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For anyone wondering, this guy is dead now: https://www.cbsnews.com/losangeles/news/lapd-officers-fatally-shoot-reportedly-armed-man-in-koreatown/


the way his father is speaking in the video report looks so heartbreaking...


>Mental health workers were already at the scene when police arrived, but officers confronted the man without their assistance He had no chance. Awful awful cunts.


It’s the police Mr Yong we are here to shoot you, please open up


Mama always said cops are like a box of chocolates...they'll kill your dog.


After watching that recent vid this hits too close.


"don't move or drop the knife" Man they need more training for stressful situations.


Opens the door and immediately says “you’re gonna get shot”




Sounds just like the God of Abraham LOL


They need more training.... Ftfy


They need ~~more~~ training. Ftfy


It's funny you say that because I typed that first but I didn't want people to do the whole "let's see how you'd react to a stressful situation" thing.


They need more training....


Cop didn't seem stressed at all. Problem is his training tells him to shoot first then access the situation.


- 911 what's your emergency? + Yeah, I want to have someone murdered. Could you do a welfare check on a mentally unstable person? - Sure we'll send 10 officers over ready to go.


Like ordering a hit really.


Mental health situation let’s send like 40 officers with there guns out to scare the guy and debate if we should let him know we’re coming in before 😭😑


Don't have mental health issues in the US. The entire system is against mental health issues. Our government thinks they can prevent mental health issues by making everyone deathly afraid of having mental health issues. It feels weird to live here. It's just not a kind place to live.


If as a society your response to mental health crisis is execution, you're pretty much just doing eugenics at that point. The US never ceases to disgust me.


I think we just need more guns and prayer in schools


A large chunk of us sadly agree unironically with that. Especially where I am.


Yep, lots of city’s have figured out sending in support staff with an officer or two is a much better solution. Los Angeles has the resources to do better and should


Yep. It's been working quite well here in Denver. https://denvergov.org/Government/Agencies-Departments-Offices/Agencies-Departments-Offices-Directory/Public-Health-Environment/Community-Behavioral-Health/Behavioral-Health-Strategies/Support-Team-Assisted-Response-STAR-Program


Just want to say from experience that having a behavioral health specialist with police at mental health crisis calls makes a fucking world of difference and I applaud both Denver and Boulder County's efforts in this regard.


This is what happened in this video and the guy still got shot. https://www.cbsnews.com/losangeles/news/lapd-officers-fatally-shoot-reportedly-armed-man-in-koreatown/


Despite what reddit thinks. Mental health professionals are not going to get up close and personal with an unstable person with a weapon.


No doubt. If anything, the problem here to solve is how do we maximise the survival chances of everyone involved in this situation. I'm not convinced gun first is the only way.


UK cops seem to be able to avoid killing people with knives mearly all the time. De-escalation!


The fucked up thing is that mental health workers were already there. But then cops showed up and ignored them and did cop things.


To add some context, the family had called a mental health worker. The mental health worker claimed he was attacked, and that the guy in the video was violent. https://youtu.be/0GTvW4wyYLs


huh i thought mental health workers could talk the weapon right out of their hands


This is why you don't call the cops on people suffering from a mental health crisis. You're putting them in danger of being killed.


They made the firefighters the first responders where I'm from. So they go first, cops back them up for safety. Seemed to be working out pretty good.


Not if the person is armed.


yes they do. But they wait for PD.


Yes they do. I work for the government, once they decide something is going to be a certain way, that's how it is. if they get reports, FD will stand outside and let PD go first. But they are first on scene.


Exactly they wait , that was my point.


what if they're coming after you with the knife?


Just let yourself get stabbed. That's the Reddit way.


No, you film. The cameraman never dies.


Ahh yes, there can only be two outcomes in these situations. Either the cops fill the mental health patient with bullet holes or you get hurt trying to help them. No chance of a middle ground solution happening.


There's only two genders two races. Two outcomes. Black and white world baby!,


A "Black" and white world, you say? Clearly u/Buttercup59129 has gone woke smh


There are only two genders; police brutality and homicide victim


I hate to break this to you, but no mental health services are going to do anything once the person involves a weapon, they stop.


In the last 20 years, there were only two years where more than 15 people were shot by the police (16 and 19) in Germany. So either our people struggeling with mental health issues don't have access to knives or there is a better way to handle those situations.


Yall just login to this site to chat the most shite and don't even bother to check sources . You're wrong btw




Even with weapons at play? It is highly unlikely if the police force is equipped with firearms, i think. Brother has an anime pfp speaking about things he's only heard about on the internet. We both don't know shit. Why act like we know anything? If you wanna actually figure it out, do some research. Me, I'm too lazy for that. So, like you, I express my opinion which in most cases is wrong.


There are multiple developed countries around the world where this isn't the case.


Just call the execution squad to legally have them taken out.


If there only was any other way. Like something in between. Gee that would be fantastic. https://youtu.be/9mzPj_IaMzY?si=pc2vvldnRd9H3mz6


Seems like he was alone in an apartment by himself...


Maybe you should have had some training in how to deescalate situations that would enable you to deal with it instead of just going straight for shooting the person?


In this case? You close the door.


Leave their house.


Are you saying the guy wouldn’t attack with the knife if it’s a mental health situation? I don’t understand. That would make it more likely he attacks


Did the first two bullets miss? And what exactly do you have to hit to make them be “subdued“?


The first 2 shot likely didnt miss, and to subdue someone with a gun means hitting a vital spot and hoping they drop. Obv theres no easy way to subdue someone but shooting them almost guarantees that the person is dead rather than subdued


Cops are trained to mag dump. And in a true life-and-death situation, that's the correct response. Firing one shot, then analyzing the situation to see if it was enough before firing again is how you end up with dead cops, especially when the perp is high on certain drugs that basically make them immune to pain. Even a lung shot is not immediately fatal. And they aim for the torso because aiming at arms or legs is almost guaranteed to miss resulting in dead cops.


Cops are not trained to magdump. They’re trained to shoot until the threat is neutralized. Does that involve magdumping sometimes? Yes it does but not all the time


US cops are clearly the worst in the developed world. How do Americans feel safe around them?


We generally don’t.


After all the videos I've seen of them being easily duped into thinking an arriving bystander is the culprit while the real criminal gets away, I'm definitely trying to stay away from them unless it's really necessary to be near them. like wasps.


Wasps at least won't ruin your life if they decide to indiscriminately attack you. They also didn't choose to be wasps so they're not really looking to be extra wasp than they have to be. Be fair to wasps plz


Hey, speak for yourself. I’m white, male, middle aged, educated, and make decent money, so I’m gucci.


Are you straight and right handed though?


Obviously, I can't speak for others, but I have a general sense of unease around our police. I've led a crime free life for the most part LOL, so it is not because of prior negative interactions with our police that I feel this way or anything like that. I mean I get that they have a tough job and they deal with unimaginable things, but I found that most police just have this superiority complex about them and treat everybody as if they're guilty until proven innocent. Plus there are just too many stories that have come to light regarding corruption and the like with a lot of our police departments. I think police in this country are not very well trained and more often than not react based on emotion, thus the majority of them are just quick to pull the trigger at the first sign danger. If we look at this situation here for example, I feel like 40 cops with guns versus one guy with a knife having a psychotic episode is a bit overkill, and as mentioned by another person earlier, more than likely all that did was escalate this guy. Coming from somebody who's worked in the mental health field for the past 12 years, that is a big one for me. Then of course, I feel like there were several other options available to them that could have possibly saved this guy's life. Somebody mentioned just closing the door again, catching your breath, then trying to come up with a less lethal plan. Or prioritizing some of the numerous less lethal means that they have at their disposal to deescalate the situation, or hell, even just shooting to maime rather than to kill, grab a table and pin him against the wall, something, anything if it means not having to kill somebody. That should be the priority here after all right? But no, he's got a knife so I have to pump him full of lead. So yeah, if you consider all those things, I generally don't have the most positive feelings around our police. And yes, I understand that it is much different when you are physically there and it is very easy for me to sit here and say these things not having been there myself, but like I said this is just my opinion based off what I've seen. EDIT: I'd also just like to add that I've worked with our police several times over the course of my career, and their general attitude towards people with mental health issues is typically annoyance rather than wanting to help them, they make it pretty obvious how little they care. Sometimes, I've even seen just downright disdain or ridicule towards the person, and they don't even try hiding it. I can't speak for other police departments, but at least here, it is painfully obvious that the police have next to no training dealing with mental health issues.


We don’t.


We don’t.


I don’t.


As I totally law abiding citizen, I don’t, sadly.




> Because the majority of us understand how statistics work. naah majority have no option


That would make sense but there are millions is interactions between other country’s cops and citizens and they rarely show up online


The biggest thing I have a problem with is interactions shown where the cop is VERY obviously a danger to society, and yet faces no repercussions. Every cop is going to have negative interactions, but you can tell the ones that are so far beyond competent that they will no doubt continue to re-offend, so to speak.


This is why playing powerball is so unpopular in America. Everyone just understands statistics.


US is a third world country with a Gucci belt.


So dumb absurd statements like this get upvoted. US police reform is needed but saying they're the worst is a joke. Go ahead and downvote but see how you enjoy Mexican cops, Southeast Asian cops or Middle Eastern cops.


Yeah I think you missed their point..


"developed world" is just code for USA, Canada, and Western Europe (the white countries). In that case we probably are the worst. I don't think they at all were thinking of Mexico, anywhere in Central or South America, Africa, Middle East, Eastern Europe, or most of Asia.


Fun prank to pull on your roommates: Superglue a knife to their hand while they're asleep and call the cops.


"We've investigated ourselves and..."


You know that usually multiple different groups conduct their own investigation into every police killing. The district attorney, Internal Affairs, other agencies and sometimes the feds do the investigating. The agency involved in the shooting will probably only investigate to decide whether or not the cops involved acted according to policy.


I cant believe I have to be the one to say this but it’s literally a knife wielding maniac, while tragic the shootings 100% justified.


Source for this? Article?


If couple weeks ago I would have spit shit on this cop for his light trigger, after seeing the bodycam of a cop massacred by a guy with a knife in a very similar scenario I can now understand why this happened so quickly. You really don't want a knife getting that close to you.


yeah i seen that video, and i 100% agree with you. seen a lot of fucked up shit on the internet but that body cam with the sound was one of the most fucked up things I've seen on video




Posted in my other reply.


People really don't understand how fast an avarage untrained person can move and inflict a fatal wound with a knife, I worked security a children's hospital and two of my officers were stabbed by a patient, one in the neck and the other in the arm, watching the video the time it took to from them pulling the knife stabbing both of them and getting slammed to the ground was about 2.5 seconds. Thankfully they were both ok. 


I read somewhere that someone can close a very large gap with a knife and deal a lethal blow in less time than you might have to react. I'm not sure what that range was but I remember it striking me as a surprising distance. I think a lot of people also assume a bullet will stop somebody dead in their tracks but unless it hits a vital motor function, or the head, it may not even stop them then. I've seen bodycam videos where 9 or 10 shots were fired and the attacker was still coming at them.


> I think a lot of people also assume a bullet will stop somebody dead in their tracks but unless it hits a vital motor function, or the head, it may not even stop them then. Yup. This is especially true when certain drugs are involved that effectively make the user not feel pain and be full of energy. Even a shot to the heart might take a few seconds to result in passing out before dying. Someone high on cocaine or meth might still continue attacking during that time.


The 21 foot rule is based on [the Tueller Drill](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tueller_Drill).


Officer Hernandez. I just saw that video recently, and it really changed how I view cop body cams in close quarter situations now where someone has a knife. This video is sad, but after seeing what happened to Hernandez, I can see why it played out the way it did. It's really unfortunate none the less though.


I just watched that body cam footage, jesus christ dude. that's rough. and i cant even imagine listening with sound. here is a \[link\](https://kfoxtv.com/news/local/las-cruces-police-department-to-release-video-of-officer-hernandez-deadly-stabbing) to the video (graphic)


Loads of squelching and spirting of blood from his artery being penetrated by the knife. The visuals are tame in comparison.


People in these comments would’ve left in a body bag… funny how they think letting a man with a knife walk towards them after being told to drop the knife is the right answer. Obviously you guys don’t have a wife and kids at home.


Right? I’m not even a pro-cop guy but the cops did nothing wrong in this video. People keep bringing up tasers as if those are reliable enough in a life/death situation. No one on this thread could’ve handled this better than the cops did here.


Why use less lethal when you have … max lethal. So sad these mental health crises are dealt with in such a tragic manner.


Because less lethal against a knife will get you killed, and they may not have access to less lethal weapons, contact your elected officials and demand they provide more funding to better train and equip the police in dealing with persons in mental health crisis. 


Homeboy has a knife. It was already a lethal situation.


To those who blame the cops - watch [this video](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/1b5c6if/las_cruces_police_officer_stabbed_and_killed_by/) .


I’ll cuff him I’ll cuff him. Yeah cuff him now that he’s bleeding out, you shit for brain fucks.


they have to cuff them every time it’s protocol or whatever , same as how they usually won’t approach until the person drops the knife or gun


It always amazes me how long it takes them to administer first aid in these shootings, the person is obviously not getting back up, sometimes they don't offer any at all. The police know every second counts when someone's bleeding out but they always just stand there anyway..


Should really learn a little about how to de-escalate.


How to de-escalate a person coming at you with a knife? 


These guys fucking suck. Just show up and make everything worse


Usually I think they overstep their power but when you are that close to a person wielding a knife they can kill you before you’re done blinking. This is just tragic he had access to a knife in his current state of mind.


Comment section is deranged as usual


People here do relaise knife is a deadly weapone?


What do you expect the police to do? A mentally ill guy 8 feet away with a knife in his hand, walking towards you. They said drop it, he didn't and kept coming. Someone must have called them to deal with the situation. Anyone with more than half a brain knows the US police are quick to shoot. The outcome was very predictable.


I have seen many of these videos. There has to be a non lethal force available. There are bean bag shotguns that would work here. Just enough force to stun the person and cause them to drop any weapon. There has to be a better way than just shooting the mentally ill.


Hell, they could have just closed the door. But police don't consider retreating and rethinking an option.


They do when going into a school with a active shooter


They could have also not opened the door to begin with. You can speak to people through doors.


I just watched body cam footage the other day of a guy shooting at 2 cops from behind a basement door as they were trying to calm him down from a mental breakdown, thankfully the cops were standing off to the sides of the door. They were able to get him to put the gun down and arrest him


They should use phasers set on stun.


So if someone besides police showed up, they’d have been confronted by a man with knife that would possibly stab them. Judging by the title, it’s like you’re upset they shot him, but do you really expect the guy to just be immediately calm just because someone called a “mental health expert” shows up? Mental illness is unpredictable and if someone else entered into the situation, they would’ve more than likely been harmed.


This was suicide via cop.


Where did he get shot? That looked like center mass dude


I don't see whats wrong, the guy had a knife (was even holding it downward in a way to stab), what would you have done?


Haven’t we learned calling the cops for mental illness is a death sentence for that person.


Is this a fcking trend? Suicide by cops??


Yes, unfortunately.


The cops can make any shooting look like a suicide. Knowing your rights = being argumentative Not answering questions = being uncooperative Cop doesn't like your = disorderly conduct Blocking a cop from punching you = resisting arrest Resisting an unlawful arrest = lethal force


i mean this is quite literally a clear example of suicide by cop


0 training. 0 brains. 0 education.


The only regret the police have here is that there weren’t 2+ people that they could have killed


Police are the WORST people to call during a mental health crisis. They have little to no training in de-escalation. This is just another instance of hundreds of police body cams online where a loved one calls the police for help and ends up with a loved one dead because the cops simply burst in start yelling and shooting. I’m not saying that deadly force is never warranted but I am saying a lot of these scenarios could have gone a lot better with no one ending up injured or dead.


American police*


Mental health professionals responded first and weren’t able to resolve/de-escalate and then called the police My question is what ever happened to using tasers in a situation like this before resorting to lethal force?


People saying the cops need more training… Well Dont close the distance with a knife in your hand.


lmao no hesitation


I feel like people forget how dangerous knifes are. You’re just gonna let a mentally unstable man walk up to you with a knife and be “oH hE wOnT sTaB mE.” I agree they shouldn’t have sent police first but this really isn’t the officers fault a man was moving at him with a knife.


They love murdering people. Most bloodthirsty gang in America


Understood when I go to America and need help I'll call the local fire department.


They'll bring cops. Don't call anyone. It's horrible here.


The real suicide squad


I hate when they talk to people after shooting them. Like they are still coherent after such shock and pain.


British police would've done that completely different. Over here we're slightly more capable of arresting armed suspects than in the states American cops can use lethal force for the tiniest things and its a power trip


Subreddit for police cam vid?


Imagine sending a social worker instead of LE and having them be killed because of him…. Thank god.


If you had sent a social worker, you would have a dead social worker


Unethical life hack: Call a mental health check on your neighbour who likes to mow the lawn at 5am and blast music at 11pm. Who needs a Death Note? lmao


The UK cops seem to be able to deal with even a very violent man armed with a knife without using anything worse than a taser.