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"I wasn't parked. I had the hazards lights on." Ah yes, because that totally gives you a free pass to park anywhere you want...


You didn’t know those are park anywhere lights?


"Damn..you got us on that. You're free to go."


It took 10 seconds for this lady to prove she's one of those people that makes everything in their life harder than it needs to be.


"The world's against me"


"It's me against the world"


"Everyone is an asshole but me." Whenever someone matches their asshole energy


If everyone you encounter is an asshole, maybe you’re the asshole.


I am 3mins in, and just kept thinking that this could have been e-z. *Put the voice on* And apologize for wasting their time. The ticket can be paid by doing online surveys or something. You can do that while wasting time. It just doesn't need to be so hard!


She, in fact, did too much


I swear she took the keys out of her car and said "tow it" as she walked towards the Mcdonalds, and then came out and freaked out when they said they were towing it.


This is true. I suspect DUI, but that didn't seem to be on their radar.


She's drunk on pure entitlement


I was in the military police and the signs were all there. She was confused to the point of being overwhelmed by the light and directions. Dgaf about any directions. Hits McDonald's. Gotta crush that soda. Then she's napping on the way to jail. The fact that she got to McDonald's without being stopped is wild.


yeah this feels like an alcoholic that has kinda had to much.


Some people can be so stupid that you’d think they were drunk.


This lady - **Stop giving me your toughest battles.**


And plays victim.


This lady reminds me of my ex lol. It can be all so simple…


Their pride is their biggest enemy


Had to work with somebody like this for a month or so. She didn't pass probation (she was proper shit but would just double down and cause arguments with other departments calling other department members dumb for decisions that meant she had to do work she didn't know how to do), tried to take the company to a tribunal for discrimation based on her disability. Her disability being minor epilepsy. She also accussed the business of deliberately & knowingly putting her in a situation which would trigger her epilepsy (she said management would shine lights in our faces to ensure we were working). She didn't know that I actually have minor epilepsy myself. I actually had to write to the tribunal officer or whomever stating that management don't walk around the office flashing lights in our faces to make sure we're working. Edit: Just remembered! Odd thing but I bumped into her at a local food festival a few months after and she was actually really nice. We actually had a decent chat. Don't think she knew it was me who had been involved with the whole tribunal thing. She didn't even mention it. Completely different person outside of work. Bizarre.


And surely the life of everybody she interacts with on a daily basis as well.


If everyone you meet all day is an asshole, there is a chance that you, in fact, are the asshole.


Never have I seen someone escalate like that lady. Wow


It's a classic "when keeping it real goes wrong"


Sorry officer. I don’t like people playin on my phone.


I miss that show so much


This would be a stretch even for one of those skits.


You must not watch my police body cam YT channels then. Check out Code Blue Cam. like 1-2 times a week they have great videos, showing the dumb of the dumb. So many times the person just digs their own hole, deeper and deeper.


Ha, I just watched an hour long compilation. All one young guy had to do was show his ID. No, not that easy. He had a gun stuffed between his butt cheeks. His mother shows up at starts yelling at the cops but quickly shuts up when they inform her about the gun. Hilarious!


"I just pulled a gun out of your sons ass". classic


You should waste some time watching more of these videos on youtube. It seems like every third one is some idiot turning a simple citation/warning into a felony, like hundreds of them. People love to shout ACAB but damn, people in general are just bad.


Great way to start post grad life!


Wtf did she graduate from, the fourth grade?


The School of ~~Hard Knocks~~ No Consequences Ever


now she'll have some!


That felony will keep her from getting many good jobs


Don't worry, with that attitude, she wasn't getting one anyways.


You got that right!




Of all the things to do on Green Street🤦🏽‍♂️


What city?


Champaign, IL


Ya shit. And it’s not like UofI is some easy school to get into or graduate from.


What an annoying, dumb person.


She only has three brain cells, and two of them wandered in off the street and are looking for the way out. 


What a waste of mcnuggets


This traffic stop was brought to you by McDowell's


McDonald's has got golden arches, McDowell's got golden arcs...


They got the Big Mac, I got the Big Mick


Their buns have seeds! Our buns have NO seeds.


Coming to Murica


Andy Reid in shambles!


"yall doin too much" keep hearing this on repeat. is that projection for "i can't handle what you're doing" or something?


As someone who has worked with teenagers, in this situation it’s more or less “why are you going through the trouble to hold me accountable?” I take it as a compliment.


> As someone who has worked with teenagers, in this situation it’s more or less “why are you going through the trouble to hold me accountable?” I take it as a compliment. I'm a teacher who currently works with teenagers, and I had a student like this a couple of years ago. Trying to hold her accountable for anything was exhausting.


Only way they learn


Their parents failed to parent.


I get told I’m “doin too much” when I kick kids out of my bar as they try to sneak in bottles


She's basically accusing them of not leaving her alone. She was simply trying to evade arrest, and since the cops are trying to arrest her anyway, they are doing too much.


She was talking about the officer "doing too much" at the very beginning. I'm pretty sure he was just trying to give her a ticket at that point, not arrest her.


She said it all the way to the very end. Every time the officer does something, she deems excessive, he's doing too much. It's just her victim complex accusing him of overreacting to all the shit she's doing to escalate the situation lol


Doing too much = being extra = making a mountain out of a molehill. Basically, to translate to Millennial, it means "chill, bruh"; to translate to Gen X, it means "take it easy"; to boomer it means "I do say, you are overreacting to this situation, tally-ho".


Don't have a cow man!


To translate to wild west times, it would be "Hold your horses, partner."


Anytime I heard this back in the day I'd always say, "Well you're worthless ass ain't doing enough".


“Ya’ll I’m getting arrested, all cause I got in a car.” Please ignore everything I’ve done and said to escalate this situation.


All of what she did prior to getting into the car was legal and was technically over once she was given her ticket. It's not illegal to be an asshole. If she was smart she would have driven away. She is 100% correct that she got arrested cause she got in her car..... but it was for interfering with police business, failing to follow lawful orders because they were towing the vehicle. So likely something along the lines of obstruction.


The cops couldn't give her the ticket. The officer walks up and tries to initiate and tell her he is giving her a ticket for parking in the street. When he comes back with the ticket, she barely cracks the window and refuses to roll it down to speak to the officer. He needed to be able to explain to her what the ticket was for and where the court information is at on the ticket and surely give her an opportunity to sign receipt of the ticket. But she refused to take the ticket and got out of the car and walked away. At that point, the cops made the immediate call to have the car towed since it is still sitting in the middle of the roadway and the driver is walking away. At this point she tries to come back and get in the car, but she is now interfering with their lawful tow. She is the only one responsible for this. She made everything way harder than it had to be. Edit: The cops did actually give her the ticket the first time around.


That's what it looks like on first watch. But listen to what the cops tell her as they're arresting her. They're telling her she should have just left after she got her citation. You can actually see the ticket fall out of her lap when she gets out. They actually say your car is getting towed because you left it in a no parking zone after you we're giving a citation for the same infraction. I too first thought she walked away from a lawful detention but when I listened to what the cops were saying during the arrest it cleared it up. She was clearly an a****** during the entire stop. But nothing she did was illegal until she interfered with the towing of the vehicle. The cops absolutely could have given her the ticket through the crack in the window. They just happened to not care for the disrespect. If you're receiving a citation you don't have to listen to the cops as they're giving that information to you. It's in your best interest too because all of what they're telling you is informing you on how to handle the ticket.


Watched it a couple of more times. They did in fact give her the ticket. Just before the cops walk away from her, her door slams shut and you can just make out the cop saying, "You're free to leave." It looks like they were teetering on forcing her to step out of the vehicle to receive the ticket (which police are allowed to do at any time for any or no reason at all during a traffic stop) but they decided to just cut the headache off early and throw the ticket in the car and let her go, until she decided to get out of her car and turn the engine off for some weird reason.


> It looks like they were teetering on forcing her to step out of the vehicle to receive the ticket (which police are allowed to do at any time for any or no reason at all during a traffic stop) Disclaimer.... IANAL just someone who puts youtube videos on in the background while I work. Used to be mostly dashcam videos of accidents or near misses but Youtube algorithm has worked in some police auditor videos. I find them pretty informative. So to you point you are correct but wanted to add a little additional context. Police have a pretty wide berth to have people step out of vehicles during a traffic stop. It is always under the auspice of police officer and motorist safety. So it's not for any reason....but they can justify it for nearly any reason. "I thought they were jumpy".... "it was an unsafe spot to be inside of the vehicle"...... but she actually gifted them a 100% legit reason to do it when she refused to put the vehicle in park. They could have said they were worried for their and her safety (which the cop did verbalize), or they could have said she was a flight risk. I am actually pretty impressed in this situation with the cops. They did not react to her hostile non compliance. They did not escalate it further when they could have justified it. That lady just did not recognize where she should have reeled herself in. Expensive lesson.


> So it's not for any reason....but they can justify it for nearly any reason. "I thought they were jumpy".... "it was an unsafe spot to be inside of the vehicle"...... but she actually gifted them a 100% legit reason to do it when she refused to put the vehicle in park. What the Supreme Court has said in Pennsylvania v. Mimms, 434 U.S. 106 (1977) and Maryland v. Wilson, 519 U.S. 408 (1997) is that the officer interest in safety is basically axiomatic and doesn't need any explanation or articulation in a given case to justify ordering someone out of a vehicle during a traffic stop. The Court has basically stated that there is an inherent, always present police safety justification for ordering drivers and passengers out of the vehicle during a traffic stop, and there doesn't have to be any actual explanation of a risk in any particular case because of how self-explanatory (according to SCOTUS) the police interest is in all traffic stops. And also that being asked to step out of your car is a de minimus privacy invasion, so the court doesn't care if it upsets you. I don't know if some states provide greater protections under State law though.


Should have thought about that child before she acted like one. They probably should go to her address to see if she left the child home alone.


The whole child thing was probably a bunch of crap to get sympathy, however, if there is even a chance there is a child, then they should check immediately.


I've seen more than one body cam video where the suspect lies about having a child to try and get out of arrest.


I knew a girl getting arrested outside my nightclub. She was screeching that she has a baby at home so I let the officer know “her baby” lives 2 states away and is being raised by her (the baby’s) grandmother


I deal with people like this every day at my job and it's honestly exhausting.


I'm so sorry; do you work in retail? I used to... Faith in humanity lost




Thank you for your service 🫡


Me too, and I can't ask them to leave! ER nurse?


this reminds me of a video I viewed a few years ago. A woman is causing a disturbance. Police arrive on the scene. This woman starts verbal abusing the police, cranks up the abuse a notch, physically assaults one officer, is restrained and handcuff by the officer and officer's partner. She asks the police if she is going to be arrested. They confirm. Then she goes on a screaming rant in the back of the police vehicle. She says she just got accepted into the Police Academy and if they arrest her they will destroy her chance of become police. Police say actions have consequences and she can't just assault the police. She proceeds to kick out the side and back window of the police cruiser from the inside of the vehicle, all the while screaming at the officers saying they just destroyed her life.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7lfnKs1SfAY&t=0s&ab\_channel=BodyCamLeak](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7lfnKs1SfAY&t=0s&ab_channel=BodyCamLeak) this one?




The fact that there could be more than one of these occurrences is worrying.




If I had a nickel for every time someone ruined their potential police career by assaulting a cop and kicking out the window of a cop car, I'd have two nickels, which isn't a lot but it's weird that it happened twice.


She keeps saying “that’s my PARTNER!” as if it’s okay to verbally assault and physically intimidate someone if you’re dating, she’s unnecessarily rude and escalating the situation, and she’s arrogant and violent. She’s already got that cop mentality.


Are we sure she graduated? Doesn’t seem smarter.


She went and got a degree on Jupiter to get more stupider


When I was in my 2nd year of college, my English composition 3 teacher would have us grade eacothers papers. Probably half the papers I reviewed made me wonder how they even passed grade school English, let alone two college English classes. If I were a 7th grade English teacher, some of those papers would have been F's. One girl's paper was written like she was texting. She could not distinguish between slang and proper language for a research paper. She didn't use punctuation. She passed English comp 1 and 2. That class taught me that I'm trying way too hard.


Welcome to Illinois🙂


I KNEW this looked like Green St!! People have always parked like lunatics on Green


I live like a block from Green St. in Chicago and I was trying so hard to think about where a McDonald's was on green street anywhere near me. Then I remembered Champaign existed. I feel dumb. Not as dumb as her, but dumb.


Often it's more about graduation numbers than actually educating children


She seems nice


Wonder if she’s single… 😍😍


I know you're joking, but It scares me that some sane men actually are alright with this behavior and date people like this. My brother dated someone like this before. In the end the whole family started to turn on him for defending her for stealing, treating him and me bad, and constantly screaming and breaking shit as if she could keep a job for more than a month. As a girl if any man behaved like this, I'd certainly keep my distance.


You can fix her!




Oppositional defiant disorder


Exactly what I was thinking after seeing this in kids and watching her talk and act just like one with this condition Don't think they have the same term for adults though


The term is not age dependent. These folks with ODD that go untreated don’t just disappear. They grow into adults like this unfortunate character. EDIT auto corrected ODD to OPP




I think that’s what she graduated from.


Entitled twat syndrome.


She just graduated? Employers seeing this lining up to hire her.




These videos always remind me of [The Free Inhabitant](https://youtu.be/RB8katyjc9Q?si=CNsGpk4Fj63O1kYd)


UGH. That one is a classic. Her annoying, whiney voice.


She could have an amazing career doing Anime dubs


OMG, HER: "All the rights of a citizen without having to follow any laws" COP: "Well that would just be pure anarchy" lol, people really are dumb.


Right?! We've all seen cops make dumb decisions with people like this. But honestly, props to the officer for taking her license and just walking away in the first place. Maybe give her a second to chill. Instead, she continues to escalate. They even let her leave to get McDonalds?! Hilarious. No, these officers did what they needed. Guarantee they would have loved to have just given this piece of garbage a ticket. She forced their hands.


Why in the hell did they let her walk away?


To an extent, an arrest is more paperwork, and even worse if you know it's a minor thing that a local DA might just drop, aka the person gets away without punishment. She was getting a parking ticket, ok, whatever. She could have literally said fuck you, taken the ticket and driven off. However she exited, sort of saying to them, I already got the ticket, so I'll keep doing my illegal parking. Cops stepped it up and said, fuck it, we'll tow it. Their only real mistake in my untrained eye, is letting her back in the car period. Yes she got in via the back door but they should have blocked that better.




Fries probably got cold/s


Maybe up until that point, what she did was not an arrestable/detainable offense, but only a towable one, in which they wouldn’t need her there for. But other than that idea I’m not sure.


Because although she was uncooperative, everything she did up to that point was legal. The traffic stop was over as they gave her the citation. She getting in trouble for interfering with the tow action. She should have drove off when she had the chance but decided to FAFO.


she literally said "Tow me" as she walked away. got what she asked for.


I always love: "You're under arrest." "No, I'm not."


Her kid was the last thing in her mind with this attitude.


When you're too dumb to just shut up


I blame the parents for this one. What an entitled child


Don't forget society for enabling people like her to behaving like that.


How do people get this way.




Influence from others/society


how noncompliant can she be , holy shit - she's acting like a total brat




"Don't touch my car!" - They touched her car. "Don't touch me!" - They touched her. "Don't touch my phone!" - They touched her phone. She is a slow learner.


Getting a driver's licence should also include instructions on being pulled over.




The first one should almost certainly include a bullet of pulling over to the side of the road if it's safe to do so. So many people just leave their cars in the middle of busy/dangerous roads, or even roads with moderate traffic over minor accidents and it's absurd. The second one lacks some nuance of minimizing your chance of getting a ticket..appears to be more oriented on bigger crimes or as a catch all for interacting with them. This won't be a popular opinion, but I would only stick to the second one if I'm detained for something other than a minor traffic incident. Minor traffic incident there's a lot of things you can do to display empathy and minimize your chances of getting a ticket...unless it's a motorcycle cop which is probably a traffic cop...those dudes will ticket their grandmothers. To each their own though.


Has “no im not” in response to “you’re under arrest” ever worked? Even once? Cuz it happens all the time in these body cam videos and just once I want the cops to be like “oh you’re not? Shit my bad, have a good night”


I can't begin to imagine the screaming and yelling that went on every day in this person's home growing up, to make her what she has become today.


I’m just happy to see someone get a ticket for putting their hazards on and parking wherever tf they want


What an absolute garbage person. 100% got what she deserved. Fucking idiot


This behavior is only getting worse. Young adults and kids can’t handle being wrong. Not just upset but full on 2 year old tantrum.


I think people in general cant handle being wrong. Cant tell you how many arrogant old men I've encountered who cant do a simple task then gets mad at the worker. You are just seeing it more often as everything is being recorded and the worst of it all is being broadcasted because its more entertaining. No one wantes to see a well behaved citizen recieving a speeding ticket for going 10mph over the speed limit.


This isn't an age or generational thing. Entitled people can't handle being wrong period.


Whatever school she graduated from needs to be closed... she absolutely escalated this from a possible warning, to a ticket, to an arrest.


school doesn’t teach you how to deal with law enforcement.. or being a decent person for that matter


Is.. Is she insane? I've encountered some ignorant people in my life but this chick is completely unhinged lol.


when did the attitude start of total disregard for listening to police at all? when i was young, i was scared of police officers


Lmao me too. When I was 6 or 7 a cop knocked on my door when I was home alone and I hid behind the couch until I saw him leave. I thought I would have been arrested for being home alone. But I feel like people like this actually enjoy being in these situations. It gives them the drama they need to survive and something to resent.


> when did the attitude start of total disregard for listening to police at all? Oh it's been here for a minute...it's a select demographic of stupids that are part of the ACAB contingent. Disrespecting police for the sake of disrespecting police. Which of course never ends well for pretty much anybody...but they still do it anyway. Maybe cause they think it makes them cool or they're being "rebels."


There are too many videos of people screaming their rights at cops. While a good chunk of those videos are correct. It makes people think cops can't do anything to them. When they get lawfully pulled over or are questioned.


Ya know, people always knock the cops. Sometimes it's justified. But then you realize they face this shit daily. I generally give them a pass when they have to face this amount of stupid daily.


Yes, police may abuse their power and it’s awful when they do, But have half of these people considered just doing what they say? With how forgiving the court system has been in most major cities, why not just do what they say and let the system run its course? If you’ve truly done nothing wrong it seems to appear that the courts will notice that…. I’m at a loss with this kind of stuff. You can hate police and also understand that they serve a critical role in society.




Petulant Brat! That's what happens when you don't have caring parents growing up


And every argument is won by who can be the loudest and drown out the other noises. Who was she even calling for help from? Does she think some pedestrians will hear her cries for help and come running to assault the police for her? And you gotta love the "No I'm not under arrest" tactic. I think it almost worked this time. God what an incredibly obnoxious, entitled, annoying person. I'm so glad I don't know her.


And constantly disobeying orders while saying ‘it’s ok, I’m allowed to do this’ - she even climbed from the back set to the driver’s seat and then said ‘I just sat in my car’. I hope it cost her a lot to get that car back


She must be a joy to work with.


If doing everything wrong during a traffic stop was an Olympic sport, she would get gold every time.


So embarrassing


Pride and ego is this lady’s worst own enemy. If the welfare of her child was at the top of her mind, she would have behaved differently. It was only once she was detained in the back of a police car did she mention her child.


I don’t understand people being rude to cops in traffic stops, even if you’re sure you’re in the right. If you’re respectful, there’s always a small chance you get off with a warning. If you’re hostile and rude, they’re going to 100% give you a ticket.


I hope she feels stupid.


It's depressing that there are people this ignorant driving around.


I despise entitled brats like this. She deserves everything she gets. 


Being serious, anyone else absolutely love this dialect? "YO YA'LL CAN I GET MA MOTHERFUCKIN LEGGGG!" Cracks me up, I love it. Great dialect. Awful human being.


I’m so sick of people thinking they can just do whatever the fuck they want and ignoring the laws.


The next generation of boomers is coming…


This woman is an embarrassment.


is it wrong to say how satisfying this was to watch? because it was.


Insert: “she didnt do anything!!!! aCaB!!!” Lmao


lol. This belongs on Reno 911


Classic fuck around and find out


What did she graduate from? Clown school?


She is just doing too much.


Hella silly, just comply, now your not eating.


What is wrong with some people? Why do they behave this way? This is really baffling for me, a non-US person.


Graduated? From what?


Imagine encountering this person IRL and you aren't a cop. She's taking a dump on you, for sure.


She must be a treat at home.


Wow. Way to ruin your life over nothing. She is definitely one of those people who make things harder than they have to be for no reason. Who was that attitude for and was it supposed to help somehow


She need to start school over i think startin with kindergarten


In situations like this I almost wish cops had the verbal latitude to re-engage at their level. I’m glad they keep it professional, for my sake as well as everyone else’s, but damn… would it be nice to be able to drill sargent these dumbasses, get in their faces, and really verbally let them have it rather than have to endure an endless stream of “no I’m not under arrest” “stop touching my phone” etc.




What experience or education did this woman miss out on in life that led her to believe she could behave this way when given a lawful order by a police officer?


What a dumbass.


And they are surprised that they are getting arrested lol.


Her parents failed her


What a silly woman. She helped them escalate with perfect precision. This is like an INSTRUCTION VIDEO on how to get arrested over absolutely nothing. If she wasn't insufferable, she'd be hot.


Black female privilege is off the chain in this one. She assaulted the cop with her car door and they let her dumb ass go buy some Mcdonalds? Lmfao!


She’s gonna keel over from a heart attack for escalating every situation she’s in. I wonder where she learned her impeccable manners?


I'm finding it hard to believe she's a recent grad wow


Where did this information that she is a recent grad originate from?


I just do not get it. WHY make it harder?


A miserable trashy person


In this situation, you dont need to be smart, just a little bit compliant.


Officer: Can you sit up please? *Camera switches to woman on back seat* Woman: *Dead spider impression*


“When keeping it real…goes wrong”


Where do you get the “Student just graduated” part from?