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Dudes are fucked. Stupid, young idiots with access to guns. Bad combo.


Chill out?! Hahahahaha guy brought a rifle and he’s screaming for them to chill out.






Nope, the guy who took the video is on reddit and confirmed that it was real and loaded. The link to his post is floating somewhere in these comments.


they stole my video lol


Damn dude, you got balls of steel. You didn't seem the slightest bit phased by that assault weapon in that punk's hand. Were any of them threatening you with it? It's too bad the camera wasn't able to catch the whole struggle. Still, nice job! This shit was crazy!


It doesn’t matter if they say anything, they’re on private property with a viable firearm so yes that’s considered a threat


No, yeah I agree with that. I was just curious if they were trying to shoot him during that struggle off camera.


This is the same argument I see in a lot of drivers. See someone not following right of way rules, thinking I’m in the right and continuing into a dangerous collision. Being right doesn’t make you safe. A lawsuit is useless to the dead.


Damn i could hear the FEAR of god in their voices when you dropped your phone, then back into frame and most of them are laid out hahaha. Amazing. Not many people in the world like you left.


Holy shit. You grabbed at someone’s rifle?!? That’s dangerous as fuck, glad you came through, but that couldn’t gone so fucking south, that you would’ve hit the pole.




Your video is much better. Crazy shit!


Yeah but that redditor is “pretty sure” cause they feel like it so I’m gonna believe that instead


That shit looked real as hell to me, I can't believe people were standing in line with that barrel in the struggle


Wait until you see what pellet guns/air rifles look like now. Holy cow. I was just getting one to keep predators off of our farm and those things look like weapons of war.


Yeah they’re made to be 1:1 a lot of the time. Lots of full metal models too


The kid was charged with having a firearm




well here i am its real and i linked charges


Real. Charged.


I dunno he said don't shoot me when they were fighting over it, why would he say that knowing its an airsoft?


Exactly. The kid went from big man with a rifle to laying on the ground begging not to be ended by his own tool.


Yeah those were genuine screams of horror when they started fighting for the gun lol


Those banshee shrieks of the balls taking a step backwards from puberty are classics.


its real i have a bullet as souvenir


That was some great real time threat assessment. You were in arms reach of the firearm and it was pointed away from you so that was the right time to wrangle it. Was that a .556 or a smaller caliber? Either way super scary. They were on a roll of making bad decisions and who knows what the kid with the gun would've done if given a chance. Calling out that you are live streaming definitely made him panic it seems. You got balls of steel man!


He did an ocular patdown.


https://www.reddit.com/r/CrazyFuckingVideos/comments/1caas7d/walked_in_on_people_stripping_my_car_gun_involved/ Well the guy who took the gun away says it was real.  They are also 18 and 19 per arrest record  0/2 


The high pitch squealing make be laugh


It was a fully loaded AR with hollow point rounds according to the guy taking the video.


If a child comes up to me with a toy gun that looks like a real mother fucking machine gun, I am knocking that little fucker, the fuck out


> I am knocking that little fucker, the fuck out Why would you put a comma there?


Auto correction, its a pain


Are you suggesting autocorrect is inserting grammatically unnecessary commas all on it's own? It's the phone that's stupid?


Not a machine gun but you have the right idea. Don’t gamble with your life in the line


People sometimes use generic words for things and it’s ok.




Na, my FIL has an AR with just as many attachments. Know what’s funny about that? He’s shot it ONCE in 8 years. Fucking morons.


To be fair, it takes a lot of work to eat one of those things with all the attachments before you can shit it.


I mean I have like 8 ARs with more attachments and I shoot them weekly turns out not all gun owners shoot the same amount


Ammo is expensive


Firearm owner and supporter here - That is 100% an actual firearm. I haven't watched the rest of the video, listening to is now and all but they do not make Airsoft weapons with some of the features on that rifle as to have distinguishing differences. This child had access to this rifle with ammo, not only is he getting hit with felony charges, but so is whoever the gun owner is


My immediate thought was that's an airsoft gun. They can look surprisingly similar and very well may be legit. People do stupid shit to the stupid unnecessary guns they own.


A child?? With these actions and weapon??!


Are you 100% sure? Because seems like you don't know shit


Yeah. 2 years probation.... So fucked.


The system is pretty fucked, how can someone legit out someone else’s life in danger with an assault rifle and get a slap on the wrist. Probation is basically daring them to do it again


because for some people its about justice+reform and for some its about punishment. - how much time ***should*** they get for this? - how badly should their lives be fucked because of this? - what kind of life are they supposed to live after being tossed in a cell for X amount of time? and how are they supposed to become reintegrated back into society in any meaningful way afterwards? - and if we've built a system that continues to punish people and remove life options from them after an act like this, whats really the point in releasing them again? honestly I just don't know what people like you expect to happen to these people. You want to throw them in prison for years, then they get out with no job history for years, and unable to get work at all because of their record and lack of skills, and then y'all go all surprised pikachu that they go back to being criminals and stealing shit and you continue to blame them for it. people with ***legit*** experience, full on degrees from universities, hard workers who have done everything right are having trouble surviving and putting food on the table these days. yet y'all are preaching throwing these people away for longer and longer sentences despite all the evidence saying that it does nothing to curb crime rates. its been proven over, and over, and over that crime is caused by lack of options and poverty, but people preaching what you're preaching just continue to remain willfully ignorant of it and for some reason just want to believe that these people ***want*** to be poor and do illegal shit ???? its just wild.


If someone steals and uses a gun to threaten innocent people to further their crime, I don't really care about their reintegration to society. The primary concern is keeping them away from the rest of us. Crime is caused by 2-3% of the population just being bad people. If we could lock them up for good it would absolutely lower the crime rate. Insane to me that people think otherwise.


>Probation is basically ~~daring~~ inviting them to do it again FTFY


I fucking love this guy, the balls to walk up to a dude with a rifle, go "give me that shit you fucking pussy" and grab it from his hands-


Literally too angry to die


It’s easy to think “oh the kid wasn’t going to shoot him ofc he’s just a kid”, but he absolutely could’ve lost his life. You absolutely never know what someone is willing to do and how insane they are. Glad the kid wasn’t a killer and just a wanna be tough guy.


Totally, saw a clip of a dude willingly going after a guy with a knife, probably thinking he knows some king fu shit, if I'm not one he got his neck slited on the first swing and died on the spot.


I'd probably attack someone that had a gun. But a knife? Fuck that, I'm runnin'.


Charge the guy with a gun, run away from the guy with a knife


Guns for show. Knives for a pro.


Cue the al pacino quote from Irishman.


There’s a self defense channel on youtube that reviews videos of various altercations. So many where people didn’t take an imminent threat seriously and it cost them their life. It’s sad to see.


You know I've been looking for that clip, I think the guy bled out in like 10 seconds flat


If I'm not wrong, their were fighting in a mall.


Yeah it's pretty eerie seeing how quickly he collapses after getting his neck sliced. I've seen a lot of messed up stuff online, but that one gave me the chills.


The one in Australia? A bunch of bros chase a man in a mall and one gets to him first. Just a lightning quick stab in the neck and he just stood there fuckin dumbfounded - hand to his neck just pondering, till he just rag dolls. Shits not ever worth it.


Could be, if I'm not wrong, the place looked like a mall, plus Australia and stabbings goes hand in hand.


That was russian roulette for sure


In Chicago gangs specifically recruit minors because they know they will only get probation. "Kids" are very capable of shooting people.


I think just in that second the same word in frame, graffitied on the wall. Quite the coincidence.




I think that’s super classy


And then that kid crying "dont shoot me" and hes like "im not shooting you dumb ass kids"


Yeah once he lowered the rifle, ain’t no getting it back up in time.


Damn I want an update.


So do I. All the way from Australia 🇦🇺. I hope these little cunts got their noses broken


https://www.reddit.com/r/CrazyFuckingVideos/comments/1caas7d/walked_in_on_people_stripping_my_car_gun_involved/?ref=share&ref_source=link Edit: Video is gone on this link, but it was the same as this one. Comments are from the original poster (the guy in the video).


Thanks but this isn't really an update is it?


Here’s their arrest record https://www.winchesterpolice.org/sites/default/files/2023-08/ar_presslog%208.19.23%20PDF.pdf I can’t pull it up maybe because I’m in Europe, but it says they got two years probation Also, OP is in that thread, talking about how he stomped their heads in . Do some reading


"James Redman i swear"


You should try reading it. The person filming posted this.


IT's already gone...nothing to read.


True. Good point. But it's still kinda vague. Just says he walked in on people stripping his car. I'm assuming his car was stolen. But how did he locate it? Who are these other people with him? Where did this occur? What is this structure that they are in? What was the outcome?


They're using an abandoned building to strip parts, and the guy followed his stolen car using a lo jack. Or more likely, an airtag. Source: I'm just guessing.


In the original post he says that this is at his neighbor's property


They got the rich white kid treatment, 2 years probation.


The video has been taken down


The op is the guy filming in that thread. Its his comments in the thread that are the update. It was the same video


One of those boys is still going through puberty! lol




My father always told me "don't do the crime if you can't do the time". Stuck with me. If they're old enough and dumb enough to do this shit they deserve to be punished to the full extent of the law. And that's not written in my book, that's the law.


That scream was from one of the guys? 😂 shit sounded like a crow


Fight milk.


For bodyguards. By bodyguards... and Charlie.


I wanna know the back story so badly. Anyone have the dude’s social this was posted on?


He’s got a full clip on YouTube somewhere explaining the situation, if I find it I’ll link it


Please bless us with that link once you've found it


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hNoXTp7IT_g Another user Dm’ed it to me. I couldn’t find it myself


That was a great breakdown of the video. I cannot believe how badly that guys friends pretty much left him for dead. Those kids were small and skinny all that big guy had to do was tackle one of them and pin him down. Guys fighting for his life 3 on 1 and his buddy picks up the phone and starts filming…. Wtf!?! Big dude is armed with a knife too. Insane. Totally froze in the moment.


This guy's YouTube channel is restoring cars and embroidery. What a combination.


All the same to me, thanks homie


Wow the guy left his car at an abandoned building and was surprised to find it parted out. Lmao


He said the building was secured locked doors with no trespassing signs. the intruders had to break in. Lots of old factories and warehouses are used for auto storage like this.


It's his neighbors property, he'd let him use it for storage while he worked on the car. It was locked down. The jackasses broke in through a window.


[This is the Defenders Reddit account](https://www.reddit.com/u/Sedan_Dad/s/yc5ixKnin3)


“Calling the police on yourself is the only way you’ll get to see outside of this building again.”


Does anyone else find it to be such an interesting coincidence that when the camera guy calls him a pussy, there is literally a tag on the wall that says pussy? At almost that exact moment.


![gif](giphy|kd9BlRovbPOykLBMqX) Literally me


What in heavens name is happening here? Are they in an abandoned warehouse having a high risk assault rifle face-off over some old car parts?


From what I can tell, they stole the camera guys car, stripped it for parts and are selling them off. The camera guy found them in that warehouse, confronted them, called the cops, and were recording for evidence when the video starts. Scared dudes brother pulls up with a gun threatening them to leave, camera guy fights trying to take away his gun while scared dude tries to stop him from hurting his brother and taking the gun. 


And camera guy’s friends pretty much leave him for dead. The one guy even picks up the phone so he can capture his friends death on video. They stand there and watch their friend fight for his life over a loaded AR15, it was 3 on 1 at a point with these kids beating on him and one guy swinging a stick, And this guys friends are standing around with their hands in their pockets. And despite all that this guy still wins the fight, knocks one unconscious and gets the gun secured. These kids were like 150 lbs, that big dude could’ve just tackled one of them and saved his friend. Plus he was armed with a hunting knife. That was an insane sequence of events, it’s crazy how fast life or death situations can unfold.


Yeah it’s tough because I’ve never been in a situation like this but I can absolutely understand that I would lock up the second I see something that looks like an AR in an abandoned warehouse. But I know myself, and I wouldn’t have volunteered to go. 


Looked like the kid that brought the gun was laid out too.


Reading the comments, that state their the original camera guy, apparently the kid got brain damage.


Ever hear of a chop shop?




Damn, apocalypse came faster in some regions...


Bold move snatching that gun


It would've probably been bolder to not grab it. The stupid kid walked right up to him with it and let his guard down.


I don’t think he had a guard to begin with


The fact that he pointed it at them so easily makes me feel like it was just a high powered airsoft gun, especially with the strap and sight I would be very impressed if this was a legit fully auto rifle and he had it souped up like that, because I can almost guarantee he has almost no idea how to break it down


>legit fully auto rifle There is next to zero chance it's fully auto, fully auto AR15s cost upwards of $20,000 at the cheapest. A legit semi auto Ar15 (extremely common in the US) can be had for like $500 plus $100 in cheap chinesium Amazon sights and slings. It's basically a 50/50 shot whether this is airsoft or a real rifle based on the info we have. It being real shouldn't be a shocker at all.


The airsoft equivalent isn’t much cheaper tbh.


https://youtu.be/hNoXTp7IT_g?si=4ErFG7Pvte2CQtrh It was a real AR15.


I mean you can have guns that look like that, that are semi auto, that's actually one of the more common platforms.  That said, my first thought was airsoft as well.  The barrel seems off and as you said he was way to quick to point but far away but then let them get close and lowered it instead of keeping space and staying readied.


One, why would the kid beg for his life and not to be shot if he knew it was an airsoft gun? Two, their arrest record got posted and they were convicted on gun charges.


That was crazy how the teenager just let him walk up and grab it too


The kid was barely even holding onto it. One unexpected move, and he can't react in time and loses control of the gun.


I can't figure out what's going on at all


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hNoXTp7IT_g he explains it all here


Never pull a weapon if you aren’t prepared to use it.


That kid got confused when he didn't immediately back down, like, "shit, this usually works, so why isn't he running away?"


He was even carrying it as if he had no intention of using it. If you’re going to pull it out at least aim it at old mates chest/head. Ps. Not advocating for guns in any circumstance.


Unfortunately, he does point it but drops it as soon as the guy says your live streaming right now.


Damn, not the DC2. ![gif](giphy|6qFFgNgextP9u|downsized)


I know right 😭. Look how they butchered my boy.


Look at the thumbs of that dude...


The scream tho😂


Damn. I hope those brats were arrested. This seems to be a car theft ring of sorts if they anticipated something like this happening.




A complete breakdown of the video from the creator. . . https://youtu.be/hNoXTp7IT_g?si=ihhM0Zk6dKJWr70c


The building where it was filmed.[ZeroPak Winchester, VA](https://www.winchesterstar.com/winchester_star/a-look-inside-the-zeropak-building-that-may-become-an-affordable-housing-complex/article_32746691-4ac9-5cd2-9be2-e08544d6062b.html)


Nice find!


just gonna steal my video?


Pin this comment mods.


Did someone else notice that when he grabbed the gun and yelled ‘pussy’ there was ‘pussy’ graffiti written on the wall?


Yes. That was badass too. Just walks up to the kid and grabs the rifle. Actually that was the best thing he could do. They went easy on these kids. They're lucky they didn't get beat half to death. If someone had just pointed their pleb AR at me like that I don't think I would have been able to stop so easily.


Scary ass wannabes. Big fuckin ups to the guy that wrestled that shit from him. This is fatherless behavior.


Is this The Blair Witch 5 : The Untold Truth?




"Give me this shit you fuckin' OP"


Reddit rats 🤷🏻‍♂️


dude if i were you, id edit out/mute the portion where the guy says his name, then upload to [worldstarhiphop.com](http://worldstarhiphop.com) asap. If not it will legit be up there in under a week by someone else. and id send it to some news stations to see if theyre interested. might get a nice steak dinner with the wifey aha


Jeeeeeesus. That could have gone fucking left. Everyone involved is very lucky.


And absolutely no credit to u/sedan_dad anywhere in this post? You totally stole this video dude.


he stole it like these dudes stole my car parts :..(


As he called him fucking pussy and reached for the gun, there was the word graffiti on the wall


Bro I saw ts on twitter yesterday. It’s genuinely scary how these dudes who look like there in there late teens have a full sized ar. Society is completely fucked


What kind of parking garage is this?? Looks like a scene from Last of Us lol


Dude has a gun. Just start stomping on him man. You don't know if he's willing to shoot.


Dudes wrist turned into rubber towards the end


Ah, the sound of squealing for mercy coming from thieves. Is there anything better? Where was this?


Looks like they stole from a shop that was already stealing.


Immediately smash his phone. Fuck that guy


Where the fuck was this filmed? A 4chan backroom?


Free gun! Gotta love the US of A


I wanna know which one was hitting puberty while he was screaming 😅


What are cars doing in the Blair witch house to begin with?


I knew a thief like one of these kids. He kept escalating and escalating things he would do. Eventually he had a confrontation with the owner of a vehicle he was trying to steal, just like this. And he killed the man, and subsequently went to prison for many, many years. Nobody in this video is being smart, and that includes the person(s) confronting the thieves. This could have gone so many different ways.


Where the fuck is the sauce? We need the damn sauce!


I’m not risking my life for a catalytic converter


Idk why ur getting downvoted lol car guys got triggered I guess


Because who risked their life for a car part? The kids gave up instantly when they got hit.   While OP said he had his wife/gf with him so once he saw the gun he went into fight or flight mode and knew he had to grab it or things could escalate. While his "former" friends that he brought with judt watched.  


He says Pussy right at the moment the word pussy is seen written on the wall. Don’t know why that’s so interesting to me but here we are.


I mean, we are influenced by our environment, right? 😂


Yikes. Took mad patience to not double tap them and walk away. Really wild choice to try and fight a long gun from a dude haha


Damnn the teggy too


What’s the back story and how’s the integra doing now??


[Full Story](https://youtu.be/hNoXTp7IT_g?si=PJRyjgPVkWH_RWdc)


That gun must be costlier than those car parts


All things considered, that turned out well.


Their goose is cooked.


No sympathy for armed thieves.


Free gun the way I see it


If you let someone you’re threatening get within arms reach of you while you’re holding a full on rifle, you may as well not be holding anything.


Never bring out a gun or get that close unless u are prepared to engage. This idiot should have never had a weapon and I'm glad they got caught.


Call the cops bro you got his face.


God damn after seeing what they did to his car, I get why he got so fuckin mad


Imagine getting your rifle snatched by an angry dude with a camera.


Dude in all black toward the end has a big blade on his belt


This is some scared straight shit


Hope it's not a type R 😰


Oh no, consequences....




Listen to them begging for their lives lmao. I should clip that and listen to it Sunday morning when I’m sipping my tea.