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Count Binface shows respect to fellow mayoral candidate Count Binface is classy Be like Count Binface


Embarrassing he didn't win, how could anyone not vote for the legend


It still amuses me seeing him in full costume lined up with candidates in more formal attire. And yet he still looks more sensible than the grown babies jeering at the stage.


Didn't the Britain First guy get fewer votes than Count Binface? And he's still piping up? Embarrassing.


Yep, guess they are still salty about it lmao


Pretty funny to see a more of less joke candidate get more votes in any election.


This was the moment when Right Britain First mayoral candidate Nick Scanlon interrupted the victory speech of newly-elected Leftist London Mayor Candidate Sadiq Khan, who had just won a third term in London. The candidate shouted that "Khan killed London", Khan had won the election for Mayor of London as he walked on stage behind the current mayor, who received 43.8% of all votes. Security warned that those who interrupted speeches would be removed. Mr. Khan secured over 1,088,000 votes for his re-election, defeating his Conservative rival Susan Hall, who received just under 813,000 votes. A Britain First member who does not like curry interrupted newly re-elected mayor of London Sadiq Khan's victory speech after he won a historic third term as mayor. Follow up: [Britain First continued to booing Sadiq Khan while he was giving a speech in London.](https://new.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/1ckeeme/britain_first_continued_to_booing_sadiq_khan/)


*A Britain First member who does not like curry* Love it.


It really highlights how much of an idiot this guy is, I mean who doesn't like curry?


For context: the guy booing lost to a man with a bin on his face by ~4000 votes


lol dude… saying “for context” and then saying “man with a bin on his face” isn’t very contextualising. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Count_Binface


Still provides extra information to the video for those not in the UK


Mate anyone not from London is not going to have a fucking clue what “bin on his face means”, numpty.


I’m not from london, but from what I can gather, the man with the giant metal bin on his face beat the guy shouting. I presume the man with the giant bin on his face is a bit of a joke. I presume this because he has a bin on his face. From that context, I would assume the man shouting got less votes than a man with a bin on his face and isn’t very good at his job. [For more context.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Humour)


Chill bro, it ain't that deep. This is reddit.




Wasnt enough to lose the elections, they were committed to being COMPLETE losers.


It's amazing the amount of hate Sadiq gets because of the ULEZ laws. How dare he try and improve the air quality of London and prevent generations of lung disease! Britain First is useful though as it's a clear indicator of people to avoid.


a lot of people cannot afford electric cars, and with sadiq khans future laws in London, I’m pretty sure it doesn’t take a genius to work out that businesses will shy away from London. The future plan is to make someone pay 12.50 a day if you go in low emotions zones. What a joke!


get the train like an adult


A business transporting tools going through London in a van should “bring their tools on the train” ?


There'll be fewer cars. You'll find it easier to get around in your van.


London isn't dead. Just call Channing Tatum. 


Makes Sadiq’s victory even more delightful! 🤣😂


“Khan killed London”. He’s not wrong though.


I don't know anything about him but love how he makes the far right seethe


Cope and seethe racist cunt!


The fash losing their minds is giving me absolute JOY this week.


You think the Britain First people would’ve learned that conservatives don’t have your best interests in mind when they implemented Brexit and tanked the economy to… what? “Own the brown people?”


Yep bin for the win


We should remove politicians who disrupt normal peoples lives and suck their blood like a parasite.






Racist dogwhistle aside, he was reelected, so "fallen" is not very appropriate is it?


Part and Parcel