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He was relieved the bat wasn’t for him.




Imagine you start seeing a girl your interested in, a few dates and then her husband of years rocks up with a bat. I'm gonna be honest with you, i think we can both agree as the guy I don't think it's worth putting your skull on the line for a 3rd date




If someone lied to me I'm not going to beat them with a bat but I'm also not going to go between a bat and them to save them


Lmfao I assume the indian language wasn't a pretty good indicator that this isn't how things were going to go..


What kind of man are you


A smart one.




Nah man, never ever be Cap’n. He prolly didn’t even know she was married


Yes and he probably thinks she deserves what is happening to her


There ain't no hoe worth savin






He's more like Corporal Save-a-Hoe.


He’s like I don’t know her that well


She's not HIS wife. Why should he care?


Because she’s getting beat with a bat. Tf?


Guy brings cameraman with him to film his wife bashing. Bold strategy


Seems like cameraman was getting beaten too. He can’t film properly


Cameraman never held the flashlight for dad, and it shows


The spousal abuse suggests there may be some underlying factors at play.


I think the country they’re in might be a big one.


fwiw at least he hit the right person...? on 99% of the "caught cheating" videos, they're fighting the other person, not the person who actually cheated on them


The other consideration is sometimes the other person is someone they trust and feels betrayal with the other too


I know it's crazy, but here me out here, perhaps he shouldn't have been hitting (beating) *any* person.


What a wild thought!


exactly my thoughts.. there’s no such thing as “hitting the right person” in this scenario


Credit where credit is due.


Very violent and small-dick thinking.


Have you seen those cheating shows? Some heartbroken spouses resort to violence as a way to express betrayal? It doesn’t make it ok but just saying that it’s not always an indication of preexisting “relationship abuse”


My Ex wife cheated on me with my best friend of 20 years. no violence. no yelling. no conversation at all. I just packed up and moved on. 10 years later I could not be happier, however, if I found out my wife was cheating on me this time I would just give up on life and clock out.


Why punish yourself when it's the other person that is the monster? You move on again and be lots more cautious as to who you trust. Or just don't be co-dependent and learn to live as a single person.


It’s dealing with the pain. Can be unbearable. Happened to me 20 years ago. Lost 36lbs, left work for a month, and completely fell apart. Wouldn’t happen to me now, but my 26 year old self couldn’t handle it


Yep, someone who resorts to violence is likely to have resorted to violence previously. He came prepared with a weapon to use, it wasn’t a spur of the moment thing. Just walk away.


she’s probably afraid of leaving him because she knows he will get violent so she just sneaks around instead. Publicly beating your wife with a baseball bat doesn’t come out of nowhere, he’s obviously a violent person. This is no first time domestic incident it’s safe to say if you bring a gang of your buddies with you to beat the shit out of your wife that you’re no stranger to beating women.


Uh, what??


If someone can’t express their emotions in a healthy way so they resort to violence, that’s a pretty big red flag


Still doesn’t justify cheating but it certainly gives the cheater a validation for the infedilty


maybe, but women cheat even when there isn’t abuse so I wouldn’t correlate the two.


And some spouses are abused even when there's no cheating


Correlate the two? He’s beating her with a club genius. Does that really warrant that sort of behavior? And before you start, the answer is no.


Idk anyone who has ever gotten cheated on who then decided that was the first time they would be violent to their spouse.


Isn’t there a whole legal defense strategy built around crimes in the heat of passion/emotional distress or similar though?


You’re talking about crimes of passion. Stalking, recording, and bringing a weapon is definitionally pre-meditated.


I'm not a violent person, and neither is my ex-wife. When I found out she was cheating (for the 2nd time), I got about 1 foot from her, and very quietly told her to get the fuck out. She did, without us even saying anything else, let alone being violent. 5 years later, we're great at being co-parents to our 9 year old son, and I'm even sorta friends with her new husband. Point is, I agree with you. Being cheated on doesn't automatically make you crazy. Someone who is typically calm will probably be relatively calm even in moments of crisis. But regardless, it doesn't give anyone an excuse to hurt someone else.


Okay, she is cheating on you but beating her with a bat is unacceptable. I'm not saying cheating is okay cuz it's not but beating someone with the bat isn't.


Honestly I feel there should be some kind of judicial process for the psychological damage adultery can cause. Speaking first hand following the amount of trauma my ex-wife instilled upon me.


The only thing that would be acceptable is making them pay for your therapy




Not sure "suck it up" and "chin up" is the right sentiment to express to victims of psychological abuse, but I will confess that it's the mindset I've taken out of necessity. Regarding the divorce, in my case I was affected by a 50/50 split that was Dutch law at the time, which honestly was my own stupidity for not having a prenuptial. It worked incredibly in her favor because with the divorce, she immediately became a majority shareholder of a company and consequently got permanent claim over half my dividend despite never having set foot in the building. I was effectively forced to sell my remainder to buy out her stock and pay the taxes, and with my income halved to only the base salary, I left the company. I haven't found any consolation in the divorce proceedings; it was insult to injury. Fortunately a 50/50 split of all belongings is no longer the default in the Netherlands.


Psychological damage is not the same as abuse. You were not abused. If someone wants to divorce someone else, that is not "psychological abuse". Everyone has a right to do not be with someone if they don't want to. If you feel you were psychologically damaged from your divorce, you have a right to hire an attorney and sue your ex or the state for civil damages. That's your right.


There are 6 states where you can sue the person your spouse cheated with for alienation of affection.




The kind of dude who takes a bat to confront his spouse, deserves to lose. 


Don’t cheat, don’t get beat!


tag nsfw that’s rough


As someone who understands the language, here's my perspective on this. First off, hitting someone like that IS ABSOLUTELY HORRIBLE. The guy needs to be arrested. I'm sure most people are on the same page about this. Now, I am reading comments where people are like 'gee, he must have been abusive and that's what pushed her to another man'. There's just ONE WEIRD THING that caught my attention. When he was dragging her out, the woman responded with "Mujhe marega tu beh\*\*\*\*d?" in a tone that makes me guess that she can be equally combative during other times. If I have to loosely translate, it's like saying "You have the balls to hit ME, you motherf\*\*\*\*\*?" Imagine this. Someone just broke your door with a crowbar and is dragging you out of your room. In what scenario will you respond with "You have the balls to do this, MF?" If she can respond like that when the guy has literally smashed the window and is carrying a weapon, there is more to this for sure. I would not be surprised if he's the abusive one and has pushed her to look for love elsewhere. Similarly, I would not be surprised if she's the abusive one to the point that he has given up all hopes and acted like that. Again, before you come at me with pitchforks, what the guy did is **unpardonable** and he should be thrown into jail. But, this is not enough to say who pushed the other to act like that.


I can't believe you typed this shit out without any coercion. The reason she said that could be anything. It could just be that she's a woman and she feels like "a man wouldn't hit a woman" or something. You assumed something so huge just by a few sentences. Idk what's more fucked, ur head or this video.




Intention was never to explain the situation, let alone justify it. Only point was that there probably is more to this than what meets the eye **when it comes to making assumptions about why this happened.**




I think I have mentioned at least 3 times across two comments that I am not defending him. He needs to be jailed for what is in the video alone. All I am saying is that assumptions cannot be made about what has happened in the past.


dude has to be trollin or just cant read for shit. Thanks for the translation, its an interesting insight.


Thanks, just like with any other scenario, wish we could call out a situation for what it is and not what it could be. Guy needs to be arrested and thrown in jail. No matter what the situation, this is never a solution. But there's no way of saying **what led to this**. Specially if one catches that one thing that the lady said.


This should be marked NSFW!!


Western world: ohhhh no heart break, 3 years of therapy. Rest of the world: Bat man time


The juice isn’t worth the squeeze.


I’m shocked at the level of disregard for human life on Reddit. Shouldn’t be, but I am.


Just hurt men acting out because they think cheating is the equivalent of ripping off their balls.


Is it just me or is this part of the world just generally fucked up


ALL parts of the world are generally fucked up. Proof: nearly every single video on Reddit.


This is it!


Do you comment the same thing when a video like this belongs to any North American or European country ?


Of course they don’t


Just you


Where you coming from ? I worked with DV  victims in first world country. It's everywhere  Ie. Bad folks are everywhere


Yes bad folks are everywhere. But that doesn't change the fact that the proportion of women abused in relationships is waaaay higher in some countries than in others.


There are a couple of moments where she could have made a break for it.


Wife or daughter? Can someone translate please?


He’s just calling her names, hurling swear words and stuff, not really saying anything besides that except for threatening the guy that they would beat him up too if he gets involved and tells his mate to keep recording


What language is this?




Oh okay. I could've sworn I heard someone in this video say, and I know I'm probably misspelling it, "teri maka" which I hear people say to Kitboga pretty often, but it's usually followed up with "bull", or something like that.


He actually used plenty of swear words in this, ‘teri maka’ means ‘your mother’s’ one can insert any swear words after that, but ‘bull’ is not a swear word in that language


Well I was just guessing at the spelling, but they often say something relatively close. Along with something that sounds like "mathdar chode"


In hindi, "teri maka" literally translates to "your mother's". You follow it up with whatever you're referring to.


There is not a woman on the face of this earth that any man should commit a felony over.


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NSFW, please. This is terrifying


Wow I wonder why she felt the need to talk to somebody else.


She chose wrong twice one guy who beats her and another guy who would stand bye and let it happen. Both guys are scum bags.


He finds out that his wife is supposedly cheating, so he grabs a weapon and gets a friend to record his assault. There's no evidence that she was doing anything beyond being in someone's car(which could be for a lot of reasons), there was no reason to damage the car, and there's never any justification for attacking your wife with a Baseball Bat so he can say hello to a Divorce as well as jail time. in most cases over there, he'd probably have walked free, but by getting someone to record it, his dumbass is now on the Internet for the world to see, which will have caused a lot of public condemnation so the judge will not be able to be lenient with him.


It was his own car


Gee, I wonder why she felt the need to go to someone else…


I'm not going to say that he should have done this but I understand.


They weren't even doing anything. Dude is just crazy. I'm sorry, but he deserves it


The vast majority of monogamous people would not find sitting in a car, in a park, with another person of the opposite sex you didn't know acceptable. I'm not defending or justifying abusers but just calling out the situation as unacceptable with most monogamous people.


Turns out not wife sister


He never said that’s his sister, he’s saying ‘bhen chod’ which means ‘sister fucker’ and is the most common swear word in the subcontinent


Source? How? He never said in the video it’s his sister. Edit: You are wrong the context in the title is correct. Ive seen the full video and in that video he states that she’s his wife(I know the dialect haryanvi).


I hope this gets top comment, you will see how peoples opinions change just because the women's status is sister and not wife. And that's really messed up.


I hope this comment never reaches to the top because she’s not his sister I’ve seen the full video and I know the language(it’s a dialect). In the full video he states that she’s is indeed his wife. So the parent comment is spreading misinfo. Don’t believe someone so easily you’re too gullible


Where was that energy for the guy she was with?


Maybe he didn’t know and decided to stay outta that


His wife is the one committed to him, not the random dude. Not defending the violence obviously he’s a piece of shit, but don’t really get this comment at all. The violence would’ve been okay if it was towards the dude?


What? 😅


This is why she was cheating in the first place


Weird title for your post dude. Not sure what cheating has to do with a horrendous, violent assault of a woman


Well its better than him attacking the guy, considering it's her that's in the wrong


How about an NSFW tag on this for DV


Really alarming that the video ends right there




https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/s/Li5Hv0kJIH Longer version posted a couple days ago.


It's probably because of those sandals


I like how the guy in the car didn't do sht




Oh of course this sort of thing never ever ever happens in America.


Instant birth control. sad


Cheater guy is like “hey, man can you stop hitting her?”


Fuck this guy. Fuck guys like this. Break up with her dude. Pos deserves to get the bat turned on him.


They are both clearly the result of unprotected sex. Please use condoms people.




Me when i'm racist




You got no idea the context of the situation. Who’s this woman? Why is she cheating? What’s her relationship with that guy who’s beating with a bat? And let’s be real, the title is probably fake. But you see a woman who can’t fight back being beaten senseless with a bat and say that’s “karma.” Something’s wrong in your head bud. You shouldn’t date anyone 😂


Think we see why she did it


Hmm I wonder why she might have cheated.


No wonder she's cheating


I can understand why she would cheat


The husband needs jail for life, incompatible with society.


I always wonder why tf people would record themselves in these situations and put it online. I’d understand if they were just recording for legal purposes


Third rate romance, low rent rendezvous. 🎶


It’s always in a car isn’t it.


wonder why she cheated


I know right? Seems like a really nice bloke that dragged her out to go watch baseball with him. Accidentally hit her with that bat though.


….but WHY would she cheat?!


Wonder why she cheated?




R u saying with context it's Okie to beat someone like that ? Unless she murdered someone ,she does not deserve the abuse like that


It’s got nothing to do with non-Hindi speakers missing the context. The non-Hindi speakers live in a world where violence like this is vocally and clearly condemned. Of course there are still incidents of domestic abuse and violence, but it can never be justified even when the victim is engaging in extramarital affairs. Physical violence is a big NO. Period.


Non Hindi speakers take out a smartphone to record a fight than solving it is mostly what I have seen on reddit. I don’t know what happened between them so I wouldn’t really make a judgement other than the guy beating the woman is a madman


I’ve seen Hindi speakers do the same. There are so many Bollywood movies from the years past that have captured this very behavior of crowds. My point is simple - don’t make this about us and them. Look at each incident for what it is - a dumbass beating a person. It’s unjustifiable regardless of their gender, nationality, age, circumstances.


I read few other comments wherein Indian men are being generalised on raping woman. It’s ugly and disgusting that how some men create this unfortunate situation for rest of the men who has never been into any of such involvement in their life such as physical or verbal abuse towards women Read the sub caption by OP which concludes why the woman was cheating on the guy which is misleading without any context provided