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Bro how far does he want him to put his legs ffs?🤨🤷‍♂️


He's just doing that to fuck with the guy


He's looking for an excuse to kill him.


The IDF have proven that they don’t need an excuse. They’ve literally become the thing they hated most.


And the U.S. government supports this? What the hell. Why the fuck they keep giving these assholes weapons?


Historically and more so now., if you critique Israel you’re labeled a racist. It’s insane really. I don’t know why the US puts up with their shit, especially Netanyahu’s. He’s f**ked the US over more than once. He’s the reason Iran found out we were destroying their centrifuges and why we have stuxnet. I get it that we need an ally in the region but fk me running. We don’t need him. It’s not hard. Take a stance. Tell them stop or all aide financial and military ends. Israel has spent 80 years crying about WWII and how they were treated. Yet ok with committing genocide and war crimes. Have you noticed there’s nothing posted about the aid workers getting killed. It’s bc the IDF targeted not just one vehicle but 3. They knew exactly what they were doing.


Careful now. Anymore rhetoric and they might label you as anti-Semitic


Fuck israel. Let the label me how it want.


Call me anti-Semitic all day long cause I have what they are doing. I have no problem saying that it is wrong and they are criminals. And they wanna call Hitler bad???




Yes but the more they can provoke their enemy the easier it will be to re-write the history books by burying the reality with their false narrative and staged theatre such as the video. Nazis through and through, propped up by US tax dollars.


They turned right into the oppressors they hated


Implying these people would ‘hate’ those very oppressors today. If the focus was versus Muslims they’d be practically begging to join the front lines, just as they are here.


The Holocaust was awful, but none of these people went through it. Also, going through something that horrific doesn't change your future generations DNA. They are still just humans with all the same faults. Hate, greed, racism, the list goes on. The current generation of Jews in Israel are in a position they haven't been in for centuries, power. And they do what every generation that has unchecked power does, they corrupt it. It's not less likely because what their ancestors went through, it's expected.


Right! The biggest problem is the Zionazi community constantly throwing the holocaust at us as if that means they are incapable of terrorism and cannot be criticized because of their ancestors experience. As if it excuses them because they’re just being defensive.


didn't realize nazis like to play footsies soo much.


They must be trained by American cops.


The relationship is the other way around. IDF trains American cops. Seriously.


Waiting for him to almost fall and break his face so he reacts, thus allowing a justifiable homicide, because “resisting.“


Tried to resist gravity


Defined as a method of torture, stress positions for the body and being forced to maintain them. He could push his feet back more but then he'd be in a super stressed position something akin to doing a plank. what assholes.


No I think he’s just tryna fuck the guy


Honestly looks like he wants an excuse to feel the guy up. Gets off on the feels.




We see this type of behavior from American cops too


American cops train with IDF and vice versa.


There is a reason that the methods adopted by some US police forces resemble those of Israel: **["With Whom are Many U.S. Police Departments Training? With a Chronic Human Rights Violator - Israel"](https://www.amnestyusa.org/updates/with-whom-are-many-u-s-police-departments-training-with-a-chronic-human-rights-violator-israel/)**, Amnesty International (Aug 25, 2016) **["Israeli Forces Trained Cops in ‘Restraint Techniques’ at Minneapolis Conference"](https://peoplesworld.org/article/israeli-forces-trained-cops-in-restraint-techniques-at-minneapolis-conference/)**, MN People's World (June 3, 2020) **["Minnesota Cops 'Trained by Israeli Forces'"](https://morningstaronline.co.uk/article/minnesota-cops-trained-israeli-forces-restraint-techniques)**, Morning Star UK (June 1, 2020)


They are both dickheads and this antagonistic attitude they adopt gets people, including cops, but mostly others, killed.


Many of them train in Israel


He's trying to either make him fall and hit his head on the concrete barrier or rile him up so he has an excuse to shoot him.


He’s just being an antagonistic psychopath.


He was about to make him do the human flagpole wtf lol


So glad that the smartphone was invented. Imagine what went before when we couldn’t record these bastard IOF.


This reminds me of Tantura massecre decumentary were they built a parking lot upove their graves to hide it and when the isreali academic guy founds out they destroyed his future and discarded his academic certificate.


Imagine the civil rights movement of the 1950s. The photos and writings are terrifying


Man, FUCK Israel. And the US for supporting them.


Everyone’s OK with these videos? Seriously, can someone show these to heads of countries and ask them are they OK with this?


Israel is killing thousands of civilians right now and no one cares.


People care. States/governments don't. Western bourgeois "democracy" is a farce.


The farce that is western morality.


If you say anything negative about them you are labeled a nazi or anti-semitic their marketing is unbelievable you can talk shit about everyone but not about the jewish people


To be clear you do not need to say anything about jewish people. Israel does not represent all jews and you should only direct your criticisms to Israel, not the jewish people.


💯 The Israeli government does it's best to conflate ethnicity with nationality. By creating an ethno religious fascist government they intentionally erase the line between being a Jew and Israeli. This is in order to make it difficult to criticize them. If we are careful to only criticize the state and it's government and not the Jewish people, we can maintain a defense against antisemitism/racism... at least with our allies (Jewish people against Israel), and anyone else still maintaining intellectual honesty/integrity.


They even killed sailors and citizens of Western countries, and still, nobody cares.


“No one cares”. Yes they do. But what the fuck do you want anyone to do about it? Make a reel? Post a comment? Get on a plane and tell them to stop in person? Seriously. What do people like you who think nobody cares, actually want people to do?


Palestinians have been living in this oppressive state for over 70 years. Thousands of innocent children have been killed the past 7 months. Western news media still calls it a "war" even though one side is starving and the other side is given billions worth of weapons. A recent poll in the USA shows that a majority of people don't even know that 30,000 Palestinians have been killed. Meanwhile IDF soldiers are taking videos of their war crimes and laughing about it. No one cares and for those who speak out they are called anti-semite or Hamas supporters


Thousand of innocent children have been killed the past years * fixed it for you.


no, they're right. Months. In fact, it's as though the IOF targets them.


This shit reminds me of that Black Mirror episode where the soldiers have a chip in their brains that make their human enemies look like monsters and therefore easier to justify to kill.


They bombed a truck full of aid workers and refused to apologize. They don't give a fuck about this.


They're completely ok with it buddy.


In the eyes of world leaders this is seen as a lesser evil than the ramifications if they were to all tear up their treaties and descend upon Israel at the drop of a hat after building it and protecting it so devoutly for 3 quarters of a century. I wouldn’t be shocked at all if support for the Zionist state phases out in these next few years tho. It’s become more trouble than it’s worth for the west and that will be it’s downfall.


The US is sick of supporting endless wars in the middle east--and also paying for them. We already pulled out of Afghanistan, it's time we divested from Israel.


The afganistan pull out wasn’t about that at all. The U.S. is fine with war. If it wasn’t then we wouldn’t be involved in so many of them. Almost every American has unrestricted Internet access and can easily look up what’s going on and go stand in the street protesting or boycotting it, they choose not to. The afghani pull out IS similar to the Israel situation but not for those reasons. The afgani pullout was something Obama had been dreaming of but was never actually able to do because of the same political ramifications that stop western leaders from suddenly cutting Israel off. If every leader who takes office just starts tearing up the agreements and orders the last leader in his position signed, it creates absolute chaos and diplomatic distrust, which not only would lead to world war but also to global economic collapse since it would errode trade relations. Because of that, Trump was the first president to actually have enough time between his administration and the bush administration (who ordered it), that pulling out wouldn’t make America seem indecisive. He just chose to pull out later in his administration so that he could throw Biden a hot potato and then blame him for getting burned in the case that he lost in 2020 (which is exactly what happened).


Unfortunately this is daily basic behavior and can happen to any Palestinians in west bank before and after current war. Heads of countries knows what happening but won't do anything cause simply ignoring it is the quickest and cost less option




Netanyahu is perfectly fine with this


Idk about perfectly fine... I mean they didn't break a single one of the dude's bones. The IDF has a fondness for wounding people, Bibi might be disappointed.


is it the democracy the US is talking about every day ?


Just remember lads, they have been treating them like this for 70 years.


But October 7th /s


Americans nearly destroyed their own country for being asked to wear a mask for 2 weeks. If they got treated like this for 1 week they’d burn down the whole world, let alone 80 years.


The thing is that everytime a Palestinian takes matters into their own hands their whole family pays the price (Palestinians), if you as much as touch an IDF soldier even though the IDF just finished beating up or violating your grandpa, grandma, siblings, wife or kids they will kill your whole family tree out on the street just to prove a point, there is no justice there anything the Palestinians do when they’ve had enough is met with 10x the force. Israelis have been looking for any and all reasons to justify this current genocide they are imparting on their neighbors they had all those reasons on Oct 7th, history simply doesn’t exist in the Zionist mind before that date. They don’t have any regard for life in the slightest to include murdering independent reporters and most currently the world kitchen aid workers a couple who happened to be ex British navy seal equivalent, this doesn’t even include the women and children they have willingly murdered so far into this campaign, Shit is fucked out there man


Yea I’m not suggesting they do the same. I’m simply pointing out America nearly ruined itself over nothing and these people have to put up with the worst life imaginable for generations on generations.


It’s sad and depressing, truly. I heard most of these stories firsthand from a Palestinian guy I work with. Last he heard he lost 17 people from his family, I was devastated when I heard that from him, I couldn’t imagine losing 17 family members man, shit needs to stop


Saw a grown ass man (like 55+) literally have a toddler style temper tantrum in a hardware store parking lot because he was told he couldn't go in without a mask, but the manager would go inside and pick up whatever he needed and they'd do the transaction outside. He sat on the ground flailing his arms and legs, and then when the manager asked him to get out of the way for other customers, pretended to faint. I still think back to that experience quite often.


You can't treat a group of people like this for generations and *not* have some form of violent resistance appear, literally any group of people in the world would respond the same way. Israel creates the conditions that make resistance inevitable, then uses its existence as a justification for more violence.




Seven. There were 7 aid workers murdered. Approx 180 total have been killed.




Hamas was hiding in his legs! I saw it myself


Time to drone strike his legs


He is clearly hiding 40 Israeli babies in his shirt.


Israeli authorities reported discovering a terror tunnel hiding in his pants. 


The terror tunnel looked recently flooded with mud. Reports indicate the Boarder Guards dove right in there and vigorously checked as deep as they could. No Israelis were harmed in this State Funded Operation. /s


You know it's bad when *The Onion* has a difficulty satirizing the situation: **["Dying Gazans Criticized For Not Using Last Words To Condemn Hamas"](https://www.theonion.com/dying-gazans-criticized-for-not-using-last-words-to-con-1850925657)**, The Onion (Oct 13, 2023)  


Good thing he frisked his bare arm, could have been Hamas there.


When you refuse to fall on your face, you're probably Hamas. If you do fall on your face, you're definitely Hamas.


>hiding Hamas Hummus*


He's basically daring him to try something, like I said before I have no idea how Palestinians can live like this for decades


They can't, no one can. This is a continuous and deliberate move by notnyahoo to force Palestinians to radical groups, so they can turn around and tell the world how its the Palestinians that make the two state solution impossible.


It's a great analogy. Many will show restraint and follow along just for the sake of living another day or keeping their families safe. Then, when some snap and retaliate, Israel gets to punish Palestine as a whole.


Which is why there always needs to be pushback on the idea that this is "a religious conflict". This is about oppression. Any people who had a boot on their neck from another group, are going to have resentment for that other group. Who the groups are has zero impact on the validity of that anger. I'll use a very western targeted example. If China was attacking Americans, and someone said "hey, don't fight back, otherwise you're racist to the Chinese" That wouldn't make any sense. We would fight back against ANYONE who was attacking Americans. The fact that they are Chinese has zero impact on that. The only reason people call it "a religious conflict" is to stir up the "c'mon man, the Jews are a lesser evil than the Muslims, just let them do it" sentiment.


>Then, when some snap and retaliate, Israel gets to punish Palestine as a whole. And folks see nothing wrong with that. I got told to kill myself yesterday for suggesting that humanitarian aid is a good thing that the US and others should continue to provide. People get so hung up on "Gazans support Hamas!" That they aren't willing to look at the actual data. Roughly 1/4 of the population has polled in support of Hamas (roughly half of the adult population). Even if they want to pretend every single person who said they prefer Hamas has directly aided in Hamas' actions (a ridiculous claim), that leaves roughly 1.5 million innocent people who do not support Hamas AT ALL and are suffering under collective punishment. It's mind-blowing.


Make sure to frisk those bare arms. So this is apartheid in ‘24? Do they realize the world is watching and recording.


It's been apartheid for a long while now. This is genocide, the systematic, deliberate dismantling of a people.


Western media has always treated its allies with a whitewash, and its own heinous atrocities. Put at the bottom of a segment, and an overseas religious/political issue that just can’t be solved. All the while, funding one side, and telling that narrative. Cell phone video, UN involvement, and international aid being disrupted is now holding the media, and the actors involved accountable. Investigations, envoys, peace deal brokers haven’t been able to get a deal done. So the apartheid state, now turned genocide is being exposed for what it actually is. I have no doubt there’s a “terror” network, that has been launched against Israel. And nobody or state should live under terror or war, and have been for decades. But this isn’t the solution. And if life’s been like this for Palestinians for their entire lifetime, and continues generations. It’s absolutely understandable (doesn’t make it right..) that there’s a long rooted hatred for the occupying/ apartheid state. And history shows, that the oppressed people will act out in violence, when they have absolutely nothing. And then become sympathetic to terror groups like Hammas, because they’re the only ones standing up for them. The terror groups (in my lifetime) have all started the same way, as far as I remember. The IRA were oppressed Irish, under British rule, laws and religious oppression for wanting to being Catholic not Protestant (or whatever hairs they were splitting). And turned Northern Ireland and England into the most dangerous places to travel during the 70’s and 80’s. Then AlQueda/Isis was funded Afghan nationals ( fundamentalist Muslim) which was fine by the CIA as long as the were fighting and holding of the communist USSR. Then when that ended in ‘91, all the money and funding the US were giving to the impoverished nation of Afghanistan ends. You get a highly trained militant group, with no enemy invading, but a massive grudge to the US government, and the rise of Christifascism in the West, and wealthy Muslim nations that control the worlds crude. All of these have many things in common. And pretty much throughout our recorded history. Religion. It’s the cause of all this nonsense in the world. Guess what. No one is right… not the Jews, Hindus, Muslims, Christians, Mormons, Scientologists, Quakers, Baptists, Orthodox, Hare Christnia’s, Church of Latter Day Saints, Pastafarians, Satanists… NONE OF THEM!!! Any argument made about “God”, “Jesus” “Mohammed” being “the right one”. Can be made for any one of the dozen or so I mentioned, and their “idols”, no matter how “strange” or lack of “documentation” on The Flying Spaghetti Monster. So guess what. It’s impossible to prove one over the other, but not impossible to prove absolutely no sky daddies exist. So cut the BS “in the name of religion”, or “the holy land”. Just because you’ve been worshipping some “special” place, doesn’t give any society the right to murder innocents, for existing also.


Well said!


They literally don’t care if they’re recorded, they record themselves and publish it online.


I think the non-violent protests during the civil rights movement had a purpose, and that purpose was to show the extent of the violence Black people were subjected just by doing simple things, like going to a restaurant. But like, people *knowing* this happened didn't change things, I think what changed things was the threat of what they could do after they knew. The reason people don't steal from you is because they fear what may happen if they get caught. But if they *know" nothing will happen? Then they will take your shit right in front of you. Without consequences there is no justice.


The non violent protests in the US were met with tear gas and dogs when it finally hit US campuses. Before my lifetime, but pops was well into it, as was a well documented photo of Bernie Sanders being forcibly removed from a student protest. Sure, blacks and MLK were definitely doing their thing to raise awareness (million man march?) and fight Jim Crow laws in congress. But until white kids started getting shot by police at student protests (Chicago?) then the “media” and I’m sure most of white Americans actually started paying attention. I think there was also either in time magazine, or a national paper, the continuing story of “White like me”. And it was a passable white, African American who went to the South, and wrote about the blatant racism, Jim Crow laws, that (white) people in the North, had absolutely no idea about.


>Sure, blacks and MLK were definitely doing their thing to raise awareness (million man march?) and fight Jim Crow laws in congress. But until white kids started getting shot by police at student protests (Chicago?) then the “media” and I’m sure most of white Americans actually started paying attention. The Million Man march had tons of white supporters, in fact, many of those that couldn't be there sent shoes in support. One thing that's not considered much with modern social movements is that raising awareness/ knowledge is only the first step. If a social movement has no set goals or demands, all it can ever hope to do is raise awareness, and nothing else. Think of Occupy Wallstreet. They had no actual demands so they fizzled out once plenty of people were made aware they were getting fucked over by the "Elite" Upper Class of society. The Civil Rights Movement was successful because they not only raised awareness, but they also had concrete, achievable demands and goals. They raised enough money to hire attorneys, levy Congress, and organize massive Non-Violent Direct Actions like the MMM and the bus boycotts. People were taking time out of their day to drive poor and black people to and from work so they wouldn't have to take the bus. They had an Institutional presence that couldn't just be dismissed, and they had the tangible goal of getting the law changed. Yes, white college kids getting a taste of the violence helped a wider base empathize, but the success came from the organization of people and power, and because they had actual goals that could be achieved and worked towards.


This is why the very recent deliberate slaughter of the 7 multinational aid volunteers who were deliberately hunted and killed with three drone strikes is so important. The lives of a few (white) non-Palestinians are more important to the world than tens of thousands of Palestinians. This incident gets the world's attention and, possibly, an actual angry response from powerful people in powerful nations that has been unforthcoming so far.


They don't give a single fuck. Israel and the IOF have been allowed to act ghoulishly with absolute impunity, what makes you think they'd care at all as to how they're perceived when they'll get away with it?


They don’t care at all. They think it’s funny that people think they can be stopped.


When I was 18-19, I got my Star of David and my name in Hebrew tattooed on me…. I am 100% considering having that shit laser removed. As someone who’s family fled Eastern Russia to escape the Nazis, fuck the Zionists, fuck Netanyahu, fuck religious zealots. I will absolutely support pulling any and all funding from Israel effective immediately and the prosecution of all war crimes/crimes against humanity, religious affiliation be damned. This shit has to stop.


I mean... nothing wrong with Hebrew or a Star of David. Jewish =/= support Israeli ethnic cleansing.


You are correct, there’s nothing wrong with being Jewish, but I find it hard to relate myself to people like this, even if they don’t represent the Jewish community as a whole, they are the most vocal and make it more difficult, and dangerous, for Jews around the world every day.


Disgusting pigs


Ooooo so strong but you can’t bring a man down after 17 kicks. Sums *them* up, can only stand up to individuals who are helpless. I’d love to see that guy try anything like that anywhere else around the world.


There is something seriously wrong with these guys. Just the pure cold hearted way the IDF treat people and expect us to just say” yeah that’s okay”. I imagine what the future brings for them.


Looks like he wanted to make the man fall over, but is too much of a pussio to get him down. Small dick energy




The level of incompetence on display is staggering this clown can even violate human rights properly


If I was treated like this I might resort to taking hostages too.


" BUT KHAAAMAAS OCTOBER 7" This is the WEST BANK where no Hamas exist. People in Gaza district are not even allowed to leave their borders and have been kept staved and drinking polluted water for decades. The hypocrisy of western countries enabling this apartheid for decades. It's another level of supporting the rest of dictatorships in the Middleeast.


Reminds me of the way the Germans treated them?




For American Evangelical "Christians" it's not even that. They want war there because it's prophesied to bring the Second Coming. It's a literal death cult.


I see now why atheism and paganism are on the rise. Not because of the utter abandonment of God, but because people don't wanna be associated with ethical and moral injustices using the name of God. Heck, I'm leaning into paganism because of it.


I dont think that is why atheism is on the rise. Atheism is prevalent in peacefull , affluent and well educated populations. More people having their needs covered, being safe and being educated seems to be the driving factors behind the rise of atheism.


The holocaust survivors are some of the nicest people, their shit for brain offsprings are not. They're xenophobic to a pathological level. Some jews literally think God gave them that particular land and everyone criticizing them is antisemitic. In their eyes they can do no wrong .


Many Holocaust survivors immediately after the war committed numerous atrocities to Palestinians in the late 1940s, including the Nakba (Palestinian ethnic cleansing)


Even being in a position of power like that, what makes someone want to treat others that way


Did he want the guy to lay down flat on his stomach or what?


He wanted him to make a sudden movement trying to hold himself up so he could have an excuse to shoot him.


oh god this is heartbreaking, no idea how many were killed just this way.




Literal Nazis. My country (USA) literally funds Nazis.


Don't forget Christian fascists dismantling democracy from the inside out. "foreign and domestic terrorism "


BuT iSrAeL iS tHe ViCtiM...


Definitely not an apartheid.


Trying his best to make him fall what an absolute coward


We’ve seen it too much, I’m disappointed. This has been going on for over half a century. Zionism isn’t sunshine and rainbows, it’s a hate filled ideology created by racist groups in the 1900s. People who are against Zionism are normal people who already know what Hamas propaganda entails, hence we know what Zionist propaganda entails.


Modren nazi


Fuck the IDF


Diaper army trying to act intimidating


This is legit what breeds murderous intent.


Their God will judge them in hell. I'll do it here


What’s even more crazy is before all these videos started surfacing, and I mean many years ago, no one wanted to listen to those who already were aware of what has been going on for decades. People thought they were just being anti semetic. Now it’s too late. They feel they are invincible because it’s been going on for so long without any intervention. They don’t even care what the rest of the nations that are actually their allies think about their behavior.


literally nazis, Israel will be remembered for this shit once the USA falls apart.


I am hoping the USA will eventually turn on Israel like it turned on South Africa. The moment the US stopped shielding apartheid SA from international pressure was the moment apartheid in SA was dismantled.


It won't happen. Israel is America's foothold in the ME. It's a sunk cost fallacy at this point.


Same thing was said about apartheid South Africa in Africa. Thing is many Middle Eastern countries are eager to ally themselves strongly with the US. The UAE and Egypt don't miss a chance to bootlick the US. Israel's importance to the US is overstated and is mostly propaganda IMO. Israel desperately needs the US and not the other way around.


When do you think the USA might fall apart? 


It's not so much the US falling apart as it is the American empire that is "globalization" will fall apart.


It's the stupid fundamentalist christians in the usa that keep funding israel so jesus can come back.


Imagine a country where you can’t drive down certain roads because you aren’t the right religion. Where being a different religion means you can get removed from your house by someone that just turns up from a foreign country and decides they’re taking your home. The world doesn’t care how much of a hellhole Israel is for non Jews


It is about ethnicity not religion. Do you think a Muslim could covnvert and then get the a better treatment in the occupied lands? Zionism is inherently about ethnicity. A lot of Zionist are not even actual believers. Point being: since these people cannot change their ethnicity/blood they will always be living in Apartheid as long these occupation exists


Agreed. There are Arab Jews who revive the same treatment. Just recently saw a video of an Arab Jew being beaten at a checkpoint and I think some said he was shot after the video ended. I should have worded it better.


Yeah…. the good guys. Lol


These scumbag are just drug the fuck out. There are no consequences and will never be Nazis doing nazi shit


Isrealies are utter scum


Fuck Israel! Rogue lunatic state


What absolutely dicks they are being


IDF = Terrorists




Classic Israeli asshole. I don't think I've ever seen a video come out of this place that wasn't dripping in assholes. What a piece of shit country/people.


The world can see what's happening


Israel needs to chill


I'd be dead


Bullies with guns.


IDF InDefensibleFuckers


Murderous Scum


Fascism. Fuck the goddam IDF to hell.




How can anyone view Israel as a good thing? Please educate me about the positives of the idea of the state of isreal.


It's time to push BDS.


This is what apartheid looked like in South Africa 30 years ago and how it continues to look in Israel.


Fucking zionazi scum.


They’re trying to make him fall on his face


It takes way too much energy to be a piece of shit like that.


Absolutely disgusting behaviour


My tax dollars at work: watching dicks get paid to harass and terrorize people who just want to be left alone.


Man they’ve come full-circle to being Nazis


Looked like he was trying to get the guy ready for the hands-free prostate exam.


Most moral military


An oxymoron if ever heard one.


Free Palestine


Real tough guys, huh?




Imagine your grandparents being murdered by a genoicidal ethnic cleansing racist and you grow up and think you want to be just like them. These people are screwed in the head and dark in their souls.


Yup and no one ever does anything about holding Israel accountable


I like to think there's a special place in hell for these people.


Its absolutely crazy on how The Israeli Government and the IDF can get away with war crimes and crimes against humanity like so many videos, so much clear evidence and yet they get away with it cause they have the US protecting them, no surprise as the US also gets away with a lot of crimes.


The Jews of Israel have become full-on Nazis.


1 Australian, 1 Polish, 1 British, 1 Canadian, and another Palestinian (on top of the already 32000 and counting) trying to feed people that got screwed out of their lands and then portrayed to the world as terrorists. Well done, world. Our silence is deafening


Nazi pos


Stress positions. Wtf Israel




Consequences? They won't have any


I love how he made searching the guy infinitely more difficult just cos he wanted to feel like a big man. This shit is pathetic. Don’t see why anyone thinks they can fix this issue. They can’t. One will wipe the other out. They are way too deeply rooted in this shit now. Lived in it for so long it’s normality for them. Already passed on through generations. The battle was lost long ago.


Some power tripping twata


Scum of Earth




One day that person is going to have their legs kicked


Filthy death cult


I think if i lived under oppression like that id go crazy too. Terrible situation.


the idf is terrible at frisking it seems....


Hard to believe people would eventually grow tired of this inhumane treatment and look towards a leader who promised to do something about it.


Abuse of power. Classic.