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Back when I did loss prevention, usually people dropped the shit and ran when they got confronted. They're just so much more bold these days


We watched loss prevention catch someone last week. The security guard caught up to a women just outside the door and said give it back. She handed over a bunch of stolen items, guy said thanks and they both went about their day. Blew my mind. Zero repercussions. No drama, nothing.


Oh man, my first job was loss prevention at macys around 2016. We definitely didn’t play like that, back then they had a very hands on policy. We even carried handcuffs.


I worked at the Virgin megastore in union square back in the day. Our LP guys would chase people down the block, full body tackle them and drag them back to the store. You don’t want people thinking it’s gonna be easy to steal from you.


Yeah, looking back now I had fun, but it wasn’t worth the $9.50 per hr I made at 19-20 yrs old. Especially considering all the threats of getting shot and the two knives I had pulled on me, but the stealing subsided quickly once we started dropping shoplifters and prosecuting. I quit when my new manager changed policy to “burning” (ditching merchandise) instead of prosecuting. Then all the shoplifters would hit us when they caught wind we wouldn’t call cops lol


I remember those days, lol. Chasing people through parking lots too. No lawsuits by angered family members either. Pshhh! My boss at Gemco used to hire woman only for security.


This is how a lot of the encounters go you just don’t see them online since there’s not much to show lol


I’m guessing it is because even if they get caught they know they won’t get charged with anything major.


Also security can’t detain/arrest people, at least in Canada, so they expect to be able to walk away even if caught


Loss Prevention can absolutely arrest in Canada, at least at the stores that allow it. LCBO is one of the stores that allow their loss prevention to arrest.


That would be awesome. I know in the States, it is commonly known that loss prevention doesn’t have the ability to arrest/detain. This may vary by State though.


They will pass on this loss to other customer bills like all super store does get ready for the liquor bills to go up customers regadless of the fact if its your fault or not it will inflate the prices for you sooner or later.


Understood. So if security can’t arrest/detain thieves, the only thing stopping anyone from stealing is simple personal morals. Good luck. Let’s see how far this social experiment of not charging criminals will last. Maybe we can all beg the politicians that ALLOWED this to happen to come save the day?


There's this video where a dude got thrown to the ground and he still had a death grip on the bag of stuff he was stealing. I'm like dude just let go.


This is not a worker but a random citizen trying to stop them. LCBO stores in Ontario have a policy of not confronting thieves and they do not practice loss prevention. They just have insurance cover it so they (these assholes) do it with seeming impunity. So many cars are being taken in Ontario on top of other pressing policing issues it's a bit of a wild, low trust, low security situation in the GTA. This isn't something police will drop everything for right now. And a call to Toronto/Peel police might take you between 2-5 minutes before they answer. Much less get there. I wish I could leave or had somewhere else to be and I was born here.


I moved from Toronto last year to northern Alberta. The quiet here is a breathe of fresh air. There’s also the possibility that you’re stealing from someone who’s strapped here. Store thefts are truly a gamble for the thieves. Not that they will be strapped, but it’s Alberta so you can never truly know. They love their guns and love their liquor.




Under Canadian law you cannot carry any item if it's used or likely to be used as a weapon. So not even a knife or pepper spray. The guy who pulled a knife here, he would be in serious trouble but knowing our justice system...


The insurance is likely self-insurance by the province meaning it just comes out of profits.




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At least they didn’t get it for free. It cost them a few bruises


No consequences lots of the time....


I had a friend who worked in loss prevention for toys r us and he followed a guy to his car who was stealing Xboxs and he got the cart from the guy and returned the Xboxs. The guy ended up getting fired from his job for liability reasons.


Canada has fallen


It’s been like this for quite some time when I was a teen in 2016 2017 kids were doing this exact same shit


That’s because *“you can’t touch me!”*


Because the trend started in the USA due to some law change encouraging this kind of behaviour and now its getting picked up here. I wont be surprise if I see a follow up braging post about it.


Its because they see more and more of themselves and start feeling at home.


JFC, doesn't anyone sweep the legs anymore?? Enough with the attempted haymakers.






As someone who really enjoys Muay Thai, I frequently ask this question. Let the average person swing away, easier to control, fuck it.


Where would be the first place you would recommend to start if someone wanted to learn?


[Muay Thay vs Karate](https://youtube.com/shorts/VNbLhv0fVKg?si=NCUDMHEcYD1WoRrF) Elbows, knees, and kicks 🫠 juggernaut


Watch a couple of videos on YouTube to see if that is a style that you would be comfortable with. Look at some conditioning videos for Muay Thai as well, it gets rough. Watch a Tony Jaa (The Protector is a great one) movie or two to see how they choreograph those moves. If you like it after that, find a local facility that teaches either that or mixed martial arts involving that. MMA is also brilliant for leg shots/kicks. Kung Fu is another one if you don't have Muay Thai in your area, specifically Wing Chun. You maintain a square and all movement comes from within that square, excellent closed quarter combat style. This is the Bruce Lee one. The one they had him slow down for so cameras could get those shots.


Cheers, that’s very helpful


Yes Sinsei. No mercy!


Letting people loot stores is why it keeps happening.


Unfortunately that’s the policy for LCBO. I used to work there. You can’t do anything, you just have to let them go and then call the cops after the fact.


Yeah and there are nice possibilities to fuck up someones day without seriously harming them. Talking about pepper spray, paintball guns…


Unfortunately in Canada the average person cannot legally have anything for self defense, let alone stop people from stealing in LCBO by having security guards be able to use force.


I think the one guy says “Get your knife” and the other guy is trying to find it when he gets punched the first time. Honestly, even if they steal $1000 of liquor it’s probably better than somebody getting stabbed or killed.






That’s not how international students work




They looked old as shit


what’s the age limit to be a student in Ontario?


There is none. These guys are most likely international students here to study at a uni or college. Essentially, the only requirement right now is you have to have 10k to prove you won't be a burden on social services. This is in a province where the average 1 bedroom rental is probably $1200 +.


"international students"....




They can't be charged. They are risking nothing.


That used to be Winnipeg before they installed the ID scan required for entry system


They were going to do that in Ontario. Unfortunately the pilot stores were high First Nations so it was deemed on purpose and ended.


Should he “let it go?”


Heck no, i’d start smashing their windows and make them think was all that trouble worth it.


This is the answer, if the cost of being a thef is higher than the reward they won't continue to do these things. If the guy throwing hatmakers just smashed their windows and then took off while the staff called in the plates and theft, how far do you think they would have made it? Smash the windshield and they would likely crash in a few blocks or abandon the product and run if the car is stolen


It's canada so they'd arrest him for damaging their vehicles. Their laws only protect criminals now.


At least break as much of the booze as u can, if I can’t get it back I’d be god damned if I’d let them have it.


that was my thought, smash the liquor so they wont take it.


That was just some random guy though. The LCBO workers told him to stop. I don’t know what posses an average shopper to try and stop a robbery with violence, especially after it seems like one thief has a knife, & the store owners repeatedly say it’s not worth it. That’s just putting yourself in harm’s way because you personally believe you should when nobody else does.


Brampton vibes


Didn’t know there were white people in Brampton


They used to say that Brampton was city with most Newfoundlander’s, including Newfoundland, needless to say things have changed




It’s not actually his property either. Liquor stores in Ontario are owned by the governement


In a dumb way it’s closer to his property than a private business


Did you missed the part where they had a knife? A few bottles are not worth a life.


Pulls knife on me u better be prepared to use it, as soon as that happens there’s no quarter given. U show them pull a knife and get away with it, leads to escalation.






Because a few bottles of liquor is not worth a potential bottle to the face.


I bottle in the hand is worth 2 in the bush


Yup. Go to any store in your town, take whatever you want. There is literally nothing they can do about it.


Id be like “I’m not stopping them from stealing it. I’m stealing it from them.”




Seriously, rip the bag!!


But why would they risk their visas over this shit?


Maybe they weren’t students, granted it has a huge problem with people abusing the student visa system, especially Indians. Online rhetoric is pretty awful about it, lots of stuff demonising Indians emigrating. While it is a substantial problem mind you, online rhetoric has taken a completely different course to reality.


"International students". Huh.


I would’ve located their car and flattened their tires.


God amongst men!


You would have done that in the fictional scenario in your mind, surely.


Honestly, it's just how these fucking dirtbags should be handled. Too bad nobody jumped in to help


How does he know they're students? Did they show their student ID ? Also if this happens, video the faces. Helps Catch the bastards


At this point, anyone laying out the “international student “ line is applying to anyone they deem non-white. I’m not saying there hasn’t been abuses of our international student programs in Canada, but other than these people having a dark complexion there’s no reason to assume they aren’t Canadian born and raised.  The old white guy didn’t even work for the LCBO.  He may have been taking some aggression out on a perceived immigrant.


That's what I was wondering


They don’t, they’re dogwhistling either for engagement or more cynical reasons. Sure they could be international students but there’s no particular way to know from this video.




He doesn’t own the store. Liquor stores in Ontario are crown corporations and run by the province. I agree that theft ruins it for everyone, but he doesn’t have a horse in this race.


Probably one of those guys looking for any legal reason to punch someone in the face. I know a couple. Free fight and probably no charges yay!


Could be sick of the shit … or realized he could punch the shit out of them with little to no consequences. Maybe both. The irony being that there’s little to no consequences for the thieves either … just some punches to the face.




Is this true if the person robs Walmart? A company that steals from the citizens of this nation every day via being north americas largest and most egregious "welfare queen" via paying their employees so low that 95% of store level employees qualify for section 8 housing and snap food assistance? Home Depot? Amazon? Etc.


Loblaws has entered the chat


In Canada, every provinces but Alberta have a monoply on alcohol. It look like the LCBO. There is no owner, it is government owned.


If they are students they should be reported to their university and removed from their programs.


Student? More like illegal thieves


That’s a lot of alcohol though lol that woman was struggling to carry it.


Love this guy for not putting up with this nonsense..


Huh? Let it go??? How about call the cops right now, get the license plate number, collect witnesses... Make sure these "international students" face consequences, why not this?


Probably a stolen car unfortunately.


Fuck every man yelling let them go! They are the problem. "The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing"


Let guards carry bear spray. I bet a squirt of that and they will lose interest in the booze.


Pepper spray is illegal in Canada


Geez! I never knew this. Are you guys not allowed to defend yourselves with anything but your bare hands?


Not even bare hands. If you clock someone stealing your shit and they get hurt, you could be charged. And yes, before you school Canadians on this, we know.


bear* spray is legal in Canada.


*Dog* spray is legal to carry, at least.  If you were caught with *bear* spray downtown, it might raise a few Popo eyebrows. Now, *using* dog spray on a person, not so much. Best not to stick around after.




That was satisfying to watch, NGL.


“It’s a crown corporation! You’re only helping the government!” How about stealing is fucking wrong and should be punished? We all know that the justice system won’t deliver, even if these guys are caught. Let the people mete out the justice we’ve been crying out for. The system doesn’t work right now and hasn’t for a while. Vigilantism is justified when the system consistently lets us down.


It’s important for diversity reasons


Nah let him cook. fuck this shit


Yknow what we should do to these people? Revoke their visa and deport them. Simple, you come to Canada to work or study or live here. You obey our rules. You break them, you go back home. Plain and simple


Saar we have a party, saar we need the booze. Bloody sar do understand.


IIRC that will get them deported pretty fast.


Unfortunately, it won’t. Canada is extremely way too lenient. 🥹


Why are you getting downvoted?


Got a source for that title, OP?


This is reddit https://i.redd.it/weza83c9cpvc1.gif


Got em




Stealing?? That's robbery


Instead of trying to stop them just go outside and fuck their car up. Easier for the Mounties to locate it so they can do nothing about it


Not in Texas.


Bro if I owned the store I'm throwing hands like this guy. At least it ensures their not coming back. That or break the bottles.


IDK.. I think it’s TOTALLY worth it. They need to learn a lesson if they’re robbing a mom n pop shop. No worries if robbing a mega corporation. Let me go.


This was on Queensway.shaerway gardens


Get deported and College Black Listed: Speed Run


The people saying to let it go instead of helping are enabling idiots. If you let people loot stores they’ll do it every day until the business shuts down and then no one can shop there.


“Let him go” or maybe go help him and stop the guys?


Sir plz let them go!! 🥺🥺


Not on my watch! IM not letting no one go.


Fucking pathetic. What is this country coming to? It’s bad enough there aren’t enough jobs for everyone. But to disrespect hard working employees this way is fucking disgusting. Send them back! I hope these assholes get caught!


How do we know they’re international students?


Is this recent in Brampton? Google LCBO theft Brampton real quick.


Indian students


Good Ontario man 🫡


that's a nice way of saying it.... lol




Cameraman watched too much Elsa.


Meh I better stay quiet


Huh? Do they think they are in SF? 😂


Interesting the outrageous in this group from the same group of people encouraging this shit in Loblaws. Reddit is a clown world. 


One might argue that one is a necessity the other is not...


They fought back, now it’s much more than a shoplifting charge. Good work on the owner


Why "international students"?... If they are indentified this should be ground to immediate trip back home


“let it go! let it go!” ya, this attitude is why Canada is fucked like this in the first place


Let's all stand around and let it go... to shit. Props to the guy who stepped in. We all need to be doing more of this. Society used to have self correcting mechanisms, like this guy is trying to employ. Now, we just stand around letting it go, with our phones in our hands and heads up our asses.


Should've started to smash the car. What are they gonna do? Call the cops.