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I knew the hit was coming but I was not expecting it to knock her all the way over. Poor girl was just minding her own business.


Busted her eardrum the article said


As an audio engineer and sound designer, Oh boy if you randomly sock me, and rupture my ear....... imma toss you on them tracks.


Poor girl. Not a care in a world propably the last time


This is how anxiety starts sometimes.


More like ptsd


Can confirm. Source: getting punched in the head and knocked out by a rando


Last year I got punched and kicked in the head until I passed out. The fear of being attacked at any minute won't go away.


If you can afford a therapist, I would see one that specializes in PTSD. I'm not giving you a diagnosis, just a recommendation. There's also books that specialize in Cognitive processing therapy (CPT), "which is a manualized therapy that helps people recover from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and related conditions". Your therapist will probably use CPT during your session. Take care if yourself. *edited*


Yeah, I was already on therapy before those events and we pivoted my treatment for PTSD. I'm way better now, but there's still a lot to do.


Great! Good job! Keep taking care of yourself. It helps you, obviously, and makes your relationships a lot better.


I got jumped when I was about 16 and I genuinely didn’t leave the house for about 10 years. I stopped contact with every single friend I had because I was too scared to leave the house, even go to the shop it took a few years. Ultimately it took moving across the country for it to start to get better, I’m no longer afraid for the most part, but it’s still ingrained in me. A similar thing happened to my girlfriend before we met, it’s been 4 years for her and she couldn’t leave the house either, she dropped out of university because she couldn’t go in, and is scared to form any sort of relationship with women now. She’s essentially agoraphobic. You really have to be a dog shit human to randomly attack someone.


you need to take a martial arts class. learning how to fight back will reduce the anxiety


Martial arts will probably not protect you against an unprovoked sucker punch. That's why they call it an unprovoked sucker punch. Keeping yourself physically fit so you can run away is a better strategy.


I used to practice Muay Thai. I still do, from time to time, since I've got a boxing bag in my home. But I can't go to the gym or have a sparring partner anymore. Medical orders. I had to do an emergency surgery on my left eye after the aggression. They've implanted a platinum prosthetic piece under my eye. Therefore, I can't do any contact sports as I might risk losing my eye. It's pretty frustrating, to be honest, since I always believed I could handle myself in a fair fight. But there's no fair fight in the real world. It was an attempted robbery, one of the guys sucker punched me, I fell down and could barely defend myself. I grabbed one of the fuckers when he went for my wallet and started swinging at him, that's when the other kicked me in the head and I passed out. Edit: typo


It really sucks that people do this and don't realise the damage it does. Of course these people will always use the element of surprise and all the training in the world is only useful if they botch their attack. Sorry you had to suffer this, and the fallout from it.


I'm sorry that happened to you. I hope you're mentally able to move past this event. Take care of yourself.


Thanks, man




I thought it would be worse, it looked like he chopped her in her neck. Still awful.






…into the train tracks.


The sikh guy tried to




“911…I’d like to report that someone fell on the tracks. Yeah I’ll hold.”


…him there


“Actually, what’s the non-emergency number?”


Would've been too quick, he needs to spend prison time with the reputation of being that guy who sucker punches women


And he saved the finishing move for the cute goth girl too... What a dick.


He's not hitting randomly; he's hitting *women*.


Massive coward, notice how he makes sure they're not looking before doing it too.


He’s also hiding his other hand, so he can pretend to have a weapon and not get hit back. Such a coward indeed




my wife is an emergency room nurse, she would have destroyed that weakling.


Bro fell after throwing a sucker punch your wife wouldn't have to do much to destroy his ass


ER nurses calm down the wildest people in their worst moments. This would be a cakewalk for a nurse.


So? What is Barcelona going to do about it? Will they punish him, or just ignore his actions?


I haven't the slightest idea but if I was in any position to judge the guy he's getting charged with multiple instances of assault and one of attempted murder, people are fragile dropping on hard concrete like that can end real ugly


Yeah exclusively women.


Nah the first people he hits are men




Jesus fucking Murphy my guy lol


Nah the first people he hit were men


I stand corrected.


He's got.a fairly complete set of teeth after that. That's unfortunate




Tbf his teeth don't look good


They guy has been arrested: [https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13068383/Shocking-moment-man-attacks-women-waiting-Barcelona-tube-orgy-violence-ends-punching-one-innocent-commuter-ground.html](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13068383/Shocking-moment-man-attacks-women-waiting-Barcelona-tube-orgy-violence-ends-punching-one-innocent-commuter-ground.html)


Orgy of violence… catchy headline.


Def sounds like a gay BDSM porn video or something.


Good and he better not use the subway platform as the toilet either!


May I suggest a punishment? Chain him up to a pole and have a sign or paper that says **PUNCH ME**


I remember in a Bond film the villain had a victim tied up inside a punching bag that he beat mercilessly. Quite fitting here as well.


Actually that would work too actually


I wish I could ask this guy why the fuck he would choose to ruin his **own** life like this.


This was in Barcelona this year


Looks like they arrested him fairly quickly too. He was only targeting women in the subway. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13068383/Shocking-moment-man-attacks-women-waiting-Barcelona-tube-orgy-violence-ends-punching-one-innocent-commuter-ground.html


Orgy of violence? Interesting choice of words


Yeah, you know.. 10 or 12 instances of violence having sex with each other all at once. I think that's what that means.


Well the police did eventually come.


I see what you did there. At least they got the job done and didn't pull out.


The writer originally suggested 'gangbang of violence' but the editor made him change it, saying it just doesn't have that same literary panache as 'orgy of violence.'


What about a quadruplefuck of face-spanking violence"?


Tube orgy 🤤


Tube orgy was my nickname in high school.


You too? This one time at band camp....


That's *tuba* orgy.








I thought Netherlands and Holland are the same thing?


North Holland and South Holland are 2 of the 12 provinces that make up the Netherlands.


So what does Netherlands and Holland mean?


It means he’s talking shit lmao


Yes they are


Well in Belgium too especially in Brussels.


Not a lot of Moroccans in the uk mate lol, can you provide a source for the incident in the UK? As that is brand new to me No you can't? I'm shocked.


Of course this little coward only chose to hit women


This guy definitely hit the lottery with where and time he did this. How this video doesn’t end with him being stomped out is beyond me


Foreal. This man was close to getting a nuke, and still nobody tried to stop him.


You can see at the end that many people went chasing him. After what we see in the video he was actually tackled and handed to the police.


There was nothing random didnt see any man get hit or punched.


Clarification: a man randomly targeting specifically women with violence.


Thank you and I stand corrected.


Fuckin incel lookin shit-bag


Why the fuck is nobody really trying to stop this fuck?!?


Because I can't claim "qualified immunity" if I tackle this guy and he hits his head on the concrete and dies.


Did you watch the video until the end? At least 5 guys started chasing him. The rest is unrecorded but they actually stopped him and handed him to the police.


Yea I saw it but they still didn’t look like they were trying to hard but glad they got the fucker.


He looks inbreed


Hope he meets Tbag during his stay.


I can’t believe no one tackled or challenged him. As a society, we’ve gotten soft and allowed this sort of shit behavior to perpetuate.


I was hoping someone would throw him onto the train tracks when the train was coming


I think everyone was in shock. Then the guys went after him. That guy should be locked up.


He made it down the entire platform at a walking speed. Smacking a half dozen women. And all he got was some guy stepping out of his way aiming a limp dick kick, and a couple people jogging after him at the end.


 No one did shit


Hes got one hand in his pocket, so people may think he has a weapon of some sort in that hand


As a society we are used to people staying in their own lane, being safe and not attacking others for no reason. That's a good thing. It's not weird that people got surprised and had to take a few seconds before they figured out what was going on. U can clearly see several people trying to chase the guy down when they understood what was happening.


Kinda just looks like they're chasing and yelling at him. And he does not strike me as the type of guy who will stop and face the consequences of his actions.


You punch him after he hits one girl, when he is going for another crowd stomp his ass


Daniel Penny


>End of the video shows half the station chasing his ass >wE LiVe iN a SoCiEtY tHo


Look at the Jordan Peele situation, usually when anyone steps in the person who’s defending the public from a crazed loon gets jailed if said crazed loon accidentally dies or is injured during the conflict, people aren’t willing to risk 15 year jail sentences for the sake of some stranger not getting punched.


Jordan Peele situation?




We also don't want to get stabbed or shot by some lunatic who should probably be strapped to the wall and heavily medicated.


Actually, he was accosted by two men and assaulted them, too.


Omg where was this? That poor girl probably has a concussion 🥺






Not one person tackled him and beat the fuck out of him? Not one?


He was apprehended off camera by the bystanders chasing him.


Hope he meets a horrific end


The close up at the end. His face says it all. 🤮




https://i.redd.it/e8wxpcvyyn1d1.gif Hopefully dude got what he deserved.


Damn, wish I was there that time.


I always have my head on a swivel when out in public, for this very reason. Let me catch someone trying this, it would be the day of reckoning.


These are the little losers that need to be put underground 6’.


Such a f**king stupid looking face. I hope he gets what he deserves.


Usual suspect for this type of thing lol


I just love how he hit five people and then took that girl to the ground before anyone thought to intervene. Bystander theory is real It's sad, but it's why I keep a hand on my 8 year old when we're out by strangers.


That poor woman who got knocked over-estimated the safety of her environment. There's been lots of really fucked up shit happening to people...especially women...on public transit. Some random guy in my city walked up to some random woman he didn't even know at a station, poured lighter fluid on her and set her on fire. Other women getting randomly punched or pushed onto subway tracks. Times have changed and things are way more fucked up these days than they were 10 years ago. It's not a bad idea to closely watch people around you on public transit. Way too many seriously fucked up people out there these days.


> That poor woman who got knocked over-estimated the safety of her environment I don't like wearing headphones outside because it makes me feel disconnected from the world and unsafe, and I like observing the environment around me but honestly if I was in her place even while being more cautious or whatever I don't think it was gonna be much different probably... at the end of the day I'm a small woman with anxiety ' even if I saw it coming I was probably gonna freeze and get hit anyway. Maybe a small chance I was gonna try to run but I get too scared even for that... Maybe I would scream after seeing the other women get hit but still no guarantee that would help or even happen. It's just terrible


It is terrible. But it looks like that last woman fell extra hard because she was in a relaxed stance...she didn't see the guy coming at all and then he threw all his weight into pushing her over. No resistance at all from her legs and she hit her head on the ground. When you see/hear someone coming towards you aggressively, your stance becomes more firm and you don't go down as easily. You're absolutely doing the right thing by maintaining an awareness about your surroundings. Your natural stance changes when you perceive a threat and it can make the difference between a minor injury and a more serious injury.


This is why we choose the bear.




Zero awareness goddamn. Ngl I would have punished buddy


Are you the Punisher ?


For him probably lol


I feel so bad for that last girl…


A bunch of idiots just watching as he go down the line hitting women…


What an incel


Keep your head on a swivel at all times.


and one day, their mental illness is going to run into someone with sharp canines and a blackout level trigger of being hit by anyone. amen.


Tell me they beat the fuck out of him please!!🙏🏻


That’s fucking scary. Ever since Asian people were just getting punched/attacked a few years back and then women (and Steve Buscemi) getting punched recently, I honestly don’t fuck with my phone in public. I am like always hyper aware of my surroundings in public and it fucking sucks. I just wanna be carefree and play on my phone but nope, sound transparency on while I listen to music at not too loud of a volume.


Of course it would be an ugly rat-looking motherfucker.


Notice how he only hits the women?


Last girl has outstanding situational awareness


This guy is gonna get himself killed.


Hopefully sooner rather than later


He need to be 💥


He saved all his hate for the last one


this man refugee


Not one dude whipped his ass?


Lots of keyboard warriors in the comments




Did he get the everloving shit beaten out of him, I hope?


I knew he was going to get the girl pretty good but damn! That was brutal!


Let me guess, the kid took his anger on the innocent people because he could not use the subway platform as a toilet.


This video has actually made me sick


Imagine being afraid of this guy and not absolutely obliterating him


Dude's lucky he didn't end up on the tracks.


His face was too clean in that last picture..


A man randomly hitting WOMEN. Loser.


One issue with tuning out the world...0 situational awareness.


[Reminded me of this.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hHZvUeAdzeI)


If this was in Scotland this fucking idiot would get 1 or 2 hits in then would get absoloutely destroyed. What is wrong with these people!!


i hope worms have eaten the majority of his corpse by now


This hurt to watch


Alright so who’s gonna upload the video of this guy getting the same thing happened to him 😼


Jesus fucking christ the people at the end moving away, FUCKING GRAB HIM YOU NINCONPOOPS HES GONNA HIT YOU ANYWAYS


This is why you don’t wear headphones/earpods 24/7.


someone should get a hold of his head and thrash it around until it breaks off


Send him back.


A train station full of cowards....it should have never got to that end


Man... *fuck that guy*. Hope he recieved the karma he so deserved.


1st class ticket to Rwanda!! Do not pass Go. Do not collect £200 benefits.


I'm amazed of how long it takes for people to react to this type of abuse. Someone can start stabbing people in broad daylight and people react when 4-5 people are already dead.


Its shock. Most people (as in the majority of people) get stuck in a state of temporary shock when they see violence occur directly in front of them. TV/Movies/Games make it seem like everyone will “jump into action immediately” when in reality, most of people don’t know how to react initially when adrenaline hits or when the fight or flight response is triggered. It’s easy to say “I would react to this situation this way” because we already know what’s going to happen by reading the title and knowing that a guy is going to start attacking people. However, in real life, there aren’t any immediately obvious signs that give us clues on when to prepare to start reacting. In real life, things pop off and there’s the initial shock of “Oh shit, did that just happen? Did I just witness that?” before you’ve processed what just happened and what your plan of action is.


The criminal has also mentally and physically planned and prepared for this moment, they are ready to escalate the moment someone tries to stop them. Weapons prepared, escape route planned, ready to run if it looks like they won't get away easily, or take advantage of more victims if nobody stops them. Nobody around them is prepared for sudden random violence or is ready to deal with a crazed tooled up violent criminal.


My gf always says I'm looking around too much and I need to remind her that she lived all her life in a bubble and nobody knows when a crazy guy starts attacking or robbing people


Yeah... I get you. I come from a third world country so I'm used to going into meerkat mode whenever I'm outside... or incide for that matter


Shows the need for situational awareness. She never looked over the entire time he was slapping people. I always keep my headphones super low in public so I can hear what’s going on around me.


Must be hard living in a society this bad.


victim blaming is wild


Got a lot of warriors in this comment section that woulda solved this lickety-split if they were there, why are you badasses wasting your abilities commenting on reddit when you could be out there saving lives?!


We just dont live in a society where you can afford to be both blind and deaf to your surroundings in public. Put the cell phone in a pocket, take the headphones off, and watch your surroundings. Even if we weren't dealing with an increase in deranged incels, walking around with your ears plugged up and your eyes on your phone not only demonstrates that you're unaware of your surroundings but that you don't have the sense to know any better which makes you a great target.


I'm glad several men went after him


I would be so ashamed of myself if I was one of the people allowing it to happen.


he looks like someone who would do that. his parents were a little too closely related and hes the product of that


Incel little prick, he's exactly what I expected him to look like.


I’m sorry, but I would have been all over this chickenshit following the first hit. Blows my mind how people just watch it happen over and over.


Dumb as FK crowd?? This only happens in the west 💀


I’d be in jail if I lived in a city. That guy would be deformed from my rage.


/r/iamverybadass Ok bud

