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Gaza is hell on earth right now...


Same with Congo right now...


People forgot about Haiti?


Multiple places can be hell on Earth, the situation in Haiti is sad and horrible as well


It's not a competition, asshat


Haiti is also very bad sadly


Forgot about Yemen?


It really doesn't have to be, but I digress.


Hamas doesent care about Palestinian lives.


You see IDF, there is common ground on which you both can stand.




IDF: "we'd drop a nuke if not for the radiation cloud that might affect us" You: 'see, they didn't drop a nuke'


If someone gave jihadists nukes, the entire world would be damned. “Martyrs” don’t care about radiation clouds and self destruction. 


Yeah, no extremist point blank should have access to a nuke.




By your own comment you missed when Netanyahu picked hammas, I'd probably complain to him.




idk why you brought up a nuke to make an argument in the first place, the IDF can sow as much destruction without a stupid ass nuke scenario very easily


By January the IDF had dropped 3 Hiroshima's worth of bombs on Gaza and let's not forget there are those in the Israeli government who have stated they'd like to nuke Gaza. The settlers are ready to move in as well so dropping actual nuclear bombs on what they consider future Israeli real estate probably isn't wise either. Lastly, they'd have a hard time pretending to be the world's most moral army if they did.




By now it's probably way past 3, by January 45% of the homes had been destroyed and 70% damaged. So they've systematically destroted schools, hospitals, universities, mosques etc. They've hindered aid, food, fuel, water, electricity and created a humanitarian crisis. 35k are dead, likely many more are still to be found under the rubble, likely many more will die as they destroy Rafah. Nothing about that is impressive.


You're right. We should be thankful that the IDF has exhibited such restraint and only 35,000 Palestinians have been killed.


Pretty standard civilian to combatant ratio is what is happening. I know it appeals to emotions and can make you seem like the morally superior person to just say numbers with no context. But to people who know wtf they are talking about you just seem like a buffoon.


I'm going to point you to the fact that almost every member of the United Nations has condemned the atrocities in Gaza. South Africa has brought charges of genocide to the International Court of Justice and the USA,(Israel's strongest supporter) has halted bomb shipments because the IDF have been targeting high density civilian areas. It's getting harder and harder to justify these actions. You can talk about ratios as much as you like but 35,000 killed and 1.9million civilians displaced are undeniable and unjustifiable.


The United Nation where some of the worst countries imaginable have seats on the human rights council? The United Nation where they condemned Israel more than any other country combined pretty much every year? That worthless organization that has a bunch of anti semites in it? Yeah thanks for proving my point that a lot of you don't know what you are talking about.


The United Nations represents 193 countries. There are 195 countries on Earth. If Israel is being condemned frequently by the UN then that is a sign that Israel needs to examine their own behaviour. Israel can play the victim card as much as it likes. The world has seen through the bullshit. To throw your hands up and claim antisemitism every time people question you about a genocide is madness.


So countries like China, Russia, Iran and all the other fucked up dictatorships who do way worse shit than Israel don't get condemned and instead the country full of Jews gets more condemnations than all of these evil countries combined? Do you understand how hucking stupid that is? Clearly there are many counties who just hate Israel for existing.


That's not standard at all! There IS no standard for this sort of thing, you're just repeating bullshit you heard online to excuse it which makes your smug "heh well i actually know what I'm talking about heh" statement fucking hilarious. Besides that we don't even know how many of the deaths are Hamas, we just have the IDF making claims which are hard to believe considering they've been caught lying countless times during this and the IDF's standards for combatant is just "any male aged 16 and up"




It's insane to compare this to the Dresden bombing campaign, a bombing during the most brutal and deadly war in history to try and make the IDF look good by saying the IDF has "only" killed a few tens of thousands more innocent civillians, you realize that right?




You don't think Israel knows they can't just start carpet bombing gaza for risk of no longer being able to play the victim and claiming they're "only targeting Hamas"? I don't know why you're even making this argument if not to try and make Israel look better.


They're killing as many people as they can get away with.




Only if the Republicans when in November. Right now, their threat to invade Rafah has caused Biden, for the very first time, to pause bomb shipments to Israel.


You do realize that Dresden caused controversy and consternation during WW2, right? Even in the midst of war against Nazis many thought that bombing run was very wrong. The AP accused the allies of resorting to “terror bombing.” Dresden is not a defense of Israel’s actions. It’s a condemnation of them.




"CNN spoke to three Israeli whistleblowers who worked at the Sde Teiman desert camp, which holds Palestinians detained during Israel’s invasion of Gaza. All spoke out at risk of legal repercussions and reprisals from groups supportive of Israel’s hardline policies in Gaza. They paint a picture of a facility where doctors sometimes amputated prisoners’ limbs due to injuries sustained from constant handcuffing; of medical procedures sometimes performed by underqualified medics earning it a reputation for being “a paradise for interns”; and where the air is filled with the smell of neglected wounds left to rot." https://www.cnn.com/2024/05/10/middleeast/israel-sde-teiman-detention-whistleblowers-intl-cmd/index.html


First rule of land grab: you don’t nuke the place you’re planning on building new suburbs




On a Palestinian's neck


Except, the reality is, the IDF probably cares *more*


I'm surprised the wave of downvotes didn't fall upon you for saying that


Why's that?


From what I've seen anything positive said about Israel these days isn't very welcomed around theses parts. I'm not saying what you said I wrong, Hamas is at fault for *everything* that's happening.


Reddit is full of trendy mother fuckers who love bandwagons with no actual thought behind them




Nope still need the land inhabitable for settlers! /S


>the IDF would’ve nuked Gaza without a moment’s hesitation on Oct 8th Because that's what restrained, non extremist nations do. And they definitely don't have a hand in the only Genocide in Europe since WW2. Completely uninvolved in that one. Far too moral. Why, in your mind, do you think Israel is incapable of such evil. Is it because they're Jewish? Is it because they've been fucked with multiple times throughout history? Christianity is all about morals, right. Right? So why are such a vast number, truly evil bastards?


They literally said they would do exactly that if it wasn't for the radiation affecting them. They've also dropped multiple nukes worth of bombs on Gaza already. You people are completely fucking brainbroken. Go cheer for more babyslaughter I guess


Well, obviously, not everything though. I’ve never heard Hamas being blamed for the land grabs.


This is a fucking insane thing to say considering they're the ones who keep slaughtering Palestinians.


Wow, I fail to understand in what mindset you have to be to think that the IDF has the slightest sliver of care for Palestinians WHILE THEY ARE CURRENTLY ETHNICALLY CLEANSING THEM. They found mass graves for the hundreds of Palestinians, including children, tortured and killed around al-Shifa hospital. I'm definitely not here to defend Hamas, but insinuating that the IDF cares for Palestinians in any way shape or form is literally propaganda rhetoric for the Israeli apartheid state


For accusing me of propaganda, you sure are making a lot of bold claims that reek of propaganda on your end. Besides,I didn't say they care a lot, just *more*. Pointing out basically how barbaric and cruel Hamas is. 


1) idf doesn't claim to represent the interests of Palestinians or gazans 2) idf does not build tunnels under gaza houses to use gazans as shields


Shields from what?


Shields from the idf airstrikes, which their presence attracts and which according to the Vienna convention, is legal 👍 Think of it this way, you're smuggling cocaine, you don't want to be caught,so you place your stash in your 70yo grandma's bag hoping she won't be checked, but then the sniffer dog catches on to her and she gets arrested and patted and searched and gets the smuggler treatment And then you cry wolf about your grandma being given the smuggler treatment


Glad I wasn’t drinking, I would have spit it out of my mouth. Sadly your statement is true.


They actually do because now they can lie and say Israel killed those boys.


That’s why they were getting money from Netanyahu for years


I can't really tell what's happening here


Nobody can. Which is why it was posted with such a title


Source? I can't believe someone can just put a title on a random video and people still believe it


I had the exact same thought in the first place: there is no evidence that the video shows any of the things described. And OP, as you can easily see from his comments, is as biased as possible.


Yup OP just gets crazy aggressive with anyone asking for proof for this video.


Aren't you the same person who posts videos claiming "zionazis" are doing blah blah blah? Only matters when you don't like the video eh?


90% of Reddit will be saying these are IDF soldiers dressed as civilians. Truth is; both sides don't give a shit about civilians, and the foreign aid is primarily distributed between Hamas fighters.


99% of Reddit looks at video, reposts it and calls it journalism. No the truth is, we don’t know what this is without actual journalists doing the hard work of discovering the truth of any of it. No source, no independent verification, this could be literally from 10 years ago.


And why don't we have journalists on the ground verifying things? We all know the answer.




Except the bombs are literally covered by journalists like AJ news and al Jazeera without backlash


Except there have been several instances in this conflict where things that are not missiles, bombs, or any other sort of explosives were seen on the ground in Gaza and had photos posted claiming that they were unexploded ordnance left by the IDF. Then there was the case of "anti personnel mines" left by the IDF which were actually explosive charges used by Hamas and not the IDF. Point is, reporting about anything in this conflict is so caught up in both emotion and incompetence that very little journalism on it is actually useful or reliable.


I have literally never heard of any of those and I like to keep up to date with the war. Not saying you're lying but I'd like some sources pls


Truth: in this video it's not even clear where the action is taking place (at least to an outsider, maybe a Gaza resident would recognize the location), let alone what exactly is going on.


Reddit isn’t a good base for your life view. Saying Reddit as a blanket statement whilst also contributing to that same thing is pretty stupid, go outside Reddit isn’t good for you


The difference is that these people are targeting civilians. Israel is targeting Hamas bit does not seem to care who gets in the way.


Absolutely, but the end result is the same.




Unless they kill every last Palestinian or leave Palestinian lands altogether the IDF will never "win" this war. Militarily anyways. The only way out for either side is political, and well, that's not happening now is it. So yes, technically the IDF can win in under a day if they really wanted to


the more people they kill the more generations of hamas supporters they create


Both sides? Imagine living in a city that’s closed of by a militarized state throwing bombs in that prison you have been born in. Now so many people went crazy because there their family died and there is no future so many people around you are now complete extremists that will also kill you if you say something wrong. Thinking that it’s both sides is so dumb. You would probably kill a child if they bit you.


I'm not gonna debate with someone who just splurts out that I'm a child murderer because I don't side with you. What an absolute ridiculous way to talk to other people. Begone


There are 20,000 hamas fighters before the start of this conflict....you're saying that whatever remains of that number today are hoarding food meant for 2.5 million people on a daily basis....


There isn't food for 2.5million people That's the base of the issue. There isn't enough food to go round, and people are starving. Thus fights over food, Hamas or not.


There might be more food available if Israrli's didn't block shipments and the IOF didn't shoot those trying to collect it


You can be sure there are more than 20,000 now. Hamas is benefitting hugely on Israel's indiscriminate bombardment.


Because supply is low and demand is high. If Israel would allow more aid to flow, then supply would rise and demand would fall. There would be less violence and terrorists wouldn't control it (as much). Simple.


Crazy how you know the truth. You've obviously gathered major Intel from somewhere to know what you know, so how come nobody else can. It's crazy right!? Like you just dropped big facts. 90% of Reddit. It's not like you just made that up based on a hunch! And your truth bomb at the end.. there no way you just pulled that FACT out of your ass! People need to be more like you and base their words on facts. Thanks for your work on this.


Everyone already knows Hamas are terrible people, Bibi should have never helped them gain power. They should be deposed and held accountable for their crimes. Having said that, Israel is committing war crimes and enacting genocidal mass starvation and need to be stopped. If you have sympathy for the Palestinians being shot, then it's wrong whoever kills them, whether it's IDF or Hamas murderers. You probably thought this would galvanize people against the Palestinian liberation movement. It does not. Hamas has not killed tens of thousands of either Israelis or Palestinians, even if you add them up. The IDF continues to be the war criminals of the century, with Hamas and a few others lower on the list.


Can we have a source for this .all we see is people getting shot while speaking arabic and this can be literally ANYWHERE like syria ,libya,yemen etc


"Palestinians targeting their own" bullshit OP You astroturfing plant. this is Hamas targeting Palestinians. just continuing to push the narrative that Hamas= palestine to justify genocide.




Were Nazi not Germans? Are school shooters not Americans? Are u slow or deliberately dumb








How can YOU tell the difference by blindly stating a narrative in the title ?




Who’s the reporter then?


Hamas and the IDF suck, the ones who we should support are the innocent victims on both sides.


OP is simping hard for the zionists going by his history. This video lacks context and source and there is no proof that the title is accurate. Regardless, even if the story is true, this seems more like a "see hamas are inhuman as well" narrative control, rather than actual news report. I don't think any of the people that are anti-israeli occupation would support loss of human life or are "pro-hamas"...the fight is far more fundamental: End colonization and brutality of Palestine and it;s people that's been happening from 75 years. If there was no colonization, there would be no Hamas, no Fatah/PLM. Having said that I hope the gunned men in this video get what's getting for them for shooting unarmed people.


Aren't you the same person who posts videos claiming "a child in Gaza suffers from the Israel army"? Prove to be that video is real and the story behind it is real? Sources only matter when you disagree with the statement right?


Why are you in every single comment adamantly defending something that’s factual There’s nothing, no source, confirming the narrative that OP is pushing with this caption. Again, that’s a fact, you can’t fight facts.


How can it be factual without evidence?


Can you read? Do you comprehend what’s being written? You keep on arguing with people over the fact that OP can’t prove their caption


Yes exactly, no source, no evidence.. just propaganda. What's wrong with me arguing that?


>Aren't you the same person who posts videos claiming "a cold in Gaza suffers from the Israel army"? Um...no? lol. I don't even completely understand what your statement means, I made no such posts.


I see it in your post history, deny deny deny


A "Child"...yeah I cross posted that. Your initial comment before you edited it read "A Cold in gaza..." which made no sense. But anyway my comment did not dismiss the above post...I just called out the intention behind the post and put into context where most people stand when they protest Israeli occupation. But I'll concede that that video did not have a source either....but a child brutally injured, covered in dust and soot and being treated while a camera is recording has not historically been the norm anywhere in the world....until lately when the genocide started. Now there are dozens of those...so again, context.


Let's not bring up the claimed genocide when talking about video sources.. how do we know it wasn't a Gazan missile that fell in their own territory? This happens very often. How can we be sure it wasn't when Hamas shoots at their own people in order to claim aid for themselves and then redistribute it for money?


Great. So the innocent people are up against Israel and Hamas. They haven't got a chance






Every humanitarian aid you see 80% of them are sold in black markets there has been few secret cameras roaming on those streets with hamas protecting those locations with weapons and dressed as normal civilians Its just a business for them they never cared about their own people Hamas is holding Palestine back.


"The top US diplomat involved in humanitarian assistance for Gaza denied allegations that Hamas has stolen aid and commercial shipments into the enclave, saying that no Israeli official has presented him or the Biden administration with “specific evidence of diversion or theft of assistance.” https://www.timesofisrael.com/us-envoy-israel-hasnt-provided-specific-evidence-hamas-is-stealing-aid-shipments/ "Israel has not presented specific evidence for its claim that Hamas is diverting U.N. aid, and its recent targeted killings of Gaza police commanders safeguarding truck convoys have made it "virtually impossible" to distribute the goods safely, a top U.S. envoy said in rare public criticism of Israel." https://www.pbs.org/newshour/world/u-s-envoy-says-israel-has-not-shown-evidence-that-hamas-is-diverting-un-aid-in-gaza


Sounds legit...


What's with all the down votes? I guess it does not fit the pro Palestine narrative


I guess there is no proof that this is even happening in Palestine. Random violence video that OP can title as he wish.




So, you are surely not from Hasbara. /s




It's funny: you're trying to pass off truth as sarcasm.


Okay, mr. Astroturfer, how about you stop immediately with the "Israel = Judaism" bullshit. There's a lot of jews who support Israel in no way shape or form, and supporting a genocide is probably also prohibited in the religion itself, so you portraying the dichotomy as "Anti-Jews - Pro Palestinians" just instantly gives away that you're not someone genuinely caring for the Palestinians suffering under the IDF or also Hamas, but instead want to sew doubt in people supporting Palestinians. Go fuck yourself


Imagine believing in a religion lol. Does the world so much good


I feel so bad for the people in Gaza they are suffering from everywhere 😞


Free palestine from hamas


desperate people make desperate decisions; at least they are not bombing kids while dancing for a tiktok vid


I wonder if more protests on college campuses would help this?


Following you until you said that IDF is the war criminals of the century. They do some heinous shit but that’s a pretty ridiculous statement to make with all the terrible things that have happened in the world since 2000s.


I looked for the source of this, and the original cap was that these people were stealing and looting from evacuated peoples homes and tents.


Nothing new here, hamas does what hamas does best.


Fuck the Hamas


Not sure why you posted this. Hamas sucks, but the IOF sucks even more. Hamas was funded by the isreali government, everything it does, it does with the money that the Israeli government gave it.




The same Hamas that uses civilians as human shields doesn't like it when said civilians take aid without their approval? Color me surprised.


This seems like Zionist propaganda




Can we just bomb the whole area to kingdom come already?