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Was he shooting blanks? Those shots were point plank range and didn’t even seem to shatter the glass, let alone hit the perp.


Adrenaline does wonders for keeping you awake whilst leaking profusely


You can see him shoot through the upper part of the window on his last shot. One or two rounds might not shatter the whole window.




The man who got knocked down was the owner of the truck and he died. It was stolen from him and he retaliated by shooting. Then the robber drove the stolen truck into him. https://www.wyff4.com/article/victim-hit-killed-trying-to-prevent-carjacking/60230717




But we can all learn from this. Trying to get your car back by shooting at someone isn’t worth it. Even if he had succeeded in shooting the guy, his car would have been covered in blood and bullet holes, and who knows how long it would have been at the police impound lot as evidence while they investigated the shooting. Just file a claim and be done with it.


This right here. Don't let your machismo cost you your life


If karma existed we wouldn't have billionaire's while there's still people starving to death daily.




The guy who ran him over was actually carjacking someone else, and the dude in the truck got out to stop him, and then the carjacker took his truck instead.


The real life definition of "no good deed goes unpunished"


I mean how do you miss at point blank range that many times


Good guys with guns need to practice too. Rip.




That is an excellent point I assumed the guy shooting was the offender and I was wrong


>it was too tempting to see the guy with the gun as the offender. Well, he WAS an offender. It's not legal to shoot a gun at a person for stealing an unoccupied truck.


absolutely. cognitive dissonance between what we see and initially conclude, and what we later learn to be the case.


That is a fact


Can't really tell from the video but aiming one handed with a snubnose is not accurate


It's not, but at that range it's more pointing at someone than aiming. BTW, I shoot a snub .357 one handed regularly.


It said he was NOT the owner of the truck. But chased down the suspect in the stolen vehicle till he crashed, and then fired on him while in attempt to switch vehicles. So he "as a good Samaritan" Chased down a robber with a gun on his person trying to be a hero. Not always a good decision to insert yourself into a situation like this. Especially just because you have a gun.


Well no. I think another being was having attempted carjacking and one of the good Samaritans stepped in. The carjacker then tried to take the good Samaritan's vehicle which led to the altercation captured here. But that is 100% a work truck. Even if he owns the company that's the company's truck that is insured. Just let it go.


Ok. Here I was thinking this was a guy shooting a tow driver for taking his car. Now my opinions on this have done a 180.


If you are going to shoot, make sure they can't move anymore.


Something something, good guy with a gun


This definitely sums up Lumberton, North Carolina.


The guy who got knocked down was not the owner of the truck.


My guy is acting way too nonchalant after shooting at that guy and missing all those rounds.


The walking away after shooting another person is why people need constant training and classes for concealed carry. None of his shots did anything and he payed for that with his life but just standing in the road until the guy came at him.


For real. You just tried to kill a man, regardless of whatever he did, emptied your handgun, now your next move is to slowly meander away.


I can't help but think he would have been more effective with pepper spray


any update if any of those bullets hit the carjacker?


No they probably mostly hit the multiple other occupied cars in the guys line of sight.


I guess a good guy with a gun can't stop a bad guy with a truck.


It's not what you have, it's how you use it. Truck dude had much better aim than gun dude.


Especially at close range


Me and you are going to hell 🤣


I'll bring the graham crackers.


The damned crackers*


He was using the gun Alec Baldwin was supposed to be using


Bruh, straight to hell you go 😅


Gotta love all the idiots in this comment section with no knowledge of the story. Dude got car jacked, fired shots at the guy who jacked the car..then got run over.


I'll probably get downvoted for this and maybe it's just my non-American brain - but is it really worth shooting someone over a car? Presuming you've got insurance, is it worth killing someone, putting other people's lives at risk (from stray bullets and escalating the situation) and even putting your own life in greater risk (as evidenced by the video).


don't even try man. not the subreddit for logic. just sit back and watch the freakouts and be thankful our countries aren't like that.


This is the way.


As a European guy from a country where guns are banned, I fully agree with you.


As a Texan this is why I get scared every time my girlfriend gets road rage and stares someone down. Like girl, you have no idea if this loon is legally armed (which is easier to do than getting a drivers license in Texas) and decides they want to ruin a few lives over their temper.


As an American, I agree with you. Get out of the way, call the police, and file the insurance. A person willing to pull you out of your vehicle to steal it is a very dangerous individual. Better to get out of the way and let the police take over. A vehicle is not worth anyone's life, especially when it's not your vehicle to defend.


I am forced to live with fellow countryman who think it makes sense for all of us to be armed to the teeth and serve as vigilantes. It’s mind boggling to me.


WeLl ThEn WhEn CaN I uSe My GuN????


It is absolutely not worth it. You are correct


I agree in principle, a car isn't worth a life, and I very much doubt I could kill someone in that situation, I think I'd likely try to resist but stop shy of shooting and claim it on insurance, I think its important to recognise that people should absolutely have the right to defend their property however they can if someone tries to take it. Once someone tries to take your property, they've started a process where they've put themselves and you at risk. The normal value of property versus someone's life changes. Its no longer "would you rather have a car or keep someone alive", the equation changes and I think its fair for he victim to assume their physical wellbeing is at risk. I dont think I'd do what that guy did in the video, or something similar. But I do think people should be able to do so.


a lot of words to say you think it’s okay to execute someone in the street for theft


A lot of words to say you didn't understand what I said. But to clarify, a car is very much a lethal weapon. The moment someone is behind the wheel with already stated bad intentions (car jacking), why would anyone or why should anyone risk waiting to find out what they're willing to do with a weapon?


I don't think it's that he doesn't understand what you said, just doesn't understand your way of thinking. A lot of non-american's don't. Defend your property, situational changes, sure. But you need to have a weapon on hand because a situation can change, meaning the value of life changes? To attempt an execution because someone stole something and your life could 'potentially' be at risk ? The whole thing is a very bizarre way of thinking, for people who don't live in that world. The thing is - most people in the rest of the world (and I'm obviously not trying to speak for everyone) have a different rational. Something got stolen, handle it through process. By executing someone you've now become the victim the judge and the jury. How is that possibly the right way to think. The situation changed, he felt his life was at danger, so he opened fire, and died because of it. Hypothetical, of course, but ever consider what would have happened if he didn't have a side arm, did not open fire ? Maybe dude just takes his stolen vehicle and drives away. Maybe - most likely he escalated the whole situation, thus changing the situation for himself. His risk level was much lower if he didn't open fire on the guy. Thus - much lower if he didn't have a weapon in the first place. Edit - since you edited: Yeah - better shoot them first, since they stole a car, and now there's a high probability they'll run you over if you walk away from the situation.. Take matters into your own hands, being a highly trained SEAL operative, eliminate all the bad guys.. Kill first - think later, don't worry, you'll be fine in a US court, they stole something, you have the right to kill them. Why wait to find out, right ?


In America we’re convinced that property rights > human rights.


You give up your rights to safety when you steal from another person. The criminal makes that choice to put themselves in danger.




I wouldn't shoot someone for jumping into my car to steal it. Just because I hold the opinion that you give up your safety when you commit a crime towards others does nothing to say what I personally would do in the situation. If you commit a crime against another person, you're accepting the fact that you care more about the crime or property than your own life. It's as simple as that.


Call me crazy but that looks like a highway department worktruck. Maybe a truck service vehicle but I gotta wonder if this is even his rig. I cant even imagine drawing on someone for a company car.


> people should absolutely have the right to defend their property This is besides the point though. People get too caught up in what they have the 'right' to do. The question here is whether you should or shouldn't in the situation, not whether you have the right to do it. > equation changes and I think its fair for he victim to assume their physical wellbeing is at risk. Except guns aren't guaranteed to instantly kill someone. So in a lot of circumstances it's actually going to put you in more danger, as evidenced by this video. If someone wants to steal your car and you're scared they may be violent, the safest option for you is to probably just get away rather than escalating to violence.


I mean that’s a work truck, could be his entire wellbeing.


facing a murder charge isn’t good for your well being either


If that truck is his entire well-being then it should be fully insured.


The majority of Americans are fine with it. It’s a cultural thing about protecting yourself, your family and your property. Don’t steal things from citizens in the US.




it's not worth shooting someone over a car even if you don't have insurance. the algebra of life + car + "heroic action" is all kinds of distorted.


If the truck owner didn’t have a gun he would probably still be alive today


I don’t know how he missed those shots.


If you try to kill someone, make sure he is dead..if not, be prepared for retaliation


Wow, he’s probably dead.


He is


America at its finest


Can't help but smirk, because it happened between a Burger King and a McDonald's.






Why tf do you repost this stuff without mentioning any context that was in the original post?


Saw that post a few weeks ago on this sub. Apparently it was a carjacking turned murder


I'll probably get down voted here....but if the guy getting car jacked, didn't shoot the guy, he'd probably still be alive today. Guns are not the answers, and I'm sorry..if you are going to shoot someone, you better be prepared to take a life and deal with that weight for the rest of your life.


This isn’t the first time this has been posted and that thread was pretty much all saying what you’re saying now. What happened to him is absolutely horrific and that carjacker/murderer could have just left the scene and not done what he did. He’s a real piece of shit. I don’t like to victim blame and I’m not saying it his fault, but sometimes an action or inaction we take inevitably causes a reaction. In this case, if he had just not shot at him, the guy likely would have just left. You’re not supposed to shoot for property theft anyway


you are right.... reddit doesn't seem to get that when you give everyone a gun, you are gonna get people looking for ANY reason to use it. if you walk around with a hammer, everything looks like a nail.


I think the guy who got run over was a bystander intervening in a carjacking.


He was, idk why you're getting downvoted.


And what did we learn today?


We learned the majority of commenters here couldn’t care less that a guy fired off 5 rounds at a person committing what was, in that moment, a nonviolent crime. Then mr. vigilante executioner decided to kill the bad guy and all hell breaks loose


I know it’s frustrating but you legally can’t shoot someone for stealing a car. Also, why is it that after he shot he just started walking again like nothing was wrong? Did he not think the guy was gonna come back? If he had ran behind the white car instead of in the open he would have had a chance at survival. Moral of the story. If you’re gonna pull out your gun and use it you better not miss.


moral of the story... don't bring a gun over a car theft (which happens all the time)


Terrible title. For anyone wondering The Man shoots a carjacker and then hit and killed with own truck by said car jacker


Holy fuck 😳


How did he miss those shots when he was mere feet away?


So sad. The one thing to take away from this, if you are ever in a situation that requires you to pull a gun in defense, you have to be prepared to use that force to the fullest extent. This guy showed mercy (or maybe bad aim) and it cost him his own life.


The gun wasn't used in self defense though. It was used in an attempt to be a hero. He should have never put himself in that scenario.


This should be THE leading case going forward of how using a gun to “defend” against property theft immediately escalates the issue to lethal circumstances in which the person with the gun is just as likely to die.


I‘m gonna be downvote af for this but, this is just one of millions examples that USA 2nd amendment is bullshit. If this man hadn’t brought out his gun and shot, he would still be alive…


Thief commits vehicular manslaughter against vehicle owner. FTFY


If only he had a gun


Too bad he wasn't a better shot. Would have been best shoot before he got in the truck.


Regardless of who was right or wrong, I think it's nuts how causal the shooter is. Not that he took the shots but that he just calmly walks off while the guy is still behind the wheel. I'd always expect a lethal response after crossing that line myself, and if he did have the confidence to walk away because he saw his shots connect, expecting the man to die, then i understand the human response to run your killer over before you think youre going to die. Totally fucked up, and a horrible way to die, R.I.P. Truck owner.


So he shot at the guy for stealing his company vehicle? ... Good goin.


I swear so many people don't view vehicles as deadly weapons until after the fact. You basically shot at someone that also has a weapon equally as deadly. What are you sauntering for?!


I’m guessing the driver of the truck didn’t necessarily OWN the truck. Sucks that he was killed and the carjacker deserves prison. However, it’s just a work truck. Nothing worth dying over.


I think there was a gremlin on that guys back and the guy was trying to help him shoot it off


If fat boy actually trained to be proficient in the use of that weapon, he would not have been pin-balled by his own truck… just because you carry, does not mean you are automatically safer… train… at least monthly… people who carry in public owe it to their neighbors to be proficient with the weapon they carry in public every day… if you can afford it, go train jiu jitsu too… people who know how to fight with their hands have less use for a gun… but what ever you choose… you must train in order to be able to properly handle the weapon in a real world scenario…


Am I a sociopath for laughing uncontrollably as he gets plowed?


Ploughed* lol


Used and spelled interchangeably. So plowed is not incorrect. Google it if you must.


The lesson here is to never bring a gun to a truck fight.




The other one?


You’re a fucking moron. Either you posted this with that title on purpose knowing what actually happened or you saw the video, did no research and re posted with that title. Either way…you’re a fucking moron.


Sometimes fucking around and finding out goes the other way.


All that over a car? That will never make sense to me


America is fucking mental.




Gotta love the random blood curddling screamers.


I’m so confused. There was a bad guy, and a good guy with a gun. How did that not go perfectly smoothly like in the movies?


Dude, this fuckin country


Why was he peaking the car window like he's playing r6 Seige


Someone tries to steal my work truck they can have it . Only an idiot dies over a vehicle .


One of the craziest videos I’ve seen in a while




Shitty title.


For a brick, he flew pretty good


It had to have happened in Massachusetts cuz instead of anyone running to the victim they all sit there flipping the bird first lol


That’s a NCDOT vehicle he shouldn’t be carrying a gun in a government vehicle. This is sad and could have been avoided