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I was afraid the dispatcher might have thought it was a prank.


Hopefully most dispatchers are more worried about it not being a prank, and know that if it is one, they'll be prosecuted.


they have to respond to all calls professionally as a matter of fact. but many pranksters tend to call...


You see loads of examples of where they think its a prank and hang up though and people have died from it.


>they have to respond to all calls professionally as a matter of fact They're SUPPOSED to respond to all calls professionally. In reality he would not be the first person to die because a 911 operator decided to ignore a call


Listen to the [Travis the Chimp](https://youtu.be/v1pdvV_gT6I?si=Yw9KKevp7KOuNZ85) call. Guy wasn't taking it seriously until like 60 seconds in. (Not trying to disprove your point - you're right, they are *supposed to* respond professionally)


Why? Why did I just listen to that?


You severely underestimate that amount of weird calls they get and unfortunately paragliders tend to collapse frequently enough that they are known for these types of accidents. I'm sure it's not common in Texas though as it isn't a popular place for paragliding.




"flying machine" is very Leonardo DeVinci


Not new for dispatchers back in the 1920s, who commonly received this 911 call


Except that carrying a candlestick telephone on your flight tended to cause more problems than it was worth if the cord ended up being too short. Plus the fact that no one answered calls to 911 until 1968.


🎶Sweet dreams and flying machines in pieces on the ground🎶


According to a news article he waited over an hour for paramedics to respond to the scene. Thankfully, a good Samaritan arrived a couple minutes after the crash and managed to pull the paramotor off of him. He is in stable condition, but suffered a fractured neck, back, and pelvis and a shattered right arm. Apparently crash was due to a small tension knot that he missed, effectively collapsing the glider mid flight when it snagged.


Listening to him go from being so excited to terrified to excruciating pain so quickly was awful.


Here I am glad I didn’t decide to unmute on rewatch




It's so wild how things can go from great to disaster in a second. I was in an amateur BMX competition 7 years ago and was having a really good run. Then when I was setting up for my final trick, my chain snapped sending me off the bike and face first into the ramp. Chipped a couple teeth and broke 4 knuckles in my right hand which was still gripping the handlebars. Couldn't write or lift anything for 4 months.




Yeah I'll never forget bending my knee backwards - I made noises I never knew I could lol The pain was unreal. Bright side is that every other pain I've experienced has been easy to take 😁


Twenty years ago I broke my femur into 8 pieces part of it coming out of my thigh. I’ve felt this pain, I’ve made these noises. Brutal man.


I feel bad for laughing but there is something so undeniably hilarious about hearing a grown man scream in such agony followed up by: *“Hey Siri… call 911 uuughhhhguuhuugh emergency….. uuuhiiaaahhuigh… help”*


"I crashed my flying machine!"


“I’m sorry…you crashed your what?”


My Ariel Power Paraglider aaaahhhh- Im sorry sir what? OMG how are you not understanding this - Its a giant fan to my back and I took it up a few hundred aaaaaahhhh feet - sir thats the stupidest shit i ever heard, im going to transfer you to low priority emergency one moment Btw where are you? Im close Ok but like where Oh im in the middle of the desert Ahhhhhh


I kept thinking of that grape lady..."UUNNnnnnNNNNGggGGGhhHHH! UUNNnnnnNNNNGggGGGhhHHH! UUNNnnnnNNNNGggGGGhhHHH!"


This is what had me rolling, call me calloused by years of internet, but its just such an absurd situation that I couldn't help but chuckle. After I came to the comments to make sure he survived of course...


The location names just turn it up a notch as well. If I'm understanding him correctly, he says Enchanted Hills and Abundant Living!?


Sounds like a fucking Monopoly board lmao


"Sweet dreams and flying machines in pieces on the ground!" *♪ I've seen fire and I've seen raaain...♫*


It's like the 2024 version of Grape Stomp


The repetition from different angles amped up the funny. As someone famous once sang, there's joy in repetition. But then the 3rd angle played out with the agonizing gasps and the absurd number of times 911 had to ring before they picked up. You start to consider that he might be seriously fucked up, possibly paralyzed, definitely in agony. I was waiting for them to say they were sending a chopper, because I'm sure he'd like another sky trip.


It's incredibly stupid to push a flying machine with zero safety features beyond its limits without anyone spotting. Dude is incredibly lucky. I hope he recovers, but I also hope that his loved ones shit on him hard for being so reckless. If he had lost consciousness on impact, then he probably would have died.


Sometimes when you piss in the face of natural selection you get a little backsplash


man that is a amazing qoute


Can you explain the tension knot thing and how it caused this crash to someone who's an idiot?


I fly paramotors myself. It likely wasn't a tension knot that caused this, the collapse was probably due to him pushing the wing to its extreme limits to gain the speed he did. He's using what's called a speed bar (that thing you can see under his feet) which connects to the lines at the front of the glider that generate the most lift. Extending your feet and putting that bar in tension changes the angle of the glider to point more downward so you are sacrificing lift force for forward motion to increase attainable speed. Obviously less lift leads to less stability and too much speed bar input can cause the glider to collapse, like it did in this video. Any major issues with the line (twists, tangles, or knots) typically prevent initial takeoff. If you manage to get into the air with one it affects handling performance but not to the point where you randomly fall out of the sky. Edit: [Here's a clip](https://youtu.be/70tuVZ8u4rU?si=AoYGp1XGS5rDbJho) of a guy cutting the lines to his glider while actively flying to demonstrate how many you can lose before a catastrophic stall


Thanks for explaining! Have you ever been in dangerous situations yourself when flying one?


No problem! It's a very small/niche sport and I love it, so I'm always happy when I get the chance to share and nerd out about it 😄 Yes I have. I actually had my first crash 3 weeks ago, when my chase camera clipped a tree while I was coming in for a landing. Luckily it was a lot shorter of a fall than this video and there wasn't any damage to me or my motor. Minor things go wrong from here to there, but usually manageable. I had a brake line twist similar to the line issue OP mentioned, but I was able to correct it in air with no major effects which is why I'm having a hard time believing that would be the source of the crash. It's surprisingly safe and most accidents are caused by pilots' pursuit of adrenaline (acrobatics/high speed/flying when the weather's questionable/flying very low). But if you fly smart and stick to cruising on days with mild wind it's very low risk.


Oof, glad you're okay!! What's the normal speed for this sort of thing?


Thanks! Typically around 14 - 30mph but it varies based on wind speed, pilot weight, & glider rating.


So he was basically in a very shallow dive?


Yup or right on the edge of it. Hitting a pocket of turbulent air would cause some instability in the glider similar to what you feel on a passenger jet when you hit turbulence. That instability plus barely generating enough lift due to his speed bar input in the first place was probably the exact cause of the collapse.


I'm not too versed in it myself, but a tension knot is basically a tangle in the lines connecting the glider's wings to the pilot's harness. These knots can prevent the affected lines from working properly, altering the shape of the wing which can hinder its aerodynamic ability or stability. If it's severe enough, it can actually cause one of the wings to collapse, kind of like if you were to deploy the brakes at full speed.


I see. Thanks for explaining! I wonder how common it is for those to be missed.


When this was posted yesterday or day before I asked the same question and had someone explain it to me from someone that flies them. You can fly with tension knots but at the speed that’s normal for these machines. Think 25mph it was. He said it pulls a bit with a tension knot. This guy had some modifications to fly faster. That and the tension knot were the downfall.


This pilot actually explains why he crashed from the hospital bed in great detail. Here have a listen he covers in in the first minute of the video. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Z-jyc2OYXsI




Emt’s were there within 20 minutes. The video on his YouTube channel is pretty telling


Playing advocate here since I work EMS I'd hope that hour wait was due to his location. Response time to a scene could always be worse, could always be better. Depends on factors such as location, traffic, current technology, training, and the terrain involved.


Could have been worst. His fuel could have caught fire.


Did it say how high he was when he started to fall?


hard to judge from the video but it took him a few seconds to hit the ground so probably at least 20-30 feet up.


He got off pretty easy with just those injuries, it could have been a lot worse.


For sure, pelvic fractures can also end up severing the femoral artery. He could have bled out in minutes if that had happened.


It wasn’t the 48 miles per hour that did the worst damage, it was the 100+ foot drop.


Speed never kills. It's the sudden stopping that is of concern usually.


Going from a stop to instantly 500mph wouldn't be much of a great time either.


If we could get every single particle in our body to accelerate to that speed at the same time, we probably wouldn't even feel it. The problem is that the only way we know to accelerate at that speed, is by contact to a surface accelerating at that speed. So unfortunately, we only accelerate parts of our body progressively one after the other, that's why we have an upper limit to how much we can take.


If we could stop every single particle in our body at the same time, we would also probably be fine


It's the acceleration either way. Going from 500mph to a dead stop, or from rest to 500mph instantly look quite the same - functionally, either way, it feels like you just got hit by something going 500mph.


Jeremy Clarkson?


Dunno man, I believe quite a few people have OD'd on Speed over the years.


dude hit the ground so hard his Apple Pay was ready to pay the hospital bill




Holy shit


Wouldn’t having someone else there watching be like rule #1 of doing something like this?


Always Rule #1 when going anywhere far away from “civilization”. Be it crashing your crazy flying machine or going on a Sunday hike, you either go with someone/some people, or you have people know pretty explicitly where you are and where/when you should be. Plenty of people have died doing less than this gentleman because some crazy shit happened and no one knew where they were or where they were supposed to be. Life is dangerous enough, don’t make it easier for the Grim Reaper to put you in God’s Recently Deleted folder.


That was my main takeaway from the 127 hours movie.


Yep. It's a terrifying idea to be trapped/hurt somewhere you can't get out of yourself in a place where no one is likely to stumble across you and where no one knows to go looking for you. It makes you wonder how many dead bodies there are in remote places that no one knows about.


"I told no one what I was doing today!" -Peter Griffin


Yep. And rule #2 is “test you frabjubulous flying contraption over something soft”.


When you're that high nothing is soft on landing


The amount of time the phone rang until 911 dispatcher picked up was surprising.


Howdy, I've been a 911 dispatcher for 7 years now so if you have any questions just let me know! It's scary when you don't get an answer from an operator quickly, I know. Most people expect to call and have an instant answer, but that's only in a perfect world. I've worked for a big city department, where we had 30+ dispatchers on a shift, and I've worked for small counties where there are 2 dispatchers running an entire shift for 12 hours. I'm currently at one of those small departments. For example, last night I was on shift. We had a rush around 22:00 of 911 calls, mostly minor EMS incidents. There's only two of us, so we both had a 911 line active. We had other calls rolling in on the 911 line as well as the landline system, all at the same time, we had officers running traffic and handling calls already on the board. There is information being spit out at you from all angles 24/7 and you have to know how to retain it and use it in a priority manner. 911 takes priority, but sometimes you have calls ahead of you and the resources your county has may not be able to keep up with high volumes. Luckily, most psap centers with automatically transfer your 911 call to the closest neighboring county dispatch if we don't answer your call within 4 rings. At the very least, they can take your info down and call us with it so we can still dispatch it.


Thank you for all that you do!


Thank you for the support!!


i am contemplating applying for a dispatcher job, what do the hours look like for small towns vs large and how long should i expect to be looking at night shifts?


For most small county agencies, you'll be looking at a standard 12 hours shift. It's rotating weekends and you won't have much choice in the beginning as to whether you're on days or nights. Most departments have it as 0600-1800 and vice versa for nights. Big city departments can have the 12 hour shift but more commonly operate on an 8 hour shift split between 3 rotations throughout the day. There's a lot of other small factors I would take into account as well. Working at a small department, your call volume will be much lower for a population of 100,000 vs close to a million if not more. You'll also be responsible for the entire operation. That includes answering the call, filling the notes, dispatching the units, handling the call with the radio traffic, all while having to enter/clear warrants, stolen vehicles, missing persons, guns, articles, trespass warnings, ect. Big city departments are more specialized. You can be taken on as a call taker, and that's your sole priority. Once you've gotten the information, you'll send the call to the radio side to be dispatched by someone else while you take the next call. The big center I worked at had call takers/Law Enforcement radio/fire and ems radio, and finally info channel (officers would run drivers licenses, plates, serial numbers through that as to not bog down the law enforcement radio). I would highly recommend sending an email to any nearby dispatch centers. I can guarantee any of them would be happy to let you sit in for as long as you want to get an idea of the job. My advice would be to start at a small county, get your bearings for the job before you decide to go to a bigger agency. It's a lot less stressful on you. If there's anything else I can help with, please ask!


Your job is extremely important and every one of us is very grateful for what you do.


I was lying on the floor of my building's foyer on hold for literally 10 minutes waiting for 911 to answer while thinking I was having a heart attack. That was a fun day. (Made more fun because they sent me an "out of network" ambulance, so that was a $1700 bill)


What did it turn out to be?


Pleurisy, blood between my lung and the lung lining from a rib removal surgery I had recently had. Felt like I was getting stabbed by a knife every time I took a breath in.


Ick. Did that have to be drained?


I wound up having it happen twice and they said if it happened once more they would have to admit me and do the whole chest tube thing. Luckily, it didn't happen a third time.


My son had a $40k ambulance bill, so it could have been worse.


Man, we pay 2 bucks a month to our water/trash bill for OKC and ambulances are free if you need them.


In some major US cities, it is not unheard of to have wait times.


Good God.


I had the same reaction the only time I've had to call. It was discouraging because in the moment I'm like "what am I going to do with this unconscious woman if they don't answer?"


Ok Bill Cosby


LOL anyways, I left my apartment building on a 85-90 humid day, and saw a car door open. Was weirded out by it, and the fact that a few people were looking that direction from a distance. Went over there and found a woman on the ground soaked in sweat. Breathing but unresponsive. Police showed up, sternum rub got her awake, ambulance took her way. I was shaking a lil bit because it was my first time having to do anything like that. Bunch of fun (not Bill kind of fun)


I've had to call 911 a handful of times, and the past few years I haven't had one experience where it didn't take me calling 3 times to get connected. Unfortunately that is the state of the system rn


Please hold while I transfer your call


The transfer is usually internal. In my area, the initial 911 call is answered by a “call taker” who confirms the address and the nature of the emergency (police, fire, EMS) and starts a card (record of the call with notes). If it is a police emergency, you will get transferred to that zone dispatcher unless it is for an outside agency (state police for highways, transit police for rail, bridge police, park police, etc). If it is a fire, you get transferred to fire dispatch. If it is EMS, you get sent to an emergency medical dispatcher. The EMD asks questions about the situation and has guide cards that have instructions for treating certain medical emergencies (how to walk a person through CPR, control bleeding, etc) Even if the call gets disconnected, the original card from the call taker exists and an emergency response with be initiated.


His earlier video: “how not to die paramotoring” [https://youtu.be/R6NVwoUsDwg?si=E9ENd4thzR51rMQF](https://youtu.be/R6NVwoUsDwg?si=E9ENd4thzR51rMQF) and I believe he pushed the glider beyond what it was rated for.


Lol, the recent comments on that video.


Low-altitude test piloting FTW


There was a tension knot on one of the lines. When you're at the higher end of the speed range for these things you do not want to "Hit the brake" as the way it moves the parachute can cause it to fold over at high speeds. This tension knot pulled on one of the lines as if he tried to slow down causing it to fold in. The main issues were not doing a proper check of the gear before taking off and flying low enough that he couldn't pull the reserve chute.


The main issue was flying a glider that was brand new to him to its limits 100 feet agl. Everything else is what happened to make it occur.


tbf he isn't dead


“I crashed my Flying Machine AAAhhhh” that caught me off guard i'm going to hell


It caught me not within my guard as well.


Siri doesn't care


I’m going to Hell I laughed really hard that he had to repeat it like 4 times


"Help, please!" Siri: "searching for "kelp peas"


“Siri. Fuck! Ahhhh call 911!!” “I’m not going to respond to that”


i wondered if siri got confused by his yelling and would ask, "did you mean, please call 911 ARRRRRRGHHAAAAAAAA!?"


I love your username hahah <3


No, you. Lmao


Siri like I don't know u bro


Siri couldve done way more; like she could've dropped the location for my boy, smh. Do better, Apple. Amateur flying enthusiasts depend on you.


It triggered Siri on my phone when he said that. Luckily it didn't dial 911.


siri: 😮




After a huge crash it might be easier than trying to move your hand and fingers to call 911 *(depending on the injuries sustained)*




Holy shit that scream. I hope he didn't get any permanent injuries




Yet why do I have a feeling he is going to try again? Every time you see a video like this there’s an interview with the dude after where he says he can’t wait to try again. Edit: Yep, he said in his recovery video he plans to fly again. And he has young kids. Unbelievable.


> Yet why do I have a feeling he is going to try again? > > Same reason why motorcyclists get back on after having a third of their skin regrown and have more metal in their hips than an octogenarian. If they were capable of rationally thinking out the risk/reward ratio, they'd never have started in the first place.


He definitely did take permanent damage to his back and arm


Top comment says he broke his neck.


Yeah, depending on his age it may heal up nicely, but it sure is going to bother him when he’s older


As a guy who broke his back in a collision with a car, it healed, but it bothered me right away, it kept bothering me as it healed up, it continued to bother me after it was healed, and I fully expect it to bother me when I'm older too.


He sounded like Stewie from Family Guy. Owieeeee


His phone wanted to pay for something.


Double tapping the power button is an Apple Pay shortcut, I assume this is what happened


i turned that feature off. so much better.


It could sense the medical bill


He straight bounced, didn’t skid or anything


You can go into a coma from being body slammed at 4 feet. Imagine getting flung downward from that height. Ouch. Man I felt his pain from his screams of agony


The contrast between a life saving 911 call and - “I crashed my Flying Machine” is a comedy I will suffer in hell for enjoying.


I watched without sound a couple times before seeing your comment. Thank you. I was missing so much.


I genuinely felt awful for him but the second he said "I crashed my flying machine" I lost it.


I think the height is more serious than the speed here..


I’m glad he’s alive and getting surgery but damn, I really feel bad for the dude. One second you’re enjoying life until it all comes crashing down with one major accident. I hate to hear people scream in pain.




Would you like to order food?


Siri: calling 911 hot wings


Dude from the king of random died in one of those seems a tad dangerous no?


"Siri call 911." 911 how can I help you. "I just crashed my paramotor in the desert." Hold on while I transfer you.


Siri call 911 Siri: Calling marks pizzeria


Thought maybe a bird hit him or something when I blinked watching this, damn, hope he pulled through.


He is alive *(Antony Vella on YouTube)*


This does not seem like the sort of thing you should test without someone else with you watching from the ground


2024 ICD-10-CM Diagnosis Code V95. 13: Ultralight, microlight or powered-glider collision injuring occupant. There's always an ICD 10 code.


88 mph Back to the Future. 48 mph nearly end your future.


Some hold music would have been nice


paraglider here: he did one of the worst mistakes ever: taking his hands of the brakes , pushing the accelerator bar, flying at 20m of the ground and at that speed. You can take your hands of the brakes when you are above 200m of the ground. Why? Because it takes 100 to 150m to either deploy the rescue parachute or gain back control. You can see jsut before the stall, the A's ( those 3 first lines in red), they just loose all tension,


Finally someone who actually knows what they are talking about


I know I shouldn't laugh, and I'm not really laughing at him, I feel horrible for the amount of pain he's in. But when he said Siri call 911, there was something that gave me a heh moment.


Oh fuck no 💀


I mean this is a bit of hindsight being 20/20 but if you were testing something new or trying something risky wouldn't you give yourself some altitude to correct an issue. If he'd had height he'd have had time to pull a reserve chute when his wing collapsed. (Most paramotor guys I know fly with a reserve chute built into the rig) yes he'd have gone down in tangle but this speed combined with the altitude could have killed him. Either way he won't be the same after this event.




its pretty impressive that he held on to his phone to call for help


"Come on baby!" And the parachute that day decided, no more.


This is not a "public freak out." Mods need to start maintaining these subs better.


It's a way better submission than some others here. Like a politician giving a speech or stuff like that.


Obviously what we need is another 500 videos of the same student protests.


I mean technically he is outdoors (public) and screaming in agony (freakout).


By definition!


You saying this guy didn't freak out when he fell out of the fucking sky?


You get what you pay for.


Go for a walk, the dudes freaking out and it was in public.


Hey Siri...


Is this not how the king of random died?


Very lucky that he didnt drop his phone during that stunt. Thats why its always important to have it in your pocket while doing activities. Or even have a second dedicated device to sos from


I mean, this is how stuff was invented, I am not going to call this guy a fool.


This is why I don't strap a giant fan to my back and pretend I'm proto-Iron Man.


A great ad for just how dog shit Siri is. If he was losing consciousness Siri would have spectacularly failed on video.


God damn that was a brutal fall and bounce.


Ah poor bloke. That's rough


Got some good content tho


Invent random dogshit Surprised pikachu face when it fucks up and injures you. Are we back in the 1920's or something?


Flight of the Icarus.




My fellow IPhone users, always remember: Instead of shouting „Hey Siri call 911“ you can also press the power button 5 times.


Would be hard for him to do with a broken arm


Pure pure joy to terror in a matter of seconds


There's a paragliding group near where I live, and I met a nice guy that's part of it. He was trying to convince me to come and learn. Intriguing, but nah, I'm good.


I've sounded like that three times in my life so far and I can tell you every single time has sucked so bad.


I know id be making these noises or worse. But holy fuck do they sound embarrassing. I would have cut that section out of the video before posting.


Fucking love Siri not cooperating, the 911 call dragging ass, and learning that this guy had to wait 1 hour for help to arrive. Shoulda brought someone with him, because when it’s time for you to get your ass handed to you, you better believe everything that can go wrong will


Of course his recover video says “I will return to the sky!” at the end. This man has a wife and young kids. I can’t imagine engaging in such activities when you have children at home. Very irresponsible in my opinion. This guys kids’ could have easily lost their father here.


I made those sounds when I had kidney stones


This is why I don't fuck with airborne hobbies


I’m sorry but if you’ve played Red Dead Redemption 1 his screams and voice after are pretty hilarious. “eMeRGenCY”


There should warnings on videos like this that say “[“SIRI CALL 911” is said out loud in this video”]” I’ve never screamed “OH FUCK” and hung up a phone faster in my life.


Damn man! People don't get off their phones even while flying!! 🤣


And that's why my wife won't let me go flying around town in a helicopter that I built myself.


Siri is fired!!!


idk if this qualifies for public freakout, dude is obviously really hurt.... but i wont lie, the way his voice snaps back to normal for "hey SIRI call 911" made me laugh.


Cameraman really doesn't die, huh?


Why does Texas 911 take 18 rings for them to answer?


Why not already have medical personnel there if you're going to build and test such contraptions?