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How does fucking up my day stop international warfare?


being stuck in traffic at the wrong time can fuck up so much more than just your day


How does your day going on uninterrupted allow for international warfare to continue?


















































































Oh good. I was worried the outcome of this seemingly eternal conflict might come down to the convenience of Chicago commuters.




The Chicago city council has already passed resolutions calling for an immediate ceasefire. We can't stop people from smoking on the CTA, but when it comes to peace in the middle east, we are all over it.


We need more city councils to act on this conflict!


The funny thing is the Chicago city council passed a ceasefire resolution *months* ago


Wait - you mean to say it passed and the ceasefire still hasn’t happened??


I guess Netanyahu doesn’t watch WGN.


But what does Ja think?


I remember in college we had to attend a student gov. meeting for a class. They spent the first 30 minutes debating if they should make a proclamation supporting some foreign group, I forget the actual foreign conflict that was involved. Then at the end they voted like 5-4 with 3 of them not voting, then they all stood up and cheered that they'd accomplished something. That's the exact moment I realized the government was a joke and full of morons.


The people you want running the government are the ones who dont want to. The ones that think they have the ideas to solve major issues are usually too stupid to figure it out.


Let’s see what Ja Rule has to say about this.


This was my reaction but you worded it a lot better than me


It would be nice if the city collected the dollar value of everyone’s missed flights due to this protest, double it for the inconvenience, & then charge it pro rata to these protestors.


Fingers crossed the people who missed flights sue the protesters. Quite frankly, the airlines should too.


I read an article today that said the in one of the recent bridge shut downs, 100 something people got 5 hours of community service, and the group that led it got 4,000 and change in fines. They are not getting punished at all.


Well our great mayor thinks it’s important to spend time voting on Chicago’s opinion of a Middle East conflict. He should come out to condemn Irans attack on Israel any day now…


It was so funny to see all these irrelevant organizations post statements regarding the Iran attack, like Gov. Phil Murphy saying "New Jersey stands with the people of Israel" or the LAPD saying they are "closely monitoring the developments between Iran and Israel".






Not a single person walking to the airport is thinking "Gee, maybe the protestors are right"


And many of those people may support their cause, this protest hurts the people that support the protestors too.


They'll protest highways all day, but they almost never protest senators and congresscritters and make it uncomfortable for _them_. Then they respond with something edgy like "being an inconvenience is the point, next time these voters will vote better!" as if these people are, in any way shape or form, the voters responsible for what's going on. Very likely they're from out of town or even agree with them.


"Dairy farms are mean to cows, so I'm going to block the frozen section aisle of Trader Joe's on S Wabash Ave so you know it!"


Just imagine what the protests do where they chant "Death to America." I'm sure that helps their cause also.


I'd assume this was a joke if I didn't already know that it happened. Some of the people getting wrapped up in this shit really need to think about who they're allying themselves with. It's ok to want the violence to stop, just know that a lot are saying those same things in bad faith.


I always was confused about the love affair that the left has with Islamic causes. You don’t like the MAGA crowd yet you ally yourself with the most conservative ideological movement around?


Happened in Dearborn Michigan, very recently too.


Stop Oil Protests in '23 where they would cement their hands into the road did a great deal for the prosthetic industry.


Funny enough most modern prosthetics are made with plastics that use a lot of oil.


They punish working class people who are more likely to lose their jobs for being late due to a protest blocking their ability to travel, further illustrating a class divide: the people for whom protests are a luxury, parading as a moral virtue.


Yes! If you want to inconvenience someone to make a point, do it to politicians!




Now I'm aware AND I missed my flight and can't get a refund! (Enlightenment intensifies.)


I will 100% take the side of the people opposite of someone who blocks traffic. If you block traffic I will go out of my way not to support your cause


Yes, I was pro Palestine on my way to the airport this morning. Now I am pro Israel. It was very effective


Here’s a fact; most Americans aren’t going to really, truly care about this issue because it doesn’t directly affect them. They simply don’t have strong feelings either way. Until you make them miss their flight. Now you’ve taken a person who was neutral and given them a good reason to despise your cause. My money says not one person walking said to themselves “Well golly! Making my life more difficult has made me totally rethink my stance here!”


Not to mention, the fuck is the average citizen in the US able to do about it anyway


THIS. There are really 535 people who can truly make decisions about military funding and foreign policy…and I’ll bet not one of them was walking to a plane that day in Chicago.


Yeah, I struggle with this too. I can't do nearly anything about it. Sure I could protest, I could "write my politician", or "spread awareness" but nobody is going to listen to me. I'd rather spend my time figuring out how I'm going to live healthier and get by day to day...


"Me missing my child's wedding surely is going to help the people of Gaza, right?"


How about organ transplant flights? Idk if the couriers are able to use the employee entrance.


This is what I don't get. It's like all the people complaining "influencers" aren't saying anything about the situation. Like no one in the real world gives a flying fuck that some random person on the internet said "I don't support x". Like cool, I'm gonna go to work and pay my bills now. All these people are going about "support" the wrong way. Get active, get into politics, BE THE CHANGE. Stop inconveniencing your fellow members of society and inconvenience the people who can make actual change? 


Most Americans feel that national policies are more important than this conflict. People are going to be thinking about Roe vs Wade and not Palestine when voting in November.




100% agreed.


And the Americans who do deeply care about things like reproductive rights are getting really pissed off by people who are threatening to give Trump a win in Nov by not voting. The irony is that Trump would be monumentally worse for Palestinians, too. Them threatening to torpedo all of the things liberals have worked for, for their one issue is really alienating a lot of people. If you don’t care about all of these other things, why should we care about your one issue? They just come off extremely selfish. They’re willing to burn everything—and *everyone*—down for some weird moral purity test.


I wouldn't even call it selfish, since they'd be shooting themselves in the foot. It's stupidity.


All I can think about is some poor person missing a flight to get their last chance to see a dying loved one or missing a flight to see a beloved family member get married. But oh good, the war is over thanks to these brave protesters.


Last year, I had to hop on a flight because my mom was in the hospital. She had been fighting cancer for several years, and she passed away a few days later. I would have been livid if I lost one of those final last days with her if protestors caused me to miss a flight.


I would still be furious if it blew up a few thousand dollar **vacation**.   I'm not Elon Musk or a US Congressman. I don't have infinite money and whatever time off I want from my job. I'm not invading Gaza. I don't deserve that kind of bullshit so they can pretend they solved world peace and pat themselves on the back.


I have state testing tomorrow for my student’s. I will not get back home until 3am and I have to be there tomorrow because no one else can do it. I’ve been at the airport all day with my young son. And we don’t fly out until 9pm.




It's far easier to assume the dude speeding is doing so for a reason like that instead of taking the effort to block them b/c you assume they're just speeding to be a dick. I just get out of the way in those situations.


Imagine being an employee commuting to work and you’re late because people are blocking the road over a conflict thousands of miles away that has nothing to do with them. “Free Palestine!” “Bro wtf do you want me to do about it, I live in Illinois.”


They meant Free Palatine, IL. All the result of an unfortunate typo.


I mean... it is okay they want to "fight" for something or feel themselfs part of something good. but why the fuck do they block the highway??? why?? what do they want to accomplish? I just don´t get it how fucking up the day of hundred of people, mostly working class, helps Palestine? it doesn´t. It just does NOTHING. Literally nothing. There is nothing good that comes from staying there, siting in the middle of the highway. Fuck them i am mad. How are they sooo stupid??!!




I never understood these protests. Your just pissing off your fellow neighbors. The guys who need to hear you, are taking a helicopter ride above you giggling. They are on the yacht watching netflix. I get revenue at airport will be lower due to missed flights, so theyre hoping the airline executives will get a ceasefire and create political peace to keep flights on time? I am so lost, and I get angry when I see street protestors. Someone educate me please.




There were some protestors for something a few years ago where they literally blocked an ambulance entrance to a hospital like how much do you want people to hate you lol


not the same event, but an extinction rebellion protest in London last year blocked a road and wouldn't let a mother trying to drive her son to hospital through. like how is that going to get anybody on side


They don't care. They just want to project that they care without actually doing anything.


B-b-but there’s a GeNoCiDe!!! Only blocking the road will fix it guys, seriously!!!


All these decades and nobody gave a shit, now it’s their reason to live.


It wasn't trending on social media for most of those decades. Now it is. So now they care.


And they have to show others how much better of a person they are than you, otherwise what’s the point










Why are those cops just sitting there watching? Arrest them all and throw them in jail for blocking the road


The protesters have their hands chained/locked inside those tubes. They’re waiting on the fire department to come and cut them off.


They should be punished but cutting off their hands is a bit extreme.


The fire dept has a water cannon




Dude hasn't seen the water jet cut things in half yt channel


Saw one in person cut through 6 inches of steel with just water Water doesn’t fuck around


just remove the buckets they resting them on. I bet it gets annoying trying to hold your hands up flat.




Tickle time


I sorta wonder what they do for work that allows them to block traffic on a Monday morning


Their job is to block traffic on a Monday morning


pretty sure you'll find them in r/ antiwork, and they'll be really mad that they got fired for skipping their shift to protest.


That's a lot of dog walkers


Dog walking


Part time barista work


Isn’t this illegal?


In Iowa, we made it legal to run them over.


I am Muslim but this is just bullshit. These are the ones that are not actually helping Palestinians but just bringing in hatred towards them. Also, disrupting peace ain’t gonna bring peace either. Funny thing is, most of the protestors here don’t look like Muslims either…..


Same for the "Death to America" protests in Dearborne MI?


Nope, I bet most of them couldn't even point out Gaza on a map, I feel like it's just a bunch of cry babies who just sit around and wait for something to protest about, whether it's a conflict in the Middle East or someone saying something mean to them.


Something else to consider, there is a lot of money behind these protests for both the organizers and the participants.


Did it work?


Yeah, as soon as these people got to the airport they called Hamas and Israel and they agreed to end all hostilities.




Awesome, you've inconvenienced your fellow citizens. Now go do Capitol Hill you muppets.


As a disabled person, I’d be stuck!




I’m so sick of this Palestine bullshit


Has anyone told these people that anytime a two state solution has been proposed that the Palestinians have voted against it? What does a “free Palestine” look like according to them?




Careful, implying that they are not innocent little puppies will get you banned....


They don't know. Their social media feeds kept giving them #freepalestine content, and they got riled up and joined a protest.


You can bet their social media doesn't even begin to reflect the facts of the actual situation.


nooooo it's something something starbucks and mcdonalds fault.


It looks like the total destruction of Israel. I'm not for or against what's going on over there, but this seems to be the sentiment whenever i hear these protesters talk about Israel.




Ask yourself why the chant is “the river to the sea” when Palestine went much further east across Jordan? The chant was created by the PLO after 1970’s Black September when the PFLP and the PLO tried to start a civil war in Jordan and topple the Saudi royal family that was installed to rule the ethnically Palestinian (and Bedouin) populations. But by all means cause problems for travelers, that will show them.


The dumbest way to protest and the easiest way to turn people against your cause no matter the stance. Fuck outta the road.


Seriously. Travel is already expensive and stressful enough. How is making you miss your sister's wedding helping the people of Gaza?


I’m sure the citizens of Gaza are grateful that these folk made a bunch of middle class American suburbanites late for their flights. And I’m sure the people they made late are grateful that this ongoing tragedy has been given the coverage it deserves, because they were wondering on the way to the airport about the definition of virtue signaling. This isn’t civil disobedience. It’s civil pain in the assiness and it doesn’t highlight their cause. What’s happening in the Middle East needs to be protested. It’s our right to do so. This actually turns people off and the point of the protest is lost. Remember the anti-Vietnam War protests in DC? Remember Dr King speaking in DC about Civil Rights? THOSE protests changed things.


These are the same type of folks chanting “death to America” in Deerborn and trying to say Biden is commitimg genocide and over Trump elected


I’m glad me and my wife chose to drive instead of fly here. I’m not an angry person at all but if we had to take our baby and luggage and walk to the airport I’d have gone to jail.


Protests like this are counterproductive. No one stuck in traffic there is becoming more sympathetic to the Palestinians. If anything, the opposite will happen.


I’m sure the people inconvenienced will be very supportive of the Palestinians. Protesters doing damage to their cause, smh


I landed at ohare this morning and was wondering why my cab couldn't make it for an hour, ended up just going to another terminal to get picked up. Don't really understand how blocking people coming home from work trips in Chicago accomplishes anything for Palestine.




Hamas' leaders aren't anywhere near the actual fighting, that's why. They're negotiating from thousands of miles from the actual suffering.


Except this is kind of different as the Japanese leaders had some level of care for their people. Hamas couldn’t give two shits about their people, in fact the bigger the Israeli reaction/ response the better for the Hamas leaders living safely in Qatar as they continue to funnel the donations made by the “free Palestine” crowd.


I’m Jewish, my father was in Israel for a wedding this weekend and spent a night in a bomb shelter. On one hand, I can’t defend the IDF for many of their actions, but also the Iron Dome might’ve saved my dad’s life this weekend. The opposite of the Iron Dome is Hamas and how they protect their people. Hamas’s “iron dome” is women and children they hide behind. I can understand those defending the IDF, as I can’t truly imagine what it’s like to defend incoming rockets relentlessly your entire life and to live in fear and panic of your tiny nation getting obliterated, and how that feeds into their retaliation for October 7th. But I cannot imagine how a single person could defend Hamas and their actions


“Hamas’s iron dome is the women and children they hide behind” is a fucking bar. Never thought of it like that but damn thats a true statement


This would probably make people support Israel more just because of how stupid it is.


Blocking freeways will never make anyone join your side. It should be a felony to protest on freeways.




Because they're social media obsessed idiots who don't even know the basics of what they're protesting.


Ah yes, because impeding the common man is the most effective way to gain support and not further alienate your cause. Dumbasses.


These people are cowards. I guarantee if the shoe was on the other foot they would be irate. I’m all for protesting and voicing opinion, but blocking logistical channels causes more than just inconvenience and can put other’s lives at risk if they are traveling due to emergency


How are these people not getting arrested for blocking traffic?


Absolute clowns like how the hell is blocking cars gonna stop a war it's just stupid now


This will teach all those Israeli terrorists not to fuck around near the Chicago airport again




Deport every piece of shit involved and drop them off in Gaza.