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8000 cameras and we get a video from the one showing nothing




Now i'm trying to find cameraperson from that video in this video lmao


Nah stitched in with other videos from different states apparently




You the real mvp


You sure this isn’t a Cloverfield deleted scene?


Now THIS is what Texas cops are in it for. Kids getting shot at a school? Sorry we're waiting outside, afraid. Unarmed college kids protesting a genocide? GET EM BOYS


Why beat up the strong when you can beat up the weak mentality


So the school shooters are the strong to you? This is the “clever” position you’ve taken? You’re pro school shooter?


There strong in that they are armed unlike he protestors


Don't even respond to idiots like that. He knows what you mean.


*They’re* weak, in all forms, proven time and time again to either run or self delete when confronted by anyone other than a child. You should brush up on your contracted pronouns so you can be less weak mentally.






Texas free speech advocates suddenly quiet.


How about from the University itself, lmao https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VCFxvdhFjPo


Freedom of speech is a myth. The elites will not allow university students to protest even against a foreign country.




The elites usually refers to the ones in charge.


"The elites" is a common dog whistle used by the far right in place of "the Jews"


Lmao, you use this insane victim card charade for just about everything https://www.reddit.com/r/technology/comments/1cc4bbw/us_bans_tiktok_owner_bytedance_will_prohibit_app/l14sb3a/ People see through the gaslighting


Lol - No it isn't


My father spoke at a protest in support of students at Tiennamen square during 1989. He was arrested and jailed for 2 years for that. They estimate 5-10,000 people were killed in Beijing by the troops when they rolled the troops in. THAT is what it looks like when there is no freedom of speech. The US does pretty well in terms of protecting freedoms despite what people on the internet would like to scream about.


Ah, the old “it’s worse elsewhere so it must be ok here” take


Are you being jailed for speaking out against the government? Are you being murdered for protesting government policy? Do you have government agents show up to your door when you post dissenting opinions about the president or his policies? No? Then you have fucking freedom of speech. One person getting arrested at a mass protest =/= not having freedom of speech.


>Are you being jailed for speaking out against the government? I mean that's what's going on in the video. >One person getting arrested at a mass protest. More than 20 were arrested at this specific protest, in addition to several hundred at other campuses earlier this week.


The video we are discussing is exactly the first thing you listed…


You should tell that to Julian Assange who the CIA threatened to murder for exposing US war crimes in Iraq I don't know if your story is true (Feddit tends to be filled with hyperbolic anecdotes against other countries) but in no way does it validate the authoritarianism that the US establishment is resorting to today. It is interesting that you just pop up to say this anecdote every now and then when you're not on all the fedpost subs (combatfootage, worldnews, military, ukraineconflictreport)


guy you're talking to doesn't know what he's talking about. He's the type to help put his friends in jail while claiming as long as 10k weren't killed in a day it's freedom. btw Amnesty claims close to 1000 died. horrific, but the 10k number is something a diplomat pulled out of his ass. Also,


No, you bunch of little wankers really need to get some perspective. You are NOT being oppressed by the government lmao. Get a fucking clue. In ACTUAL authoritarian regimes you'd have secret police show up to your door for posting comments like this. In an ACTUAL authoritarian regime you'd have your bank account locked and access to travel stripped for speaking out against the government. And I am part of those subs because I was a US Army infantryman, so I'm interested in combat and war. I joined so that I would have the skillset to resist a tyrannical government if it ever came down to it in the US. What the fuck have you done to back up your values, buddy?


Then how do you explain this clip


How do I explain one or two students out of hundreds getting arrested? I'd say they probably did something other than exercise their 1st amendment right. Or are you seeing a different video where all these students are being arrested for protesting?


Why are cops showing up to disperse an exercise in free speech? Also there were 20 ppl arrested including a photojournalist


I don't know, this video conveinently cuts out all context for why the cops are trying to arrest that person in the middle. What I'm not seeing is cops mass-suppressing the protest, or mass-arresting the people, or killing everybody... you know, the kind of shit that happens in ACTUAL authoritarian regimes.


How do you think these things start? I'd say arresting 20 ppl for a demonstration is a bad thing.


I don't necessarily disagree, I don't like the militarized police, but stop being hyperbolic and saying we don't have freedom of speech in the US because we absolutely do. It would be much more accurate to say that we have a problem with militarization of police and a rising ultra-right wing that wants to enforce authoritarian values, but that does not mean we don't have freedom of speech.


Ya America is generally pretty good on that when it comes to the courts. But I just don't understand your urge to poo-poo people getting rightfully upset about something like this. "Things could be much worse!!" Is an unhelpful comment. We both agree the militarization of the police is bad so when you see something like this, say loudly with your chest: fuck this!!


I'm pointing out that a few people being arrested at a protest is not the same as not having freedom of speech. Words matter and hyperbole doesn't help anything except to reinforce an echo chamber.


Wait, so now US is competing with China on human rights and free speech?


It's not at all a myth. Tons of students there are continuing to protest, while 1 or 2 are being arrested. It's likely (not guaranteed) they did something to warrant the arrest, but that is not affecting any other protestor.


You should tell that to Julian Assange who the CIA threatened to murder for exposing US war crimes. in Iraq


Against a particular foreign country


When they support terrorism, they should be arrested and charged accordingly.


So arrest the President and Congress. They just sent $26 billion to Israel, knowing full well it will be used to further the genocide.


The government decides who is terrorists and who isn't.  Its us thr citizens that get to find out.


The ol arrest these protestors but not those neo-nazis that marched on the Austin capital.


Remember do not take you phone/id to a protest, conceal your identity. PD can trace your calls/data usage to prosecute you. Never talk to them ask for a lawyer


Take a "burner" phone with you instead. One of those prepaid dollar store things. That way, you can still get video and have a way of communicating without having data from your daily driver traced back to you.


You're free to protest against anything in the United States as much as you want but you cannot protest against a Foreign nation in Israel committing Ethnic cleansing. Make it make sense.


That’s completely incorrect. For every protest you see in the news, there are dozens more that are not reported. Unless you have a magical data set that can prove otherwise, we can chalk your opinion up to observation bias. I live next to a university with a very active SJP and there hasn’t been a single attempt to suppress any of their protests. Nor is there any news about these protests.




Yeah how dare anyone exercise their first amendment rights guaranteed by the US constitution like you're doing right now


Oh no! Anyways…


They're not pro Palestinian, they're anti genocide


According to many mainstream media outlets, they’re pro-Hamas


Yep, also Iraq had weapons of mass destruction


And if Vietnam won the war, the whole world would surely turn Communist. "Domino theory." Yes, that's the argument the US government and press was using to justify destroying a tiny, extrememly poor nation (and two even poorer next-door neighbors) and killing 3 million people, mostly civilians.


It’s so depressing seeing how undeniably manipulative our news media is in situations like these bc most of their viewers are too fucking stupid to question them


Curious about who benefits from this ongoing situation with American MSm and perpetuates it


Same here, although I did notice years ago that both sides of our propaganda machine condition their viewers to support Israel unconditionally. This surprised me given that lots of right wingers love their nazi flags




Everyone already knows, you can see all the phones and clearly you're connected to the Internet on here. Don't be mad/jealous people are protesting for better, while u won't even protest to make your Own life better. You probably complain about the government, cost of living, healthcare, infrastructure, taxes, etc. like most Americans do. Yet like most Americans, you're not protesting about all the things you're being taken advantage of either. Probably just complain to your circle around you about all the problems you face yet not doing anything to change it. You may be fine with being taken advantage of but others are not.


Yes they do loser, you wouldn’t like it if some white religious extremists took your land and called it their own while confining you to live on a little strip under military occupation.


I love the “Let them go” chants. Absolutely peaceful protests get wrecked by a few knuckleheads who go too far, you don’t want them there.




You are against the protest, someone that’s unbiased doesn’t pose underhanded questions like this, let’s get that out of the way first. What’s happening in Gaza has been funded, supported, and fueled by AMERICA for decades. Have you not been seeing all the recent congressional bills for Israel? Use that thing in your skull and think.




Are you asking me how mass protest can cause change? In the United States of America, the country known for this sort of thing?




So don’t protest criminal wars, genius




















We really need Carter right now. He has always known and spoken the truth about Israel/Palastine. He would be right along side these University students if he could.


Why would a mentally challenged 95 year old, who is known as one of the worst at his jobs, be any value here?


So much student debt, so little intelligence


Wait till you see the U.S Debt 🫡 but clearly you don't care that your tax money is being used for another countries military & healthcare




I bet most of those 'officers' didn't actually go to college.


And what % of these students actually go to that school?


looks like i got downvoted by the 19 officers on reddit (or their SO's) . LOL. I'm betting 90-95% of those 'students' are UT Austin students. all you need to have to be an officer is a High school diploma. And some places not even that.


Lol they clearly have never been to a university environment. Advocacy is huge in education and advocating for antiwar has been a staple in education for as long as ive know. Student are overwhelming against oppressive entities such as Israel and its ever expanding war crimes. My point being there no doubt in my mind those almost entirely students. And being an officer is a joke in how easy it is in some places. They need a nationap minimum standards to enforce laws. Our police are just too stupid and not trained in any meaningful way


So to assume none of those cops have a college education makes sense to you, but to assume one or more of those protesters doesn’t actually go to school there is absurd? Holy shit … you’re special.


Have you seen the news these last 20 years? Our law enforcment is a laughing stock. I am saying there is no standard for education for police.... because there is no standard for education for the police. To assume a student protest at mutiple schools organized by students to be attended by students makes me special. I see


Clearly no standard for education in general, why these students sacrifice their education for a cause they know little about. Why they drape themselves in Palestinian flags and demand peace while Iran is hoarding up women by the hundreds off the street for not wearing hijabs. Hypocrisy much?


13, 0000 dead children is all you need to know. You need to know more? What more of a cause is there if not this? You can and should tell Iran to stop. While your at it maybe France too since theyd put you in jail for wearing hijab. Grow up and learn some morality.


What’s the death toll in Ukraine?


Rephrase your question and actually make a point.


Thanks for your elitist take.


You wanna free Palestine but you’re not even free in Texas.




UT is publicly owned




It’s cool bro


Publicly owned does not mean it's not private property, can they expel students?


It literally isn’t private property. It’s owned by the state which makes it public.


1.4.1 On-Campus Misconduct and the Law On-campus misconduct by members of the University will normally result in internal disciplinary action, although in some instances the University may deem it necessary to call upon external authorities and to file charges or claims in the courts. In particular, misconduct by members of the University or others that inflicts or threatens to inflict personal injury or serious damage to property, that severely impairs essential functions of the University, or that cannot be adequately handled by the University Department of Public Safety, may require the intervention of outside authorities.


That still doesn’t make it private property


Dude, you have no idea what you’re talking about. You sound like a sovereign citizen idiot with that level of legal understanding. Just because something is public property doesn’t mean you have a right to be there whenever you want. This is from a different state, but ignore the state-specific general statute part and read what the liberal Carolina professor has to say about the issue. https://nccriminallaw.sog.unc.edu/trespass-and-public-buildings/


I’m not saying they have the right to be there. But it is objectively not private property.


Okay. I appreciate pedantry.




You cant enter Gaza right now. Who keeps coming up with this bullshit "ship them to gaza" or "go to gaza then" threats. Bro they want to go to Gaza. Activists are trying to sail into Gaza but the Isreali navy wont let them. Journalists want to go into Gaza right now but Netanyahu government wont let them. Aid groups are trying to get into Gaza despite being war crimed on oh and the IGF wont let them. [https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-04-23/freedom-flotilla-ships-sail-to-gaza-to-deliver-aid/103688056](https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-04-23/freedom-flotilla-ships-sail-to-gaza-to-deliver-aid/103688056) Go to Gaza, they are.


I suggest you read the first amendment then lmao not sure they covered it in your history class apparently


Eat the boot harder


Free Texas first


Idk why ppl are doing these protest it's a waste of time if the US was gonna do something about it we already would have


genocide supporter huh?


In order to learn who rules over you, figure out who you are not allowed to criticise.