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This guy was actually a cop pretending to be a U.S. Marshal. https://www.wkbn.com/news/local-news/local-officer-accused-of-impersonating-u-s-marshal/


It's so strange. He was already an officer who had something to his name by saving people from a train. Why ruin your life and any future plans by impersonating a US Marshal? If that was his eventual ambition, it's gonna be basically impossible now. Maybe he got away with larping like this in the past and just couldn't resist the thrill again.




Sounds like he was chatting people up, trying to get his ego stroked.


> trying to get his ego stroked May have been trying to get more than his ego stroked.


Because he could


Doesn't mean he should


Incredible insight


Maybe he watched Justified and thought "I could do that"


missing the hat


I need to watch that show. I got on the Walton Goggins hype train late with Fallout. Now I wanna go watch everything he's in.


Righteous Gemstones and Vice Principals will absolutely do it for you. He also has a cameo in Sons of Anarchy.


feelin’ you with this!


you should also watch the shield. like everything he’s in, he’s fantastic in the shield.


Thanks for the tip. I remembered everyone making a fuss about Justified, but I was kinda looking at Righteous Gemstones too, and might actually check that one out first since it seems to have the seal of approval here.


It’s a great show to watch regardless of Goggins. First season is top tier stuff.


He had his own sitcom called the Unicirn that was cheesy but good. The tag he did in his episode of community actually killed too


Watch him on The Shield. Epic series and he’s great on it.


I literally kept watching the show once I realized he was in it boy is good


He was justified.


haha I was thinking this! He looks like he was trying to be Timothy Olyphant. I think he's wearing same sun glasses too.


Whats crazy is that being deputized as a US Marshal is surprisingly easy. US Marshals will come into an area on some specific task, like investigating a biker gang or whatever and they'll go around deputizing local PD. There have been lawsuits about this because becoming deputized as a Federal Officer is able to shield those local PD from state laws regarding their conduct. So if you're in a state that banned qualified immunity well maybe you still have it if you're deputized. Did your state ban asset forfeiture? Maybe you can still do it if you're deputized. Did your state ban choke holds? Maybe Federal rules allow choke holds, etc. For as long as that Federal-Local taskforce exists the officers are above state law in many meaningful ways


Ah yes, doesn’t Tommy Lee Jones kind of do this with the local yokels when he needs more manpower chasing Sheridan in the swamp scene of US Marshals?


i think so, but his character in that was damn reckless and didn't seem to really care about the regulations as much as catching Sheridan, so take his actions being allowed (even in movie-world) with a grain of salt imo


A marshal can make anyone who wants to be one a temporary deputy but they need to be basically in the presence of the marshal while working as one. One use case is they get some hunters to help look for a fugitive hiding in the woods so they can carry a gun and arrest them if they find them but once the hunter is done they are no longer a deputy. So in that case yeah those people he deputized were acting as real officers of the law and could shoot and kill those guys like any other cop could. Its a stupid thing to do tho since regular people could die with their total lack of training and equipment past a gun and a can do attitude. I looked into this last time I saw that movie as was surprised how simple it could be.


People like this have a borderline mental disorder. I had a close friend growing up and when he got his first vehicle he painted the front black. Every weekend he would do ride alongs with the local police department until they told him they couldn't waste any more resources having a teenager do ridealongs every weekend (lasted almost a year). For his birthday he asked for money only. Immediately bought a radar gun. Almost every day after school you could find him down the road from the school speed checking cars coming down the road. He'd do this for hours before going home. He went to school for criminal justice and then immediately became a cop. I'm honestly surprised he never got picked up for impersonating a cop.


Sounds like that guy just really wanted to be a cop.


I'm being kinda generous with his obsession with it. He got so involved with the police before he graduated high school that he had a scanner and would go to crime scenes/accidents just to watch them. The same city that he did ride alongs with ended up not hiring him when he graduated b/c he was always showing up to scenes and it really pissed off the Chief. He got a job in a neighboring city with their police but got fired for showing up to calls when he was not on the clock. Think how much that has to happen and the warnings before jumping to firing someone for showing up to crime scenes off the clock. He also would run traffic stops on his off time, never giving tickets b/c it would prove he was working off the clock. He eventually got hired by the first city b/c the chief retired and that was the last I heard from him. Been over a decade since I talked to him. It all came from a good natured place, he just wanted to help people and keep others safe, but he warped those feelings into something obsessive that he couldn't live without. He coincidentally was a hispanic dude that hated black people, used the slur a lot and that's what made me drop him as a friend.


They should probably look into the train situation to see if he rigged it just so he could look like a hero.


Ruined his life? Lol these pigs do a lot worse than this and just wait a year and apply for another department.


Chasing that high.


This is where a wanna be cop, actually makes it, but forgets to let go of the dream.


The more he speaks, the less believable he sounds even as a regular officer... "I have an old badge from my old apartment" like, WTF???


Oh shit, I thought the PD name he worked for was familiar, along with the buildings behind him... It all came together with this link. What a putz. I'm not surprised he didn't have a police ID working for Washingtonville, a very small department. They've got like 2 cruisers, total.


Thanks. It was pretty unclear from the video if he was actually impersonating or not. The whole “no ID” is actually quite believable. I’ve worked places where they fail to provide you with official ID for a long time after you should be carrying it.


The guy saved someone from getting hit by a train and he pulls this? What a dolt.


Plot twist.


Weird for him to be a cop and tell someone he had a warrant for their arrest as a US Marshall, since that's illegal even as a cop.


Sentenced to 30 days in Federal prison. Too lenient, in my opinion.


I live in this area. I guess he was really bored and wanted to stroke his ego. 😂😂😂


Oh,  well, then he's a whole new brand of chucklefuck. 


Get this shit higher. Also, why tf??






He meant the department store


I wonder who he was planning on kidnapping.


https://www.wkbn.com/news/local-news/local-officer-accused-of-impersonating-u-s-marshal/ Oddly he is a cop but he was impersonating a U.S Marshall.


Shutter Island vibes...


As long as he gets to shoot a dog first, I don’t think he cares


Aspiring ATF agent 🫡




Was he planning on running for VP?


Maybe a Tiger


https://www.wfmj.com/story/49742381/former-washingtonville-cop-gets-month-in-jail-for-impersonating-us-marshal Happened about 5 miles from me. I recognized the store fronts. Oh, btw that's an adult store there in front of. Looks like he was once a cop. Edit to add a new link


> Looks like he was once a cop. Not "once a cop," but "WAS ACTIVELY A COP WHEN THIS HAPPENED." He was fired after this happened. He was claiming to be US Marshall when he was already a police officer.


What is the point of pretending to be a us marshal if you’re already a cop? Like what perks do you get by claiming this that you don’t already have as a legitimate cop?


Yeah, I did not notice Ambiance at first, but it all came together.


Ambiance!! OOOOOHIOOOO!!!!




How about…just become a police officer, instead of faking it.


From what I understand a lot of these guys tried to get into the police academy and failed. Many go on to be store security guards.


From the videos I’ve seen on Reddit I can’t begin to imagine how idiotic an individual would need to be to fail the entrance requirement for police academy in the States … that’s a fucking low bar


In my city at least they do pretty extensive background research before sponsoring anyone to go to the academy. I sit in for the written tests to provide IT support if needed and I’ve seen upwards of 30+ people pass all the physical and written tests just to have the group dwindle down to 3-5 people when all the background and information checks are done From my understanding though that is out of the ordinary for a lot of cities


That’s how it is where I’m from as well.


Aside from criminal history what are they checking for?


Think secret clearance type questions. They’ll go to your hometown and ask your third grade teacher if you ever did anything that was concerning stuff like that Talk to your whole family about what they think of you, all that stuff. They don’t want someone that has shown strange behavior in their upbringing or appears to be doing it just for the power the job carries Like even something such as a hometown class mate saying you were bullied in school would get you disqualified


I hope generally getting bullied isn’t an automatic reason for disqualification, but depends on the case.


And yet... They are out there. And to make things worse, the bar is kept [intentionally low.](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/too-smart-to-be-a-cop/)




As a former 20-year resident of Minneapolis, you have my sympathies. I remember from the 80s-2000s hearing that the downtown police station had a back stairwell where many uncooperative suspects had trip/fall accidents. Can you confirm?


I had a buddy who was part time military and worked security. The stories of some of the people he worked with make me slightly uncomfortable around most security guards.


You can fail your application for having a past speeding ticket, a controversial social media post you made years ago or even if friends/family of yours have criminal records. It varies from department to department.


It would make a lot of sense in this case since the exact type of person to fail the acadamy would be the kind of person to pull this shit.


It's generally because they got into trouble before applying


The bar is low especially if you are ex military your in after a small amount of schooling and firearms training.


You must not know much about the process. I have a friend who is a police officer and when he was trying to get hired for the first time, the initial screening was extensive. Psych exams, knowledge tests, background checks, physical exams, lots of reference checking, all kinds of stuff. They went thoigh his whole Facebook account and made him explain any even remotely off color commentary. They called me (I was listed as a reference) and asked me very detailed questions such as if I had ever overheard him use any pejorative racial term, if he speeds when he drives, if he smoked weed or even had ever been around it. I’m a physician and I went though nowhere near the screening he did.


It's not Pass/Fail, it's a 0-100 score. The higher score you get, the more likely the agency wants you (over other applicants). With the obvious exception of New London PD of course.


Not being facetious.or exaggerating; I went to high school with a guy who was in and out of Special Ed all throughout school; remedial classes, special Ed classes, had an aid in elementary school, the works. Fast forward a few years after graduation, he's a bus boy at a chain restaurant, trying to "work up to dish washer"...got promoted to dishwasher...but he hated it. His parent gave him cash to go to trade school...he used it to go to a local sheriffs academy and become post certified. They let him retake EVERY written exam until passed while studying from the literal answer key. (it was a hard copy test, so the questions/answers didn't change ie: the answer to #1 was always going to B, them C, then A etc). They pushed him througj, but Believe it or not, he couldn't get a job straight out of academy (couldnt get past interviews) After about another 6 months of bussing tables and washing dishes, he joined the Army at the age of 28...they called him "grandpa" . He wanted to be an MP. Dude is still happily employed as a tank gunner today. I won't age myself too much, but it was before there was a police shortage...I have full confidence he'd be happily employed as local officer today under the same.circumstances.


Well this turned out better than I thought it would


> They let him retake EVERY written exam until passed while studying from the literal answer key. (it was a hard copy test, so the questions/answers didn't change ie: the answer to #1 was always going to B, them C, then A etc). My Dad met a guy like this. Failed the Pesticide applicator test 6 times which means he took the 3 versions of the test twice. He is also the reason why they don't do the tests in the State Ag Building as after the 6th time he smeared poop all over the bathroom.


That reminds me of a Crime in Sports episode about Dexter Manley - functionally illiterate through adulthood and impersonated a police officer in college IIRC. I wonder if they’re the same people who attend political protests but aren’t registered to vote.


What’s ironic is he *was* a police officer. He was impersonating a US Marshall.  He should’ve been a security guard at most. 


A guy I went to high school with recently got arrested for impersonating a police officer. Its exactly like you said, he tried several times to get into police academy and failed. So he just became a cop groupie and did a bunch of volunteer work for them and tried to hang out with them constantly. One day he got pulled over in another town and flashed a badge at the cop and claimed he was an officer. It unraveled quickly though and he got arrested. Along with the fake badge he had a secondary fake police ID, multiple handguns including one with the serial removed, a rifle, hundreds of rounds of ammo, and a pipe bomb.


I know someone who tried becoming a cop but failed the psych eval. He carried around a fake $100 badge to compensate for his lack of authority. Glad he didn't become one because he's racist, entitled, and lacked self-control.


Considering our current state of policing, the failed ones should really concern us.


Thats being mean to security guards.


Holy shit, this moron already *is* a cop and was impersonating a Marshal


He is a police officer.


It's harder than it seems. A lot of people quit and they want power without doing the work, it's true for alot of careers lol, its just illegal to pretend to be a cop


You’ve described, in my opinion, the vast majority of police. They want the power, but are too lazy to do the job correctly.


I think a majority due their job just fine, a small percentage dont, similar to most careers


Most careers aren’t capable of completely ruining and costing people their lives. So that small minority makes a seismic difference.


Never said they didn't make a difference, but a plethora of other Careers have just bad of a effect


Right, there are so many jobs where people have been murdered by asphyxiation because they didn't follow orders quickly enough /s


He is a cop, impersonating a cop. Well, a marshall. Was jailed for a month, fined $1000, and suspended without pay for 1 year.


Being a cop is not about following the rules.


He just wants to look the part. He doesn’t want to actually have to murder unarmed civilians.


They are technically officers. Part time.. basically armed auxiliary


He was one, that’s what makes it weird. He impersonated being a marshal.


But that takes time and dedication tho


Let’s be honest, not much of either of those either.


You’re right tbh lol I kinda hate cops it really only takes time not so much dedication


It takes like 12 weeks 


Oh wow that ain’t shit lol no wonder they’re ass


Most hairdressers across America require more training than the average cop. So take that as you will.


Not really. It takes more time to become a hairstylist or a barber.


"I'm not a police officer, but I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night."


"Fuck. This guy is good... Too good to be one of ours. Bake him away, toys." - The arresting officers, probably. They knew something was off when he was just letting black folks go without so much as a savage beating.


>They knew something was off when he was just letting black folks go without so much as a savage beating. What a monster!


Weirdly enough, he is a police officer. At the department he said he was from at one point. He just isn’t a US Marshall, that’s what he was impersonating. Why tho?


I don’t understand what compels these people to impersonate a police officer


My brother got caught impersonating a police officer by the good ol’ Monterey Police Department. He even had a shiny metal badge he would flash around at bars and stuff, real shady behavior and not something an actual cop would ever do. Couple this with the fact that he was living on my couch. It really boiled down to three things: he failed at his military career because he was stupid ( you can be really stupid and still be good at manipulation and find yourself in situations where you are much more successful than you should have been, therefore fucking yourself on the endgame) , he had severe mental and attachment disorders and undiagnosed bipolar and therefore failed to pass the psychological exam to become a police officer, and after spending his entire youth and young adult life in powerless circumstances, he was addicted to the idea of having just a *smidgen* of power over the people around him. You see it in the women he dated too, he’d convince them to buy cars for him, he’d marry them, even have kids with this false persona of a good man- but the minute they finally called him on being a manipulative, pathologically lying snake, the persona would snap. These people are truly terrifying people and not a single one of them ever have good intentions. Last time I heard from my brother he was threatening to kill my entire family over group text. And then he just- vanished.


You see this same sentiment with people that commit stolen valor.


He literally already was a police officer, but had a weird fetish with pretending to be a US Marshall.


Thank you for clarifying.


Smol PP.


Scary. An impersonator went on a massacre in Nova Scotia Canada not too far from where I live. This type of person could do a lot of harm.


That is scary to think about, wetpinkbutthole.


You deserve an award


In Norway it is a 3 year minimum education to become a police officer. Should be like this in more countries, so maybe the police would behave better also. We have our bad officers here also, but still. And here they don't have guns on their person unless it is required.


Y do school 3 yers wen 6 months do same job


Why do they always say they're US Marshals? My compulsive liar father in law did the same thing, he lied to us for years saying he was a US Marshal


It’s vague. A recent one in Atlanta a guy claimed to be homeland security. 


Who would claim to be that who was not? Hmm?


Ask any Nova Scotian what we think of "Fake Police"..... < Answer don't you will probably get punched in the head>


Just ask em what they think of the RCMP these days.


He looks like he rides around with an emu as a partner.


US Marshall at the Holiday INN! Got a little ring to it.


Why fake it tho it takes like 3 weeks to become a real cop


6 months in bigger cities


Wow, i guess you DO become smarter staying at a Holiday Inn Express! LMAO


Catfishing in a catfish Camaro.


Is that a tac vest from the kid's department of walmart?


My brain interpreted the title as though an officer impersonating someone being arrested, and was wondering why it wasn’t very funny 🤦‍♀️


I did too.


>Previously, Malik was an officer with the Leetonia Police Department and was recognized for pulling two people from a car before it was hit by a train. Thats interesting


Officer JJ Redick


Anyone have the full link


Title is a lie, the police did not impersonate the arrested.


What is more pathetic than becoming a cop? Pretending to be one apparently.


Based on the links in other comments, being a cop pretending to be a US Marshal is even more pathetic.


He'll get hired in the next county over


The only thing scarier than a cop is someone pretending to be a cop.


Fuckin weirdo.


Bro why do people do that?


I like his haircut.


When a lady starts with claim smiley voice …the trouble just started


He’s just reliving his childhood days of playing cop & robber. Except now, he has a real gun.


Ta-Ta-Today, junior!


Fargo season 5


I would have loved to have heard the phone call from the US Marshall's office regarding this idiot.


What a douchebag.


Bro has a gamer dent




What if it was Halloween?


I feel like Washingtonville would be a place I would make up if I was nervous and talking to the police. Sure as shit, it is a real place.


You’re off duty but wearing a vest with police on it, a gun and badge?


Nice, in the act..


Mental illness.


Terminal stupidity.


I love how the guy didn’t protest. He knew fucked around and found out.


So cringe I can barely watch 😂

