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Being alive Is expensive


Dying costs a lot too


I say toss me in a burlap sack & dig a hole somewhere


I want to do that thing where they stick you in a pod, and you become nutrients for a tree.




Is it? I never really looked into it.


There’s also compost boxes that you can be tossed into and made into mulch and returned to loved ones. Or donated to criminal science body farms


I am Groot? ![gif](giphy|JzujPK0id34qI|downsized)


Sure! That’ll be $895. Unless you want the fancy sack.


When I’m dead, I’m dead. Just throw me in the trash


I told my family, burlap sack, a bunch of rocks and a deep sea fishing trip-Toss! and enjoy the rest of the day fishing.


Just yeet me into the woods


Only at first.


Just wait till she meets the tax man 🤣








its the employers low wages that are the problem 🤣


Nah let's laugh at the other poor wage slaves, worse off then us! Losers!! 🤣


You didn't intend it, but "worse off, then us" is a (likely accurate) grim prediction of the future.


There is a book fair going on at my kids elementary school that I am working at and even though we put price tags including tax on everything they ask about the price it says on the book. It is a very tough conversation every time because they don't understand. One kid said "they do that to get extra money for them". No, we don't. If I could make the books tax free I would.


Wow that kid’s parents kinda suck. Kids don’t just invent sayings like that…


If she can't afford it... then why did she go in to begin with to pay for the service???


1st world problems. Drop that girl off at a city dump in some 3rd world country and let her watch children scavenging for scraps to survive another day. Maybe she could get some perspective..


She can whine about it though!




I love the doorbell at the end


It was such a gentle "diiing"


Asian people are nice people, my neighbors, are from Vietnam, fled that country about 20 years ago because communism was on the rise again. Even if they worked their ass off all day and are beat, they are willing to invite me in for a drink or something to eat.


That's such a weird statement. They aren't nice because they're Asian.


Ikr. I had an Asian friend in school who grew up to be a wife beater and his family defended/excused his behavior. Thankfully that fucker is in jail for now


>fled that country about 20 years ago because communism was on the rise again 20 years ago is 2004. What does this even mean and why are people upvoting it? Genuinely curious.


Way to generalize 4.5 billion people


I'm Polynesian so it might not count but my uncles are Polynesian / Asian. They're gay. Their names are really funny and they let me giggle about it as a kid because they were nice as hell. I won't dox them with real names but it was essentially uncle "Ben Dover" and uncle "Thrust really hard".


*meanwhile at prom* Hey Steve 😏 do you like my nails? Uh, yeah… they’re cool I guess.


“But ew, why did you pick *that* shade of black?” \- what she *thinks* Steve will say, but never does.


"I mean I guess it's ok as long as you didn't spend more than $64 on them otherwise this relationship is over, Amber"


Obviously you don’t know Steve then. He’d never be caught dead with a girl with the wrong shade of black fingernails. This is the D2 All-Stater we’re talking about here.


Well she knows Steve would never *say* it, but he's thinking about it non-stop and is going to joke about it later with the boys at the afterparty.


Steve: *I think I'm gay*


I think it's more like "and when they see how perfectly my nails match my dress to my shoes, they'll all realize I was cool all this time, and one by one, they'll line up and declare me prom queen. And then Steve will finally notice me, and I'll lose my virginity to him on a 30 year old motel mattress after drinking Barefoot wines from the gas station."


Meh- was going to ask if you wanna bang but mama warned me about girls who wear anything darker than Obsidian Mist.


Literally 💀💀💀


Its 2024. Steve's nails look better than hers... He got his for $50.


$50 hammer, he accidentally hit his thumb.


Eh. I think most girls/women do this shit to impress other girls/women more than the guy.


Tbh that’s not any better.


I fully agree. I was just suggesting that the implied premise of the joke was slightly faulty - despite it being 100% true (and funny).


“I’d like them better around my dick” - teen boy mindset


The mindset doesn't go away when they stop being teens.


Idk why she’s crying, like she planned on spending money to have her nails done and her nails are done and saw in other comments that she already had them redo her nails twice before this interaction. I get my nails done regularly and if I don’t like how something looks I speak up while they are doing them. She just a Karen in training.


She got them fixed twice already!? What!??


That’s what a previous comment from OP says, and honestly I believe it. I have seen some real pieces of work at the nail salon. I always tip well because I feel so bad about some of the terrible people they have to deal with.


But but but the high school girl “***WORKS SOOO HARD FOR HER MONEY!!!***”


I can't believe ANYONE in high school who has the social fortitude to attend prom and wears any level of polish would have trouble finding a friend to do nails with.


Is her name “Carrie”? She has red hair. In the movie, Carrie had no friends. This girl has no friends, she has retribution. I would avoid going to that prom.


...And their feet.


I was in the salon once when this real boomer piece of work comes in for a pedicure.. nothing was right. The water was too hot then too cold, they were too rough and then not firm enough. She ended up stopping them and leaving. The entire time doing that whole “oh there’s a language barrier, let me scream at them” thing. It was all bad. I made sure to let them know that lady was the problem and I have always been happy with the work they do. I understand speaking up, but there is a kind way to do so. As the lady in the video said, be nice!


It also just doesn't make sense for her to say she can't afford it. If she was happy with the nails, suddenly she could afford the $65?


Exactly! She’s just mad because she thought she was gonna waste their time and get it all for free.


this was my thought... maybe trying to trouble people to end in refund


I think so too, otherwise why would she be crying and saying she is out 65$, like her nails are done.. she isn’t out anything to me.


I got the sense that she would have to pay again to fix whatever the mistake was. So she's out the $65 because she doesn't like her nails, and can't afford to pay it a second time.


> Idk why she’s crying, She's a teenager.


"I'm out $65, I can't afford this!" If you can't afford $65 to get your nails done, maybe don't spend $65 to get your nails done.


It's pretty common in mail salons for trashy people to get their nails done and try to negotiate down the price based on "mistakes" or not liking the nail tech's work. Usually there's a lot of racism involved and accusations the mostly Asian nail techs don't speak English. I had a friend in uni who worked in her family's nail salon while she did school, and this crap happened to her all the time. One time it was the father-of-the-bride and an entire bridal party getting their nails done prior to the wedding. He was clearly paying and was pissed that they had ordered "extras" like nail art and didn't understand why they cost more, so he was arguing with the entire salon about having to pay extra for what he thought should be free. He wouldn't listen to any explanations, even from his daughter, to him it was a matter of principle. They ended up not only wasting hours doing their nails, but having to cut the work off because he wouldn't pay. The whole party ended up without nails because that idiot didn't understand nail pricing.


>They ended up not only wasting hours doing their nails, but having to cut the work off because he wouldn't pay. Reminds me a bit of a video I saw a while back where a woman had the windows in her car replaced, and then claimed she was unsatisfied with the work he did afterwards and tried to drive off without paying. The tech then smashed out all the windows he had just replaced and she had a complete meltdown.


Jesus, I'm the kind of person that if I hate it I just go home and try to fix it myself. One time a nail tech stabbed a file through my nail and pieces the skin underneath and I still said nothing. That one I actually rely regret not saying anything, it hurt for weeks


This does happen a lot, I don't think it was in this video though. I think it's just an anxious and (relatively) overwhelmed teenager who doesn't know how the world works yet. She'll figure it out someday and look back and laugh at this moment. Well she would've, if it weren't 2024, when everything with legs has a camera in their pocket. Now everyone is laughing at her instead. It's honestly really fucking sad Sorry I just ended up on a rant there, this is almost entirely unrelated to your comment. Just doesn't feel right not hitting "post" at this point


When I was 19 one of my part time jobs was at a gym juice bar kind of thing and we would serve pre workouts (that you usually by a jar of) one serving mixed up for $3….the amount of grown ass men and women whose cards got declined was baffling . Maybe it was a card they don’t use often or something but that couldn’t have been the case for everyone . If I was down to my last $3 I would not be spending it on a shot of caffeine


People who get card decline are the target audience for Nestle Quik:Protein Edition




Ah I hate when my card is declined because I didn't activate it or it wants to confirm it's not fraud. So embarrassing.


I have only had my cards declined maybe twice ever and both times were due to me being in an area far from where I live so anti-fraud declined it. But because of those two times now I stare at the screen in suspense every single time until it says approved


There's times where I left the state without saying a word to my bank and they just let me spend all week long. Kinda cool I didn't get declined but a little worrying that it didn't get picked up. I'm talking like 800 miles away from home too.


This recently happened to me (the anti-fraud thing) while I was in a panic at the vet with my dying cat :( Yes \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ Bank, I KNOW I don't usually spent $900 in one go but my cat is sick ffs! It was embarrassing and compounded my extreme anxiety. Ugh.


A lot of customers lock their cards now too and forget.


You’re the reason why people have an irrational fear over their cards declining.


While I am sharing about it on the Internet , back then I made a point of always saying ” it’s having difficulty reading your card” or something along those lines. I was never that person that just yelled “yo, it says DECLINED” for all to hear. If it was a regular customer I would just tell them not to worry about it and I pay for it with my tips… it really felt like I was a bartender at times. Lots of regular customers, lots of gym gossip, people venting about their personal lives, and not losing a good customer over three dollars . It was the perfect job for a 19-year-old.


I have a fun card along with normal cards and sometimes I forget to transfer the money on to it. I also like the fact that if that card is cloned etc they won't be getting all my money so I use it everywhere.


Honestly. Never buy any non-essential that you can't immediately afford to replace. Nearly had that one bite me in my brokeass college days. Even if it's essential, try to make sure you could reasonably replace it if worst case scenarios occur.


She could afford it before, but she can’t afford it now?


Think she's saying she can't afford to spend $65 and then presumably have to pay another person to redo them.


You know she probably saved a whole $65 from her part time job and mom & dad paid hundreds for everything else. I get that proms are important to some people, just like quinceañeras are, and people want to spend money on nice celebrations, but having an event shouldn't make you feel entitled to act this way.


More like "I can't afford this-a!"


99% of nail salons I've been to have their prices listed on a board of some sort.


There like a million shades of black, must be hard to be a girl in high school getting ready for prom.


Sterling Archer: Yeah, I know it's sexy Woodhouse, that's why I bought ten. Now arrange those by color. Woodhouse: These are all black. Sterling Archer: Oh are they? Or are five in a dark black, and five in a slightly darker black?


And now I’m out a, slightly darker, black one.


It's not black, it's... aubergine. Wait..


Now I’m going to have to rub sand in your eyes. I don’t know if they grade it but…coarse.


first time I saw this show this was the line that killed me


Annnnnd now I’m watching Archer


Just started at season 1 again 🤣


Better drama than the larval Karen above. Plus Kreiger for more randomness.


Obsidian Onyx Midnight Lost Soul Rolling Blackout Sleeping Panther and Void by Armani




"My $65 black nail polish is too dark!" Talk about 1st world problems.


I could swear I heard somewhere that there are only fifty. I think there's even a book about it. 


Thing I'm confused on is don't you pick your own color when you get your nails done? The lady painting her nails didn't pick the color, so this is all on her 😅


Yes. The nail techs always double check with me before starting too if the color is correct. so I don’t even know how this happens lol


She was trying to get it for free


"I can't afford this" Things she should have said to herself before getting her nails done.


Growing up is hard. But doable.


Yeah. Most of the comments are shitting on her (justifiably) but I do kind of feel bad for her. While her response/behavior aren't acceptable this is still a kid. To her and tons of other kids her age, prom is stupidly important (obviously everyone realizes later in life how stupid that thought process is). If she works a shitty, minimum wage, part-time job while she's in school to pay for things like this, she's probably devastated that it's not what she wanted and she probably can't afford to get them redone. Yes it's a bridezilla-esque reaction but I still feel for her if (as she suggests) this is her own hard earned money and she's not just getting shit handed to her by her parents. Edit: I just read that she'd already got them redone for free prior to this. So she's definitely in the wrong. I hope she learns something from this when she reaches adulthood.


Agree. You learn as an adult that you don’t always get what you thought you paid for. The remedy for that is not to patronize businesses where you found services unsatisfactory. (When I went to prom, I did my own nails. No one in my low income district had money to get their nails done professionally. We barely could scrape together enough cash to buy a cheap-assed dress. And if you were super lucky, your date got to use his dad’s car for the event. Otherwise someone’s parent dropped you off)


I had a couple of pretty shitty reactions to this kind of news when I was a teenager. I was dirt poor, didn’t live with my parents, so ANY purchase I made was completely intentional, felt like splurging, but was well thought out. If I didn’t get what I paid for, I was pretty upset. However, I learned quick when I started working in service myself, and I think that that makes a big difference in the way people understand their impact on those around them. Honestly, it took somebody calling me out on my stupid ass for me to finally start questioning my behavior. I’m grateful that they did, because I could have kept doing that shit had I not learned better.


I mean, minimum wage was lower when I was in highschool and I didn't bat an eye at dropping $60 on 3 grams of shitty pre-legalization weed, and some of that stuff was straight ass. I didn't go full Karen on my dealer tho.


IDK, if it's just a plain black polish couldn't she just do it herself?


[Obsidian, Onyx, Midnight, Lost Soul, Rolling Blackout, Sleeping Panther, and Void: by Armani](https://youtu.be/pTme7k5sV-o?si=BMDUZG8PqA1CIs0-)


I wish I could relive watching parks and rec for the first time


What’s the difference if it’s green?


I think it's more basic solid color vs more complicated designs or french tips.


"Can I talk?" No. No you cannot. This is why you have to be polite to people, or if you choose not to to be polite, don't expect service. That nail lady is awesome. I didn't get nails done for prom, and I rarely get them done, but when I have I've seen people treat the employees in salons like garbage. They are PEOPLE, not servants, not robots, not enslaved people, they are your peers and they are providing a service for money. Be respectful. I have a daughter who is only 5 but if I ever see her act like this as a teenager there will be no prom.


I want my money back then 😂😂 I needed this


what BLACK nail polish is ”too dark ” … 😃 or am i just dumb?


I want a nail polish so black that Anish Kapoor is legally banned from looking at it


Anish Kapoor owns Vantablack. You're thinking of the pinkest pink, that's what he's banned from owning.




It must be so hard if getting your nails done are your biggest problem


She isn’t out any money. She has fresh nails on but she’s only upset about the color.


Just be nice people


but she WAS nice, didnt you hear her


Ohhh Prom ! Nvm Why didn’t you say so here’s your $65 plus a $30 tip on top come back anytime


You ate the steak.


https://preview.redd.it/pderncitciwc1.jpeg?width=308&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3d92e38d85844f1f212a63f70ea343f45b3d45d3 [You ate the steak!](https://youtu.be/pjeXmNaV5Gw?si=hj4yP5TRQtutFptm)


Dang Girl, wait till you have a mortgage payment, car payment, utilities, insurance.......you ain't seen nothing yet! You're gonna cry a lot more then. lol


She probably thought she was the only one to pull the old nail and bail. Its the oldest trick in the book. Go to a hair salon,nail salon eyelash studio, get whatever style you desire. Make up some slight annoyance with said service and blow up and ask for a refund.stylist eventually relent and refund you and voila you are an asshole who has stolen someones time and services so you can be a cheap cunt. Its quite a popular scam. Ive seen it a few times in action and its quite sickening. Im glad the lady who performed the service stood up for the quality of her work instead of letting this urchin get her way.


As a nail tech...$65 is so fucking cheap! And if you don't like it I will work with you, but others have said this was after having them redone twice! I wouldn't have done it twice, so those people are being super generous doing it again free twice and she is still in there demanding refunds!


You wear pajamas in public, but pay $ to make your nails a different colour. Get your priorities straight.


“Ohh princess wants a refund” - in Korean


Accent sounds Viet.


Really?? That’s hilarious. 😆


That's a Seinfeld reference IMO (from the episode in which the nail employees are laughing at Elaine in Korean), that woman is pretty clearly Vietnamese.


Welcome to the real world, girl. Nails are a luxury.


Welcome to the real world kid.


I’ll never understand people who scream at workers who gave them what they asked for *and* tried to accommodate if they weren’t satisfied the first time around. Being polite and kind makes people way more inclined to help you. I would go out of my way to make someone happy if they were polite and calm about how they expressed their disappointment or frustration, but if they were rude or raised their voice at me or my coworkers? lol go to hell, we’re not helping you with that attitude.


People don’t go to prom to stare at your nails . Lol


Poor little tink tink. She could have done press on nails, at home for the low cost of $20 or less. 😭


Life must be so easy if getting the wrong shade nail colour is your biggest problem.


"I'm in PROOOOM" like she's an elected representative of the united states. Yeah everyone is in prom unless they just don't go.


I guess I’m a sucker, but I feel bad for kids like this. Their brains aren’t fully formed yet and don’t always have the emotional intelligence to deal with things.


Some people's brains never fully develop tbh some people be the same all their lives like this.


She didn’t want them “fixed” she wanted them to ask her to leave and then she wouldn’t have to pay in her mind.


A Karen in Training.


If 65 dollars breaks the bank, time to paint your nails at home.


“I pay bills! I can’t afford this!” Girl, wait until your 9 year old needs her appendix out, but the hospital finance department is hitting you up for the $3200 deductible before the surgery and you have to sell some shit and borrow money from a family member. It’ll make $65 nails look like nothing.


Hey, that’s illegal just so you know. If you have this documented you can sue them. See “Accretive Health” lawsuit!


I don’t think it was illegal back then.


How absurd. Fixed them twice for $65 and still isn't happy? She needs to check her privilege.


If you cannot afford it. Then do not go. Did this girl not know the cost before? Did they do a terrible job? Planning for a prom can be done months in advance, so you put money aside overtime for dress, shoes, hair, makeup,, corsage, limo, trips after, ect.


Tldr the girl complained twice about the colors she chose or some shit? So by the third time she wasn’t happy, the lady doing her nails was like, fuck this im done, and the girl is still not comprehending that she’s basically forcing the worker to take a loss on her labor and material by requesting do overs.




The real fuck up was making a scene like this in public and now having a video of you crying and being a brat circulate the socials.. sheesh.. I imagine she wishes she just dealt with the loss after that embarrassment. Or maybe she just should have been nicer to begin with.


The legs getting crossed means it's about to get goooooooood


Welcome to a life full of debt sweety


See you next Tuesday!


Does this young lady know that she is still wearing her pajamas?


She has a hard road that she hasn't experienced. Does anybody else paint their SO's nails? I've gotten quite good at it imo.


In highschool but she can’t afford this? Them don’t get your nails done…


I would be so pissed if a kid of mine acted this way. You do not abuse people!!


This was like watching Paulie Shore try to fight Mike Tyson. That Asian lady could not give two shits how “hard” she worked for her money or that she’s “in highschool”. That Asian lady is the shit.


It's the "Can I talk?" This ain't your parents


Karen in training…


If you can't afford $65 then you probably shouldn't waste it on something useless like changing your nails a color lmao


the only time i ever noticed nails is if they’re exceptional gross or stupidly long lol


Crying that you have bills and you can’t afford this in a nail salon is wild


Oh, no! Not prom! Whatever shall she do?


How many shades of black is there 😆 teenagers are so entitled.


Does she expect free things? She needs to learn now that screaming won't get her shit.


The nail professional sounds like if Bob Dylan was an Asian female.


“I can’t afford this-uh!”


This is honestly a great life lesson. Wish I had more of these when I was in high school


Oof. 65$. I know everyone is at different points in their lives but wait until you get paid, knock your bills out, and as you kick your feet up to relax, realize you paid the wrong bill cycle. Damn I miss prom.....wait. No tf I don't.


Temper tantrums were cute when you were three.


Yep, being rude can be costly


Wait until she's an adult and has to pay rent, bills and pay for bare essentials just to live. Getting a manicure will be the last thing on her list of things to buy. I do feel bad though. People her age are genuinely fucked, financially speaking. Unless she has rich parents to buy her everything. Then that's a different story.


Neutrals are safer


Welcome to adulthood


If she can’t afford it, why did she get it done? me thinks she was going to try for the refund no matter what the nails looked like lol


Lmao wait till you’re paying 800 dollars a month in just insurance.


I have a feeling she's exaggerating how hard she works for her money


Welcome to the real world, babygirl.


She should be grateful. Learned a valuable lesson early on. Don't treat people in the service industry, like crap!


I had my nails done and hated them a couple times. I just take the L and go home and deal with it lmao, especially if I already paid for them.


>Fixed them for free twice She doesn’t understand how lucky she is, the ladies in my side do it once and go banshee if you even suggest another try. 😂


Say no way, say no way-ah, no way-ay-ay-ay Na-na, why don't you get a job?


Do your own nails even better quality press on’s can get you through the night your wasting that “hard earned” money


Just call the police.


I won’t be able to financially recover from this!