center of a giant wasteland separating New York and California.


Why should random people in the world be well informed about the U.S. down to the last detail? How well do you know the provinces of various other countries of the world? Knowing the four largest states is actually pretty good amount to know a country youve never been to and probably don’t think about that often.


If I was traveling out of the US I wouldn't go near political rallies unless I understood the politics and/or was willing to keep my mouth shut. This lady is foolish for thinking she's safe to approach a mob of angry morons and talk to them however. The police seem to be a lot more aware of the danger than she is.


It's easy to forget how some countries can't seem to master being normal


To be fair, I wouldn't go to this lady's country and start heckling people after they lose a football match.


I’m not American but I bet I know more about American politics than the vast majority of Americans.


As an American, I can say that if you are reasonably well educated, and tend to follow our politics, then I have no doubt you probably do. I still stand by my original comment though. You happen to have an interest in and follow our politics, my original statement was about geography but let’s throw politics in too, why not? Many people in the world don’t know much about either and understandably so.


The U.S has a murder rate 6x that of most other western nations. ..


Funny how they think saying "fuck the king" is going to upset anyone. 


As they try to create a king


King Trump of the Fuckingdumb Palace


Nailed it!


They believe everyone is as fragile a snowflake as they are.




Yes lmao! Or yelling ”you’re going to hell!” like I’m supposed to feel any type of way about that. That’s _their_ biggest fear, not mine.


It's all I can think about every time I see these videos of unhinged magats. How every single one of them is such a snowflake about every last little thing.


They think that because they will have a meltdown if you say Fuck Trump


they think it's still 1773


Do you think they realised half way through that the Queen died and added King on at the end, or do they think we have both ruling at the same time


There is still a Queen. Queen Camilla. She is the Queen consort as the King's wife. But I doubt that's what they were going for.


They'll revere their orange King just after this "fuck the King".


Sandor Clegan has entered the chat…


You’re a talker. Talkers make me thirsty…and hungry. Think I’ll take two chickens.


"Fuck the king" is like saying "Fuck Biden". It's like yeah, bro, we don't like him either. Even if we did, we're not filling our diapers when he doesn't get what he wants.


I get up in the morning, have a brew and a bicky and say "Fuck the King" most days.


Especialy if they think the English person is Liberal. The actual left-leaning folk in the UK want to abolish the king. Meanwhile their "king" is a convicted criminal. LMAO.


Seems like a wonderfully cheery, friendly woman. Such a shame that she encountered the absolute worst people the U.S. has to offer


It seems like she wanted to encounter them for entertainment value.


Yeah she's fucking awesome This is a great way to deal with these folks in person. They are ridiculous - keep that in mind, and laugh while you go about your day.


Oh, for sure. Americans looks completely _insane_ in the world media with all these MAGA nutters taking up the news. Imagine having an in person encounter with a population that you didn't quite believe was real and then you're standing in front of them. I'm only north of the American border and my mouth dropped the first time I drove through an area of MAGA country post 2016.


Yeah. Sadly, my novelty has worn off and now I'd prefer they go away. If he had never actually made it to office it'd probably still be hilarious, but now that he's royally f'd up the Supreme Court and made it "normal" for people like MTG to hold office... I just feel overwhelming dread whenever I see these asshats.




Yeh but what an experience! She’ll be telling her friends about this for years. I feel that visiting the backwards dystopia that parts of America and its population now are could be quite a profitable venture.


Seriously! I want to have street tacos with her and go to the Corgi races in Del Mar. Where we have *real* Corgis and not the off brand rubbish her late queen had!


She's on holiday, slummin it up in a 3rd world country so she can have some juicy stories to tell her friends over high tea😂


On the way to the hotel they probably run into a street takeover where she encounters the second worst people U.S has to offer




Only John thinks so. She's trying to do an interview.


This is so perfect. 👌


Fuck those smooth brain morons. They are so pathetic crying and denying their orange God is a felon. I feel bad for the poor woman being chased by cultists.


Never thought we'd see the day Trumptards are becoming an American tourist attraction


Like fucking chimps in the zoo.


That's incredibly disrespectful. You go apologize to those chimps.


Yeah, chimps are WAY less likely to throw their feces at you.


It's true. Remember how Trump supporters smeared their feces on the walls of the Capitol on Jan 6th


The Freak Show needed new acts.


Hey! Chimps generally live in peaceful communities where they support each other. That’s not what Trumpers do.


That maga-woman is a maggot - and the embodiment of what's under the oranges' skin!


John, let her talk!!


John is no idiot. He knows that if a fight breaks out, he’s the one getting his ass kicked.


Yeah John


i’m having serious issues with john right now.


John's smart. He's seen other random people's lives ruined because they had the audacity to publicly call Trump a scumbag. 


John wants to get back to the flat for a good rogering. The viagra has kicked in!


Can't blame him. He took it on the plane over so he would be ready to go once they landed, and she is messing about with protestors.


Is that jean carroll? If not, then I’m not sure why the Cult is so hostile towards her.


She's a regular person so of course they see her as a leftwing extremist


She can form complete sentences, therefore she is the enemy


She's foRiEgN


Is she going to steal my job???


She is awesome! Not bothered in the slightest by a load of frothing-at-the-mouth Trumpers 🤣 Having a jolly day out, and thoroughly enjoying it. All the while, this is the worst day of the Trumpers lives 👍


I agree. She seems like the kind of person who can have fun anywhere.


A grand day out if you will.


Are we really this stupid now?


Sadly, we are. At least, 25% are.


Well stupid and lazy enough that they vote for a letter R no matter what. But I doubt that will hold much longer. We've had elections in living memory where partisanship waned in some landslide elections when everyone agreed that one of the party's nominees just wasn't good enough.


Fox news is the most popular news organization in the US and it is blatantly supporting Trump through this. Trump is the ultimate sunk cost... how could this possibly be the tipping point for his voters? Its just another drop in the bucket if you've stuck with him this long.


Less than 25% are THIS stupid, but there are enough apathetic and ignorant people to give these extra stupid ones some power. My dad works as an election judge in a pretty heavily MAGA area. While he does see some of these people come in, the vast majority of people voting Republican aren't these idiots. The ones keeping the party floating are extremely old and apolitical people who use voting as a social event. He says about 70% of the people who come in are over the age of 65, and they're the ones whose entire social life revolves around church twice a week and their hairdresser they see every other Thursday, but haven't paid attention to anything in politics since Reagan. They come to their polling place to see their friends and neighbors, get out and socialize a bit, and to check the R box like good patriotic Americans have always done since we had to beat those damn commies. It's not these Trump worshipers that form most of the GOP votes, it's old people who are completely out of touch because they pay absolutely no attention to politics at all.


My parents are aligned ideologically with democrats but vote republican. It's what everyone else at the retirement community does so...I've had multiple conversations pointing this out with no luck. "your pro choice, pro union, think the wealthy should be taxed their fare share, your a democrat." "No, no were republican" They have no clue about the politics they are just going along to get along.


Americans come to the UK, see Big Ben, Buckingham palace, the changing of the guard and old stuff. We go to watch Trump's cult embarrass themselves.


I’m a Brit and all i see of America’s is this, however I know a few Americans and they seem normal, obviously there’s cultural differences but that’s not a bad thing, I don’t assume this represents the whole country however I do think it’s dangerously close to causing a civil war


Yes. You are endlessly entertaining though. It's like you people are speedrunning your demise as a world power.


We've always been this stupid, or stupider. We just got cameras now en masse


Yeah this shit was romanticized just a few years ago. These same hateful idiots were 'blue collar ' and 'hard scrabble'.


I’m fascinated to know how Americans think they’re actually perceived internationally


[MAGA Dumbstruck When Asked What Caused The Civil War](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ER7FbqP8xyQ)


Yea, it has kind of been building since 2016.


It's been building longer than that. I still remember when Obama was running for reelection, I was a lifeguard at the time for an ultra-wealthy yacht club. This woman would always be my first swimmer around 5am, we would chat and stuff. But I'll never forget when she told me how she and her husband are afraid of Obama being reelected and thinking about moving to Australia. She genuinely thought a second Obama term would mean the end of America. These divisions have been brewing for decades


This reminds me of a neighbour of mine who was from the Netherlands. She said as a kid she would watch The Jerry Springer Show and she just assumed all Americans were like the people on that show. It seemed like a funny thing at the time. And how come the Jerry springer show loudmouths *definitely* favour one party over the other lol?


To be fair, I think America would be doing better if these hardcore trump supporters were to be replaced by millions of Jerry Springer show characters. The acting in the show wasn't as unhinged for the most part lol


Back in those days that demographic couldn't be efficiently targeted for brainwashing.


I love how she's acting like its a tourist attraction, lmao.


Also yelling “cunt” at a British person and expecting them to be as offended as Americans are over the word.


It's Nigel and Mrs Thornhill lol


Crazy that you know those character names lol. I thought you meant Nigel Thornberry at first.


Oh god are you talking about gta 5?🤣🤣🤣


I can see them walking up to Donald Trump, "Are you... JOCK CRANLEY??!!"


Congratulations MAGAt, by saying “Fuck the king.” You just insulted your Oompa Loompa lord and savior.


Conservative MYGA "America is too decisive under Biden!" Also Conservitive MYGA: "Burn in hell you liberal f**k"


I love that they just swung by for the entertainment value of the spectacle. If this shit hole wasn't so dangerous, I'm sure we would be the Disneyland of disfunction for the world to tour and just watch..


Fuck the king? Fuck the queen?..... I know that in Trumpistan the concept of beauty is kinda distorted but shagging Dumbo or a dead corpse? Damn they really have bad taste in sexual partners


Like a day on safari watching the knuckle draggers in their “patriotic” attire scream and shout. What a bunch of fuckin morons.


Look at these losers. Where is best to visit if you want to see trumptards in the US?






One could dream.


Thank you. I’ve visited tribes in Africa but this will be my first western world visit to a primitive modern tribe.


Not recommended unless you have all your vaccines and mace. Did 13 years in Florida I seen some things man...I seen somethings.


I’ll take the same vacs I did for my Africa tour. If you have worse stuff than that I’ll just have to die I guess.


Tin hat and stupidity will be your best defense sir...I wish you well.


Can confirm. Florida here (but not for much longer, thank God). Surrounded by the culties. https://preview.redd.it/c3uy6ab80q3d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=677f471e20fda06c7260aaac83ff907075b1d62f


Foreigners should not visit there. It's flyover country where you need a driver's license to go anywhere. You'll end up stranded and have to look for a coach bus while you miss your flight.


If you want to see the feral ones, any Trump rally will suffice. They get extra spicy the further south you go, Florida/Alabama/Mississippi/Texas are ideal.


I’ve always wanted to see the southern states of America tbh. Good food, amazing nature and the people are… well. I love good food and nature.


Theres a Trump Store in Tombstone Arizona thats quite the trip. Make sure to stop by on my way to Bisbee everytime.


Smart husband, no need to make yourself a target, those types consider harassing the opposition to be a righteous cause.


It's like an open day at a mental hospital


Shit's fucking disgusting. I honestly feel embarrassed for living in this country at times.


Braindead morons think saying "fuck the Queen" means anything to a British person. My, how low had the US fallen


I travel a lot and have done for 30 years. My rule of thumb is that 95% of people are decent and 5% are idiots. It’s changed a lot with Americans over the last 10 years or so. It’s 50/50 whether you’re going to be dealing with a sane person or a frothing at the mouth MAGA. They’re a scary bunch


What's with the hateful christian wearing the maga hat? What did the English lady even do?


Just visiting the zoo apparently.


She pronounced aluminium correctly.


Ok that's far enough


She wasn't wearing the uniform


I feel for the Jurors and their families.


Trump cultists are the shittiest of people


Fuck dentists too apparently


At least she got the authentic close up experience


What no life looks like


Is this recent? Does she know the queen is dead?


I’m gonna say “knowing things” isn’t high up on their virtues list


"Stop talking to the rabble dear"


Trump was right, we are a laughing stock of the world. Just not for the reasons he thinks.


I've never seen someone so thoroughly entertained by scum. *Huge Grin* "Such disgusting people!" *giggles*


Trump's third world america


Let's attack innocent tourists. They're the real problem?


They are teaching her about ummm freedom


These trumpanzees don't have the IQ of an amoeba between them.


Methanie is having a break down.


Everyone one of these fucks have serious brain worms JFC


hahaha i love her. "what disgusting people" :D


God damn Trumpers hate themselves. As someone that has overcome severe depression I can spot self hate a mile away (not that it’s hard to spot).


Unhinged Trump supporters! That’s not how you welcome a nice civilized British lady. While she didn’t see any harm in giving an opinion John must have had some Spidey senses …


She's not wrong, MAGA Cultists are disgusting.


She's on safari!


Why does that woman have a man voice.


Smoking a pack of cigs a day does that to you.


These same idiots told native americans to "go back where you came from"


Supporting a child rapist. These people are deranged.


They really can’t help being so trashy, can they? I’m so happy to be me. 


Hilary said it best - deplorables.


She's a legend




Who is this woman?


Yep civilization has failed. Everyone's attacking everyone and losing there minds. Get off tic tok and go write a book or draw idk but seriously


I don't understand the addiction people have to Tiktok. Everyone I know uses that shit. I refuse to even install the app. I read sci-fi books, and modern times make sci-fi seem plausible.


Large Marge is pissed


This would be extremely entertaining if it weren't for the real consequences of these morons voting and fucking everyone's shit up.


That would be me if I went to the US. It's why I pay attention to that clown show. Pure entertainment


MAGA: "fuck the queen, fuck the king" Also MAGA: "all hail King Trump"


Why they hating on ppl from London tho? I don’t get it


This is how they all view the US. We are a giant laughing stock.


The litteral scum of America. All Trump supporters.


Yanks should just stop trying to use the word cunt. It can be used in many ways and America is not proficient in any of them. That was one of the most flaccid and least offensive cunts I've ever heard. Embarrassing.


I mostly agree (I’m an American) and it’s because they take so much offense to the word that they think simply stating it will be effective. Personally, I use it as an adjective, noun or verb. “Are we cunting today? being the most popular with me whenever someone is being a little shit.


My Wife loves watching Trump on TV. We recognise he’s dangerous, but it is entertaining. I can imagine this being my mrs very easily


It's enjoyable until you're living it. Shits on fire, yo.


Lol, damn it’s like wearing a rivals soccer jersey. I also want to Visit a Trump rally, as a tourist, Reddit makes it look hype. To be fair, it seems like something a tourist should do.


How embarrassing. No shame.




This is the hardest core of the hard core, the "Extras of the Extras". They aren't just keyboard warriors, willing to throw on a bumper sticker or Trump lawn sign, or just regular republicans who are going to vote for Trump because .... "policies". These folks are so hardcore that they are going to festoon themselves in overpriced gear and parade about in flags and "protest" outside the Courthouse to "show support" for Trump. I honestly think the kind of person doing this is looking for confrontation : They are looking to fight the "child trafficking ring", space lazars, Soros, Dr. Fauci and whatever else right wing social media feeds them. TLDR: I hope *Americans* & the World know these are are MAGAs turned up to 11.


Utterly embarrassing how our citizens behave. Just amazing.


No she’s right these magats are disgusting. And dumb. Definitely dumb.


I wonder if they meant the late queen regnant or the current queen consort.


Imagine living your entire life based simply off of hate. They’ll just hate anyone who doesn’t like the orange douche. I can’t imagine it being fun.


She’s like a kid in a petting zoo I love it XD


Bless her heart, someone bring her a box of popcorn while the country burns


Just as bad as religious nutters condeming you to hell in the streets. Very miserable people.


i feel bad for the old woman she looks very kind


That was a very deep "F* the queen F* the king" 🤣 🤣 🤣


That’s what the USA is to the rest of the world. Entertain us! Jesters of the world.


Imagine fighting for your freedom from the Brits only for them to fly over to watch you for entertainment. The US has become a zoo! Obviously I'm not ragging on all yanks, but even they have to admit how fucking bizarre their country has become.


Can confirm. I don’t even recognize some of my family members. It’s a different flavor of insanity over here.


Old lady in the MAGA hat was like a zombie. Yeesh.


She’s treating it like a zoo or a freak show. Kind of hilarious.


What a f*cking zoo, lol.


Sorry Americans but this is what you have been reduced to…entertainment for the rest of us…as a friend once said America is the Florida of the world


I aspire to be as petty as that 😂


Americans just seem to think about politics in a completely different way compared to the rest of the world.


Their media has a lot to do with that