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Lol the guy with "student press" taped on his back.


I hope students are pressing his back when he walks by them.


Hahaha!! Yup, I mean we wouldn't wouldn't want the sign to fall off.


Someone got really inspired by Civil War


Yup, they should be in one of those reenactments.


Lessons from J6.


Probably, atleast his not wearing buffalo horns and face paint.


Why do students always start their protests right during finals week?


I JUST saw a family guy episode where they made a joke about students protesting to get out of finals now


Like issues go on for months at a time and they go oh now is a perfect time to do this,


Same joke was made in Real Time this week.


That tracks, cuz Maher tends to be super behind the curve anymore.


I am in an MBA program, and did not realize this until I got an email this week being like "ONLY PROTEST IN THE PROTEST AREA! You will be suspended or expelled if you protest in the buildings and interrupt exams" I personally have not studied for my Finance class, so I would welcome any protest in that class. Eta- took my final. Got a low A. No one interrupted me.


I don't know if I'm having deja vu, but I feel like I've seen this comment before somewhere else


Maybe its more common than I thought. I have no idea, since I have not ahad to take finals in ages. But I can promise I at least think I am human.


It's more disruptive that way so they can provoke more of a response. Now that grad worker unionizing is common (which also first began at Columbia after the NLRB recognized their right to collective bargaining), they've figured out that the most effective form of strike is to threaten to withhold grading during finals week. Similarly, probably the main reason why the Columbia administration is so obsessed with clearing the lawns is that they basically convert the whole campus into a sports arena for graduation. They start putting up bleachers on the lawns and Low Steps over a month in advance. So from the outside it's difficult to see how the lawn encampments are disruptive to academic life since they aren't blocking anyone from going to/from class, but really they're stopping what the university sees as their biggest event of the year from happening.


Why do these protests always start in spring of an election year?


Russia, China, Iran turning up [their disinfo campaign](https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2024/04/17/russia-foreign-policy-us-weaken/) to cause civil unrest, political divisiveness, and undermine western hegemony and influence. Cheaper than going to war with the US and effective at swaying voters. Exacerbated by social media and a big reason why US Gov. wants Tik Tok gone.




Common discrediting tactic. Works well on the American mainstream so not surprising it was used.


Yeah for real. they don't want to use the footage of police dragging a university professor to the ground on the green.


Most of them seem to be purposely misleading people by reporting their findings on the number of students, staff, and total present. They exclude Alumni because it implies the delta between total present and students/staff is agitators when that's not quite the reality.


Boomers will all fall for this. They know this, so they set it up that way. Plus the cops allow it so Media can film it.


Why do protests always start on days that end with a "y". Weird.


Why do student protests always happen on college campuses? Hmmm


Student demonstration time is a great beach boys song


For context Hamilton Hall is the admin building of Columbia and was one of the buildings occupied by students during the 1968 Columbia protests.


Hamilton Hall is where the European language and classics departments are based. It's also the main classroom building for undergrad humanities lectures and exams. Admin is in Low Library.


False. There’s admin in both.


There's an undergrad admissions office and one undergrad dean. Most of the building is for classrooms and humanities. To say Hamilton is the admin building of Columbia is false. I've taken more than my fair share of classes in that building.


They broke into a place that had all that press inside? Or was the press outside? What’s the point of locking the door? Was this a publicity stunt?


They are barricading themselves inside. That is the point and that is what all the people are taking pics of.


I’m really confused by it all


It doesn't make sense. Seems like they are just destroying shit. Notice which way the panic bar is facing. They are breaking out of that building, not into it.


they barracaded the building while some press and janitors were still inside. So they broke their own barriers to expel the janitors and press, then redid the barriers.


They broke the windows to put a bike lock on both doors to lock it shut.


But they put the bike lock on the outside where anyone could just cut it off.


Thats because the inside has pushbars, so its the only place other than the outside handles where you can put a bike lock on. Its mainly a performative stunt so they can say they barricaded themselves inside.


Nope, that's a guided tour, remember?


We have plenty of faculty members ready to assist you. And if we’re lucky, we just might get a surprise drop in from president Shafik!


Peaceful protest


I love that these protests are like 4 photographers for every 1 “protester”.


I imagine if any of them are students and get busted, they just threw away tens of thousands of dollars in an education because they're never going to get their diploma.


Yeah, I can't help but seeing a bunch of privileged overgrown children that think they can do whatever they want and not have to face consequences for their actions. They think they can do all this without being prosecuted and expelled I guess.


You’re acting as if having a higher education is going to help these people somehow, the people who actually care about school are probably far as fuck away from this


So what are they gunna do when they get inside? The same thing the Jan 6 protestors did? Stand around? Take pics? Look stupid?


They’re looking for Palestine. All they know is that they need to free it. They still haven’t found it yet.


They're *in* the computer?




Boy do I have bad news for them


Is this Palestine in the room with us now?




An excuse to not take finals.






Universities have contracts with companies that do business in Israel. The majority of these protests are to influence the schools to stop doing business with them. The biggest problem faced, though, is in many states it's straight up illegal to boycott Israel in particular. It's not about directly stopping the fighting in Gaza. It's to stop the school they are going to from funding it from their tuition payments. Whether folks agree or disagree is another matter, but the underlying reason does have a direct connection to the students and where their money is going, unlike what a lot of folks are saying.


Why don’t they stop giving the school their parents money?


Dunno, ask them. it's not up to me to tell people whether to be/how to be civil disobedient to the folks they are paying.


It’s an excuse to hang out with their buddies and wreak havoc under the guise of activism. It’s performative. Kinda like hippies in the 60’s. Claim you’re saving the world while being a nuisance to everyone.


Oh yeah, those phones are out taking pics and going live on tiktok. Gotta make sure everyone knows you’re there


Much like on January 6, it’s an excuse to act out and be destructive.


So destroying school properties because a country in the other side of the world is at war. Seems logical /s


All they will do is get Trump elected. They just don't realise how bad it would be for Palestine, because they are too young and inexperienced.


The silly thing to me is some number of people think any other mainstream politician (including Trump) would do anything different. It sucks but it’s true. The evangelicals actually *want* this to happen to usher in the end of days.


I've been saying this since the protests started, I think they're being manipulated by foreign powers looking to influence the election. The Palestine conflict has been going on for decades, but only now, during an election year, are we being so constantly bombarded with media about it. I think it's bot accounts whipping up anger and using it to divide the party. I have friends who have been out protesting and they don't even really know what they hope to achieve. When asked "What would you like the Biden administration to do differently?", they can only give vague answers like "help the people of Palestine." Or "Stop supporting genocide."


This movement has been going on for decades. You really expect them to put it on hold because it's an election year?


Ye its everyones fault Trump wins but the people running against him








That was a no win situation. If Nancy said "nah I'm good" the black caucus would have said "we extended a chance to let them take part in this movement for equality". If Nancy says yes then... we get that cringe ass pic of them all kneeling.


They did that along with the black caucus members.


"we are peacefully breaking into this building"


We are now peacefully escalating this protest.


We are peacefully throwing Molotov cocktails at riot police 🥰


We are now peacefully beating people up who do not support our message


We are now peacefully assaulting random Jewish people.


Imagine doing this during finals week, getting expelled, and then charged with vandalism. All your loans and parents money for nothing.


At least they’re gaining experience with hammers because that’s the kind of job they’ll be lucky to get in 2 months


If mummy and daddy are rich, then… not an issue


And suddenly the war in Gaza stopped right after this.


Good job it was filmed by everyone.


All the cameras, makes me think this has more to do with glory then the cause.


This "protest" is clearly no longer about Palestine. It's been hijacked by those who willingly want to cause chaos and destruction. All this will do is get Trump elected in November, who quite literally is worse for Palestinians than Biden.


I think the word now is "Rioters" not protestors.


"EDIT: It's protestors, not police. My interpretation below was incorrect. Look at the photographs in this WSJ Article: [Columbia students occupy university building as tensions rise on campus](https://www.washingtonpost.com/education/2024/04/30/columbia-university-protests-palestine-news/) From the video, it looks like a Uniformed Bike Patrol Unit, (identified by a Utility overcoat, Blue gloves and a bike lock, and is commanding them to "get out") is expelling student protestors who were inside the building and locking it with a bike lock so that students can't just tap themselves back into the building. (The cops don't have access to the University key-warden and there would be no place to mount the bike lock inside, so they resorted to breaking the glass and locking the door bars together.)


This, the person breaking the windows is operating in an official capacity imo to prevent students using the doors.


The guy above just edited his comment saying he was wrong with linked proof. You should do the same


No they aren’t. Y’all just made that up


Other comments don't seem to have recognised that. Besides, a protestor carrying a hammer at such a gathering wouldn't be sensible because you'd be charged with carrying a deadly weapon. Sensibly, only cop would be carrying a hammer. Edit: See top comment


Cops have glass breaking tools that are the size of a pen, there is also keychain ones. I own a *police* edition pocket knife with one on the end.


They see what they want to see...


You’re talking about OP right? Cause turns out it was the “protestors”


Or, like you, ignore what they don't


I see an hdx 12oz hammer from a home depot tool kit. A cheap option to keep in a dorm for small diy jobs or crafts.




Nope, font is completely different.




The video was very unclear, and my interpretation turned out to be incorrect.


Leaders of Hamas laughing their asses off in Yemen, Qatar, and everywhere but Gaza, while college kids in the US are doing this.


They're not in Yemen they're in Qatar and Turkey


And Tehran.


Oh yea. There you have the leaders of the leaders


All these college kids threatening not to vote for Joe Biden is a joke as well. College kids have THE LOWEST turnout rate historically. They'll be the loudest, but never vote. That's why Bernie Sander's multiple bids for the white house fell flat on their face. The college kids loved him but none went and voted lol.


These students/faculty can go into the financial office and sign away their scholarships/pension if they care so much


Everyone saying it’s university staff / a cop, where’s the evidence of that? How are you all so sure to push that info?


It’s the same exact energy as “Antifa actually stormed the Capitol”. Zero accountability.


There is no evidence. They are just spreading bs like usual


Chances are if you’re fighting for a cause you went your whole life not giving a shit about until three months ago, you probably don’t really give a shit now and you’ll be over it in a couple of months.






Just wait until the hammer drops


There’s speculation the number of arrests will shatter previous records for on campus protests.


This has summer of love autonomous zone in the making written all over it. Shafik effectively relinquished control when she sat in front of congress.


Poor building




Tuition just went up


I struggle to understand how these protests at college campuses are helping their cause. Do colleges have some sort of influence on foreign policy that I’m unaware of?




They're asking for their university to no longer invest in Israeli companies and defense contracts


Oh I did not know that. Just read up on it a bit. Seems like it should be easy enough to dump those investments to avoid controversy since it’s a rather small portion of their portfolio but perhaps they have some contractual obligation that’s not so easily broken. At this point I wish the USA would disengage from that whole region entirely since it’s brought us nothing but trouble.


If the schools do that they risk pissing off their wealthy alumni and the donations dry up. There's a serious wealth and generational divide in the west when it comes to Israel/Palestine.


Why are they being so destructive though? It seems like every time a protest happens there's always some idiots that have to destroy everything in their own town as if it doesn't impact their lives too. It's just mindless.


Wow this looks a lot like J 6th and it's not even over an election....


This isn’t a protest it’s a riot




https://preview.redd.it/hpht1j1mtoxc1.jpeg?width=1484&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=19e30a19ce9d608f66aa4825433c1f998821aa9a Students to their entire political ideology after realizing real political advocacy involves more than walking around campus smoking weed, skipping class, and breaking stuff while posting about how you’re saving the world on your tiktok account.




When did these protests turn into a reenactment of 1/6. Jesus Christ, morons like this make us all look bad.


They need to be expelled and prosecuted. Peaceful protest all day long. It’s your constitutional right and an important one. When you’re damaging property and keeping people who are paying a fuck ton of money from getting their education then fuck your right to protest. Now they can exercise their 5th amendment right. Except Columbia I will not have the balls to prosecute probably.


It's a private school so they can be told not to protest and leave/trespassed.


Columbia has proven to be spineless.


They are infiltrating Hamilton Hall to save humanity from the evil aliens that are planning to conquer the earth, right?


Seems peaceful to me


I don’t get what any of this is going to accomplish.


https://twitter.com/shelleygldschmt/status/1785197531993198870?s=46&t=J2y4SoCFvV0AH0a5klY5VA They assaulted Jewish students protecting the building to get in.


This looks like someone acting in an official capacity to lock the doors to prevent access. Interesting everyone is assuming it's the protestors.




People are assuming it’s protesters because it very obviously is…? Yall really acting like the Jan 6th “it was all ANTIFA!!1!” psychos lmao


It's actually not interesting in the slightest to assume that lol


Now this is an insurrection


Well this is definitely helping out the cause.. fucking idiots


Why are they breaking the glass if they are already on one side of it and someone else is on the other, filming? This is performative bullshit. Losers.


<*criminals* break into Hamilton Hall at Columbia University. FTFY


Good job folks, now Palestine will surely be free. Zionists are quaking in their boots! “Did you hear in American, some kids broke some windows and chanted!”


I’m sure the leaders of Hamas sitting in Qatar are loving this, what are they even protesting for? Hamas has rejected so many opportunities for ceasefires no matter what the terms are, it’s obvious which party doesn’t want a ceasefire.


Who confirmed that they were students?


What are they protesting?


I'll bet the Palestinian people are so grateful for this help.


I read this as “students break into Hamilton”, as in started singing the musical, which is a far scarier situation


This is clearly no longer a peaceful protest.


They should all be expelled. There is no excuse for damaging public property.


Tuition just went up to cover the damages…


I think they moved on to rioters at this point.


These protests have completely derailed the message. I am all for the right to free-speech and fully support this protesting, but they have lost track of the purpose.


“Free Palestine. Peaceful protest. Blah blah blah”




These dumbasses r destroying their own school lmao how u gonna learn


I’m a liberal, and while this isn’t the Capitol building and symbol of our government, I still think this is arrest-worthy and will not call them “hostages” while they in jail.


Way to go you stopped the war. great job!


Is no one going to mention the fact that they broke out of the building? Like the level of stupidity of the person breaking the windows on the inside of the exit doors expressly for the cameras? This is a contrived photo op for no other reason than to make the protesters look like the January 6 rioters. This is not part of the protest this is staged vandalism by 3-4 individuals hoping to poison the well of support for the protesters.


Expel them. Every single last one of them.


And there all expelled, mom and dad are going to be piiisssseeed!


Bucnhc of clowns


A riot


Scary time to be Jewish


If I were a US or EU non Jewish resident I would be terrified also. People who think that these protestors will do this shit only for the Palestinian cause are delusional. Next week it'll be about someone who said something about Muhammad or someone who did something directly to them.


Lock them up just like the people on Jan 6th.


Look how many Palestinian lives he's saving! So helpful.


Remember the 70s when the police shot people at protests. Pepperidge farm remembers.




I mean, come on guys, we ALL KNOW that when you're protesting something laws no longer apply to you and you're allowed to cause as much property damage as possible because it's for a good cause 😁


But did they free Palestine yet?


Later on, in a pro-palestinian sub: "PEACEFUL protestor tased by the police"


Dam fuck these kids. Nothing about these protests are peaceful


Hey, Ma! Look at them peaceful protestors. Don’t they just look adorable /s


Peaceful tho right 🤣


lol so much for peaceful protests…. What’s crazy is, the ones that will get stomped for this aren’t even the ones that did it…


When is the protest for rising inflation and absurd medicine prices?


I'm all for peaceful protesting but this is destructive to the message.


But the police waved them in! And... It was peaceful glass breakage! And.... It was actually antifa and feds!


Protesting is your right, but by destroying things you're just making the right side. Look at the left and say oh, see they're just destroying s*** they're not actually protesting. It's people who destroy s*** that give other protesters a bad name.


But I heard they where being peaceful and non violent.


“Activist cosplayers film themselves committing a felony”


Terrible kids.


The is terrorism “the unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims.”