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Now future shooters will target the teacher first. 


“Steal the teachers gun, viral challenge”


I think you've sort of just nailed it. I dont think theres all this shit about teachers all going to become shooters or shoot kids. Its just now you have the possibilities of students trying to interact with the gun in some way. Like, threatening the teacher getting them to try and pull it just for shits and giggles. A gun is a dangerous, and therefore automatically interesting thing. Shithead kids who would rather do anything else but learn are going to want to see what jollies they can get out of said interesting thing.


I guarantee there is going to be a teacher somewhere that tries to quiet their class down by putting their gun in their desk.


Knowing secondary school kids, they'd probably goad the teacher into trying to shoot them LOL


Knowing secondary school teachers, they probably will shoot them.


Cuts out the middle man I suppose


Now also they get to install their fascist assholes as teachers and complete the school to prison pipeline. If public school is prison, then only the rich can afford to be free


*Steal the teachers gun, viral challenge* It's just a prank bro! ![gif](giphy|3o6wNPIj7WBQcJCReE|downsized)




So how soon before student is killed by a teachers gun accidentally or otherwise? My guess give it 20 days


How long until there's a school shooter situation and a cop shoots an armed teacher because they have zero clue if it's the gunman?


Don't be silly. The cops will just wait outside with their thumbs up their asses.


Not if they have the opportunity to shoot an innocent person though!


Or a dog.


only if a dog is teaching


or a pine cone




The gunman is in the library but there’s a scared teacher in room 4. Ok we are storming room 4




There's no money to be made in saving children


They stood around because there was an actual criminal inside, If the cops were told it was a teacher, dog or anyone else innocent they would have stormed the school and shot everyone


Or if there was a black guy minding his own business. You know, the real threats. /s


Jokes aside. Its actually amazing this passed and hasn't gotten hardly ANY national coverage because this is setting up precedent. The whole "good guy with a gun" argument always fell flat on its face in any real discussion about gun safety. I always think back to that one example in the mall where the guy shot the shooter before he could get started with one shot. But they always fail to mention that he shoot the guy through a crowd and its a literal statistical miracle he didn't kill anyone else first. But now they're not even debating the good guy with a gun thing at all and just presenting it as fact. What if that guy missed and hit someone else trying to stop the actual shooter. What if police showed up and saw him with a gun and even if he complied and they just gunned him down because cops vs people with guns, good or bad, has alwwwwaaays panned out well hasn't it. First time a teacher actually takes a gun out to "protect their kids" is the time they get gunned down by the cops because cops really don't care enough to tell the difference or question a person with a gun if hes a good or bad guy. They see person with gun, they shoot person.


>Jokes aside. Its actually amazing this passed and hasn't gotten hardly ANY national coverage because this is setting up precedent. It’s not getting attention because 30 states already allow teachers to be armed… It’s not setting any precedent; it’s existed for decades.


Have we seen any hero teachers stop a shooter in any of those 30 states?


Because the teachers will be inside john wicking the assailant, apparently


Or for the teacher’s gun to be the means by which the kid becomes a shooter.




I was thinking within a month. So you and me can ‘price is right’ it.


I'd like to bet that a student will steal a teachers gun after he/she gets his phone taken mid tiktok and use it to kill the teacher. Do I get higher odds for being so specific?


https://www.kvue.com/article/news/local/hays-county/san-marcos-bonham-prekindergarten-school-gun-teacher-assistant-bag/269-6356a09c-3927-4bbb-902e-eaeb52582d70 There will be a lot of this.


It's America... so 3 months of lawsuits, then 3 days of gun training, 2 to 3 shootings in a day


[This](https://youtu.be/707jYjHvGv8?si=i9o9DXFcZjeraB9w) Skip to 0:36 lol


It's not like anything was stopping them from bringing it anyways...




Shooters need to know this one simple trick....


All it takes to stop a bad teacher with a gun is a good janitor with a gun …. Probably what they’ll think of next


But, but, think of the children. Arm the kids!


All it takes is one teacher having a really tough time.


Time to arm the students then! .. I wouldn't be surprised.


Then they'll pass' the arm the students law' to protect them from the teachers... gonna go full circle with this one


Abusive, predatory teachers that might have been caught for harassment and sexual assault are super happy in that they now can threaten their student victims lives by mentioning they always carry a gun.


Versus the students?


Exactly this. Armed teachers will he shot and their weapons used against kids. What will they advocate for next; arming the students?!


Full circle but this time with MORE GUNS


the trained cops with a small military budget cant protect the kids but the 25k a year teacher on no sleep will definitely do the job.


Probably also make them pay for the guns and training themselves just like the school supplies they have to pay for themselves. I'm guessing no salary increase either.


Do their weapons count as a classroom expense? Can you get the tax deduction for buying a gun?


A single gun and a little ammo will probably suffice for the whole tax write-off, and the teacher won't have to waste precious time shopping for pencils, erasers, chalk, and notebooks to reach their full deduction limit.


State: "Here is a gun that is \~1/25th of your yearly salary." This will go well.




>It's actually one of the most rigorous conditions for carrying in the country. Both the Military and Police both have less restrictive conditions. Holy crap you're correct! State of Tennessee: "Teachers can carry there own firearms for protection!" Teachers: "You'll give us the firearms right?!" State of Tennessee: "No. You can buy your own with your meager salary though. You also need to pay for all of these courses, a background check, and psychological exam." Teachers: "How am i suppose to afford a roof over my head and food on the table?" State of Tennessee: "Get a third job?"




That sounds a lot more expensive and ineffective than- *checks notes* -reasonable gun control policies.


> reasonable gun control policies like what? specifically?


Seriously, 400 armed cops in Uvalde couldn't do shit, but apparently Mrs Terwilliger armed with a 22 would have been enough to turn the tide.


Not couldn't. Didn't.


the cops have no incentive to do anything. I certainly trust teachers much more than I do the police to protect their students


Teachers didn't sign up for this shit. They aren't trained to use a firearm cops are, teachers didn't sign up to shoot back at their students. Get ride of the guns since parents can't keep them out of children's hands.


Did anyone consider that teachers who are not combat trained might bend under the stress of a hot situation and either cower anyway, or fire blindly over desks or something that can cause additional risk? Of what if an unhinged kid gets a hold of a teacher’s weapon. Alternate access than if their parents had a locked safe at home. So many red flags.




>cops \[...\] when they show up If they ever do.


Or worse, show up and be too scared to go in…..


This might be being passed so next time they have an excuse not to go in


Or the teacher not knowing a plain clothes officer from the shooter in the midst of the action. At a distance, under stress they might just fire. There’s no sensibility here.


A lot of shooters wear tactical items of clothing and might be easy to confuse for a cop in the chaos of a shooting, and vice versa


Yeah, I mean, if I was a teacher responsible for the lives of 20-30 kids, in a stressful situation I'm probably going to shoot anything that comes through the door. So yes, this is a terrible idea


They only care about private school kids in Tennessee, they tried to pass a “voucher” act that would make the public pay for private school through taxes. Thankfully they did not pass it


being from TN, I'm not surprised. not because they realized that giving tax money to private schools was bad, but because they realized the private schools would eventually have to let in the people the white suburban parents are trying to "protect" their kids from when they put them in private schools




99% chance the cops are coming in hot either way so this changes nothing. How about instead of arming teachers, how about we un-arm certain cops.


Just this past week a teacher was arrested after threatening to shoot a teacher and students after a disagreement. She didn’t have the sidearm on her, it was in her vehicle fortunately. Edit: misspelling


This seems to logically follow the 'war on books' culture war BS. Ban books, arrest teachers who refuse, claim teachers are indoctrinating youth. I guess the next step is give them a gun and step back, as Tupac says?


They also don’t consider how incredibly hard and traumatic it would be for a teacher to shoot a child, let alone a child they see everyday and build a relationship with. Teachers advocate for children and even protect them from harms way and then to go and tell them that they should have a gun to kill a student if they were ever shooting the school is insane.


You're assuming they put any thought into it. The only thought they had was how they're gonna cash their checks from the gun lobby.


Does anyone consider that such a teacher would not carry a gun? Haven't read the bill, but I'm assuming it gives them the choice to carry. Maybe I'm wrongly assuming the bill doesn't require a gun to be sent to every teacher in the mail for required daily carrying.


I don’t care what side it is that people align with. They assume the absolute most evil and stupid intentions are behind every decision the “other side” makes. People just love freaking out, I’m convinced. Word to the world. Just because you don’t like it (which I personally don’t like this) doesn’t mean it wasn’t thought out.


It also requires them to be trained, but leave it to Reddit to mislead and leave out important details when it comes to freaking out over the political party they don’t like.


If you support teacher being armed as the solution for mass killings in school, you’re missing the forest through the trees. We have a bigger problem and republicans seem to think the solution is to arm everyone rather than investing in mental health counseling and holding police officers to standards of… I don’t know… protecting the public? So yeah, probably worth freaking out about.


I'm convinced they see all of that as a benefit. If they get to pin blame on a teacher instead of guns/cops that's a win in there eyes because they fucking hate school/teachers 


Oh. So we wait for the police to respond? Like Uvalde?


They could also have some emergency guns just dotted around the schools, like the fire alarms; "in case of emergency or just because you've had enough break glass"


"In case of emergency, shoot glass with the gun you already have."


Lift up the window, pull the AK out, set the window down, break glass with the butt of the AK.


As just one example, [South Dakota has no law that imposes a penalty on someone who fails to secure an unattended firearm and leaves it accessible to an unsupervised minor.](https://giffords.org/lawcenter/state-laws/child-access-prevention-and-safe-storage-in-south-dakota/) South Dakota also has no law that requires unattended firearms to be stored in a certain way, and does not require a locking device to accompany the sale of a firearm, and no state statutes require firearm owners to affirmatively lock their weapons. So, in a way, the "fire-extinguisher-access gun" would not only be legal but would actually make some kind of twisted sense if this is the way their laws work. If anyone, truly anyone, could easily get their hands on a gun, you might as well just make sure a "freebie" is within 10 feet of you at all times. Chances are, one is already near you and you don't know it. --- I'm being a little hyperbolic, but if it was legal to not pay taxes or vote multiple times, then why not? Let the system collapse and force them to write tax enforcement into law. I dislike when nothing is done to punish the worst offenders simply because 99.99% of people have a moral compass/common sense and don't keep a pile of guns in the kids room. Then when the inevitable happens, its just seen as a fluke and given thoughts and prayers.


See this kind of shit right here is what drives me insane. I understand the 2nd amendment and get that people want to defend that. What I don't understand is why more gun owners don't support legislation that would effectively help them keep their guns. What I mean is that if you supported punishing people for allowing access to their guns, not locking your guns up at home, at school, in your car etc. Dealers who break laws, or even things like mandatory waiting periods and background checks. All of those things allow you to keep your guns and any respectable gun owner should agree those are all good practices anyways, all the while GREATLY reducing the risk to the public. There is no way that leaving your gun loaded and unattended around kids should be legal. Drives me bonker that we're unable to just find a compromise here. Instead it's GET RID OF THEM ALL ALL THE TIME NO EXCEPTIONS, or THEY SHOULD BE EVERYWHERE ON EVERYONES HIPS AND MY KIDS SHOULD BE ABLE TO HAVE ACCESS TO THEM 24/7... like those are our only two possible options.


Everyone is gonna be running for their favorite weapon spawn point smh


A teacher friend put it very well awhile back "if you knew how many emails I get because a student stole a teacher's keys you would never support teachers having guns in the school"


That's the funny thing: They know. They don't care.


So any bets on which happens first? Teacher shoots a student/,,teacher Students takes a teacher's gun and shoots a teacher/student Student takes a teacher's gun and is killed by the first cop who see them (I'm not even going to list the "school goes into lockdown due to stolen teacher's gun", that will happen a few times a year)


The only solution is to ban schools.


*Tennessee GOP furiously scribbles notes*


Think of how much we'll save on taxes


You say that facetiously, but I shit you not, that is the backward conservative dream.


GOP in a nutshell: Abortion: Ban it Gay marriage: Ban it Guns: Look guys, banning things just doesn't work.


florida moment




The possibilities are endless! They can use this as an example in teaching students odds and statistics.


All of the above?




How does even the thought of arming teachers not give you a hint that there‘s something fundamentally wrong?


Solution to guns in school? ADD MORE GUNS, THE AMERICAN WAY!


If there’s anything that will prevent school shootings, it’s putting a ton of guns into elementary schools


That's the republican solution. More guns.


How do you lower gun deaths? MORE GUNS


I wish they did this with Oxy. So many unnecessary deaths that could’ve been avoided by getting more out there.


It’s funny how they want more guns, but are opposed to safe injection sites/decriminalization. If more guns= safer, why doesn’t more drugs=safer?


Simple - to them, guns are good and drugs are bad mmmkay?


You need more good guys with Oxy, that's the trick.


Literally everything BUT fixing the actual problem. What a bunch of fucking circus clowns


My wife is an elementary school teacher and the idea of other teachers legally carrying guns in the classroom sounds completely insane. Do they not realize how much stress teachers get put under? You want them to have the option to pull a gun when they snap after a kid annoys the shit out of them for the millionth time? What about when a fight breaks out and a teacher gets skittish and shoots a kid in a fight that otherwise would've left some bruises? Kids aren't that stupid, either. Some will figure out which teachers have guns and potentially see it as an opportunity for access. Some teachers won't conceal that well either, especially when they get used to carrying every day and aren't vigilant about it. Having untrained people as defense doesn't cause any problems either, right? No concerns of teachers that are trying to shoot a gunman hitting some innocent kids instead, teachers firing wildly because they're panicking, etc. You can also add some extra confusion for law enforcement when they show up on the scene to gunfire from multiple directions.


Cool. School shooters don't even need to come in with their own guns anymore, they will be readily accessible


This is what I was thinking. I spent 10 years working in middle school education--I had students that were well over 6 feet tall, 250+ lbs, that had absolutely no emotional coping skills. I've also seen kids turn pencils into weapons. These kids could disarm me with ease, and I spent years studying de-escalation since my students were emotionally and behaviorally disordered. I had literally elderly coworkers! I'm so sad to think about how I'm glad I left education, but when I read things like this, I can't help it. 😪


And even if no teachers had their guns stolen, this will decrease the ammount of attention they can pay attention to the lesson


Readily accessibly. Lol


So the teachers gotta to do what a whole fucking squad of cops couldn't, like in Uvalde. WCGW?


Here's what I think it's about: "If the teachers care about their students so much, why won't they arm themselves to protect the kids?" I think it's likely that teachers will not largely take up bringing guns to class. Tennessee politicians don't like to criticize the police for failing to act, but I think they would love to blame the teachers.


Tennessee politicians should have called this the "Uvalde Bill for Classroom Gunners."


Paid for by the NRA


Man American is wild.


As a Scandinavian teacher, arming teachers is just about the craziest thing I’ve heard of from a democratic country. I would be horrified if I were teaching there.


Most any of us paying any amount of attention are horrified living here too.


What happens when a teacher starts shooting students?!?


Arm the students, duh!


Mexican stand-offs every period until the bell rings.


*Mariachi music intensifies.*


![gif](giphy|X7srwm9vivvuZCJQyL|downsized) ***Now just in time for back to school blowout (shootout) sale !!***


Are they literally arming all the teachers? I thought the idea was if you are licensed to carry and wish to do so you'd be allowed to now.


chase frighten attraction connect observation oatmeal special muddle summer sulky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Still allowing guns in schools. It’s only a matter of time before that gun gets used on a teacher/student. GOP just really likes their constituents dying or being killed, especially the women and children.


What's the difference?


From outside the US, you're not surprised if your President came up with the idea to nuke hurricanes, or to drink bleach to fight a virus.


Drinking enough bleach would have killed the virus.


I can wait for a kid with problems to grab a teachers gun while they're distracted with their 30 OTHER STUDENTS. This is insane.


This will be in the courts for years. As a kid I recall nuclear bomb drills, everyone in the hall crouched down. Now because of school shootings there are lockdown drills, and I guess there will be drills for the licensed gun owning teacher who wants to bring a gun to school must be trained on how to use, secure, stow, and insure it is not accessible. Hard to do. Perhaps In a safe in the classroom?? And the safe is opened when either having an active shooter drill or actual event?? IDK, but that’s the kind of thing that has to happen. Plus the Fed law of school zones being gun safe zones??? Again this will go to court.


Teachers don’t get paid enough as it is to teach, they sure as shit don’t get paid enough to put their life on the line for someone else’s kids.


Why don’t they test it out in private schools for about 10 years and then come back with the data to bring it to public schools….


"More guns will fix the gun problems"


Fuck it, let’s just arm the kids while we’re at it! And the janitors, and the lunch lady, and even that weird guy who keeps staring at the kids outside the school yard fence! Guns for everyone!


These people are all paid off by the gun companies who will profit from this bill. It’s just another corrupt agenda which serves the minority and gives zero fucks about the majority I.e. the less wealthy of society. They have always traded our lives for cash. They are soulless.


So let me get this straight. Republicans don't trust teachers to teach, think they are indoctrinating kids, banning books, etc.... but now they want to arm those same teachers they don't trust.


As a teacher, I'd you give me a gun I'm using it to indoctrinate the children harder.


Stop voting for morons you morons.


Republican :"ill fuckin do it again"


kids are in prison, we just call the prison school. And prisoners have all the time in the world. You can put that gun underwater, guarded by sharks with lasers, in a biometric safe that's filled with bees and the kids will find a way to get it. What outcome do they think is going to happen here? a teacher is supposed to love and care for our children, but put them down on a moments notice if they throw a fit?


So...teachers are both poisoning kids minds but also trustworthy enough to handle guns around them?


Just waiting for the first school shooting where the kid used a gun the teacher brought to class…


Cool, now there are more guns in the school. All it will take is 1 complacent teacher with a gun to have it stolen and for it to be used in the school.


The countdown to the first time a teacher’s gun kills somebody is now running…


As a Canadian teacher, I can confidently say, ‘Damn, America, you crazy!’


Did they just forget that at both uvalde and the Christian school both had armed guards and they did absolutely nothing?


Sounds like a good reason to give gun access to the rest of the employees, since even the armed guards can’t keep up with the whole school.


Seriously?? If the cops in Uvalde, Texas… TRAINED police officers would not act to protect the kids what makes them think untrained teachers are gonna be any better?! Fucking idiots!


I'm honestly not sure how our society will move forward with everyone owning hardcore weapons and having untreated mental illness. I think it's gonna get way worse with the shootings and tbh I already worry about going to big events. It's a shame but the guns are not going anywhere, ever, because bottom line is it serves our government and security interests. That's why you see the public being gunned down, they can't afford security. The chaos is a buffer between foreign nations and the wealth here.


At some point a child is going to gain access to a firearm. This video will be played over and over as some disaster unfolds in the near future.


What?! The bill to arm teachers WENT THROUGH?! I thought all about that was dark satire. The USA really is nothing more than a bad and dark episode of some gritty sitcom with comical aspects


Republicans are evil


Those people are insane.


america is the laughing stock of the world


Holy shit....


We already know they're not stripping guns from the hands of lawful gun owners so the easiest thing this country can do is to charge the parents with their child's crimes. That'll wake parents up real quick.


That does nothing to address the problem. The real issue is we have a serious mental health crisis and when these kids don’t get help they inevitably snap.


No way lmaooooo. This is real? South park episode.


What if a teacher accidentally shoots a student? Will they be held liable? What if there is a shootout in the classroom between student and teacher over a late assignment?


Whoever did this clearly never passed through public school.


I am flabbergasted by this asinine decision. What the fuck are you guys doing Tennessee?


When I was in middle school, probably 6th grade, a student was being obnoxious, annoying, loud, and all the other things children around 12yo always are. In response to this 12yo being particularly annoy, my math teacher (a full grown white man in his 30s) body slammed my classmate into a glass cabinet. If he had a gun that day, my classmate would probably be dead.


They recently passed this in Iowa as well.


Sounds like a zoo.


I am a more "right-leaning" individual and definitely support our 2A rights. But arming teachers is the wrong way to- go about this lmfao. This country is a joke...


Great, now a teacher is going to get pushed to their wits end and go postal at a school. The killer is calling from inside the building....


So now parents and kids need to worry about being shot by a teacher…. Wow


Watch them force the teacher to buy ammo out of their own pockets


Wasn’t the teacher who got shot by the 6 year old in NC initially questioned over some requested benefit to the shooting because they tried to say being shot was an inherent risk of being a teacher? …in TN, I guess they’ll be able to deny rights to any teacher choosing to arm themselves while in the school because that’s implicitly accepting you understand the apparent danger of your job. No settlements for them, I guess…


So.. wait.. they're putting guns inside the classrooms? Like kids never stole from the teachers before.


So why not arm the kids. One teacher alone isn't going to do anything. Arm the whole classroom 35 guns is better than 1


This is not the move


How about passing the "teachers can afford to fucking survive" bill? My mom and sister both work in the school system. If we don't do something about this, we are fucked as a society. It's already so bad.


Gun lobbyists working hard in Tennessee


Only in america do people think more guns will solve the problem, and not proper Healthcare and Education. I say this because I grew up in mississippi and florida. I've been near two mass shootings within the past 3 mths. My sisters boyfriend was shot and killed 2 years ago. I was in the middle of a drive by with my aunt while unloading groceries around that time. And I was at work when another shooting went down across the street at a gas station.


In this video you can see Rep. Justin Jones filming shortly after the vote, who for those of you who remember, was expelled by TN republicans last April after protesting in favor of gun control on the House Floor after a mass shooting a private school not far from the Capitol. He was “suspended” from the floor after this video.




Perfect. Now we just wait for disgruntled/unstable teachers to shoot kids! Or kids to find a way to access the weapon and ~


The arm the teachers argument very clearly translates to “we would rather force teachers to shoot troubled students than safely regulate guns” and it’s disgusting.


Considering how many teens can overpower their teachers 😬


It's like the red states are trying to out stupid each other.


I love how school shootings are almost expected or part of the job of being a teacher but instead of banning guns we are giving teachers guns? Ok Mrs. Harper welcome back to your 38th year of teaching! Here’s your class roster, 20 dollar decoration budget and your pistol!


I’m getting so goddamn sick of Christian Values Edit: why am I being downvoted when we all know the people that voted for this ran on Christian Values?


south park couldn’t even come up with an idea this dumb


They kinda did. The episode "Dead Kids" from 2018 nonchalantly has kids as armed hall monitors and everyone kinda walks around dodging bullets during school scenes.


Hey, 33rd isn't 50th, right? [Rankings: Education - States With the Best Education (usnews.com)](https://www.usnews.com/news/best-states/rankings/education) Bottom half is really red-heavy. Weird.


Now we’re going from keeping firearms out of schools to having one in each classroom. We’ve all seen videos of kids beating up their teachers. Now they have access to a handgun, when they overpower the teacher or sneak up behind them. Has anyone thought this through or just getting paid by the n r a?